Title:: Utrancell - Nbapreconfigurationfailure On Cells in Ericsson Hrernc02 and Hrernc03 After W12 To W13 Software Upgrade
Title:: Utrancell - Nbapreconfigurationfailure On Cells in Ericsson Hrernc02 and Hrernc03 After W12 To W13 Software Upgrade
Title:: Utrancell - Nbapreconfigurationfailure On Cells in Ericsson Hrernc02 and Hrernc03 After W12 To W13 Software Upgrade
The Node Bs were upgraded from W12 to W13 through the normal RNC upgrades via OSS. The
upgrades completed successfully for the NodeBs. However a total of 25 cells in HRERNC03 and a
total of 30cells in HRERNC02 started showing alarm UtranCell_NbapReconfigurationFailure. This
problem cause interference because cells are trying to push more power from the RNC compared to
what Node B is capable of.
i. UtranCell_NbapReconfigurationFailure performance_degraded
ii. DlPower degradation alarms observed
(nbapCause: DlPowerDegradation)
1. Check the power from RbsLocalCell: maxDlPowerCapability and note down this value which is
the maximum downlink power capability of the NodeB. This is a read only value and its
hardcoded in the RBS. For a cell using more than one carrier, this value is the maximum DL
power capability among the carriers
2. Correct the value of maximumTransmissionPower for the cells in RNC which was set to 480.
Change this value to be equal to maxDlPowerCapability
When the above remedy was carried out all alarms were cleared