Makalah Bahasa Inggris
Makalah Bahasa Inggris
Makalah Bahasa Inggris
Compiled in Order to Fulfill The Task of Learning
English Name of Teacher: Asmariani
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………………...
CHAPTER II ………………………………………………………………………........................
A. DEFINITION OD DRUGS………………………………………………………………..
B. TYPES OF DRUGS………………………………………………………………………..
C. CAUSES OF DRUGS ABUSE…………………………………………………………….
D. NEGATIVE DRUG IMPACTS…………………………………………………………….
E. POSITIVE DRUG IMPACT……………………………………………………………….
F. DRUG PREVENTION EFFORTS…………………………………………………………
CHAPTER IV………………………………………………………………………………………
Drug dealing with today's younger generation is very close. This means that there are
very many cases of addiction and drug trafficking in which the younger generation, especially
school and out-of-school (dropout) youth, are involved. According to the agency's research, there
are about 4 million people involved in drugs. Even drugs have entered schools. Common types
of drugs are nipan pills and marijuana leaves.
As a result of drug use, the crime rate of school students in major cities appears to be
greatly increased. Drug eradication efforts do not go well in their direction and purpose. If we
watch television, almost every day the police arrest addicts and drug dealers. However, the
distribution of illicit goods is expanding to all corners of the country. The children of officials
and artists are often a source of drug expansion. In fact, many local government officials and
security forces are involved in drug cases.
This paper entitled Drug Danger for Adolescents is aimed at teenagers, students, students
or the public who read this paper in order to understand how the dangers of drugs can make us
negligent in any case. Hopefully this paper can help and add to your insight into the
understanding and dangers of drugs themselves.
is the problem of all countries in the world so the majority of UN members have agreed
to the United Nation Convention Against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances in 1988. Indonesia has ratified the convention with the Drug Act continuing to
threaten Indonesia. The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) records 1.5 percent of Indonesia's
population, or about 2.9 million to 3.2 million people, abuse drugs. In fact about 15 thousand
people have to die in vain every year because of the illegal goods. BNN also noted that the
number of narcotics and psychotropic crimes continues to increase. In 1997 there were only 622
drug cases. In the 2000s, there were more than 3,000 cases. As of 2005, drug cases reached tens
of thousands. In 2011, drug cases were revealed in 29,713 cases with a total of 36,589 suspects.
Meanwhile, a report released by the Jakarta Raya Metro Area Police said that from
January 2009 to March 2009, there were 505 cases of narcotics and psychotropic crimes
involving students and students. Shocking and alarming. The figures released by Metro Jaya
Police seem to reinforce data released by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) that says more
than 1.1 million students and students have been entangled in drug abuse.
In addition to causing fatalities, drugs also inflict economic losses. In terms of economic
losses, trillions of rupiah is wasted to finance the impact of drug use. Based on BNN data and the
University of Indonesia Research Center, the economic and social impact of drug abuse in
Indonesia reached Rp 23.6 trillion in 2004. Meanwhile, on the other hand, public funds are spent
around Rp 292 trillion per year, because if there are 3.2 million victims and each spend Rp 200
thousand per day, per month Rp 640 billion. This is due to the widespread spread of the illicit
narcotics trade.
Obviously, drugs are not just a national problem of a country. This community disease
has been No.5 year 1997 on Psychotropics and Law No.22 of 1997 on Narcotics.
Narcotics crimes basically include crimes against development and social welfare that are
the center of national and international attention and concern. The scope and dimensions of
narcotics crime are so broad that its activities and activities contain characteristics as organized
crime, white collar crime, corporate crime, and transnational crime. With the advancement and
sophistication of information technology, narcotics crime can be one form of cyber crime.
Execution of death remains a form of criminal sanction, but its execution must qualify caution as
a specific criminal, i.e. with special conditions and supported by witness evidence and other very
strong evidence.
According to data from the National Narcotics Agency's R&D department, as of the end
of 2011, the most cases found in drug abuse were distribution activities totaling 19,454 with a
total of 22,810 suspects, higher than 10,160 with 13,705 suspects. The number of male drug
abuse suspects was 32,810 and women 3,659. The highest number of drug abuse suspects by age
was among those over the age of 30 and a total of 117 were recorded as being under the age of
15. The number of suspects based on the level of education, sma ranks highest with the number
of 20,398 people. Based on the estimated number of drug abuses by region in 2011, DKI Jakarta
ranked number 1 with the number of users ranging from 140,923 people to 171,952.
Furthermore, followed by West Java which ranked 2nd and Banten ranked 3rd most.
A. Definition of Drugs
Drugs are short for narkotics, psychotropic,and addictives. In addition to "drugs",
another term introduced specifically by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is
Napza which stands for Narcotics, Psychotropics and Addictive Substances. Drugs are
substances that can have a certain influence on those who use them by inserting the drug into
their body, such influences in the form of recitation, loss of stimulation pain, spirit and
hallucinations. It is with this hallucination effect that causes community groups especially among
adolescents to want to use Drugs despite not suffering anything. This is what resulted in the
misuse of drugs. The danger when using narcotics if it is not in accordance with the regulations
is the dependence of the drug (addiction).
B. Types of Drugs
In general, drugs can be classified into several types, among others:
· Narcotics
Narcotics comes from the English word "narcotics" which means dope. Narcotics are ingredients
derived from 3 types of plants Papaper Somniferum (Opium), Erythroxyion coca (cocaine), and
cannabis sativa (cannabis) both pure and mixed form. The way it works affects the nervous
structure which can make us feel nothing, even if parts of our body are hurt. The types are:
Opium or Opioids or Opiates or Opiates, Codeine or Codeine, Methadone (MTD), LSD or
Lysergic Acid or Acid or Trips or Tabs, Demerol or Petidin or Pethidina, Dextropropoksiven,,
Hashish (Flour-shaped and black in color). It is enjoyed by being smoked or eaten. This second
type of narcotic is said to be somewhat harmless simply because it rarely carries death).
· Psychotropic
Psychotropics are other ingredients that do not contain narcotics, are artificial substances or
engineered products made by regulating chemical structures. Affect or alter the mental state and
behavior of the wearer. The types are: Ecstasy or Inex or Metamphetamines, Demerol,, Speed,,
Angel Dust,, Methamphetamine (Sabu/Syabu/ICE), Sedative, Hypnotic (Benzodiazepines/BDZ),
BK, Lexo, MG, Rohip, Dum, Megadon,, Nipam .
This type of psychotropic is also often associated with the term Amphetamines, where
amphetamines there are 2 types of MDMA (methyl dioksi methamphetamine) known as ecstasy.
Another name is fantacy pils, inex. Then another type is methamphetamine that works longer
than MDMA (can reach 12 hours) and the hallucination effect is stronger. Other names are
shabu, SS, ice.
· Addictives
Addictive substances are substances that can be addictive if consumed regularly. Included in the
addictive substances are Alcohol, Nicotine, and Caffeine.
In terms of the effects and impacts inflicted on drug users can be distinguished into 3 (three)
groups /types:
· Upper is a type of drug that makes the wearer active such as crystal meth, ecstasy and
· Downer is a group of drugs that can make people who use that type of drug so calm with its
calming / sedative properties such as sleeping pills (hypnotics) and anti-anxiety drugs.
· Hallucinogens are toxic drugs because of their more prominent toxic properties compared to
medical uses.
Other types of drugs include:
· Marijuana
Marijuana is a special name for Hemp, a plant up to 2 meters tall, leaf-like shape of cassava
leaves, leaves of green color and grows best in mountainous areas. The main addictive chemical
in marijuana is tetra hydrocannabinol which can be detected through urine. Drug addicts smoke
marijuana with cigarettes or pipes. If the marijuana substance is disconnected, then the wearer
will be surprised by symptoms such as watery eyes, squeaky nose, body pain. The growing use
of marijuana will lead to memory loss, learning ability, and motivation. Marijuana can also cause
distortion of perception (perversion of perception from reality), loss of coordination, increased
heart rate arising from persistent anxiety. As a result medical can cause pulmonary damage,
chronic cough, bronchitis.
· Heroin
Most heroin users inject the substance into their body. The wearer feels a sense of pleasure
accompanied by body heat, dry mouth, heavy feeling and mentally cloudy to depression in the
central nervous system. If stopped then the wearer will be addicted, restless, sore muscles and
bones, insomnia,vomit. To eliminate addiction there must be cooperation between addicts and
mentors/doctors. Usually this is done by a specialist drug counselor using muti-methods
/integrated counseling. The doctor's method of giving opiates little by little in the long run to
treat heroin addiction is intended to prevent patients from performing injections that greatly harm
themselves due to over-dosing and the dangers of HIV and hepatitis C disease.
· Cocaine
Cocaine is often inhaled through the nose, but is also smoked with cigarettes or if injected will
have an impact on HIV/AIDS disease. The effect of cocaine on the wearer's physique is the
inhibitions of the blood vessels, the pupils of the eyes dilate, the body heat increases, the heart
rate increases, the blood is high, the feeling of restlessness, pain, anxiety. Smoking crack cocaine
with cigarettes will lead to paranoia(a type of mental illness that causes a false illusion about
something and can eventually be aggressive due to the delusions it experiences). Cocaine can
cause death because his breathing is choked and the brain is deprived of oxygen.
C. Causes of Drug Abuse
1) Personality Factors
Individuals who try to use drugs usually have little knowledge of drugs as well as the harmful
effects posed by drugs. The individual cannot control his desire to try, impulsive attitudes driven
by strong curiosity will affect his self knowledge so that he becomes caught up in the high
dependence of these drugs.
Usually individuals who are unusual in dealing with problem solving tend to use drugs, this is
because individuals do mall adjustments due to their experiences in making decisions to solve
their problems. The anxiety caused by the individual conflict can reduce it by consuming drugs.
Individuals who are accustomed to pleasure simply avoid more complicated problems, usually
they prefer instant and practical problem solving. They are not used to being patient, late,
tenacious, or constructive thinking, and only think simple that only brings a momentary pleasure,
namely by taking drugs that can give them an excessive sense of euphoria.
2) Permissive and Individualist Society
Individualistic environments such as those in big city life tend to care less about others and their
surroundings, they only think about their problems regardless of the person around them, usually
people like this always assume that the important thing is not him, his brother or family who are
not involved in drugs then he does not want to take a dizzy with this drug abuse that is
increasingly widespread in teenagers and in children.
3) Family Control
Overly busy parents rarely have time to control their children. Children who are less attentive
than their parents tend to seek outside attention, usually they are also looking for "busyness" with
their friends. Abusive children also lack the attention and compassion of both parents, including
knowing the norms that should be introduced early on from within the family.
4) Peer Influence
The influence of friends or groups is very important on drug use, this is due to the ease of being
accepted by the group members. Groups have the same behavioral habits among fellow
members. So it's not strange that this habit of gathering also directs the same behavior to take
drugs together anyway
· Opioid
Opioids or opium have been used for centuries as painkillers and to prevent coughs and diarrhea.
· Cocaine
Erythroxylon coca (coca) plant leaves are usually chewed to obtain stimulant effects, such as to
increase endurance and stamina as well as reduce fatigue.
· Cannabis (cannabis)
People used cannabis plants for bag-making materials because the fibers they produced were
very strong. Cannabis seeds are also used as an oil-making ingredient.
F. Drug Prevention Efforts
· Law Enforcement (In Terms of Government)
Given the extent of the impact it has had, the war on drug abuse should be the policy of the state.
To combat these internationally organized crimes, an integral and comprehensive state policy is
needed by engaging all relevant state institutions, state apparatus from highest to lowest, all
elements of community elements.
Executions of convicted drug offenders are one of the efforts of consistency of law enforcement
and the establishment of legal authority in Indonesia. The consistency of this government is
certainly not an easy issue amid the growing resistance to executions. But, whatever, the choice
for the safety of future generations of the nation, should be the main consideration.
The support of all parties in the enactment of laws and regulations is accompanied by real action
for the safety of the next generation of young people and heirs of the nation. Unfortunately the
Human Rights Order has not regulated the use of drugs, except Law No:5/1997 on Psychotropics
and Law no: 22/1997 on Narcotics.
· From the Community
The community should still be invited to actively participate in the fight against drugs, with
concrete efforts and a special attention to the school environment and college campuses.
Campaign and convince the public that living in a drug deterrent is a crime, not for the
individual, but also for society, nation, and country.
· From the School Side
There must be good cooperation between parents and teachers enabled. This means teachers are
tasked with supervising students during school hours and parents are tasked with supervising
their children at home and outdoors. The findings of teachers and parents to be communicated
well and solved together, and sought this drug prevention effort among junior high and high
school students.
A. Conclusion
a. Drugs stand for narcotics, psychotropics, and addictive substances.
b. Narcotics in English means anesthetic, psychotropic means artificial substances or engineered
results made by regulating chemical structures, and addictive substances are substances that can
be addictive if consumed regularly.
c. Drug users can be distinguished into 3 (three) groups/ types: (1) Upper, (2) Downer, and (3)
d. Upper is a type of drug that makes the wearer active. Downer is a drug group that can keep people
who use that type of drug calm down. Hallucinogens are toxic napza because of their more
prominent toxic properties compared to medical uses.
e. The Causative Factors of Drug Abuse may be caused by: (1) Personality Factors, (2) Permissive
and Individualistic Societies, (3) Family Control, and (4) Peer Influence.
f. The negative effects of drugs are divided into physical impacts, psychic impacts, and social
g. The positive impact of drugs, if used as they should and according to the advice of doctors, is to
save people's lives and help in medicine, narcotics provide benefits to human life.
h. Preventive and drug prevention (regressive) efforts can come from the government, the
community, and the school.
i. As of the end of 2011, the most cases found in drug abuse were distribution activities totaling
19,454 with the number of suspects amounting to 22,810, higher than the consumption activity
of 10,160 with the number of suspects amounting to 13,705.
j. Number of male drug abuse suspects is 32,810 and women a total of 3,659 people.
B. Suggestion
a. Society needs to control itself by not approaching drugs under any circumstances and
b. Intensive and equitable early education is needed to all walks of life so that the nation's children
are aware of the avoiding of drugs
c. Parents need to play an active role in controlling their children so as not to fall into drug abuse
d. The government needs to actively conduct counseling to resuscital communities on various levels
ranging from the poor to the executives to prevent drug abuse.
e. The government and police forces need to eradicate the distribution and activities of drug
consumption in Indonesia.
f. Teachers and schools need to play an active role in protecting their students from getting close to