Study and Optimization of High-Bit Rate Optical Fi
Study and Optimization of High-Bit Rate Optical Fi
Study and Optimization of High-Bit Rate Optical Fi
10 481
4 authors, including:
Abdelber Bendaoud
University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes
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1 Introduction
This paper presents a point-to-point optical link. Behavioural models for the
electro optic conversion in transmitters (lasers) and receivers (detectors) and the
propagation on single-mode fibers are presented as well. In addition, we will
show that behavioural modelling allows the optimization of the parameters of
physical components in terms of the bit error rate (BER).
Laboratory of Signals and Systems Transmission, University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria;
E-mail: [email protected]
Laboratory of Intelligent Control & Electrical Power Systems, University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria;
E-mail: [email protected]
M. Oukli, M. Kandouci, M. Bouzid, A.Bendaoud
3 Laser Model
The MQW DFB laser operates at 1.55µm. It is directly modulated at 10
Gb/s using a non return-to-zero (NRZ) pseudorandom current signal. The current
pulse from the laser driver is directly injected into coupled differential equations
(1) which solve the electron–photon balance. The whole laser model has two
coupled parts, i.e. a purely electrical one and the one describing the electro-optic
behavior. Thus, it allows the inclusion of optronic components into a classical
electronic CAD tool.
The electro-optic conversion is based on the rate equation approach: the
behavior of a single-mode semiconductor laser above threshold is described by
the following rate equations for the electron density N(t):
d N (t ) I n (t )
= − − vg g ( t ) S ( t ) . (1)
dt eV τs
And the photon density S ( t ) is [1]:
d S (t ) S (t ) N (t )
= Γ vg g ( t ) S ( t ) − + Γβ . (2)
dt τφ τs
The optical power and the complex envelope of electric field at the fiber
input can then be expressed by:
V ηhv
P (t ) = S (t ) , (3)
2Γτ p
Ein ( t ) = P ( t ) e jΦ . (4)
4 Fiber Model
The HDL-ATM fiber model includes only linear propagation phenomena
(whereby the injected power remains weak, the Kerr effect may be neglected),
so that the field at the fiber output Eout is computed as the convolution of its
impulse response h ( t ) and the input field Ein ( t ) :
Eout ( t ) = Ein ( t ) ⊗ h ( t ) (5)
Study and Optimization of High-Bit Rate Optical Fiber Transmission
Pout ( t ) = A Ein ( t ) ⊗ h ( t ) ,
h( t ) = (1+ j)( 4πβ2 L) 2 exp( − jt 2 2 β2L) ,
A, L, D = 2πcβ2 λ 02 stand for the attenuation, length and group velocity disper-
sion parameter of the fiber, respectively and c, β2, and λ0 are the speed of light,
the dispersion and the central wavelength of the optical signal, respectively.
In order to calculate Eout in the time domain, the infinite impulse response
(IIR) h ( t ) is approximated by a finite impulse response (FIR), numerical
filter and a digital process block samples Ein which provides computing the
convolution numerically.
N −1
Eout ( KTS ) = ∑ a ( n ) Ein ( K − n ) TS , (8)
where TS represent the sampling period and N is the FIR filter order (RIF).
To obtain the filter coefficients a ( n ) , h ( t ) is truncated and smoothed by
the classical time window function h W ( t ) .
h W ( t ) = 0.54 + 0.46cos π t NTS
) (9)
5 Detection
A. Principle of photo detection [7, 8]
The photons transmitted by fiber penetrate the detector made up of
semiconductor material.
Being absorptive, photons can allow the electrons to pass for state of
valence band in higher state of band conduction. Less dependent electrons
become free. The photon thus leaves room to a pair electron-positron pair.
The potential difference is applied in order to prevent the electrons from
falling down in its most stable state. Under the effect of the electric field, the two
categories of carriers separate, and are involved towards zones where they are in
a majority (named P or N). The carriers generated in such manner are then
collected in the form of photocurrent. The number of electron-positron pairs is
equal to the number of absorptive photons.
B. Characteristics of photo detection [7, 8]
Photons will not automatically undergo the photo detection. Firstly, a
photon has to possess a superior or equal energy Ephoton as high as the band of
energy forbidden Eg to make cross the electron of the band of Valencia to the
M. Oukli, M. Kandouci, M. Bouzid, A.Bendaoud
6 Analysis Tools
The analysis tool developed in HDL-ATM computes quasi analytically the
BER displaying the BER during the simulation.
In order to determine the BER, the simulation is first driven without any
noise source, then each noise source is estimated and the variance of the global
noise is finally expressed as:
σ2 = σT2 + σ2S + σ2sp − sp + σ2sig − sp + σ2S − sp , (11)
where σT2 and σ 2S stand for variances of the thermal noise of electronic
amplification circuit and the shot noise of photodiode, respectively. The other
terms correspond to the beating of spontaneous emission of erbium-doped fiber
amplifier (EDFA) with itself, the signal, and the shot noise. Analytical
expressions for the terms appearing in (11) may be found in [2].
The BER is subsequently computed in a Gaussian approximation of the
noise and exhibiting intersymbol interference like:
1 M ⎛ Ii − D ⎞
BER = ∑ erfc ⎜⎜ ⎟ p (i ) ,
⎟ (12)
2M i =1 ⎝ 2σ i ⎠
Where M is the number of bits in the frame, D the decision threshold, Ii the
mean value, σi the square mean value of intensity corresponding to symbol i
and p ( i ) the conditional probability of symbol i [3].
7 Results of Simulation
The figures that follow show the typical simulation results of a point-to-
point link. In this example, the fiber impulse response has been approximated
with N = 100 (see Section 3). The fiber model includes only linear propagation
phenomena. The sampling criterion is largely satisfied since the sampling
Study and Optimization of High-Bit Rate Optical Fiber Transmission
frequency is 500 GHz being much higher than the laser signal bandwidth
(10 GHz).
Fig. 3 represents the frequency chip which allows us to know the frequency
at the moment given by the magnetic field.
Study and Optimization of High-Bit Rate Optical Fiber Transmission
Figs. 4 and 5 show respectively optical power at the fiber input and the one
after 50km of propagation in the fiber. Therefore it is about the same signal,
however the difference in optical power is observed, which is due to the enfee-
blement (for the standard fiber the enfeeblement is esteemed by A = 0.22dB km )
of the signal which has been sodden by its propagating in the fiber.
The distortion of the signal can be observed, Fig. 5. Although being
minimal in this kind of fiber, this distortion said standard fiber and with the
wavelength λ = 1.55 μm , it is not however unimportant, it is especially due to
the dispersion.
a) b)
Fig. 7 – a) Noise parameters; b) Eye pattern.
M. Oukli, M. Kandouci, M. Bouzid, A.Bendaoud
8 Mathematical Model
Taking into account coefficients of the sensibility of the detector as well as
those of the BER (Table 1), we tried to establish a mathematical model by using
“Regresionmod” software.
Table 1
Measured BER
Sensibility Sensibility
Detector (dBm) Detector (dBm)
-26 4.84319 ⋅10 -23.9956 1.72247 ⋅10−8
-25.9033 3.80343 ⋅10−6 -23.8462 1.02034 ⋅10−8
-25.6835 2.34565 ⋅10 −6 -23.7055 6.55129 ⋅10 −9
-25.5604 1.76935 ⋅10 −6 -23.6264 4.55924 ⋅10 −9
-25.4813 1.33464 ⋅10−6 -23.5648 3.17291 ⋅10−9
-25.411 1.28195 ⋅10−6 -23.4505 1.95679 ⋅10−9
-25.3758 1.04811 ⋅10−6 -23.3011 1.25639 ⋅10−9
-25.2879 8.92149 ⋅10−7 -23.2396 1.02722 ⋅10−9
-25.1209 5.96362 ⋅10 −7 -23.1868 8.06688 ⋅10−10
-24.9187 3.25926 ⋅10 −7 -23.0549 4.2347 ⋅10−10
-24.7868 2.17867 ⋅10−7 -22.9407 2.83071 ⋅10−10
-24.6462 1.51621 ⋅10−7 -22.8615 2.05094 ⋅10−10
-24.4967 8.62701 ⋅10−8 -22.7121 9.93309 ⋅10−11
-24.4264 6.77491 ⋅10−8 -22.6066 5.88409 ⋅10−11
-24.2593 4.71487 ⋅10 −8 -22.5011 3.62883 ⋅10−11
-24.0835 2.2835 ⋅10 −8
Study and Optimization of High-Bit Rate Optical Fiber Transmission
Fig. 8 shows the comparison between simulated BER and measured BER.
9 Conclusion
The objective of this work was to estimate the advantages and the limits of a
high debit optical link. For this purpose we used the simulator VHDL-AMS. Our
transmission chain comprises a DFB laser, modulated directly by a
pseudorandom generator whereby the optical signal is transmitted along a
standard single-mode fiber on a single wavelength λ = 1.55 μm , the chain of
reception, which includes the optical amplifier (EDFA) instead of a repeater
regenerator and optical filtering whereby the conversion of signal is made by
means of one photodiode and electric filtering. The modules of the evaluation of
the performances allow determining the eye pattern and the bit error rate (BER).
The results obtained by simulation suggest that the main limitation of such a
transmission and the enfeeblement caused by the chromatic dispersal as well as
the noise (accompanying the signal as it propagates and until its reception),
which is interpreted by a distortion of the signal, is a decline and a loss in the
optical power.
These limitations can be more important if we do not make the appropriate
choice of each of the elements which constitute our optical link.
10 References
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M. Oukli, M. Kandouci, M. Bouzid, A.Bendaoud
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