Steam Condenser: Government Polytechnic, Dhule
Steam Condenser: Government Polytechnic, Dhule
Steam Condenser: Government Polytechnic, Dhule
Steam condenser
Submitted by
Roll No Name of Group Members Class
Submitted to
1 Acknowledgement
2 Introduction
3 Weekly Report
4 Evolution sheet
5 Main body
7 Reference
We express our sincere gratitude to our collage Government polytechnic, Dhule for providing
us an opportunity to undertake and complete such and interesting project report.
We are very thankful to our respected MrZ.S.Ansari for the confidence she had on us
regarding this project. We are very much obliged to our respected principal, Dr .R G
Wadekar for inspiring and motivating us to bring out a successful project.
We are very grateful to our respected faculty Mr.Z.S.Ansari who was our backbone and our
guide throughout this project. Without her assistance we couldn’t have completed this project
within a short period of a time.
It would be really very unfair without mention of our friends and families. The immense love
and moral support they have given is truly immeasurable.
1. ^ Robert Thurston Kent (Editor in Chief) (1936). Kents’ Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook
(Eleventh edition (Two volumes) ed.). John Wiley & Sons (Wiley Engineering Handbook
2. ^ Jump up to: a b Babcock & Wilcox Co. (2005). Steam: Its Generation and Use (41st ed.).
ISBN 0-9634570-0-4.
3. ^ Jump up to: a b Thomas C. Elliott, Kao Chen, Robert Swanekamp (coauthors) (1997).
Standard Handbook of Powerplant Engineering (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-
4. ^ Air Pollution Control Orientation Course from website of the Air Pollution Training Institute
5. ^ Energy savings in steam systems Archived 2007-09-27 at the Wayback Machine
1 1st Discussion and finalization of Topic
2 2nd Preparation and Submission of Abstract
3 3rd Literature Review
4 4th Collection of Data
5 5th Collection of Data
6 6th Discussion and Outline of Content
7 7th Formulation of Content
8 8th Editing and Proof Reading of Content
9 9th Compilation of Report and Presentation
10 10th Seminar
11 11th Viva Voce
12 12th Final Submission of Micro Project
(Academic Year: 2018-19)
Name of the Student: Roll No:
Course : Heat Power Engineering(22441) Course Code: AE4I
Title of the Project: Steam Condenser
Cos addressed by Micro Project:
a) Formulate grammatically correct sentences.
b) Summarize comprehension passages
c) Include all true information
d) Campare give proper points in project
Roll No. ……….. of Forth Semester of Diploma in Automobile Engineering
of Institute Government Polytechnic, Dhule (0017) has completed the Micro
project satisfied in subject Heat power Engineering (22441) for the Academic
Year 2018-19 as prescribed in the curriculum.
Seal of
(Academic Year: 2018-19)
Name of the Student: Roll No:
Course : Heat power Engineering (22441) Course Code: AE4I
Title of the Project: Staem condenser
Cos addressed by Micro Project:
e) Formulate grammatically correct sentences.
f) Summarize comprehension passages
g) Include all true information
h) Campare give proper points in project
Marks out of 04
Marks out of 06
performance in
Roll No Student Name performance in Total out of 10
oral or
group activity
(D5 Column 08)
(D5 Column 09)
In counter Flow or low level jet condensers, the steam enters at the
bottom and the cooling water at the top. The steam flows upward and
meets the cooling water coming downward.
In these types of steam Condensers, the air pump is located at the top.
Air pump creates vacuum and this vacuum draws water from the
cooling tower. The cooling water enter into the condenser and falls on
the perforated conical plate. The perforated conical plates convert the
cooling water into a large number of jets as shown in the figure. The
falling jet of water caught in the trays and from there it escapes out in
second series of jets and meets the exhaust steam entering at the
bottom. As the steam mix with the water, it gets condense. The
condensate and cooling water moves down through a vertical pipe to
the condensate pump. And finally the pump delivers it to the hot well.
(iii) Barometric or High Level Jet Condenser
Barometric or high level jet condensers are provided at high level
with a long vertical discharge tube or tailpipe. It does not have
condensate extraction pump and the condensate and cooling water
flows in the hot well because of the gravity. An injector pump is used
to flow cooling water at the top of the condenser.
These types of jet condensers are used at a high level with a vertical
discharge pipe. In this condenser, the steam enters at the bottom and
flows in upward direction and meets with the down coming cooling
water. Its working is similar as the low level jet condenser. The
vacuum is created at the top of the condenser shell. With the help of
vacuum and injector pump, the cooling water is moved to the top of
the condenser. The condensate and cooling water comes down in the
hot well through a long vertical discharge pipe. And finally the extra
hot water flows to the cooling tank or cooling pond by an overflow
(iv) Ejector Condenser
In ejector condensers, it has a non-return valve through which exhaust
steam enters, hollow truncated cones, and diverging cone.In these
condensers, the cooling water is injected at the top. The steam enters
into the condenser through a non-return valve.
The steam and water mixes with each other while passing through
series of hollow truncated metal cones and steam changes into water.
At the end of the metal cones a diverging cone is present. When the
condensate passes through diverging cone, its kinetic energy is partly
transformed into pressure energy.
The condensate and cooling water is then discharged to the hot well.
1)Surface condenser is a type of steam condenser in which the
steam and cooling water do not mix with each other. And
because of this, the whole condensate can be used as boiler feed
2)It is also called as non-mixing types condenser. The figure
above shows the longitudinal section of a two pass surface
3)It consists of a horizontal cylindrical vessel made of cast iron
and packed with tubes. The cooling water flows through these
tubes. The ends of the condensers are cut off by the perforated
type plates. The tubes are fixed into these perforated type plates.
It is fixed in such a manner that any leakage of water into the
center of condensing space is prevented.
In central flow condenser, the steam enters at the top of the condenser
and flows in downward direction. In this the suction pipe of the air
extraction pump is provided in the center of the tube nest as shown in
the figure. Due to this placement of the suction pipe in the center of
the tube nest, the exhaust steam flows radially inward over the tubes
towards the suction pipe. The condensate is collected at the bottom of
the condenser and pumped to the hot well.
iii) Regenerative
• Another source of air is the dissolved air with feed water. The
dissolved air in feed water enters into boiler and it travels with
steam into condenser.
• Air has very poor thermal conductivity. Hence, the rate of heat
transfer from vapour to cooling medium is reduced.