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Course: BCA Semester/Batch: 1st /July 21

Subject: Office Automation Sub. Code: 21ODBCT105
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note: 1. Question no. 1 to 10 are compulsory with 10 short questions (MCQs).
2. Attempt Two questions from Sections- B & C as per choices given.
(Each Answer should be between 300-350 words)

Section – A (Compulsory) (10X1=10)


1. What is the function of Ctrl + B in Ms-Word

A. it converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
B. it adds a line break to the document
C. it makes the selected text bold
D. it applies italic formatting t the selected text

2. The term "office suite" refers to all ___

A. Software programs
B. Hardware components
C. System maintenance
D. None of the mentioned above

3. How many ways you can save a document?

A. 3
B. 4
D. 6

4. What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options?

A. Page.
B. Document.
C. Section.
D. Page setup.

5. Portrait and Landscape are

A. Page orientation
B. Paper size
C. Page layout
D. All of above

6. Which of the following is/are the additional features of Ms Excel 2007?

A. Quick access toolbar.

B. MS button.
C. Ribbon.
D. All the above.

7. The spelling tool is placed on ______ toolbar

A. Standard.
B. Formatting.
C. Drawing.
D. Reviewing.

8. In Microsoft Excel 2007, the ———– is used to issue commands

A. Quick access toolbar.

B. Formula bar.
C. Ribbon.
D. MS button.

9. Which of the following is not a valid Zoom percentage in Excel?

A. 75
B. 100
C. 200
D. 500

10. Formatting a cell in Currency, you can specify

A. Decimal places.
B. Currency symbol.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.

SECTION-B (30 Marks)

2. How Can we Add Or Remove Buttons From The Toolbars In Ms Office?.

(15 marks)
3. How Do I Change The Default Font For Things Like Page Numbers, Headers,
Footers, Footnotes, And Endnotes?
(15 arks)
4. What is power point presentation? Explain its uses. (15 marks)
5. Explain the types of tables used in excel. (15 marks)

SECTION- C (30 Marks)

6. Difference between COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF and COUNTBLANK in Ms-

Excel. (15 marks)
7. What is the AND function does in Excel? (15 marks)

8. How Can One Customize The Ribbon in Power point? (15 marks)
9. How One Can Organize Slides Into Sections? (15 marks)

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