Lab+ +Harvesting+Credentials+Using+the+SET+Tool+Kit
Lab+ +Harvesting+Credentials+Using+the+SET+Tool+Kit
Lab+ +Harvesting+Credentials+Using+the+SET+Tool+Kit
1. Do not use a Wi-Fi connection. Use an Ethernet cable to connect to the network. Wi-Fi is
configured for IPSec which can impede the labs from working. The additional transport and
tunneling protocols do not play well with Kali or Metasploit.
2. The IP address shown in the lab are for demonstration purposes only. Your actual IP address
with differ.
Overview of the Social-Engineering Toolkit (SET)
The Social-Engineering Toolkit (SET) is specifically designed to perform advanced attacks against the
human element. SET was designed to be released with the launch and has
quickly become a standard tool in the pen testers arsenal. The attacks built into the toolkit are designed to
be targeted and focused attacks against a person or organization used during a penetration test.
• The Social-Engineering Toolkit (SET) is a python-driven suite of custom tools which solely
focuses on attacking the human element of penetration testing.
• Its main purpose is to augment and simulate social-engineering attacks and allow the tester to test
how a targeted attack may succeed effectively.
Section 1 – Launch Kali and Windows XP SP2
1. Open your VMWare Player and launch a Kali.
2. Open a second instance of VMWare Player and launch your Windows XP SP2 victim
Section 2. Update and upgrade your Kali install
From the Kali quick launch menu, open a console terminal and type the following commands:
Stop! This is not your IP address. Your address will be similar, but this is not it.
Write down your IP address. You’ll need it for later. Close the terminal session.
Section 4. Start the Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)
Open a new terminal session and from the prompt type 1
Disregard the out of date warning. We have already confirmed we have the latest version. Hit enter.
Accept the terms of service.
The object of this exploit is to convince the victim that our Kali machine is now hosting Facebook, and
this is where they should come to log in. When this happens, we will harvest the user’s username and
password. You could do this for any website that requires a user to login with a username password. It
could a be a corporate website. It could be a bank, PayPal, LinkedIn or whomever.
Credential harvester will generate an exact clone of the website the user normally logs onto. All we have
to do is convince that they are logging into the real site. Let’s see how we might do this.
We’ve completed the setup on our end. Remember, we could have used our external or outside IP address
in a real attack and sent the bogus URL out to tens of thousands of PayPal users. I wouldn’t recommend
that as that would lead right back to your location.
This hack is not isolated to just Windows XP; it will work on any operating system where a user can be
convinced the message they received with the bogus address is real. If the user has a browser and a
machine connected to the Internet (or in this case, the local area network), the exploit should succeed.
• Social Engineering Note
o The Victim does not have to be Windows XP. Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 are susceptible to
these types of attacks.
o It can be any type of web browser (i.e., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) for any
type of Operating System (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.).
o Imagine an attacker sending an email to the victim that reads, "Hey Check out the new
beta version of Facebook," or whatever website was cloned.
All of us get bogus emails with just an URL address in the message box. The reason we get so many of
these types of messages is that these types of social engineering attacks are very successful.
Organized crime my send out hundreds of thousands of bogus emails telling Bank of America customers
they need to change their passwords for their web login. Same with PayPal and Facebook. You may not
be a Bank of America customer, but someone who is a customer is receiving the same message.
Once the user submits their username and password, they will receive a Page Cannot Be Displayed
1. Notice that the Address URL changed to Facebook.
o This is to give the victim a sense of perhaps a failed login attempt instead of invoking
suspicion and alarm.
2. Continue to the next section to see the victim's username and password.
Sine we have not updated IE 6, the web page will appear washed out. If you want to the actual Facebook,
you need an updated browser.
Here’s what the Facebook login appears like when I connect to Kali using a Firefox from my Windows 7
Return to your Kali terminal, and you will see the harvested username and password of the victim.
Hit enter.
5. firefox ‘<name of report>.html' (this open the report. Hint: copy and paste
the file name after you type in Firefox.)
We can also disguise the outside IP address by getting a free tiny URL the user sees in the place of the IP
I took outside IP address and shortened it to a tiny URL using a free service called (this is not my real outside IP address)
Now when the victim sees my email he won’t see my outside IP address, they’ll see
The other half of this hack is convincing someone your email is legit. This goes to the heart of social
engineering. Hackers come up with very inventive ways to convince someone they are legit. What usually
gives it up as not being legit is bad grammar and bad spelling.
End of the lab!