HEC-22, 3rd Edition Urban Drainage Design Manual: Inlets

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4 Drainage Inlet Design

The hydraulic capacity of a storm drain inlet depends upon its geometry as well as the
characteristics of the gutter flow. Inlet capacity governs both the rate of water removal from
the gutter and the amount of water that can enter the storm drainage system. Inadequate inlet
capacity or poor inlet location may cause flooding on the roadway resulting in a hazard to the
traveling public.

4.4.1 Inlet Types

Storm drain inlets are used to collect runoff and discharge it to an underground storm drainage
system. Inlets are typically located in gutter sections, paved medians, and roadside and
median ditches. Inlets used for the drainage of highway surfaces can be divided into the
following four classes:

1. Grate inlets
2. Curb-opening inlets
3. Slotted inlets
4. Combination inlets

Grate inlets consist of an opening in the gutter or ditch covered by a grate. Curb-opening
inlets are vertical openings in the curb covered by a top slab. Slotted inlets consist of a pipe
cut along the longitudinal axis with bars perpendicular to the opening to maintain the slotted
opening. Combination inlets consist of both a curb-opening inlet and a grate inlet placed in a
side-by-side configuration, but the curb opening may be located in part upstream of the grate.
Figure 4-4 illustrates each class of inlets. Slotted drains may also be used with grates and
each type of inlet may be installed with or without a depression of the gutter.

4.4.2 Characteristics and Uses of Inlets

Grate inlets, as a class, perform satisfactorily over a wide range of gutter grades. Grate inlets
generally lose capacity with increase in grade, but to a lesser degree than curb opening inlets.
The principal advantage of grate inlets is that they are installed along the roadway where the
water is flowing. Their principal disadvantage is that they may be clogged by floating trash or
debris. For safety reasons, preference should be given to grate inlets where out-of-control
vehicles might be involved. Additionally, where bicycle traffic occurs, grates should be bicycle

Curb-opening inlets are most effective on flatter slopes, in sags, and with flows which
typically carry significant amounts of floating debris. The interception capacity of curb-opening
inlets decreases as the gutter grade steepens. Consequently, the use of curb-opening inlets is
recommended in sags and on grades less than 3%. Of course, they are bicycle safe as well.

Combination inlets provide the advantages of both curb opening and grate inlets. This
combination results in a high capacity inlet which offers the advantages of both grate and curb-
opening inlets. When the curb opening precedes the grate in a "Sweeper" configuration, the
curb-opening inlet acts as a trash interceptor during the initial phases of a storm. Used in a
sag configuration, the sweeper inlet can have a curb opening on both sides of the grate.

Figure 4-4. Classes of storm drain inlets.

Slotted drain inlets can be used in areas where it is desirable to intercept sheet flow before it
crosses onto a section of roadway. Their principal advantage is their ability to intercept flow
over a wide section. However, slotted inlets are very susceptible to clogging from sediments
and debris, and are not recommended for use in environments where significant sediment or
debris loads may be present. Slotted inlets on a longitudinal grade do have the same
hydraulic capacity as curb openings when debris is not a factor.

4.4.3 Inlet Capacity

Inlet interception capacity has been investigated by several agencies and manufacturers of
grates. Hydraulic tests on grate inlets and slotted inlets included in this document were
conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation for the Federal Highway Administration. Four of the
grates selected for testing were rated highest in bicycle safety tests, three have designs and
bar spacing similar to those proven bicycle-safe, and a parallel bar grate was used as a
standard with which to compare the performance of others.

References 25, 26, 27, 28, and 30 are reports resulting from this grate inlet research study.
Figures 4-6, through 4-10 show the inlet grates for which design procedures were developed.
For ease in identification, the following terms have been adopted:

P-50 Parallel bar grate with bar spacing 48 mm (1-7/8 in) on center (Figure 4-5).

P-50 x 100 Parallel bar grate with bar spacing 48 mm (1-7/8 in) on center and 10 mm (3/8
in) diameter lateral rods spaced at 102 mm (4 in) on center (Figure 4-5).

P-30 Parallel bar grate with 29 mm (1-1/8 in) on center bar spacing (Figure 4-6).

Curved Vane Curved vane grate with 83 mm (3-1/4 in) longitudinal bar and 108 mm (4-1/4 in)
transverse bar spacing on center (Figure 4-7).

45°- 60 Tilt Bar 45° tilt-bar grate with 57 mm (2-1/4 in) longitudinal bar and 102 mm (4 in)
transverse bar spacing on center (Figure 4-8).

45°- 85 Tilt Bar 45° tilt-bar grate with 83 mm (3-1/4 in) longitudinal bar and 102 mm (4 in)
transverse bar spacing on center (Figure 4-8).

30°- 85 Tilt Bar 30° tilt-bar grate with 83 mm (3-1/4 in) longitudinal bar and 102 mm (4 in)
transverse bar spacing on center (Figure 4-9).

Reticuline "Honeycomb" pattern of lateral bars and longitudinal bearing bars (Figure 4-10)

The interception capacity of curb-opening inlets have also been investigated by several
agencies. Design procedures adopted for this Circular are largely derived from experimental
work at Colorado State University for the Federal Highway Administration, as reported in
Reference 24 and from Reference 29. Factors Affecting Inlet Interception Capacity and Efficiency on Continuous Grades

Inlet interception capacity, Qi, is the flow intercepted by an inlet under a given set of
conditions. The efficiency of an inlet, E, is the percent of total flow that the inlet will intercept
for those conditions. The efficiency of an inlet changes with changes in cross slope,
longitudinal slope, total gutter flow, and, to a lesser extent, pavement roughness. In
mathematical form, efficiency, E, is defined by the following equation:

E = Q1 / Q (4-14)


E = Inlet efficiency
Q = Total gutter flow, m3/s (ft3/s)
Qi = Intercepted flow, m3/s (ft3/s)

Flow that is not intercepted by an inlet is termed carryover or bypass and is defined as follows:

Qb = Q - Qi (4-15)


Qb = Bypass flow, m3/s (ft3/s)

Figure 4-5. P-50 and P-50 x 100 grate (P-50 is this grate without 10mm (3/8")
transverse rods).

Figure 4-6. P-30 grate.

Figure 4-7. Curved vane grate.

Figure 4-8. 45°- 60 (2.25") and 45°- 85 (3.25") tilt-bar grates.

Figure 4-9. 30°- 85 (3.25") tilt-bar grates.

Figure 4-10. Reticuline grate.

The interception capacity of all inlet configurations increases with increasing flow rates, and
inlet efficiency generally decreases with increasing flow rates. Factors affecting gutter flow
also affect inlet interception capacity. The depth of water next to the curb is the major factor in
the interception capacity of both grate inlets and curb-opening inlets. The interception capacity
of a grate inlet depends on the amount of water flowing over the grate, the size and
configuration of the grate and the velocity of flow in the gutter. The efficiency of a grate is
dependent on the same factors and total flow in the gutter.

Interception capacity of a curb-opening inlet is largely dependent on flow depth at the curb and
curb opening length. Flow depth at the curb and consequently, curb-opening inlet interception
capacity and efficiency, is increased by the use of a local gutter depression at the curb-
opening or a continuously depressed gutter to increase the proportion of the total flow adjacent
to the curb. Top slab supports placed flush with the curb line can substantially reduce the
interception capacity of curb openings. Tests have shown that such supports reduce the
effectiveness of openings downstream of the support by as much as 50% and, if debris is
caught at the support, interception by the downstream portion of the opening may be reduced
to near zero. If intermediate top slab supports are used, they should be recessed several
inches from the curb line and rounded in shape.

Slotted inlets function in essentially the same manner as curb opening inlets, i.e., as weirs with
flow entering from the side. Interception capacity is dependent on flow depth and inlet length.
Efficiency is dependent on flow depth, inlet length and total gutter flow.

The interception capacity of an equal length combination inlet consisting of a grate placed
alongside a curb opening on a grade does not differ materially from that of a grate only.
Interception capacity and efficiency are dependent on the same factors which affect grate
capacity and efficiency. A combination inlet consisting of a curb-opening inlet placed upstream
of a grate inlet has a capacity equal to that of the curb-opening length upstream of the grate
plus that of the grate, taking into account the reduced spread and depth of flow over the grate
because of the interception by the curb opening. This inlet configuration has the added
advantage of intercepting debris that might otherwise clog the grate and deflect water away
from the inlet.

4-37 Factors Affecting Inlet Interception Capacity in Sag Locations

Grate inlets in sag vertical curves operate as weirs for shallow ponding depths and as orifices
at greater depths. Between weir and orifice flow depths, a transition from weir to orifice flow
occurs. The perimeter and clear opening area of the grate and the depth of water at the curb
affect inlet capacity. The capacity at a given depth can be severely affected if debris collects
on the grate and reduces the effective perimeter or clear opening area.

Curb-opening inlets operate as weirs in sag vertical curve locations up to a ponding depth
equal to the opening height. At depths above 1.4 times the opening height, the inlet operates
as an orifice and between these depths, transition between weir and orifice flow occurs. The
curb-opening height and length, and water depth at the curb affect inlet capacity. At a given
flow rate, the effective water depth at the curb can be increased by the use of a continuously
depressed gutter, by use of a locally depressed curb opening, or by use of an increased cross
slope, thus decreasing the width of spread at the inlet.

Slotted inlets operate as weirs for depths below approximately 50 mm (2 in) and orifices in
locations where the depth at the upstream edge of the slot is greater than about 120 mm (5
in). Transition flow exists between these depths. For orifice flow, an empirical equation
derived from experimental data can be used to compute interception capacity. Interception
capacity varies with flow depth, slope, width, and length at a given spread. Slotted drains are
not recommended in sag locations because they are susceptible to clogging from debris. Comparison of Interception Capacity of Inlets on Grade

In order to compare the interception capacity and efficiency of various inlets on grade, it is
necessary to fix two variables that affect capacity and efficiency and investigate the effects of
varying the other factor. Figure 4-11 shows a comparison of curb-opening inlets, grates, and
slotted drain inlets with gutter flow fixed at 0.09 m3/s (3.2 ft3/s), cross slope fixed at 3%, and
longitudinal slope varied up to 10%. Conclusions drawn from an analysis of this figure are not
necessarily transferable to other flow rates or cross slopes, but some inferences can be drawn
that are applicable to other sets of conditions. Grate configurations used for interception
capacity comparisons in this figure are described in Section 4.4.3.

Figure 4-11 illustrates the effects of flow depth at the curb and curb-opening length on curb-
opening inlet interception capacity and efficiency. All of the slotted inlets and curb-opening
inlets shown in the figure lose interception capacity and efficiency as the longitudinal slope is
increased because spread on the pavement and depth at the curb become smaller as velocity
increases. It is accurate to conclude that curb-opening inlet interception capacity and efficiency
would increase with steeper cross slopes. It is also accurate to conclude that interception
capacity would increase and inlet efficiency would decrease with increased flow rates. Long
curb-opening and slotted inlets compare favorably with grates in interception capacity and
efficiency for conditions illustrated in Figure 4-11.

The effect of depth at the curb is also illustrated by a comparison of the interception capacity
and efficiency of depressed and undepressed curb-opening inlets. A 1.5 m (5 ft) depressed
curb-opening inlet has about 67% more interception capacity than an undepressed inlet at 2%
longitudinal slope, 3% cross slope, and 0.085 m3/s (3 ft3/s) gutter flow, and about 79% more
interception capacity at an 8% longitudinal slope.

Figure 4-11. Comparison of inlet interception capacity, slope variable.

At low velocities, all of the water flowing in the section of gutter occupied by the grate, called
frontal flow, is intercepted by grate inlets. Only a small portion of the flow outside of the grate,
termed side flow, is intercepted. When the longitudinal slope is increased, water begins to
skip or splash over the grate at velocities dependent on the grate configuration. Figure 4-11
shows that interception capacity and efficiency are reduced at slopes steeper than the slope at
which splash-over begins. Splash-over for the less efficient grates begins at the slope at
which the interception capacity curve begins to deviate from the curve of the more efficient
grates. All of the 0.6 m by 0.6 m (2 ft by 2 ft) grates have equal interception capacity and
efficiency at a flow rate of 0.085 m3/s (3 ft3/s), cross slope of 3%, and longitudinal slope of 2%.
At slopes steeper than 2%, splash-over occurs on the reticuline grate and the interception
capacity is reduced. At a slope of 6%, velocities are such that splash-over occurs on all
except the curved vane and parallel bar grates. From these performance characteristics
curves, it can be concluded that parallel-bar grates and the curved vane grate are relatively
efficient at higher velocities and the reticuline grate is least efficient. At low velocities, the
grates perform equally. However, some of the grates such as the reticuline grate are more
susceptible to clogging by debris than the parallel bar grate.

The capacity and efficiency of grates increase with increased slope and velocity if splash-over
does not occur. This is because frontal flow increases with increased velocity, and all frontal
flow will be intercepted if splash-over does not occur.

Figure 4-11 also illustrates that interception by longer grates would not be substantially greater
than interception by 0.6 m by 0.6 m (2 ft by 2 ft) grates. In order to capture more of the flow,
wider grates would be needed.

Figure 4-12 can be used for further study and comparisons of inlet interception capacity and
efficiency. It shows, for example, that at a 6% slope, splash-over begins at about 0.02 m3/s
(0.7 ft3/s) on a reticuline grate. It also illustrates that the interception capacity of all inlets
increases and inlet efficiency decreases with increased discharge.

Figure 4-12. Comparison of inlet interception capacity, flow rate variable.

This comparison of inlet interception capacity and efficiency neglects the effects of debris and
clogging on the various inlets. All types of inlets, including curb-opening inlets, are subject to
clogging, some being more susceptible than others. Attempts to simulate clogging tendencies
in the laboratory have not been notably successful, except to demonstrate the importance of
parallel bar spacing in debris handling efficiency. Grates with wider spacings of longitudinal
bars pass debris more efficiently. Except for reticuline grates, grates with lateral bar spacing
of less than 0.1 m (4 in) were not tested so conclusions cannot be drawn from tests
concerning debris handling capabilities of many grates currently in use. Problems with
clogging are largely local since the amount of debris varies significantly from one locality to
another. Some localities must contend with only a small amount of debris while others
experience extensive clogging of drainage inlets. Since partial clogging of inlets on grade
rarely causes major problems, allowances should not be made for reduction in inlet
interception capacity except where local experience indicates an allowance is advisable.

4.4.4 Interception Capacity of Inlets on Grade

The interception capacity of inlets on grade is dependent on factors discussed in Section In this section, design charts for inlets on grade and procedures for using the charts
are presented for the various inlet configurations. Remember that for locally depressed inlets,
the quantity of flow reaching the inlet would be dependent on the upstream gutter section
geometry and not the depressed section geometry.

Charts for grate inlet interception have been made and are applicable to all grate inlets tested
for the Federal Highway Administration (references 25 through 28). The chart for frontal flow
interception is based on test results which show that grates intercept all of the frontal flow until
a velocity is reached at which water begins to splash over the grate. At velocities greater than
"Splash-over" velocity, grate efficiency in intercepting frontal flow is diminished. Grates also
intercept a portion of the flow along the length of the grate, or the side flow. A chart is provided
to determine side-flow interception.

One set of charts is provided for slotted inlets and curb-opening inlets, because these inlets
are both side-flow weirs. The equation developed for determining the length of inlet required
for total interception fits the test data for both types of inlets.

A procedure for determining the interception capacity of combination inlets is also presented. Grate Inlets

Grates are effective highway pavement drainage inlets where clogging with debris is not a
problem. Where clogging may be a problem, see Table 4-5 where grates are ranked for
susceptibility to clogging based on laboratory tests using simulated "leaves." This table should
be used for relative comparisons only.

Table 4-5. Average Debris Handling Efficiencies of Grates Tested.

Longitudinal Slope
Rank Grate 0.005 0.04
1 Curved Vane 46 61
2 30°- 85 Tilt Bar 44 55
3 45°- 85 Tilt Bar 43 48
4 P – 50 32 32
5 P - 50xl00 18 28
6 45°- 60 Tilt Bar 16 23
7 Reticuline 12 16
8 P – 30 9 20

When the velocity approaching the grate is less than the "splash-over" velocity, the grate will
intercept essentially all of the frontal flow. Conversely, when the gutter flow velocity exceeds
the "splash-over" velocity for the grate, only part of the flow will be intercepted. A part of the
flow along the side of the grate will be intercepted, dependent on the cross slope of the
pavement, the length of the grate, and flow velocity.

The ratio of frontal flow to total gutter flow, Eo, for a uniform cross slope is expressed by
Equation 4-16:

Q  W
Eo = w = 1 − 1 −  (4-16)
Q  T


Q = Total gutter flow, m3/s (ft3/s)

Qw = Flow in width W, m3/s (ft3/s)
W = Width of depressed gutter or grate, m (ft)
T = Total spread of water, m (ft)

Example 4-2 and Chart 2 provide solutions of Eo for either uniform cross slopes or composite
gutter sections.

The ratio of side flow, Qs, to total gutter flow is:

Qs / Q = 1 – (Qw / Q) = 1 - Eo (4-17)

The ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow, Rf, is expressed by Equation 4-18:

Rf = 1 – Ku (V – Vo) (4-18)


Ku = 0.295 (0.09 in English units)

V = Velocity of flow in the gutter, m/s
Vo = Gutter velocity where splash-over first occurs, m/s
(Note: Rf cannot exceed 1.0)

This ratio is equivalent to frontal flow interception efficiency. Chart 5 provides a solution for
Equation 4-18 which takes into account grate length, bar configuration, and gutter velocity at
which splash-over occurs. The average gutter velocity (total gutter flow divided by the area of
flow) is needed to use Chart 5. This velocity can also be obtained from Chart 4.

The ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow, Rs, or side flow interception efficiency, is
expressed by Equation 4-19. Chart 6 provides a solution to Equation 4-19.

 K V 1.8 
R s = 1 /  1 + u 2.3  (4-19)
 Sx L 


Ku = 0.0828 (0.15 in English units)

A deficiency in developing empirical equations and charts from experimental data is evident in
Chart 6. The fact that a grate will intercept all or almost all of the side flow where the velocity
is low and the spread only slightly exceeds the grate width is not reflected in the chart. Error

due to this deficiency is very small. In fact, where velocities are high, side flow interception
may be neglected without significant error.

The efficiency, E, of a grate is expressed as provided in Equation 4-20:

E = Rf Eo + Rs (1 – Eo) (4-20)

The first term on the right side of Equation 4-20 is the ratio of intercepted frontal flow to total
gutter flow, and the second term is the ratio of intercepted side flow to total side flow. The
second term is insignificant with high velocities and short grates.

It is important to recognize that the frontal flow to total gutter flow ratio, Eo, for composite gutter
sections assumes by definition a frontal flow width equal to the depressed gutter section width.
The use of this ratio when determining a grate's efficiency requires that the grate width be
equal to the width of the depressed gutter section, W. If a grate having a width less than W is
specified, the gutter flow ratio, Eo, must be modified to accurately evaluate the grate's
efficiency. Because an average velocity has been assumed for the entire width of gutter flow,
the grate's frontal flow ratio, E'o, can be calculated by multiplying Eo by a flow area ratio. The
area ratio is defined as the gutter flow area in a width equal to the grate width divided by the
total flow area in the depressed gutter section. This adjustment is represented in the following

Eo' = Eo (Aw' / Aw) (4-20a)


E'o = Adjusted frontal flow area ratio for grates in composite cross sections
A'w = Gutter flow area in a width equal to the grate width, m2 (ft2)
Aw = Flow area in depressed gutter width, m2 (ft2)

The interception capacity of a grate inlet on grade is equal to the efficiency of the grate
multiplied by the total gutter flow as represented in Equation 4-21. Note that E'o should be
used in place of Eo in Equation 4-21 when appropriate.

Qi = E Q = Q[Rf Eo + Rs (1 – Eo)] (4-21)

The use of Charts 5 and 6 are illustrated in the following examples.

Example 4-7

Given: Given the gutter section from Example 4-2 (illustrated in Figure 4-1 a.2) with

T = 2.5 m (8.2 ft) SL = 0.010

W = 0.6 m (2.0 ft) Sx = 0.02
n = 0.016
Continuous Gutter depression, a = 50 mm (2 in or 0.167 ft)

Find: The interception capacity of a curved vane grate 0.6 m by 0.6 m (2 ft by 2 ft)

Solution: From Example 4-2,
Sw = 0.103 m/m (ft/ft)
Eo = 0.70
Q = 0.06 m3/sec (2.3 ft3/sec)

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Compute the average gutter velocity Step 1. Compute the average gutter velocity

V = Q / A = 0.06 / A V = Q / A = 2.3 / A
A = 0.5 T2Sx + 0.5 a W A = 0.5 T2Sx + 0.5 a W
A = 0.5 (2.5)2 (0.02) + 0.5(0.050)(0.6) A = 0.5 (8.2)2 (0.02) + 0.5(0.167)(2.0)
A = 0.08 m2 A = 0.84 ft2
V = 0.06 / 0.08 = 0.75 m/s V = 2.3 / 0.84= 2.74 ft/s

Step 2. Determine the frontal flow efficiency Step 2. Determine the frontal flow efficiency
using Chart 5. using Chart 5.

Rf = 1.0 Rf = 1.0

Step 3. Determine the side flow efficiency Step 3. Determine the side flow efficiency
using Equation 4-19 or Chart 6. using Equation 4-19 or Chart 6.

Rs = 1/[1+ (Ku V1.8) / (Sx L2.3)] Rs = 1/[1+ (Ku V1.8) / (Sx L2.3)]
Rs = 1/[1+ (0.0828) (0.75)1.8 / [(0.02) (0.6)2.3] Rs = 1/[1+ (0.15) (2.74)1.8 / [(0.02) (2.0)2.3]
Rs = 0.11 Rs = 0.10

Step 4. Compute the interception capacity Step 4. Compute the interception capacity
using Equation 4-21. using Equation 4-21.

Qi = Q[Rf Eo + Rs (1 - Eo)] Qi = Q[Rf Eo + Rs (1 - Eo)]

= (0.06)[(1.0)(0.70) + (0.11)(1 - 0.70)] = (2.3)[(1.0)(0.70)+(0.10)(1- 0.70)]
Qi = 0.044 m3/s Qi = 1.68 ft3/s

Example 4-8

Given: Given the gutter section illustrated in Figure 4-1 a.1 with

T = 3 m (9.84 ft)
SL = 0.04 m/m (ft/ft)
Sx = 0.025 m/m (ft/ft)
n = 0.016

Bicycle traffic not permitted

Find: The interception capacity of the following grates:

a. P-50; 0.6 m x 0.6 m (2.0 ft x 2.0 ft)

b. Reticuline; 0.6 m x 0.6 m (2.0 ft x 2.0 ft)
c. Grates in a. and b. with a length of 1.2 m (4.0 ft)

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Using Equation 4-2 or Chart 1 Step 1. Using Equation 4-2 or Chart 1
determine Q. determine Q.

Q = (Ku/n)Sx1.67 SL0.5 T2.67 Q = (Ku/n)Sx1.67 SL0.5 T2.67

Q = {(0.376)/(0.016)}(0.025)1.67 (0.04)0.5(3)2.67 Q = {(.56)/(0.016)}(0.025)1.670.04)0.5(9.84)2.67
Q = 0.19 m3/sec Q = 6.62 ft3/sec

Step 2. Determine Eo from Equation 4-4 or Step 2. Determine Eo from Equation 4-4 or
Chart 2. Chart 2.

W/T = 0.6/3 W/T = 2.0/9.84

= 0.2 = 0.2

Eo = Qw/Q Eo = Qw/Q
Eo = 1-(1-W/T)2.67 Eo = 1-(1-W/T)2.67
= 1 - (1 - 0.2)2.67 = 1 - ( 1 - 0.2)2.67
Eo = 0.45 Eo = 0.45

Step 3. Using Equation 4-13 or Chart 4 Step 3. Using Equation 4-13 or Chart 4
compute the gutter flow velocity. compute the gutter flow velocity.

V = (Ku /n)SL0.5 Sx0.67 T0.67 V = (Ku/n) SL0.5 Sx0.67 T0.67

V = {0.752/(0.016)} (0.04)0.5 (0.025)0.67 (3)0.67 V = {(1.11)/(0.016)} (0.04)0.5 (0.025)0.6 9.84)0.67
V = 1.66 m/s V = 5.4 ft/s

Step 4. Using Equation 4-18 or Chart 5, determine the frontal flow efficiency for each grate.
Using Equation 4-19 or Chart 6, determine the side flow efficiency for each grate.
Using Equation 4-21, compute the interception capacity of each grate.

The following table summarizes the results.

Size Frontal Flow Side Flow Interception

Grate (width by length) Efficiency, Rf Efficiency, Rs Capacity, Qi
P – 50 0.6 m by 0.6 m 1.0 0.036 0.091 m /s
(2.0 ft by 2.0 ft) (3.21 ft /s)
Reticuline 0.6 m by 0.6 m 0.9 0.036 0.082 m /s
(2.0 ft by 2.0 ft) (2.89 ft /s)
P – 50 0.6 m by 1.2 m 1.0 0.155 0.103 m /s
(2.0 ft by 4.0 ft) (3.63 ft /s)
Reticuline 0.6 m by 1.2 m 1.0 0.155 0.103 m /s
(2.0 ft by 4.0 ft) (3.63 ft /s)
The P-50 parallel bar grate will intercept about 14% more flow than the reticuline grate or 48% of the
total flow as opposed to 42% for the reticuline grate. Increasing the length of the grates would not be
cost-effective, because the increase in side flow interception is small.

With laboratory data, agencies could develop design curves for their standard grates by using
the step-by-step procedure provided in Appendix B.

4-45 Curb-Opening Inlets

Curb-opening inlets are effective in the drainage of highway pavements where flow depth at
the curb is sufficient for the inlet to perform efficiently, as discussed in Section Curb
openings are less susceptible to clogging and offer little interference to traffic operation. They
are a viable alternative to grates on flatter grades where grates would be in traffic lanes or
would be hazardous for pedestrians or bicyclists.

Curb opening heights vary in dimension, however, a typical maximum height is approximately
100 to 150 mm (4 to 6 in). The length of the curb-opening inlet required for total interception of
gutter flow on a pavement section with a uniform cross slope is expressed by Equation 4-22:

LT = Ku Q0.42 SL 0.3 [1 / (n Sx)]0.6 (4-22)

Ku = 0.817 (0.6 in English units)
LT = Curb opening length required to intercept 100% of the gutter flow, m (ft)
SL = Longitudinal slope
Q = Gutter flow, m3/s (ft3/s)

The efficiency of curb-opening inlets shorter than the length required for total interception is
expressed by Equation 4-23:

E = 1 – [ 1 – (L / LT)]1.8 (4-23)

L = Curb-opening length, m (ft)

Chart 7 is a nomograph for the solution of Equation 4-22, and Chart 8 provides a solution of
Equation 4-23.

The length of inlet required for total interception by depressed curb-opening inlets or curb-
openings in depressed gutter sections can be found by the use of an equivalent cross slope,
Se, in Equation 4-22 in place of Sx. Se can be computed using Equation 4-24.

Se = Sx + S'w Eo (4-24)

S'w = Cross slope of the gutter measured from the cross slope of the pavement,
Sx, m/m (ft/ft)
S'w = a / [1000 W] W, for W in m; (a / [12 W], for W in ft) or = Sw - Sx
a = Gutter depression, mm (in)
Eo = Ratio of flow in the depressed section to total gutter flow determined by the
gutter configuration upstream of the inlet

Figure 4-13 shows the depressed curb inlet for Equation 4-24. Eo is the same ratio as used to
compute the frontal flow interception of a grate inlet.

Figure 4-13. Depressed curb opening inlet.

As seen from Chart 7, the length of curb opening required for total interception can be
significantly reduced by increasing the cross slope or the equivalent cross slope. The
equivalent cross slope can be increased by use of a continuously depressed gutter section or
a locally depressed gutter section.

Using the equivalent cross slope, Se, Equation 4-22 becomes:

LT = KT Q0.42 SL 0.3 [1 / (n Se)]0.6 (4-22a)


KT = 0.817 (0.6 in English Units)

Equation 4-23 is applicable with either straight cross slopes or composite cross slopes. Charts
7 and 8 are applicable to depressed curb-opening inlets using Se rather than Sx.

Equation 4-24 uses the ratio, Eo, in the computation of the equivalent cross slope, Se.
Example 4-9a demonstrates the procedure to determine spread and then the example uses
Chart 2 to determine Eo. Example 4-9b demonstrates the use of these relationships to design
length of a curb opening inlet.

Example 4-9a

Given: A curb-opening inlet with the following characteristics:

SL = 0.01 m/m (ft/ft)

Sx = 0.02 m/m (ft/ft)
Q = 0.05 m3/s (1.77 ft3/s)
n = 0.016

(1) Qi for a 3 m (9.84 ft) curb-opening.
(2) Qi for a depressed 3 m (9.84 ft) curb opening inlet with a continuously
depressed curb section.

a = 25 mm (1 in)
W = 0.6 m (2 ft)

Solution (1):

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Determine the length of curb opening Step 1. Determine the length of curb opening
required for total interception of gutter flow required for total interception of gutter flow
using Equation 4-22 or Chart 7. using Equation 4-22 or Chart 7.

LT = Ku Q0.42 SL0.3 (1/(n Sx))0.6 LT = Ku Q0.42 SL0.3 (1/(n Sx))0.6

LT = 0.817(0.05)0.42(0.01)0.3 (1/[(0.016)(0.02)])0.6 LT = 0.6(1.77)0.42(0.01)0.3(1/[(0.016)(0.02)])0.6
LT = 7.29 m LT = 23.94 ft

Step 2. Compute the curb-opening efficiency Step 2. Compute the curb-opening efficiency
using Equation 4-23 or Chart 8. using Equation 4-23 or Chart 8.

L / LT = 3 / 7.29 = 0.41 L / LT = 9.84 / 23.94 = 0.41

E = 1 - (1 - L / LT)1.8 E = 1 - (1 - L / LT)1.8
E = 1 - (1 - 0.41)1.8 E = 1 - (1 - 0.41)1.8
E = 0.61 E = 0.61

Step 3. Compute the interception capacity. Step 3. Compute the interception capacity.

Qi = E Q Qi = E Q
= (0.61)(0.05) = (0.61)(1.77)
Qi = 0.031 m3/s Qi = 1.08 ft3/s

Solution (2):

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Use Equation 4-4 (Chart 2) and Equation Step 1. Use Equation 4-4 (Chart 2) and Equation
4-2 (Chart 1) to determine the W/T ratio. 4-2 (Chart 1) to determine the W/T ratio.

Determine spread, T, (Procedure from Example 4- Determine spread, T, (Procedure from Example 4-
2, solution 2) 2, solution 2)

Assume Qs = 0.018 m3/s Assume Qs = 0.64 ft3/s

Qw = Q - Qs Qw = Q - Qs
= 0.05 - 0.018 = 1.77 - 0.64
= 0.032 m3/s = 1.13 ft3/s

SI Units (continued) English Units (continued)

Eo = Qw / Q Eo = Qw / Q
= 0.032 / 0.05 = 1.13/1.77
= 0.64 = 0.64

Sw = Sx + a/W Sw = Sx + a/W
= 0.02 + (25/1000)/0.6 = 0.02 + (0.83/2.0)
Sw = 0.062 Sw = 0.062
Sw/Sx = 0.062/0.02 = 3.1 Sw/Sx = 0.062/0.02 = 3.1

Use Equation 4-4 or Chart 2 to determine W/T Use Equation 4-4 or Chart 2 to determine W/T

W/T = 0.24 W/T = 0.24

T = W / (W/T) T = W / (W/T)
= 0.6 / 0.24 = 2.0 / 0.24
= 2.5 m = 8.3 ft

Ts = T-W Ts = T-W
= 2.5 - 0.6 = 8.3 - 2.0
= 1.9 m = 6.3 ft

Use Equation 4-2 or Chart 1 to obtain Qs Use Equation 4-2 or Chart 1 to obtain Qs

Qs = (Ku/n) Sx1.67 SL0.5 Ts2.67 Qs = (Ku/n) Sx1.67 SL0.5 Ts2.67

Qs = {(0.376)/(0.016)} (0.02)1.67(0.01)0.5 (1.9)2.67 Qs = {(0.56)/(0.016)} (0.02)1.67(0.01)0.5 (6.3)2.67
Qs = 0.019 m3/s Qs = 0.69 ft3/s
(equals Qs assumed) (Close to Qs assumed)

Step 2. Determine efficiency of curb opening Step 2. Determine efficiency of curb opening.

Se = Sx + S'w Eo = Sx + (a/W)Eo Se = Sx + S'w Eo = Sx + (a/W)Eo

= 0.02 +[(25/1000)/(0.6)](0.64) = 0.02 + [(0.083)/(2.0)](0.64)
Se = 0.047 Se = 0.047

Using Equation 4-25 or Chart 7 Using Equation 4-25 or Chart 7

LT = KT Q0.42 SL0.3 [1/(n Se)]0.6 LT = KT Q0.42 SL0.3 [1/(n Se)]0.6

LT = (0.817) (0.05)0.42 (0.01)0.3 [1(0.016)(0.047)]0.6 LT = (0.6) (1.77)0.42 (0.01)0.3 [1/((0.016)(0.047))]0.6
LT = 4.37 m LT = 14.34 ft

Using Equation 4-23 or Chart 8 to obtain curb inlet Using Equation 4-23 or Chart 8 to obtain curb inlet
efficiency efficiency

L/LT = 3/4.37 = 0.69 L/LT = 9.84/14.34 = 0.69

E = 1 - (1 - L/LT)1.8 E = 1 - (1 - L/LT)1.8
E = 1 - (1 - 0.69)1.8 E = 1 - (1 - 0.69)1.8
E = 0.88 E = 0.88

SI Units (continued) English Units (continued)

Step 3. Compute curb opening inflow using Step 3. Compute curb opening inflow using
Equation 4-14 Equation 4-14

Qi = QE Qi = QE
= (0.05) (0.88) = (1.77) (0.88)
Qi = 0.044 m3/s Qi = 1.55 ft3/s

The depressed curb-opening inlet will intercept 1.5 times the flow intercepted by the
undepressed curb opening.

Example 4-9b

Given: From Example 4-7, the following information is given:

SL = 0.01 m/m (ft/ft)

Sx = 0.02 m/m (ft/ft)
T = 2.5 m (8.2 ft)
Q = 0.064 m3/s (2.26 ft3/s)
n = 0.016
W = 0.6 m (2.0 ft)
a = 50 mm (2.0 in)
EO = 0.70

Find: The minimum length of a locally depressed curb opening inlet required to intercept
100% of the gutter flow.


SI Units English Units

Step 1. Compute the composite cross slope for Step 1. Compute the composite cross slope for
the gutter section using Equation 4-24. the gutter section using Equation 4-24.

Se = Sx + S'w Eo Se = Sx + S'w Eo
Se = 0.02 + 50/[(1000)(0.6)](0.70) Se = 0.02 + 2/[(12)(2.0)] (0.70)
Se = 0.08 Se = 0.08

Step 2. Compute the length of curb opening Step 2. Compute the length of curb opening
inlet required from Equation 4-25. inlet required from Equation 4-25.

LT = KT Q0.42 SL0.3 (1 / n Se)0.6 LT = KT Q0.42 SL0.3 (1 / n Se)0.6

LT = (0.817)(0.064)0.42(0.01)0.3[1/ (0.016) (0.08)]0.6 LT = (0.60)(2.26)0.42(0.01)0.3[1/ (0.016) (0.08)]0.6
LT = 3.81 m LT = 12.5 ft

4-50 Slotted Inlets

Wide experience with the debris handling capabilities of slotted inlets is not available.
Deposition in the pipe is the problem most commonly encountered. The configuration of
slotted inlets makes them accessible for cleaning with a high pressure water jet.

Slotted inlets are effective pavement drainage inlets which have a variety of applications.
They can be used on curbed or uncurbed sections and offer little interference to traffic
operations. An installation is illustrated in Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14. Slotted drain inlet at an intersection.

Flow interception by slotted inlets and curb-opening inlets is similar in that each is a side weir
and the flow is subjected to lateral acceleration due to the cross slope of the pavement.
Analysis of data from the Federal Highway Administration tests of slotted inlets with slot widths
≥ 45 mm (1.75 in) indicates that the length of slotted inlet required for total interception can be
computed by Equation 4-22. Chart 7, is therefore applicable for both curb-opening inlets and
slotted inlets. Similarly, Equation 4-23 is also applicable to slotted inlets and Chart 8 can be
used to obtain the inlet efficiency for the selected length of inlet.

When slotted drains are used to capture overland flow, research has indicated that with water
depths ranging from 9.7 mm (0.38 in) to 14.2 mm (0.56 in) the 25, 44, and 63 mm (1, 1.75 and
2.5 in) wide slots can accommodate 0.0007 m3/s/m (0.025 ft3/s/ft) with no splash over for
slopes from 0.005 to 0.09 m/m (ft/ft).

At a test system capacity of 0.0011 m3/s/m (0.40 ft3/s/ft), a small amount of splash over
occurred. Combination Inlets

The interception capacity of a combination inlet consisting of a curb opening and grate placed
side-by-side, as shown in Figure 4-15, is no greater than that of the grate alone. Capacity is
computed by neglecting the curb opening. A combination inlet is sometimes used with a part
of the curb opening placed upstream of the grate as illustrated in Figure 4-16. The curb
opening in such an installation intercepts debris which might otherwise clog the grate and is
called a "sweeper" inlet. A sweeper combination inlet has an interception capacity equal to the
sum of the curb opening upstream of the grate plus the grate capacity, except that the frontal
flow and thus the interception capacity of the grate is reduced by interception by the curb

The following example illustrates computation of the interception capacity of a combination

curb-opening grate inlet with a portion of the curb opening upstream of the grate.

Figure 4-15. Combination curb-opening, 45 degree tilt-bar grate inlet.

Figure 4-16. Sweeper combination inlet.

Example 4-10

Given: A combination curb-opening grate inlet with a 3 m (9.8 ft) curb opening, 0.6 m by 0.6 m
(2 ft by 2 ft) curved vane grate placed adjacent to the downstream 0.6 m (2 ft) of the
curb opening. This inlet is located in a gutter section having the following

W = 0.6 m (2 ft)
Q = 0.05 m3/s (1.77 ft3/s)
SL = 0.01 m/m (ft/ft)
Sx = 0.02 m/m (ft/ft)
SW = 0.062 m/m (ft/ft)
n = 0.016

Find: Interception capacity, Qi

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Compute the interception capacity of Step 1. Compute the interception capacity of
the curb-opening upstream of the grate, Qic. the curb-opening upstream of the grate, Qic.

L = 3m - 0.6 m = 2.4 m L = 9.84 - 2.0 = 7.84 ft

From Example 4-9 a, Solution 2, Step 2 From Example 4-9 a, Solution 2, Step 2

LT = 4.37 m LT = 14.34 ft

L / LT = 2.4 / 4.37 = 0.55 L / LT = 7.84/ 14.34 = 0.55

Using Equation 4-23 or Chart 8 Using Equation 4-23 or Chart 8

E = 1 - (1 - L / LT) E = 1 - (1 - L / LT)
E = 1 - (1 - 0.55)1.8 E = 1 - (1 - 0.55)1.8
E = 0.76 E = 0.76

Qic = E Q Qic = EQ
= (0.76)(0.05) = (0.76)(1.77)
= 0.038 m3/s = 1.35 ft3/s

Step 2. Compute the interception capacity of Step 2. Compute the interception capacity of
the grate. the grate.

Flow at grate Flow at grate

Qg = Q - Qic Qg = Q - Qic
= 0.05 - 0.038 = 1.77 - 1.35
Qg = 0.012 m3/s Qg = 0.42 ft3/s

Determine Spread, T (Procedure from Determine Spread, T (Procedure from Example

Example 4-2, Solution 2) 4-2, Solution 2)

Assume Qs = 0.0003 m3/s Assume Qs = 0.01 ft3/s

Qw = Q - Qs Qw = Q - Qs
= 0.0120 - 0.0003 = 0.0117m3/s = 0.42 - 0.01 = 0.41 ft3/s

Eo = Qw / Q Eo = Qw / Q
= 0.0117 / 0.0120 = 0.41/0.42
= 0.97 = 0.97

Sw / Sx = 0.062 / 0.02 = 3.1 Sw / Sx = 0.062 / 0.02 = 3.1

From Equation 4-4 or Chart 2 From Equation 4-4 or Chart 2

W/T = 1/{(1/[(1/(1/Eo - 1))(Sw/Sx)+1]0.375 – 1) W/T = 1/{(1/[(1/(1/Eo - 1))(Sw/Sx)+1]0.375 – 1)

(Sw / Sx) +1} (Sw / Sx) +1}

SI Units (continued) English Units (continued)

W/T = 1/{(1/[(1/(1/0.97-1))(3.1)+1]0.375 – 1) W/T = 1 / {(1/[(1/(1/0.97 - 1))(3.1)+1]0.375 – 1)

(3.1) +1} (3.1)+1
W/T = 0.62 W/T = 0.62
T = W / (W/T) = 0.6 / 0.62 T = W / (W/T) = 2.0 / 0.62
= 0.97 m = 3.2 ft

Ts = T - W = 0.97 - 0.60 Ts = T - W = 3.2 -2.0

= 0.37 m = 1.2 ft

From Chart 1 or Equation 4-2 From Chart 1 or Equation 4-2

Qs = 0.0003 m3/s Qs = 0.01 ft3/s

Qs Assumed = Qs calculated Qs Assumed = Qs calculated

Determine velocity, V Determine velocity, V

V = Q / A = Q / [0.5T2Sx + 0.5 a W] V = Q / A = Q / [0.5T2Sx + 0.5 a W]

V = 0.012/[(0.5)(0.97)2(0.02) + V = 0.42/[(0.5)(3.2)2(0.02) +
(0.5)(25/1000)(0.6)] (0.5)(0.083)(2.0)]
V = 0.68 m/s V = 2.26 ft/s

From Chart 5 From Chart 5

Rf = 1.0 Rf = 1.0

From Equation 4-19 or Chart 6 From Equation 4-19 or Chart 6

Rs = 1 / (1 + (Ku V1.8)/(Sx L2.3)) Rs = 1 / (1 + (Ku V1.8)/(Sx L2.3))
Rs = 1 / (1 + [(0.0828) Rs = 1 / (1 + [(0.15)
(0.68)1.8]/[(0.02) (0.6)2.3] (2.26)1.8]/[(0.02) (2.0)2.3]
Rs = 0.13 Rs = 0.13

From Equation 4-21 From Equation 4-21

Qig = Qg [Rf Eo + Rs (1-Eo)] Qig = Qg [Rf Eo + Rs (1-Eo)]
Qig = 0.012 [ (1.0)(0.97) + Qig = 0.42 [ (1.0)(0.97) +
(0.13)(1 - 0.97)] (0.13)(1 - 0.97)]
Qig = 0.011 m3/s Qig = 0.41 ft3/s

Step 3. Compute the total interception Step 3. Compute the total interception capacity.
capacity. (Note: Interception capacity of curb (Note: Interception capacity of curb opening
opening adjacent to grate was neglected.) adjacent to grate was neglected.)

Qi = Qic + Qig = 0.038 + 0.011 Qi = Qic + Qig = 1.35 + 0.41

Qi = 0.049 m3/s (approximately 100% of Qi = 1.76 ft3/s (approximately
the total initial flow) 100% of the total initial flow)

The use of depressed inlets and combination inlets enhances the interception capacity of the
inlet. Example 4-7 determined the interception capacity of a depressed curved vane grate, 0.6
m by 0.6 m (2 ft by 2 ft), Example 4-9 for an undepressed curb opening inlet, length = 3.0 m
(9.8 ft) and a depressed curb opening inlet, length = 3.0 m (9.8 ft), and Example 4-10 for a
combination of 0.6 m by 0.6 m (2 ft by 2 ft) depressed curve vane grate located at the
downstream end of 3.0 m (9.8 ft) long depressed curb opening inlet. The geometries of the
inlets and the gutter slopes were consistent in the examples and Table 4-6 summarizes a
comparison of the intercepted flow of the various configurations.

Table 4-6. Comparison of Inlet Interception Capacities.

Inlet Type Intercepted Flow, Qi
Curved Vane - Depressed 0.033 m /s (1.2 ft3/s) (Example 4-7)

Curb Opening - Undepressed 0.031 m3/s (1.1 ft3/s) (Example 4-9 (1))
Curb Opening - Depressed 0.045 m3/s (1.59 ft3/s) (Example 4-9 (2))
Combination - Depressed 0.049 m3/s (1.76 ft3/s) (Example 4-10)

From Table 4-6, it can be seen that the combination inlet intercepted approximately 100% of
the total flow whereas the curved vane grate alone only intercepted 66% of the total flow. The
depressed curb opening intercepted 90% of the total flow. However, if the curb opening was
undepressed, it would have only intercepted 62% of the total flow.

4.4.5. Interception Capacity of Inlets In Sag Locations

Inlets in sag locations operate as weirs under low head conditions and as orifices at greater
depths. Orifice flow begins at depths dependent on the grate size, the curb opening height, or
the slot width of the inlet. At depths between those at which weir flow definitely prevails and
those at which orifice flow prevails, flow is in a transition stage. At these depths, control is ill-
defined and flow may fluctuate between weir and orifice control. Design procedures presented
here are based on a conservative approach to estimating the capacity of inlets in sump

The efficiency of inlets in passing debris is critical in sag locations because all runoff which
enters the sag must be passed through the inlet. Total or partial clogging of inlets in these
locations can result in hazardous ponded conditions. Grate inlets alone are not recommended
for use in sag locations because of the tendencies of grates to become clogged. Combination
inlets or curb-opening inlets are recommended for use in these locations. Grate Inlets in Sags

A grate inlet in a sag location operates as a weir to depths dependent on the size of the grate
and as an orifice at greater depths. Grates of larger dimension will operate as weirs to greater
depths than smaller grates.

Qi = Cw P d1.5 (4-26)


P = Perimeter of the grate in m (ft) disregarding the side against the curb
Cw = 1.66 (3.0 in English units)
d = Average depth across the grate; 0.5 (d1 + d2), m (ft)

Figure 4-17. Definition of depth.

The capacity of a grate inlet operating as an orifice is:

Qi = CoAg (2 g d)0.5 (4-27)

Co = Orifice coefficient = 0.67
Aq = Clear opening area of the grate, m2 (ft2)
g = 9.81 m/s2 (32.16 ft/s2)

Use of Equation 4-27 requires the clear area of opening of the grate. Tests of three grates for
the Federal Highway Administration(27) showed that for flat bar grates, such as the P-50x100
and P-30 grates, the clear opening is equal to the total area of the grate less the area
occupied by longitudinal and lateral bars. The curved vane grate performed about 10% better
than a grate with a net opening equal to the total area less the area of the bars projected on a
horizontal plane. That is, the projected area of the bars in a curved vane grate is 68% of the
total area of the grate leaving a net opening of 32%, however the grate performed as a grate
with a net opening of 35%. Tilt-bar grates were not tested, but exploration of the above results
would indicate a net opening area of 34% for the 30-degree tilt-bar and zero for the 45-degree
tilt-bar grate. Obviously, the 45-degree tilt-bar grate would have greater than zero capacity.
Tilt-bar and curved vane grates are not recommended for sump locations where there is a
chance that operation would be as an orifice. Opening ratios for the grates are given on Chart

Chart 9 is a plot of Equations 4-26 and 4-27 for various grate sizes. The effects of grate size
on the depth at which a grate operates as an orifice is apparent from the chart. Transition
from weir to orifice flow results in interception capacity less than that computed by either the
weir or the orifice equation. This capacity can be approximated by drawing in a curve between
the lines representing the perimeter and net area of the grate to be used.

Example 4-11 illustrates use of Equations 4-26 and 4-27 and Chart 9.

Example 4-11

Given: Under design storm conditions a flow to the sag inlet is 0.19 m3/s (6.71 ft 3/s). Also,

Sx = SW = 0.05 m/m (ft/ft)

n = 0.016
Tallowable = 3 m (9.84 ft)

Find: Find the grate size required and depth at curb for the sag inlet assuming 50% clogging
where the width of the grate, W, is 0.6 m (2.0 ft).


SI Units English Units

Step 1. Determine the required grate Step 1. Determine the required grate
perimeter. perimeter.

Depth at curb, d2 Depth at curb, d2

d2 = T Sx = (3.0) (0.05) d2 = T Sx = (9.84) (0.05)
d2 = 0.15 m d2 = 0.49 ft

Average depth over grate Average depth over grate

d = d2 - (W/2) SW d = d2 - (W/2) SW
d = 0.15 - (0.6/2)(.05) d = 0.49 - (2.0/2)(.05)
d = 0.135 m d = 0.44 ft

From Equation 4-26 or Chart 9 From Equation 4-26 or Chart 9

P = Qi / [Cw d1.5] P = Qi / [Cw d1.5]
P = (0.19)/[(1.66)(0.135)1.5] P = (6.71)/[(3.0)(0.44)1.5]
P = 2.31 m P = 7.66 ft

Some assumptions must be made regarding the nature of the clogging in order to compute the
capacity of a partially clogged grate. If the area of a grate is 50% covered by debris so that
the debris-covered portion does not contribute to interception, the effective perimeter will be
reduced by a lesser amount than 50%. For example, if a 0.6 m by 1.2 m (2 ft by 4 ft) grate is
clogged so that the effective width is 0.3 m (1 ft), then the perimeter, P = 0.3 + 1.2 + 0.3 = 1.8
m (6 ft), rather than 2.31 m (7.66 ft), the total perimeter, or 1.2 m (4 ft), half of the total
perimeter. The area of the opening would be reduced by 50% and the perimeter by 25%.
Therefore, assuming 50% clogging along the length of the grate, a 1.2 m by 1.2 m (4 ft by 4 ft),
0.6 m by 1.8 m (2 ft by 6 ft), or a .9 m by 1.5 m (3 ft by 5 ft) grate would meet requirements of
a 2.31 m (7.66 ft) perimeter 50% clogged.

Assuming 50% clogging along the grate length,

Peffective = 2.4 m = (0.5) (2) W + L Peffective = 8.0 = (0.5) (2) W + L

if W = 0.6 m then L ≥ 1.8 m if W = 2 ft then L ≥ 6 ft

if W = 0.9 m then L ≥ 1.5 m if W = 3 ft then L ≥ 5 ft

SI Units (continued) English Units (continued)
Select a double 0.6 m by 0.9 m grate. Select a double 2 ft by 3 ft grate.

Peffective = (0.5) (2) (0.6) + (1.8) Peffective = (0.5) (2) (2.0) + (6)
Peffective = 2.4 m Peffective = 8 ft

Step 2. Check depth of flow at curb using Step 2. Check depth of flow at curb using
Equation 4-26 or Chart 9. Equation 4-26 or Chart 9.

d = [Q/(Cw P)]0.67 d = [Q/(Cw P)]0.67

d = [0.19/((1.66) (2.4))]0.67 d = [6.71/((3.0 (8.0)]0.67
d = 0.130 m d = 0.43 ft

Therefore, ok Therefore, ok


A double 0.6 m by 0.9 m (2 ft by 3 ft) grate 50% clogged is adequate to intercept the
design storm flow at a spread which does not exceed design spread. However, the
tendency of grate inlets to clog completely warrants consideration of a combination
inlet or curb-opening inlet in a sag where ponding can occur, and flanking inlets in long
flat vertical curves. Curb-Opening Inlets

The capacity of a curb-opening inlet in a sag depends on water depth at the curb, the curb
opening length, and the height of the curb opening. The inlet operates as a weir to depths
equal to the curb opening height and as an orifice at depths greater than 1.4 times the opening
height. At depths between 1.0 and 1.4 times the opening height, flow is in a transition stage.

Spread on the pavement is the usual criterion for judging the adequacy of a pavement
drainage inlet design. It is also convenient and practical in the laboratory to measure depth at
the curb upstream of the inlet at the point of maximum spread on the pavement. Therefore,
depth at the curb measurements from experiments coincide with the depth at curb of interest
to designers. The weir coefficient for a curb-opening inlet is less than the usual weir
coefficient for several reasons, the most obvious of which is that depth measurements from
experimental tests were not taken at the weir, and drawdown occurs between the point where
measurement were made and the weir.

The weir location for a depressed curb-opening inlet is at the edge of the gutter, and the
effective weir length is dependent on the width of the depressed gutter and the length of the
curb opening. The weir location for a curb-opening inlet that is not depressed is at the lip of
the curb opening, and its length is equal to that of the inlet, as shown in Chart 10.

The equation for the interception capacity of a depressed curb-opening inlet operating as a
weir is:

Qi = Cw (L + 1.8 W) d1.5 (4-28)

Cw = 1.25 (2.3 in English Units)
L = Length of curb opening, m (ft)
W = Lateral width of depression, m (ft)
d = Depth at curb measured from the normal cross slope, m (ft), i.e., d = T Sx

The weir equation is applicable to depths at the curb approximately equal to the height of the
opening plus the depth of the depression. Thus, the limitation on the use of Equation 4-28 for
a depressed curb-opening inlet is:

d ≤ h + a /(1000) (d ≤ h + a / 12, in English units) (4-29)

h = Height of curb-opening inlet, m (ft)
a = Depth of depression, mm (in)

Experiments have not been conducted for curb-opening inlets with a continuously depressed
gutter, but it is reasonable to expect that the effective weir length would be as great as that for
an inlet in a local depression. Use of Equation 4-28 will yield conservative estimates of the
interception capacity.

The weir equation for curb-opening inlets without depression becomes:

Qi = Cw L d1.5 (4-30)

Without depression of the gutter section, the weir coefficient, Cw, becomes 1.60 (3.0, English
system). The depth limitation for operation as a weir becomes d # h.

At curb-opening lengths greater than 3.6m (12 ft), Equation 4-30 for non-depressed inlet
produces intercepted flows which exceed the values for depressed inlets computed using
Equation 4-28. Since depressed inlets will perform at least as well as non-depressed inlets of
the same length, Equation 4-30 should be used for all curb opening inlets having lengths
greater than 3.6 m (12 ft).

Curb-opening inlets operate as orifices at depths greater than approximately 1.4 times the
opening height. The interception capacity can be computed by Equation 4-31a and Equation
4-31b. These equations are applicable to depressed and undepressed curb-opening inlets.
The depth at the inlet includes any gutter depression.

Qi = Co h L(2 g do)0.5 (4-31a)


Qi = Co Ag {2g [di – (h/2)]}0.5 (4-31b)

Co = Orifice coefficient (0.67)
do = Effective head on the center of the orifice throat, m (ft)
L = Length of orifice opening, m (ft)
Ag = Clear area of opening, m2 (ft2)

di = Depth at lip of curb opening, m (ft)
h = Height of curb-opening orifice, m (ft)

The height of the orifice in Equations 4-31a and 4-31b assumes a vertical orifice opening. As
illustrated in Figure 4-18, other orifice throat locations can change the effective depth on the
orifice and the dimension (di - h/2). A limited throat width could reduce the capacity of the
curb-opening inlet by causing the inlet to go into orifice flow at depths less than the height of
the opening.

Figure 4.18. Curb-opening inlets.

For curb-opening inlets with other than vertical faces (see Figure 4-18), Equation 4-31a can be
used with:

h = orifice throat width, m (ft)

do = effective head on the center of the orifice throat, m (ft)

Chart 10 provides solutions for Equations 4-28 and 4-31 for depressed curb-opening inlets,
and Chart 11 provides solutions for Equations 4-30 and 4-31 for curb-opening inlets without
depression. Chart 12 is provided for use for curb openings with other than vertical orifice

Example 4-12 illustrates the use of Charts 11 and 12.

Example 4-12

Given: Curb opening inlet in a sump location with

L = 2.5 m (8.2 ft)

h = 0.13 m (0.43 ft)

(1) Undepressed curb opening (2) Depressed curb opening

Sx = 0.02 Sx = 0.02
T = 2.5 m (8.2 ft) a = 25 mm (1 in) local
W = 0.6 m (2 ft)
T = 2.5 m (8.2 ft)

Find: Qi

Solution (1): Undepressed

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Determine depth at curb. Step 1. Determine depth at curb.

d = T Sx = (2.5) (0.02) d = T Sx = (8.2) (0.02)

d = 0.05 m d = 0.16 ft
d = 0.05 m < h = 0.13 m, d = 0.16 ft < h = 0.43 ft,
therefore weir flow controls therefore weir flow controls

Step 2. Use Equation 4-30 or Chart 11 to find Step 2. Use Equation 4-30 or Chart 11 to find
Q i. Q i.

Qi = Cw L d1.5 Qi = Cw L d1.5
Qi = (1.60) (2.5) (0.05)1.5 Qi = (3.0) (8.2) (0.16)1.5
= 0.045 m3/s = 1.6 ft3/s

Solution (2): Depressed

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Determine depth at curb, di Step 1. Determine depth at curb, di

di = d+a di = d+a
di = Sx T + a di = Sx T + a
di = (0.02)(2.5) + 25/1000 di = (0.02)(8.2) + 1/12
di = 0.075 m di = 0.25 ft
di = 0.075 m < h =0.13 m, di = 0.25 ft < h =0.43 ft,
therefore weir flow controls therefore weir flow controls

Step 2. Use Equation 4-28 or Chart 10 to Step 2. Use Equation 4-28 or Chart 10 to
find Qi. find Qi.

P = L + 1.8 W P = L + 1.8 W
P = 2.5 m + (1.8)(0.6) P = 8.2 + (1.8)(2.0)
P = 3.58 m P = 11.8 ft

Qi = Cw (L + 1.8 W) d1.5 Qi = Cw (L + 1.8 W) d1.5

Qi = (1.25) (3.58) (0.05)1.5 Qi = (2.3) (11.8) (0.16)1.5
Qi = 0.048 m3/s Qi = 1.7 ft3/s

The depressed curb-opening inlet has 10% more capacity than an inlet without depression. Slotted Inlets

Slotted inlets in sag locations perform as weirs to depths of about 0.06 m (0.2 ft), dependent
on slot width. At depths greater than about 0.12 m, (0.4 ft), they perform as orifices. Between
these depths, flow is in a transition stage. The interception capacity of a slotted inlet operating
as a weir can be computed by an equation of the form:

Qi = Cw L d1.5 (4-32)


Cw = Weir coefficient; various with flow depth and slot length; typical value is
approximately 1.4 (2.48 for English units)
L = Length of slot, m (ft)
d = Depth at curb measured from the normal cross slope, m (ft)

The interception capacity of a slotted inlet operating as an orifice can be computed by

Equation 4-33:

Qi = 0.8 L W (2 g d)0.5 (4-33)

W = Width of slot, m (ft)
L = Length of slot, m (ft)
d = Depth of water at slot for d > 0.12 m (0.4 ft), m (ft)
g = 9.81 m/s2 (32.16 ft/s2 in English units)
For a slot width of 45 mm (1.75 in), Equation 4-33 becomes:

Qi = CD L d0.5 (4-34)

CD = 0.16 (0.94 for English units)

Chart 13 provides solutions for weir and orifice flow conditions as represented by Equations 4-
32 and 4-33. As indicated in Chart 13, the transition between weir and orifice flow occurs at
different depths. To conservatively compute the interception capacity of slotted inlets in sump
conditions in the transition area, orifice conditions should be assumed. Due to clogging
characteristics, slotted drains are not recommended in sag locations.

Example 4-13

Given: A slotted inlet located along a curb having a slot width of 45 mm (1.75 in). The gutter
flow at the upstream end of the inlet is 0.14 m3/s (4.9 ft3/s).

Find: The length of slotted inlet required to limit maximum depth at the curb to 0.09 m (3.6 in)
assuming no clogging.


SI Units English Units

From Chart 13A with Q = 0.14 m3/s and From Chart 13B with Q = 4.9 ft3/s and
d = 0.09, L = 3.66 m say 4.0 m d = 3.6 in, L = 10 ft

Note: Since the point defined by Q and d on Chart 13 falls in the weir flow range,
Equation 4-32 defines the flow condition. However, Equation 4-32 cannot be
directly applied since Cw varies with both flow depth and slot length. Combination Inlets

Combination inlets consisting of a grate and a curb opening are considered advisable for use
in sags where hazardous ponding can occur. Equal length inlets refer to a grate inlet placed
along side a curb opening inlet, both of which have the same length. A sweeper inlet refers to
a grate inlet placed at the downstream end of a curb opening inlet. The curb opening inlet is
longer than the grate inlet and intercepts the flow before the flow reaches the grate. The
sweeper inlet is more efficient than the equal length combination inlet and the curb opening
has the ability to intercept any debris which may clog the grate inlet. The interception capacity
of the equal length combination inlet is essentially equal to that of a grate alone in weir flow. In

orifice flow, the capacity of the equal length combination inlet is equal to the capacity of the
grate plus the capacity of the curb opening.

Equation 4-26 and Chart 9 can be used for grates in weir flow or combination inlets in sag
locations. Assuming complete clogging of the grate, Equations 4-28, 4-30, and 4-31 and
Charts 10, 11 and 12 for curb-opening inlets are applicable.

Where depth at the curb is such that orifice flow occurs, the interception capacity of the inlet is
computed by adding Equations 4-27 and 4-31a as follows:

Qi = 0.67 Ag (2 g d)0.5 + 0.67 h L (2 g do)0.5 (4-35)


Ag = Clear area of the grate, m2 (ft2)

g = 9.81 m/s2 (32.16 ft/s2 in English units)
d = Average depth over the grate, m (ft)
h = Height of curb opening orifice, m (ft)
L = Length of curb opening, m (ft)
do = Effective depth at the center of the curb opening orifice, m (ft)

Trial and error solutions are necessary for determining the depth at the curb for a given flow
rate using Charts 9, 10, and 11 for orifice flow. Different assumptions for clogging of the grate
can also be examined using these charts as illustrated by the following example.

Example 4-14

Given: A combination inlet in a sag location with the following characteristics:

Grate - 0.6 m by 1.2 m (2 ft by 4 ft) P-50

Curb opening –

L = 1.2 m (4 ft)
h = 0.1 m (3.9 in)
Q = 0.15 m3/s (5.3 ft3/s)
Sx = 0.03 m/m (ft/ft)

Find: Depth at curb and spread for:

(1) Grate clear of clogging

(2) Grate 100% clogged

Solution (1):

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Compute depth at curb. Step 1. Compute depth at curb.

Assuming grate controls interception: Assuming grate controls interception:

P = 2W + L = 2(0.6) + 1.2 P = 2W + L = 2(2) + 4

P = 2.4 m P = 8.0 ft

From Equation 4-26 or Chart 9 From Equation 4-26 or Chart 9

davg = [Qi / (Cw P)]0.67 davg = [Qi / (Cw P)]0.67

davg = [(0.15) / {(1.66)(2.4)}]0.67 davg = [(5.3) / {(3.0)(8.0}]0.67
= 0.11 m = 0.36 ft

Step 2. Compute associated spread. Step 2. Compute associated spread.

d = davg + SxW/2 d = davg + SxW/2

d = 0.11 + .03 (0.6)/2 =0.119 m d = 0.36 + .03(2)/2 = 0.39
T = d / Sx = (0.119) / (0.03) T = d / Sx = (0.39 / (0.03)
T = 3.97 m T = 13 ft

Solution (2):

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Compute depth at curb. Step 1. Compute depth at curb.

Assuming grate clogged. Using Chart 11 or Assuming grate clogged. Using Chart 11 or
Equation 4-31b with Equation 4-31b with

Q = 0.15 m3/s Q = 5.3 ft3/s

d = {Qi/(Co h L)}2 / (2g) + h/2 d = {Qi/(Co h L)}2 / (2g) + h/2

d = {(0.15)/[(0.67)(0.10)(1.2)]}2/[(2)(9.81)]+(0.1/2) d=
d = 0.24 m {(5.3)/[(0.67)(0.325)(4)]}2/[(2)(32.2)]+(0.325/2)
d = 0.74 ft
Step 2. Compute associated spread.
Step 2. Compute associated spread.
T = d / Sx
T = (0.24) / (0.03) T = d / Sx
T = 8.0 m T = (0.74) / (0.03)
T = 24.7 ft

Interception by the curb-opening only will be in a transition stage between weir and
orifice flow with a depth at the curb of about 0.24 m (0.8 ft). Depth at the curb and
spread on the pavement would be almost twice as great if the grate should become
completely clogged.

4.4.6. Inlet Locations

The location of inlets is determined by geometric controls which require inlets at specific
locations, the use and location of flanking inlets in sag vertical curves, and the criterion of
spread on the pavement. In order to adequately design the location of the inlets for a given
project, the following information is needed:

• Layout or plan sheet suitable for outlining drainage areas

• Road profiles
• Typical cross sections
• Grading cross sections
• Superelevation diagrams
• Contour maps Geometric Controls

There are a number of locations where inlets may be necessary with little regard to
contributing drainage area. These locations should be marked on the plans prior to any
computations regarding discharge, water spread, inlet capacity, or flow bypass. Examples of
such locations follow.

• At all low points in the gutter grade

• Immediately upstream of median breaks, entrance/exit ramp gores, cross walks, and street
intersections, i.e., at any location where water could flow onto the travelway
• Immediately upgrade of bridges (to prevent pavement drainage from flowing onto bridge
• Immediately downstream of bridges (to intercept bridge deck drainage)
• Immediately up grade of cross slope reversals
• Immediately up grade from pedestrian cross walks
• At the end of channels in cut sections
• On side streets immediately up grade from intersections
• Behind curbs, shoulders or sidewalks to drain low area

In addition to the areas identified above, runoff from areas draining towards the highway
pavement should be intercepted by roadside channels or inlets before it reaches the roadway.
This applies to drainage from cut slopes, side streets, and other areas alongside the
pavement. Curbed pavement sections and pavement drainage inlets are inefficient means for
handling extraneous drainage. Inlet Spacing on Continuous Grades

Design spread is the criterion used for locating storm drain inlets between those required by
geometric or other controls. The interception capacity of the upstream inlet will define the
initial spread. As flow is contributed to the gutter section in the downstream direction, spread
increases. The next downstream inlet is located at the point where the spread in the gutter
reaches the design spread. Therefore, the spacing of inlets on a continuous grade is a function
of the amount of upstream bypass flow, the tributary drainage area, and the gutter geometry.

For a continuous slope, the designer may establish the uniform design spacing between inlets
of a given design if the drainage area consists of pavement only or has reasonably uniform
runoff characteristics and is rectangular in shape. In this case, the time of concentration is

assumed to be the same for all inlets. The following procedure and example illustrates the
effects of inlet efficiency on inlet spacing.

In order to design the location of inlets on a continuous grade, the computation sheet shown in
Figure 4-19 may be used to document the analysis. A step by step procedure for the use of
Figure 4-19 follows.

Step 1. Complete the blanks at the top of the sheet to identify the job by state
project number, route, date, and your initials.

Step 2. Mark on a plan the location of inlets which are necessary even without
considering any specific drainage area, such as the locations described in

Step 3. Start at a high point, at one end of the job if possible, and work towards the
low point. Then begin at the next high point and work backwards toward the
same low point.

Step 4. To begin the process, select a trial drainage area approximately 90 to 150 m
(300 to 500 ft) long below the high point and outline the area on the plan.
Include any area that may drain over the curb, onto the roadway. However,
where practical, drainage from large areas behind the curb should be
intercepted before it reaches the roadway or gutter.

Step 5. Col. 1 Describe the location of the proposed inlet by number and station and
Col. 2 record this information in columns 1 and 2. Identify the curb and gutter type
Col. 19 in column 19 remarks. A sketch of the cross section should be prepared.

Step 6. Col. 3 Compute the drainage area (hectares) (acres) outlined in step 4 and record
in column 3.

Step 7. Col. 4 Determine the runoff coefficient, C, for the drainage area. Select a C value
provided in Table 3-1 or determine a weighted C value using Equation 3-2
and record the value in column 4.

Step 8. Col. 5 Compute the time of concentration, tc, in minutes, for the first inlet and
record in column 5. The time of concentration is the time for the water to
flow from the most hydraulically remote point of the drainage area to the
inlet, as discussed in Section The minimum time of concentration is
5 minutes.

Step 9. Col. 6 Using the time of concentration, determine the rainfall intensity from the
Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curve for the design frequency. Enter
the value in column 6.

Step 10. Col. 7 Calculate the flow in the gutter using Equation 3-1, Q=CIA/Ku. The flow is
calculated by multiplying column 3 times column 4 times column 6 divided
by Ku. Using the SI system of units, Ku = 360 (= 1 for English units). Enter
the flow value in column 7.

Step 11. Col. 8 From the roadway profile, enter in column 8 the gutter longitudinal slope, SL,
at the inlet, taking into account any superelevation.

Step 12. Col. 9 From the cross section, enter the cross slope, Sx, in column 9 and the grate
Col. 13 gutter width, W, in column 13

Figure 4-19. Inlet spacing computation sheet.

Step 13. Col. 11 For the first inlet in a series, enter the value from column 7 into column 11
Col. 10 Since there was no previous bypass flow. Additionally, if the inlet is the first
in a series, enter 0 into column 10.

Step 14. Col. 14 Determine the spread, T, by using Equations 4-2 and 4-4 or Charts 1 and
Col. 12 2 and enter the value in column 14. Also, determine the depth at the curb,
d, by multiplying the spread by the appropriate cross slope, and enter the
value in column 12. Compare the calculated spread with the allowable
spread as determined by the design criteria outlined in Section 4.1.
Additionally, compare the depth at the curb with the actual curb height in
column 19. If the calculated spread, column 14, is near the allowable
spread and the depth at the curb is less than the actual curb height,
continue on to step 15. Else, expand or decrease the drainage area up to
the first inlet to increase or decrease the spread, respectively. The drainage
area can be expanded by increasing the length to the inlet and it can be
decreased by decreasing the distance to the inlet. Then, repeat steps 6
through 14 until appropriate values are obtained.

Step 15. Col. 15 Calculate W/T and enter the value in column 15.

Step 16. Col. 16 Select the inlet type and dimensions and enter the values in column 16.

Step 17. Col. 17 Calculate the flow intercepted by the grate, Qi, and enter the value in
column 17. Use Equations 4-16 and 4-13 or Charts 2 and 4 to define the
gutter flow. Use Chart 5 and Equation 4-19 or Chart 6 to define the flow
intercepted by the grate. Use Equations 4-22 and 4-23 or Charts 7 and 8
for curb opening inlets. Finally, use Equation 4-21 to determine the
intercepted flow.

Step 18. Col. 18 Determine the bypass flow, Qb, and enter into column 18. The bypass flow
is column 11 minus column 17.

Step 19. Col. 1-4 Proceed to the next inlet down the grade. To begin the procedure, select a
drainage area approximately 90 m to 120 m (300 to 400 ft) below the
previous inlet for a first trial. Repeat steps 5 through 7 considering only the
area between the inlets.

Step 20. Col. 5 Compute the time of concentration for the next inlet based upon the area
between the consecutive inlets and record this value in column 5.

Step 21. Col. 6 Determine the rainfall intensity from the IDF curve based upon the time of
concentration determined in step 19 and record the value in column 6.

Step 22. Col. 7 Determine the flow in the gutter by using Equation 3-1 and record the value
in column 7.

Step 23. Col. 11 Record the value from column 18 of the previous line into column 10 of the
current line. Determine the total gutter flow by adding column 7 and column
10 and record in column 11.

Step 24. Col. 12 Determine the spread and the depth at the curb as outlined in step 14.
Col. 14 Repeat steps 18 through 24 until the spread and the depth at the curb are
within the design criteria.

Step 25. Col. 16 Select the inlet type and record in column 16.

Step 26 Col. 17 Determine the intercepted flow in accordance with step 17.

Step 27. Col. 18 Calculate the bypass flow by subtracting column 17 from column 11. This
completes the spacing design for the inlet.

Step 28. Repeat steps 19 through 27 for each subsequent inlet down to the low point.

The following example illustrates the use of this procedure and Figure 4-19.

Example 4-15

Given: The storm drainage system is illustrated in Figure 4-20 with the following roadway

n = 0.016
Sx = 0.02 m/m (ft/ft)
SL = 0.03 m/m (ft/ft)
Allowable spread = 2.0 m (6.6 ft)
Gutter and shoulder cross slope = 0.04 m/m (ft/ft)
W = 0.6 m (2.0 ft)
For maintenance reasons, inlet spacing is limited to 110 m (360 ft)

Find: The maximum design inlet spacing for a 0.6 m wide by 0.9 m long (2 ft by 3 ft) P 50 x
100 grate, during a 10 - year storm event.

Solution: Use the inlet computation sheet shown in Figure 4-19. The entries are shown in
Figure 4-21a (SI) and Figure 4-21b (English).

SI Units

Steps 1-4 The computations begin at inlet located at station 20+00. The initial drainage
area consists of a 13 m wide roadway section with a length of 200 m. The top
of the drainage basin is located at station 22+00.

Step 5 Col. 1 Inlet # 40

Col. 2 Station 20+00
Col. 19 composite gutter with a curb height = 0.15 m

Step 6 Col. 3 Distance from top of drainage area to first inlet = 22+00 - 20+00 = 200 m.
Width = 13 m. Drainage area = (200)(13) = 2600 m2 = 0.26 ha

Figure 4-20. Storm drainage system for Example 4-15.

Figure 4-21a. Inlet spacing computation sheet for Example 4-15 SI Units.

Step 7 Col. 4 Runoff coefficient, C = 0.73 (Table 3-1)

Step 8 Col. 5 First calculate velocity of gutter flow using Equation 3-4 and Table 3-3.
V = K Sp0.5 = (0.619)(3.0)0.5 = 1.1 m/s

Calculate the time of concentration, tc, using Equation 3-6.

tc = L / [60 V] = (200) / [(60)(1.1)]
= 3.0 min (use 5 min minimum)

Step 9 Col. 6 Determine rainfall intensity, I, from IDF curve.

I = 180 mm/hr (Figure 3-1)

Step 10 Col. 7 Determine gutter flow rate, Q, using Equation 3-1.

Q = CIA/Ku = (0.73)(180)(0.26)/(360)
= 0.095 m3/s

Step 11 Col. 8 SL = 0.03 m/m

Step 12 Col. 9 Sw = 0.04 m/m

Step 13 Col. 13 W = 0.6 m

Step 14 Col. 14 Determine spread, T, using Equation 4-2 or Chart 1.

T = [{Qn} / {K Sx1.67 SL0.5}]0.375
T = [{(0.095)(0.016)} / {(0.376) (0.04)1.67 (0.03)0.5}]0.375
T = 1.83 m (6.0 ft) (less than allowable so therefore proceed to next

Col. 12 Determine depth at curb, d, using Equation 4-3.

d = T Sx = (1.83)(0.04) = 0.073 m (less than actual curb height
so proceed to next step)

Step 15 Col. 15 W/T = 0.6 / 1.83 = 0.33

Step 16 Col. 16 Select a P 50 x 100 grate measuring 0.6 m wide by 0.9 m long

Step 17 Col. 17 Calculate intercepted flow, Qi.

Eo = 1 - (1 - W/T)2.67 (Equation 4-16 or Chart 2)
Eo = 1 - (1 - 0.33)2.67
Eo = 0.66

V = 0.752/n SL0.5 Sx0.67 T0.67 (Equation 4-13 or Chart 4)

V = 0.752/(0.016) (0.03)0.5 (0.04)0.67 (1.83)0.67
V = 1.41 m/s

Rf = 1.0 (Chart 5)
1.8 2.3
Rs = 1 / [1 + (0.0828 V )/(Sx L )] (Equation 4-19 or Chart 6)
Rs = 1 / [1 + {(0.0828)(1.41)1.8}/{(0.04)(0.9)2.3}]
Rs = 0.17
Qi = Q [Rf Eo + Rs (1 - Eo)] (Equation 4-21)
Qi = (0.095) [(1.0)(0.66) + (0.17)(1 - 0.66)]
Qi = 0.068 m3/s

Step 18 Col. 18 Qb = Q - Qi
= 0.095 - 0.068 = 0.027 m3/s

Step 19 Col. 1 Inlet # 41

Col. 2 Station 18+90
Col. 3 Drainage area = (110 m)(13 m) = 1430 m2 = 0.14 ha
Col. 4 Runoff coefficient, C = 0.73 (Table 3-1)

Step 20 Col. 5 V = 1.1 m/s (step 8)

tc = L/[60 V] = 110/[(60)(1.1)]
tc = 2 min (use 5 min minimum) (Equation 3-6)
Step 21 Col. 6 I = 180 mm/hr (Figure 3-1)

Step 22 Col. 7 Q = CIA/Ku (Equation 3-1)

Q = (0.73)(180)(0.14)/(360) = 0.051 m3/s

Step 23 Col. 11 Col. 11 = Col. 10 + Col. 7 = 0.027 + 0.051 = 0.078 m3/s

Step 24 Col. 14 T = 1.50 m (Equation 4-2 or Chart 1)

T < T allowable
Col. 12 d = 0.06 m
d < curb height

Since the actual spread is less than the allowable spread, a larger invert spacing could
be used here. However, in this case, maintenance considerations limit the spacing to
110 m.

Step 25 Col. 16 Select P 50 x 100 grate 0.6 m wide by 0.9 m long

Step 26 Col. 17 Qi = 0.057 m3/s (step 17)

Step 27 Col. 18 Qb = Q - Qi
Col. 18 = Col. 11 - Col. 17
Col. 18 = 0.078 - 0.057 = 0.021 m3/s

Step 28 Repeat steps 19 through 27 for each additional inlet.

English Units

Steps 1-4 The computations begin at the inlet located at station 20+00. The initial
drainage area consists of a 42.7 ft wide roadway section with a length of 656 ft.
The top of the drainage basin is located at station 26+56.

Step 5 Col. 1 Inlet # 40

Col. 2 Station 20+00
Col. 19 Composite gutter with a curb height = 0.50 ft

Figure 4-21b. Inlet spacing computation sheet for Example 4-15 English Units.

Step 6 Col. 3 Distance from top of drainage area to first inlet = 26+56 - 20+00 = 656 ft.
Width = 42.7 ft. Drainage area = (656)(42.7)/43560 = 0.64 ac

Step 7 Col. 4 Runoff coefficient, C = 0.73 (Table 3-1)

Step 8 Col. 5 First calculate velocity of gutter flow using Equation 3-4 and Table 3-3.
V = Ku k Sp0.5 = (3.28)(0.619)(3.0)0.5 = 3.5 ft/s

Calculate the time of concentration, tc, using Equation 3-6.

tc = L / [60 V] = (656) / [(60)(3.5)]
= 3.1min (use 5 min minimum)

Step 9 Col. 6 Determine rainfall intensity, I, from IDF curve.

I = 7.1 in/hr (Figure 3-1)

Step 10 Col. 7 Determine gutter flow rate, Q, using Equation 3-1.

Q = CIA/Ku = (0.73)(7.1)(0.64)/(1)
= 3.32 ft3/s

Step 11 Col. 8 SL = 0.03 ft/ft

Step 12 Col. 9 Sw = 0.04 ft/ft

Step 13 Col. 13 W = 2 ft

Step 14 Col. 14 Determine spread, T, using Equation 4-2 or Chart 1.

T = [{Qn} / {K Sx1.67 SL0.5}]0.375
T = [{(3.32)(0.016)} / {(0.56) (0.04)1.67 (0.03)0.5}]0.375
T = 5.99 ft (less than allowable so therefore proceed to next step)

Col. 12 Determine depth at curb, d, using Equation 4-3.

d = T Sx = (5.99)(0.04) = 0.24 ft (less than actual curb height so
proceed to next step)

Step 15 Col. 15 W/T = 2/5.99 = 0.33

Step 16 Col. 16 Select a P 50 x 100 grate measuring 2 ft wide by 3 ft long.

Step 17 Col. 17 Calculate intercepted flow, Qi.

Eo = 1 - (1 - W/T)2.67 (Equation 4-16 or Chart 2)
Eo = 1 - (1 - 0.33)2.67
Eo = 0.66

V = (Ku/n )SL0.5 Sx0.67 T0.67 (Equation 4-13 or Chart 4)

V = {1.11/(0.016)} (0.03)0.5 (0.04)0.67 (1.83)0.67
V = 4.61 ft/s

Rf = 1.0 (Chart 5)
Rs = 1 / [1 + (Ku V1.8)/(Sx L2.3)] (Equation 4-19 or Chart 6)
Rs = 1 / [1 + {(0.15)(4.6)1.8}/{(0.04)(3)2.3}]
Rs = 0.18

Qi = Q [Rf Eo + Rs (1 - Eo)] (Equation 4-21)
Qi = (3.32) [(1.0)(0.66) + (0.18)(1 - 0.66)]
Qi = 2.39 ft3/s

Step 18 Col. 18 Qb = Q - Qi
= 3.32 - 2.39 = 0.93 ft3/s

Step 19 Col. 1 Inlet # 41

Col. 2 Station 16+40
Col. 3 Drainage area = (360)(42.6)/43560 =0.35 ac
Col. 4 Runoff coefficient, C = 0.73 (Table 3-1)

Step 20 Col. 5 V = 3.5 ft/s (Step 8)

tc = L/[60 V] = 360/[(60)(3.5)]
tc = 1.7 min (use 5 min minimum) (Equation 3-6)

Step 21 Col. 6 I = 7.1 in/hr (Figure 3-1)

Step 22 Col. 7 Q = CIA/Ku (Equation 3-1)

Q = (0.73)(7.1)(0.35)/(1) = 1.81 ft3/s

Step 23 Col. 11 Col. 11 = Col. 10 + Col. 7 = 0.93 + 1.81 = 2.74 ft3/s

Step 24 Col. 14 T = 5.6 ft (Equation 4-2 or Chart 1)

T < T allowable
Col. 12 d = (5.6) (0.4) = 0.22 ft
d < curb height

Since the actual spread is less than the allowable spread, a larger invert spacing could
be used here. However, in this case, maintenance considerations limit the spacing to
360 ft.

Step 25 Col. 16 Select P 50 x 100 grate 2 ft wide by 3 ft long.

Step 26 Col. 17 Qi = 2.05 ft3/s (Step 17)

Step 27 Col. 18 Qb = Q - Qi
Col. 18 = Col. 11 - Col. 17
Col. 18 = 2.74 - 2.05 = 0.69 ft3/s

Step 28 Repeat steps 19 through 27 for each additional inlet.

For inlet spacing in areas with changing grades, the spacing will vary as the grade changes. If
the grade becomes flatter, inlets may be spaced at closer intervals because the spread will
exceed the allowable. Conversely, for an increase in slope, the inlet spacing will become
longer because of increased capacity in the gutter sections. Additionally, individual
transportation agencies may have limitations for spacing due to maintenance constraints.

4-78 Flanking Inlets

As discussed in the previous section, inlets should always be located at the low or sag points
in the gutter profile. In addition, it is good engineering practice to place flanking inlets on each
side of the low point inlet when in a depressed area that has no outlet except through the
system. This is illustrated in Figure 4-22. The purpose of the flanking inlets is to act in relief of
the inlet at the low point if it should become clogged or if the design spread is exceeded.

Figure 4-22. Example of flanking inlets.

Flanking inlets can be located so they will function before water spread exceeds the allowable
spread at the sump location. The flanking inlets should be located so that they will receive all
of the flow when the primary inlet at the bottom of the sag is clogged. They should do this
without exceeding the allowable spread at the bottom of the sag. If the flanking inlets are the
same dimension as the primary inlet, they will each intercept one-half the design flow when
they are located so that the depth of ponding at the flanking inlets is 63% of the depth of
ponding at the low point. If the flanker inlets are not the same size as the primary inlet, it will
be necessary to either develop a new factor or do a trial and error solution using assumed
depths with the weir equation to determine the capacity of the flanker inlet at the given

The spacing required for various depths at curb criteria and vertical curve lengths is defined as

K = L / (G2 - G1) (4-36)

L = Length of the vertical curve in feet
G1, G2 = Approach grades in percent

The AASHTO policy on geometrics specifies maximum K values for various design speeds
and a maximum K of 167 considering drainage.

X = (74 d K)0.5 (4-37)

X = Maximum distance from bottom of sag to flanking inlet
d = Depth of water over inlet in bottom of sag as shown in Figure 4-22
K = As defined above

Step 1. Determine the K value for the sag curve.
Step 2. Determine the depth at design spread, d = SX T (SX = cross slope, T = gutter
Step 3. Establish X from Equation 4-37. Note this distance is the maximum distance one
can use.

Table 4-7 provides a check on the distance established by the above procedure.

Example 4-16

Given: A 150 m (500 ft)(L) sag vertical curve at an underpass on a 4-lane divided highway
with begin and end slopes of -2.5% and +2.5% respectively. The spread at design Q is
not to exceed the shoulder width of 3.0 m (9.8 ft).
Sx = 0.02
Find: The location of the flanking inlets if located to function in relief of the inlet at the low
point when the inlet at the low point is clogged.


SI Units English Units

Step 1. Find the rate of vertical curvature, K. Step 1. Find the rate of vertical curvature, K.

K = L/(Send - Sbeginning) K = L/(Send - Sbeginning)

K = 150 m/(2.5% - (-2.5%)) K = 500 ft/(2.5% - (-2.5%))
K = 30 m/ % K = 100 ft/ %

Step 2. Determine depth at curb for design Step 2. Determine depth at curb for design
spread. spread.

d = Sx T = (0.02) (3.0) d = Sx T = (0.02) (9.84)

d = 0.06 m d = 0.2 ft

Step 3. Determine the flanker locations. Step 3. Determine the flanker locations.

X = X = (74 d K)0.5 d = X = (74 d K)0.5

= (74 (0.06)(30))0.5 = (74 (0.2)(100))0.5
= 11.5 m = 34.5 ft

Inlet spacing = 11.5 m from the sag point; Inlet spacing = 34.5 ft from the sag point

Example problem solutions in Section 4.4.5 illustrate the total interception capacity of inlets in
sag locations. Except where inlets become clogged, spread on low gradient approaches to
the low point is a more stringent criterion for design than the interception capacity of the sag
inlet. AASHTO(21) recommends that a gradient of 0.3% be maintained within 15 m (50 ft) of the
level point in order to provide for adequate drainage. It is considered advisable to use spread
on the pavement at a gradient comparable to that recommended by the AASHTO Committee
on Design to evaluate the location and excessive spread in the sag curve. Standard inlet
locations may need to be adjusted to avoid excessive spread in the sag curve.

Inlets may be needed between the flankers and the ends of the curves also. For major sag
points, the flanking inlets are added as a safety factor, and are not considered as intercepting
flow to reduce the bypass flow to the sag point. They are installed to assist the sag point inlet
in the event of clogging.

Table 4-7. Distance to Flanking Inlets in Sag Vertical Curve.(19)

SI Units
K 4 8 11 15 20 25 30 37 43 50
d (m)
0.01 1.7 2.4 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.7 5.2 5.6 6.0
0.02 2.4 3.4 4.0 4.7 5.4 6.0 6.6 7.4 7.9 8.6
0.03 2.9 4.2 4..9 5.7 6.6 7.4 8.1 9.0 9.7 10.5
0.05 3.8 5.4 6.3 7.4 8.6 9.6 10.5 11.7 12.6 13.6
0.08 4.8 6.8 8.0 9.4 10.8 12.1 13.3 14.8 15.9 17.2
0.10 5.4 7.6 9.0 10.5 12.1 13.6 14.8 16.5 17.8 19.2
0.15 6.6 9.4 11.0 12.9 14.8 16.6 18.2 20.2 21.8 23.5
0.18 7.2 10.3 12.1 14.1 16.3 18.2 19.9 22.2 23.9 25.8
0.21 7.8 11.1 13.0 15.2 17.6 19.7 21.5 23.9 25.8 27.8
NOTES: 1. x = (74 dK), where x = distance from sag point.
2. d = depth of ponding at curb as shown in Figure 4.22
3. Drainage maximum K = 50

English Units
K 20 30 40 50 70 90 110 130 160 167
d (ft)
0.1 12 14 17 19 22 25 28 31 34 35
0.2 17 21 24 27 32 36 40 43 48 49
0.3 21 25 29 33 39 44 49 53 59 60
0.4 24 29 34 38 45 51 57 62 68 70
0.5 27 33 38 43 50 57 63 69 76 78
0.6 29 36 42 47 55 63 69 75 84 86
0.7 32 39 45 50 60 68 75 82 91 93
NOTES: 1. x = (74 dK), where x = distance from sag point.
2. d = depth of ponding at curb as shown in Figure 4.22
3. Drainage maximum K =167

4.4.7 Median, Embankment, and Bridge Inlets

Flow in median and roadside ditches is discussed briefly in Chapter 5 and in Hydraulic
Engineering Circular 15(34) and Hydraulic Design Series 4.(7) It is sometimes necessary to
place inlets in medians at intervals to remove water that could cause erosion. Inlets are
sometimes used in roadside ditches at the intersection of cut and fill slopes to prevent erosion
downstream of cut sections.

Where adequate vegetative cover can be established on embankment slopes to prevent
erosion, it is preferable to allow storm water to discharge down the slope with as little
concentration of flow as practicable. Where storm water must be collected with curbs or
swales, inlets are used to receive the water and discharge it through chutes, sod or riprap
swales, or pipe downdrains.

Figure 4-23. Median drop inlet.(85)

Bridge deck drainage is similar to roadway drainage and deck drainage inlets are similar in
purpose to roadway inlets. Bridge decks lack a clear zone, adding to the need to consider
proper inlet design. Reference 23 discusses bridge deck drainage. Median and Roadside Ditch Inlets

Median and roadside ditches may be drained by drop inlets similar to those used for pavement
drainage, by pipe culverts under one roadway, or by cross drainage culverts which are not
continuous across the median. Figure 4-23 illustrates a traffic-safe median inlet. Inlets, pipes,
and discontinuous cross drainage culverts should be designed so as not to detract from a safe
roadside. Drop inlets should be flush with the ditch bottom and traffic-safe bar grates should
be placed on the ends of pipes used to drain medians that would be a hazard to errant
vehicles, although this may cause a plugging potential. Cross drainage structures should be
continuous across the median unless the median width makes this impractical. Ditches tend
to erode at drop inlets; paving around the inlets helps to prevent erosion and may increase the
interception capacity of the inlet marginally by acceleration of the flow.

Pipe drains for medians operate as culverts and generally require more water depth to
intercept median flow than drop inlets. No test results are available on which to base design
procedures for estimating the effects of placing grates on culvert inlets. However, little effect is

The interception capacity of drop inlets in median ditches on continuous grades can be
estimated by use of Charts 14 and 15 to estimate flow depth and the ratio of frontal flow to
total flow in the ditch.

Chart 14 is the solution to the Manning's equation for channels of various side slopes. The
Manning's equation for open channels is:

Q = (Ku/n) A R0.67 SL 0.5 (4-38)


Q = Discharge rate, m3/s (ft3/s)

Ku = 1.0 (1.486)
n = Hydraulic resistance variable
A = Cross sectional area of flow, m2 (ft2)
R = Hydraulic radius = area/wetted perimeter, m (ft)
SL = Bed slope, m/m (ft/ft)

For the trapezoidal channel cross section shown on Chart 14, the Manning's equation

Q = (Ku / n) (Bd + zd2) {(Bd + Zd2) / [B + 2d (Z2 + 1)0.5]}0.67 SL 0.5 (4-39)


B = Bottom width, m (ft)

z = Horizontal distance of side slope to a rise of 1 m (ft) vertical, m (ft)

Equation 4-39 is a trial and error solution to Chart 14.

Chart 15 is the ratio of frontal flow to total flow in a trapezoidal channel. This is expressed as:

Eo = W / (B + d z) (4-40)

Charts 5 and 6 are used to estimate the ratios of frontal and side flow intercepted by the grate
to total flow.

Small dikes downstream of drop inlets (Figure 4-23) can be provided to impede bypass flow in
an attempt to cause complete interception of the approach flow. The dikes usually need not
be more than a few inches high and should have traffic safe slopes. The height of dike
required for complete interception on continuous grades or the depth of ponding in sag vertical
curves can be computed by use of Chart 9. The effective perimeter of a grate in an open
channel with a dike should be taken as 2(L + W) since one side of the grate is not adjacent to
a curb. Use of Chart 9 is illustrated in Section

The following examples illustrate the use of Charts 14 and 15 for drop inlets in ditches on
continuous grade.

Example 4-17

Given: A median ditch with the following characteristics:

B = 1.2 m (3.9 ft)

n = 0.03
z = 6
S = 0.02

The flow in the median ditch is to be intercepted by a drop inlet with a 0.6 m by 0.6 m (2 ft by 2
ft) P-50 parallel bar grate; there is no dike downstream of the inlet.

Q = 0.28 m3/s (9.9 ft3/s)

Find: The intercepted and bypassed flows (Qi and Qb)


SI Units English Units

Step 1. Compute the ratio of frontal to total flow Step 1. Compute the ratio of frontal to total
in trapezoidal channel. flow in trapezoidal channel.

Qn = (0.28)(0.03) Qn = (9.9)(0.03)
Qn = 0.0084 m3/s Qn = 0.30 ft3/s

From Chart 14 From Chart 14

d/B = 0.12 d/B = 0.12

d = (B)(d/B) d = (B)(d/B)
= (0.12)(1.20) = (0.12)(3.9)
= 0.14 m = 0.467 ft

Using Equation 4-38 or Chart 15 Using Equation 4-38 or Chart 15

Eo = W/(B + dz) Eo = W/(B + dz)

= (0.6)/[1.2 + (0.14)(6)] = (2.0/[3.9+ (0.47)(6)]
= 0.30 = 0.30

Step 2. Compute frontal flow efficiency Step 2. Compute frontal flow efficiency

V = Q/A V = Q/A
A = (0.14)[(6)(.14)+1.2) A = (0.47)[(6)(0.47)+3.9)
A = 0.29 m2 A = 3.18 ft2
V = (0.28)/(0.29) V = 9.9/3.18
= 0.97 m/s = 3.11 ft/s

From Chart 5 Rf = 1.0 From Chart 5 Rf = 1.0

SI Units (continued) English Units (continued)

Step 3. Compute side flow efficiency Step 3. Compute side flow efficiency

Since the ditch bottom is wider than the grate Since the ditch bottom is wider than the grate
and has no cross slope, use the least cross and has no cross slope, use the least cross
slope available on Chart 6 or use Equation 4-19 slope available on Chart 6 or use Equation 4-
to solve for Rs. 19 to solve for Rs.

Using Equation 4-19 or Chart 6 Using Equation 4-19 or Chart 6

Rs = 1/[1 + (Ku V1.8)/(Sx L2.3)] Rs = 1/[1 + (Ku V1.8)/(Sx L2.3)]
Rs = 1/[1 + (0.0828)(0.97)1.8/{(0.01) (0.6)2.3}] Rs = 1/[1 + (0.15)(3.11)1.8/{(0.01) (2.0)2.3}]
= 0.04 = 0.04

Step 4. Compute total efficiency. Step 4. Compute total efficiency.

E = Eo Rf + Rs (1 - Eo) E = Eo Rf + Rs (1 - Eo)
E = (0.30)(1.0) + (0.04)(1 - 0.30) E = (0.30)(1.0) + (0.04)(1 - 0.30)
= 0.33 = 0.33

Step 5. Compute interception and bypass flow. Step 5. Compute interception and bypass flow.

Qi = E Q Qi = E Q
Qi = (0.33)(0.28) Qi = (0.33)(9.9)
Qi = 0.1 m3/s Qi = 3.27 ft3/s

Qb = Q - Qi = (0.28) - (0.1) Qb = Q - Qi = (9.9) - (3.27)

Qb = 0.18 m3/s Qb = 6.63 ft3/s

In the above example, a P-50 inlet would intercept about 33% of the flow in a 1.2 m (3.9 ft)
bottom ditch on continuous grade.

For grate widths equal to the bottom width of the ditch, use Chart 6 by substituting ditch side
slopes for values of Sx, as illustrated in Example 4-18.

Example 4-18

Given: A median ditch with the following characteristics:

Q = 0.28 m3/s (9.9 ft3/s) B = 0.6 m (2 ft)

W = 0.6 m (2 ft) n = 0.03
z = 6 Sx = 1/6 = 0.17 m/m (ft/ft)
S = 0.03 m/m (ft/ft)

The flow in the median ditch is to be intercepted by a drop inlet with a 0.6 m by 0.6 m (2 ft by 2
ft) P-50 parallel bar grate; there is not dike downstream of the inlet.

Find: The intercepted and bypassed flows (Q1 and Qb).

SI Units English Units

Step 1. Compute ratio of frontal to total flow in Step 1. Compute ratio of frontal to total flow
trapezoidal channel. in trapezoidal channel.

Qn = (0.28)(0.03) Qn = (9.9)(0.03)
Qn = 0.0084 m3/s Qn = 0.30 ft3/s
From Chart 14 From Chart 14
d/B = 0.25 d/B = 0.25
d = (0.25)(0.6) = 0.15 m d = (0.25)(2.0) = 0.50 ft

Using Equation 4-38 or Chart 15 Using Equation 4-38 or Chart 15

Eo = W / (B + dz) Eo = W / (B + dz)
= (0.6) / [0.6 + (0.15)(6)] = (2.0) / [2.0 + (0.5)(6)]
= 0.40 = 0.40

Step 2. Compute frontal flow efficiency Step 2. Compute frontal flow efficiency

V = Q/A V = Q/A
A = (0.15)[(6)(.15)+0.6)] A = (0.5)[(6)(.5)+2.0)]
A = 0.23 m2 (2.42 ft2) A = 2.5 ft2
V = (0.28)/(0.23) V = 9.9/2.5
= 1.22 m/s = 4.0 ft/s
From Chart 5 From Chart 5
Rf = 1.0 Rf = 1.0

Step 3. Compute side flow efficiency Step 3. Compute side flow efficiency

Using Equation 4-19 or Chart 6 Using Equation 4-19 or Chart 6

Rs = 1/[1 + (Ku V1.8)/(Sx L2.3)] Rs = 1/[1 + (Ku V1.8)/(Sx L2.3)]
Rs = 1/[1 + (0.0828)(1.22)1.8 / {(0.17) Rs = 1/[1 + (0.15)(4.0)1.8 /
(0.6)2.3}] = 0.30 {(0.17) (2.0)2.3}] = 0.32

Step 4. Compute total efficiency. Step 4. Compute total efficiency.

E = Eo Rf + Rs (1 - Eo) E = Eo Rf + Rs (1 - Eo)
E = (0.40)(1.0) + (0.30)(1-0.40) E = (0.40)(1.0) + (0.32)(1-0.40)
E = 0.58 E = 0.59

Step 5. Compute interception and bypass flow. Step 5. Compute interception and bypass flow.

Qi = EQ Qi = EQ
Qi = (0.58)(0.28) Qi = (0.59)(9.9)
Qi = 0.16 m3/s Qi = 5.83 ft3/s
Qb = Q - Qi = 0.28 - 0.16 Qb = Q - Qi = 9.9 - 5.83
Qb = 0.12 m3/s Qb = 4.07 ft3/s

The height of dike downstream of a drop inlet required for total interception is illustrated by
Example 4-19.

Example 4-19

Given: Data from Example 4-18.

Find: The required height of a berm to be located downstream of the grate inlet to cause total
interception of the ditch flow.


SI Units English Units

P = 2(L+W) P = 2(L+W)
P = 2(0.6 + 0.6) P = 2(2.0+ 2.0)
= 2.4 m = 8.0 ft

Using Equation 4-26 or Chart 9 Using Equation 4-26 or Chart 9

d = [Qi / (Cw P)]0.67 d = [Qi / (Cw P)]0.67
d = [(0.28) / {(1.66)(2.4)}]0.67 d = [(9.9) / {(3.0)(8.0)}]0.67
d = 0.17 m d = 0.55 ft

A dike will need to have a minimum height of 0.17 m (0.55 ft) for total interception. Due to the
initial velocity of the water which may provide adequate momentum to carry the flow over the
dike, an additional 0.15 m (0.5 ft) may be added to the height of the dike to insure complete
interception of the flow. Embankment Inlets

Drainage inlets are often needed to collect runoff from pavements in order to prevent erosion
of fill slopes or to intercept water upgrade or downgrade of bridges. Inlets used at these
locations differ from other pavement drainage inlets in three respects. First, the economies
which can be achieved by system design are often not possible because a series of inlets is
not used; second, total or near total interception is sometimes necessary in order to limit the
bypass flow from running onto a bridge deck; and third, a closed storm drainage system is
often not available to dispose of the intercepted flow, and the means for disposal must be
provided at each inlet. Intercepted flow is usually discharged into open chutes or pipe
downdrains which terminate at the toe of the fill slope.

Example problem solutions in other sections of this circular illustrate by inference the difficulty
in providing for near total interception on grade. Grate inlets intercept little more than the flow
conveyed by the gutter width occupied by the grate. Combination curb-opening and grate
inlets can be designed to intercept total flow if the length of curb opening upstream of the grate
is sufficient to reduce spread in the gutter to the width of the grate used. Depressing the curb
opening would significantly reduce the length of inlet required. Perhaps the most practical
inlets or procedure for use where near total interception is necessary are sweeper inlets,
increase in grate width, and slotted inlets of sufficient length to intercept 85-of inlets on
embankments. Figure 4-24 illustrates a combination inlet and downdrain.

Figure 4-24. Embankment inlet and downdrain.

Downdrains or chutes used to convey intercepted flow from inlets to the toe of the fill slope
may be open or closed chutes. Pipe downdrains are preferable because the flow is confined
and cannot cause erosion along the sides. Pipes can be covered to reduce or eliminate
interference with maintenance operations on the fill slopes. Open chutes are often damaged
by erosion from water splashing over the sides of the chute due to oscillation in the flow and
from spill over the sides at bends in the chute. Erosion at the ends of downdrains or chutes
can be a problem if not anticipated. The end of the device may be placed low enough to
prevent damage by undercutting due to erosion. Well-graded gravel or rock can be used to
control the potential for erosion at the outlet of the structure. However, some transportation
agencies install an elbow or a "tee" at the end of the downdrains to re-direct the flow and
prevent erosion. See HEC-14(35) for additional information on energy dissipator designs. 100%
of the gutter flow. Design charts and procedures in Section 4.4.4 are applicable to the design.

4.5 Grate Type Selection Considerations

Grate type selection should consider such factors as hydraulic efficiency, debris handling
characteristics, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and loading conditions. Relative costs will also
influence grate type selection.

Charts 5, 6, and 9 illustrate the relative hydraulic efficiencies of the various grate types
discussed here. The parallel bar grate (P-50) is hydraulically superior to all others but is not
considered bicycle safe. The curved vane and the P-30 grates have good hydraulic
characteristics with high velocity flows. The other grates tested are hydraulically effective at
lower velocities.

Debris-handling capabilities of various grates are reflected in Table 4-5. The table shows a
clear difference in efficiency between the grates with the 83 mm (3-1/4 inch) longitudinal bar
spacing and those with smaller spacings. The efficiencies shown in the table are suitable for
comparisons between the grate designs tested, but should not be taken as an indication of
field performance since the testing procedure used did not simulate actual field conditions.
Some local transportation agencies have developed factors for use of debris handling
characteristics with specific inlet configurations.

Table 4-8 ranks the grates according to relative bicycle and pedestrian safety. The bicycle
safety ratings were based on a subjective test program as described in Reference 30.
However, all the grates are considered bicycle and pedestrian safe except the P-50. In recent
years with the introduction of very narrow racing bicycle tires, some concern has been
expressed about the P-30 grate. Caution is advised in its use in bicycle area.

Grate loading conditions must also be considered when determining an appropriate grate type.
Grates in traffic areas must be able to withstand traffic loads; conversely, grates draining yard
areas do not generally need to be as rigid.

Table 4-8. Ranking with Respect to Bicycle and

Pedestrian Safety.
Rank Grate Style
1 P-50 x 100
2 Reticuline
3 P-30
4 45Ε - 85 Tilt Bar
5 45Ε - 60 Tilt Bar
6 Curved Vane
7 30Ε - 85 Tilt Bar

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