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Aptitude Test
For Ph.D/M.Sc.(Engg)

For Ph.D/M.Sc.(Engg)
For Faculty of Engineering & General Science
Common to:
Civil Engineering Science / Mechanical Engineering Science’ / Electrical
Engineering Science / Computer Sciences / Textile / Silk Engineering /
Chemical Engineering / Polymer Science /Bio-Tech/ Architecture / Physics /
Chemistry /Mathematics & M.Sc.(Engg)

Part I: Mathematics Section

Questions carrying one mark - 30 questions
(Objective/multiple choice, covering full syllabus)

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section

Questions carrying one marks - 50 questions

(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals
covering full syllabus)

Part III : Aptitude section

Reading Comprehension data Sufficiency & Data - 20 questions
Interpretation, Logical Reasoning computer awareness
TOTAL 100 marks
Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test

For Faculty of Engineering & General Science

Part I: Mathematics Section
Questions carrying one mark - 30 questions
(Objective/multiple choice, covering full syllabus)
Common to:
Civil Engineering Science / Mechanical Engineering Science’ / Electrical Engineering
Science / Computer Sciences / Textile / Silk Engineering / Chemical Engineering /
Polymer Science / Bio –Tech / Architecture / Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics &
M.Sc (Engg)

1. Matrices : Definition, Rank of matrix Systems of m linear equations with n unknown,
Eigen value and eigen vectors of a square matrix.
2. Calculus
a) Differential Calculus : Limits and Continuity , Differentiation and its applications,
Partial Derivatives.(Basic)
b) Integral Calculus : Reduction formulae, Definite Integrals, Properties and Multiple
3. Vector Algebra; Complex numbers; Definitions, Vector products , Properties; Amplitude
& Modules of a complex number, De Moivere’s theorem and examples.
4. Applied Mathematics - Laplace Transforms (Elementary transformation), Fourier series,
(Basics definition and examples.) , half range Fourier series and harmonic analysis.
5. Numerical Analysis – Numerical Solutions of Algebraic and transcendental equations, Finite
differences , Interpolation (For equal and unequal intervals) Numerical solutions of first order
differential equations , Numerical Integration
6. Statistics and Probability
Measures of central tendency and dispersion curve fitting by least square methods .
Correlation and regression. analysis
Probability : Axiams , conditional probability, probability distribution-Binomial poisson and
normal distribution
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics – Dr. B.S. Grewal (37th Edition)
2. Elementary Engineering Mathematics- Dr. B.S. Grewal
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics –Erwin Kreyszig
4. Introduction to Numerical Analysis –S.S. Sastry

Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test

For Faculty of Engineering & General Science

Part III: Aptitude section
Questions carrying one mark - 20 questions
(Objective/multiple choice, covering full syllabus)

Common to:
Civil Engineering Science / Mechanical Engineering Science’ / Electrical Engineering
Science / Computer Sciences / Textile / Silk Engineering / Chemical Engineering /
Polymer Science / Bio –Tech / Architecture / Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics &
M.Sc (Engg)

Syllabus in Aptitude section

Reading Comprehension data Sufficiency & Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning &
Computer awareness
Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions

Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full


Structural Analysis
 Structural Systems
 Methods of Joints and Sections and Truss Analysis
 Strain Energy
 Arches and Cables

Fluid Mechanics
 Open Channel Flow
 Water Hammer
 Dimensional Analysis
 Impact of Jets on Vanes
 Centrifugal Pumps

Concrete Technology
 Fresh Concrete and Hardened Concrete
 Mix Design
 Special Concretes
 Non-destructive Testing of Concrete

Design of Concrete Structures

 Principles of Limit State Design
 Serviceability Limits
 Effective Lengths
 Design Loads
 Anchorage of Bars
 Lateral Stability of Beams

 Index Properties of Soil
 Classification of Soils
 Soil Structures
 Compaction of Soil
 Consolidation of Soils
 Shear Strength of Soil

 Highway Planning and Alignment
 Design Principles
 Pavement Materials and Construction
 Wind Analysis and Site Selection for Airports

Irrigation Engineering
 Water Requirements of Crops
 Canals, Diversion Works,
 Gravity and Earthen Dams

Steel Structures
 Steel Structural Fasteners
 Tension – Compression – Flexure Members

Theory of Elasticity
 Plane Stresses and Plane Strain
 Principal Stresses and Principal Strains
 Strain Displacement Relationship
 Equilibrium and Boundary Condition
 Generalised Hook’s Law

Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions

Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full

Mechanical Engg. Science

(IP/IEM/Auto/ME/ & Other Allied branches)

I. Prime movers (I. C. Engine)

Classification of I. C Engines - 2 Stroke & 4 Stroke Petrol & Diesel Engines.
Concept of Mechanical efficiency BHP & IHP Laws of Ist & IInd Thermodynamics,
zeroth Law, applications.

II. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning – properties – COP unit of Refrigeration,

Refrigeration effect, Tonne Refrigeration.

III. Manufacturing Process part of a lathe, operation in a lathe, Types of Drilling

Machine, operation a Drilling machine.
Types of milling machines, operation on milling machines
Grinding machines, bonding materials, grinding terminology. Type of grinding machine,
brazing & welding classification & types. Lubrication & bearing types.

IV Power transmission & mechtronics

Belt drives, gear drives,
Introduction to mechanics- open loop & closed loop control System
Advantages & Disadvantages.

V Heat treatment of Metals-Anreding, Normalizing harding, tempering,

carburizing, cyaniding, Nitriding
and flame hardening, Iron, Carbon equilibrium diagram.
Composite Materials – Types of martin materials, FRP & MMC advantages &
Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions

Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full

Electrical Sciences
(ECE/EEE/IT/TC/BM/ML and other allied branches)

1. Fundamentals & AC Circuits Network Theorems.

2. Electrical Machines AC & DC, Transformers

3. Diode Circuits – Amplifiers, op – Amp Applications.

4. Simplification of Boolean Expressions – karnaugh maps combinational

logic Design.
5. Sequential logic circuits – Flip flops & counters, shift Registers

6. Time response of second order control systems nyquist criteria – Bode

plots, phase & gain margins.
7. Thyrestors – Choppers & Inverters.

8. Field Theory – Electric & magnetic fields, max wells equations.

9. Microprocessors – Architecture, operation, programming and interfacing

10. Transducers.

Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions

Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full

Computer Sciences

1. Discrete Mathematical Structures (Set Memory Fundamentals of Logic,

Relations functions)
2. Computer Organization (as per CSE46 Syllabus)
3. Data Structures using C
(Stack, recursion, Queues and lists, Trees, sorting, searching)
4. Operating systems (as per CS 52 Syllabus)
5. OOP with C++ (as per CSE 36 Syllabus)
6. DBMS (as per CS53 Syllabus)
7. Analysis & Design of Algorithms (as per CSE 43 Syllabus)
8. object oriented Analysis & design (as per CS 72 Syllabus)
9. Software Engg.
(Overview, Requirements Engg, Software Design, verification &

Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Draft Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.
Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions
Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full

Textile / Silk Technology

Introduction to monomers, polymers, history of polymers, classification of polymers. Introduction

to various Fibre forming polymers. Application of polymers.
Study of various methods of polymerisation viz addition, chain, co-ordination polymerization. Study
of various types of initiators. Techniques of polymerisation. Copolymerisation.
Nature of polymeric fluids. Flow of polymeric fluids, theology of polymers – derivation of various
laws to flow of polymeric fluids. Mechanical behavior of polymers- tensile behavior. Time
dependent behaviour and temperature dependent mechanical behaviour.
Thermal analysis of polymers – glass transition temperature of polymers. Determination of glass
transition temperature. Free volume concept. Time temperature Superposition in polymers.
Study of thermal characterization by DSC, DTA and TGA ,

Introduction to Textiles. Brief introduction to Textile materials. Brief history on origin of textiles.
Introduction to textile fibers, basic requirements of textile fibers. Geographical distribution,
cultivation & grading of cotton, wool, silk, & jute fibers. Brief study of physical & chemical
properties of cotton, wool, silk & blast fibers. India’s position of natural fibers in global scenario.

Introduction to regenerated fibers, chemistry and physics of viscose rayon production. Production
of modified viscose rayon, brief out line on production of acetate & cupramonium rayon.
Manufacture of Tencel, ‘Modal’ and ‘lyocell’ fibre.

Modern developments in blowroom machineries, evaluation of blowroom performance, calculation

regarding blowroom line.

Need of blending, Process modification required in blowroom for processing various blends like
Polyester/cotton, Polyester/viscose, silk and its blends. Types of blending operation and blending
Various quality control studies in blowroom like alp rejection percentage, cleaning efficiency within
and between lap variations.
Objects of carding, detailed study of working of revolving flat card, card clothing, autolevellers,
setting of different parts and effect of changing the setting on sliver quality, methods of grinding,
stripping calculation of production, draft etc. in carding.
Developments in modern carding such as developments in preceding zone, speeds, efficiency etc.
Developments in post carding zone.
Modern cards, their applications – tandem card, various quality control studies in carding.

Objects and principles of winding, classification of winding machine. Derivation of expression to
find winding speed and surface speed, cone angle, coil angle and angle of wind and their
importance. Methods of increasing angle of packages. Controlling of ballooning tension, types of
balloon breakers. Precision and drum winders. Yarn clearers, types and settings, Tensioning
devices. User classimat and its usefulness in selecting optimum clearing. Study of automatic
winders viz. Auto coner and Uniconer. Winding faults and remedies. Identification of cones,
material handing, measurement handling, measurement of package density and their efficiency.
Objects and systems of warping. Different types of modern creels. Study of modern, friction
driven and spindle driven beam warping machines. Study of different types of sectional warping
machines and their salient features. Special warpers for polyolefin filament yarns. Special
requirements of yarn preparatory for shuttleless weaving machine. Production calculation of all
Objects of sizing. Study of Ingredients used for size preparation. Size formulation, mixing vessels
Viz. Pressure cookers, Injection cookers, homogenizers, agitators and storing becks. Techniques
of sizing, Sizing of Natural, man made fibres and their blends. Size pickup, size add on, Salient
features of modern sizing machines. Creels sow box, Drying principles – multicylinder drying, hot
air drying, radiation drying. Concept of single end sizing.

Head stock – dry splitting comb, drag roll. After waxing, cut mark motion, beam pressing, PIV and
friction clutch.
Controls in sow box – stretch and its control, moisture measurement and temperature control.
Recent trends in sizing Viz. Foam sizing solvent sizing. Hot melt sizing, high pressure squeezing,
migrating behaviour of warp ends, dead loss, hard waste. Production and efficiency calculations.
Sizing defects and remedies.
Post sizing operations – Drawing – in, leasing, knotting, automatic drawing in machine.

Chemicals and auxiliaries used for textile wet processing and their functions. Introduction to
shearing and cropping. Objects of shearing and cropping.

Objects of singeing, methods of singeing by various singeing machines, precautions to be taken

during singeing, latest developments in singeing.

Objects of desizing, methods of desizing, continuous desizing, desizing of cotton and other blend.
latest developments in desizing.

Objects of scouring, mechanism of scouring, methods of scouring, scouring of natural cellulose

fabrics, degumming of silk, scouring of wool and jute, scouring of synthetic, modifications required
to scour knitted fabrics, latest developments in scouring.

Objects of Bleaching, mechanism of bleaching, methods of bleaching, bleaching of cellulose fibres,

fibres, bleaching of natural protein fibres, bleaching of common manufactured fibres, bleaching of
common whitening, optical whitening process for common fibres. Chemistry of optical whitening

Objects of mercerization, history and developments of mercerization, physical and chemical

changes in cotton due to mercerization, various factors affecting mercerization, methods of
mercerization – yarns and fabrics, machines used for mercerization, slack mercerization, Hot
mercerization, Faults in mercerization and their remedies, Test methods for mercerized materials.
Latest developments in mercerization.

Characterization of solid state structure of textile fibres using X-rays IRS, NMR, UVS, SEM, TEM &
DGC. Various Two phase models for studying two phase and one phase physical structure fibres.
Description of physical structure of cotton, wool, silk, PET, Nylon and acrylic fibres.

Moisture relations : Concept of moisture equilibrium, moisture hysterisis, moisture regain, heat
of absorption, swelling of textile fibres. Effect of moisture on various property of fibres.

Mechanical properties: Stress and strain behaviour, factors affecting tensile behaviour, structure
and tensile property correlation, Elastic recovery and weaklink effect.
Stress relaxation, creep, factor affecting stress relaxation, dynamic mechanical properties and their
Flexural and tensional properties, Frictional properties, Amontons laws of friction, deviation of
these laws in fibre friction, Bowden and Tabors theory of friction.
Optical properties, measurement of birefringence, luster. Importance of optical properties.
Electrical properties: Electrical resistance, static electricity, dielectric properties. Measurement of
these properties.
Thermal properties: Thermal conductivity, specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermal
Introduction to synthetic fibres. Production of raw materials for synthetic fibres. Study of
Production of PET by DMT & TPA routes. Study of Production of polyamides, nylon-6 effect of
various parameters on nylon-6 Production study of semi-continuous & integrated continuous
process for Production of nylon-6, Production of nylon-66.
Introduction to high performance fibres. Study of Production of carbon, boron, silicon, carbide,
alumina & glass fibres. Study of Production of aromatic polyamides viz. Nomex, Kevlar, technova.
Concept of liquid crystal, thermo tropic & Leo tropic polymers & fibres. Study of Production of
LDPE, HDPE, by GEL spinning technique. Production and properties of PBZT AND PBZO fibres.

Introduction to texturising. Study of different methods of texturising. False twist, draw texturing,
airjet texturing, stuffer box crimping, knife edge crimping, knit-de-knit crimping. Solvent
texturing. Study of various parameters affecting false twist texturing, measurement of crimp
rigidity. Physical bulk & instability of textured yarns. Modern developments in texturing process.
Introduction, tasks of draw frame, passage of material through draw frame, Operating principle of
draw frame. Operating devices, roller drafting systems, behaviour of fibres of drafting zone.
Friction field, distribution for drafting arrangement, elements of drafting arrangements, suction
system for drafting arrangement. Monitoring and autolevelling in drawframe. Brief study on
bercolisation, scouring, buffing, roller eccentricity, shore hardness. Calculations pertaining to
drawframe. Quality control studies in drawframe.

Objects of combing, Hook theory. Preparatory process for combing sliver lap, ribbon lap, and uni
lap machines. Types of comber. Sequence of operations in rectilinear comber, straightening of
hooks, parameters influencing the combing operations. Influence of feed stock on combing,
influence of combing operation on quality. Noil theory. Influence of machine components and
setting on combing Nipper assembly, combs, takes off material, drafting arrangements, waste
removal, transport operations in combing room. Detailed study of modern combing with reference
to cylinder speed, rate of delivery, detaching mechanism, drafting system. Calculations in comber,
fractionating efficiency, quality control studies in combing.

Speed Frame:
Objects of speed frames, operating sequence, operating regions of speedframe, drafting
arrangements and systems. Spindle and flyer – design of spindle and flyer. Winding of bobbin –
mechanism, package built bobbin drive, cone drive, lifter motion and builder motion, bobbin
leading and flyer leading mechanism, chase length, differential gearing mechanism. Study of
features of various modern speedframes. Quality control studies in speedframe, calculations
pertaining to speedframe.
Shedding :
Different types of shed. Positive and negative tappet shedding. Heald reversing mechanism.
Staggering of healds, tappet shedding and their characteristics. Different types of tappets. Merits
and demerits of tappet shedding, timing, setting, early and late shedding. Study of different types
of reed, reed count, healds, heald count
Picking :
Methods of picking, essentials of goods picking, defects in negative picking. Timing setting of
picking mechanism. Different types of under picking mechanisms. Early and late picking. Shuttle
checking devices, box settings, pickers, picking band, stick, check strap buffer, swell etc., Shuttle
trap, weak and harsh pick.
Beat-Up :
Theory of Beat up. Design features and working of beat up mechanism, eccentricity of sley.
Factors affecting the sley eccentricity.
Secondary Motions :
Take up motion, - 7 wheel take up. Timing and settings, continuous take up motion. Let-off
motions - positive and negative types.
Auxiliary Motions :
Warp stop, mechanical, electrical type. Weft stop motions - side weft fork and centre weft fork.
Warp stop motion - loose reed and fast reed mechanism. Warp easing motion and anticrack
motion. Loom banging off and loom brake. Study of types of temples. Fabric defects - causes and
remedies. Filament weaving.
Speed and production calculation of plain looms.
Box Motions: 4x4 box motion, circular box motion.

Automatic Looms:
Cop changing, shuttle changing looms, feelers, types of feelers, shuttle eye cutters, temple eye
cutters and their settings -
Chemicals and auxillaries used for textile dyeing and their functions. Chemical constitution of dyes.
Effect of fibre structure on dyeing behaviour.
Theories of dyeing, action of electrolytes, effect of dyebath temperature, Effect of material to liquor
ratio, Effect of dyebath pH, Mechanism of dyeing, various factors affecting dyeing, selection of dyes
for specific end uses, Evaluation of fastness properties of dyed materials.
Properties, Selection and application of various dyes like direct dyes, basic dyes, acid dyes, sulphur
dyes, Azoic dyes, Vat dyes, Sol-vat dyes, Mordant dyes, Reactive dyes, Disperse dyes, Modified
basic dyes on important natural and manufactured fibres. Various after treatments given to dyed

Introduction to natural dyes and their methods of application

Preparatory process for garment dyeing, speciality chemicals and dyes used for garment dyeing.
Different types of dyeing practices for various types of garments, precautions to be taken for
effective dyeing of garments. Quality control in garment dyeing.

Working principles of dyeing machinery for yarns, fabrics and garments. Latest developments in
dyeing machinery

Brief study on eco-friendly dyeing processes.

Dyeing of blends and knitted fabrics
Introduction to colour measurement and computer colour matching.
Ring Frame:

Objects of ring spinning. Working principle of ring frame. Detailed study of the ring frame
mechanisms. Variation in yarn tension during spinning. Twist flow in Ring spinning - effect of
various parameters. Yarn and package faults. Latest developments in ring spinning. Setting in ring
frames and production calculations in direct & indirect systems. Modifications required in ring
frames to process various types of blends.

Rings & Travelers - types, cross section, manufacture & selection. Traveler numbering. Function of
lappets & separators. Forces acting on the traveler and yarn balloon in ring spinning. Resultant of
the forces acting on the traveler.

Doubling Frame:

Objects of doubling process. Construction and working of a doubler. Dry doubling and wet
doubling. Different methods of threading the yarn through delivery rollers. Properties of various
doubled, cabled, voile, poplin, crepes, chiffon yarn etc. Sewing thread production & properties.
Fancy yarns and fancy doublers -methods of threading for some fancy yarns. Preparation of
standard yarn packages. Hosiery yarn and its manufacture, properties and end uses.
Open End Spinning:

Limitations of Ring spinning. Principles of Break Spinning. Working principle of Rotor Spinning.
Comparison of ring and O E yarns. Recent developments in O E Spinning. Setting and speeds
required to process various blends. Production calculations. Different types of rotors and opening
rollers used in open end spinning.

Dobby Looms:
Mechanical design and working principles of different types of dobbies such as negative, positive,
cam, paper, rotary, cross border dobbies, Lattice pegging methods, cyclic diagram of operation of
the dobby mechanism.
Mechanical design and operating principles of single lift single cylinder. Double lift single cylinder.
Double lift Double cylinder and cross border jacquard. Methods to increase the figuring capacity.
Piano card cutting machine. Card punching. Card lacing, casting out in jacquard. London and
Norwich harness mounting systems. Cyclogram of the jacquard shedding. Different types of tie-
ups. Review of developments in jacquards.
Shuttle-less Weaving: Study of special features of rapier, projectile, water-jet, Air-jet looms.

Study of above types of shuttle-less weaving machines with reference to: Types of weft supply
creels, Types of weft tensioning devices, Weft feed system, Types of weft insertion systems,
Different carrier breaking system, Consolidation of picking force in air jet picking systems. Weft
mixing systems, Systems of weft beat up, Types of selvedges.
Introduction to textile printing - An overview of the printing process.

Selection of dyes/pigments/auxiliaries and textile substrate to suit the end use of the printed
textile materials.
The constituents and characteristic of printing paste. Brief study of different binders, thickeners,
solvents, discharging agents and other ingredients of printing paste.
Styles of printing – Direct, discharge, resist and special styles- chemical and mechanisms used for
the above styles.
Methods of printing – Printing by Hand block, Roller, hand screen, semi-automatic screen, flat bed
and rotary screen printing methods. Developments in printing machinery.
Transfer printing – Principle, mechanisms and continuous transfer printing – Transfer printing
The print paste preparation and preservation. Printing of natural and synthetic fibre fabrics with
various classes of dyes/pigments.
Methods of print fixation – Drying, curing by dry heat, steam fixation etc.

Finishing process: An overview - objects and methods of finishing. Classification of various finishes
– Various finishing chemicals used and their properties.
Calendering and various calendering machines used. Sanforization – principle and the process.
Resin and anti-crease finish on cotton and protein fibre fabrics. Water repellent finishes, fire
retardant and fire proof finishes.
Finishing of woollen materials, silk fabrics and blended products. Finishing of synthetic fibre fabrics
- heat setting, de-lustering, anti-static, soil release, etc.
Introduction to textile testing and quality control. Sampling techniques. Moisture relation and
testing. Fiber dimensions Viz., length, fineness, maturity and strength. Their technological
importance and determination by various conventional and High Volume Instruments (HVI). FQI &
its importance.

Study of various systems of yarn count & its measurements by various methods & instruments.

Nep counting. Yarn twist & its effects on yarn & fabric properties. Principles & measurements of
single & double yarn twist. Importance of twist multiplier.
Yarn strength & its testing. Methods and principles of yarn strength testing.

Principles of various evenness testers & measurement of evenness for sliver, roving &yarns.
Causes & effects of irregularity in sliver, roving & yarns. On-line quality control systems .Yarn
friction &its measurements.
Determination of fabric length, width, thickness, weight. Thread density, crimp, air permeability.
Thermal property, stiffness, handle, drape, shear, serviceability, wear, & abrasion resistance.
Pilling, flammability, aesthetic properties. Fabric strength- tensile, tearing, bursting. Water &
fabric relations & testing. Study of water penetration, shrinkage test, wetting of apparels &
industrial fabrics .penetration of fabrics by water under pressure.
Assessment of fabric quality for garment industry- Testing & Inspection.
Study of fabric cyclic properties like bending, shear, fatigue.

Estimation of color fastness of dyed fabrics.

Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions

Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full

Chemical Engineering
Process Calculations and Thermodynamics: Laws of conservation of mass and energy; use of tie
components; recycle, bypass and purge calculations; degree of freedom analysis.

First and Second laws of thermodynamics and their applications; equations of state and
thermodynamic properties of real systems; phase equilibria; fugacity, excess properties and
correlations of activity coefficients; chemical reaction equilibria.

Momentum Transfer and Mechanical Operations: Fluid statics, Newtonian and non-Newtonian
fluids, Bernoulli equation, Macroscopic friction factors, energy balance, dimensional analysis, shell
balances, flow through pipeline systems, flow meters, pumps and compressors, packed and
fluidized beds, elementary boundary layer theory, size reduction and size separation; free and
hindered settling; centrifuge and cyclones; thickening and classification, filtration, mixing and
agitation; conveying of solids.

Heat Transfer: Conduction, convection and radiation, heat transfer coefficients, steady and
unsteady heat conduction, boiling, condensation and evaporation; types of heat exchangers and
evaporators and their design.

Mass Transfer: Fick's law, molecular diffusion in fluids, mass transfer coefficients, film, penetration
and surface renewal theories; momentum, heat and mass transfer analogies; stagewise and
continuous contacting and stage efficiencies; HTU & NTU concepts design and operation of
equipment for distillation, absorption, leaching, liquid-liquid extraction, crystallization, drying,
humidification, dehumidification and adsorption.

Chemical Reaction Engineering: Theories of reaction rates; kinetics of homogeneous reactions,

interpretation of kinetic data, single and multiple reactions in ideal reactors, non-ideal reactors;
residence time; non-isothermal reactors; kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions; diffusion
effects in catalysis.

Instrumentation and Process Control: Measurement of process variables; sensors, transducers and
their dynamics, dynamics of simple systems, dynamics such as CSTRs, transfer functions and
responses of simple systems, process reaction curve, controller modes (P, PI, and PID); control
valves; analysis of closed loop systems including stability, frequency response (including Bode
plots) and controller tuning, cascade, feed forward control.

Plant Design and Economics: Design and sizing of chemical engineering equipment such as
compressors, heat exchangers, multistage contactors; principles of process economics and cost
estimation including total annualized cost, cost indexes, rate of return, payback period, discounted
cash flow, optimization in Design.

Chemical Technology: Inorganic chemical industries; sulfuric acid, NaOH, fertilizers (Ammonia,
Urea, SSP and TSP); natural products industries (Pulp and Paper, Sugar, Oil, and Fats); petroleum
refining and petrochemicals; polymerization industries; polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and
polyester synthetic fibers.

Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions

Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full



Basics of Sedimentation, Setting, Filtration, Size reduction, and Mixing. Basic modes of heat
transfer, Uni-layer, Multi-layer, and Steady state conduction. Principles of Diffusion, Distillation,
Drying, Evaporation, Extraction, Adsorption and Iron-exchange operations.


Fluid definition, Classification, governing equations, Hydrostatic equilibrium, barometric equation,
Pressure measurements, Manometric equation, Shear stress, Shear strain, Netwon’s law, Fluid
flow, Types of flow, Laminar and turbulent flow. Continuity equation, Energy balance equation,
Beronulli’s equation, Euler equation, Momentum balance, Flow through circular and non circular
sections, Hagen-Poiseulles equations, Losses through pipe and fittings, Turbulent flow, and Friction

Structure and properties of mono, di, and polysaccharides, structure and properties of fatty acids,
neutral fats, phospholipids, glycolipids and steroids, structure and properties of aminoacids,
peptides, and proteins. Biologically important peptides. Structure and properties of purines,
pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides, ribonucleic acids, nucleoprotein complexes.


Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, Plant and animal cells, Types of cell functions, cell division, Mitosis
and Meosis. Formal structure in cytolplasm, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Ribosome, Golgi bodies,
Lysosomes. Endoplasmic Reticulum, Peroxisomes, Chloroplast and Vacuoles. Cell to cell
integration, Cell locomotion (Ameoboid Flagella, Cillar). Muscle and Nerve cell. Structure and
functioning of endocrine cells including neuro-secretary cell.


Rayleigh scattering, ultra centrifugation, viscometry, crystallization, X-ray crystallography, neutron
diffraction, NMR spectroscopy, electron microscopy, STM, AFM, luminescence, fluorimeter, falme,
photometry, optical activity, CD, UV, IR, Laser Raman and ESR, EPR. Calorimetry, DSC,
Spectrophotometry, Mass spectrometry, LC-MS, MALDI-TOF, Chromatography, Electrophoresis.

System, Surrounding and Process, Closed and Open system, State and Properties, Intensive &
Extensive Properties, State and Path functions, Equilibrium state and Phase rule, Zeroth law of
Thermodynamics, Heat reservoir and Heat engines, Reversible and Irreversible processes. General
statement of First law of Therodynamics, First law for Cyclic Process, Non-Flow Process, Flow
process, Heat capacity.
Nature of genetic material, DNA replication, Mendelian Laws of inheritance, monohybrid and
dihybrid inheritance, law of segregation and independent assortment, Gene interations,
supplementary genes, Complementary genes, Epistasis. Identification of genetic m,aterial,
classical experiments- Hershey & Chase, Avery McLeod etc. Multiple alleles and groups antigens.
Role of genes within cells, genetic code, genetic elements that control gene expression, method of
creating recombinant DNA molecules, vectors in recombinant DNA technology, biology and salient
features of vectors, types of vectors- plasmids, cosmids, phages and viruses. Gene transfer
techniques, genetic engineering of plants and animals, structure and functions of T-DNA in the
expression of genes, Ti plasmid mediated gene transfer.

Databases: Sequence database, Structure database, Medical Databases. Sequence alignment and
database searches: Optional Alignment, Database similarity searching, FASTA, BLAST. Aspects pf
Multiple Sequence Alignment.. Phylogenetic analysis: Tree- Building Methods, Evaluating Trees
and Data. Predictive methods for Detecting Functional Sites in the DNA. Predictive methods for
secondary structure, tertiary folds from protein sequences. Plasmid mapping and primer design.

Concept of mole and Molecule, Composition, of mixtures of Solids, liquids and gases. Composition
of mixtures and solutions- Precentage by weight, mole and Volume; Normality, Morality, Molality,
and ppm, pH and pK Buffer Calculations. Outline of an integrated bioprocess and the various
(upstream and downstream) unit operations involved in bioprocesses; generalized process flow
sheets. Process flow sheet and unit operations in chemical and bioprocess industries; General
material balance equation for steady and unsteady states. Basic concepts of Energy Balance.

Couples reactions and energy rise compounds, Reaction Stotichiometry, criteria of biochemical
reaction equilibrium, equilibrium constant and standard free energy change, effect of temperature,
preesure on equilibrium constants and other- factors affecting equilibrium conversion, liquid phase
reactions, heterogeneous bioreaction equlibria, phase rule for reacting systems.

Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section 50 questions

Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full syllabus)

(Topics Studied up to the Bachelor Degree Level should be considered for setting the
comprehensive questions in the subject)
1. Periodic Properties - Atomic radii – Ionization energy in groups and periods – Electron
affinity Chemical Bonding.
2. Organic Chemistry – Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds. Electronic
effects and reactive intermediates –Principles of purification of organic compounds –
Halogens – Cycloalkanes – Aromatic hydrocarbons – Elimination Reaction – Organo-metallic
compounds – Alcohols – Phenols – Carboxyl compounds – Carboxylic acid – Hydroxy acids –
Amines – Diazonium Compounds. Active methyl compounds –Carbohydrates – Stereo-
chemistry – Amino acids – Peptides – proteins. Oils and Fats – Waxes – Dyes – Terpenes.
Drugs - Hormones – Vitamins -
3. Inorganic Chemistry – Molecular orbital theory – General characteristics of s – block and
p. block - elements - Gravimetry – Statistical analysis of results of quantitative
measurements (errors – accuracy – precession etc). Nobel Gases – Non-aqueous solvents -
Ion exchange - Metallurgy – Gaseous fuels.
4. Physical Chemistry - Liquid mixtures - Properties of liquid Mixtures – Colligative
Properties - Chemical Kinetics – Colloids – Emulsions – Crystallography. Electrochemistry –
Hydrolysis of salts – Ionic equilibria. Distribution law.
5. Nuclear chemistry - Fundamental properties of nucleons – isotopes – nuclear stability –
binding energy – nuclear models – fission and fusion – nuclear transmutation – radioactivity
– nuclear reactors – accelerators. Application of nuclear chemistry.
6. Thermodynamics – Gas laws - Thermodynamic processes – State function – Laws of
Thermodynamics - Heat engine - Free energy – Entropy – Phase equilibria.
7. Co-ordination Chemistry – Basic concepts – Valance bond theory – Crystal field theory –
Bio-inorganic chemistry – Enzymes – Occurrence – properties and structure of enzymes.
8. Radiation Chemistry - Primary and secondary states in radiochemical reactions. Ionic
yield – energy yield – comparison with photochemistry – Radiolysis – Units of Measurement
of radiation.
9. Molecular Chemistry – Types of spectra – Rotational energy – Calculation of bond length
– Vibrational energy - Selection rules and transitions. NMR Spectroscopy.
10. Polymer Chemistry – Inorganic polymers – Properties – Glass transition temperature.

Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.
Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions
Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full

(Topics Studied up to the Bachelor Degree Level should be considered for setting the
comprehensive questions in the subject)
(Topics Studied up to the Bachelor Degree Levels should be considered for setting the
comprehensive questions in the subject)
1. Mechanics and Properties of Matter - Frames of Reference – Rigid body dynamics –
Moment of Inertia – Laws of Conservation. Elasticity – Viscosity – Surface Tension.
2. Heat and Thermodynamics – Kinetic Theory – Laws of Radiation – Thermodynamics –
Liquification of Gases – Entropy – Heat engines and Refrigeration. Thermal Conductivity.
3. Waves Acoustics – Progressive waves – Superposition – Doppler effect – Acoustics of
Buildings – Fourier transforms – Ultrasonics.
4. Optics - Theories of Light – Interference – Diffraction – Polarisation – Optical Instruments
– Resolving Power. Laser – Production, Properties and Applications.
5. Electricity and Magnetism – Electrostatics – Galvanometers - Measuring Instruments) -
Alternating and Direct current – Generation and Analysis – Thermoelectricity –
Electromagnetism .
6. Atomic and Molecular Physics – The electron – Atomic Models – Atomic spectra –
Molecular spectra – Related measurements. Zeeman effect. X – rays – Crystallography.
7. Nuclear Physics – The nucleus – Nuclear models - Mass spectrographs – Radioactivity –
Accelerators – Nuclear detectors – Nuclear reactions - Cosmic ray - Mossbauer effect –
Magnetic Resonance – Applications – Elementary Particles.
8. Solid State Physics - Relativity - Special and General Theories of relativity – Statistical
Physics – Specific Heats of Solids – Band Theory of solids – Classification of solids -
Electrical Conductivity in solids – Dielectric and Magnetic Properties – Specific Heats of
Solids – Semiconductors – Applications – Semiconductor devices – Transistors - Amplifiers –
Oscillators - Digital electronics – Superconductivity.
9. Quantum Physics – Failure of Classical Physics – Duality – Wave function – Schrodinger
wave equations. Solutions – Eigen values.
10.Recent Trends in Physics – Liquid Crystals – Optical Fibers – Smart Materials – Nano-
Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.
For Faculty General Science

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions

Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full


(Topics Studied up to the Bachelor Degree Level should be considered for setting the
comprehensive questions in the subject)

Trigonometric ratios and relations, simple problems. Complex numbers: Definition and properties,
De moivre’s theorem, roots of complex numbers

Convergence and divergence of series of positive terms. Standard tests for convergence.
Alternating series, Leibnitz test.

Matrices and determinants, Inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, consistency of a system of linear
equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors

a) DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: nth derivative of standard functions, polar curves, angle
between polar curves. Partial differentiation, maximum and minimum for function of single
and two variables. Curvature and radius of curvature, mean value theorems, Taylor’s and
Maclaurin’s expansion for a function of single variable. Indeterminate forms.
Tracing of standard curves. Beta and gamma functions. Length, Area , Volume using
multiple integrals.

Solutions of first order and first degree differential equations,

a) Laplace Transforms, Fourier Series & Fourier Transforms

Solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations, finite differences and related
problems, numerical differentiation and numerical integration , Numerical solution of
ordinary and partial differential equations, application to Engineering problems.


Correlation and regression, analysis of variance.
Probability : Axiams , Including Bayes theorem, conditional probability, probability
distribution-Binomial poisson, normal, geometric and exponential distribution.


1. Higher Engineering Mathematics – Dr. B.S. Grewal (37th Edition)

2. Elementary Engineering Mathematics- Dr. B.S. Grewal
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics –Erwin Kreyszig
4. Introduction to Numerical Analysis –S.S. Sastry

For Ph.D/M.Sc.(Engg)

Business Administration
Part I: Verbal Ability, Numerical Analysis Quantitative ability
Questions carrying one mark - 30 questions

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section

Questions carrying one marks - 50 questions

(Objective/multiple choice)

Part III : Aptitude section

Reading Comprehension data Sufficiency & Data - 20 questions
Interpretation, Logical Reasoning computer awareness
TOTAL 100 marks
Part III : Aptitude section
Reading Comprehension data Sufficiency & Data - 20 questions
Interpretation, Logical Reasoning computer awareness


Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section

Questions carrying one marks - 50 questions

(Objective/multiple choice)

Business Administration

Module 1
Management: Definition, nature, purpose and functions. Principles of management. Planning: nature-type-steps;
Organizing: Organization structure, span of management, centralization, decentralization. Staffing:-overview.
Directing and controlling, MBO.

Module 2
Organization behaviour: nature: Learning, Personality: definition-traits-determinants. Perception; Meaning,
factors influencing perception, perception and decision making.

Module 3
Marketing Management: Meaning-importance – Marketing management process- Marketing mix.

Module 4
Human Resource Management: definition, nature, scope-managerial and operative functions of HRM. Objections
of HRM.

Module 5
Financial Management: Definition, scope, functions, objectives, Time value of money.

Latest Management concepts in all the above modules.

Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part II: Discipline Oriented Section - 50 questions

Questions carrying one marks
(Objective/multiple choice, preferably involving numericals covering full

Polymer Science and Technology

• Fundamentals of polymer science- definition to polymer/macromolecules, copolymer, blends, composites,

fibres, etc. Classification of polymers, functionality of monomers. Explain the terms crystallinity,
amorphous, tacticity, stereoregularity, Tg/Tm, configuration/conformation.
• Chemistry and Mechanism of Polymerization:
• Methods of Polymerization - Bulk, solution, suspension, emulsion, solid phase, gas phase polymerizations
• Molecular weight and size: The concept of molecular weights (number average, weight average,
viscosity average and z average molecular weight - definitions and mathematical expressions), molecular
weight distribution (MWD) & its importance and polydispersity.
• Polymer properties – approach and the concept of chemical structure of polymers
• Polymer testing/characterization – density, bulk density, UTM, stress-strain curves (types), definition for
tensile modulus, impact strength, thermal methods-DSC and TGA (basics), melt viscosity (MFI)
• Chemistry, properties and uses of some polymers – Types of polyethylene (LDPE & HDPE), nylons, PP,
PS, PAN, PMMA, PET, PC, NR, SBR, epoxies
Technical Aptitude Test
PhD (Architecture)

City Planning: Historical development of city planning, principles of
city planning, new towns, survey methods, site planning and planning
regulations and building bye laws.

Housing : Concept of shelter, housing design and policies, role of

government agencies, finance and management.

Landscape Design: Principles of landscape design, landscape elements,

materials, planning design.

Visual and Urban Design: Principles of visual composition, proportion, scale,

rhythm, symmetry, asymmetry hWn1ony, balance of form and color, sense 0 f
place and space, division of space, focal point vista, visual survey.

llistol'Y of Architecture: Indian - Indus valley, Vedic, Buddhist, IndoAryan,

Dravidian and mughal periods; European - Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Medieval,
and Renaissance petiods.

Development of Contemporary Architecture: Development and impact on

society since industrial revolution, infh.lcnce of modern art on architecture,
works of national and international architects, posty modernism in
architecture ..

Planning Theory: Planning process, comprehet1sivc planning, land use and

density in residential and non-residential areas, central place theory,
rank- size rule, settlement pattern, land utilization, and district level

Techniques of planning: Application of remote sensing techniques in urban

and regional planning, planning surveys, methods of prepanHion of urban
and regional development plans. structure plans, strategy plans etc_; and site
planning principles and design.

Introduction to Research: Science and COml1':1011 sense. Four

methods of knowing, science and its functions. Scientific explanation and
theory, scientific research- a definition. Problems and Hypotheses,
problem values and definitions. Generality and specific problems and
Topics of Syllabus for the Qualifying Exam for the Ph.D. Programme
Syllabus for the Technical Aptitude Test.

Part III : Aptitude section

Reading Comprehension data Sufficiency & Data - 20 questions
Interpretation, Logical Reasoning computer awareness
For Ph.D/M.Sc.(Engg)

Business Administration
Part I: Verbal Ability, Numerical Analysis Quantitative ability
Questions carrying one mark - 30 questions

For Ph.D/M.Sc.(Engg)
For Faculty of Engineering & General Science
Common to:
Civil Engineering Science / Mechanical Engineering Science’ / Electrical
Engineering Science / Computer Sciences / Textile / Silk Engineering /
Chemical Engineering / Polymer Science /Bio-Tech/ Architecture / Physics /
Chemistry /Mathematics & M.Sc.(Engg)

Part I: Mathematics Section

Questions carrying one mark - 30 questions
(Objective/multiple choice, covering full syllabus)

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