What I Learned From "High Performance Habits": Ameet Ranadive May 10
What I Learned From "High Performance Habits": Ameet Ranadive May 10
What I Learned From "High Performance Habits": Ameet Ranadive May 10
Performance Habits”
Ameet Ranadive
May 10 · 8 min read
1. Seek clarity: know who you are, how you want to interact
with others, what you want to achieve. Be intentional about
your thoughts and actions.
2. Generate energy: build up significant reserves of energy so
that you can maintain effort and focus for sustained periods of
time. Care for your mental and physical well-being, and bring
positive emotions to your work.
3. Raise necessity: tap into the reasons why you absolutely
must perform well, both internal (identity, values, standards of
excellence) and external (obligations, dependents, public
commitments, deadlines).
4. Increase productivity: focus on the highest leverage actions
within what Brendon calls your “prolific quality output” (PQO),
the area where you can drive the greatest impact. Forget about
all other distractions.
5. Develop influence: connect with others to influence them to
support your efforts and projects. Build trust with others to
enable strong collaboration towards joint goals.
6. Demonstrate courage: advocate for your ideas, take bold
actions, stand up for yourself and for others.
The first aspect of clarity is knowing yourself. Brendon advises us
“Be more intentional about who you want to become. Have vision
beyond your current circumstances. Imagine your best future
self, and start acting like that person today.”
Brendon writes:
“High performers… have clear intentions about how they want to
treat other people… In every situation that matters, they know
who they want to be and how they want to interact with others.”
Know what skills and experiences you need to develop in order to
be more successful in the future. By identifying your primary field
of interest and the skills required to excel, you can then be
intentional about learning, practicing, and reflecting on those
skills. Over time, you will develop the expertise necessary to be an
excellent performer.
Finally, high performers care deeply about the positive impact
they will make for others, and for their broader community. They
seek to clarify whom they are serving and what those people need,
in order to deliver their contributions “with heart and elegance.”
“What will provide the most value to those you serve? This is a
question high performers obsess about.”
Brendon advises us to think about high performance in service as
a search for relevance, differentiation, and excellence.
Raise necessity
You won’t be motivated to push yourself to perform well if you
don’t believe it is absolutely necessary. Brendon therefore advises
us to consider four factors in creating performance necessity:
identity, obsession, duty, and urgency. The first two factors are
internal forces, and the second two are external forces.
Factors that drive performance necessity (source: High Performance Habits by Brendon
“When you feel the drive to serve others, you sustain solid
performance longer.”
Real deadlines
High performers have a sense of urgency. They use real deadlines
as a motivational tool for themselves to increase their
“Nothing motivates action like a hard deadline… What is a ‘real’
deadline? It’s a date that matters because, if it isn’t met, real
negative consequences happen.”
Demonstrate courage
The final habit that I will discuss in this post is about
demonstrating courage. Why is courage important for high
performance? Because it motivates you to take bold action in the
face or risk or even fear. And that bold action is often what drives
great impact and high performance.
As Brendon writes:
1. Seek clarity: know who you are, what you want, and whom
you serve.
2. Generate energy: build up your reservoirs of energy to
maintain focus and effort.
3. Raise necessity: focus on the reasons why high performance
is absolutely essential.
4. Increase productivity: perform the highest-leverage actions
and ignore distractions.
5. Develop influence: build trust and influence with others to
gain their support.
6. Demonstrate courage: advocate for your ideas, take bold
actions, and stand up for yourself and others.
In this post, I have gone deeper into three of the habits: seek
clarity, raise necessity, and demonstrate courage. Seeking clarity
involves exploring the 4 S’s (self, social, skills, service) to become
intentional about what you want, how you want to act towards
others, and how to be the most valuable to those whom you serve.
Raising necessity requires you to focus on identity (what are your
values and standards of excellence), obsession, duty, and
deadlines. And finally, demonstrating courage involves honoring
the struggle, sharing your truth and ambitions, and finding
someone to fight for.
One common thread that I noticed throughout the book is the idea
of serving others, feeling a sense of duty towards others, and
fighting for others. The highest performers are much more others-
focused than self-focused. Brendon observed that most people are
willing to do more for others than they are willing to do even for
themselves. By focusing on others, high performers find the
motivation to dream, the strength to persevere, and the courage to
Why do some people succeed more quickly than others, and maintain that
success over the course of decades? And out of that extremely small
subset of people, why do some of them seem miserable, while others live
happy lives?
Success and happiness: That's the combination we all hope to achieve. But
the problem is, how do we become more successful and feel more fulfilled?
Brendon Burchard has spent 20 years answering that question, and in High
Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way, he
provides the answers.
I read an advance copy, and I promise it's one of the best books you'll read
this year. So I spoke with Brendon to get a brief overview, in his words, of
the six habits.
Here we go:
1. Seek clarity.
High performers don't necessarily get clarity. Instead, they seek it more
often than other people -- so they tend to find it and stay on their true path.
For example, successful people don't wait until New Year's to perform a
self-evaluation and decide what changes they want to make.
I've worked with Oprah, and she starts every meeting by saying, "What is
our intention for this meeting? What's important? What matters?"
High performers constantly seek clarity. That makes them better at sifting
out distractions because they constantly refocus on what is important.
Asking -- and answering -- those questions more often than other people
will definitely give you an edge.
2. Generate energy.
What we found is that most people bleed out energy and intention in the
transitions between tasks, between meetings, etc.
High performers have mastered their transitions. They're more likely to take
a quick break, to close their eyes, to meditate -- to give themselves a short
psychological break that releases their tension and focus from one activity
so they are primed to take on the next.
If you want to feel more energized and creative and be more effective at
work -- and leave work with plenty of "oomph" to enjoy your personal life --
give your mind and body a break every 45 to 60 minutes. While that can
sometimes be tough to do, whenever possible, plan your day in those
3. Raise necessity.
I was working with an Olympic gold medal sprinter. One day I said, "When
you're lined up against all these other sprinters, and the difference in
winning and losing is hundredths of a second, how do you know who is
going to win?"
He said, "I would put my money on the person who says, 'I'm going to do
this for my mom.'"
I've had similar conversations hundreds of times with the top 15 percent of
high performers, and they all tell themselves why it's important for them to
succeed at whatever they do that day. They all associate a deep sense of
identity with performing with excellence. They don't just find meaning --
performing with excellence is so critical to their identity that it's almost like
food and water.
Most people are scared to attach their identity to their performance. High
performers are willing to put themselves out there and place their identities
on the line. That's why we call it raising necessity: It's necessary for them to
perform with excellence.
To raise necessity, always know whom you're doing it for. Ask yourself, out
loud, "Who needs me to be on my A game right now?" When I sit down at
the computer, I literally say, "Who needs me on my A game right now?"
and it brings my focus back.
It could be your family, your team, your peers, your customers, your end
users -- whomever it is that you have to perform well for. Speak your "why"
to yourself, out loud.
4. Increase productivity.
High performers increase the outputs that matter. When Jobs came back to
Apple, he stripped down the product line. Then he focused on increasing
the quality of the products that remained.
That's what we all have to do: The main thing is to keep the main thing the
main thing.
High performers are also more productive because they see five steps
ahead, and align themselves to achieve each of those things.
That finding changed the way I look at almost every project I start. What
are the five moves? What are the five major needle-moving moves that will
get me there -- and what are not the major moves, so I know the
distractions to avoid? What key skills do I have to develop to accomplish
those moves?
What's interesting is that many high performers didn't know they were
thinking in five moves; they did it unconsciously. They didn't realize they
consistently identified the absolute must-have skills for long-term success
and became obsessed about gaining those skills. They just did it.
5. Develop influence.
Teach people how to think and you change their lives. High performers say
things like, "Think of it this way" or "What if we approached it this way?" or
"What do you think about this?" Over time, they train the people around
them how to think -- because when you impact someone else's thoughts in
a positive way, you have influence.
But that's not all they do. Think of an influential person in your life. Maybe a
parent, a caregiver, a teacher -- choose someone who impacted you. They
taught you how to think about yourself, or about others, or about the world,
and they also challenged you to grow.
Why was this person so influential? They inspired you. How? They pushed
you. How did they push you? They always told you to be your best.
High performers challenge the people they care about to grow. That's what
makes the most difference where influence is concerned.
6. Demonstrate courage.
First, they speak up for themselves. They share their truth and ambitions
more often than other people do. They also speak up for other people more
often than others do. In short, high performers are willing to share the truth
about themselves.
Many people complain about the struggle. High performers don't. They're
fine being in the weeds, getting muddy. They know that showing up, even
when they're tired, will help make them the best.
Knowing that the process will be hard -- not just accepting that it will be
hard but appreciating that working through the tough times is necessary for
success -- makes them less afraid.
High performers have also identified someone to fight for. Early on, I
assumed courage would come from, say, a mission to change the world --
from a broad-stroke purpose or meaning.
That's not the case. Courage comes from wanting to serve one person or
one unit: wife, husband, family, a small group of people. The will to work
through uncertainty or fear comes from wanting to serve someone who
needs help.
If you want the courage to stay the course, to overcome obstacles, to honor
the struggle, don't focus on changing the world. Decide who you're doing it
for, and then work hard for them.