Semester (1.5y) : Sarhad Intitue of Resarch and Education Lakki Marwat

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Course Educational statistics course code_____________

Registration number SUIT-20-01-145-1950 Roll NO__20-FA-03598______________

Name Alaina Asmat Father Name Asmat ullah
Degree Program B.ed 3rd semester (1.5y) Student Signature_____________________


B.ed3rd semester PAPER: Educational Statistics

Q1 define statistics? What is the importance and scope of statistics?

Statistics is a broad subject with applications in vast variety of fields. The word “statistics” is
derived from the Latin word “Status”, which means a political state. Statistics is a branch of
knowledge that deals with facts and figures. The term statistics refers to a set of methods and rules
for organizing, summarizing, and interpreting information. It is a way of getting information from
data. We can say that Statistics is a science of collecting, organizing, interpreting and reporting
data. It is a group of methods which are used for collecting, displaying, analyzing, and drawing
conclusions from the data. In other words, statistics is a methodology which a researcher uses for
collecting and interpreting data and drawing conclusion from collected data (Anderson & Sclove,
1974; Agresti & Finlay, 1997

Statistical data can be used to answer the questions like:

 What kind and how much data we need to collect?

 How should we organize and summarize the data?

 How can we analyze the data and draw conclusion from it?

 How can we assess the strength of the conclusion and evaluate their uncertainty?

Above discussion lead us to the conclusion that statistics provides methods for:

i) Design: Planning and carrying out research studies.

ii) Description: Summarizing and exploring data.
iii) Inferences: Making predictions and
iv) generalization about phenomena represented by the data.
Importance and Scope of Statistics Statistics is important in our daily life. We live in the
information world and much of this information is determined mathematically with the
help of statistics. It means statistics keeps us informed about day to day happening.
Importance of statistics in our daily life is discussed under following headings.
i) Every day we watch weather forecasting. It is possible due to some computer
models based on statistical concepts. These models compare prior weather with the
current weather and predict future weather.

Aliana Asmat SUIT-20-01-145-1950

B.ed3rd semester PAPER: Educational Statistics

ii) Statistics is frequently used by the researchers. They use statistical techniques to
collect relevant data. Otherwise there may be loss of money, time and other
iii) In business market statistics play a greater role. Statistical techniques are the key
of how traders and businessmen invest and make money. Also, in industry, these
tools are used in quality testing. Production managers are always interested to find
out whether the product is confirming the specification or not. He uses statistical
tools like inspection plan, control chart etc.
iv) Statistics also has a big role in the medical field. Before any drugs prescribed,
pharmacists show statistically valid rate of effectiveness. Similarly statistics is
behind all other medical studies. Doctors predict diseases on the bases of statistical
concepts. 6
iv) Print and electronic media use statistical tools to make predictions of winner of
elections and coming government.
v) Statistics has widely been used in psychology and education to determine the
reliability and validity to a test, factor analysis etc.
vi) Apart from above statistics has a wide application in marketing, production,
finance, banking, investment, purchase, accounting and management control.
Q2: what are the maor Characteristic of statistics?
Characteristics of Statistics Following are the characteristics of statistics.
i) Statistics consists of aggregate facts The facts which can be studied in
relation to time, place or frequency can be called statistics. A single
isolated and unconnected fact or figure is not statistics because we cannot
study it in relation to other facts and figures. Only aggregate of facts e.g.
academic achievement of the students, I.Q. of a group of students, weight
of students in a class, profit of a firm etc. are called satistics.
ii) Multiple causes affect Statistics A phenomena may be affected by so
many factors. We cannot study the effects of one factor on the phenomena
only by ignoring others. To have a true picture we will have to study the
effects of all factors on the phenomena separately as well as collectively,
because effects of the factors can change with change of place, time or

Aliana Asmat SUIT-20-01-145-1950

B.ed3rd semester PAPER: Educational Statistics

situation. For example, we can say that result of class X in board

examination does not depend on any single factor but collectively on
standard of teachers, teaching methods, teaching aids, practical’s
performance of students, standard of question papers, environment of the
examination hall, exam supervisory staff and standard of evaluation of
answers after the examination.
ii) Data should be numerically expressed, enumerated of estimated Data
to be called statistics should be numerically expressed so that counting or
measurement of data can be made possible. It means that the data or the
fact must be in quantitative form as achievement scores 60, 50, 85, 78, and
91 out of 100. If it is not in quantitative form it should be quantified.
iv) Statistics are enumerated or estimated according to reasonable
standard of accuracy For a clear picture of the phenomena under
investigation, it should be researched using reasonable standard of
accuracy depending upon the nature and purpose of collection of data. Data
collection should be free from personal prejudices and biases. Biased and
personally prejudiced data leads to inaccurate conclusion.
v) Statistics are collected in a Systematic Manner In order to have reasonable standard of
accuracy statistics/data must be collected in a very systematic manner. Any rough and
haphazard method of collection will not be desirable for that may lead to improper and
wrong conclusion.
vi) Statistics for a Pre-determined Purpose Before collection of data,
investigator/researcher must have a purpose and then should collect data accordingly. Data
collected without any purpose is of no use. Suppose we want to know intelligence of a
section of people, we must collect data relating to I.O. level and data relating to income,
attitude and interest level of that group of people will be of no use. Without having a clear
idea about the purpose we will not be in a position to distinguish between necessary data
and unnecessary data or relevant data and irrelevant data
. vii) Statistics are Capable of being placed in Relation to each other Statistics is a
method for the purpose of comparison etc. It must be capable of being compared;
otherwise, it will lose much of its significance. Comparison can be made only if the data

Aliana Asmat SUIT-20-01-145-1950

B.ed3rd semester PAPER: Educational Statistics

are homogeneous. Data on memory test can be compared with I.Q. It is with the use of
comparison only that we can illustrate changes which may relate to time, place, frequency
or any other character, and statistical devices are used for this purpose.

Application of statistics in educational research
Statistics is of vital importance in educational research. It does not include
measurement of problems such as construction of indices or the scoring of items on a
questionnaire. Rather, it involves a manipulation of numbers under the assumption that
certain requirements have been met in the measurement procedure. Statistics practically
seems to 7 work at the analysis stage of the research process when data have been
collected. It does not mean that social scientists can plan and carry out entire research
projects without any knowledge of statistics. Planning and carrying out research project
and trying to analyze data without using statistical techniques will carry away from the
objectives of the study. Statistics enters in the process right from the beginning of the
research when whole plan for the research, selection of design, population, sample,
analysis tools and techniques etc., is prepared. 1.6 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Researchers use a variety of statistical procedures to organize and interpret data. These
procedures can be classified into two categories – Descriptive Statistics and Inferential
Statistics. The starting point for dealing with a collection of data is to organize, display,
and summarize it effectively. It is the major objective of descriptive statistics. Descriptive
Statistics, as the name implies, describes the data. Descriptive statistics consist of methods
for organizing and summarizing information. These are statistical procedures that are used
to organize, summarize, and simplify data. In these techniques raw scores are taken and
undergone some statistical techniques to obtain more manageable form. These techniques
allow the researcher to describe large amount of information or scores in a few indices
such as mean, median, standard deviation etc. When these indices are calculated for a
sample, they are called statistics; and when they are calculated from entire population, they
are called parameters (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012). Descriptive statistics organizes
scores in the form of a table or a graph. It is especially useful when the researcher finds it

Aliana Asmat SUIT-20-01-145-1950

B.ed3rd semester PAPER: Educational Statistics

necessary to handle interrelationship among more than two variables. Only summarizing
and organizing data is not the whole purpose of a researcher. He often wishes to make
inferences about a population based on data he has obtained from a sample. For this
purpose, he uses inferential statistics. Inferential Statistics are techniques that allow a
researcher to study samples and then make generalizations about the populations from
which they are selected. Population of a research study is typically too large and it is
difficult for a researcher to observe each individual. Therefore a sample is selected. By
analyzing the results obtained from a sample, a researcher hopes to make general
conclusion about the population. One problem with using sample is that a sample provides
only limited information about the population. To address this problem is the notion that
the sample should be representative of the population. That is, the general characteristics
of the sample should be consistent with the characteristics of the population

Aliana Asmat SUIT-20-01-145-1950

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