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SystemVerilog Assertions

SVA Syntax




System functions

SystemVerilog Assertions

Type Description

Immediate Syntax:

[label:] assert (boolean_expresion)

   // pass block


   //fail block


SIGNAL_ASSERTED_ERR: assert(signal) // pass block omitted

         else $error(“Assertion failed”);

Concurrent Are SVA directives used to verify that a property holds. Syntax:

[label:] assert property (property_name);

property my_property;

   @(posedge clk) (rst_n !== x && rst_n != Z)



assert property (my_property);

Type Description

Cover Is a SVA directive used to verify that a property occurs during simulation. Syntax:

[label:] cover property (property_name);

property my_property;

   @(posedge clk) (rst_n !== x && rst_n != Z)


cover property (my_property);

SVA Syntax


property my_property[(port0, port1, ...)];

   //assertion variable declarations

   // property_statement


Operator Description

Overlapping Syntax:
operator |-> sequence1 |-> sequence2

sequence2 will start in the same clock cycle in which sequence1 will end


signal1 ##1 signal2 |-> signal3 ##1 signal4

    //Antecedent         //Consequent

Operator Description

Non-overlapping Syntax:
operator |=> sequence1 |=> sequence2

sequence2 will start one clock cycle after sequence1 has ended


signal1 ##1 signal2 |=> signal3 ##1 signal4


Seq1 |=> Seq2 is the same as Seq1 |-> ##1 Seq2

not Syntax:

not my_property;

It is not recommended to negate properties that contain an implication operator.

The result of such a negation might be hard to predict.


property my_propery;

   @(posedge clk)
   signal1 |-> signal2;


not my_propery is equivalent to signal1 && !signal2

The correct negation should be signal1 |-> not signal2

Operator Description

and Syntax:

property my_property;

   property1 and property2;


Both properties should start at the same evaluation time and may end at different
cycles. The assertion will pass only if both properties hold.

or Syntax:

property my_property;

   property1 or property2;


Both properties should start at the same evaluation time and may end at different
cycles. The assertion will pass only if at least one property holds.

until Syntax:

property my_property;

   property1 until property2;


my_property evaluates to true if property1 evaluates to true for every clock cycle
beginning with the starting point, and finishing one clock cycle before property2
starts to evaluate to true.


property my_property;

   req |=> busy until ready;

Operator Description

until_with Syntax:

property my_property;

   property1 until_with property2;


my_property evaluates to true if property1 evaluates to true for every clock cycle
beginning with the starting point, and finishing the same cycle when property2
starts to evaluate to true.


property my_property;

   req |=> busy until_with ready;


disable iff Syntax:


property my_property;

   disable iff(boolean_condition)



Causes the assertion checking to be terminated if the boolean condition is

evaluated to TRUE.


property my_property(input rst_n);

   @(posedge clk)
      disable iff(rst_n == 0)

      signal1 |=> signal2;



sequence my_sequence [(port0, port1, ...)]

   //assertion variable declarations

   //sequence expressions


Operator Description

Temporal delay
signal1 ##1 signal2
## with integer

Temporal delay
signal1 ##[0:2] signal2
## with range

   Delay = 0

   Delay = 1

   Delay = 2

Operator Description

Consecutive Where n,m are natural numbers, m>n>=1. The $ sign can be used to represent
repetition [*m] or infinity.

range [*n:m], [*],  

[+] Example:

signal1[*1:2] ##1 signal2

The length of signal1 is 1 clock cycle

The length of signal1 is 2 clock cycle


[*] is the same as [*0:$]

[+] is the same as [*1:$]

Non-consecutive Example 1:
repetition [=n],  

This is a shortcut for the following sequence

!start[*0:$] ##1 start ##1 !start[*0:$] ##1 start ##1 !start[*0:$]

Example 2:

signal1[=2] ##1 signal2

Operator Description

Goto non- Example 1:

repetition [->n], [-
>n:m] signal1[->2]

The difference between the two non-consecutive repetition is that the pattern
matching is finished after the last active pulse.

signal1[->2] is a shortcut for the following sequence:

!start[*0:$] ##1 start ##1 !start[*0:$] ##1 start ##1

Observe that signal1 is matched before returning to the LOW state

Example 2:

signal1[=2] ##1 signal2

and Syntax:

seq1 and seq2


(signal1 ##[1:8] signal2) and (signal3 ##[0:$] signal4)

The evaluation starts at the same clock time (if each sequence has it’s own clock,
then the AND starts at the first clocking event of each sequence), but it is not
necessary to finish at the same time. The and sequence fails to match when any of
the sequences fail to match.
Operator Description

or Syntax:

seq1 or seq2


(signal1 ##1 signal2) or (signal3 ##1 signal4)

The result of OR-ing two sequence is a match when at least one of the two
sequences is a match.

intersect It is similar to the and operator, except that the the two sequences must end at the
same time.


seq1 intersect seq2


(signal1 ##[1:8] signal2) intersect (signal3 ##[0:$] signal4)

Operator Description

within Syntax:

seq1 within seq2


signal3 ##1 signal4[*2] within signal1 ##[4:6] signal2

A match must satisfy the following conditions:

The starting point of seq1 must be after or at the same time as the starting
point of seq2.
The ending point of seq1 must be before or at the same time as the ending
point of seq2.

throughout The throughout operator specifies that a signal must hold throughout a sequence.


signal throughout seq


R/~W throughout (starting_bit ##[3:7] ending_bit)

Method Description

first_match Used to specify that only the first sequence match is considered from a range of
possible matches, the rest being discarded. Syntax:


Method Description

sequence my_seq

   signal1 ##[1:$] signal2;



   @(posedge clk)
   first_match(my_seq) |=> signal3


my_seq generates an infinite number of threads and an infinite number of matches.

To prevent unexpected errors the first_match  method is used to ensure that only
the first of multiple matches is considered.

Implicit first_match:

When a sequence is treated as a property (no implication operator in the


          Example: assert property @ (posedge clk) signal1 ##[1:2] signal2


          Possible match1


          Possible match2


          For the assertion of a sequence to be successful it is sufficient to have one

matched thread.

When a sequence is used as a consequent

          The first match of a consequent causes the property to hold and to

successfully complete the


          Example: assert property @ (posedge clk)  signal1 |->signal2 ##[1:$]



Required first match:

When a sequence is used as an antecedent.

Method Description
          Each thread generated by an antecedent must match to cause the property
to hold. If a thread

          fails to match, the assertion fails.


           assert property @ (posedge clk) first_match( signal1 ##[1:2]

signal2) |->signal3

          Successful assertion with first_match





          Successful assertion without first_match:


          Failed assertion without first_match:


Method Description

triggered Used to test if the end point of a sequence was reached. An end point is a boolean
expression that represents the evaluation of a thread at its last clock cycle. Syntax:



sequence my_seq;

   signal2 ##2 signal3;



sequence my_new_seq;

   signal1 ##1 my_seq.triggered ##1 signal4;


Declaration of a sequence:

sequence my_sequence[(Formal arguments)]

   //Assertion Variable Declaration


Types Description

Legal Types Legal local variable types


bit          byte          shortint         integer

logic         struct         int          time
reg          enum          longint          untyped

Typed formal arguments that are are not local variables

Types Description

llegal types Illegal local variable types


shortreal         string          Associative arrays

real          class          Dynamic arrays
realtime          chandle 

Initialization Rules:

Formal Arguments are initialized before assertion variables

Local variables are initialized with a nonlocal variable, using the value from
the time slot in which the evaluation attempt begins.
Non-initialized local variables are unassigned and have no default values.


sequence my_sequence( //FA

               local logic fa_signal = signal1;

   // Assertion Variables Declaration

   logic avd_ signal = 1;


Fa_signal will be initialized first with the preponed value of signal1, then avd_signal
will be initialized.

Initialization of Formal Arguments:

Only local arguments of input direction can be initialized.

inout, output and event cannot be declared as local.
Types Description

Assignments Local variables can be assigned within the sequence matched item list, each
variable being separated from each other by using comma in the parentheses.

The variables are assigned in order of appearance.

Non-local variables cannot be directly assigned in a sequence, it is necessary to

assigned them through function calls.


sequence my_sequence( //FA

               local logic fa_signal = signal1;

   // Assertion Variables Declaration

logic avd_ signal = 1;

(signal1,fa_signal=1) ##1 (signal2,avd_signal=!signal2) ##1 ($fall(si



// flag and set_flag function are declared in the module

function void set_flag()

   flag <= 1;


Assignments can be used in repetitions:

(signal1, counter = 0) ##1 (signal2, counter += 1)[*10] ##1 counter =

= 10

User-defined Local variables cannot be used in temporal ranges, but they can be used as
repetitions counters for user-defined repetitions or delays.

Illegal use of local variables


$rose(signal1) ##1 signal2[0:MAX] ##1 signal3

Legal use of local variables

local int count;

($rose(signal1), count = 0) ##1 (signal2, count += 1)[0:$] ##1 (signa

l3 && count < MAX)
Types Description

Passing and Method 1: Using an untyped formal argument

binding Local  
Variables to
instance of a sequence binded_seq(signal)

subsequence    signal3 ##1 (signal1, s = signal2);


sequence my_seq

   local logic s;

   signal2 ##1 binded_seq(s) ##1 signal4 == s;


my_seq is equivalent to:

signal2 ##1 signal3 ##1 (signal1, s = signal2) ##1 signal4 == s


Method 2: Using a typed formal argument

sequence binded_seq(local output logic signal)

   signal3 ##1 (signal1, s = signal2);


sequence my_seq

   local logic s;

   signal2 ##1 binded_seq(s) ##1 signal4 == s;



Method 3: Using triggered

sequence binded_seq(local output logic signal)

   signal3 ##3 (signal1, s = signal2);


sequence my_seq

   local logic s;

   signal2 ##1 binded_seq(s).triggered ##1 signal4 == s;


In this case the end point of binded_seq(s) must occur 1 clock cycle after signal2
was asserted. The starting point of binded_seq(s) is before signal2 is asserted.

Using and, or, Using local variables on parallel “or” Threads.

intersect with The or operand generates two concurrent threads, each thread having separate
local variables copies of the local variables. If a local variable is set on one thread, the other
thread wouldn’t be able to access it.

Types Description

Using local variables on parallel “and”/”intersect” Threads.

The and/intersect operands generate two concurrent threads, each having

separate copies of the local variables. At the end of the evaluations, the two
threads are merged into one. This will create problems when a local variable is
assigned in both threads, and later used after the threads are merged.


//illegal sequence

sequence my_sequence;

   int signal_cp;

   ((signal1 ##1 (signal2, signal_cp = signal3)) and (signal3 ##1 (si

gnal4, signal_cp = signal4))) ##1 (signal1 == signal_cp);


In this case we have an illegal assignment of signal_cp in both threads.

// legal sequence
sequence my_sequence;

   int signal_cp1;

   int signal_cp2;

   ((signal1 ##1 (signal2, signal_cp1 = signal3)) and (signal3 ##1 (s

ignal4, signal_cp2 = signal4))) ##1 (signal1 == signal_cp1);


Types Description

System functions
Function Description

$onehot(signal) Returns true if only one bit of the signal HIGH

$onehot0(signal) Returns true if only one bit of the signal is LOW

$isunknown(signal) Returns true if at most one bit of the signal is X or Z

$rose(signal) Returns true if the signal has changed value to 1 in the current evaluation cycle

$fell(signal) Returns true if the signal has changed value to 0 in the current evaluation cycle

$stable(signal) Returns true if the signal has the same value as it had in the previous evaluation

$past(signal, Returns the value of the signal at a previous evaluation cycle specified through
number_of_cc) the number_of_cc argument

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