Topic 1 - Cell Biology (Bioninja Summaries)
Topic 1 - Cell Biology (Bioninja Summaries)
Topic 1 - Cell Biology (Bioninja Summaries)
1: Cell Theory
Cell Theory Functions of Life
According to the cell theory: Organisms consisting of only one cell carry
out all the life functions in that single cell
1. Living organisms are composed of cells (or cell products)
2. The cell is the smallest unit of independent life
• Metabolism
3. Cells can only arise from pre-existing cells
• Reproduction
• Sensitivity
Caveats to the cell theory include:
• Homeostasis
• Striated muscle – composed of fused cells that are multinucleated • Excretion
• Giant algae – unicellular organisms that are very large in size (~7 cm) • Nutrition
• Aseptate hyphae – lack partitioning and have a continuous cytoplasm • Growth
Cell Size
Surface area to volume ratio is important in the limitation of cell size Small SA:Vol Ratio
Cells need to exchange materials with the environment in order to produce ︎ metabolic rate
the chemical energy required for survival (via metabolism) ➡︎ material exchange
• The rate of metabolism is a function of a cell’s mass / volume Low survival chances
• The rate of material exchange is a function of a cell’s surface area
Large SA:Vol Ratio
As a cell grows, volume (units3) increases faster than surface area (units2) ➡︎ metabolic rate
• If metabolic requirements exceed material exchange, a cell will die ︎ material exchange
• Hence, cells must stay small or increase their SA:Vol ratio to survive High survival chances
Magnification Microscopes
Stem cells are unspecialised cells that have two key qualities:
Embryonic Totipotent
1. Self-Renewal – They can continuously divide and replicate Stem Cells
2. Potency – They have the capacity to differentiate
There are four main types of stem cells during human development: Stem Cells Multipotent
• Totipotent – Can form any cell type, as well as extra-embryonic tissue
Adult Unipotent
• Pluripotent – Can form any cell type (e.g. embryonic stem cells)
Stem Cells
• Multipotent – Can differentiate into closely related cell types
• Unipotent – Cannot differentiate, but are capable of self-renewal Types of Stem Cells
Stem cells can replace damaged or diseased cells with healthy ones Example Condition Treatment
The therapeutic use of stem cells involves: Stargardt’s Macular Replace defective
disease degeneration retinal cells
• Harvesting stem cells from appropriate sources
• Using biochemical solutions to trigger cell differentiation Parkinson’s Death of Replace damaged
• Surgically implanting new cells into patient's own tissue disease nerve tissue nerve cells
• Suppressing the host immune system to prevent rejection
Cancer of Replacement of
• Monitoring new cells to ensure they do not become cancerous Leukemia
the blood bone marrow
Umbilical Easily obtained and Cells must be stored from birth at cost
Low (multipotent) Lower risk
Cord Blood stored / preserved (raises issues of financial accessibility)
Adult Tissue Low (multipotent) Lower risk Invasive to extract May be restrictions in scope / availability
All cells of an organism contain an identical genome – each cell Within the nuclei of eukaryotic cells, gene instructions
contains the entire set of genetic instructions for that organism (DNA) are packaged with proteins as chromatin
Differentiation involves the expression of some genes and not • Active genes are loosely packed as euchromatin
others in the cell’s genome (i.e. selective gene expression) • Inactive genes are packed tight as heterochromatin
The activation of different genes within a given cell will cause it Nucleus Micrograph:
to develop differently from other cells (i.e. cell specialisation)
Heterochromatin (inactive)
Red cell (gene A)
Prokaryote Micrographs
Nucleoid (yellow) Bacterial Conjugation (pili = red) Cell Wall (purple) Flagella (white)
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ Prokaryotes divide via a process of asexual
according to a number of key features: reproduction known as binary fission
• DNA (composition and structure)
• Organelles (types present and sizes) In this process
• Reproduction (mode of cell division) • The circular DNA is copied
• Average Size (exceptions may exist) • The DNA loops attach to the membrane
• The cell elongates, separating the loops
Prokaryote Eukaryote • Cytokinesis occurs to form two cells
Rough ER Cytosol
Smooth ER
Nucleolus Ribosome
Golgi body Membrane
80S Ribosome
Mitochondrion Vacuole Chloroplast Cell wall
Eukaryote Micrographs
Animal Cell (exocrine gland cell) ER (rough) Mitochondrion Plant Cell (palisade mesophyll)
Organelles are compartmentalised structures that serve specific purposes Animal Cells Plant Cells
Organelles found only in specific cell types include: Cholesterol present No cholesterol in
• Chloroplasts – Site of photosynthesis (plant cells only) in the cell membrane the cell membrane
• Lysosomes – Breakdown of macromolecules (animal cells)
Glucose → glycogen Glucose → starch
Topic 1.3: membrAne Structure
Phospholipid Bilayer
Structure of Phospholipids:
• Contain a polar (hydrophilic) head composed of phosphate (+ glycerol) Polar head
• Contain two non-polar (hydrophobic) tails, each composed of a fatty acid chain
• Hence, phospholipids are amphipathic (have hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts) Non-polar tail
Arrangement in Membranes:
• Phospholipids spontaneously arrange into a bilayer Phospholipid
• The hydrophilic phosphate heads face out into the surrounding solution, while
the hydrophobic fatty acid tails face inwards and are shielded from the polar fluids
Cholesterol is a fundamental component of animal cell membranes Membrane proteins are diverse in terms of
• It is not present in plant cell membranes (as they have a rigid cell wall) their structure and position in a membrane
Cholesterol reduces membrane fluidity and permeability to some solutes Membrane proteins serve many functions:
• It also anchors certain peripheral proteins and prevents crystallization
• Junctions
• Enzymes
• Transport
• Recognition
Cholesterol • Anchorage
(amphipathic) • Transduction
Cell membranes are represented as a fluid-mosaic model Membranes appear trilaminar when viewed with an electron
• Fluid – membrane components can move position microscope (trilaminar = three distinct layers)
• Mosaic – phospholipid bilayer is embedded with protein
Davson-Danielli proposed a model whereby a phospholipid
This model was proposed by Singer-Nicolson in 1972, bilayer was flanked by two protein layers (sandwich model)
following the falsification of the Davson-Danielli model
This model was falsified based on the following findings:
integral protein • Fluorescent tagging showed the proteins are mobile
• Not all membranes have a constant lipid : protein ratio
• Freeze fracturing identified transmembrane proteins
peripheral protein Trilaminar appearance Sandwich Model
Topic 1.4: membrAne TrAnsport
Properties of Membranes Types of Membrane Transport
Cell membranes have two key properties Membrane transport can either be:
• Semi-permeable (only certain things can cross) • Passive (along concentration gradient, no ATP expenditure)
• Selective (membranes can regulate material passage) • Active (against concentration gradient, ATP is required)
Passive Transport
Osmosis Osmolarity
The net movement of water molecules across a semi-permeable Osmolarity is a measure of solute concentration
membrane from a region of low solute concentration to a region
Solutions can be measured as:
of higher solute concentration (diffusion of free water molecules)
• Hypertonic: High solute concentration (gains water)
Low solute concentration High solute concentration • Hypotonic: Low solute concentration (loses water)
12 H2O total ; 12 H20 free 12 H2O total ; 0 H2O free • Isotonic: Same solute concentration (no net flow)
Active transport uses energy (ATP) to move molecules The fluidity of the plasma membrane allows it to break and
against a concentration gradient (i.e. from low to high) reform around certain materials (this process requires ATP)
• Molecule binds to a transmembrane protein pump • Exocytosis: Materials released from a cell via vesicles
• Hydrolysis of ATP causes a conformational change, • Endocytosis: Materials internalised within a vesicle
translocating the molecule across the membrane
• E.g. Sodium-potassium pumps move ions in neuron Intracellular vesicles can move materials between cell organelles
• E.g. rough ER → Golgi complex → plasma membrane
Sometimes molecules are passively coupled to an
actively transported molecule (co-transport)
• Symport: Both molecules move the same direction
• Antiport: Molecules move in opposite directions
Topic 1.5: Origin of Cells
Abiogenesis requires specific conditions in order to proceed Methodology Control Results Experimental
• Including a reducing atmosphere (no oxygen) and either
high temperatures (>100ºC) or electrical discharges
Eukaryotic cells are believed to have evolved from aerobic The appearance of photosynthetic organisms lead to the
prokaryotes that were engulfed by endocytosis rapidly increasing oxygenation of the Earth’s environment
The cell cycle is an ordered set of events that culminates in cell division
M phase
C Interphase
A G1
An active phase of the cell cycle where many metabolic reactions occur
M Growth and
• Consists of G1, S and G2 stages
G2 S M phase
Growth Replication The period of a cell cycle in which the cell and contents divide
preparation of DNA
• Consists of mitosis (P, M, A, T) and cytokinesis
Some cells may also enter a non-proliferative quiescent phase (G0)
Interphase Supercoiling
Normal metabolism cannot occur during M phase, so key During mitosis, chromatin condenses via supercoiling to
events must occur during interphase to prepare for division: become tightly packed chromosomes
• Due to replication (S phase), chromosomes consist of
• DNA replication (during S phase)
identical sister chromatids (joined at a centromere)
• Organelle duplication
• Cell growth
• Transcription / translation S phase Mitosis
• Obtaining nutrients
• Respiration (cellular)
Mitosis Cytokinesis
Mitosis is the division of a diploid nucleus Cytokinesis is the process of cytoplasm division, whereby a cell splits in two
into two genetically identical diploid nuclei • It occurs concurrently with telophase and differs in plants and animals
Cells in mitosis*
Mitotic Index =
Total number of cells
*Mitotic cells have no nucleus and have visible chromosomes
Topic 1.6: Cell cycle RegulAtion
Cell Cycle Checkpoints Cyclins
A cell cycle contains numerous checkpoints that ensure Cyclins are proteins that control progression of the cell cycle
the fidelity and viability of continued cell divisions
• Cyclins bind to cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs)
Cancers are diseases caused by uncontrolled cell division Cancers can be caused by many different factors:
• The resulting abnormal cell growths are called tumors
Tumor cells may remain in their original location (benign) Mutagens are agents that change the genetic material of cells
or spread and invade neighboring tissues (malignant) • These agents may be either physical (e.g. UV), chemical
(e.g. arsenic) or biological in origin (e.g. certain viruses)
Metastasis is the spread of cancer from an original site to • Mutagens that cause cancer are classified as carcinogens
a new body location (forming a secondary tumor)
Most cancers are caused by mutations to two classes of genes:
• Proto-oncogenes stimulate cell growth and proliferation
• Tumor suppressor genes repress cell cycle progression
normal cancer
cell cell tumor Proto-oncogene mutations create cancer-causing oncogenes
The death of a cell may occur by one of two mechanisms: There is a strong positive correlation between the
frequency of smoking and the incidence of cancer
Necrosis (uncontrolled ‘cell homicide’)
• Cigarette smoke contains >60 known carcinogens
• The cell loses functional control due to injury, toxins, etc.
• There is a destabilization of the membranes, leading to swelling
• The cell bursts and releases its contents (causing inflammation)
Incidence of cancer
Disintegration Fragmentation
10 20 30 40
• Spindle fibres continue to contract
• Sister chromatids separate and move
to opposite sides of the cell
(2n → 4n)
• Sister chromatids are now regarded as
A = Apart two separate chromosomes
membranes • Chromosomes decondense
reform (DNA forms chromatin)
• Nuclear membranes form around the
two identical chromosome sets
• Cytokinesis occurs concurrently