osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3
Copyright (c) 2008-2014 osCommerce. All rights reserved. Content may be
reproduced for personal use only.
• Harald Ponce de Leon
osCommerce Online
Merchant v2.3
PayPal Express Checkout
PayPal Payments Standard
PayPal Payments Pro (Direct Payment)
PayPal Payments Pro (Hosted Solution)
PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition)
PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow Edition)
Log In with PayPal
Express Checkout v3.0
for osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3
PayPal Express Checkout is bundled with osCommerce Online Merchant and is also
available as a separate Add-On package existing store owners can use to upgrade to.
The PayPal Express Checkout payment module supports the following features:
• Seamless Checkout: Customers who Log In with PayPal do not need to log in
again for Express Checkout
• Instant Update: Dynamic shipping rates are retrieved from Express Checkout
• PayPal Account Optional: Customers do not need a local store or PayPal account
and can proceed through Express Checkout as a guest
• Authorization and Sale transaction methods
• SSL Certificate verified transactions
• Sandbox server to perform test transactions
Seamless Checkout
Seamless Checkout requires the separate Log In with PayPal content module and
allows customers who have logged in through PayPal to proceed straight to the
Express Checkout flow without needing to log in again.
The Log In with PayPal content module is bundled with osCommerce Online
Merchant (since v2.3.4) and is also available as a separate Add-On package at:
Instant Update
As soon as the customer has logged in at PayPal or has provided their shipping
address during the Express Checkout flow, PayPal contacts your online store to
retrieve a list of applicable shipping rates and taxes for the shipping destination. The
customer is able to choose their preferred shipping rate which is passed back to the
store to use for the order.
Instant Update requires the following for the shipping rates to be retrieved:
• Your store installation must be configured for and have SSL enabled.
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/cacert.pem (public key bundle)
• the web server configured public key bundle
A test connection link is available on the payment module configuration page which
can be used to test if API transaction calls to PayPal can be verified from your web
server. If the test connection fails, please contact your hosting provider as they may
need to update your web server configuration. The SSL certificate verification can
also be disabled on the payment module configuration page however it is highly
discouraged to disable.
Some web hosting providers require a curl proxy to be used which can be
configured on the payment module configuration page.
Configuration Settings
Parameter Description Default
Parameter Description Default
Set Order Set the status of orders made with Express Default Order
Status Checkout to this order status level. Status
If the Set Password account content module is not installed, the automatically created
account is assigned a randomly generated password which is e-mailed to the
customers e-mail address PayPal provides.
If the Set Password account content module is installed, the password is left empty
and no e-mail is sent to the customer. The customer then has the opportunity to set
their own password in the My Account page during their session or they will only able
to log in again through Log In with PayPal or PayPal Express Checkout when their
next order is made.
Order Processing
The PayPal Express Checkout payment module has been developed to finalize the
order transaction during the Express Checkout flow. The order is confirmed during the
Express Checkout flow when the customer uses the "Pay Now" button to finalize the
order. On returning back to the store, a check on the transaction total is performed - if
it matches the order total the customer is directed to the checkout success page
otherwise, on rare occassions, they are directed to the checkout confirmation page
where they must confirm their order again.
The PayPal transaction total may differ from the order total in the following scenarios:
• when Instant Update is not enabled and the customer chooses another shipping
address which shipping rates and taxes may be applied to or removed from the
• when third-party Order Total modules are installed that manipulate taxes applied
to the order
• when digital downloads are purchased and the customer chooses another billing
address which taxes may be applied to or removed from the order
In the rare occassion where the PayPal transaction total does not match the order
total, the customer has the opportunity to review their order and order total
calculations (including taxes) before confirming and processing the order on the
checkout confirmation page.
Line Items
Each product that is ordered is passed on to PayPal as line items to show to the
customer during the Express Checkout flow. This includes extra third-party Order
Total modules that manipulate the order total values (eg, discounts). In rare
occassions, when the line items, shipping, and tax calculations do not match the order
total value, only the order total value is passed onto PayPal without the line items.
Add-On Package
The separate PayPal Express Checkout Add-On package is available at:
Online Demonstration
An online demonstration is available at:
For the online demonstration, PayPal Express Checkout has been configured with
PayPal's Sandbox environment and requires a sandbox account if you wish to log in
and not checkout as a guest.
Manual Installation (as an Add-On)
After extracting the Add-On package, copy the files located in the catalog directory to
your osCommerce installation directory on the server. The files must be copied in the
correct directory structure as extracted from the Add-On package.
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/express.php
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypal_express.php
• includes/modules/payment/paypal_express.php
The standard language definitions in English are provided in the Add-On package.
For additional languages, copy the English language definition file to the appropriate
language directory and open the file with a text editor to edit the language definitions.
The location of the language definition file must be in:
• includes/languages/LANGUAGE/modules/payment/paypal_express.php
When the files have been copied to their appropriate locations, the payment module
will be available on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment -> Install Module
page where it can be installed, or on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment
page if the module was already previously installed.
If the module was already previously installed, it is important to visit the module
configuration page to make sure new parameters are automatically installed in the
v3.0 27-May-2014
• If the Set Password account content module is installed, leave the password of
the automatically created customer account for guests empty and don't e-mail the
customer (requires osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4).
• Show PayPal logo on the checkout confirmation page as the payment method
instead of the module public title.
• Only add line items if line item total calculations matches order total calculations.
• Allow Instant Update to prevent the customer from proceeding through Express
Checkout if no shipping rates are available for the shipping destination (requires
osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4).
• Support error code 10486 for when insufficient funds are available in the
customers PayPal account.
v2.0 08-Oct-2013
• Label public title with sandbox tag when in sandbox testing mode.
v1.2 19-Aug-2013
• Pre-Configure the module for new installations with the store configured store
owner e-mail address.
v1.1 18-Feb-2010
• Introduce Instant Update to have PayPal retrieve shipping rates and taxes based
on the shipping destination.
• Automatically create customer accounts for guests when returning back to the
store from the Express Checkout flow. Accounts are created with an automatically
generated random password that is e-mailed to the customer.
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
• Initial Release
Payments Standard v3.1
for osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3
PayPal Payments Standard is bundled with osCommerce Online Merchant and is also
available as a separate Add-On package existing store owners can use to upgrade to.
The PayPal Payments Standard payment module supports the following PayPal
Encrypted Website Payments
Encrypted Website Payments allows the initial transaction information to be encrypted
using public and private keys before it is sent to PayPal. This protects the order
information from being tampered with and securely initiates the transaction with
Please refer to Configuring Settings -> Encrypted Website Payments in this document
for more information.
Encrypted Website Payments requires the following:
• OpenSSL; The PHP installation on your web server needs to support OpenSSL or
have access to the "openssl" program file. The location of the "openssl" program
file can be defined in a configuration parameter.
The results of the verification are logged in a private order status that can be seen
when viewing the order.
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/cacert.pem (public key bundle)
• the web server configured public key bundle
A test connection link is available on the payment module configuration page which
can be used to test if API transaction calls to PayPal can be verified from your web
server. If the test connection fails, please contact your hosting provider as they may
need to update your web server configuration. The SSL certificate verification can
also be disabled on the payment module configuration page however it is highly
discouraged to disable.
Some web hosting providers require a curl proxy to be used which can be
configured on the payment module configuration page.
Configuration Settings
Parameter Description Default
Page Style The page style to use for the payment flow.
This is defined in your PayPal account
Set PayPal The orders status will be updated to this Default Order
Acknowledged value when the customer returns back to Status
Order Status the store after payment has been made at
PayPal or when the Instant Payment
Notification is received and the order has
been verified.
and optionally:
Private keys and public certificates can be generated by using the "openssl" program
openssl req -new -key my-prvkey.pem -x509 -days 365 -out my-pubcert.pem
Question Example
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) Your Store URL Address
After your public certificate uploads successfully, it appears in the Your Public
Certificates section of the Website Payment Certificates page.
5. Click the Download button, and save the file in a secure location.
Create a working directory on the web server that the web server has write access to.
Parameter Value
Your Private Key The location and filename of your private key; my-
prvkey.pem generated in Step 1.
Your Public The location and filename of your public certificate; my-
Certificate pubcert.pem generated in Step 2.
PayPals Public The location and filename of the PayPal public certificate;
Certificate paypal_cert_pem.txt downloaded in Step 4.
Your PayPal Public Your PayPal stored Certificate ID; noted in Step 3.
Certificate ID
Working Directory The working directory to create temporary files. All files
created are automatically deleted when they are no longer
5. Next to the Block Non-encrypted Website Payment label, select the On radio
6. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the Save button.
Order Processing
When the customer goes through the checkout procedure and lands on the checkout
confirmation page, their order is saved in the database with a private order status (by
default, Preparing [PayPal Standard]). The order status is updated to an
acknowledged order status (by default, the default order status level) when the
customer returns back to the store from PayPal after payment has been made, or
when the IPN notification is received if the customer didn't return back to the store.
If the customer did not finalize the payment at PayPal and does not return back to the
store, the order remains in the database with the Preparing [PayPal Standard] order
status and can be safely deleted after a period of time.
Line Items
Each product that is ordered is passed on to PayPal as line items to show to the
customer during the payment flow. This includes extra third-party Order Total modules
that manipulate the order total values (eg, discounts). In rare occassions, when the
line items, shipping, and tax calculations do not match the order total value, only the
order total value is passed onto PayPal without the line items.
Add-On Package
The separate PayPal Payments Standard Add-On package is available at:
Online Demonstration
An online demonstration is available at:
For the online demonstration, PayPal Payments Standard has been configured with
PayPal's Sandbox environment and requires a sandbox account if you wish to log in
and not checkout as a guest.
Manual Installation (as an Add-On)
After extracting the add-on package, copy the files located in the catalog directory to
your osCommerce installation directory on the server. The files must be copied in the
correct directory structure as extracted from the add-on package.
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/standard_ipn.php
• includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypal_standard.php
• includes/modules/payment/paypal_standard.php
The standard language definitions in English are provided in the Add-On package.
For additional languages, copy the English language definition file to the appropriate
language directory and open the file with a text editor to edit the language definitions.
The location of the language definition file must be in:
• includes/languages/LANGUAGE/modules/payment/paypal_standard.php
When the files have been copied to their appropriate locations, the payment module
will be available on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment -> Install Module
page where it can be installed, or on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment
page if the module was already previously installed.
If the module was already previously installed, it is important to visit the module
configuration page to make sure new parameters are automatically installed in the
v3.1 01-Jun-2014
• Include line items when line item total calculations matches order total value.
v3.0 27-May-2014
• Show PayPal logo on the checkout confirmation page as the payment method
instead of the module public title.
v2.0 22-Aug-2013
• Label public title with sandbox tag when in sandbox testing mode.
v1.1 28-May-2013
• Add Primary Seller E-Mail Address parameter for cases when it is different to the
Seller E-Mail Address.
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
• Initial Release
Payments Pro (Direct
Payment) v3.0
for osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3
PayPal Payments Pro (Direct Payment) allows credit and debit cards to be accepted
directly on your online store during the checkout flow without the customer having to
leave the site.
The PayPal Payments Pro (Direct Payment) payment module supports the following
• Process credit and debit cards directly during the checkout flow
• Authorization and Sale transaction methods
• SSL Certificate verified transactions
• Sandbox server to perform test transactions
SSL Certificate Verified Transactions
All secured API transaction calls sent to PayPal are performed by verifying PayPal's
SSL certificates to guarantee the identity of PayPal. This is performed by using the
following public keys in order if they are available:
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/cacert.pem (public key bundle)
• the web server configured public key bundle
A test connection link is available on the payment module configuration page which
can be used to test if API transaction calls to PayPal can be verified from your web
server. If the test connection fails, please contact your hosting provider as they may
need to update your web server configuration. The SSL certificate verification can
also be disabled on the payment module configuration page however it is highly
discouraged to disable.
Some web hosting providers require a curl proxy to be used which can be
configured on the payment module configuration page.
PayPal Express Checkout
PayPal Payments Pro (Direct Payment) requires the additional PayPal Express
Checkout payment module to be installed and enabled on your online store. PayPal
Express Checkout is bundled with osCommerce Online Merchant and is also
available as a separate Add-On package to download.
This module will not function until PayPal Express Checkout has been installed and
Configuration Settings
Parameter Description Default
Set Order Status Set the status of orders made with this Default Order
payment module to this order status level. Status
Online Demonstration
An online demonstration is available at:
For the online demonstration, PayPal Payments Pro (Direct Payment) has been
configured with PayPal's Sandbox environment and requires a testing card number
for purchases.
Manual Installation (as an Add-On)
After extracting the Add-On package, copy the files located in the catalog directory to
your osCommerce installation directory on the server. The files must be copied in the
correct directory structure as extracted from the Add-On package.
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypal_pro_dp.php
• includes/modules/payment/paypal_pro_dp.php
The standard language definitions in English are provided in the Add-On package.
For additional languages, copy the English language definition file to the appropriate
language directory and open the file with a text editor to edit the language definitions.
The location of the language definition file must be in:
• includes/languages/LANGUAGE/modules/payment/paypal_pro_dp.php
When the files have been copied to their appropriate locations, the payment module
will be available on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment -> Install Module
page where it can be installed, or on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment
page if the module was already previously installed.
If the module was already previously installed, it is important to visit the module
configuration page to make sure new parameters are automatically installed in the
v3.0 27-May-2014
• Add line items if line item total calculations matches order total calculations.
v2.0 20-Aug-2013
• Remove card entry fields from the checkout payment page (now only entered on
the checkout confirmation page).
v1.1 22-Jan-2008
• Add configuration parameter to control where the card details should be collected;
either on the checkout payment or checkout confirmation page. This is needed for
2.2MS2 compatibility which can only collect card details on the checkout payment
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
• Initial Release
Payments Pro (Hosted
Solution) v1.0
for osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3
PayPal Payments Pro (Hosted Solution) allows credit and debit cards to be accepted
directly on your online store during the checkout flow without the customer having to
leave the site.
The PayPal Payments Pro (Hosted Solution) payment module supports the following
• Process credit and debit cards directly during the checkout flow
• Authorization and Sale transaction methods
• SSL Certificate verified transactions
• Sandbox server to perform test transactions
SSL Certificate Verified Transactions
All secured API transaction calls sent to PayPal are performed by verifying PayPal's
SSL certificates to guarantee the identity of PayPal. This is performed by using the
following public keys in order if they are available:
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/cacert.pem (public key bundle)
• the web server configured public key bundle
A test connection link is available on the payment module configuration page which
can be used to test if API transaction calls to PayPal can be verified from your web
server. If the test connection fails, please contact your hosting provider as they may
need to update your web server configuration. The SSL certificate verification can
also be disabled on the payment module configuration page however it is highly
discouraged to disable.
Some web hosting providers require a curl proxy to be used which can be
configured on the payment module configuration page.
Configuration Settings
Parameter Description Default
Set PayPal The orders status will be updated to this Default Order
Acknowledged value when the customer returns back to the Status
Order Status store after payment has been made at
PayPal or when the Instant Payment
Notification is received and the order has
been verified.
Online Demonstration
An online demonstration is available at:
For the online demonstration, PayPal Payments Pro (Hosted Solution) has been
configured with PayPal's Sandbox environment and requires a testing card number
for purchases.
Manual Installation (as an Add-On)
After extracting the Add-On package, copy the files located in the catalog directory to
your osCommerce installation directory on the server. The files must be copied in the
correct directory structure as extracted from the Add-On package.
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/hosted_checkout.php
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/images/hss_load.gif
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/pro_hosted_ipn.php
• includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypal_pro_hs.php
• includes/modules/payment/paypal_pro_hs.php
The standard language definitions in English are provided in the Add-On package.
For additional languages, copy the English language definition file to the appropriate
language directory and open the file with a text editor to edit the language definitions.
The location of the language definition file must be in:
• includes/languages/LANGUAGE/modules/payment/paypal_pro_hs.php
When the files have been copied to their appropriate locations, the payment module
will be available on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment -> Install Module
page where it can be installed, or on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment
page if the module was already previously installed.
If the module was already previously installed, it is important to visit the module
configuration page to make sure new parameters are automatically installed in the
v1.0 27-May-2014
• Initial Release
Express Checkout (Payflow
Edition) v3.0
for osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3
PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition) is bundled with osCommerce Online
Merchant and is also available as a separate Add-On package existing store owners can
use to upgrade to.
The PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition) payment module supports the following
SSL Certificate Verified Transactions
All secured API transaction calls sent to PayPal are performed by verifying PayPal's SSL
certificates to guarantee the identity of PayPal. This is performed by using the following
public keys in order if they are available:
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/cacert.pem (public key bundle)
• the web server configured public key bundle
A test connection link is available on the payment module configuration page which can
be used to test if API transaction calls to PayPal can be verified from your web server. If
the test connection fails, please contact your hosting provider as they may need to
update your web server configuration. The SSL certificate verification can also be
disabled on the payment module configuration page however it is highly discouraged to
Some web hosting providers require a curl proxy to be used which can be
configured on the payment module configuration page.
PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow Edition)
PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition) requires the additional PayPal Payments
Pro (Payflow Edition) payment module to be installed and enabled on your online store.
PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow Edition) is bundled with osCommerce Online Merchant
and is also available as a separate Add-On package to download.
This module will not function until PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow Edition) has been
installed and enabled.
Configuration Settings
Parameter Description Default
If the Set Password account content module is not installed, the automatically created
account is assigned a randomly generated password which is e-mailed to the customers
e-mail address PayPal provides.
If the Set Password account content module is installed, the password is left empty and
no e-mail is sent to the customer. The customer then has the opportunity to set their own
password in the My Account page during their session or they will only able to log in
again through Log In with PayPal or PayPal Express Checkout when their next order is
Line Items
Each product that is ordered is passed on to PayPal as line items to show to the
customer during the Express Checkout flow. This includes extra third-party Order Total
modules that manipulate the order total values (eg, discounts). In rare occassions, when
the line items, shipping, and tax calculations do not match the order total value, only the
order total value is passed onto PayPal without the line items.
Add-On Package
The separate PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition) Add-On package is available
Online Demonstration
An online demonstration is available at:
For the online demonstration, PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition) has been
configured with PayPal's Sandbox environment and requires a sandbox account if you
wish to log in and not checkout as a guest.
Manual Installation (as an Add-On)
After extracting the Add-On package, copy the files located in the catalog directory to
your osCommerce installation directory on the server. The files must be copied in the
correct directory structure as extracted from the Add-On package.
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/express_payflow.php
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypal_pro_payflow_ec.php
• includes/modules/payment/paypal_pro_payflow_ec.php
The standard language definitions in English are provided in the Add-On package. For
additional languages, copy the English language definition file to the appropriate
language directory and open the file with a text editor to edit the language definitions.
The location of the language definition file must be in:
• includes/languages/LANGUAGE/modules/payment/paypal_pro_payflow_ec.php
When the files have been copied to their appropriate locations, the payment module will
be available on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment -> Install Module page
where it can be installed, or on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment page if
the module was already previously installed.
If the module was already previously installed, it is important to visit the module
configuration page to make sure new parameters are automatically installed in the
v3.0 27-May-2014
• Automatically create customer accounts for guests when returning back to the store
from the Express Checkout flow.
• If the Set Password account content module is installed, leave the password of the
automatically created customer account for guests empty and don't e-mail the
customer (requires osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4).
• Show PayPal logo on the checkout confirmation page as the payment method
instead of the module public title.
• Only add line items if line item total calculations matches order total calculations.
v2.0 22-Aug-2013
• Label public title with sandbox tag when in sandbox testing mode.
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
• Initial Release
Payments Pro (Payflow
Edition) v3.0
for osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3
PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow Edition) allows credit cards to be accepted directly on
your online store during the checkout flow without the customer having to leave the
The PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow Edition) payment module supports the following
SSL Certificate Verified Transactions
All secured API transaction calls sent to PayPal are performed by verifying PayPal's
SSL certificates to guarantee the identity of PayPal. This is performed by using the
following public keys in order if they are available:
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/cacert.pem (public key bundle)
• the web server configured public key bundle
A test connection link is available on the payment module configuration page which
can be used to test if API transaction calls to PayPal can be verified from your web
server. If the test connection fails, please contact your hosting provider as they may
need to update your web server configuration. The SSL certificate verification can
also be disabled on the payment module configuration page however it is highly
discouraged to disable.
Some web hosting providers require a curl proxy to be used which can be
configured on the payment module configuration page.
PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition)
PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow Edition) requires the additional PayPal Express
Checkout (Payflow Edition) payment module to be installed and enabled on your
online store. PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition) is bundled with
osCommerce Online Merchant and is also available as a separate Add-On package
to download.
This module will not function until PayPal Express Checkout (Payflow Edition) has
been installed and enabled.
Configuration Settings
Parameter Description Default
Set Order Status Set the status of orders made with this Default Order
payment module to this order status level. Status
Parameter Description Default
Online Demonstration
An online demonstration is available at:
For the online demonstration, PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow Edition) has been
configured with PayPal's Sandbox environment and requires a testing card number
for purchases.
Manual Installation (as an Add-On)
After extracting the Add-On package, copy the files located in the catalog directory to
your osCommerce installation directory on the server. The files must be copied in the
correct directory structure as extracted from the Add-On package.
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypal_pro_payflow_dp.php
• includes/modules/payment/paypal_pro_payflow_dp.php
The standard language definitions in English are provided in the Add-On package.
For additional languages, copy the English language definition file to the appropriate
language directory and open the file with a text editor to edit the language definitions.
The location of the language definition file must be in:
• includes/languages/LANGUAGE/modules/payment/paypal_pro_payflow_dp.php
When the files have been copied to their appropriate locations, the payment module
will be available on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment -> Install Module
page where it can be installed, or on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment
page if the module was already previously installed.
If the module was already previously installed, it is important to visit the module
configuration page to make sure new parameters are automatically installed in the
v3.0 27-May-2014
• Add line items if line item total calculations matches order total calculations.
v2.0 20-Aug-2013
• Remove card entry fields from the checkout payment page (now only entered on
the checkout confirmation page).
v1.1 22-Jan-2008
• Add configuration parameter to control where the card details should be collected;
either on the checkout payment or checkout confirmation page. This is needed for
2.2MS2 compatibility which can only collect card details on the checkout payment
• Split card owner name into two fields for the first and last name.
v1.0 11-Jan-2008
• Initial Release
Log In with PayPal v1.0
for osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3
Log In with PayPal allows guests to authenticate themselves through PayPal and to
securely share their personal and shipping address information without the need to
create a customer account on your store. The shared information is used to calculate
taxes and to retrieve a list of available shipping rates for their order based on their
shipping address.
When guests authenticate themselves through PayPal, their default payment method
is automatically set to PayPal Express Checkout which they can use without needing
to sign into again.
Log In with PayPal is bundled with osCommerce Online Merchant (since v2.3.4) and
is also available as a separate Add-On package existing store owners can use to
upgrade to.
Log In with PayPal Mini-Browser Window
The Log In with PayPal content module supports the following features:
• Seamless Checkout: Customers who Log In with PayPal do not need to log in
again for Express Checkout
• SSL Certificate verified API calls
• Sandbox server to perform test logins
Seamless Checkout
Seamless Checkout requires the separate PayPal Express Checkout payment
module and allows customers who have logged in through PayPal to proceed straight
to the Express Checkout flow without needing to log in again.
The PayPal Express Checkout payment module is bundled with osCommerce Online
Merchant and is also available as a separate Add-On package at:
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/cacert.pem (public key bundle)
• the web server configured public key bundle
A test connection link is available on the content module configuration page which
can be used to test if API calls to PayPal can be verified from your web server. If the
test connection fails, please contact your hosting provider as they may need to update
your web server configuration. The SSL certificate verification can also be disabled on
the content module configuration page however it is highly discouraged to disable.
Some web hosting providers require a curl proxy to be used which can be
configured on the content module configuration page.
Log In with PayPal requires the following:
Time Zone
Verify SSL Verify PayPal's identity when API calls are True
Certificate sent.
Content Width The width of the login page to utilize to show Full
the Log In with PayPal content.
• they are automatically logged into their store account matching the same e-mail
address, or
• a store account based on their PayPal e-mail address is automatically created
with an empty password
Customers cannot log into automatically created store accounts until they set a
password on the My Account -> Set Password page, and can continue to log in
through PayPal until a password has been set.
Please note that the sharing of customer email addresses does not authorize
your business to email consumers. For any communications not related to a
purchase (such as marketing emails, newsletters, and offers), you must
continue to present your customers with separate opt-in/out options.
Add-On Package
The separate Log In with PayPal Add-On package is available at:
Online Demonstration
An online demonstration is available at:
For the online demonstration, Log In with PayPal has been configured with PayPal's
Sandbox environment and requires a sandbox account to log into.
Manual Installation (as an Add-On)
After extracting the Add-On package, copy the files located in the catalog directory to
your osCommerce installation directory on the server. The files must be copied in the
correct directory structure as extracted from the Add-On package.
• admin/ext/modules/content/paypal/login.php
• ext/modules/payment/paypal/
• includes/languages/english/modules/content/login/cm_paypal_login.php
• includes/modules/content/login/cm_paypal_login.php
• includes/modules/content/login/templates/paypal_login.php
The standard language definitions in English are provided in the Add-On package.
For additional languages, copy the English language definition file to the appropriate
language directory and open the file with a text editor to edit the language definitions.
The location of the language definition file must be in:
• includes/languages/LANGUAGE/modules/content/login/cm_paypal_login.php
When the files have been copied to their appropriate locations, the content module
will be available on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Content -> Install Module
page where it can be installed, or on the Administration Tool -> Modules -> Content
page if the module was already previously installed.
If the module was already previously installed, it is important to visit the module
configuration page to make sure new parameters are automatically installed in the
v1.0 27-May-2014
• Initial Release