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8 Figure ‘Samurai Sword’ Sales Script
It is critical that you take 10 minutes before every call to get into the right state and mindset to carry out the call as effectively as possible. Do not rush onto the call with no preparation and carry all the emotions and franticness that could be going in your day-to-day onto the call. Mindset: Getting into state and the right state of mind is critical Set aside whatever's happening in your life and get centred before jumping on the call Do some push ups, star jumps or body-weight squats to get the blood flowing and shake up your state Take some deep breaths... close your eyes... get focussed. Visual a fantastic call and close... Prepare: Ensure you are in a quiet room free from distractions Use a hands-free headset to make the call, ideally using VoIP so incoming texts or other calls do not distract you (keep mobile phone out of reach to eliminate any distractions) Record ALL calls to listen to and analyse daily/weekly Turn off your computer or close your laptop and all tabs to eliminate any and all distractions Have a pen and pad ready to take notes (not a computer) Print out the survey questions they filled out when booking the call to reference on the call Have this script printed out in front of you, along with any other information you could find about the prospect. Have the phone number in front of you or inputted on your phone ready to call exactly on time, down to the second. TIP: Add the person on LinkedIn the day before the call and let them know you are looking forward to the call with them. PART ONE – BUILDING RAPPORT Start the call with a warm and friendly tone, establishing from the outset this isn’t going to be an aggressive high pressure sales pitch. Warm up the call: Friendly calm opening: Hey Mike, It’s Sabri calling for our 2pm appointment… How’s your morning/afternoon going? I’m doing fantastic, and have already got my workout in for the day! Fantastic, I’ve had a productive day so far and expect things to only get better Great, refer to their phone number - ask where I'm calling... "Where are you from?" Oh great, I’ve heard great things…. Say something regarding their area/city/state Write down whatever they tell you as you're listening – get to know them. Take notes that you can refer to them later on TIPS: o Take notes o Get them to elaborate when you can o Find out their interests and likes without going to deep o Use humour when possible o Try and find common ground... people prefer to buy from others similar to them. PART TWO – SETTING UP THE CALL AND TAKING CONTROL Take control and assert through your tone and actions that you will be leading this call. He who has control wins and control must be taken, even by force. Be confident, assertive, authoritative, professional and THE expert in your field who is in charge. Let them know that they are in the competent hands of a master. Then, set the stage and expectation of the call so they understand what to expect moving forward. Then get their acknowledgement and commitment. OK great, let’s jump right in the call if that's okay with you? Okay fantastic. So Mike, how this call will go is, I will start off by asking you some questions about your business and the strategy session application which you filled out. Then we can determine if it sounds like we can help with what you are looking for and if we’re a good fit. I do this by asking a few questions about you, your business. What you've previously done. What you want to do in the future. And ultimately, what you're looking to accomplish or get help with. If after that it seems what we have to offer would be a good fit, I'd be glad to share with you all the details and answer all the questions you have at the end of the call. And then offer you the opportunity to take advantage of what we’ve got going on right now. Does that sound fair enough? Sound good? (Wait for the acknowledgement then move forward). Si te preguntan acerca del precio o de lo que estás ofreciendo, políticamente hazle saber que responderás esas preguntas al final de la plática si ellos califican para el programa. Los estás calificando para permitirles comprar. Deja claro que no trabajas con cualquier persona o con todos. Cambia la psicología de la venta y evita el susual proceso de venta del gato y el ratón. Esto es sutil pero muy poderoso. Preguntas – Siempre haz una pausa después de hacer una pregunta Let them speak, even after you believe they have finished their answer, stay quiet for another two seconds. This does two things: 1. It allows you to ensure they have 100% finished what they are saying and that there is nothing else to say and makes them second guess their answer and keep spewing more things up. This process unearths some gold. 2. It demonstrates that you are listening to them and not simply trying to sell your agenda. You are really listening and are prescribing a solution based on what they have told, which is infinitely more powerful. PART THREE – FIND YOUR PROSPECTS WHY? It’s incredibly important that you find the REAL reason why they booked in this call with you. What is their WHY? So Mike, tell me what you think your biggest motivation was for taking the time out of day and scheduling this call with me? If you get the ‘real’ reason and not some fluff like: “I just wanted to see what you have to offer” then great, if not you will need to probe and dig a little deeper. Once you get their true deepest desire….dig deeper by asking opened ended questions: Ok, ¿Puedes decirme más acerca de eso? ¿Qué quieres decir? ¿A qué te refieres exactamente cuando dices…? ¿por qué crees que estás experimentando eso? Así que, ¿por qué esto importante para ti? ¿Qué has hecho previamente para intentar arreglar esto? ¿Desde cuándo ha estado presente este problema? ¿Qué te ha movido a hacer algo ahora? ¿Qué es lo que no está funcionando? ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué sientes que no lo has logrado aún? PART FOUR – THE ASSESSMENT This is where you get a read on where they are at and how sophisticated they are as a buyer and the level of the extent of their problem. So, I have also taken a look at you’re the survey you filled out/your website/your competitors etc. To kick things off could you please give me a brief run down on your business? What are you selling? How are you currently getting customers? What is your sales process from generating leads to actually getting paying clients? How does your pricing work? How much money are you making per month with this business right now? You must get a dollar figure per month before moving forward or specific data that sets a baseline. This is really critical to making the sale and linking you and your service to the prospects income. Who is your ideal client or ‘dream buyer’? What product or service do you offer that accounts for 80% of your revenue? (Pareto’s principle 80/20 rule) Why do people buy your products or service? What problem are people trying to solve in their business or personal lives to motivate them to buy? Do you know how much it’s roughly costing you to acquire a new client? Do you have a proven process in place to get new customers on demand? Do you feel comfortable and confident with relying on this as the primary way to get new clients? Prospect: No PART FIVE – FIGURING OUT WHERE THEY WANT TO GO Get your prospect to tell you about where they want to go and their desired outcome. Then find out their ‘why’, and get them to picture exactly what life will be like after they get there. One way we do this is by saying: “Mike, if we were having this conversation twelve months from today and you were looking back at the past twelve months, what would have needed to happen for you to be happy with your results?” I learned that question, from a book called The Dan Sullivan Question. Here are some variations: ¿Qué buscas lograr en los siguientes 12 meses? ¿Qué significaría eso para ti? ¿Dónde quisieras estar? ¿Qué quieres lograr? ¿Cuántas utilidades quieres que tu negocio esté produciendo? ¿Qué significaría eso para tu estilo de vida? ¿Cuánto quieres pesar? (si vendes un programa para bajar de peso) ¿Cuánto quieres ahorrar? (planeación financiera) ¿Cómo te gustaría que fuera la relación con tu esposa? (asesoría de pareja) Get an answer to these questions, let them tell you exactly all the things they are trying to achieve and get a specific figures before moving forward with the call. OK and what is your motivation for achieving X? How would these change things for your business if you achieved X? "Okay so when you make more money... and you have more time... what are you going to do with that? What's the REAL reason you want to do this?"... It’s important you get a temperature check on exactly what they want to achieve and WHY. Then helping them to paint a vivid picture of what this exactly would FEEL like. PART SIX – THE ADMISSION "Ok Mike, so I understand you ultimately want to get more clients... why do you think you haven't been able to accomplish this yet with what you’ve been doing?" "I haven’t been getting enough leads..." Ok, well what are you doing specifically to address this?” "I haven’t been able to lose wait..." Ok, well what are you doing specifically to address this?” After enough probing you will eventually get to a claim of not having enough resources i.e. skill, money, time and know how etc. “Well I haven’t had enough of X (a claim to not have enough resources)" If I just had more……. or if I knew how to do……. things would be great! I'm the best at what I do. I'm a great financial planner, I really turn people's finances around and JUST want to do this, but I don’t get all this marketing stuff" Get them to express everything they've been doing. How they've struggled. All their frustrations. Get all of their challenges out. What has worked. What hasn't. And why. Get them to admit that everything that they have tried simply isn’t working and need a proven system/roadmap/program. From someone that has done it. And they've had enough of doing it by themselves and want help. "Why is this important for you figure out and get it working?" "Okay, on a scale of 1 to 10 – 1 being not really important and 10 being extremely important. How important is this for you to do?" "What does it mean if it doesn’t get done……. what does that represent/what does that look like?" NOTE: If it's not important to them drop the call. If they don’t have a burning desire to solve this problem, it doesn’t matter what you are charging they won’t buy. "Okay so what you're telling me is what you are currently doing is not working right? And it's time to finally do something about it?” PART SEVEN – DELIVERING THE VALUE After you’ve established the burning problem they’re trying to solve, this is the part of the call where you transition into the value you promised up front in your Godfather Offer. Once we’ve asked all our questions and got all their answers, we simply help them formulate a plan based on their answers. Once we find out where they are and where they want to be, and we’ve gone through all these questions, and got all the stuff we can get from them, all the ‘raw materials’ so to speak, we now build them a bridge to get there in the form of a plan. “Ok Mike, well based on what we’ve discussed, I can definitely help you with that. Would you like me to show you a little of how we could do that and what would be involved?” This is the single most important part and is where all sales presentation generally falls short. You want to PROVE to your prospect that you can help them, by ACTUALLY helping them. Not simply tell them what you do and how much you charge. Remember: “No one likes to be sold buy everyone likes to buy.” You want to get your prospects extremely excited by solving a part of their problem on the call or at least making it very clear on how you can help them solve it. Ultimately, you want to leave your prospects better than when you found them. Meaning, regardless of whether or not they choose to buy, you want to deliver value and create goodwill. This will have them thanking you at the end of the call. Remember scepticism is rampant and your prospects have likely been told everything you are telling them before, but haven’t achieved the results they wanted. By following this process and delivering value you PROVE that you are different from everybody else by giving them some results in advance. How you do this: Splinter off a tiny part of your offering and deliver it then and there on the call. Hashing out a problem and then demonstrating how you could help them solve that. This part of your script you will have to write out yourself because everybody's service is different. Ejemplo: si eres un consultor de relaciones públicas debes mostrarles un sitio como HARO (Help a Reporter Out) que indica cómo conectarse con cientos de periodistas que están buscando activamente a expertos o negocios para escribir artículos. Ejemplo: si eres un consultor en marketing digital, muéstrales cuanto tráfico generan algunas palabras en google o de dónde están generando tráfico tus competidores y cuánto tráfico es. Usa sitios como SEMrush o SimilarWeb. Ejemplo: si eres un asesor financiero enséñale como mejorar su pago de impuestos creando un fideicomiso familiar. O usa un servicio o software para checar el historial de crédito durante la llamada para validar si pueden obtener una mejor tasa en su hipoteca. Get creative and think about unique was that you could deliver value and show them live on the call that you can help them by actually helping them. This strategy is almost like magic and makes people buy with as little resistance as possible. Once you’ve deliver your value piece it’s now time to gain commitment. PART EIGHT – GETTING COMMITMENT Once you’ve delivered your value piece it’s now time to gain commitment. IMPORTANT: If you’ve identified on the call that the prospect is not a good fit, politely let them know; and even if they want to buy, do not sell to them. It will simply cause you more headaches in the long run and will drain you. Additionally, you can’t build a business based off working with clients who aren’t a great fit. “So Mike, based on what you’ve told me it doesn’t sound like I would be a good fit for helping you get to where you want to go” If they are a great fit, this is where you gain commitment and segue into your offering: ¿Cómo ves esta propuesta? ¿Esto suena como lo que estás buscando? ¿Quieres saber más acerca de los detalles? Parece que esta oportunidad te queda muy bien. ¿Quieres oir cómo funciona? PART NINE – THE PRESCRIPTION This section of the conversation is to simply tell them what you’ve got to offer and what your program can help them achieve. Tailor this to the specific problems they told you they were having earlier in the call and position it as exactly what they need – because it is! Notice this is the first time in the call that you start talking about what you have to offer. Nowhere at any point during our conversation have we told this person what to do. Instead, now we’re going to start prescribing solutions to help them on their way to their desired outcome Naturally, you will have to write this area of your script because everybody's service and offer is different. Write it out, read it aloud and ensure it rolls off your tongue and then practice saying it over and over again to get the delivery perfect. This overview should be no more than a 2-minute overview. Don’t waffle on and on, and work yourself into a frenzy where you are just rattling off every bell and whistle your service includes. Be prepared and get use to delivering this overview and applying it specifically to each prospects pains, fears, hopes and dreams to make the prospect feel your offering is exactly the answer for what they're looking for. Use the same words they have used to describe their problems and goals Provide the features and then finish with how these translate into benefits for them. EXAMPLE: You’ll have predictability in your business, more time, more money, less stress, greater freedom, increased security. EXAMPLE: You’ll have more energy, feel great, and be able to fit into that old pair of jeans you love. PART TEN – TEMPERATURE CHECK & TEST CLOSE Based on the prospects tone and involvement in the call you should have a good read if they’re ‘cold’, ‘warm’ or ‘hot’. However, we still want to do a temperature check and test close by asking the following: ‘Ok Mike, based on what we’ve discussed, why do you feel you would be a good candidate for this program?’ This question is powerful. It turns the tables and gets the prospect to start selling themselves on why they would be a good fit for you and why they feel they would be successful. "Before I move forward Mike, and I'll get to the financial investment and everything. I'd like to first know after hearing about what is available, what the benefits you'll receive, and how this is going to get you closer to achieving your goals. And getting you the help that you're looking for. Do you have ANY other questions or concerns that I haven't covered?" "Okay so you're clear and comfortable with everything thus far, you know how everything works? Okay great." "Other than money is there any other reason that it wouldn't make sense to go ahead and get started today?" "Okay so, if the money makes sense. We can get you setup and reaching (your goals) immediately?" PART ELEVEN – WHICH OPTION CLOSE State your price and what your services cost, say it with pride and conviction. DO NOT HESITATE for a second and not pause to get a confirmation once you stated price. This is a run on sentence and you want to go on to further explain what the pricing option are why their brain processes and justifies the price you just stated. You should build two or three different option into your offer with 3 different price points. HIGH-LEVEL PACKAGE: Este debería aer un precio premium e incluir todos los adornos. Solo el 10% de las personas que compran tomarán esta opción, pero sirve muy bien como una herramienta para comparar precios y hace que los otros paquetes se vean más atractivos. MID-LEVEL PACKAGE: This should be the offer that you lead with in your script and it should be a bit more expensive than the amount that you are actually trying command. 30%-40% of people who buy will choose this package and increases your LTV (Life Time Value) of a client. LIGHT-PACKAGE: This is the package you are counting on people taking. It’s still very attractive but just doesn’t include some of the ‘nice-to-haves’, bells and whistles. This will naturally be the cheapest option and generally the most attractive for most people. DO NOT sell this package by default, always sell to the middle or higher level package and you have this to fall back on if needed. NOTE: All packages should have a $1000-$2000 set up fee. You can use this setup fee to create urgency and to move quickly. “Well Mike, I have 3 difference packages, (explain packages briefly), which package do you think will be best for you?" If they select the highest package, then great. If they select the middle package, test the water on the higher-package If they select the light package – say “Well Mike, based on everything you’ve told me I think the middle package would be the best suited for what you are trying to achieve” Go on to explain benefits over light package, but you can always fall back on the light package as it’s the package you are counting on selling in any case and everything else is a bonus. NOTE: All packages should have a $1000-$2000 set up fee. This is for two reasons: 1) to offset your customer acquisition costs, and 2) to create urgency using a Fast Action Bonus (FAB). Fast Action BonusçIr y regresar te costará tiempo, energía y dinero. Hazles saber que que puedes eliminar el costo de entrada si toman la decisión en este momento. Como resplado, puedes darles 24 horas si en verdad necesitan hablarlo con su socio. Bueno, como te mencioné antes, hay un cosot de entrada de $2,000, sin embargo, he encontrado que aquellos que son capaces de tomar acción r´pida y decisivamente son mi mejor tipo de clientes, por esta razón, si dejamos todo arreglado en esta llamada… no cargaré los 2,000 de costo de entrada, sólo cargaré los 2,000 por mes. ¿Qué te parece? ¿Seguimos adelante y dejamos todo listo para tu viaje? DON’T SAY A WORD “How does that work” / “What are the next steps” / “Yes, let do it” “Ok great…we take Visa, MasterCard or Amex, which card would you like to use today?"… Collect the details and BOOM! "Are you absolutely serious or are you just saying this not to hurt my feelings? I can take a no as well as I can take a yes... Just shoot me straight, as I don't want to waste anyone's time here Mike" PART TWELVE – FIRM UP & LOCK DOWN Congratulate them on their investment! Make them feel excited about their decision and confirm they have made the right decisions and are on their way to achieving their goals... “Now I'd like to explain what the next steps are moving forward”… (Explain what will happen next and the on-boarding procedure) "Mike congratulations and welcome aboard, you’ve made a great decision today about moving forwards, taking action and reaching the goals that you laid out!”