Sub Rosa Issue 14

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Sub Rosa

The Ars Magica Magazine

Issue 14, February 2014

A Distant Lands Publication
Out Now and Coming Soon
Authors: Christian Rosenkjaer Andersen, Jason Brennan, Richard Love, David Mac-
Gregor, Xavier Requejo
Cover Artist: Christian St. Pierre
Stock Number: AG0307 | ISBN: 1-58978-143-0 | MSRP: $22.95 US
Format: 96 pages, softcover
Release Date: March 2014

Transforming Mythic Europe

Authors: Timothy Ferguson, Mark Lawford, Mark Shirley
Cover Artist: Christian St. Pierre
Stock Number: AG0306 | ISBN: 1-58978-141-4 | MSRP: $29.95 US
Format: 144 pages, hardcover
Release Date: December 2013

The Contested Isle: The Hibernian Tribunal

Authors: Mark Lawford, Christian Jensen Romer, Matt Ryan, Mark Shirley
Cover Artist: Christian St. Pierre
Stock Number: AG0305 | ISBN: 1-58978-139-2 | MSRP: $29.95 US
Format: 144 pages, hardcover
Release Date: September 2013

Sub Rosa

Tales of Power
Authors: Christian Rosenkjaer Andersen, Mark Faulkner, Timothy Ferguson, Lachie
Hayes, Mark Lawford, Matt Ryan
Cover Artist: Christian St. Pierre
Stock Number: AG0304 | ISBN: 1-58978-138-4 | MSRP: $27.95 US
Format: 144 pages, softcover
Release Date: May 2013


This Issue
Publisher: Distant Lands Publishing
Contributors: David Agnew, Mark Baker, David Chart,
Jérôme Darmont, Mark Lawford, Ben McFarland, Mark
Shirley, and Gerald Wylie
Cover Art: Angela Taylor
Interior Artists: Angela Taylor, Jason Tseng,
Elizabeth Porter, Patrick Demo
Issue 14 February 2014 Art Coordinator: Ben McFarland
Layout: Mark Lawford
Editors: Ben McFarland, Mark Lawford
Contact Sub Rosa
Email: [email protected]
Under the Rose ....................................................... Page 4 Web:
From the Line Editor ............................................ Page 5 Twitter: @subrosamagazine
Snail Mail:
By David Chart Sub Rosa Magazine C/O Mark Lawford
The Path Less Travelled ...................................... Page 6 119 Royal Sussex Crescent
By Gerald Wylie BN20 8RJ
Verditius Longevity Devices ............................... Page 14 England
By Mark Lawford
Legal Disclaimer
Demography of the Order of Hermes ............... Page 24 Sub Rosa is an independent publication not affiliated with
By Mark Shirley Atlas Games or White Wolf Gaming Studios. Distant Lands
Publishing is not affiliated with Atlas Games or White Wolf.
The Journal of Vulcan .......................................... Page 34 Ars Magica is © Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games. Ars
Magica, Mythic Europe, Covenants and Charting new Realms
An Eternal Love ...................................................... Page 38 of the Imagination are trademarks of Trident Inc.
By Jérôme Darmont Order of Hermes, Tremere and Doissetep are trademarks of
White Wolf Gaming Studios. Ars Magica was created by
Mythic Bloodlines .................................................. Page 52 Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein•Hagen.

By Ben McFarland The intellectual content of Sub Rosa is © and held by the
authors. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any issue of Sub
Three Good Men of Bréifne ................................ Page 56 Rosa for commercial use by any means without written
By David Agnew permission from the Publisher, except short excerpts for the
purpose of reviews, is expressly prohibited.
The First Lineage: The Inventors ..................... Page 66
References to any Trademarks, Registered Trademarks or
By Mark Baker Copyrights held by any company or individual in Sub Rosa is
for promotional and recreational use. Use of these terms should
Mappa Mundi ............................................................. Page 75 not be construed a challenge to their ownership.
Sub Rosa

Contribute to Sub Rosa Subscription

Sub Rosa is made up of fan driven content. Individual Single Issue: US$4.50
Contributors receive a complementary copy of the issue
their work appears in. Individual Subscription – 4 issues: US$16.00
Troupe Single Issue: US$13.00
To contribute articles or illustrations, visit the Sub
Rosa website ( and follow the Troupe Subscription – 4 issues: US$35.00
Thanks again to all who made this issue possible.

Under the Rose
W elcome to 2014. It
doesn’t seem that long
ago that we were looking back on
resource of new effects but more
importantly of grand ideas. Just
like the Hermetic Projects book of a
from Norway and Denmark to
their second home in the
increasingly charming Gas Green
2012 but we’re already now couple of years back, Transforming church hall in Cheltenham.
bidding farewell to 2013 and looks at what magi could do if Sub Rosa pushed the boat out
looking ahead to a new year. they put their minds to it. While a little in 2013 and our monster
Last year was a great year for Projects focused on the work of a thirteenth issue took countless
supplements. First we had few or the individual, Transforming views at the thirteenth House;
Antagonists, then Tales of Power, looks at what the Order could House Diedne. It was a project
followed by The Contested Isle: The achieve, how they could long in the planning and we had
Hibernian Tribunal, and finally transform the world in which no fewer than seven published
Transforming Mythic Europe. Four they live. line authors contributing content
very different supplements Looking at the book directly concerning House
offer ing four very diff erent production itself, Cam Banks Diedne. It was certainly our
propositions. seems to have made a very largest issue to date and we’re not
Antagonists provided a number positive impact by bringing new sure we’re fully recovered yet.
of well - conceived and f ully artists on board. While we hope We also saw a great project
detailed adversaries that you can that we haven’t seen the last of kick off over in the Atlas Forum.
drop into your new and existing Grey Thornberry’s work in the Identifying a desire for a set of
sagas to provide instant story Ars Magica line, Christian St. vanilla covenants, the forum
content. Pierre has been a great find and it regulars have started to build out
has been a privilege to work on their own supplement (with some
Again, Tales of Power presented some of the books he’s
instant story opportunities impressive layout on display). If
contributed to and to have seen you haven’t looked in on the
thr ough a number of s elf - the cover art develop
contained scenarios that explored thread yet, you can find it here:
(chr is ti anns tpier r ). An d
various corners of Mythic Europe Gabriel Verdon’s interior art
and the supernatural realms. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=21778. It’s
makes for a very bold injection of looking very good already and we
The Hibernian Tribunal book, quality ( hope it continues.
described by some as “ Ars Outside of the published line
Magica turned up to eleven” So what about 2014? Well, we
we had a number of fan know that the first book out this
gave a Fifth Edition twist to a enterprises.
Tribunal that we know a lot of year is Hooks, and it sounds great;
Ars Magica fans have wanted to CJ Romer started up the first a book dedicated to leveraging
see for a very long time. This one (as far as we know) podcast for the story potential in other
gave those looking to start a new Ar s Magica in the Arcane published materials? A way to
saga a great starting point and the Connection series, and you can find make the books you’ve invested
the complete series over at in pay for themselves? Count me
Sub Rosa

Tribunal and its culture was built

from the ground up with conflict in.
and story in mind. This is not one Once again, we had very Other than that, who can say?
to be missed. successful Grand Tribunal events Will we get another Tribunal this
Finally, we had Transforming in both the UK and the USA year? Will we see distant areas of
Mythic Europe, just creeping in attended by authors and players M ythi c E ur ope and b eyond
before the end of the year. This is alike. The UK event saw the usual explored? We don’t know, but it
one for any saga at any stage of and very welcome Scandinavian should be another great year for
its life and it is a phenomenal contingent trekking all the way Ars Magica.

From the Line Editor
T he mo st r e c e nt b ook f o r
Ars Magica was
Trans formi ng My th ic Europe . I t
y our saga, h owever, the y sh ould
be the one s d oi ng i t, ju st as the
pr oject s in Hermetic Projects were
By David Chart
Mystery I nitia tio ns , un covering
includ es d etails o n t hr e e way s i n d e signed o n t he assu mp tio n t hat Ancien t Mag ic, or buil d ing t he
which magi can completely the p layer magi would u nd ertake id eal covenan t librar y. Mo st
c hange Myt hic Eur o pe , fr om the the m. peo ple d o n ot try t o rad ically
sim ple (ad d a ne w i sla n d nati on ) That rai ses t he questi on of change t he w orld , and mos t w ho
to t he comple x ( star t a magic al why n o magi chan ged Europe d o, fail. People wit h the po wer of
ind ustrial revoluti o n). T his b ook be fore 1220. The real a ns wer, of Hermetic magic are mu ch more
makes no c han ge s to th e offic ial c our se, is t hat a large part of the likely to b ot h try and succeed ,
background, but nevertheless poi nt of A r s M a g ica is to enable but it would st ill be a fai rly small
ad d resses one of t h e most y ou to play game s set in min ority. I d oubt tha t even mo st
imp ortan t pro ble ms in th e game 's some thi ng tha t lo ok s a lot l ike player magi wil l fo llo w t he pa th s
setti ng. m e d ie v a l E u r o p e , o nl y w i t h laid out in Transforming Mythic
Fund amentally , My t hic E ur ope supe rnatural element s. Ho wever, Europe, after all. T he Ord er is
makes n o sense . He r me tic magi that is a meta -game a ns wer, and small en oug h tha t we can say,
have en ough p owe r at the ir d oe s not ad d ress t he i ssu e of why wit hou t stretchi ng p l ausibili ty
fingerti ps t o d o alm os t any thi ng , it ha sn' t ha p pened in t he game to o far, that no ma gi d id enough
and so there is sur e ly no way that wor ld . No w t hat Transforming to cha nge t he w orld befo re 1220.
a recogni sably me d ie val soc ie ty Mythic Europe has been p ublis hed, The future, ho wever, is a
sh ould have sur vive d ha ving the we kn ow tha t t here is no thi ng comple tely d ifferent issu e.
Ord er of He r me s pr e se nt f or inhe ren t to t he setti ng preventin g
almos t 500 y e ar s. Wh y hasn't it. So , w hy?
e verything c han ge d ? My ans wer is t hat , before
Transforming Mythic Europe 1220, n o mag i had d o ne so. T he
r ecogni ses t hat c r e ati n g a ne w Or d er is small and t hi nl y spread ,
island i s a pr o je c t w i thi n t he so a big chan ge to s ociety is
r each of freshly -Gaun tle t e d magi, like ly to require concerte d effort
and provides support if a by several mag i. Small thi ng s
troupe's player s wa nt to c han ge d c ould have changed hi story
everything. In other words, thr ou gh the butterfly eff ect,
Transforming Mythic Europe but it is perfectly
e xplicitly recog ni se s th at magi le gitima te to d ecid e tha t
Sub Rosa

c ould change t he w o r ld , and the y d id n't. A fe w ma gi

provid es hel p and sup po r t if y ou may have tried to
want them to d o i t in y our saga. make big cha nges ,
It pro vid es the offic ial ans we r to but f or w hatever
the questi on " Wha t st o ps mag i reason, they
changing everything?" The failed. Most
ans wer is: n ot hi ng. T he y c an if concentrated
they wan t to . Sinc e t h e play e r o n o t h e r
magi are the ma in c har ac te r s in projects, such as

The Storyguide’s Handbook:
The Path Less Travelled
W riting stories for
Ease Factor 21 By Gerald Wylie
roleplaying games is a
difficult thing. It doesn’t matter Why are RPG scenarios so
whether your story is intended difficult? There are two principal engaged until you play through it?
for your regular troupe, a one-off factors: One of the great pitfalls is
session, a convention setting, a misjudging the level of content
fanzine, or even for the published 1) The need to keep the that you need to provide. It is
line; it’s just plain difficult. There players engaged easy, as the one designing the
are a lot of factors to juggle, from 2) The unpredictability of the story, to get swept up in the
setting, to plot, to background, to players minutiae of the background,
enemies, and that’s before we expecting the players to naturally
Aside from the logic of the
introduce the ultimate variables – want to discover all the detail you
story itself, the credibility of your
the players. have wr itten down in your
antagonists, judging the correct
This issue, the Storyguide’s gaming folder. It is equally easy
level of threat, and injecting
Handbook looks at one particular to over-write things. Remember,
sufficient peril, you need to cater
technique for planning your action tends to stretch in play and
for and account for the players.
stories that should help you to there is a danger of writing in a
You may think you have a great
provide your players with options run of necessary actions before
plot lined up, but how do you
in even the most linear of plots. the players progress past the first
really know that you have enough
couple of scenes.
content to keep the players

Sub Rosa

Within those scenes, it is open-ended as possible with to be recorded and explored in a
important to provide actions regard to paths through it and very visual way. It’s hardly a new
and/or opportunities for the ways to resolve the central concept in the storytelling or
ass embled players and their challenges. We also want stories RPG worlds either, but we’re
characters. This is where knowing that play to the strengths and going to look specifically at how
your troupe and their characters weaknesses of the characters we we can use it to develop our
is important, but as you write up bring, giving us moments to stories in an Ars Magica context.
your notes for what’s going to heroically succeed or tragically At a high level, you start with
happen over here in the ruined fail; either way, we want those something you’re comfortable
priory or over there in the little spotlight moments. We want with, perhaps the entry point to
flooded region, what are you our stories to reflect the game your story, the main protagonist,
doing to make sure you are world at least as far as our part of an event you want to happen, or a
providing points of interest for that wider setting is concerned. goal you want your players to
each player? Finally, we want the next story to reach. From there, you start
For all your planning, it is differ from the last, to pose new adding the story events and/or
quite possible for the players to challenges and perhaps provide locations that you want to include
decide upon what might seem to different spotlights for different or at least you anticipate your
you in the moment to be an characters. players heading to. From there,
arbitrary course of action That’s quite a lot to keep in you can add further events and
unrelated to the set of notes you mind. locations, moving further away
have lovingly prepared. Seeing from your starting point.
those branch points, points in the
story where you haven’t given A Solution: Mind For each of those nodes, as
we’ll call them, you can add in
sufficient guidance or too few
obvious options is not always Mapping smaller offshoots that define
what you expect your players to
easy to see from a linear set of A mind-map is a diagram learn, find, or do at each point.
notes. consisting, typically, of words
That’s all a little abstract, so
representing ideas, people, places,
let’s look at a worked example; a
What We Want events, or other concepts joined
together by lines to form islands
story outline built from scratch.
We’ll assume that you’re using
From Our Stories of logically-related groups of
information. You typically start
plain old paper and pencil, but
we’ll look at the options a little
Ars Magica, more than some with your central idea and put
RPGs, inclines towards a that somewhere central on the
generally free and open page. Then you start to add the
storytelling style. The broad next s et of s ubordinate or Start Point
freedoms we enjoy with the secondary ideas and connect Turn your paper so that it is
characters we play and the paths them to your starting point. landscape and then draw in your
they follow wants to influence the These might represent aspects of starting point somewhere in the
way we design and run our that central idea, or ways of using middle. Let’s assume that we have
stories. Partly as a result of that that idea that you’re going to a coastal covenant and we want
freedom, the characters each explore. Then, for each of those to tell the story of a flood. All we
player brings to the troupe are secondary ideas, add in a further do is start by writing down “The
often quite different, with set of ideas, people, places, Flood!” in the middle of the
differing power levels, abilities, events, etc. that you want to paper.
Sub Rosa

and personal goals. Ars Magica explore or keep track of. You can
also has a very rich and complex keep doing that at any point We might come back to that a
game world, which we’d all like to within the diagram, exploring little later, but for now that’s a
explore and get the most from. specific islands and removing pretty stark statement of intent
Finally, we also like to be others as you see fit. and certainly enough to get us
surprised; we like new things, so going.
As a technique, it is widely
anything we can do there helps to used across business and
enhance the game. a c ad emi a for its abi lit y to
So, we want a story that is as springboard ideas, allowing them

that we still need to develop the
Plot Points and “dealing with the aftermath” side
Locations it is also obvious that we haven’t
Once you know what your really added any detail to the
start point is, start to add the prevention side – we have a view
on what the players need to do,
but nothing specific as yet.
One other thing. We’re
probably done with that “What
Caused It?” bubble now; we’re
working on that elsewhere, so we
can scrub that.
They might build a wall or
excavate a dyke to divert the Provide Player Options
waters. We also need to know By marking them on the story-
how we’re going to prevent the map, you can see what you’re
flood, so for that they will need asking the player characters to do
principal locations or events into to know what caused it, so we’ll at each node and make sure that
your diagram. However, just develop that path with a suitable you have included areas of
looking at our paper, we don’t node. interest for each of your main
even know what the cause is yet, As storyguide, I don’t even characters. For instance, if your
so let’s add a marker for that. know the cause myself yet, so story is likely to include a magus
let’s work that out. It could be specialised in Vim, with an
All we have in mind right now interest in spirits, an enchanted
is that we want a story of a flood. something gone awry with Seline,
the spirit of the moon, which is staff that lights up a room, and a
We can either tell the story of
causing a powerful tide. Sounds susceptibility to the Infernal, then
trying to prevent it or in dealing
interesting, but also hard to you have at least four things there
with the aftermath, so let’s add
interact with in any meaningful you might hang an event or
those options to the diagram. option on.
way. So how about a war beneath
the waves? It’s an old idea, but Developing that idea, if the
still an interesting one; we’ll pit story takes you to the ruins of an
the faerie realm against the magic early church, you might make the
realm. crypt particularly dark, calling for
Let’s take a look at where we the magus to light the room, or
are. you might provide a suggestion of
a regio to be discovered, or
We’ve coloured in the two stories of ghosts that haunt the
distinct paths that we’re planning ruins. Another magus may be
to develop and while we can see

We now have two solid paths

for the story to take. To be fair to
the covenant and the players, we
Sub Rosa

will probably favour the story of

how they prevented the flood and
saved the village… Save the
village! Actually, we should add
that as another node. So, we’ve
added a new path for Save the
Village, as the players may just
consider the flood unstoppable
and take the defensive route.

fluent in multiple languages, have or more clear options before Firstly, it allows you to see the
spells to calm the enraged or them. The difficult tangent is shape of your story (more on that
distraught, or have a fear of dogs. only really drawn either when the later), but it also lets you see
You can build one or more of players are being expected to do what areas of the story are a little
those elements into the story all the work or they don’t like the thin, which areas need more
somewhere along the way. single road opening out before options for player agency or lack
them. points of interest.
Provide Clear Decision If you do have a single road It’s easier to see than just plain
that you want your players to text. A traditional write-up works
Points willingly go down then you’ll well to record lots of procedural
The players will decide how need to provide an incentive. detail, such as background
they want to tackle each event Want the players to go back to information, character stats, or
and option that you provide. You the village they were at more complex instructions that
can try to guide them, of course, previously? Then you might give you need to refer to during play,
but rather than simply open the them something to chase back in but a diagram on a piece of paper
door they might choose to blow a that direction, or find something allows you to keep a very clear
hole in the wall. Ultimately, each that they feel duty-bound to track on where you are in the
node in the diagram is a stepping return, or receive new story and where you’re going.
stone to the next part of the information that casts their That’s harder to do with a few
story. Provide one or more previous interactions in a pages of typed notes.
logical exit points onto one or different light. This kind of You can modify it on the fly.
more story nodes. Your players incentive to move from one node Looking at our latest map, it
should not be left looking for the to another is a key part of this doesn’t make sense for the
next part of the story; they process, and should be applied to “protect the covenant” and “save
should be able to see the options all exit points, but is made all the the village” nodes to hang off the
you’ve laid out for them. more important when trying to “Discover the cause” branch, so
Accepting that it is difficult to guide the players down a single let’s move those out. They now
account for things you don’t path. form perfectly valid responses to
anticipate, the diagram should the warning signs heralding the
help you to at least understand
where you want to send your Is this a Real Diagram flood.
But what if we are in play?
players and ensure that the routes or Just in your Head? What if the players decide to do
are open and easy to see. You could keep this all in your s omething that you haven’t
In my experience, players tend head if you have experience with accounted for? Perhaps they
not to take the unexpected route the memory palace technique, but decide that the threat is larger
if you put a choice between two it is probably best to draw it out. than they can handle, perhaps
Sub Rosa

even to the wider Tribunal. As a help, perhaps he is old, plotted out, you can go ahead and
result, they go looking for a imprisoned, a drunkard, or any write out any notes you need to
specialist. As the process of mind other challenge that the players cover the specifics. For instance,
-mapping promotes rapid need to overcome in order to get you might need some stats for the
plotting, you can simply draw a him on side. Of course, all that faerie tritons or the magical
new line from “The Flood” to a can just come naturally; you don’t merfolk. You may be inclined to
new node called “Get Help”. You need a diagram to do that, but by write your own, or you could just
can assume they go to a writing it down there and then, add a note to the sketch pointing
“Covenant”, perhaps one they along with the connections, you at the relevant pages in Realms of
already know, but you might let the paper do the remembering. Power: Faerie and Magic.
think that’s a little safe, so how How detailed you go is down
about redirecting them to a hedge
wizard, an “Elementalist”. The Adding Detail to you. You might add Ease
With the flow of the story Factors, combat stats, reminders
Elementalist may feel unable to of appropriate spell guidelines,

Sub Rosa

even Damage Levels of doors or of such stories is in trying to are unlikely to backtrack. Bearing
other obstacles that you might be overcome each challenge as it is that in mind, try not to create
asking the players to get past. It presented. Quite often in linear dead-ends. If you do create a
is quite possible to add all the stories, the aim is to make the dead-end, don’t make the journey
detail you need to run a story into players work towards the ultimate down that branch too long before
the one sketch; it’s your sketch goal, to present them with a the players hit it.
and you’re going to be using it, so series of tasks and have them A branching story can be quite
give yourself whatever you need. work through each task in order difficult to write effectively as
If you are going to use the to reach the next. you have to anticipate the major
sketch as your main source of In planning events in a linear routes through the story that the
notes, you may consider defining story you should consider making players might take, so provide
the more detailed encounters in the route to the next stage fairly strong clues as to what the
their own sketches. Once a sketch obvious, even foreshadowing options are.
becomes quite large, you’r e later stages so that the players
fighting against the confines of understand where they are
space and/or usability and there’s supposed to go. Linear stories Bubble
nothing wrong with flipping to tend to work best when each The bubble story is an
the appropriate sketch on node presents an interesting interesting and rewarding gaming
entering a new scene or branch of challenge, different to those experience. Early on, you present
the story. already encountered. That’s your players with a set of
where all the preparation is in objectives, a checklist of sorts,
stories with this structure. each of which can be achieved in
Giving your Stories any order without dependency on
the others. Each of these
Shape Branching objectives can have their own
A branching story is pretty s tr u ct ur e , bu t th e y pr ov ide
Putting the diagram on paper
typical and we’ve all run and discrete islands of incident. Let’s
allows you to see the shape of
played them. From a starting use another example. The
your story. By shape we mean how
point, the players are presented covenant needs to cleanse the old
the journey through the story is
with choices of what they might catacombs of an evil that has
made up by the points of interest
do and where they might go. At been there for generations. They
in your diagram. Shape is
each node, the path splits into need to find the divinely
important to visualise as it tells
one, two, or more new branches, enchanted knife, learn the secret
you, as the storyguide, what
each of which provides an option of the old ritual, identify the
you’re in for. If you have a fairly
for progressing the story. For living embodiment of the
linear structure, with one node
instance, let’s say that the players p e s t i l e n c e f r o m a mo n g t h e
leading to the next, then you
need to take 40 pounds of silver catacomb rats, and clear out and
know you need to make those
to a magus in a distant covenant re-consecrate the ritual site.
transitions clear and obvious. If
in settlement of a debt and Should be simple enough.
on the other hand you have a
prevent a Wizard War. Each of those acts can be
more distributed shape, then you
know you need to ensure you The king’s tax collectors have pursued in any order. The players
have a good level of detail just arrived at the nearby castle, may even decide to run them
p l a n n e d a c r os s t h e v a r i o u s but then there are rumours that concurrently if they are given to
options. the bishop’s palace is richly splitting the party. Each of those
adorned with gold, silver, and acts provides their own set of
Sub Rosa

gems bought from his own challenges and possibly different

Linear scourging taxes. Or there was a tonal elements.
A linear story starts at one casting tablet for a ritual to create In some respects, the bubble
point and travels through a set of enough silver to settle the debt, if approach is quite easy to write
expected story nodes with few only the magi can find it. for; you have a set of story
opportunities to branch out.
From those quick ideas, it is islands, each of which you defines
There is nothing wrong with a
clear that there are three different some particular challenges for,
linear story; it’s all about how it
routes to take and once the and then you have a wrap up
is executed. Challenges may be
players start down one route they where it all comes back together
posed in succession and the fun

again. It is also quite suited to you expect the players to move the chances are that you are going
one-off games as the structure through regardless of decisions to be best served by creating
implies a defined set of paths to made earlier in the story. Pay different story maps for different
follow and a defined end-point. attention to these nodes and levels. For instance, if you start a
The challenge with these stories ensure that you plan enough saga wanting to tell the story of
is that there may be less agency detail into those encounters. House Ex Miscellanea planning a
for antagonists and other NPCs; new Schism War, then you’re
the world tends to wait for the going to need quite a high level
players to complete their actions. Not All Roads Lead to view on what major events you
You can overcome this by having Rome foresee your troupe engaging in.
actions in one area influence the If you’re telling the story of the
A word to the wise; it may
activities of those concerned with rise and fall of a covenant from
make structural and thematic
another area. For instance, using foundation, through the seasons
sense to start a story during the
the example above, choosing to to winter and its fall or rebirth,
journey through France,
learn the secrets of the old ritual then at the very least you will
expecting the players to play out
first might alert the spirits want to map out the foundation
the natural conclusion on the way
inhabiting the old holy ritual site years, the passing seasons and the
back through after they have
and thereby increase their events that describe them, and
gained world experience and had
preparedness. Alternatively, the key challenges that decide
time to take on board the events
gaining the knife before whether the covenant falls or
of the first part, but you can be
attempting to re-consecrate the survives.
almost guaranteed that the return
site might prove to be beneficial. So you can create very high
journey will actually occur by sea,
or through the Rhine, or a faerie level story maps with some very
Railroading trod; anywhere except following high level branches in there (for
Railroading is the removal or the reverse route back through instance, does the covenant side
France. with Ex Miscellanea or House
limiting of player choice and that
Tremere?) and these provide the
is a danger no matter the shape of Don’t expect the route
the story you’re telling. points to aim at as you develop
between nodes to be pre-
your saga.
However, there is a difference determined unless you, as the
between presenting a linear story storyguide, take that element of However, you can take a step
and railroading. Parts of the control away from the players and down from that to plan out
cut from one place to another. significant plots, perhaps plots
Calebais scenario are really quite
That is a fair approach to take; relating to individual magi, or the
linear, but the players enjoy a
treat the journey as a narrative development of the saga across
degree of agency in how they
under the storyguide control. But each season of its life. Doing this
confront the challenges placed in
their way. And that’s the key. You given that the players are within at a magus level also has a very
can guide your players from place their rights to assert their own distinct use; it keeps things
to place as long as you don’t take narrative, you are best-served by distinct. Assume you have four
ensuring that there is an incentive player magi to deal with. You can
their options away. You might
of some kind to justify the route assume that at some point, each
guide them to a hall of nervous
you have chosen for the players magus is going to look for a
and aggressive Hrools, but the
to follow. familiar. Even at the early stage
players should have the option as
to whether to attack outright or of the saga, you can put an event
on the story map for each magus
try to gain their trust and benefit
from their knowledge of the old
Granularity for that familiar. You might not
Sub Rosa

fallen covenant. have a story in mind relating to

As we know, stories can play each or to any, but you have a
out in a matter of hours, across marker. As you learn more about
multiple sessions, across game
Important Nodes and real-world years, and even
each magus, you can revisit that
Once you start joining the story map and that familiar node
entire sagas. So what is the
story nodes together, you’ll start and keep making notes around it.
appropriate level of granularity
to see which nodes are most You can start to see the story
for this approach? There really is
important. You are almost certain elements that you might include
no upper limit to how broad a for one magus and ensure that
to have points in your story that sweep you give your diagram, but

the familiar nodes for the other MS Visio. Of course, many home on a desktop browser, on
three magi look different. applications are also available for an iPad, or an Android tablet (or
The lowest level you probably mobile platforms, such as IOS, phone, come to that).
need to go to is at the individual Android, and Windows 8 and we It is not a free service,
story level, which is principally recommend you to search however, but it is well supported.
what we’ve been looking at across through the relevant app stores. Ultimately though, the level of
this article. To get you started, we’re picking visual polish achievable through
out just three solid applications Mind Meister may be wasted on
below, but there is much more plain old story plotting.
Playing for Time information available at the Mind
Mapping Software Blog
How long should you spend
defining each scene or node in
( Giving it a Go
the path? There’s no right answer Mind-mapping your way
to that other than as long as you Scapple through a story design allows you
need. The mind-map that you Scapple (available at to quickly see your story’s shape
create is unlikely to be the end of with greater clarity than pages of
the process as you will want to scapple.php) is a light-weight text. It helps you to see which
source stats for adversaries, mind-mapping application from areas need more detail and
design things such as books, vis Literature and Latte, the same because it is a freeform method,
sources, supernatural effects, etc., company behind the well-received you can add any detail you like to
and provide guidance for yourself Scrivener authoring tool. Scapple the diagram, including ability
for when your players make their is clean and simple and available checks, ease factors, rewards,
way through the paths that you’ve for both Windows and Mac. The page references, etc.; anything
defined. The intention is that the application doesn’t try to impose you need to run that part of an
mind-mapping up front should be any kind of structure or encounter you can conceivably
light and fluid; a good way to get hierarchy, which just allows you add.
to the crux of the story you want to get on with the business of The diagram makes a great
to tell and to make sure that m a p p in g ou t yo u r s a g a or reference while actually running
you’ve accommodated all the scenario. the story as you can mark it up as
elements you wanted to. Currently desktop-only, the you go, keep track of where
How long should each node or maps are exportable to PDF, things are, see what’s left, and
branch in the mind-map take to image, plain text, rich text, and a even change things on the fly
play through? Again, that all couple of others. including adding or removing
depends. The branches in your content as the story dictates.
mind-map sketches are unlikely to
be correctly proportioned against Freemind You can also use it to describe
Freemind (available at the various levels of your saga.
time, although they might well be You might define the large sweep
proportioned against importance. is a
free Java application, with of where you want to take the
One branch may play out over covenant, the Tr ibunal, the
seasons, while a longer and more arguably more features than
Scapple at this stage. It does tend Order, or even the cosmos in one
involved branch may play out high-level diagram, and then use
more quickly while involving to impose a little more structure
than Scapple, which increases the others to map out the lives of
more incident. individual characters, and then to
learning curve slightly, but the
price can’t be beaten. individual scenarios and
Sub Rosa

Mind-Mapping encounters themselves.

As a technique, give it a go for
Tools Mind Meister your next scenario and see how it
For the online and mobile works out for you.
You could use paper and pens amongst you, there is Mind
to work out your structure but Meister (available at
there are a number of dedicated, a cloud-
software options beyond the based mind-mapping web
basics such as MS Word or other application that is equally at
word processor packages or even

Verditius Longevity Devices
M agi of House Verditius are
seasoned craftsmen with a
magical heritage steeped the
magics designed to extend their
lifespans. The Verditius Mysteries
described below seek to redress this.
By Mark Lawford
island of Sardinia. They can be
enchantment of powerful devices This article introduces two new approached either for their services in
often beyond the capability of their Verditius Mysteries designed to give a creating a longevity focus or to act as
colleagues in other Houses. Their particularly Verditius feel to the mystagogues in initiating a magus into
Minor Mysteries allow them to create commonly-known Hermetic process this Mystery.
tools far superior to mundane of extending a character’s natural The other is perhaps more
craftsmen, to enchant magical casting lifespan. The intention is to make difficult to find, but for reasons that
tools that enhance their own magic, these new Mysteries immediately we’ll explore below, significant power
and to bind the power of spirits and useful to characters who will not have may be opened up relatively quickly
beasts into magical devices. Their been designed in advance of these once the magus gains access to the
deeper Mysteries cover malign rules seeing the light of day but for hidden knowledge.
magics, the reforging of broken whom they ar e thematically
devices, and the creation of Finally, we present some story
appropriate. For this reason, there are material to help players and
automatons; beings of matter and practitioners of the first of these new
magic that sit at the very edge of storyguides wanting to introduce
Mysteries currently operating out of these new Mysteries to their sagas.
sentience. They are not, however, the Roman covenant of Verdi on the
noted for any particular affinity with

Sub Rosa

deal of flexibility in the form a Example:
An Overview of Longevity Ritual takes, from a
After being initiated into the Mystery of
Longevity traditional potion to a brief rite, to a
device that might be carried. This
the Hermetic Phylactery on the island of
Sardinia, the magus Vico Murino sets about
The aging rules are detailed from item or practice is termed a focus.
creating a belt. While the belt has a leather
ArM5, page 168 onwards and The Longevity Ritual remains base, it is adorned with numerous silver
Longevity Rituals in the same book effective, providing its bonus to panels. This gives it a capacity of (base 6 x 2
from page 101 onwards. Aging rolls, until the character size) 12 pawns of vis. He has a Dexterity of
In short, once a character reaches experiences a Crisis as described in +2 and Craft: Silversmith of 5, and so must
35, they start making Aging Rolls ArM5, page 168. At this point, it is no expend a minimum of 7 pawns of vis to open
each winter. longer effective and must be recreated the device for enchantment. At the end of the
and the number of pawns of vis season, he has a silver belt that has both a
expended increased in line with the capacity to receive 120 levels of enchantments
Stress die (no botch) + age/10 character’s new age. and provides him with a +7 Longevity
(round up) Ritual bonus.
– Living Conditions modifier Some Terminology In the next season, he enchants the belt
– Longevity Ritual modifier Throughout this article will use the with an effect designed to allow him to fly;
term longevity focus to mean any item, ideal for reaching the top of the tower in
This roll is compared against the which his laboratory is housed.
table on ArM5, page 170. In essence, rite, or practice that provides a
a total of 3 or more results in the longevity bonus. Typically, this is the
character’s apparent age increasing by longevity ritual itself, but in the case
one, while a roll of 10 or more results of the Verditius practices described Longevity Bonus:
in the rigors of aging applied to the below, this may be a little more Crafter’s Dexterity + Craft
character’s characteristics as Aging diverse. Ability Score
Points , whi ch als o build a As an additional option, you can
Decrepitude Score, just like
experience points towards an Ability. The Mystery of the allow additional bonuses to this based
on the crafter’s workshop and any
Once a Decrepitude Score reaches Phylactery: assistants that they employ in crafting
5, mortal death is not far off and the device. City & Guild, page 67
cannot be forestalled further by any Enchanted Devices provides details on what other factors
known means. you can consider including.
Hermetic Longevity Rituals act as
as Longevity Rituals
The device must be opened for
a negative modifier to the Aging Roll, The Minor Hermetic Virtue of the enchantment with at least one pawn
as per the formula above, serving to Hermetic Phylactery is a mystery not for every five years of the character’s
reduce the possibility of looking and widely known in House Verditius, but life, so a character who constructs a
feeling older. books that describe its use are Hermetic Phylactery at the age of 40,
available and any with a House must open the device for
There are two factors involved in
Verditius Lore Score of 3 or more can enchantment with at least 8 pawns of
creating a Longevity Ritual:
likely recall if not the details of the vis, while a magus of 150 years of age
1) A Creo Corpus Lab Total, phylactery then certainly where those must have a device opened with 30
providing a +1 bonus for each details were written down. pawns of vis.
five levels of the Total
In short, a Verditius magus Minimum Vis Capacity of the
2) The expenditure of one pawn initiated into this Mystery replaces the Opened Device:
Sub Rosa

of vis for each five years of the standard rules for Longevity Rituals
character’s age Character’s Age/5
with a single requirement: A device
These are clearly limited by a may be created and opened for All the usual rules apply for
number of scores (Arts, aura, Magic enchantment as normal in a single opening the device for enchantment,
Theory, Stamina, help in the season, and the crafter’s Dexterity + including the maximum number of
laboratory, etc.) for the Lab Total and Craft Ability Score becomes the pawns that can be used in a given
the character’s Magic Theory Ability bonus applied to the character’s season and its Magic Theory
score specifically for the second item. Aging Rolls in direct replacement for limitation. The discount that Verditius
the Longevity Ritual bonus. gain due to their score in the craft
We are told that there is a great Ability used to create the device is

applied normally. In addition, if the There is no requirement that the Story Seed: A Political
magus has been initiated into the device’s target remain in contact with Statement
Mystery of the Elder Runes, as the device or even have any regular
described in Houses of Hermes: Mystery contact with it. Once the initial A Verditius magus known to the
Cults, they can take advantage of the season is past, the device and its player Verditius enquires after books
increased vis usage that Mystery recipient may remain at an arbitrary or other materials as touch upon the
allows. distance with no detriment to its House Mystery of the Hermetic
Longevity bonus. Phylactery. The player Verditius finds
At the end of the season, the reference to it in some
device is a permanent Arcane correspondence but it says nothing
Connection to its intended recipient Enchanting the concerning the nature of the Mystery,
and begins to operate as a Longevity only that some believe it is being used
Ritual with a bonus equal to the Phylactery as a symbol of defiance against the
crafter’s Dexterity + Craft Ability A s a de v i c e o p en ed fo r House.
Score as described above. enchantment, the Phylactery may be
enchanted with any standard device Is this Verditius magus wandering
While a phylactery is typically a blindly into a political struggle? Or is
small wooden box containing effect, including those dependent on
any Mysteries known to the the magus trying to find out where the
devotions scribed on parchment and player Verditius stands on the growing
worn strapped to the arm, this enchanter. Filling a device with
enchantments has no detrimental animosity between Verdi and Domus
Hermetic Phylactery may be as small Magna.
or large as required, made of any effect on its use as a longevity focus.
materials determined by its creator, A failure of the longevity focus
and of any shape. It may even be a also has no harmful effects upon any Arcane Connection is subsequently
compound device consisting of enchantments it carries. The only fixed through spending a season and
multiple individual parts designed to exception is that any effects that rely pawn of vis as usual.
increase its vis capacity or utility. on the Arcane Connection to target
its recipient start to fail unless that
The device acts as a constant
enchantment, in the same way that a
regular Longevity Ritual does. This
means that the recipient gains one
Warping Point each year that he gains
the benefit of such a device.
The opening for enchantment of
such a device causes the failure of any
pre-existing Longevity Ritual affecting
the target recipient – the two effects
cannot stack.
Any attempt to create a normal
Hermetic Longevity Ritual for the
recipient of one of these devices fails
all the while the recipient continues to
benefit from an Aging Bonus
bestowed by the device.
Sub Rosa

If the device is investigated in the

laboratory, an Intellego Vim Lab
Total equal to or greater than the
longevity bonus x 5 is needed to
determine that it currently provides or
has provided a longevity bonus.
A device that has already been
opened for enchantment cannot then
be made to provide a longevity

bonus. Similarly, a device that has Initiation Script: Mystery Primus’ decision to snub the
been opened to provide a longevity covenant of Verdi and instead make
bonus cannot subsequently be of the Phylactery the covenant of Ingasia in the Thebes
attuned as a talisman or otherwise Ease Factor: 15 Tribunal the new Domus Magna of
have its vis capacity altered in any House Verditius. The new initiation
Script Bonus: +10
way. script represents the growing
Script Details: The initiate first animosity between those loyal to
A device loses its ability to provide
serves the mystagogue as a laboratory Verdi and the supporters of Ingasia.
a longevity bonus when it is broken,
assistant for a full season (+1), after
as described in City & Guild, page 79.
which the initiate must swear
allegiance to the cause of Verdi over The Mystagogues
Hermetic Phylactery Ingasia, gaining the Vow Flaw in the Like so much now in Verdi, the
(Minor House Mystery) process (+3). At the end of the control of access to this Mystery lays
season, the initiate must travel to in the hands of resentful and hubristic
A magus initiated into this Mystery Ingasia and there proclaim their magi, angered at the continuing insult
may make for himself or for another a allegiance at the usurper Domus perpetrated upon them by the magi of
longevity focus by simply opening a Magna (+3), before returning for a Ingasia and the Primus.
prepared device for enchantment. season’s tuition under the mystagogue
Until the magus suffers an Aging It may be possible to find another
(+3). Those undertaking the quest to mystagogue who knows the Mystery
Crisis or the focus becomes broken, Ingasia gain a reputation; Supporter
the recipient enjoys a longevity bonus of the Hermetic Phylactery away from
of Verdi (House Verditius) 4. Verdi with access to the original
equal to the vis capacity of the
opened longevity focus. The focus The initiate must have a score of 3 initiation script. It is thought that one
or more in Verditius Cult Lore before such individual took up residence in
operates as an Arcane Connection to
undertaking the initiation. the Greater Alps over a century ago
the recipient and may be enchanted
through any Hermetic means and if she no longer lives then
This is not the original initiation
available to the magus. perhaps her library may still contain
script for this House Mystery. It was
the script.
revised in the years following the

The Mystery of
Credne: Physical
While the Mystery of the Hermetic
Phylactery is a House Mystery known
to a few in House Verditius, The
Mystery of Credne (pronounced
CREY-nya) is peculiar to Hibernia
and may in fact now be lost. While
the Hermetic Phylactery acts as a
longevity focus external to the body,
this Mystery provides the power to
replace parts of the magus’ body with
enchanted devices in order to act as
longevity foci.
Sub Rosa

Some of this may sound familiar

to those who have read the
Inscription on the Soul Mystery, as
described in The Mysteries: Revised
Edition, page 69. That particular path
has a very different aim, however, and
the two forms of magic are unrelated.

Origins of the Mystery New Flaw: Monstrous monstrous to others, resulting in a –6
penalty in all social situations, or to any
Nearly two centuries ago, the Appearance rolls involving the trust or loyalty of
magus Colla mac Morna, already Major General Flaw others. This stacks with any penalty
advanced in years, suffered an aging This Flaw repackages the Monstrous imposed by the Gift and the character
crisis from which even Hermetic Appearance Major Magical Inferiority, is treated as having the Blatant Gift for
Magic seemed unable to protect him. as described in Realms of Power: Magic, the purposes of calculating prevailing
Fearing the end, he called for page 42, as a Flaw that characters covenant loyalty.
members of the Coill Trí (The unable to take Inferiorities can take.
Contested Isle: The Hibernian Tribunal,
page 112), who conferred with the Having become simultaneously both
Tuatha Dé Danann (The Contested Isle: more and less than human, the
The Hibernian Tribunal, page 124). One character’s appearance is considered
night, the ancient healer of the
mac Morna counted himself an ally to creator’s Dexterity + Craft Ability
Tuatha, Dian Cécht, arrived to seek
the Tuatha Dé Danann from that day Score.
audience with mac Morna. While
on. In practice, there are only four
there, he discovered that mac Morna’s
arm, withered and infected through parts of the individual that cannot be
age, was the source of the crisis. He Creating Airgetlámha replaced. These are the liver, the
proposed the Fate of Nuada; the arm gallbladder, the spleen, and the brain,
The devices created through this
would be removed and replaced with as these correspond to the natural
Mystery are called Airgetlámha (areyd
one crafted by his own hands from -LAHW-ah), literally meaning Silver humors, as described in Art &
silver. Colla mac Morna agreed. Academe, page 38.
Hands after the silver hands crafted
Dian Cécht summoned the smith both for King Nuada of the Tuatha The restrictions on the number of
Credne, who called for as much silver De Danann and for mac Morna. The pawns that need to be used are
as the covenant could muster and he Verditius spends a season crafting the exactly as for the Hermetic
worked until dawn in the forges of Airgetlám (areyd-LAHW) and opening Phylactery.
the Verditius magi. Finally, as the it for enchantment, just as with the The airgetlám is attached to the
cock crowed, the arm was completed. Mystery of the Hermetic Phylactery. recipient through a Hermetic ritual,
The Airgetlám can be of any material, described below, during which the
With much ceremony, Colla mac
but it must act to directly replace a original body part is removed and the
Morna’s arm was severed and the
part of the human body and so must airgetlám joined with its host. It is
silver arm created by Credne was
be of broadly appropriate shape and then a natural extension of its bearer,
magically attached. Within moments,
construction. enjoying all faculties of motion and
Colla mac Morna’s strength returned
to him and he could use his new arm The restriction on the number of sensation as did its predecessor.
with as much dexterity as he had ever pawns with which the device also
possessed. remains; i.e. it must be opened with a
minimum of character’s age/5 pawns Attaching the
In return for his trust in the old
ways, Dian Cécht granted Colla mac
of vis. Airgetlám
Morna the knowledge to perform the Similarly, the longevity bonus is Once the work of Credne has
same service to others. For his part, also calculated in the same way as for been done and the airgetlám created,
the Hermetic Phylactery, i.e. the the Rite of Dian Cécht can begin and
the airgetlám can be attached. In
Shape-changers and artifice. Hermetic terms, this is a ritual spell
Airgetlámha For instance, a magus bearing an reliant on knowledge of the Mystery
Sub Rosa

Shapechanging magic is common airgetlám in the shape of a mechanical to design.

across the Order, and in Hibernia in bronze leg turns himself into a stag to The ritual itself is designed as a
particular. Those bearing airgetlámha better explore the woodland. The general level spell and is fully
may still utilize shape-changing spells resulting stag also has an obviously described in the nearby box.
as normal, including the heartbeast bronze mechanical leg, which gives it a
Monstrous Appearance. In the event of a Casting Tablet
power possessed by those of House
detailing this ritual being found,
Bjornaer, but while the airgetlámha
confident magi may attempt to follow
change shape to accommodate the new
its instructions without knowing the
form, they remain obviously objects of
underlying Mystery.

Effects of the The Rite of Dian Cécht granted by the airgetlám, so a level 50
MuCo General, ritual, Mystery Rite is required to attach an airgetlám
Airgetlám granting a longevity bonus of 10 to a
A bonded airgetlám functions in R: Touch, D: Special, T: Group recipient.
every way just like a natural extension This ritual, cast with casting The new base effect for this is
of the recipient’s body; a direct requisites as appropriate for the target essentially:
replacement for the natural organ or airgetlám, binds the airgetlám to the
limb that it replaces. host. During the rite, the limb or organ Base Bind an airgetlám to a
host where the level of the spell equals
The recipient of the airgetlám to be replaced is excised or severed (five time the longevity bonus) + 30
suffers from the effects of the and the replacement attached. The levels.
Monstrous Appearance Major removed organ is burned, destroying
Magical Inferiority, as described in its essence entirely, and the body and It is not necessary to design a
Realms of Power: Magic, page 42. the new airgetlám become one. unique ritual per airgetlám or recipient.

Each airgetlám provides a +1 The ritual’s level must equal or (Base, +1 Touch, +4 Special
Form Bonus against Corpus effects. exceed five times the longevity bonus Duration, +1 Part)

A recipient of an airgetlám can no

longer gain longevity bonuses from
either the common longevity ritual time, in which case the bonus is equal protection against the ravages of time.
practiced by the Order or from the to the highest value focus, plus one
for each other active airgetlám
Hermetic Phylactery known to House
possessed by the magus. An active Airgetlámha and Crisis
Verditius. Once an airgetlám has been An airgetlám cancels the effects of
airgetlám is one that has not yet failed
bonded with the bearer, no other a Crisis incurred as a result of the
through Crisis, as described below.
longevity magics will work for him. next failed Aging Roll. The Aging
Beyond this, the airgetlám has a Crisis still causes the longevity focus
number of effects over and above the Airgetlámha and Aging to fail, leaving the magus potentially
Hermetic Phylactery described above. unprotected against further aging, but
Points any other deleterious effects of the
While the magus may still gain Crisis are avoided.
Airgetlámha and the Aging Points, while bonded with an
airgetlám functioning as a longevity As described above, a magus may
Longevity Bonus focus, any Aging Points gained are benefit from multiple embedded and
A magus gains a longevity bonus not applied to the character’s bonded airgetlámha. When subject to
equal to the number of pawns used to characteristics. They still contribute to Crisis, the highest value active
open the airgetlám for enchantment. the Decrepitude Score as normal, longevity focus is cancelled. This may
However, the magus may have more however. This results in further not leave the magus unprotected,
than one active airgetlám at any one however. If there are more than one

Faerie Airgetlámha Dexterity + Craft Pretence Score and The Faerie Rite of Dian Cécht
it costs the faerie 1 Might Point per At the cost of 10 Might Points, the
This article looks at the Mystery of
point of bonus. So, a silver arm faerie with this power can attach a
Cedne as practiced by House
providing a longevity bonus of 10 specially crafted airgetlám to a
Verditius, but the same service can be
costs 10 Might Points (which is the recipient. The maximum longevity
secured from the Tuatha Dé Danann.
maximum possible using this power). bonus that the airgetlám can provide is
There are physicians and craftsmen
Sub Rosa

still within that Tuath who can both Points spent in this way can only be 10. Anything beyond this is too potent
craft and attach these airgetlámha, if regained by consuming faerie vis for this power and the ritual fails.
they can be found and bargained with. associated with the form of Vim, or in Points spent on this power can only be
The following powers represent these taking back and destroying the regained by consuming faerie vis
ancient gifts. airgetlám. associated with the form of Corpus.
The Craft of Cedne This Ritual Power costs the faerie This Ritual Power costs the faerie
two Ritual Power Virtues to buy. two Ritual Power Virtues to buy.
The faerie crafter creates an
airgetlám for a specific recipient. The Costs 50 levels. Special, (R: Touch, Costs 50 levels. Special, (R: Touch,
longevity bonus is based on the faerie’s D: Momentary, T: Individual, Ritual) D: Special, T: Group, Ritual)

active longevity foci, then the next Appropriate Airgetlámha The troupe should be a sensible arbiter
lowest is then used to determine any on these, but a decent rule of thumb is
There may be a temptation to create
longevity bonus for future years. whether the loss of that body part
a multitude of airgetlámha as each
might be the cause of a Flaw, such as
active longevity focus at least provides
Missing Hand, Missing Eye, Afflicted
Airgetlámha and a bonus of +1 to the final resulting
Tongue, or Lame, for instance.
longevity bonus. Eager players may
Warping seek to replace individual digits with But remember also that the more
A magus may have multiple airgetlámha, or even individual joints airgetlámha a character has operating
Airgetlámha, and while they act as an within those fingers, or perhaps as active longevity foci, the more
active longevity focus, they each act individual teeth. However, these are warping that character gains each year.
as a constant magical effect upon the not appropriate. There is a definite balance to be had
host, each in turn providing 1 and characters could consider adding
The magic of airgetlámha works on
Warping Point per year. In the event the principle of significance; a tooth is further airgetlámha only when the
of an Aging Crisis or damage causing not significant, but a jaw is. A finger is beneficial effects of a previous
an airgetlám to cease functioning as a not significant, but a hand or an arm is. airgetlám cease.
longevity focus, the airgetlám no Hair is not significant, but a skull is.
longer causes warping.
When a character bearing They do nothing to alter the number you don’t have City & Guild available,
airgetlámha gains the scars of twilight of body levels their bearer possesses, the nearby box gives you a quick
or other warping effects, the but they are themselves subject to guide on judging Damage Levels.
airgetlámha are also directly affected. damage in stressful situations. Where more than one airgetlámha
They may become enlarged, or
Whenever the bearer of an are carried, then the Storyguide
discoloured, or even grow new detail
airgetlám suffers a Medium Wound or should decide which device is
that was not present before.
greater, a Damage Check must be affected.
made to the airgetlám. If the roll fails, Once an airgetlám loses all its
Airgetlámha and the airgetlám loses a Damage Level. Damage Levels, it is broken. Any
As a rule of thumb, most airgetlámha enchantments in the device cease
Damage have two Damage Levels (Standard working immediately and it no longer
Airgetlámha have Damage Levels, Quality construction and size -1, as contributes a longevity bonus. It also
as described in City & Guild, page 77. described in City & Guild, page 77). If ceases to function as a limb or organ.

The Mystery of Cedne Initiation Script: Mystery of initiate bonded with the airgetlám,
Cedne going through the ordeal of gaining the
(Major House Mystery)
new Monstrous Appearance Flaw
While the magical knowledge Initiation into this mystery always (+9).
behind this Mystery ultimately stems involves the initiate becoming bonded
The initiate must have a score of 3
from the Tuatha Dé Danann, it is with their first airgetlám.
or more in Verditius Cult Lore before
considered a Verditius House Mystery Ease Factor: 21 undertaking the initiation.
as none outside of that House have
ever learned it. Script Bonus: 21 This initiation is unusual in that the
Script Details: The initiate must mystagogue may be either a magus of
A magus initiated into this Mystery
first gain the blessing of the Tuatha Dé House Verditius who knows the
gains the power to create airgetlámha
Danann by undertaking a quest at their Mystery, or it could be one of the
and bind them to their recipients
Sub Rosa

behest (+3). Once the Tuatha Dé Tuatha Dé Danann who possess the
through the Rite of Dian Cécht using
Danann grant their blessing, the requisite powers. If a member of the
the rules above. They have knowledge
mystagogue can proceed and he Tuatha Dé Danann acts as the
enough to create their own versions of
spends a season crafting and opening mystagogue, the initiate must have a
the Rite, allowing for different levels
for enchantment an airgetlám for the score of 3 or more in Area Lore:
of effect. They may also act as
initiate (+3), forged in the ashes of the Hibernia before undertaking the
mystagogue to others seeking this
initiate’s talisman (+6). At the initiation.
culmination of the season, the Rite of
Dian Cécht is performed and the

A shattered airgetlám eye no longer repaired eye can see; a repaired hand Casting Tablet: Rite of Dian
sees and a broken airgetlám becomes can grasp) and the associated Flaw is
lame. The bearer gains an appropriate removed. Its function as a longevity
Flaw to model this damage. focus is not restored, however. It is possible that a casting tablet
detailing the Dian Cécht may be
found. If it is, it may be written down
Repairing Airgetlámha Enchanting in vernacular Gaelic instead of Latin
Damaged airgetlámha may be to disguise its true purpose.
As with any other opened device, One way to introduce the Mystery
Assessing Damage airgetlámha may be enchanted using of Cedne into your saga quickly is to
have a pre-existing airgetlám found
An airgetlám loses a Damage Level any standard or Mystery magics know
along with a casting tablet of the Rite
if the bearer fails a Dexterity + to the enchanter.
Finesse Stress roll against Ease at a level suitable to use. This gives
They have one advantage over players and characters the opportunity
Factor 15. The roll gains a bonus other devices, one shared by
equal to the magnitude of effects talismans; the enchantments may use to explore this magic based on the
enchanted into the device. deeds of ancient Tuatha Dé Danann
the Personal range to affect the bearer heroes.
On a botch, the airgetlám is struck to which the airgetlám has been
The tablet may purport to be an
from the bearer’s body instead of bonded.
accurate description of the Rite
losing a Damage Level. Constant effects, whether they are actually carried out by the physician
designed to affect the bearer or the Dian Cécht himself. If true, that
airgetlám itself, are a source of
repaired. A dedicated season spent by warping as described in ArM5, page would make a potent trophy for any
a craftsman repairing an airgetlám 168. Hibernian covenant.
automatically restores any Damage
Levels that have been lost. The
season may be treated as a season of Restrictions removing an airgetlám may be healed,
Practice, for book-keeping purposes. Airgetlámha may be created only but the removed limb or organ
A broken airgetlám may be for those with the Gift or with some cannot be replaced through Creo
repaired, but this requires a magus of form of Supernatural Might. Corpus magic; the essential nature is
House Verditius initiated into the now such that it may only be replaced
Once the airgetlám is bonded to either by re-bonding the removed
Mystery of Reforging Enchanted the host, it becomes part of their
Items (Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults, essential nature and cannot be airgetlám or through some other
page 125). Reforging the device r e m o v e d w i t h o u t i n j u r y o r magic to replace the missing limb
restores its intended function (a consequence. Any wound left through with another of the same material as
the removed airgetlám.

Example: Airgetlámha and and he does begin to suffer a constant longevity bonus of +8 (Dexterity +2
Aging one warping point per year. He and Craft: Carpenter +6).
continues untouched by the ravages of In order to provide a further
Finn, a 35 year old magus, years until the age of 58, at which
undergoes initiation into the Mystery longevity bonus, he sacrifices his other
point he has an apparent age of 38, but leg, creating a second iron airgetlám.
of Cedne, gaining a mechanical bronze during a freak winter experiences a
arm in the process. Created by a After going through the ritual, he now
Crisis. He suffers no ill-effects from has a total longevity bonus of +9 (8
master craftsman, the bronze arm the crisis thanks to his airgetlám but it
gives him a longevity bonus of 12 for the first active airgetlám, +1 for the
Sub Rosa

no longer provides a longevity bonus. second).

(Dexterity +3 and Craft: Smith +9).
He also gains one point of Hubris. Now reliant on his own By the time he reaches 100 years of
craftsmanship, he creates a new age, he has suffered no further aging
At the end of his 35th year (which airgetlám, an iron leg. He opens it for
we’ll call Year One), he makes an crises and has an apparent age of 71.
enchantment with a capacity of 15 He has gained fewer than 10 Aging
Aging Roll. His bronze arm provides pawns of vis, which exceeds the
such a longevity bonus that he suffers Points, giving him a Decrepitude Score
required minimum of 12, and, with of 1.
no ill effects from aging, but he does help, conducts the Rite of Dian Cécht.
have the Monstrous Appearance Flaw He now has an airgetlám providing a

enchanted airgetlámha is a potentially
potent means of not only gaining a
bonded airgetlám functions in every way significant longevity bonus, but also a
number of additional enchantments.
just like a natural extension of the
As these unusual devices may be
recipient’s body; a direct replacement for taken from the living or dead and
the natural organ or limb that it replaces reused for full effect, those who bear
airgetlámha would do well to be
suspicious of those who enquire after

removed from its host, living or dead,

Airgetlámha and and bonded with another host. This Character Sheet
Hubris bonding is performed through the A supplementary character sheet
Replacing natural body parts with ritual described above and all the would be useful to record the
devices of artifice is a hubristic act. same restrictions apply. airgetlámha bonded to the character.
Unsurprisingly, Verditius magi who The new host treats the airgetlám The included example indicates
undertake this path gain Hubris, as as a longevity focus providing a which body-parts have been replaced,
described in Houses of Hermes: Mystery bonus equal to the number of pawns the Aging Bonus that each airgetlám
Cults, page 118. The nearby table of vis used to open it for provides, the number of damage
shows the number of experience enchantment. Additionally, existing levels each has and their status, and of
points gained for various airgetlám- effects enchanted into the airgetlám course any enchantments that they
related activities. In addition, he can that use the Personal Target now might contain.
also add his Hubris score when affect the new host.
enchanting an airgetlám.
This means that for a magus
initiated into the Mystery of Cedne,
Increasing Hubris the finding of old and already
These additional behaviours
should be considered alongside the
table on Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults,
page 120.

Gaining an airgetlám 1
Crafting an airgetlám
for another

Enchanting an airgetlám 1

Reusing Airgetlámha
Sub Rosa

The ritual used to bond the

airgetlám to the individual ensures
that the airgetlám becomes part of
that individual’s essential nature. This
means that the airgetlám does not
need to have been built, opened for
enchantment, or even enchanted for a
particular individual. If a magus finds
an existing airgetlám, it can be

Location: Location: Location: Location:
Arm/Hand Eyes Ears Arm/Hand
Longevity Bonus: Longevity Bonus: Longevity Bonus: Longevity Bonus:
Damage Levels: □□□□□ Damage Levels: □□□□□ Damage Levels: □□□□□ Damage Levels: □□□□□
Description: Description: Description: Description:

Enchantments: Enchantments: Enchantments: Enchantments:

Location: Location:
Heart/Lungs Guts
Longevity Bonus: Longevity Bonus:
Damage Levels: □□□□□ Damage Levels: □□□□□
Description: Description:

Enchantments: Enchantments:
Sub Rosa

Location: Location:
Leg/Foot Leg/Foot
Longevity Bonus: Longevity Bonus:
Damage Levels: □□□□□ Damage Levels: □□□□□
Description: Description:

Enchantments: Enchantments:
Airgetlámha Record Sheet for:

Demography of the
Order of Hermes
T his article intends to draw
together what is known about
the size and demography of the Order
1240 magi. This number is obtained
from the three Houses of Hermes books,
which state (in two cases
By Mark Shirley
fresh from apprenticeship. Summer
of Hermes from Ars Magica Fifth approximately) the size of each of the magi are burgeoning powers. Autumn
Edition sources, and use this 12 extant houses (see the nearby box). magi are at the zenith of their Arts.
information to make predictions There is no need to treat the Winter magi are beginning to show
about the Order’s past and its future. unGifted redcaps (who make up their age, and Deep Winter magi are
These predictions rely on about 12% of the Order) as any the venerable sages close to Final
mathematical principles that I employ different from a Gifted magus. They Twilight.
in my day job, but I have tried to keep have a 15 year apprenticeship just like The third column of this table
the main article algebra-free. All the the rest of the Order, and thanks to gives the distribution as listed in the
details of the predictive models has longevity rituals supplied by their Tribunal books. The first thing to
been left to the end of the article, as a House, redcaps can expect a life as note is that there is a notable lack of
point of interest for anyone wanting long as any other member of the Spring magi. However, in most sagas,
to see the assumptions made. Order. this role is assumed to be taken by
We can also gain an idea as to the player characters, so I’ve added a
Current Size and age distribution of the Order. covenant of 5 Spring magi to each of
the tribunals and recalculate the stage
Amongst the Tribunal books written
Age Profile for Ars Magica Fifth Edition there distribution. The result is shown in
are 261 magi with their ages listed. the rightmost column.
In its 453rd year (1220 AD), the
I’ve divided these into five age What is immediately noticeable is
Order of Hermes numbers some
categories. Spring magi are those that the Order of Hermes is
dominated by Summer magi, with
House Population at 1220 Autumn magi being the second most
numerous. Truly ancient magi in
Bonisagus 81 Jerbiton 102 Deep Winter are scarce at less than
Bjornaer 79 Mercere 12 + c. 150 half a percent: only 4 magi are
Criamon 94 Merinita 68 anticipated to fall into this category in
the whole Order.
Ex Miscellanea c. 180 Tremere 92
Flambeau 114 Tytalus 96
Guernicus 98 Verditius 74 Historical Events
Age Distribution of the Order Demography
Observed Observed There are three events in the
Sub Rosa

Stage Age Range incl. PCs history of the Order of Hermes that
(percent) (percent) would have influenced its speed of
Apprentice 0 – Gauntlet – – growth: the formation of House Ex
Miscellanea, the corruption of House
Spring Gauntlet – 35 14.20 23.00
Tytalus, and the Schism War. First we
Summer 36 – 70 42.50 38.10 should start with the initial conditions
Autumn 71 – 120 34.10 30.60 in 767 AD, when the Founders of the
Winter 121 – 180 8.80 7.90 Order first met at Durenmar.
Deep Winter 181+ 0.40 0.30

history. The entirety of House Diedne years of stable population size at a
The Founding was Renounced and exterminated, but relatively high level of around 80
The Order was founded by they did not go quietly. We know that million. The Great Mortality
thirteen wizards: the twelve Founders House Diedne was the largest house (nowadays called “The Black Death”)
and Trianoma. From the information in the Order at that time (Houses of caused a steep decline from 1350 AD
in the three Houses of Hermes books, Hermes: True Lineages, page 40), and so onwards, killing an estimated quarter
we can estimate the ages of the we can conservatively estimate that a of all humans in Europe. Following
Founders. full twelfth of the Order was a 1420 AD there was a slow expansion
Birna, Tremere, and Trianoma member of this house (leaving as Europe repopulated; this growth
wer e pr obably Spr ing magi. 11/12ths of the Order to be divided gained momentum during the
Bonisagus, Criamon, and Merinita between the remaining twelve sixteenth century. See figure 1.
were probably Autumn magi, and the houses). Houses Flambeau and
remaining seven magi (Diedne, Tremere were heavily involved in the
Flambeau, Guernicus, Jerbiton, fighting, and perhaps lost a third of Predicting the
Mercere, Tytalus, Verditius) were their members in the eight years of
likely to be Summer magi. Although the war. We are told that four other Growth Rate of the
Pralix (and perhaps other apprentices
such as Notatus) were present from
houses strongly opposed House
Diedne: Bonisagus, Ex Miscellanea,
the start of the Order, they would Guernicus, and Jerbiton. Maybe a A stage-structured mathematical
have been included in the first batch quarter of each of these houses were model was created to predict the size
of recruits as they could not have killed. Finally, the remaining six of the Order of Hermes through time
commenced Hermetic training prior houses would not have escaped and to predict future trends. The
to the Founding. unscathed, and perhaps lost a fifth of details of this model are given later,
their numbers as well. Overall, this but in essence it uses a standard
translates to just over 3 in every 10 technique from the ecological
House Ex Miscellanea magi perishing; a massive effect on sciences to model the passage of
In 817 AD, House Ex Miscellanea the Order’s numbers. individuals from Apprenticeship to
was formed from Pralix’s Ordo the Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter,
Miscellanea. This rival to the Order of and finally Deep Winter Stages. At
Hermes consisted of the hedge Mundane each life stage, individuals will
wizards that Pralix had assembled in
order to defeat Damhan-Allaidh, plus Demography of produce new apprentices, and either
remain in the current stage, advance
those wizards who fought with The
Spider who Pralix was able to recruit Mythic Europe to the next stage, or die. The three
events mentioned earlier – Formation
after the battle. We know that when Trends in demography of the of Ex Miscellanea, Corruption of
House Ex Miscellanea joined, this medieval period in Europe can be Tytalus, and the Schism War – were
doubled the size of the Order at that divided into five basic phases. simulated at the appropriate time
time (Houses of Hermes: Societates, page Between 400 and 1000 AD the points.
101). population was stable at a relatively The advantage of this type of
low level of about 30 million. predictive model is that, since it
The Corruption of Between 1000 and 1250 AD there models stages rather than ages, it
was a boom period of rapid doesn’t rely on assumptions about
House Tytalus expansion, followed by a hundred
In total, seventeen magi were
Marched when the Corruption of Numbers of Magi at Each Life Stage
House Tytalus was discovered in 967
Sub Rosa

Predicted Predicted
AD (Houses of Hermes: Societates, page Stage
74). We can probably assume that (number) (percent)
some, if not all of their apprentices Apprentice 360 –
were killed as well. Spring 309 24.4
Summer 509 40.2
The Schism War Autumn 323 25.5
The Schism War was perhaps the Winter 108 8.5
most traumatic event in the Order’s Deep Winter 16 1.3

longevity rituals and living conditions the Fifth Edition tribunal books, drawn based on the results of the
modifiers. These things can be highly after adjusting for presumed player model. Some of these implications are
tribunal- and saga-dependent. characters. The Order is still detailed in this section.
However, in this model, the age of dominated by Summer magi, with
each magus is not simulated, just his Autumn and Spring magi following
or her life stage. Each stage has a behind with similar numbers. A Population of House
given duration and the last stage of greater proportion of Deep Winter Ex Miscellanea
Deep Winter holds all magi until they magi is predicted than observed; but
According to the predictions of
die. this may reflect the tribunals
the model, when House Ex
The model started with the surveyed; for example, the Tribunal
Miscellanea joined the Order, the
thirteen magi in 767 AD, and of the Greater Alps could have a
Order consisted of 109 magi. The
predicted population numbers every greater proportion of ancient magi (it
Ordo Miscellanea must have
seven years. Sixty-five of these time certainly did in the Fourth Edition
therefore consisted of at least 100
steps brought the Order of Hermes book Sanctuary of Ice).
wizards, since the size of the Order
to 1222 AD, and a final population was said to have doubled by the
size of 1267 magi. The breakdown of
number of magi in each stage are
Implications for the joining of the thirteenth house. Yet,
despite a twelve-fold increase in the
shown in the nearby table. Order of Hermes size of Order over the next four
Note that the 360 Apprentices hundred years (109 magi in 816 AD
Since the outputs match in both to 1267 magi in 1222 AD), House Ex
were not included in the denominator
total population size and stage Miscellanea does not even double in
for the calculation of the percent
distribution, we can have confidence size in this time (100 magi to
population in each stage, allowing
that the parameters and assumptions approximately 180 magi). What’s
direct comparison with the survey
of the modelling produce a plausible more, by the time the Schism War
earlier. The predicted percentage of
representation of the Order’s happened, a mere two hundred years
the Order at each life stage from the
demography. On this basis, some after Pralix, rather than growing
model matches pretty well with the
inferences about the Order can be House Ex Miscellanea had shrunk to
observed percentages obtained from

Sub Rosa

Figure 1: Total European population from the Dark Ages to the

Renaissance. Data from McEvedy & Jones (1978)

the size of the other twelve houses — Europe by approximate tribunal in
between 60 and 70 members. It is
Casualties of the 1220.
clear that House Ex Miscellanea did Schism War It is clear from the nearby table
not thrive in its early days within the At the eve of the Schism War that there is a huge difference
Order of Hermes. there were 861 magi in the Order. between population sizes in the 13
One explanation for this is that Under the assumptions detailed tribunals; but the assumption has
the vast majority of the new House above, 295 magi perished including all tended to be that the Order is
never adapted to Hermetic magic, and 72 members of House Diedne. For relatively evenly split, with just under
did not train Hermetic apprentices. simplicity, it is assumed that any 100 individuals per tribunal. There are
This might be due to intractable apprentices of slain magi (including a number of reasons why magi might
magical traditions, but it is also quite those from House Diedne) were seek to spread themselves out evenly
likely that a fair proportion of Pralix’s adopted by other members of the amongst the tribunals. For a start,
army of hedge wizards was unGifted, Order of Hermes; still, the Order’s sparsely populated tribunals are likely
and therefore could not train size was reduced to the numbers seen to be rich in magical resources since
Hermetic apprentices. Playing with 70 years previously. the Dominion will not be so all-
the model shows that if only a third encompassing. If a tribunal is small in
of the Ordo Miscellanea were Gifted terms of magi, then the share of
wizards in the Summer stage, then Heterogeneity of the resources — magical, mundane, and
these 33 new magi will have grown to Order across Mythic political — per magus is large; this
62 in the two centuries between the encourages settlement in that tribunal,
founding of House Ex Miscellanea Europe which reduces the share per magus.
and the Schism War. Not all the tribunals have an equal In the absence of constraining factors
size or mundane population. From (such as rules on establishing new
the data in McEvedy & Jones (1978) I covenants or joining pre-existing
determined the population of Mythic ones), this process would continue
Sub Rosa

Figure 2: Growth of the Order of Hermes since its inception to the current day. The axis in red on
the right and the red line on the chart indicate the mundane population during this time.

Heterogeneity of the Order across Mythic Europe than the mundane population. In 850
AD there was one new Hermetic
Millions apprentice for every 768,000, by 950
Millions of
Tribunal of people Tribunal AD this ratio had decreased to
people in 1220 1:395,000, and by 1150 AD it was
in 1220
Greater Alps 1.3 Provencal 5.8 1:353,000. If the prevalence of The
Gift remains constant, then there may
Hibernia 0.6 Rhine 10.4
come a time when there are
Iberia 6.9 Rome 7.8 insufficient Gifted children to fulfil
Levant 3.5 Stonehenge 2.8 the needs of those magi wishing to
Loch Leglean 0.3 Thebes 4.3 take an apprentice. Before this point
Normandy 6.8 Transylvania 4.8 is reached, the number of magi able
Novgorod 11 to train an apprentice will decline as
the difficulty of finding a Gifted child
increases as they become more scarce.
The Order of Hermes may come into
until an equilibrium is reached; where conflict with hedge traditions over the
the benefits of a new tribunal are
Supply of Apprentices availability of apprentices, and/or the
rated equal to the benefits of a and Prevalence of The average age at Opening the Hermetic
resident tribunal. At this point Arts might increase as masters are
immigration matches emigration, and Gift more willing to take on Gifted
is independent of resource availability. An assumption of the model is individuals who were missed as
that there is an unlimited supply of children. As a result, the rate of
If there is an assumption that The
Gifted children to become growth of the Order of Hermes may
Gift is homogeneously distributed in
apprentices of Hermetic magi. Some gradually decrease over time to match
space and that it is present in a
interesting conclusions emerge from the availability of resources, a
particular proportion of the
examining the required supply of phenomenon known as ‘density
population (see later), then the supply
apprentices to the Order. dependent growth’.
of apprentices is likely to be low in
some tribunals in comparison to To support its current rate of
others because of the smaller
population sizes. This might explain
growth, the Order will require 186
Gifted children (approximately 14 per
Future Trends
the social mobility of magi compared geographical tribunal) over the next Assuming that this density
to the mundane population — Sicilian seven years (this number can be dependent growth does not occur just
magi could easily be members of obtained from the cross product of yet, we can forecast the future growth
covenants in Scotland, since the Loch the current age profile of the Order of the Order of Hermes. After
Leglean tribunal produces very small and the production rate of new another 100 years (14 more time
numbers of Gifted children every year apprentices). With about 63.8 million steps), the Order has 1787 members,
compared to the Roman Tribunal. inhabitants in Mythic Europe in 1220, a growth of about 40%. The growth
Magi in sparsely populated tribunals the Order requires a density of The of the Order of Hermes is only
might source their apprentices away Gift of at least one individual per sustainable if it is able to found new
from home; and those tribunals 343,000. However, The Gift must be covenants, develop the Arts required
where supply outstrips demand might more common than this if it is not a to train apprentices, and locate
exploit this resource by exporting limited resource; furthermore, there individuals with The Gift. Putting
Gifted children, perhaps in exchange are other traditions in Mythic Europe aside the looming problem of locating
for services or resources rare at home. that have Gifted members. Let us new apprentices mentioned above,
For example, the Rhine tribunal is assume that for every apprentice the without sufficient resources for the
Sub Rosa

rich in people (and therefore Order takes, there are three Gifted development of masters and the
presumably in Gifted children) but children accepted into hedge training of apprentices, the Order’s
not in vis. The Hibernian Tribunal traditions, and another three that growth will slow. The mundane
might be the reverse remain untrained. This results in a population in Mythic Europe is
prevalence of The Gift of one expanding almost as rapidly as the
individual per 49,000 in every seven Order, and is bound to be applying
years, or one birth per 7000 per year. societal and population pressure to
A potential problem lurks on the the Order. To support this level of
horizon: the Order is growing faster mundane population growth, larger

and larger areas of Mythic Europe However, recruitment to the Order plague as a whole is probably limited
have to be placed under cultivation, will take a major hit since Gifted as things stand, although individual
and the fourteenth century is one of children die with the same frequency sagas may of course differ. The
mass deforestation. This could affect as the unGifted. The chart below biggest problem is organisation; it
the magical resources of covenants, as shows the projected effect of the would need a coordinated action of
Magic auras become more scarce and Great Mortality on the Order’s multiple tribunals to have any chance
vis harder to find. The Normandy growth. The default assumption is at halting the inexorable creep of the
Tribunal is already facing these issues that magi were not immune to the Great Mortality across Europe, and
in 1220 AD, and it may be only a few effects of the pestilence, but all stages the Order is limited as to what
decades before other tribunals start suffered increased mortality of an resources it can use. A covenant
feeling the pressure. intensity proportional to that suffered might be able to save a few towns,
Assuming that your saga roughly by the mundane population (see later but in the grand scheme of things
follows real history, there is the for more details on the modelling). their impact is likely to be minimal.
spectre of the Great Mortality lurking That is, magi still died of the Great Historically, Europe recovered
in the future (no-one in the medieval Mortality, but at lower rates than the well following the Great Mortality.
period called it “The Black Death”). mundane population. The dashed line Once the disease had ran its course, a
Major casualties begin around 1360 shows the effect on the Order’s phase of repopulation followed.
AD, and it ravages nearly all of population if magi are wholly Population growth was slowed by
Europe for fifty years. In affected protected from the increased further waves of less virulent disease,
areas, up to a third of the population mortality of the disease, and instead nevertheless it took only a century to
is affected, and a quarter killed. only suffer problems in finding restore the losses due to the
Gifted children to train as apprentices pestilence.
Assuming that the Great Mortality for the duration of the Great
is a natural disease, magi are more Mortality.
likely to survive it thanks to their
Corpus Form bonus, if nothing else. The ability of the Order of
Hermes to alter the course of the
Sub Rosa

Figure 3: Future trends in the size of the Order of Hermes. As before, the red line
and axis shows the mundane population during this time.

Production Survival Proportion leaving Survival within Advancement to
Stage Age range
Rate rate stage stage next stage
Apprentice 5–20 0 0.93 Jul-15
Spring 21–35 0 0.97 Jul-15 Survival rate Survival rate
Summer 36–70 0.33 × 7/15 0.94 Jul-35 × ×
Autumn 71–120 0.66 × 7/15 0.85 Jul-50 (1 – Proportion Proportion leav-
Winter 121–180 0.20 × 7/15 0.76 Jul-60 leaving stage) ing stage
Deep Winter 181+ 0.10 × 7/15 0.45 0

which is multiplied by the vector of These proportions include those who

About the Model populations in each stage to get the have apprentices as well as those who
The model was a stage-structured new population. want them, so to convert these
population model called a Lefkovitch proportions to a production rate, one
matrix model. This model is must restrict this proportion to only
particularly appropriate in these
Variables those who are able to take on a new
circumstances because it is simple, Lefkovitch matrix models require apprentice in each seven year time
with few parameter estimations three sets of variables to make step. Seven fifteenths of all fifteen
needed. It also works particularly well predictions. The first is the year apprenticeships will end every
for a population which is growing production rate, which is the number seven years. Apprentices are assumed
unconstrained by resources, and of new individuals in the first stage in to be ‘born’ at the age of 5, and thus
which has little spatial variation, each time step. The second is the the duration of apprenticeship is 15
neither of which assumptions is survival within stage, which is the years.
violated by the presumed proportion of individuals in each
The proportion of magi in each
demography of the Order of Hermes. stage that remain within that stage in
stage with an apprentice may appear
each time step. The third variable set
A stage-structured model keeps is the advancement to next stage, to be quite low. Even the assumption
track of the number of individuals in which is the proportion of individuals that only two thirds of Autumn magi
each of several pre-defined stages; have or want an apprentice might
that move to the next stage in each
which in this case were Apprentices, caus e s ome s ur pr is e. T hes e
time step.
and then the five stages of a magus’s proportions were derived heuristically
life detailed above: Spring, Summer, — various proportions were tested
Autumn, Winter, and Deep Winter. Production Rate until a set that produced an
Each stage lasted a variable amount The production rate is the appropriate population size and age
of time; for simplicity’s sake it was proportion of magi in each stage who structure for the Order was obtained.
assumed that Apprentices were took a new apprentice in each seven The proportions in each stage is not
twenty years old when they complete years. Obviously, apprentices are vital, as long as the same proportion
their Gauntlet and become Spring incapable of training new apprentices, of apprentices per magus in the Order
magi. The model charted the changes and the definition of the Spring stage is produced in each time step (so
in the numbers of individuals in each was bas ed on them having there might be a few more Summer
of these classes in each time step, insufficiently high Arts and Teaching magi with apprentices at the expense
based on three variables: the Ability to effectively train an of one of the other stages). For those
Sub Rosa

probability that an individual moves apprentice. Magi had to be in the who believe that the benefit of an
into the next stage in a time step, the Summer stage or higher to have a non apprentice is too great, and that any
probability that an individual dies in a -zero production rate. It was assumed magus capable of training one should
time step, and the probability that an that one third of Summer and two have one, should consider the
individual takes a new apprentice in a thirds of Autumn magi were capable following:
time step. The time step chosen was or willing to be train an apprentice.  A magus loses a season of
seven years; the time between This proportion declined to one fifth study or laboratory activities
tribunals. These variables are and one tenth for the Winter and every year to teaching;
assembled into a transition matrix, Deep Winter stages respectively.
 It may be several years before

the benefit to lab work shows; negates one decade of one’s age) it by the survival rate calculated above.
apprentices may start with was assumed that these five-year
penalties to Intelligence due to mortality rates corresponded to an
their age (ArM5, page 29) and entire stage. A Spring magus has the Events
will have mediocre Magic mortality rate of a 30-year old peer, a The model simulated the effects of
Theory for much of the fifteen Summer magus is the same as a 35- historical events of the Order of
years; year old peer, an Autumn magus Hermes. These events were not part
equivalent to a 40-year old peer, a of the standard algorithm, but were
 Many magi, particularly older
Winter magus to a 50-year old peer, interjected at the appropriate points
ones, won’t be willing to put in the simulation.
and a Deep Winter magus to a 60-
up with successions of childish
year old peer.
behaviour, pre-pubescent
mood swings, and adolescent Initial Conditions
infatuation. Survival Rates The initial condition of the model
These raw mortality rates, for has already been stated: 3 Spring magi
Survival within Stage apprentices and magi, are expressed (Birna, Tremere, Trianoma), 7
Summer magi (Diedne, Flambeau,
To obtain survival rates it is as deaths per 5 years. Since the time
step of the model is 7 years, the Guernicus, Jerbiton, Mercere, Tytalus,
necessary to examine mortality rates Verditius), and 3 Autumn magi
in medieval Europe. mortality rates must be inflated by a
power of 7/5ths to account for the (Bonisagus, Criamon, Merinita)
difference, and converted into a
Apprentice Mortality survival rate (rather than a mortality Immigration
Pre-adult mortality was high in rate) by subtracting from 1. Finally,
the survival rates must be multiplied As well as internal recruitment (i.e.
medieval Eur ope. As cadi & the training of apprentices), there is
Nemeskeri (1970). report that 20% of by the proportion of magi remaining
in the stage in each seven years to also recruitment from outside as the
children who had survived the first Order adopts wizards trained in a
year of their life (which itself had a obtain the survival within stage.
different tradition. In the early years
25% mortality) died before age 20. of the Order recruitment was
This corresponds to an average of 50
deaths per thousand in a five year
Advancement to Next assumed to be high, since the “Join or
Die” indictment was rigidly followed.
period, or 69 deaths per thousand in a Stage An estimate of 14 new recruits per
seven year period. While it is true that The final set of variables needed seven year time step was used (an
magi can lessen the risk of death by for the Lefkovitch matrix model is average of 2 per year). In modern
disease and starvation for their the proportion advancing to the next times, recruitment was assumed to be
apprentices, the status of a Hermetic stage in each 7 year time step. The a much rarer event, about 1 Order-
apprentice is inherently more proportion moving to each stage is wide per seven years. Between these
dangerous than that of other children equal to 7 divided by the stage two extremes, a sigmoidal decline was
in Mythic Europe. It is therefore duration. However, this proportion assumed centred about the troubled
assumed that this mortality rate is includes those magi who will die in times of the eleventh century. All
applicable to apprentices. the stage rather than remain in the immigrants were presumed to be 70%
stage, so this needs to be multiplied Spring and 30% Summer, on the
Magus Mortality
To get an idea about survival rates Magus Mortality
for magi, the survival for the nobility
in the Medieval period was examined Age of Deaths Deaths per 1000 Equivalent
Sub Rosa

as a start point. Hollingsworth (1985) Peer per 1000 (7 year) magus age
published a life table for English 30 23 32 Spring
peers in 5 year intervals: 35 45 62 Summer
The survival rates of a magus 40 111 152 Autumn
should demonstrate a similar pattern 45 176 237
to nobility, except magic extends life 50 179 241 Winter
beyond a mortal span. In deference to 55 304 398
the Hermetic longevity ritual (where
every point of a longevity ritual 60 437 553 Deep Winter

understanding that younger wizards The Schism War This is an oversimplification of the
will more readily adapt to Hermetic mechanism of the Great Mortality,
magic; whereas old wizards, as well as In time step 35 (1012 AD), each which did not affect all of Mythic
being less common, were less likely to stage was reduced by 30.2%. This Europe at the same time, nor did it
adapt to new ways. Immigrating magi corresponds to the loss of all of affect it equally. However, it
were added to the new population in House Diedne (one twelfth of the represents a worst-case scenario with
each time step, after which time they Order), plus the loss of a third of two respect to the impact of the Black
are assumed to have assimilated into houses (Tremere, Flambeau), a Death.
the Order and are treated as any other quarter of four houses (Bonisagus, Ex
Hermetic magus. Miscellanea, Guernicus, Jerbiton), and
a fifth of the remaining six houses. Sources of Data
Each of the non-Diedne houses was
House Ex Miscellanea assumed to constitute an equal Ascadi, G & Nemeskeri, J. (1970)
In time step 7 (corresponding to proportion of the remaining eleven- History of Human Life Span and
816 AD), the size of the Order was twelfths of the Order (once Diedne M or talit y. Ak adem ia i Kiado,
doubled. had been removed). Budapest.
Hollingsworth, T.H. (1985) A note
The Great Mortality on the medieval longevity of the
The Purge of House secular peerage 1350 -– 1500.
Tytalus Between time steps 84 and 92 Population Studies 29 (1) 155 – 159
(1355 -– 1411 AD), the production
In time step 28 (963 AD), the rate was reduced to 75% of its McEvedy, C. and Jones, R. (1978).
Order lost 7 Apprentices, 6 Spring previous value to represent a 25% Atlas of World Population History.
magi, 7 Summer magi, 4 Autumn mortality in the general population Penguin, Harmondsworth.
magi, and 1 Winter maga (Tasgillia (and thus fewer apprentices available
herself). These numbers have no basis for training). Mortality rates for each
other than what seems reasonable; the stage were recalculated based on an
seven apprentices are those assumed increase of 25% in all deaths per
to be in training from the other magi. thousand.

Sub Rosa

Appendix: Population Size of the Order of Hermes over Time

Year Size Year Size Year Size Year Size

767 13 998 740 1229 1300 1460 1923
774 26 1005 764 1236 1332 1467 1967
781 40 1012 558 1243 1365 1474 2016
788 53 1019 579 1250 1399 1481 2065
795 65 1026 599 1257 1433 1488 2115
802 78 1033 619 1264 1470 1495 2168
809 92 1040 640 1271 1506 1502 2221
816 200 1047 660 1278 1544 1509 2275
823 214 1054 678 1285 1581 1516 2331
830 229 1061 700 1292 1622 1523 2389
837 247 1068 720 1299 1661 1530 2448
844 264 1075 741 1306 1703 1537 2509
851 282 1082 761 1313 1744 1544 2569
858 303 1089 784 1320 1787 1551 2633
865 322 1096 804 1327 1833 1558 2699
872 341 1103 825 1334 1876 1565 2765
879 362 1110 848 1341 1924 1572 2832
886 383 1117 870 1348 1971 1579 2901
893 403 1124 892 1355 1967 1586 2972
900 424 1131 916 1362 1940 1593 3046
907 446 1138 940 1369 1901 1600 3121
914 468 1145 964 1376 1860 1607 3197
921 491 1152 989 1383 1819 1614 3276
928 515 1159 1013 1390 1778 1621 3355
935 538 1166 1038 1397 1737 1628 3437
942 561 1173 1066 1404 1700 1635 3523
949 585 1180 1093 1411 1663
956 609 1187 1120 1418 1671
963 616 1194 1148 1425 1701
970 639 1201 1177 1432 1741
977 663 1208 1207 1439 1785
984 689 1215 1238 1446 1831
Sub Rosa

991 713 1222 1267 1453 1876

From the Journal of
Vulcanis Argens
B eing the journal of
Vulcanis Argens of House
Verditius, discovered during the
have been a wonder to behold and a
joy to enchant.
itself must allow the same. Then there
is the matter of operating through not
just one but potentially two Aegis of
There are a number of ways in
Vernal Inquisition after the fall of which this could be done, of course, the Hearth rituals. The thought of my
Donum Chanuti. Let its secrets from physically moving the pieces, to device being seen as so weak that it
inform the Order: enchanting a mundane seated at the must be granted a casting token in
table, to creating the illusion of the each of the two rituals cannot be
chessboard and all the pieces in its countenanced. I confess to a moment
Extract from the journal of of despondency.
Vulcanis Argens: entirety.
But the cost of any of these Then the thought occurred. What
I have experienced an epiphany. if I could make a device that could
Golias of Tytalus, magus of options would be too high. The time
to enchant such a device would be learn? The device could, and almost
Blackthorn, player of chess, healed naturally would, start with no prior
me of my wounds. Though I could do long and with little future benefit to
myself beyond the possible gratitude knowledge of the game, its pieces,
little to help him in his ritual, we did rules, objectives, or strategies, but
pick up a discussion started, as I of one magus in one covenant. There
would still be difficulties in using the would learn through exposure to the
reminded him, seven years ago at the games of a master. As it learned, it
last tribunal. device with a player sitting some way
distant. Either the players would need would pose an increasing challenge to
Golias has trouble finding chess some means of communication cast that master.
opponents as those in his covenant alongside their game, or the device Enchanting a device to move
seem to take little interest in the
game. Those few opponents he does
know live some way distant, too far
for a regular game. He has been
reduced to playing against visiting
Redcaps, the few mundanes of rank
who visit Blackthorn, and even an
erratic familiar with pretensions
above its station.
I consider that I can solve his
problem, given a little time and the
required resources. However, while I
now have a plan to work to, I did take
the wrong path at first.
I had initially proposed a device
that would allow him to play against a
Sub Rosa

given opponent many leagues distant.

But the only way I could imagine the
device working was through
sympathetic connections. In essence
the boards or some part of the device
would be linked to another identical
item. As the chess pieces were
moved, so the movement would be
replicated on the other board. It was a
sound prospect and the device would

pieces around a board is child’s play; I am not comfortable with that on confound my house and secure my
an apprentice could do it within a both moral and professional grounds reputation?
season. But for the device to hold and as well as for self-preservation My mind whirls with the prospect,
use tactics, a strategy even? How reasons. Such a course seems cruel to but I find myself with so many things
could it be done? the spirit, entirely at odds with my to attend to that I must fight now to
Unfortunately, I know of no craft, and likely to bring heavy remain focussed.
secrets held by my House that would retributions when whatever tortured
spirit I bind into the device eventually There is first the commission I
allow such a thing, indeed, all my need to enchant, that great burrowing
knowledge suggests that many have works its way free. I cannot guarantee
that the spirit will turn its attentions beast able to dig lengthy tunnels
tried and failed such a thing. The underground. My success in that will
automata, one of our most valued to the game and not to escape or
vengeance. I should not like to read fund my future work. For this I need
secrets, are limited constructions some knowledge of carpentry as the
more suited to the expression of of Golias being murdered in his sleep
by his own chess set. Such news device is to be made of wood and
hubris than to the creation of a while I can shape iron and make steel,
reasoning entity. would surely be detrimental to my
reputation and to the prospect of the last time I took chisel to plank I
But what if I could succeed where future commission. near skinned my thumb.
others have failed? I have also promised a suit of
No! I have to find a way to give a
There are some within Verditius device its own cognition. The device armour of some kind to Benedic in
and beyond that could bind spirits must, in itself, have awareness of return for his support. It was for
into devices. I could learn from them itself, its boundaries and its function. support already given, but I secured
and bind a spirit into a form made to It must possess the power of thought that with the promise of the armour. I
look human but moved by magic so that it can conceive strategies and intend to secure his vote and support
under the spirit’s guide. The device see them through, and it must have, again when I actually deliver it. I have
would have some capacity to learn, at its core, the ability to learn. It must not yet told him that I first need to
though not much as I understand, have the capacity for improvement. learn both the art of making armour
and would be able to respond How else will it pose the unexpected and the Verditius art of bringing out
instantly to its opponent’s moves as challenge that Golias so desires? And its inner quality.
required. how else will I create a device to This I feel I must do before
learning carpentry. I must set my
plans and keep to them. So, I must
first study with Junius. He will teach
me the last I need to know of the
House secrets and then teach me how
to bring out the inner natural quality
of items. That, I think is the next two
seasons fully described. Then it is to
armoury and then it is to the armour
itself, and then it is to bringing out its
This time next year I shall seek out
the covenant’s master carpenter. I
shall study under him for a season.
Then I shall construct the Beast that
Dwells Within the Firmament.
Sub Rosa

But after that, plans must be put

in place. What knowledge has been
lost and what is yet to be found?
More importantly, where might I find

Extract from the journal of I mean that literally. My magic has Verditius’ powers from before the
Vulcanis Argens: been recommitted to the mysteries of Order. There is no doubt that what
The tribunal has concluded. Few House Verditius and it is only now Junius told me is true and while I
were upset that Cad Gadu had not that I appreciate just how limiting cannot commit his words to this
attended and most seemed satisfied at Bonisagus’ grand theory of magic has journal it is enough to say that I have
our explanation, though I think there been. There is so much more beyond gained further respect and love for
were raised eyebrows at the mention mere Technique and Form, wonders my House and its founder.
of the heirs to Gwrhyr having claimed and knowledge that the Order has I spent a further season in creating
the island. lost. Simple spells now feel so limiting a minor enchantment. It was a small
and if the knowledge I have gained silver balance, similar in form to one I
I detected a murmur of respect through just this first initiation into
when my efforts were described. use for most projects within my
the mysteries of my House may be laboratory. It was enchanted with a
Though I seek renown within my used as a marker then what power
House, as a master of my art, I do not simple effect to allow the user to
and capabilities lie beyond? sense all the mundane properties of
think I am comfortable with so many
others knowing my name, at least not The power to bring out the an object placed upon one plate and
when it comes to adventurous inherent quality of a tool, as all things then counterbalanced by a set of lead
matters. However, I hope at least that are, from weapon to hammer to weights. I created a mundane partner
it might aid my efforts to be plough to cloak to crown, to make to this balance, casting both from the
commissioned in future. the wielder of that tool more same batch of silver.
proficient in their tasks, is a wondrous Junius oversaw, though did not
thing indeed. With just a season of participate in the enchantment
Extract from the journal of effort, I can make a shield grog excel process.
Vulcanis Argens: in his duties, take a craftsman from
journeyman to master, or turn a I had not expected it, but we then
I have returned at last from prince into a king. journeyed to Verdi where we were
studying under Master Junius. It has apparently expected. While the ritual
been some months since I last saw However, these lofty ambitions there, which resulted in the loss of
my journal and I greet it now as a have been hard-won. I have spent both the balances I had created, will
changed man. many weeks learning lore about the not be described here, I will say that it
founding of my House and master was a day of great solemnity. The
next day however was given over to a
celebration and I even had the
opportunity to become reacquainted
with old friends I had met during my
years away from Donum Chanuti.
House Verditius wrongly has a
reputation for in-fighting, petty
squabbles, jealousy, and unrestrained
pride. I saw none of these things
during my time at Verdi. My
ascension was rightly welcomed as a
blessing to the House and not a
threat. No doubt word of my heroism
at Cad Gadu had reached them.
I did however detect some
Sub Rosa

consternation among the elders of the

House, though I was not privy to the
nature of the discussions.
On my return to Donum Chanuti,
I have found that Halbert has
maintained my forge and laboratory
well enough in my absence. I have
had to give him correction on only
four items.

Extract from the journal of
Vulcanis Argens:
The talk around the covenant is
that Valeria is intent on finding an
apprentice. My feelings on this are
conflicted. I find myself unexpectedly
jealous of her in that neither my Arts
nor my attention is currently suitable
for the raising of an apprentice. It is
my duty to do so and I shall learn and
gain much from the experience, but
my work keeps me occupied to the
point that I cannot yet conceive of
taking a child into my confidences
and my forge.
Also unexpectedly, I find that I
wish her well in her search. For
Donum Chanuti to survive it must
embrace the future. For all their
power and insight, neither Charonicus
nor Legalitus are forward-thinking.
Their bitter dispute serves only to
undermine the covenant, something I
shall avoid when I am Princeps. A
new apprentice in the covenant
would, I think, be a cause for
celebration. Now, if I could convince change. He spends far too much time
a Bonisagus to take the apprentice alone in the woodland upon our
before gauntlet we can avoid swelling Extract from the journal of
island, alone with nobody but his dog Vulcanis Argens:
the ranks of House Guernicus and whatever spirits he can conjure
further. forth from those woods. Benedic’s armour is finished at last
We had a visit from the redcap and I am pleased with the outcome. It
It seems a little insular to me and I is of a stout leather construction, but
this last week, which prompted do wonder upon what topics he and
Halbert to recall events that had that leather is scored with a pattern of
his spirits converse. leaves, trees, and vines, and the
happened during the seasons of my
absence. My forge is well-placed that pattern filled with silver which shines
a man taking a well-earned break Extract from the journal of brightly in the presence of light.
from the working of metal may sit Vulcanis Argens: By the Mysteries of my House, the
outside and observe southwards to I have spent the season since last armour is as strong as steel and will
the tower and northwards to the end attending to my journal working in a give Benedic the protection he craves.
of the village and to the jetty upon series of mundane workshops in both I have convinced Benedic that our
which the ferryman hitches his punt. Rye and Winchelsea under two master former deal still stands and that his
Halber t innocent ly obs er ved craftsmen. The first was to gain an support is mine when the time comes,
Bellatorius handing the redcap a understanding of leatherworking, but and I think that time draws very close
number of sealed letters, apparently in
Sub Rosa

the body of learning was from a indeed.

a secret and furtive manner. Winchelsea armourer who taught me I also took the time to make
Bellatorius has not disclosed being enough to create a competent leather myself a new chisel in preparation for
in communication with any other cuirass for Benedic. the carpentry that I have in front of
magi beyond the covenant. Indeed Though I am more used to me. Perhaps, in making and
despite my observing the same working with iron and steel, I should sharpening my own it will be less
phenomenon this last week he made not like the job of making mail by inclined to turn against its master and
no attempt to explain his actions. hand. I think I should rather create a attempt the removal of my thumb.
With Benedic there seems little spell to achieve the same in future.

An Eternal Love
T his scenario is not a typical
Ars Magica story, a game
that reaches its full potential when
magi of Hermes who formerly
mocked him, humiliated him,
doubted of his sorcerous skills before
By Jérôme Darmont

campaigning. It has indeed been refusing to admit him into their Diane’s message
specifically designed for a one-shot Order. Évrard d’Ange himself might Évrard, my love. We have been apart
game, in convention and/or for succumb to wrath and seek to avenge for too long. I am burning with the desire
initiation. Initially published in the the death of his beloved, while other to meet you again. My father will be
French fanzine Ars Mag sometime characters retaliate on the mercenaries
away from Miglos tonight. Some pressing
last millennium, when the current who mistreated them…
edition of Ars Magica was the third, matter calls him at the earl’s and he will
it is available for the first time in only be back tomorrow. Come and meet
English, and for ArM5! Act I: Tarascon’s me in my bedroom in the keep after dusk.
I am yours for eternity.
Introduction Tarascon’s fair, if not the most

The theme of this story is revenge. important in the area, still attracts a
lot of traders from the whole county In the early afternoon, the Baron
Characters are confronted with the
and beyond. Quinault, the covenant’s of Miglos shows up at the fair. He is a
way revenge obsesses men to their
autocrat, can find here anything the barrel-chested man with a reputation
demise, never allowing them any rest,
Covenant needs: food, cattle, drapery for being hot-headed. He generally
even when that revenge has been
and even glassware that can be used displays a fierce air and his disheveled
in a maga’s lab. During this first day, beard does not make him more
Carel of Miglos is burning with let the characters explore merchant agreeable. In this occasion, the baron
hatred for his brother the baron, who stalls, muse in the motley crowd is accompanied by all his family,
sent him to crusade more than fifteen (barkers, beggars, acrobats…) including his daughter Diane and his
years ago. He only dreams on taking throughout the city. If you wish so, brother Carel. This is a great
revenge from him and usurping his roleplay Quinault’s shopping, keen opportunity for the Storyguide to
title in retaliation. Herios, the hedge describe all the protagonists of this
negotiations, etc.
magician, bears a grudge against the story, and for Évrard to approach
Diane of Miglos at last! However, skill
Presentation is also an opportunity for easing off, and subtlety are required not to alert
especially for Évrard d’Ange, who has her irascible father. Moreover, Diane
(to read to the players) is surrounded by her mother’s
been singing the beauty of his beloved
“You are all members of the Covenant companions. A simple diversion can
Diane of Miglos ever since you left
of Bentalone, located in the Provencal nonetheless help the young lady give
Bentalone. Évrard a message…
Tribunal. On this beautiful spring day in
the year of our Lord 1215, you have been “You reached Tarascon-sur-Ariège late Note: Characters are very free
traveling for three days through the last night. There, a whole room was during this first day. The Storyguide
Sub Rosa

County of Foix, heading to Tarascon-sur- booked for you at the Three Ducks Inn. will have a difficult task not to favor
Ariège’s fair, which is held again this At dawn, the small city is already anybody by focusing, for instance,
year, despite much agitation in the area humming with activity. You can bet it will only on the most important
(the Albigensian crusade rages and become quiet again only when the fair characters, i.e., magi. So that
ends, in three days from now on.” everybody has fun, other characters,
Raymond-Roger, Earl of Foix, fights it and particularly grogs, must have their
fervently). Your mission is to provide the share of exposure. Good roleplaying
Covenant with food and various supplies, opportunities include, for instance, a
whose stores are dangerously low. The fair minor dispute with young, drunk

people on the fair field, or Éthaine The Storyguide must nonetheless on the remaining guards, the
the apprentice witnessing a beggar kid ensure that Évrard can eventually characters may realize that all the
being bullied by two bigger boys, etc. meet Diane. Miglos castle is about baron’s knights, as well as most of the
three miles south of Tarascon-sur- foot soldiers, are on duty at the Earl
Ariège, ideally located at the top of a of Foix’. Some are worried about the
Act II: Romantic hill dominating the surrounding castle’s security, for bands of
valley. mercenaries from all over Mythic
Rendezvous Europe have recently arrived in the
While Évrard d’Ange sneaks into
In the evening, Évrard d’Ange Diane of Miglos’ bedroom and lovers area to give the crusaders a hand. The
must go to Miglos to meet his belle. savor their reunion, the characters characters also probably notice Carel
He probably takes with him a couple who came along may notice of Miglos and his friend Herios
of companions, who can undoubtedly (Perception + Awareness roll of 6+) coming and going. More particularly,
be of great help. It is indeed not so that the soldiers defending the castle they can be seen walking on the
easy, even for a magus, to sneak into are quite few. Visiting the stables northern rampart twice this night.
a well-guarded fortress. Any help helps confirm that a fair number of Two hours after midnight, stupor!
(magical, diversion…) is welcome. steeds are missing. By cleverly spying The baron is back earlier than

Map key: top of the tower sits a wooden 6) Chapel.

hut where guards shelter when 7) Commons (kitchen, servants’
1) Keep. On the first floor, an
the weather is bad. There are quarters, etc.)
entrance hall can become an
always two guards here, scruti-
arms room in case of siege. 8) Courtyard. In clay (i.e., a mud field
nizing the surrounding valley. when the weather is wet), it bears a
Food supplies are piled up in
Sub Rosa

the cellar below. The castle’s 2) Press. well in its center.

great hall lies on the second 3) Oven and mill. 9) Stables.
floor. The baron’s knights usu-
4) North turret. This small round 10) Postern. Two square towers frame
ally sleep here. The third floor is tower, crenellated and thickly the drawbridge and portcullis.
used exclusively by the baron’s walled, is actually a wheat silo.
family. It is subdivided into a 11) Guards’ quarters.
half-dozen bedrooms (Diane’s 5) Ramparts. They are equipped all- 12) Moat. It is ten feet deep and partly
along with crenels and a covered filled with water when it rains.
is on the east side, fortunately way. Rounds occur every hour.
for Évrard). At the crenelated

expected! He and his entourage look Inn (let us not forget the other dream. The Storyguide may describe
exhausted and get in the fortress characters who might have stayed it only to Évrard’s player. Diane of
without a din, so that Évrard and here), a party goes on. The Miglos, or rather her image, for she
Diane cannot hear them (remember atmosphere is friendly and drinking looks translucent, appears to Évrard.
that Diane’s windows open to the rounds succeed to one another, while She bends over his bed and speaks.
outside of the castle, to the east). a troubadour pleases his audience Her voice is strange, toneless. She
Their friends may attempt to warn the with songs and tales. Then, around tells Évrard she loves him, always will,
lovers, but it is already too late… A ten o’clock, a whole troop of German and never wanted to leave him. Her
couple of minutes after entering the mercenaries (half a dozen overall) gaze is full of sadness. Évrard wakes
keep, the baron errupts into Diane’s comes into the inn. They are up sweating at this point, and realizes
bedroom. Mad with rage, he brutally apparently already quite drunk, and Diane still stands in his room. As
catches Évrard d’Ange and throws very vindictive. They verbally attack soon as he tries to talk to her or come
him out manu militari. The baron anyone coming too close to the bar, closer, her image vanishes, leaving the
being a strong fellow, we can bet that before provoking the bard, who sings young magus distraught and unable to
Évrard cannot resist much. To sissy songs to their taste. They are so fall asleep again.
reassure the young magus, the unbearable that a fight soon breaks The other characters only rest for
Storyguide should mention that the off in the inn (maybe caused by the a couple of hours too, for they are
baron does not draw his sword. characters). Damages should only be also waken up at dawn by dull noises
Évrard ends up wearing only his shirt, material (at the innkeeper’s great and shouts (long-term fatigue, if any,
and is ruthlessly thrown into the moat distress; he desperately tries to save is not recovered). If they have a
from the drawbridge (damage +3). his endangered furniture), or benign glance by the window, they realize
The baron, who had not spoken at all for the characters, unless one of them that the inn is literally assaulted by a
until then, leaves him with a laconic draws a weapon, in which case the troop of a dozen men (yesterday’s
warning: “Don’t you ever lay your mercenaries do the same. In all cases, German mercenaries, with
hands on my daughter, bastard!” the party is spoiled and everybody reinforcement!). If the characters can
Note: If Évrard wonders how the goes back home, more or less hear their conversation with the
baron could come upon him, sickened, while the mercenaries leave terrified innkeeper (Perception +
although he was quite discreet, let him the place laughing out loud, delighted Awareness roll of 9+; words are
wonder. In fact, Herios, Carel of by this “good fight”. stifled), they realize they are searched
Miglos’ advisor, felt his presence with for. And certainly not for good deeds!
his magic (Intellego Mentem) and, by
sheer wickedness (Diane of Miglos
Act III: A Rough The characters must react swiftly
to be able to run away, but a little
does not like him very much), Awakening magic should help. Then, the
“incited” the baron to check whether mercenaries chase them mercilessly;
his daughter was sleeping alone. The Late at night, all characters
they have been paid very generously
tired baron easily succumbed to the probably join together at the Three
to catch Évrard d’Ange. The
hedge magician’s spell. Ducks for a few hours of sleep. At
characters may also decide to surprise
about half-past four in the morning,
Meanwhile, at the Three Ducks the assailants and confront them on
Évrard d’Ange has a disturbing

German Mercenary Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Characteristics: Int -1, Per +1, Prs 0, Com -1, Str +1, Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Inca-
Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +1 pacitated (16-20)
Size: 0 Core Abilities: German 4, Langue d’Oc 2, Brawl 3,
Great Weapon 4, Bows 3, Carouse (Drinking) 1
Age: about 20
Sub Rosa

Encumbrance: 3 (7)
Personality Traits: Bold +1, Greedy +3, Rude +2
Reputation: Lawless (Local, Tarascon-sur-Ariège) 2
Fist: Init -2, Atk +5, Def +4, Dam+1
Long Spear: Init +1, Atk +9, Def +6, Dam +8
Short Bow: Init -3, Atk +8, Def +4, Dam +7
Soak: +5 (Partial Leather Scale)

Map Key: forbidden by the Code of Hermes the woods must be found);
anyway). The brawl may also end up
1) Dining Room  Seek shelter in a church (a
with Évrard’s capture if the characters
2) Stable solution that would greatly
do not manage very well. Other
displease Martin, and that
3) Innkeeper and wife’s bedroom characters but Évrard, whom the
would be temporary anyway
mercenaries are not interested in, for the mercenaries would
4) Kitchen
must then free him, for instance when simply “besiege” the holy
5) Hall (where poor customers he is transferred to Miglos.
sleep) building – unless the characters
If the characters can run away find a way to leave under
6) Individual Bedrooms from the inn and the town, they must disguise);
7) Dorm still find a way to get rid of the tough
 Run back to Bentalone to
8) Characters’ Dorm mercenaries. They have several
request the protection of the
solutions, including the following
Grand Council, which
(non-exhaustive list):
dispatches grogs to take care of
the spot. With luck, they might well  Ambush them on favorable the mercenaries, but orders the
get rid of them, but this fight might terrain; characters to sort this all out,
also make them unwanted in  Penetrate into a forest and try and without attracting outside
Tarascon (especially if they make use to lose the Germans (a mean attention to the Covenant, this
of blatant magic, which is formally of taking a panicked Éthaine in time!

Horst, Mercenary Captain Pole Axe: Init -3, Atk +14, Def +5, Dam +13
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Prs 0, Com -2, Str +2, Soak: +10 (Full Metal Scale)
Sta +3, Dex +2, Qik -2 Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Size: +1 Wound Penalties: -1 (1-6), -3 (7-12), -5 (13-18), Inca-
Age: 30 pacitated (19-24)
Sub Rosa

Confidence Score: 1 (3) Core Abilities: German 4, Langue d’Oc 3, Fist 3, Great
Weapon 7, Hunt 3, Ride 3, Leadership 3
Personality Traits: Brave +2, Ambitious +1, Greedy
+2, Harsh +1 Encumbrance: 2 (9)
Reputation: Cruel (Local, Tarascon-sur-Ariège) 2
Fist: Init -4, Atk +5, Def +1, Dam +2

stronger party (the crusaders) to save needs his own soldiers to defend the
If the characters manage to his fief. Yes, his fief! He never place). Since the bounty offered by
capture a mercenary, they can learn forgave his brother for sending him the baron was much bigger than
some pieces of information. The on crusade (in the Orient, this time) anything the moneyless Carel of
Germans have been hired by the fifteen years ago. He came back Miglos could pay, Horst opted for
Baron of Miglos to bring Évrard wounded, both in his flesh and soul, short-term profit, especially since it
d’Ange back to the castle. The baron with the firm will to take revenge and looked a priori much easier to capture
indeed holds him responsible for the usurp his brother’s title (he thinks he Évrard d’Ange than seizing the
death of his daughter Diane, who deserves it more than him, anyway). fortress of Miglos!
threw herself down from a tower. On the way back from the Orient, in
Greece, he met his henchman Herios.
That’s all the mercenaries know.
Herios, considered as a hedge Act IV: Return to
magician, was chased by members of
Some Explanations the Order of Hermes from the Miglos
Theban Tribunal. He took the At this stage, the characters must
for the Storyguide opportunity to fly away with Carel, go back to Miglos and investigate.
seduced by his promises of power in Some of them are probably not
Diane of Miglos is really dead. Her the distant land of Languedoc…
ghost actually paid a visit to Évrard willing to. If necessary, push Évrard’s
this morning. After her father threw For now, Carel of Miglos’ plans player to convince them. If Évrard
her lover out of Miglos, the young are gravely jeopardized. The baron himself is discouraged, have Diane’s
lady was furious. Locked in her room, indeed entered a mad rage when he ghost intervene to beg him to come
her door watched by two guards, she learnt of his daughter’s demise to Miglos. Then, the characters must
was steaming against so much (Herios did not even need to “help” imagine a cover to enter the castle.
injustice. She decided to talk to her him with his sorcery). The problem is For instance, they may stand as
father to convince him to accept her that, dismissing his principles, the entertainers, who are generally
love for Évrard. Knowing he was bar on hir ed Hors t and his welcome everywhere, even
busy by the stable despite the late mercenaries at a high price to bring (especially?) in these troubled times.
hour, she fooled her guardians and Évrard d’Ange back to Miglos (he Évrard must nonetheless shift his
took the north covered way. That is
where she interrupted her uncle Carel
discussing with Horst, the mercenary
captain, who was down the walls. She
quickly understood they were plotting
an attack against the castle, taking
advantage of the small number of
defenders available. Horrified, she
was about to walk back when Herios
stood in the way. She had just been
the witness of a very embarrassing
transaction. Thus, Carel and Herios
coldly decided to throw her down the
north turret… This was meant to
look like a suicide. It was half-past
four in the morning.
Carel of Miglos and his brother
Sub Rosa

the baron have quite different ideas

about politics. Although both agree
on preserving their domain from the
crusade, their opinions about how to
do it vary widely. The baron, as his
overlord the Earl of Foix, considers
Cathars benevolently and considers
crusaders as invaders, while Carel
would prefer to compound with the

should make the characters think
twice. Why did Diane of Miglos
throw herself from the north turret
instead of her room’s window? What
was her uncle doing in the area right
in the middle of the night?
Diane of Miglos’ body lies in the
chapel. Since she committed suicide,
Father Valeray, by order of the
bishop, refuses to give her Christian
sacraments (thence, her ghost still
wanders this earth). This put the
baron into rage, but he could not deal
with the issue, being summoned to
Foix again for an emergency. It is
probably the sole opportunity for
Évrard to use his Whispers Through
the Black Gate spell and discover
how his beloved died. It should also
strengthen Évrard’s will to unmask
Diane’s murderers so as she rests in
Quinault the autocrat may have a
vision of the murder if he walks on
the north rampart. Then, he falls into
a trance and “witnesses” the terrible
end of Diane of Miglos.
All these clues should lead the
characters to take interest in Carel of
Miglos and Herios. Skilfully spying
their conversations or a possible new
appearance not to be recognized. By questioning castle guards or meeting with Horst shall eventually
servants, the characters may learn that confirm the characters’ suspicion. But
Once inside the fortress, the
Diane of Miglos threw herself from beware! Herios might detect spies
characters must uncover the
the north turret. Carel of Miglos, the magically (Intellego Mentem). If he
circumstances of Diane of Miglos’
baron’s brother, heard her shout and has the slightest suspicion, Carel of
death. Here are a couple of possible
arrived first on the spot. Something Miglos and he will first try to

Carel of Miglos Soak: +8 (Partial Chain Mail)

Characteristics: Int +1, Per -1, Prs -1, Com +1, Str +1, Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik 0 Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Inca-
Size: 0 pacitated (16-20)
Age: 35 Core Abilities: Langue d’Oc 4, Arabic 3, Single Weapon
Sub Rosa

7, Bows 4, Ride 4, Intrigue 4

Confidence Score: 1 (2)
Encumbrance: 3 (7)
Personality Traits: Bitter +5, Vengeful +6, Treacherous
+4, Scornful +2
Reputation: Bitter (Local, Miglos) 1
Long Sword & Shield: Init -1, Atk +13, Def +11, Dam +7
Short Bow: Init -4, Atk +9, Def +4, Dam +7

incriminate the characters in the characters should have restored the though) in a convention context.
murder, and then, if they fail, try to truth regarding Diane of Miglos’ They are enumerated in order of
eliminate them, and eventually, run death when the baron returns. Even if importance.
away. Carel of Miglos escaped, he is now in 1) The circumstances of Diane of
When the baron is back two days disgrace, while Évrard d’Ange, by Miglos have been uncovered.
later, a good way to bring the light on allowing Diane’s Christian burying,
instates in the baron a new esteem for 2) Carel of Miglos has been
the whole story and convict Carel is delivered to his brother.
to find Horst and convince him to tell him. The whole troupe is invited by
what he knows. Paying him well will the baron to stay a couple of days in 3) Herios the hedge magician has
definitely work, but threatening him Miglos. been put out of harm’s way.
might also do the job. However, There is still an issue remaining, 4) Diane of Miglos’ soul has been
accusing the baron’s brother without though. Even after Diane of Miglos’ appeased.
proof is a very bad idea… burying, her ghost keeps haunting
Évrard every night at half-past four in 5) Magi did not infringe the Code
If the characters are really lost and of Hermes and, notably, did
cannot understand what happened, the morning. The lady’s soul cannot
depart for Diane cannot bear leaving not make flagrant usage of
have Diane of Miglos’ ghost guide magic among mortals.
them. For instance, she can push her great love. Only Évrard can
them toward her uncle or Herios. If appease her and allow her to rest in 6) The covenant of Bentalone has
Herios realizes what the characters peace, at last. He knows a spell for been, despite all these events,
are doing at this stage, he will this sake (Lay to Rest the Haunting correctly resupplied.
probably decide to use Diane’s ghost Spirit) and it should be easy (the Spirit 7) The German mercenary troop
against the characters. He can indeed Might of Diane’s ghost is 10). As the headed by Horst has been
control her with the help of the Storyguide, try to bring a lot of disbanded.
Incantation of Summoning the Dead emotion into this end scene and make
and Coerce the Spirits of the Night it as moving as possible.
spells, and make her decoy the
characters toward the German
Assessing player
Act V: Untying The following points help evaluate
the degree of player accomplishment
If everything goes well, the in this story (but not roleplaying feats,

Herios the Hedge Magician tated (13-16)

Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Prs -3, Com +1, Str -1, Core Abilities: Greek 4, Arabic 4, Langue d’Oc 3, Folk
Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik 0 Ken 2, Brawl (Defense) 6, Entrancement 5, Philosophiae 3,
Magic Lore 3, Order of Hermes Lore 1, Penetration
Size: -1
(Entrancement) 5
Age: apparently 40
Powers: Magic Resistance 20, Equivalent of the 5 Tech-
Confidence Score: 1 (3) niques 0, Equivalent of Mentem 20, Mentem spells up to
Personality Traits: Deceitful +3, Brave -3, Unctuous Level 25 (inevitably casted by chanting a heady recitative**)
+2, Mischievous +2 * The blade is covered with poison. Any wounded char-
acter must roll a 9+ Stamina stress die every round. In case
Sub Rosa

Reputations: Weird (Local, Miglos) 1, Hedge magus

(Hermetic, Tribunal of Thebes) 3 of failure, the victim loses one fatigue level. When all fa-
Combat: tigue levels are lost, more and more serious wounds are
suffered. One single successful Stamina roll stops the ef-
Fist: Init +2, Atk +7, Def +7, Dam -1 fects of poison. A botch directly renders the victim inca-
Dagger: Init +2, Atk +9, Def +7, Dam +2* pacitated.
Soak: +3 (Partial Fur) ** Which lowers Évrard d’Ange’s Parma Magica.
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious Encumbrance: 2 (2)
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-4), -3 (5-8), -5 (9-12), Incapaci-

Évrard d’Ange, Magus of House Jerbiton Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15) +19: modifies
the target’s appearance (p. 131)
Characteristics: Intelligence (Quick-witted) +3, Per-
ception (Carefree) -2, Presence (Handsome) +2, Commu- Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit (PeMe 20) +11: appeas-
nication (Beautiful voice) +1, Strength (Frail) -1, Stamina es a spirit, a ghost (p. 150)
(Alert) +1, Dexterity (Legerdemain) +1, Quickness Thoughts Within Babble (InMe 25) +15: allows under-
(Nonchalant) -1 standing foreign languages (p. 149)
Size: 0 Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10) +9: makes the
Age: 26 target look more credible, stronger (p. 145)
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Wizard Sigil: A couple of melodious music notes
Virtues and Flaws: Hermetic Magus, The Gift, Gentle Vis: 3 pawns of Corpus
Gift, Quiet Magic, Subtle Magic, True Love (Diane of Encumbrance: 1 (1)
Miglos), Deficient Technique (Perdo), Flawed Parma Magi-
ca (when the spell caster chants), Weak Enchanter
Personality Traits: Passionate +3, Frivolous +2, Description: In one word, you look great! The way you
Proud +1, Brave +1 carry your head and your costly, fashionable clothes leaves
no doubt about your noble origin. You are said nice, warm
Reputation: Penniless (Local, Nobility of the County and easy going. Moreover, you have no disdain for socializ-
of Foix) 2 ing with commoners, which fuels your popularity. Your
Combat: elders of the Grand Council view you as carefree and frivo-
lous, but you can be serious when it turns necessary.
Short Sword: Init -1, Atk +8, Def +5, Dam +4
Soak: +1
Background: You have been a member of the Cove-
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
nant of Bentalone for almost one year now. After passing
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Inca- your gauntlet and becoming a full magus at the 1214 Pro-
pacitated (16-20) vencal Tribunal, you scrupulously selected the Covenant
Core Abilities: Langue d’Oc (Poetry) 4, Latin 5, Artes closest to Miglos and managed to be accepted. Your only
Liberales 3, Magic Theory 4, Order of Hermes Lore 1, Par- goal was to live close to your beloved, your life’s true love,
ma Magica (Rego) 2, Music (Love songs) 4, Folk Ken Diane, daughter of the Baron of Miglos… You met her
(Nobility) 1, Stealth (Moving silently) 2, Single Weapon while travelling with your master Tancrède le Bel, minstrel
(Defense) 4, Ride (Parade) 3, Etiquette (Nobility) 1, Coun- and, of course, Jerbiton magus. Although Diane and you
ty of Foix Lore (Nobility) 1, Code of Hermes (Interactions were both very young at that time, you deeply fell in love
with mundanes) 1, Charm (Courteous love) 1 with each other. Until you could at last choose your own
destiny, you could only meet Diane when Tancrède’s trav-
Arts: Creo 3, Intellego 4, Muto 8, Perdo 0, Rego 5, Ani- els brought you to Miglos, but the strength of your love
mal 0, Aquam 0, Auram 0, Corpus 10, Herbam 0, Ignem 0, never waned.
Imaginem 0, Mentem 10, Terram 0, Vim 0
Motivation: When the Grand Council declared that the
The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10) +16: makes the target covenant needed supplies and that someone should go
fall asleep (p. 151) with Quinault the autocrat to Tarascon’s fair, you immedi-
Arm of the Infant (MuCo 20) +19: shrinks the target’s ately volunteered. Not that the company of Quinault is
arm (p. 131) particularly fun or that you like bargaining for cattle or oth-
er supplies, but Tarascon-sur-Ariège is only half a league
Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe 15) +16: confus-
Sub Rosa

north of Miglos! Here is an unexpected occasion to meet

es the target (p. 151)
Diane, who will certainly be at the fair too. The other
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10) +16: makes the members of the expedition perfectly know why you accept-
target levitate (p. 134) ed this chore. It is indeed difficult to hide when you look
The Chirurgeon’s Healing Touch (CrCo 20, ritual) +17: so happy and keep singing Diane’s beauty along the road!
heals wounds (p. 129)
Whispers Through the Black Gate (InCo/Me 15) +15:
allows speaking with the dead (p. 130)
(Continued on page 46)

(Continued from page 45)  Gailhard: He is a Turb (Covenant guards) sergeant.
Relationships with the Other Characters: He is a little crude, but he is a competent soldier.

 Carélia: She has been your shield grog, your person-  Martin: He is the only magus in the Covenant you
al bodyguard, ever since you joined Bentalone. She can call a friend, presumably because he is younger
was imposed by the Great Council, which judged than the members of the Grand Council. Of course,
that your expeditions among mundanes could be he spends all his time in magical studies, while you
dangerous for you. You were quite offended, but prefer living among mundanes, but you both got
there was no way to disobey. Eventually, Carélia along right from the start. You often chat for hours
proved discreet, devoted, and in more than one oc- about your respective views of magic but you had a
casion useful to help you out of trouble. You ended really hard time convincing this incorrigible lab rat
up esteeming her and granted her your friendship. to come with you to Tarascon’s fair to take some
fresh hair.
 Éthaine: What a naughty kid! If she was not Mar-
tin’s apprentice, you would have beaten her up long  Quinault: He is the Covenant’s autocrat (steward).
ago! You wonder why Martin keeps praising her A too serious man who does not appreciate that you
magical skills and her intelligence; you cannot stand sing for the grogs… Avoid him, or boredom will
her. She always bothers you with her silly jokes and catch upon you!
inept babbling.

Sub Rosa

Carélia, Évrard’s Shield Grog
Characteristics: Intelligence (Slow) -2, Perception (On Motivation: You are part of the expedition to Tarascon-
her toes) +1, Presence (Masculine) -2, Communication sur-Ariège to protect the magi (Évrard d’Ange and Martin)
(Taciturn) -1, Strength (Strong shoulders) +2, Stamina and, but not as much, their apprentices (actually Éthaine).
(Iron constitution) +3, Dexterity (Sure-footed) +2, Quick- You must ensure that nothing bad happens to them. How-
ness (Good reflexes) +1 ever, since this is no dangerous expedition, you should be
able to enjoy the fair and have a little fun. Such occasions
Size: 0
are so rare!
Age: 23
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Relationships with the Other Characters:
Virtues and Flaws: Custos, Self-Confident, Puissant
 Éthaine: She is Martin’s apprentice. You do not
Ability (Single Weapon), Covenant Upbringing, Du-
tybound, Oversensitive (Disagreeable remarks to women) always understand her jokes, but she is a nice girl,
overall. She is sometimes cruel to you, but when she
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Devoted +3, Spiteful +1, realizes, she soon asks for forgiveness. Maybe she is
Quiet +2 a little jealous of you being so close to Évrard?
Reputation: Not to be trifled with (Among grogs) 1  Évrard: You are his regular shield grog. Ever since
Combat: the first day, you have been loving him. You were
Fist: Init -1, Atk +4, Def +5, Dam +2 imposed to him, and he did not like it, but you were
able to become indispensable at his side. Now, he
Spear & Round Shield: Init +1, Atk +13, Def +12, Dam has accepted you. You know that your love is im-
+7 possible, for Évrard loves the beautiful Diane of
Soak: +10 (Full Metal Scale) Miglos. Anyway, you suffer in silence and do every-
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious thing to make him happy.
Would Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapaci-  Gailhard: He is a Turb sergeant, and your immedi-
tated (16-20) ate superior. He does not like a woman to be a Cus-
tos like he and regularly lets you know. But as long
Core Abilities: Langue d’Oc 4, Brawl (Immobilize) 2, as the Turb captain backs you up, you have nothing
Awareness (Ambushes) 3, Athletics (Climb walls) 3, Single to dread from him.
Weapon (Close protection) 7+2, Swim 2, Leadership
(Intimidation) 1  Martin: He is a magus and as such, you must pro-
tect him. However, if you had to choose who to
Encumbrance: 2 (10)
save between him and Évrard, you would not hesi-
tate for a single second. Actually, you do not know
Description: You certainly cannot be described as the Martin very well, because he practically never steps
incarnation of womanhood. When you are fully equipped, out of his laboratory.
armor and helmet included, many even mistake you for a  Quinault: He is the Covenant’s autocrat (steward).
man. You generally do nothing to disabuse them. You do You do not deal with him any more since you joined
not care what others think. the Turbula. In the Covenant, he is reputed to be
extremely strict.
Background: Your father was already part of Benta-
lone’s Turbula (guards). He had brought you to this place
so that you had a roof over your head and regular meals.
He died during a far-away expedition with magi. You were
only five years old. You never knew your mother who, you
Sub Rosa

think, died when you were born. Thus, you have been
raised at the Covenant. You were probably meant to be-
come a maid, but you were more attracted by martial train-
ing than menial chores. The Turb captain noticed you and
encouraged your inclination. After being a simple soldier,
you now occupy, thanks to your courage, the envied posi-
tion of Custos (favorites among the grogs) and shield grog
(magi personal bodyguard).

Martin, Magus of House Bonisagus Description: You are average-sized, quite emaciate and a little
clumsy. Your robes are frequently stained with the sometimes
Characteristics: Intelligence (Brilliant) +4, Perception explosive results of your magical experiments. But anyway! Ap-
(Attentive) +1, Presence (Retiring) -1, Communication pearance is of little importance. Gossipers will soon shut up
(Stammers often) -1, Strength (Weak arms) -1, Stamina (Wilful) when your experiments allow you to have Bonisagus’ magic the-
+1, Dexterity (Clumsy) -1, Quickness (Alert) +2 ory make a huge leap forward (which should come soon with
Size: 0 your last experiments going so well).
Age: 33
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Background: Your apprenticeship took place in the Rhine
Virtues and Flaws: Hermetic Magus, The Gift, Life-Linked Tribunal, under supervision of Archmagus Ecilius. After you
Spontaneous Magic, Hermetic Prestige, Personal Vis Source passed your gauntlet in 1207, you came to Languedoc with your
(Vim Vis all over the body), Inventive Genius, Fast Caster, Great master, who thought he could find in the rich local libraries capi-
Characteristic, Learn Magic Theory from Mistakes, Necessary tal information to pursue his research. As he was about to reach
Condition (Gestures), Dark secret (took his master in Final Twi- his goal, you made a tiny manipulation mistake that sent you
light), Noncombatant, Susceptibility to Divine Power both in Twilight. You came back enlightened on some aspects of
magic theory that eluded you up to now, but Ecilius succumbed
Personality Traits: Curious +3, Obstinate +2, Faithful +2, to final twilight… Quaesitores did not even think you could be
Ambitious +1 held responsible, you, a disciple of Bonisagus. You surely did not
Reputation: Inventive (Hermetic) 3 delude them. Rather than coming back to the Rhine Tribunal,
Soak: +1 where you would have had to provide embarrassing explanations,
you remained at the Covenant of Bentalone, which you have
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious been a member of since 1210.
Would Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated
Motivation: You are not used to going to Tarascon-sur-Ariège
Core Abilities: German 4, Latin 5, Artes Liberales 3, Magic for resupplying the Covenant. Évrard d’Ange considerably insist-
Theory (Spell invention) 7, Order of Hermes Lore (Heroes) 4, ed that you “get out, breathe a little fresh air and forsake your
Parma Magica (Perdo) 3, Langue d’Oc 4, Finesse (Precision) 2, dear laboratory for a couple of days”. You finally agreed. You
Penetration (Rego) 2, Philosophiae (Magic) 2, Concentration suspect he wants you to help him meet his beloved, Diane of
(Long periods) 3, Certamen (Rego) 2 Miglos. Moreover, it is true that your apprentice Éthaine has
Arts: Creo 7, Intellego 7, Muto 6, Perdo 5, Rego 13, Animal 5, never left the Covenant since she entered apprenticeship three
Aquam 5, Auram 5, Corpus 5, Herbam 5, Ignem 5, Imaginem 5, years ago. At that age, one cannot constantly remain inside a lab.
Mentem 5, Terram 5, Vim 12
Spells: Relationships with the Other Characters:
The Ear for Distant Voices (InIm 20) +13: distance listening (p.  Carélia: She is Évrard’s shield grog (bodyguard). She was
145) imposed to him by the Grand Council, which was a fortu-
Gather the Essence of the Beast (ReVi 15) +26: distillates the raw nate decision, for she helped him out of several critical
Vis contained in a dead creature (p. 162) situations.
Freeing the Striding Tree (ReHe 30) +19: animates a tree (p. 139)  Éthaine: She is your first apprentice and reveals very
Sense of the Lingering Magic (InVi 30) +20: detects magical resi- promising. You feel a great potential in her. Évrard often
dues (p. 158) complains about her behavior, while she is always quiet
and focused with you. She probably unwinds out of your
Weaver’s Trap of Webs (CrAn 35) +13: projects a giant spider laboratory. So much the better!
web (p. 117)
 Évrard: He is your only true friend in the Covenant.
The Unseen Porter (ReTe 10) +19: helps move heavy objects,
such as a chest (p. 156) Members of the Grand Council are much older than you
and certainly do not share the same preoccupations.
Wall of Protecting Stone (CrTe 25) +13: creates a stone wall (p. Évrard and you have very different views regarding mag-
153) ic, but it is fascinating to hear him dissert about the
Sub Rosa

Suppressing the Wizard’s Handiwork (ReVi 35) +26: suspends a “magic” of art and other mundane things.
spell (p. 162)  Gailhard: He is a Turb (Covenant guards) sergeant. You
Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10) +13: creates light (p. 140) know him by sight, but it is the first time you really deal
Wizard Sigil: Geometric perfection with him. He is certainly a skilled fighter.
Vis: 3 pawns of Creo, 3 pawns of Intellego, 3 pawns of Rego, 5  Quinault: He is the Covenant’s autocrat (steward), a seri-
pawns of Vim ous man who can be counted on. When you need a rare
or costly ingredient, he always manages to deliver it to
Encumbrance: 0 (0) you in reasonable time. A precious man!

Éthaine, Martin’s apprentice Gift and wanted to make you his apprentice. You have been
studying the art of magic for three years under his guidance now,
Characteristics: Intelligence (Studious) +3, Perception within the Covenant of Bentalone. You quickly came to like it,
(Curious) +1, Presence (Cute) +2, Communication 0, Strength even more so you are much better treated here than you ever
(Thin) -3, Stamina (Determined) +2, Dexterity 0, Quickness were at your parents’.
(Restless) +2
Motivation: You have never left the Covenant since your arri-
Size: -1 val, three years ago. You are very excited about going to
Age: 13 Tarascon’s fair. Of course, Martin will be here to watch over you,
Confidence Score: 1 (3) but the gorgeous Évrard d’Ange will be there too… And there
will be tons of exciting things to do!
Virtues and Flaws: Apprentice, Gentle Gift, Puissant Art
(Rego), Animal Ken, Apt Student, Gossip, Necessary Condition Relationships with the other characters:
(Gestures), Animal Companion (Zorg the dog), Delusion  Carélia: This big girl is Évrard’s shield grog (bodyguard).
(Évrard d’Ange loves her), Compulsion (Jokes) Fortunately for you, she is not a serious rival: she is both
Personality Traits: Merry +1, Practical joker +3, Serious +1, ugly and dumb! You sometimes play the worst jokes on
Jealous +3 her, but she always forgives you, so that you envy her a
little less for being so close to Évrard.
 Évrard: The first time you saw him, you immediately
Fist: Init +2, Atk +2, Def +5, Dam -3
knew you would love only him! He is gorgeous, intelli-
Soak: +2 gent, sensitive… in one word, marvelous! You quickly did
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious anything to be noticed by him, but without much success.
Évrard still seems to consider you as a little girl, rather
Would Penalties: -1 (1-4), -3 (5-8), -5 (9-12), Incapacitated (13
than as the young lady and apprentice maga you became!
But he will realize, sometimes…
Core Abilities: Langue d’Oc 4, Latin 2, Artes Liberales 1,
Magic Theory 2, Order of Hermes Lore (History) 1, Parma Magi-  Gailhard: He is a Turb (Covenant guards) sergeant, a big
ca 1, Brawl (Defense) 2, Stealth (Hide) 1, Legerdemain (Food) 2, guy with a moustache, and not the kind of accommodat-
Athletics (Climb trees) 1 ing guy. Fortunately, you never deal with him.
Arts: Rego 4/6, Animal 3, Corpus 2  Martin: He is your savior and your master of magic. He
revealed your own Gift to you and taught you how to use
Spells: it. He is an awesome teacher and each of his lessons is a
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo/An 5) +4: helps see at night (p. 131) new occasion to marvel at. He told you once that he
The Gentle Beast (ReAn 25) +13: calms an animal (p. 120) would made you the greatest maga of her generation…
You will be eternally grateful to him for all that.
Wizard Sigil: Small ephemeral stars
 Quinault: He is the Covenant’s autocrat (steward). All
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
grogs, as well as other apprentices, fear him. But not you.
Description: You are a pretty young woman, now. And if any- You indeed caught him in the cellar one day, emptying a
body, relying on your freckles, your black plait and your small bottle of wine from the magi’s reserve. He saw you and
size, came to treat you like a girl, he’d better take care, for you turned all red. Since then, he takes great care of not an-
are now almost a maga and you would soon turn him (inevitably noying you.
him) into a pig!
Zorg the Dog
Background: You have never been happy at your peasant
parents’. They preferred your brothers and sisters and used to Characteristics: Cunning 0, Perception +2, Presence -4, Com-
have you do the most repellent chores. Without reason, they munication 0, Strength 0, Stamina +2, Dexterity +1, Quickness
often threatened you to lose you in the forest and get rid of you, +2
the good-for-nothing. Your brothers and sisters were even Size: 0
worse, always pulling your hair, throwing stones at you and steal-
Personality Traits: Loyal (to Éthaine) +6, Brave +2
ing your food. Your only true friend was your dog Zorg, a bald-
ing bastard nobody wanted. You finally understood, when you Combat:
Sub Rosa

were 8, that you actually frightened them. Thence, you immedi- Bite: Init +2, Atk +8, Def +7, Dam +1
ately put these vexations to an end, but your family became even
Soak: +2
more mistrustful. Your tenth birthday was meant to be as sad as
the others, when you met in the fields a curious man who was Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
staring at you. That evening, when you came back home, he was Would Penalties: -1 (1-3), -3 (4-6), -5 (7-9), Incapacitated (8-
talking to your father. The mysterious stranger gave your old 12)
man a rather big purse, then stood up and took your hand. Dur-
ing the scene, your mother’s gaze never left the purse… The man Core Abilities: Athletics (Endurance) 3, Awareness (On
was called Martin and, while taking you far away, introduced guard) 3, Brawl (Bite) 3, Hunt (Tracking) 4
himself as a magus. He hard perceived in you what he called the

Quinault, the Covenant’s Autocrat you talked to your mother, but she would not listen, and
then to your uncle, who got mad and drove you out. But
Characteristics: Intelligence (Pragmatic) +2, Perception
you knew. His gaze betrayed him. Then you got to drink.
(Finicky) +1, Presence (Severe look) -1, Communication
You were nothing but a bloodless wreck when a magus
(Strong voice) +2, Strength 0, Stamina (Tireless) +2, Dex-
from the Grand Council of the Bentalone Covenant ap-
terity (Rusty) -1, Quickness (Phlegmatic) -2
proached you and asked you to become the autocrat. It is a
Size: 0 position you are now proud of, and you are forever grate-
Age: 37 ful to the magi. You still sometimes drink, usually hiding,
but you always take care that it does not jeopardize your
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk, Educated, Common
Sense, Piercing Gaze, Visions, Compulsion (Drinking),
Obsessed (Serving magi well) Motivation: Your duty is to supply the Covenant with
Personality Traits: Severe +3, Melancholy +2, Faithful various furnishing, as well as food. It is natural for you to
+3 go to Tarascon’s fair. However, you wonder why the
Grand Council sent the two youngest magi in the Cove-
Reputation: Severe (Local, Bentalone Covenant) 2 nant with you. You would have managed everything fine
Combat: without them. Their elders presumably wish to train them
Short Sword: Init +5, Atk +8, Def +6, Dam +1 at leading grogs. Anyway, this fair will allow you drinking
without anybody being upset, once your job is done. Some
Soak: +4 (Partial Heavy Leather) kind of tradition…
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Would Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapaci- Relationships with the Other Characters:
tated (16-20)
 Carélia: She is Évrard d’Ange’s shield grog. She
Core Abilities: Langue d’Oc 5, Latin 3, Artes Liberales interposed more than once between he and you,
(Arithmetic) 4, Philosophiae 3, Folk Ken (Grogs) 2, Single whereas this young whippersnapper distracted grogs
Weapon (Defense) 6, Carouse (Drinking) 3, Leadership from their tasks with his futile poetry.
(Grogs) 4, Etiquette (Magi) 2, Bargain (Lab supplies) 5,
Ride (Harnessing) 1, Common Law (Local laws) 1  Éthaine: She is Martin’s young apprentice, a naugh-
ty kid who spends her free time playing stupid jokes
Encumbrance: 3 (4) to grogs and stealing food from the kitchens. Martin
should better watch over her.
Description: You are rather tall, slim but not meager.  Évrard: He is the youngest of the magi. He seems
Your austere face and your piercing gaze make people un- to spend most of his time writing poems and sing
easy, which you do not dislike. Your temples start turning them. The problem is that he believes everybody
gray, as does your beard, which is always neatly trimmed. should enjoy his poetry, and he keeps on distracting
grogs from working with such frivolities.
Background: You come from a family of traders. Your  Gailhard: He is a Turb (Covenant guards) sergeant,
father accidentally died when you were very young. The a skillful and serious veteran.
family business was then held by your uncle Victor, who  Martin: Unlike Évrard d’Ange, Martin is a young
sheltered you and your mother, and raised you as his own but serious magus. He only appeals to you when it is
son. Your destiny was straightforward: you would work for strictly necessary, and for reasons that are always
your uncle, and then for your cousin Gaspard when time approved by the Grand Council. You know for sure
came. But one day, as you were traveling along a Pyrenean that he is about to become a member of this noble
road (the very same road where your father died, you dis- assembly.
Sub Rosa

covered later), you had your first vision… It was your fa-
ther! Leading a cart convoy, he was descending toward the
valley. Suddenly, your father nodded and fell on the cart’s
bench. A man had subdued him from inside the cart! As
the man whipped the mules to panic them, you recognized
him immediately… Victor! He had always told the mules
had been scared by falling rocks. He had always claimed to
have jumped off the cart right in time, while your father
wanted to save the shipment at all price. Deeply disturbed,

Gailhard, Turb sergeant who had stayed alone all this time. You did not want her to
live at the Covenant, with soldiers always all around the
Characteristics: Intelligence (Stubborn) -1, Perception 0,
place. You could not have her stay at the village without
Presence (Scars) -1, Communication (Gruff) -3, Strength
protection any more. Thus, you decided to trade your ser-
(Strong arms) +3, Stamina (Barrel chested) +3, Dexterity
vice to the Covenant. The Turb captain, knowing your situ-
(Precise) +2, Quickness (Massive) -2
ation, accepted to hire you as a mercenary. However, this
Size: 0 arrangement certainly affects your advancement. While you
Age: 34 could probably have ended Turb captain, you are still a
sergeant, with little hope for a promotion.
Confidence Score: 3
Virtues and Flaws: Custos, Warrior, Lost love, Depend-
ent Motivation: You must ensure that the expedition to
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Cruel +1, Loyal +0, Vio- Tarascon’s fair goes well. You are in charge of protecting
lent +3 everybody, in particular magi (Évrard d’Ange and Martin).
From your point of view, the soonest it is over, the soonest
Reputation: Skilled warrior (Local, Among grogs) 1 you can go back home and take care of your daughter. You
Combat: wonder what kind of gift from the fair would please her...
Fist: Init -3, Atk +8, Def +4, Dam +3
Great Sword: Init -1, Atk +15, Def +8, Dam +12 Relationships with the Other Characters:
Long Bow: Init -5, Atk +10, Def +2, Dam +11  Carélia: She is Évrard d’Ange’s shield grog
Soak: +12 (Full Chain Mail) (bodyguard). She is quite young to already be a Cus-
tos (favorite grog) like you (sigh)…
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
 Éthaine: Martin’s apprentice. She is just a kid. You
Would Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapaci- still must protect her as if she was already a maga,
tated (16-20) and probably even more, given her minx reputation.
Core Abilities: Langue d’Oc 4, Brawl (Head-butts) 6,  Évrard: He is a magus of House Jerbiton, as he
Awareness (Stand guard) 2, Folk Ken (Soldiers) 2, Great says. He spends a lot of time with normal people,
Weapon (Body guarding) 8, Bows (Still targets) 4, Ride (In and gets along very well with commoners. Despite
battle) 2, Chirurgy (Cuts) 4, Leadership (Group Combat) 3 his “too much” side, you like him.
Encumbrance: 1 (10)  Martin: This one is a true lab rat! He never leaves
Description: You are tall and muscular, and always wear on an expedition. You hardly know him.
your impeccable chainmail armor. Your face has been
 Quinault: He is the Covenant’s autocrat (steward).
made little agreeable because of multiple scars, and your
A skilled man who often speaks in your favor at the
bushy mustache does not make you less frightening. You
Grand Council. Grogs find him severe. This is prob-
do not care. It impresses adversaries and prevents you
ably true. So what?
from being bothered by pedlars when you walk in town.

Background: You were born at the Covenant of Benta-

lone, where your parents were grogs. Since you were very
young, your father has been training you in martial arts.
You were destined to a great future within the Turbula
(Covenant guards). Everything was running fine. At 18,
you even married a distant cousin from a nearby village.
She gave you two gorgeous daughters. Unfortunately, your
Sub Rosa

duties at the Covenant left you little time to enjoy family

life. While you were on a mission with some magi, some-
thing terrible happened at the village. And band of thugs
brutally attacked the village, plundered all its food supplies
and slayed many inhabitants… including your wife and
eldest daughter. When you came back, an immense wrath
prevented any sorrow in you. You did not speak to anyone
before having put to the sword the last of the bloody brig-
ands. Then you had to care for your youngest daughter,

Mythic Bloodlines:
More than the Founders
F or magi, the Mythic Blood
Virtue offers a fantastic
benefit. As a Major Virtue, it grants
seeking a source for their character’s
Mythic Blood, hunting down suitable
ancestors can prove challenging. To
By Ben McFarland
Virtue. Some might still linger in the
the character fatigue benefits when ease the search, we offer this series. landscape or the Magic Realm, like
casting formulaic spells, a magical The summaries provided below Baba Yaga or Snaer. Others are long-
power with no limitation on use and a are very brief, and are not meant to gone, like Thorbjorg or Louhi.
maximum total level of 30, a Minor substitute for a full understanding of
Magical Focus, and a minor
Personality Flaw. Additionally, this
the referenced figures. Players and Baba Yaga
Storyguides are encouraged to further Called “Old Grandmother,” Baba
establishes a birth legacy for the research individuals who pique their
character, opening the door to the Yaga lives deep in the woods,
possibility of blood-siblings who occupying an enchanted hut which
share their heritage and may serve as walks around on great chicken legs.
potential allies, rivals, or enemies. Novgorod Tribunal Surrounded by an iron picket fence,
with a skull mounted on every spindle
Such a background gives easy hooks
for Storyguides to tie in the lost and Scandinavia but one, a special rhyme is necessary
projects of powerful sorcerers, to find the hut’s entrance. Baba
enemies who simply wish to eliminate Stretching from the wide steppes Yaga’s teeth and fingernails are sharp
a wizard’s lineage, or grudges born by of the Rus to icy shores of iron, she can speak with animals;
unaging creatures and transferred to Scandinavia, there are many wizards control the spirits of the dead,
the player magus. However, for those appropriate for the Mythic Blood sometimes forcing them to animate
or occupy objects; and she flies about
on an enormous mortar and pestle.
She has many beautiful daughters,
some of whom may have escaped
with various suitors, and her
bloodline might exist in the world
through these girls. Tales claim she
eats children and she has threatened
more than one story’s hero with the
stew pot. Baba Yaga knows many
secrets, and may be able to exist in
more than one place and time
A wizard with this bloodline might
have a pagan background, or be from
Baltic, Slavic, or Russian cultures or
Sub Rosa

Possible Powers:
Speak & Gesture: ReMe 25
Command the Errant Spirit (R: Voice,
D: Sun, T: Ind) This effect has 5
Penetration. The magus may control a
disembodied spirit he can sense. (Base
5 + 2 Voice + 2 Sun)
Speak: InAn 25 Gift of Feral

Speech (R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Ind)
The caster may speak with a specific
animal within voice range. (Base 10 +
2 Voice + 1 Concentration)
Gesture: InMe 20 Posing the Silent
Question (R: Eye, D: Mom, T: Ind) As
per the spell, ArM5 page 149.
Neither Speak nor Gesture:
ReTe 15 Ghostly Grasp (R: Voice, D:
Conc, T: Ind) As per the spell,
Unseen Arm, but able to affect
Herbam and Animal objects, too.
(Base 2 + 2 Voice + 1 Concentration
+ 2 Animal & Herbam requisites;
ArM5 page 155)
Possible Minor Magical Foci:
Animating objects, controlling the
spirits of the dead, discovering
secrets, speaking with animals.
Possible Personality Flaws:
Busybody, Meddler, Proud, Wrathful.

Snaer the Old

Snaer is the son of Frost and the
Part) As per the spell, ArM5 page lost memories, found their swords
son of Kári, a lord of wind. His
142. blunt or armor weak, or drove their
grandfather was a giant, and Snaer is
Gesture: ReMe 20 Aura of Rightful victims mad. Odin and Frejya both
considered a personification of snow.
Authority (R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind) As knew Seidr.
Snaer lived amongst men 300 years
and then disappeared. Once a king of per the spell, ArM5 page 151. A wizard with this bloodline might
Finland, Gotland, and Kvenland, Neither Speak nor Gesture: PeIg have a pagan background, or be from
Snaer could fly and had three 10 Winter’s Icy Touch (R: Voice, D: a Scandinavian culture, including
magically adept daughters, Fön (Fǫnn Mom, T: Ind) As per the spell, ArM5 Iceland, the Orkney Islands, the
‘Snowdrift’), Drífa ‘snowfall’, and page 142, but this effect has 5 Shetlands, or the Isle of Man.
Mjöl (Mjǫll, ‘powdered snow’), and a Penetration. Possible Powers:
son, Thorri (‘frozen-snow’). Thorri’s
children ruled Norway from the Possible Minor Magical Foci: Speak & Gesture: ReAu Pull of the
Jotunheim mountains in the north to Ice and snow, rulership, storms, Skybound Winds (R: Voice, D: Conc,
Alfheim in the south. winter. T: Ind) As per ArM5, page 126.
A wizard with this bloodline might Possible Personality Flaws: Speak: ReCo 25 Awaken the
have a pagan background, or be from Ambitious, Driven, Overconfident, Slumbering Corpse (R: Voice, D: Conc,
a Scandinavian culture, including Proud. T: Ind) As per ArM5, page 134.
Iceland, the Orkney Islands, the Gesture: ReMe 20 Madness of the
Shetlands, or the Isle of Man. Thorbjorg Snare-bound Beast (R: Eye, D: Conc,
Sub Rosa

Possible Powers: This pagan viking sorceress is T: Ind) While the magus concentrates,
mentioned in the sagas of Erik the the target completes all actions as if
Speak & Gesture: CrAu 30 consumed by madness. (Base 10, +1
Bluster of Summer Snow (R: Sight, D: Red as a practitioner of Seidr, a
Eye, +1 Concentration)
Sun, T: Ind) As per the spell, Clouds of wizard who “spins charms” utilizing
Summer Snow, ArM5 page 126, but cord or thread. Seidr helped with Neither Speak nor Gesture:
with Sun duration. divination, controlling spirits and the PeTe 15 Crumbling Panoply (R: Sight,
dead, summoning storms or sinking D: Mom, T: Ind) As per Rusted Decay
Speak: PeIg 25 Conjuration of the ships, protect one from harm, and of Ten-Score Years, but at Sight range;
Indubitable Cold (R: Voice, D: Mom, T: even cursing one’s enemies so they see ArM5, page 155.

and 2 paces thick. This berm may take
any shape desired by the caster; with a
Finesse roll of 12+, the caster may
adjust the dimensions. However, the
total may not exceed 100 cubic paces,
and the height may not exceed the
thickness. (Base 3 + 2 Voice + 1 Part
+ 2 Size)
Neither Speak nor Gesture:
ReCo 15 Endurance of the Berserkers (R:
Per, D: Conc, T: Ind) As per the spell,
ArM5 page 134.
Minor Magical Focus: Battle,
building ships, music, shaping the
land, travel.
Possible Personality Flaws:
Ambitious, Lecherous,
Overconfident, Proud.

Known as the Mistress of the
North, Louhi was the matriarch of
the Pohjola people in ancient
Scandinavia, a tribe which rivaled
Possible Minor Magical Foci: swearing to return one day. Although Väinämöinen’s people. While
Controlling corpses, controlling he never found a bride, it’s very Väinämöinen searched for a wife,
spirits, cursing enemy targets so they possible he had a dalliance, or that a Louhi saved his life. She had many
suffer, learning secrets, protecting wizard has his bloodline through one daughters, some of whom were
from one type of physical harm (fire, of Väinämöinen’s brothers. seduced by Ilmarinen and
weapons, drowning). A wizard with this bloodline might Väinämöinen’s companions. A
Possible Personality Flaws: have a pagan background, or be from powerful witch, she could change
Ambitious, Lecherous, Proud, a Scandinavian culture, including shape, banish disease, cast mighty
Weakness (Attracted Gender). Iceland, the Orkney Islands, the enchantments, and throw lightning
Shetlands, or the Isle of Man. bolts. She demanded Väinämöinen’s
brother, Ilmarinen, craft the Sampo
Väinämöinen Possible Powers: to win the hand of one of her
In some Finnish tales, Speak & Gesture: ReCo 30 Seven- daughters, and then stole it from him
Väinämöinen is a powerful wizard or league Stride (R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind) after her daughter spurned him. The
god, born of Ilmater and the seas of As per the spell, ArM5 page 135. Sampo itself was destroyed in the
creation. Other stories claim he is the battle between Väinämöinen and
Speak: ReMe 25 Call for the Louhi, and its pieces scattered across
son of the hero-king Kalev, and Grateful Audience (R: Voice, D:
brother of Ilmarinen and Hiisi. He creation.
Conc, T: Room) The occupants of a
could shape the land, crafted magical room believe the caster’s voice, either A wizard with this bloodline might
instruments, command the wind,
Sub Rosa

singing or storytelling, to be have a pagan background, or be from

fought and defeated many magical wonderfully pleasant and beautiful. a Scandinavian culture, including
foes; he was a very capable warrior. This effect has 5 Penetration. (Base 3 Iceland, the Orkney Islands, the
Väinämöinen cast his spells by singing + 2 Voice + 1 Concentration + 2 Shetlands, or the Isle of Man.
or reciting poetry and searched far Room)
and wide for a bride. He departed the Possible Powers:
land after a mystical newborn Gesture: ReTe 20 Summon the Speak & Gesture: CrAu Call the
chastised him for his sins and failures. Ready Earthworks (R: Voice, D: Lightning (R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Ind)
Väinämöinen sang himself a copper Mom, T: Part) Shift the earth into a The caster summons down a lightning
boat and sailed over the horizon, berm, to 25 paces wide, 2 paces high, bolt out of the sky to strike a target,

doing +30 damage as per Incantation of infusing the Sampo with the power of Create a fire hot enough to melt lead,
Lightning (ArM5, page 126) but the the four winds, he presented it to doing +15 damage anyone caught in
spell only functions outdoors. No Louhi. Louhi’s daughter refused to it. This fire needs no fuel, but will go
clouds need to be in the sky, but the leave the lands of Pohjola, and out after the duration if no fuel exists.
target may not be indoors. (Base 5 + Ilmarinen returned home, dejected. If combustible materials are fed into
3 Sight + 2 created phenomenon in a There, he crafted a woman of gold it, it will remain as along as it is
very unnatural fashion) and silver, and animated her to be his sustained. (Base 10 + 2 Voice + 1
Speak: CrCo 25 Cleanse the wife. The metal bride was cold and Diameter)
Pustulent Wounds (R: Touch, D: hard, and so he melted her back to Gesture: ReAn 20 Claim the
Moon, T: Ind) As per Purification of the ingots. Undaunted, he finally married Hunter’s Prize (R: Voice, D: Conc, T:
Festering Wounds, but the target gains a one of his half-brother Hiisi’s Ind) As per Viper’s Gaze, but at Voice
+15 to recover from wounds and daughters, after proving his worth by range. (ArM5, page 120)
injuries, see ArM5 page 129. ploughing a field of vipers, capturing
the bear of the God of the Neither Speak nor Gesture:
Gesture: ReIm 20 Wizard’s Underworld, Tuoni, and catching the ReTe 15 Backbiter’s Revenge (R:
Deception (R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind) greatest pike of Underworld’s river. Voice, D: Conc, T: Ind) The metal
The wizard appears and sounds as if weapon wielded by an individual
he is up to 100 paces from his current A wizard with this bloodline might bends back to strike the owner for +5
location. This spell is similar to have a pagan background, or be from damage. (Base 4 + 2 Voice + 1
Wizard’s Sidestep, except the wizard’s a Scandinavian culture, including Concentration)
image and sounds may be shifted in Iceland, the Orkney Islands, the
Shetlands, or the Isle of Man. Possible Minor Magical Foci:
location. The wizard must be able to Animating objects, capturing
see or vocally reach the area where his Possible Powers: creatures and spirits, creating hot
image and sound will emanate. (Base Speak & Gesture: ReAu 30 Wings fires, creating objects with metal,
5 + 2 Sun +1 additional sense) of Soaring Wind (R: Touch, D: Conc, harnessing the wind.
Neither Speak nor Gesture: T: Ind) As per ArM5, page 126. Possible Personality Flaws:
MuCo 15 Disguise of the New Visage (R: Speak: CrIg 25 Stoke the Master’s Driven, Judged Unfairly, Lecherous,
Per, D: Sun, T: Part) As per the spell, Forge (R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Ind) Obsessed.
ArM5 page 131.
Possible Minor Magical Foci:
Changing shape, disease, storms,
trickery, winds.
Possible Personality Flaws:
Avaricious, Driven, Overconfident,
Vow (Care for family).

The brother of Väinämöinen,
Ilmarinen was a master craftsman and
possibly studied the same tradition as
Weyland or Verditius. Unlucky in
love, he could make anything and
forged the mythical Sampo to win the
hand of one of Louhi’s daughters. In
Sub Rosa

the process of creating the Sampo, he

crafted and destroyed a magical
crossbow, a magical ship, a magical
bull, and a magical plow. But
Ilmarinen could speak to the spirit of
each of these items, and found them
flawed and bloodthirsty, so he
destroyed them and continued
working on the Sampo. Finally,

Companion Piece:
The Three Good Men of Bréifne
T he Companion Piece series
provides detailed characters
ideal for use either as companions to
Hibernian covenant either against the
advances of foreign magi, or to use
their local knowledge against the
By David Agnew
Connacht, something that magi of the
individual magi or as associates to recalcitrant Hibernians who stand in Order are forbidden to do under the
entire covenants. The last article in your way. centuries–old Treaty of Cnoc Maol
this series, back in issue 9, looked at The three good men of Bréifne are Réidh (see The Contested Isle: The
William of Ayelsbury, a pious knight rogues, primarily interested in their Hibernian Tribunal, page 12).
destined to join one of the military own wealth, standing, and security, Mercenary they may be, even
orders. but they are an effective band and ruthless at times, but there is a spark
This time around, in support of well–suited to Hibernia’s distinctly of conscience within the three good
the new The Contested Isle: The antagonistic culture. Importantly for men of Bréifne and they will not let
Hibernian Tribunal supplement, we any covenant in Hibernia, the three your covenant down.
detail a band of three companions good men of Bréifne are not barred
ideal for strengthening your from entering the province of

Sub Rosa

Cuckold Friends first and mercenary While he is away, his wife Sinead
colleagues second, the three are a oversees the business, although she
Though younger than Sinead, Liam common sight in the drinking houses delegates much of this to Liam.
carries a torch for her and is often of Carrick and beyond.
angered by Eóin’s prolonged absences, Eóin, Sinead, and Shay all live in
seeing this as abandoning his wife. Eóin’s house, which also serves as his
Each time that Eóin remains away Eóin, a Clothier by
workshop and stores. Liam pays for a
room in lodgings in the next street
from Carrick for two seasons or more, Trade over.
there is a chance that Liam makes his
Eóin is the leader of the three and As a clothier, Eóin is not content
feelings known to Sinead and there is
the others are loyal to him above any with his lot. He does not see his
also a chance that she reciprocates.
loyalty to a covenant or individual fortune in years of shearing, snipping,
If this happens, then rumours may magus. He is a clothier by trade and and sewing, but in using his other
start to spread, first through the local nominal member of a small clothier’s abilities. Neither cruel nor ruthless, he
streets and then to the clothiers’ guild. guild in the town of Carrick where he is at least prepared to do things that
maintains a workshop. others would be too timid or afraid to
He is currently responsible for an do. He is also a gambler and luck is
The Three Good apprentice, Shay, who is twelve years
old and has another five years to go
more often on his side than against
Men before he completes his
The three good men of Bréifne are Risteard, a Butcher by
Eóin (OH–n) the clothier, Risteard His also employs another
(RISH–taird) the butcher, and journeyman clothier, Liam, who is Trade
Somhairle (SO–uhr–lyeh) the weaver. twenty–three years old and a Risteard claims his profession as
They have no great love for the competent craftsman. butcher and that may be accurate on
English, but they each have as much He has two free seasons per year more than one level. Lacking the
antipathy again for their own Irish in which to pursue stories. The other character to run his own affairs of
enemies. two seasons are spent in tending his business, he works, when in Carrick,
business, including teaching Shay. for a butcher there. His work consists
of slaughtering, skinning, gutting, and
chopping carcasses.
Outside of the slaughterhouse and
the butcher’s shop, he provides the
muscle behind Eóin’s smarts.
Risteard is afflicted with the battle
transformations, as described in The
Contested Isle: The Hibernian Tribunal,
page 120. He has inherited these from
a long–distant Fir Bolg ancestor and
he is the first in his family to suffer
them in generations. Despite his
village speaking in awed terms about
the feats carried out by his “uncle”
Finn, Risteard’s own transformations
have caused him to be feared more
Sub Rosa

than lauded.
Though Risteard does not yet
know it, he has an enemy. Far to the
west and many years ago, a Fir Bolg
warrior was cursed and stripped of his
fighting prowess. He lost the power
of his battle transformations and they
were given instead to a baby born on
that very moment. Risteard was that

Fergal mac Artan of the Uí
Covenant Craftsmen Raghallaigh believes that Somhairle
The Town of Carrick
The three craftsmen might be cursed his daughter with a sudden The three good men all live in the
brought into the covenant proper, in falling sickness that left her blind. small town of Carrick in East Bréifne.
which case Eóin and Somhairle save a While it is true that Somhairle has the This is inside the province of
combined six pounds of expenditure ability to curse, he was not Connacht, but their reputations as
against Consumables and Risteard responsible, believing instead the adventurers goes beyond and
saves three pounds of expenditure cause to be infernal. characters wishing to engage their
against Provisions, both as per services can easily make contact them
Covenants, page 66 and subject to the He maintains his workshop at the
through a number of social contacts
limits described there. edge of town alongside the main road outside of Connacht.
that runs from the gate to the
marketplace. While this is a little out Carrick itself is under the control of
of the way for daily trade, it is within the Uí Raghallaigh but the nearby
an area of heightened magical power. lands are frequently raided by the
child. The Fir Bolg, called Keogh There is a level three magical aura that O’Raghnaills families of North
(Kee–OH), has been looking for the pushes through the relatively low Roscommon.
child ever since, determined to find a level two Dominion that covers
way to reclaim what is his. If the Carrick. He has built his Gruagachan
death of this imposter is what it takes, laboratory into the back room of his
then that is what Keogh will do. home and workshop.
to the payment of his debts to those
Like Eóin, Somhairle has an of lower standing. One of these was
Somhairle, a Weaver by apprentice, Finn, who is just ten years Somhairle the weaver. A year ago,
old. Being unmarried, when out on
Trade the road with his friends, he leaves his
after refusing to pay Somhairle for
several rolls of cloth, his daughter was
Somhairle is a weaver resident in affairs in the hands of his struck blind. Fergal associated the two
Carrick and belonging to the same housekeeper, Fiona, who is a weaver events and declaimed Somhairle as a
small guild as Eóin. He is, however, of journeyman quality in her own sorcerer. The cry has not yet gathered
one of the Uí Ruairc of West Bréifne, merit. Fiona knows that Somhairle is momentum, though Somhairle has
something that certain Uí Raghallaigh a druid of some kind, but all Finn heard of the accusation. He knows he
families hold against him. knows is that there is a door that did not do it, but he believes it is the
He is also a giant–blooded remains locked and that he is not infernal attempting to stir up
unGifted Gruagach (Hedge Magic: allowed past. discontent between the Uí
Revised Edition, page 55) with the Fergal mac Artan is a wealthy and Raghallaigh and the Uí Ruairc.
power to grant blessings and curses. influential man around Carrick. As
It is this touch of magic that is at the such, he takes a somewhat lax attitude
heart of the feud he finds himself in. The Kingdom of
Equipment and Resources knotted blackthorn branch, have a large heavy knob at the
end, which can inflict a frightening blow upon an enemy.
The three good men have few resources of note. They
have no great wealth between them, are owed no particular Like the traditional Irish ax, the sparra, the sail éille is
favors, and have few friends of influence. They all carry peculiar to Ireland and sees more use in fighting than do
simple weapons and generally have light and inexpensive knives, daggers, and swords, largely down to its ubiquity.
armor, unless they are provisioned with anything heavier by They can be of varying sizes and a smaller sail éille is
their associated covenant or employers. treated as a bludgeon or club and a larger sail éille as a
Sub Rosa

cudgel, as per the table in ArM5, page 176, and each

As craftsmen, they start play each with a standard
according to the appropriate weapon Ability.
workshop, which they can improve over time using the
rules found in City & Guild, page 65. A character with a specialty of sail éille for their weapon
Ability may use the sail éille in a scuffle without the
Somhairle also starts play with a Gruagachan Laboratory,
standard –3 Attack penalty described in ArM5, page 174
which is housed in a locked room in his home.
under Non–Lethal Combat.
The Sail Éille
The three good men each carry a club called a sail éille
(shi–LAY–lee). These stout sticks, each carved from a

the loose association of Irish hedge comfortable dealing with a side of life
Bréifne wizards and druids. In conceding that covenants may want to remain
Though subject to the Kingdom Connacht, magi of the Order are separate from and while Somhairle
of Connacht, Bréifne is a kingdom in forbidden from spending more than cannot condone the taking of
its own right ruled from Dromahaire, three nights under a Connacht sky. If innocent life, they are prepared to
to the east of Sligo with Lough Gill they have any business in that inflict harm where needed.
sitting between the two, by the Uí province, either mundane or magical, They also provide decent cover
Ruairc, the same tuath from which they must act through proxies and for various acts of mundane
Somhairle hails. The kingdom agents instead of going themselves. interference and though they are low
stretches from the west coast across The three good men present good tradesmen their connections with the
to Meath and is bordered along the proxies for entering Connacht and fledgling guilds may provide
north by Ulster. However, just like carrying out instructions and activities opportunities for contact with the
Ireland and the Hibernian Tribunal at the request of covenants or authorities. The butcher, Risteard,
itself, Bréifne is a conflicted place. individual magi. Between them, they may supply merchants and nobles
The Uí Ruairc are active rivals to can read and write, handle themselves alike with meat and also act as
the Uí Raghallaigh and dissent and in combat, and have some small slaughterman for their livestock. Eóin
violence between the factions is magical abilities. They are also blessed might find himself commissioned to
common. These conflicts manifest in with few ambitions beyond self– make new clothes for men and
many ways, from small–scale preservation and the accumulation of women of standing. It is a fine
factionalism across Bréifne’s towns sufficient wealth to provide a distinction, but Somhairle might
and villages to outright battle for comfortable retirement. provide another route into society.
control of lucrative roads and valley While not thieves and murderers While Eóin has access to individual
passes. The raiding of farms and even themselves, at least not by trade, they through various sessions to take
churches is common, with each side are rogues and as such they occupy a measurements and to undertake
stealing cattle and silver from the certain level within society. They have fittings, Somhairle might gain access
other wherever it can. contacts through which they can gain to their households, working with
information and leverage, especially stewards, ladies of the house, and the
The individual families that form like to determine what linens and
part of these clans are frequently within Connacht, that covenants may
not have access to. They are fabrics the house requires. This access
drawn into these squabbles and blood
–feuds can exist between families for
generations without resolution, lying
dormant for years before flaring up in
a sudden explosion of violence.
Ultimately, the kingdom divides
around the middle of the thirteenth
century but until then the rulers of
the great clans turn their violent
attention to each other, almost as
though the forces of the infernal have
guided them towards a self–
destructive end.
You can find more detail on
Bréifne in The Contested Isle: The
Hibernian Tribunal, page 36.
Sub Rosa

Companion Material
The Hibernian Tribunal offers a
particular challenge for magi of the
Order in the shape of Connacht.
Under the centuries–old treaty of
Cnoc Maol Réidh, the Order
concedes Connacht to the Coill Trí,

across the three strata of a household Shape, and Vision, but these may only The Hunt
(Ristead in the kitchens, Somhairle to be gained through initiation.
the stewards and the ladies, and Eóin Furthermore, Somhairle can neither A vicious and vindictive young
to the great men and women of the read nor write, let alone read the apprentice in his macgnímartha has
house) could be useful to a covenant. arcane Ogham used by Gruagachan. kidnapped the three good men and
He will need to find a teacher dropped them in the Darty
Finally, their understanding of the Mountains, just over the Bréifne
Order of Hermes and of magic in prepared to teach him Artes Liberales
and Ogham in order to then take border in Ulster. He gives the men a
general makes them suited to spying three hour head start and then he and
upon rival covenants and even the advantage of the few written
Gruagachan laboratory texts that may his men start to hunt them down.
defenses in place around important
resources, such as vis sources, cattle, be found in Hibernia. Their run takes them through
and even a covenant’s Cathach. As each are craftsmen in their own magical and faerie auras, places rich in
right, they may also want to build vis and stones and herbs of virtue.
Labor Points (City & Guild, page 38) Can the three good men find the
Advancing the with the aim of improving their resources they need to defend their
financial standing, resolving stories ground or even turn the tables and
Three Good Men concerning their businesses and take the fight to the magus?
Each of the three good men must taking the Labor Points reward. Each
work two seasons, gaining exposure requires a surplus of 360 Labor Points
experience in their primary Craft to gain the Wealthy Virtue, so this is
likely to be a long–term goal. macgnímartha may come
Ability. This is true even for Risteard across them and form an
who despite being essentially a day The alternative to using Labor alliance to help her learn more
labourer must still work to earn a Points to improve their wealth and about Connacht and potentially
living. The other two seasons are social standing is investing them in help her find allies and
available for either story & adventure their workshops and the materials resources that she can use in
or for practice & study. that they use. Eóin may invest in later years.
Eóin is perhaps the easiest to mannequins, sheers, measures, etc.
and buy only the strongest thread, the  The covenant may need
advance. When not engaged in a information on people, places,
story, his two free seasons are likely finest fabrics, and the most expensive
fastenings and buckles. Risteard may or events within Connacht and
to be spent in practice; one for a may go looking for agents or
physical Ability and one for a mental buy a new set of knives and improve
his slaughterhouse and find a farmer proxies.
selling the best quality sheep and  Having come across something
Like Eóin, Risteard is likely to goats. Somhairle might commission a of value, the three good men
spend his two seasons in advancing larger loom, buy better and rarer dyes, approach the magi with the
his Abilities. He is a little more and even use the wool from sheep aim of turning their discovery
focused in the physical side than Eóin and goats of virtue to make his cloth. to a profit. They are able to
so he may be best–placed advancing These allow the three craftsmen to lead the magi to where they
his combat Abilities. He is also a good make items of increasing quality. found the item or offer
candidate for learning the Clesrada themselves up for future
(see The Contested Isle: The Hibernian None of the three have yet been
on pilgrimage (The Church, page 15), service.
Tribunal, page 101). This would
involve finding a sponsor to ensure although given Somhairle’s pagan
that Úathach takes him as a student sympathies he is unlikely to benefit.
Stories for the
and he must then undergo the
Three Good Men
Sub Rosa

Introducing the
Somhairle is most likely to Stories specifically for the three
advance his Gruagachan Arts and Three Good Men good men of Bréifne surround family
unless he can find a willing teacher he matters, social advancement, and the
needs access to vis or use them on a If you are bringing in the Three
Good Men after the start of your general political upheaval of conflict
story, gaining exposure or story between the great Bréifne families
experience, as explained in Hedge saga, here are a few ideas to help
introduce them. and even the native Irish against the
Magic: Revised Edition, page 56. He Anglo–Normans.
may gain further Arts, such as Take,  An apprentice undertaking her

those attending the ceremony
Family Matters would be a feather in the cap
Each of the three good men have for any chosen to do so. The Anglo-Norman lords
their own enemies, some across However, it seems the steward continue to spread their influence
country and others closer to home. is looking for consideration in across Ireland and both the English
 When a merchant returns to return for awarding the and the various Irish factions will
Carrick, beaten and bloodied, contract. Are Eóin and want to profit from the conflict and
he tells the story of a lone Somhairle happy to pay the protect their interests. As
price or do they take matters independent agents, the three good
bandit who tore into his guards
and overturned his cart. The into their own hands? men may be employed by both sides.
description he gives, of a man  Fergal mac Artan has been  The Uí Ruairc summon the
who grew to a huge size and seen in the company of three good men to
seemed to shrug off the blows Carrick’s most senior priest a Dromahaire; they have a job
of those trying to defend the fair few times of late and then for them. A nearby robber
merchant. It sounds a lot like one afternoon a meeting is knight has stolen a golden
Risteard. However, Risteard is held in the market square. The cross from a Uí Ruairc church
not the only one of his family priest has learned of a pagan and they want it back. Once
to carry the battle tinker working the roads near they eventually have it,
transformations. Has his the town and he has been using however, the cross is not what
wayward brother returned? his ungodly ways for ill. The it seems and the Uí Ruairc
 It started with furtive glances priest asks for men willing to claims of ownership seem
in his direction and developed fetch him back to town to face unreliable at best. The three
justice. Can Somhairle risk good men find themselves in
into whispered conversations
finding the man first and possession of twice-stolen
as Eóin walked past. It seems
warning him? Or will this only property.
that the rumours about his wife
and his employee are starting implicate him too?  The baron’s son has been
to spread. captured trying to fend off

Social Advancement
As craftsmen and members of
their respective guilds, they may want
to advance their standing in society
and within those guilds. In doing so,
they may become embroiled in town
politics, escalating squabbles between
local enemies, and the occasional
brush with Church and state.
Somhairle’s pagan ways, though
carefully guarded, may become
known by others beyond his circle of
 When a young lad apprenticed
to one of the three friends is
accused of theft the friends
Sub Rosa

must discover the truth in the

face of damning evidence or
face the stigma of having raised
a thief.
 The daughter of a prominent
Carrick gentleman is to be
married to the son of an
Englishman. The making of
the cloth and the clothes for

Eóin the Clothier Soak: +2
Leader of the small band of adventurers, and Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
unaffected by the Gift of either Hermetic or Hedge Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15),
wizard, Eóin usually does the talking until matters of Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
magic arise, and then he concedes to Somhairle. He is
Abilities: Area Lore: Connacht 3 (geography), Artes
a gambler by nature, however, and he often agrees to
Liberales 1 (arithmetic), Athletics 2 (running),
deals on just the sliver of a chance of success or
Awareness 3 (alertness), Bargain 3 (hard sell), Brawl 3
(sail éille), Carouse 3 (games of chance), Charm 3 (first
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Com +1, Str impressions), Chirurgy 3 (binding wounds), Climb 1
–1, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik 0 (trees), Clothiery 5 (woolen cloth), English 4 (slang),
Size: 0 Folk Ken 3 (townsfolk), Guile 3 (lying to authority),
Age: 34 (34) Intrigue 3 (plotting), Gaelic 5 (slang), Latin 3
(academic usage), Leadership 3 (inspiration), Music 1
Decrepitude: 0 (sing), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (personalities),
Warping Score: 0 (0) Organization Lore: Carrick Clothier’s Guild 2
Confidence: 1 (3) (personalities), Swim 1 (underwater maneuvering),
Teaching 3 (Clothiery)
Virtues and Flaws: Craftsman; Clear Thinker,
Luck, Unaffected by the Gift*, Vernacular Equipment: Heavy Leather Armor (Protection: 2);
Education**, Well–Traveled; Enemies (His Wife and sail éille, knife, good quality clothes; workman’s
her Lover); Susceptible to Warping***, Weakness Clothes; survival kit; wax tablet; pack
(Gambling) Encumbrance: 2 (2)
Personality Traits: Gambler +3, Self–Confident Appearance: A good–looking man with a broad
+2, Practical +1 smile and a well–trimmed beard. With a little wash
Reputations: Clothier of Carrick (Carrick and the here and there and a change of clothes, he would
surrounding area) 1, Knowledgeable on Connacht easily pass in most walks of life.
(Connacht Borders) 1 * Realms of Power: Magic, page 47
Combat: ** City & Guild, page 109
Dodge: Init –2, Attack n/a, Defense +3, Damage n/a *** Grogs, page 84
Fist: Init –2, Attack +5, Defense +3, Damage –1
Kick: Init –3, Attack +5, Defense +2, Damage +2
Sail éille (bludgeon): Init –2, Attack +8, Defense +4,
Damage +1
Knife: Init –2, Attack +6, Defense +3, Damage +1

raiders. The baron himself release, they may need to find and the people and their
tasks the three good men with another way to rescue him. protectors are weak and ill-
negotiating his return. To prepared for conflict. Is this
Sub Rosa

 Cathal Uí Raghallaigh gathers

ensure their efforts, he the opportunity Cathal Uí
his men and levies from
instructs one of his advisors to Raghallaigh has been waiting
Carrick for a campaign against
accompany them. The raiders, Walter de Lacy. The three for or is this an Infernal lure,
however, are men with their good men are charged as tempting him and his soldiers
own motives and are not into murder and damnation?
scouts to go ahead of the
willing to observe political raiding force and report back Of course, the great families of
courtesies. They intend to kill Bréifne need no outside enemy when
on the targets. It seems though
the young knight. If the three
that the lands under de Lacy’s
good men cannot negotiate his (Continued on page 65)
control are suffering a sickness

Risteard the Butcher (Fist), Butcher 5 (cattle), Carouse 4 (power drinking),
The Riastradh Virtue that grants Risteard his battle English 2 (slang), Folk Ken 2 (peasants), Great Weapon
transformations necessitates two sets of some statistics, 4+2 (Cudgel), Hunt 3 (tracking), Gaelic 5 (slang),
such as characteristics, combat statistics, and wound Leadership 2 (intimidation), Music 3 (sing), Survival 3
penalties. These have been calculated and provided below. (marshlands), Swim 1 (narrow waterways)
Characteristics: Int –1, Per –1, Pre 0, Com –1, Str +3, Equipment: Heavy Leather Armor (Protection: 2); sail
Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik 0 éille, knife, peasant clothes; workman’s clothes, butcher’s
Characteristics (Transformed): Int –1, Per –1, Pre 0,
Com –1, Str +9, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik –3 Encumbrance: 0 (3)
Size: 0 Size (Transformed): +3 Appearance: Clearly a strong man with well–defined
forearms and heavy–set shoulders. He meticulously shaves
Age: 31 (31) his head but has heavy brows and a thick brown beard.
Decrepitude: 0 Despite the leather apron he wears in his work, his clothes
Warping Score: 0 (0) are inevitably stained with the blood of the animals he
slaughters and butchers.
Confidence: 1 (3)
Appearance (Transformed): The bones down
Virtues and Flaws: Craftsman; Riastradh*; Puissant Risteard’s back burst through his skin in a line of boney
Great Weapon, Warrior; Enemies (Keogh the Fir Bolg); spikes. His muscles bulge and swell and the veins engorge
Ability Block (Logic), Simple Minded with blood, flushing him with a bright red color. Here and
Personality Traits: Quick Tempered +3, Honest +2, there, the pressure inside him bursts, exposing those veins.
Friendly +1 His frame grows large and broad and he takes on a
Reputations: Ferocious Beast of a Man (Rumormongers hunched stance, as though the sheer weight of his body is
of Carrick) 1 pulling him down. His jaws grow deep and wide and filled
with blocky and broad teeth.
As a result of his Riastradh Virtue, he has the following
Dodge: Init +0, Attack n/a, Defense +4, Damage n/a Fomóir Qualities and Inferiorities:
Fist: Init +0, Attack +6, Defense +5, Damage +3 Huge
Bludgeon: Init +0, Attack +7, Defense +4, Damage +5 Large
Knife: Init +0, Attack +6, Defense +4, Damage +5 Improved Soak x2
Sail éille (Cudgel): Init +1, Attack +12, Defense +8, Reduced Defense
Damage +10
This provides the following bonuses and penalties:
Combat (Transformed):
+3 to size
Dodge: Init –3, Attack n/a, Defense –2, Damage n/a
+6 to Strength
Fist: Init –3, Attack +6, Defense –1, Damage +9
–3 to Quickness
Bludgeon: Init –3, Attack +7, Defense –2, Damage +11
+6 to Soak
Knife: Init –3, Attack +6, Defense –2, Damage +11
–3 to Defense
Sail éille (Cudgel): Init +1, Attack +12, Defense +2,
Damage +16 These have been factored into his statistics above. It is
important to note that the –3 to Defense is in addition to
Soak: +4 Soak (Transformed): +10 the –3 to Quickness. This means that his transformed
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious combat statistics show a –6 penalty to Defense totals.
Sub Rosa

Fatigue Levels (Transformed): OK, 0, –1, –1, –3, –3, –

5, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15),
Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
Wound Penalties (Transformed): –1 (1–8), –3 (9–16),
–5 (17–24), Incapacitated (24–32), Dead (33+)
Abilities: Animal Handling 2 (cattle), Area Lore: Carrick
2 (geography), Area Lore: Connacht 3 (geography),
Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 3 (bodyguarding), Brawl 4

Somhairle the Weaver The Mighty Sail Éille: GvBl 10, +14
Somhairle has been created as a standard unGifted Geas upon the Wayward Steward: GvCu 15, +14
Companion character who has been initiated into Appearance: Somhairle is a huge man. He stands
Gruagach magic later in life. He is presented essentially nearly seven feet tall and has a pronounced brow and heavy
straight out of his Gruagachan apprenticeship. –set features. His hands are similarly large and people
Characteristics: Int +3, Per –1, Pre +1, Com +1, Str 0, marvel that a man so ill–proportioned for the job can be so
Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik –1 fine a weaver. His height does not carry over to his width
and he is particularly lanky. He is often called, somewhat
Size: +2
unkindly, the last stick of straw in the field. His blonde hair
Age: 34 (34) is a little long and untidy but he tries his best to look
Decrepitude: 0 presentable.
Warping Score: 0 (0) * Hedge Magic: Revised Edition, page 56
Confidence: 1 (3) ** Hedge Magic: Revised Edition, page 57
Virtues and Flaws: Craftsman, Gruagach*; Give; As with other Gruagachan, his knowledge of his Arts
Giant Blood; Arcane Lore, Blessing**, Curse**; Pagan; gives him a degree of magical defense:
Dutybound, Restriction (Cannot cast magic while bald), Magical Fortitude: Defense against Corpus effects
Vow (Fight Injustice), Weird Magic
Confounding Magics: Defense against Corpus or
Personality Traits: Generous +3, Just +2, Secretive Mentem effects
Immovable Object: Defense against Mentem or
Reputations: Dedicated (Gruagachan) 1 Corpus effects
Combat: These are described in Hedge Magic: Revised Edition, page
Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense +1, Damage n/a 10. In effect, Somhairle gains a +1 Soak bonus against
spells and effects that cause physical damage.
Bludgeon: Init –2, Attack +7, Defense +2, Damage +2 Concentration duration effects that include Somhairle in
Knife: Init –1, Attack +5, Defense +1, Damage +2 their target have the Ease Factor of the Concentration
Check increased by 2. Finally, Somhairle has a chance of
Fist: Init –1, Attack +4, Defense +1, Damage +0
resisting effects that control or compel Somhairle in some
Soak: 0 way. Each round that he is under magical compulsion, he
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious makes a (Strength +2 – the magnitude of the effect) simple
roll against Ease Factor 9.
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5 (15–21),
Incapacitated (22–28), Dead (29+) As his Arts improve, so do his magical defenses.
Abilities: Area Lore: Connacht 3 (legends), Bargain 2 Somhairle venerates Brighid, one of the Tuatha Dé
(hedge wizards), Brawl 2 (Bludgeon), Coill Tri Lore 2 Danann, wife of Bres, and the triple manifestation of
(personalities), Concentration 1 (lab work), Dominion Lore Ireland.
1 (saints), English 3 (slang), Faerie Lore 3 (faerie roads), Somhairle’s spells are described below:
Gruagach Lore 3 (personalities), Guile 3 (lying about pagan
The Craftsman’s Gift
beliefs), Infernal Lore 2 (curses), Gaelic 5 (slang),
Leadership 2 (bandits), Magic Lore 4 (enriching objects of GvBl 15
virtue), Penetration 3 (Curse), Pictish Language 3 R: Conversation, D: Limit
(inscriptions), Survival 2 (hills and mountains), Weaver 5
(fine cloth) This spell grants a +1 bonus to the target’s craft Ability.
Sub Rosa

Arts: Give 2, Blessing 9, Curse 9 Example: Knowing how hard his neighbour works,
Somhairle casts a spell that improves his craft ability until
Equipment: sail éille, knife, workman’s clothes, he charges more for a product than would be proper.
peasant clothes, pack and bag for the collecting of herbs
and stones (Base 5, +2 Limit (general))
Encumbrance: 1 (1)
The Craftsman’s Gift: GvBl 15, +14
(Continued on page 65)

(Continued from page 64) in ArM5, page 57.
The Mighty Sail Éille Example: To punish a bully for an act of violence,
GvBl 10 Somhairle casts a geas that commands him to act kindly
towards his victims instead. The curse makes the target’s
R: Conversation, D: Diameter, T: Individual hands shake uncontrollably until the bully makes a heartfelt
This spell grants a +1 bonus to the target’s Great apology to his victims. The nature of the curse is perfectly
Weapon Ability for Diameter duration. suited to redress the ill so the target gets a –6 penalty to
their Stamina roll to resist the geas.
(Base 5, +1 Diameter)
(Base 5, +2 Geas (specific, Limit (general)))
Geas upon the Wayward Steward
GvCu 15
R: Conversation, D: Geas, T: Ind
This spell inflicts Palsied Hands, as per the Minor Flaw

(Continued from page 62) line between the hedge wizards and might bring out those looking to
they have each other to face. druids of Ireland and the Order of challenge themselves against one of
Hermes in case his magical power is these beasts. Given that the blood is
 Eóin and Risteard are called overestimated and he makes himself countless generations removed, these
upon to lend their mettle to a an unwitting target for their threats are likely to be fairly minor in
raid on the Druim Leatan attentions. scale but no less deadly in
priory, currently held by the Uí consequence. Young magi undergoing
 A young gruagach seeks out
Ruairc. There is no profit in it their macgnímartha, those months
and the fight will no doubt be Somhairle for teaching in the
Art of cursing. It seems and years between apprenticeship and
bloody. What’s more, the granting of the Parma Magica,
Somhairle cannot be by their however that the young man
might seek him out intending to make
side. Do they attempt to escape has revenge on his mind. Does
a name for themselves in tackling an
service without being marked Somhairle help him achieve his
e n e m y af f li c t ed w i th b a tt l e
as cowards? Or do they try to revenge or steer him down
avert the fight altogether? another route? Either way, it
seems an injustice has been
 A harsh winter grips Carrick.
The winds bite and the very air
done and Somhair le is
dutybound to address it.
Using the Three
freezes causing damage to
buildings and killing the  Having found a source of vis, Good Men as NPCs
livestock. Not far away, the Uí apparently unclaimed, The three good men of Bréifne are
Ruairc seem to enjoy a Somhairle harvests what he relatively easy to drop into a saga or
sheltered winter as the winds needs across the course of a story as non–player characters. Firstly,
roll sharply south. Their year. Then a letter arrives. It is each has a particular craft that the
livestock survive still so as a from a magus of the Order covenant might need, providing a
matter of survival, the men of who claims the source as his reason for visiting their workshops.
Carrick must go raiding. own and demands recompense As craftsmen alone, providing service
for the vis taken. The source is and materials to the covenant, the
in Bréifne, lands forbidden to characters detailed in this article make
Magic the magus, but to send no for useful characters.
Sub Rosa

response would be an insult.

As an unGifted Gruagach, Somhairle may need an ally to Once contact has been made, they
Somhairle must find a means of intercede on his behalf. might be called upon to act as agents
advancing his Arts and Abilities. on the covenant’s behalf, undertaking
Should Risteard go down the tasks off to the side of the main story
Finding others of his tradition will
route of learning the Clesrada then action and in support of the
lead to stories; perhaps rivalry with
stories should naturally arise; one arc covenant’s aims.
others, competition for resources, or
will certainly be that of petitioning for
payments needed in return for
and undergoing the necessary
training. He must also tread a careful
training. His ancient Fomórach blood

The First Lineage:
The Inventors
T his is the first stage of my
collection of Bonisagus
lineages. Each of the following
fact that a Tytalean magus stole her
magical breakthroughs and made a
mint on them after killing her. After
By Mark Baker

wizards are a collection of old and her death, however, Hypatia was
new Bonisagus magi who can be gradually found to be the originator Bellia Bonisagus
placed as NPC’s in your campaign, of lowering many of the base levels to Age: 320 (292)
and involve a basic story seed for their current state, though she never
each, or at least an amusing role- did complete her magical theory of Quote: “It is such a minor change,
playing opportunity that will take up a making all spells effectively at a base really. But one that could have many,
little time. The magi start at the oldest level of 1. many repercussions. On first glance it
and graduate down to the youngest, would seem like nothing but a
This line of researchers does not benefit. But I wonder if by releasing
but the exact age and power is left to tend to associate with Tytaleans no
you to decide for your campaign. my discovery I won’t change the
matter how they view their ancestor. fabric of the order itself and thereby
Note that while some virtues and Some rumours state that this lineage
flaws are entailed, this does not mean bring the Order to destroy itself.”
of Bonisagus have such facility with
these are the entirety of virtues or magic that they have kept some of Theme: Puissant Magical
flaws of the magi below. these lowered base levels to Researcher concerned about the
This lineage follows on from one themselves, but the lineage often impact of her life’s work
of the apprentices of Bonisagus, the respond with the fact that they are Master: Hypatia Bonisagus
unlauded Hypatia, known to all good at magic because they spend
Description: One of the oldest, if
Bonisagi (And most magi) as their time studying, not making up
not the oldest member of the Order.
unrecognied in her time and her early silly rumours.
Bellia was around at the end of the
death in Wizard War, as well as the
schism war and spends most of her

Sub Rosa

time pottering around with the last Interesting Item: 1034 apprentices spend a great deal of time
points of her major Hermetic Discoveries (Magic Theory Tractatus copying her notes and sealing them
Discovery – that of completely quality 8. Involved are 3 research away in places other than her
integrating the Gentle Gift. Now she points for the breakthrough of The covenant or five miles in the vicinity.
is nearing completion, Bellia has Gentle Gift) Most of Aemilla’s apprentices have
begun to consider all of the long since mourned their eyebrows.
possibilities of her research – and has Personality Traits: Absent
slowed her research until she reaches Minded +3, Oh, I just had an
a conclusion. She is very much a shut Aemillia Bonisagus idea..+2, Whoops! +2
in, however, so few people know
about her research. Age: 190 (175) Virtues/Flaws of Note: Magical
Focus (Spells that Cause Mass
Bellia looks as old as she feels, Theme: Oblivious Weapons
Destruction), Inventive Genius, Side
which is her only twilight scar of note, Engineer
Effect (Randomised Destruction),
so she usually appears as a late thirties Quote: “Oh, that extra heat was Short Attention Span (Defined as
to early forties matron. She could last unexpected. Do you think the Absent Minded Professor rather than
another hundred years if Twilight peasants will be angry I burned down the actual Short Attention Span.)
does not catch her first; she has their ships? It was an accident, really.
forced herself to use a little less Item of Note:
I wasn’t even aiming at them. I mean,
magic, and her research has slowed they were miles away. What’s that odd Staff of Covenant Destruction
drastically since realising her relative colour on the horizon? Think it’s a
nearness to Final Twilight. Aemilla’s staff is currently sitting
side effect of creating a small sun? against a wall on the outside of her
Personality Traits: The Tortoise Write that down, apprentice number sanctum, not far from where the
Beats the Hare +2, Driven + 3 twenty-three.” toddlers are kept by the various
(Magical theory integration to bring Master: Bellia Bonisagus nannies of the covenant. It is made
peace to the Order), Curious +2 entirely with onyx, glows with fiery
Description: Aemillia is a creator
Virtues/Flaws of Note: Driven, runes, is studded with diamonds and
of magical spells and weapons of
(Minor Magical Focus: Longevity carved with images of broken shields,
destruction. She is uniquely gifted in
Potions), Cautious Sorcerer, Reclusive dying people, and burning buildings.
the creation of such and regularly
It is activated by pressing the various
Story Seed: Bellia is removed creates spells of such incredible
interesting glowing gems that look
from the Order and so wishes to find intensity that several houses request
like candies about halfway up the
out what the latest generation of magi knowledge of her research actions
shaft. It is not completely filled with
are like, and how close they are to the every season.
enchantments, but Aemilla forgot
mundane world; her fear is that if She usually appears to be a middle where it was and started a new project
every magus has the Gentle Gift, aged woman with fire red hair, instead.
magi will be far more tempted to join accompanied by the snaps, crackles
in with mundane causes and become PeVi The Invincible Shield
and pops of anything breakable
little more than court wizards. She Destroyed
nearby. She wears a leather apron
begins correspondence with the magi over sensible clothes and rarely has This effect will destroy any Aegis
to begin with to find out their views eyebrows. She almost always has a of the 8th magnitude or lower. It has
on such. Over time, if they convince slightly charred apprentice or two and a side effect of breaking or destroying
her that the Gentle Gift will not a dozen lab assistants in fireproof a random amount of aegis tokens that
change the fabric of the order, she clothing. are linked to it and a 1 in 10 chance of
may reveal her research to them. But destroying anyone’s Parma Magica
if the magi are of the opinion that Aemillia is almost shocked at the
who was within the Aegis. It has
idea that anyone would ever use her
Sub Rosa

integration with the mundane world is enough penetration to be able to do

going to happen eventually, she may research – because that would kill
so from inside an Aegis of the 8th
burn her research. If they seem people, things, property, land and
suitable, Bellia may ask them to carry nearby clouds.
on her legacy, specifically if there is an Lvl: 40 +2 Voice, Pen +82 1/day
Aemilla is old, and continues her
appropriate Bonisagus in the group. If dangerous research despite final CrIg Touching the Sphere of
not, and no-one else is suitable, she twilight rapidly approaching. People Fire
will have her notes copied and passed assume that she’ll shortly explode into This magical fire simply sets things
on to Durenmar. final twilight, much like she spent in sight on fire for Sun duration. It
most of her life. As such, her

has a side effect of a secondary peasant is now wandering the land swears she never sent them to attack
fireblast setting things on fire that with a snake head or serpent body or the PC’s covenant, why are they
weren’t targeted. The base fire does are not wandering at all. attacking? And what will the PC’s do,
+10 damage in a perfect sphere for Sepentia seeks a discovery that will especially when they find that they
sun duration. The sphere is the size of integrate a major virtue as Hermetic, were once harmless peasants who
100 campfires. The secondary attack and then a second to be integrated harmed no-one? Is Sepentia’s
will also target one random thing in into Hermetic Magic perfectly; when research worth the cost?
sight and do +5 damage at 10 opening the gift that the Vice versa, if her research is found
campfires, and the fire changes shape Shapechanger virtue also be granted out, Sepentia may ask for aid; why is
randomly from squares, rectangles, along with Hermetic magic. she the sudden target of all of House
flaming horses or otherwise. Bjornaer?
Personality Traits: Snake +3,
Lvl: Base 10 +3 Sight +1 Ind +2 Obsession (Change Hermetic Magic)
Sun +2 Size +70 Pen Unlimited/day +3, Cruel +2
Story Seed: Aemilla is an excellent
source of items and spells, though she
V i r tu e s /F l a w s of N ot e :
Obsession, Major Magical Focus
Fulgrim Bonisagus
is not specifically interested in making (Shapechanging) Age: 40 (15)
them to trade. Being absent minded,
Aemilla might travel to the covenant Story Seed: A collection of Theme: Head of a Spring
to look into a tractatus she hasn’t maddened snake people and animals Covenant
already read on some form of magic, appear to be attacking the covenant.
Quote: Well, once we have the vis
afterwards absently leaving behind an Sepentia created these unfortunate
coming in, then perhaps we can look
unstable and highly volatile magic specimens as an army, and they work
into a better deal with our
item, such as the Staff of Covenant in unison with each other. While she
Destruction. Merely being in the
vincinity or hearing of her approach
may be cause for concern for the
majority of covenants.

Sepentia Bonisagus
Age: 100 (80)
Theme: Heartless scientist who
will achieve her goals no matter the
Quote: “Silence, child. How do
you expect me to write my
correspondences when you keep
calling for your mother? She died
yesterday regardless. You can have
some comfort in knowing she helped
me prove a minor point on the nature
of Muto magic and pain receptors,
Sub Rosa

which I am anxious to hear how my

friend Aemillia will reply.
Master: Aemillia Bonisagus
Description: Snakelike and cold,
Sepentia has cold, slitted eyes and
moves with a sinuous grace. Sepentia
has no compunctions about using
whatever means necessary to conduct
her experiments, so many a hapless

neighbouring covenants. First thing’s involved? And why won’t the
first, though - we’ll probably need to normally friendly Fulgrim treat with Vir Bonisagus
clear out the magical bats from the their representative, Sepentia? Age: 40 (15)
cave as they keep biting the grogs and
turning them into more bats… Theme: Unstable Researcher
Master: Sepentia of Bonisagus
Clara Bonisagus Quote: Damn him! Damn
Age: 60 (30) Aurulentis! I’ve studied this for
Description : Fulgr im was fifteen years, fifteen years of my life!
originally taken as a Trianomae under Theme: Science Nerd Wasted! I’ll get what’s mine. He’ll see.
a now deceased wizard (Occulus of He’ll see!
Quote: Oooh! Bonisagus Fourth
Bonisagus), and had his
Principle overturned by a simple Master: Sepentia Bonisagus
apprenticeship finished by Sepentia of
falling stone? Objects fall toward the
Bonisagus, which he barely survived. Description: Vir of Bonisagus has
earth at the same speed regardless of
He has moved away from her and been researching a way to maintain
weight!? Why, the Rego Technique
since used his general level - virility after taking a longevity potion
will need to be completely updated…
headednes s , f r iendlines s and and been focused on it for so long
no, not updated… replaced!
organisation to quickly organise a that he can barely remember what life
group of young wizards to head into Master: Bellia Bonisagus was like beforehand.
the wilderness and found a covenant. Description: Clara is a true And then someone beat him to it.
Fulgrim appears relaxed, but is very academic rather than a research based And the already slightly unstable Vir
cautious of giving offence as he has magus. She is a university trained went… odd. He doesn’t know what
suffered at the hands of someone Magister (With appropriate spell to he wants to do. He doesn’t know
who tolerated efficiency and punished disguise gender), and often writes on what he can do. He doesn’t know if
anything else. Sepentia failed his entirely mundane topics. Clara is he wants to shake Aurulentis’ hand
gauntlet on a technicality, though it fascinated with natural philosophy for a job well done or plunge a knife
was deemed suitable by a group of and science as well as how it can be into his heart. All he can think is that
other Bonisagi, causing her to grow applied to magical thought. Her his entire life has been thrown into
annoyed with him and involve him in unusual thoughts give her something turmoil and he needs to do…
her business periodically, including of a reputation for being a fruit loop something.
regularly invading his sanctum or in House Bonisagus, as she has been
demanding use of his skills. Fulgrim is heard to discuss how the very Personality Traits: Unstable
very willing to deal with other wizards philosophical underpinnings of magic Genius +5
in such a way that can benefit his new as written by Bonisagus are incorrect V i r tu e s /F l a w s of N ot e :
covenant. to their very core and lacking in true Obsession (Longevity Potions)
One day Fulgrim would love to knowledge. These things are Item of Note: Notes on enough
begin to integrate the Life Boost obviously untrue, reason the rest of longevity rituals and related effects to
virtue into Hermetic Magic, and talks the order, otherwise Hermetic theory total 49 Breakthrough points.
about doing such with a wistful wouldn’t work - so she is obviously
expression. Unfortunately, real life insane. Story Seeds: The half crazed Vir
keeps getting in the way of him doing may approach a warlike PC with as
Personality Traits: Focused +3, much vis as it takes to hire the PC to
anything other than a season here or Driven (Change Hermetic Theory to
there of such research. destroy Aurulentis. Casual discussion
understand new, no longer outdated will reveal that Vir has never even
Personality Traits: Friendly +1, thought patterns.) met the man, and could be slightly
Cautious +2, Organised +2 Virtues/Flaws of Note: Gentle unhinged. Do they take the money
V i r tu e s /F l a w s of N ot e : Gift, Black Sheep and do the deed, or try for a more
Sub Rosa

Tormenting Master Story Seed: Someone has grown moral solution?

Story Seed: Fulgrim needs help. truly annoyed with Clara and has
His covenant is beset by faeries, snake challenged her to Certamen over
monsters, and every other thing that whether she can speak about her
could possibly go wrong. The few theories at the next tribunal. Will the Elvardus Bonisagus
magi in his covenant are not strong PC’s care enough to interfere, or will
Age: 45 (20)
enough to deal with it... and why are they let a potential revolutionary
so many things going wrong all the genius be stopped by force? Theme: Joe Average Magus
time? Could another covenant be Quote: *yawns* Perhaps I’ll look

into that Tractatus today. Whats that creates items for two seasons per pet project; a minor breakthrough for
dear, you need some milk? I’ll just year. The other two he spends with a new duration - Song. He does so
pop down to the grogs, will I? Yes. his family. All of his children are because his wife and children can’t
Whiskers, stop clawing up my tomes secretly horribly ashamed at their dad stand his singing.
or I’ll use my Perdo Animal to shave who always seems to be about, Personality Traits: Harried
you! Now git! embarrassing them with dad jokes Husband +1, Loving Husband +2,
Master: Bellia Bonisagus that no-one laughs at. I’m a Wizard +1
Description: Elvardus does not Elvardus has acquaintances over Virtues/ Flaws of Note:
stand out too much. Next to his House Bonisagus, and has a coveted Dependant (Wife and Children),
housemates, his intelligence is not contract with House Mercere to Temperate
quite as high, his virtues are not create items and thereby supply
himself with extra vis. He often Story Seed: Elvardus could visit
related to magical research, and his the covenant on ‘holiday’ with his
flaws not particularly exciting. His dresses in blue robes with stars and
moons on them. family. He can show an interesting
views are general on many topics, and dichotomy between the wizards who
his favourite topics of conversation While relatively magically weak for barely notice the passing of seasons
tend to be around amusing pet antics his age, there is no-one who hates and a strong, healthy family. Elvardus
or whatever is happening down the Elvardus enough who would bother often talks of how he’d love to spend
local tavern. to declare Wizard War on him. His his seasons like the PC magi, learning
Elvardus is married and puts vis collection is average but protected more and greater levels of power;
effort into his marriage, which isn’t a by his covenant. perhaps after his sons are grown. He
particularly torrid affair. The two love Elvardus has the fear that the hasn’t taken a longevity potion mainly
each other casually and Elvardus growing politics of his tribunal will because he doesn’t want his sons to
dotes upon his sons. He secretly soon involve him and his family, and look older than him, and is concerned
wants them to be gifted, but he also will use any political power he has to his wife will die earlier than he will.
secretly wants a girl, and the wishes keep the status quo. Item of Note:
are no more than idle daydreams. Very occasionally, when the mood The Father’s Blessing
What is unusual about Elvardus is strikes him and his wife and children
that he only ‘works’, that is studies or are visiting family, he works on his This small ring allows a working
father to temporarily gain the
Unaffected by Crying and Fighting
+3 personality trait. Elvardus was
annoyed that he was losing so much
of his time to such matters that he
created this ring. He takes it off when
not in his laboratory, unless the
children are particularly bad.

Iuliana Bonisagus
Age: 60 (40)
Theme: Medical researcher
Quote: Hermetic healing is easy,
Sub Rosa

but requires too much investment.

There must be a way for everyone to
act in concordance with God to
lessen disease.
Master: Bellia Bonisagus
Description: Iuliana grew up the
child of a whore who took on
religious vows and lived as a type of

nun. With a rather broad view of Entity
society from this position, Iuliana Rogelia Bonisagus
Story Seed: Rogelia is desperate.
learned to tend to the sick from a very Age: 30 (25) When a foreign magus promises her
young age as well as love God. Being an end to the demon and to retain her
picked up as a teenager as an Theme: Magus caught between
her gifts and desires power, she will do almost anything to
apprentice, Iuliana was given tutoring make it happen. If the PC’s find out
in many different areas and given Quote: Please. Please let me go. she has traded the secret of the
opportunities she had never had Parma, how will they treat the
Master: Aemilla Bonisagus
before - though she never lost sight desperate young maga?
of her and her mothers and sisters Description: Rogelia is a maga
work in the slums. with a good reputation for her limited
years, seen as a bright up-and-comer.
A f t er s h e co mp l et e d h e r
But few know that Rogelia does not
apprenticeship, Iuliana returned to
actually have the true gift - her Gift Varius Bonisagus
her family and regularly worked with
was given from a demon at the cost Age: 30 (25)
them, her magical abilities bringing
of service.
enough wealth to them that sister Theme: The Focused Generalist
convents have formed, and Iuliana is Rogelia was born into abject
treated as something of a holy woman poverty, her parents died of starvation Quote: A little bit of everything is
- though she always protests at such. at an early age. She survived through much more fun!
her wits until one day she stumbled Master: Clara Bonisagus
Iuliana knows that many diseases
across a small group of grogs from a
are from infernal spirits, and so does Description: Varius is not
covenant and Aemilla, who was
research on how the normal person particularly focused on anything; he is
absently casting magics. Rogelia was
could prevent such diseases from usually dishevelled as if he began to
hurt in the incident and the grogs
affecting them. Some of this research prepare himself for the day and left
brought her to the covenant to be
has some very dubious requirements. his ablutions halfway through. His
healed; a brief check for the gift later
Personality Traits: and Rogelia was about to be sent on laboratory is filled with half
Compassionate + 3, Generous +2, her way. Seeing the power of Aemilla, completed noted and letters and his
Pious +3, Proud (Obsession) +2 a potent demon approached her in whole life is a study in
the guise of a magical entity and asked procrastination. Varius is difficult to
Virtues/Flaws of note: Close pin down to any project, but
Family Ties, Pious, Plagued by her if she wanted power ‘Just like the
mage you saw.’ Not realising that it occasionally has moments where he
Supernatural Entity completes what appears to be
was a demon, Rogelia agreed.
Story Seed: Iuliana captured a amazing amounts of genius work in
demon spirit of illness some years ago Rogelia approached the covenant short periods. Varius often invents
to study it, and has not yet realised it and waited for a week before a magus spells with odd ranges and durations
has been replaced with a far more would check her for the gift again. simply for the amusement of the
powerful and cunning demon which Amazed that the gift could now be process.
has gradually been trying to change detected, Rogelia was made an
apprentice. Originally Varius was a house
her. It has had some limited success, Verditius apprentice before being
but it has yet to overcome Iuliana’s Rogelia did not realise the taken by Clara of Bonisagus. His
basic love of God and it is growing demon’s requirements, and has done Verditius master was glad to be rid of
impatient. In a fit of boredom it everything in her power to avoid the layabout. Clara was impressed by
organises Iuliana to be found out as dealing with it; she fears for her the boys natural intelligence but
having captured another, lesser eternal soul, but can’t imagine life practically forgot about him when
demon and studying it for years. How without the Gift. She has spent taken by some new academic theory,
Sub Rosa

do the PC’s proceed against this almost all of her time attempting to suiting both master and apprentice
apparently innocent and good find a way to retain the gift and still well.
woman? And when the truth is destroy the demon.
revealed, what do they do? Personality Traits: Dabbler +3,
Personality Traits: Frightened + Mercurial +2
1, Desperate + 1, Good + 1
Virtues/Flaws of note: Waster of
Virtues/Flaws of note: False Vis, Secondary Insight
Gift, Major Magical Focus (Damaging
magics), Plagued by Supernatural Story Seed: While visiting the
covenant, Various pays for use of a

library because he is suddenly Virtues/Flaws of note: Dark Master: Iuliana Bonisagus
overcome with ideas for new Secret (Diedne) Description: Matthew Bonisagus
inventions. He talks easily about how Story Seed: A Flambeau PC finds is a good magus. He dresses simply
he is going to spend at least seven Trajanus becoming offensive to him and humbly, speaks without
seasons experimenting in the lab. Do and making his life difficult, and the arrogance, and is kind to his servants.
the PC’s object to having their own Flambeau may even suffer an Unfortunately his Mater, Iuliana, was
covenant exposed to risk? unprovoked wizard war. Why does not properly prepared for an
this Bonisagus hate him so? And how apprentice, leaving him somewhat
is he so powerful for someone so weak compared to other magi around
young? him. Matthew has great respect for
Trajanus Bonisagus the work she does, and so does not
blame her; she was after all healing
Age: 20 (20)
the sick, not wasting time.
Theme: Two men in one body Matthew Bonisagus Matthew was introduced to
Quote: My ancestors cry for friendly clergy at a young age and has
vengeance. First I will learn about Age: 30 (5)
cultivated respectful relationships
them. Then I will destroy them. No! Theme: Christian magus with ties with many in the church. He knows
No, they are innocent of any crime! to the church that some wizards eye him askance
Master: Sepentia Bonisagus Quote: Let us hope God is with for hosting visiting clergy, and some
us! Get the eye of newt, I have a plan stricter members of House Guernicus
Description: Trajanus Bonisagus eye him for the magical works he
was struck with a warping effect as a for how to help these people!
young apprentice that sent him deep
into the realms of twilight. Searching
through the endless worlds, Trajanus
found himself in an ancient forest,
watching an ancient warrior Diedne
protect his people against some
warlike Flambeau. Before being killed,
watching his family burn before him,
Cathasach ex Diedne tore out his own
heart, promising to be reborn and
destroy their descendants.
Trajanus was then struck by the
knowledge and memory of Cathasach,
granting him the Diedne Magic virtue
- and the idea he is Cathasach reborn
- which he may well be. Cathasach
seeks to study destructive and
protective magics, as well as his own
cult practices enough that he can tear
a gaping hole in the Order so that he
may watch it die. He has a particular
hatred for any members of House
Sub Rosa

Trajanus also has elements of

himself, the apprentice that wishes to
learn magic and be a good Catholic. It
comes out occasionally, but the
stronger , domineering Cathasach
usually controls him easily.
Personality Traits: Driven +3
(Destroy Order of Hermes), Peaceful
+1, Hatred (Flambeau) +3

does for the church for free. be eccentric. A powerful maga, she
appears to have a strange and yet Rufus Bonisagus
Matthew, perhaps due to his
humble beginnings, rarely attempts to oddly insightful knowledge about the Age: 25 (0)
solve problems through the brute future - which is also sometimes
incredibly wrong, and also have very, Theme: Dangerous to self and
force application of magic, instead others
hoping to solve issues cleanly and very strange ideas about normal life.
with diplomacy. He is a strong Seneca claims to be a time Quote: With my incredible skills
believer but is never overbearing; he traveller from the year 2013, where of deduction and awesome inventing
knows such action will not work with strange magical communciation skills, I have invented a personal
proud magi. He hopes that acting as a devices are common and the world is ignem effect that will explode with
good example of a magus as much as both at peace and in the most such intensity that the hot air coming
possible will show other magi that horrifying period of all time. She from it will propel me to the moon...
being Christian isn’t a negative thing. makes many odd jokes and finds Master: Aemilla Bonisagus
When not directly helping others, some normal medieval life issues
Description: Rufus is dressed in a
Matthew looks to invent spells of horrifying. She regularly flouts normal
threadbare robe with voluminous
different types to help people, societal conventions, which has had
pockets, which are usually filled with
through growing crops, healing her run out of more than one city on
unusual bits and pieces he has stolen
wounds or diseases or similar. charges of indecency.
from around the place. Rufus rarely
Personality Traits: Pious +3, What is known is that Seneca was focuses on anything from day to day
Humble +2, Friendly +1 rescued from an odd faerie realm by and instead spends most of his time
her mistress at the age of 10 before either escaping work or trying to
Virtues/Flaws of note: Pious being raised as an apprentice. escape his situation, which he blames
(Minor), Social Contacts (Church), on everyone else but him. Intelligent,
Weak Parens Personality Traits: Pop Culture
Fangirl +3 Modern Person +3 but his lack of reason and limited
Story Seed: Matthew Bonisagus empathy causes hurt to those around
wandered through a village near to a Virtues/Flaws of note: Faerie him, as well as regularly injuring
Pagan magus, and Matthew’s good Raised, Delusion (A time traveller himself. He is not generally liked,
works and proper demeanour have from the future) though it is a matter of some
convinced many of the pagan villagers Story Seed: Seneca may contact conjecture in the order how he is still
to consider Catholicism. The magical any PC with a vague reputation for alive after the time he fell off Mont
spirits and fairy spirits have grown healing, telling them that a great Blonc, propelled himself to the lunar
angry at the mage for not ensuring disease will come over the land in the sphere through a self-targeting Ignem
their sacrifices and have taken 1300’s. She wants to be able to cure it spell or declaring Wizard War on the
resources in their stead from the if it comes into being, but all she entirely of House Tremere.
pagan magus. The mage is furious and remembers is that “They called it the Personality Traits: Thoughtless
demands compensation; Matthew Black Death, the Plague. I’m not too +3, Careless +3, Uncaring +2
cannot afford what was taken, and sure about more than that, other than
definately cannot defend himself there was something about rats.” Virtues/Flaws of note: Clumsy,
against the powerful magus. He asks Poor Attention Span, Death
Item of Note: Seneca carries a Prophecy (When he gets a clue),
the covenant (if any christian magi are strange glass-fronted pad that
there) to assist him to negotiate with Black Sheep
normally shows darkness, but is
the mage. enchanted with very complex Story Seed: Rufus may come to
imaginem effects that she controls the covenant, and decide that setting
through touching the images. She fire to the tablecloth that women are
complains that it runs out of ‘battery’, washing all of the clothing for the
Sub Rosa

Seneca Bonisagus and has to cast Auram spells on it to covenant is useful so that people will
recharge it. be frustrated and hence easier to deal
Age: 55 (28) with when he asks if he can take their
Theme: Cloudcuckoolander best tomes for a while.
Quote: Mmmm, Valerius and
Blandus? I can ship that!
Master: Aemilla Bonisagus
Description: Seneca is known to

Sub Rosa

Mappa Mundi
W e’re not done with
Hibernia just yet. The
Contested Isle: The Hibernian Tribunal
to read, however, but it does provide
the basis for much of Ireland’s
mythology in one place.
time of upheaval.
information to as
companion to The
There is enough
a very competent
Contested Isle: The
gives you everything you need to start The Lebor Feasa Runda does a Hibernian Tribunal and bring more
a saga in one of the most conflicted similar job in a much more straight- depth to the table.
of Tribunals, but page-counts being forward manner; what you lose in
what they are it has only scratched the
surface of the story potential in the
detail and flavour you gain in brevity.
It also has the benefit of looking at
First-Hand Sources
old myths and legends of that ancient Ireland’s magical traditions. We can If you want the authentic period
isle. In this issue, Mappa Mundi learn about the days and times most view, then you can do no better than
searches out a few more resources to suitable to magic, about the secret going straight to Gerald of Wales and
add depth to your new Hibernian languages and scripts of Ireland, and his History and Topography of Ireland.
saga. even the various instruments, circles, Often deeply opinionated, his
There are a number of great and rituals used in Irish magic. It’s a recounting of his journeys through
resources available through your local great resource for those wanting to Ireland influenced the Norman-
library and bookstore so let’s take a bring some real ancient Irish colour English who followed in the wake of
look at a few. to their saga. the initial wave of Strongbow, King
Henry, and then King John.
Myth and Legend History and Society Gerald characterises the land as
fruitful, rich, and fertile and makes
One of the most important and For a solid exploration of early mention of the many deep lakes that
useful books for the mythological side Ireland, the multi-volume New History are stocked with plentiful fish. Its
of Ireland is going to be The Lore of of Ireland series, edited by Dáibhí Ó people, however, he is not so
Ireland: An Encyclopaedia of Myth, Legend Cróinín and others, is about as good generous with. He reports that many
and Romance, by Dáithí O hOgáin. It as it gets. Volume one runs from pre- are not baptised, that the clergy are
contains details of countless mythical history up to about 1169 and covers lax in their offices, and just how many
and actual kings and high-kings of topics as diverse as Iron-Age seem to be born lame or blind or with
Ireland, heroes, monsters, and saints, settlements, Latin literature to 1169, some other deformity. His meaning,
and their deeds. Each of these brief and the development and usage of we think, is clear; the land is ripe and
descriptions is ripe with story coins, the High-Kings of Ireland, and full but its people unworthy. This
potential; wrongs to right, birth-rights even Ireland’s music of the period. attitude is one that clearly colours
to claim, and treasures to find. Volume two takes the story through much of The Contested Isle: The
The index is also very useful, to the early 1500s, which provides a Hibernian Tribunal.
grouping entries under terms such as vast scope for your saga, and covers We can read of the cow that was
Folk Custom and Belief and Peoples and economics, architecture, trade and partly a stag, how the mud of Ireland
Traditions. relations, and the further does not contain the seed necessary
development of literature and culture. to spawn frogs, a cross in Dublin that
Sub Rosa

However, we can go further into

the mythical history of Ireland by A more convenient, though less can speak and can only bear truthful
picking up a copy of the Lebor Gabála detailed, view of Ireland through to witness, and how the saints of Ireland
Érenn. This purports to be the history about 1200 can be gained by reading are more vindictive there than their
of the legendary peoples of Ireland Early Medieval Ireland 400-1200, by counterparts elsewhere.
and it explains in detail how race after Dáibhí Ó Cróinín. This book If you were to invest in just one
race vied for control of the small contains chapters covering Law, additional book to give your
island and how eventually they are Family and Community, The Viking Age, Hibernian saga additional colour, it
accommodated. It is not an easy text and specifically the history of Ireland would be this one without doubt.
1014-1200 during the tumultuous

In the Next Issue
Rats Magica
Hidden in plain sight, a band of rats have learned the Hermetic Arts.
by Jason Tondro

Designing the Intangible Assassin

Hermetic Projects introduced the Intangible Assassin. This article explores ways to
optimize such a character build, featuring sample characters and exploring
different themes and (perhaps) some surprising House choices.
By Pelle Kofod and Christian Rosenkjaer Andersen

Covenant Finances
An alternative system for managing covenant income and expenditure.
By Mark Shirley

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