Oteluri Cai Ferate
Oteluri Cai Ferate
Oteluri Cai Ferate
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4. Metallurgy of Rail Steels
Grade 220 and 260 steels are naturally 8 8
cooled, while Grade 350HT is controlled
cooled. Controlled cooling gives a more 7 B 7
refined microstructure and higher 45° B Grade 220
6 6
hardness. Clearly, any subsequent heating
Average wear, mm
Average wear, mm
(austenitising) of this grade, e.g. during 5 5
weld repair, will not generate the parent
rail microstructure, unless the desired 4 4
cooling rate is achieved.
3 3
Hardness and Wear Resistance
2 2 1% Cr
In a steel grade designation, e.g. Grade
220, the number 220 refers to the hardness 1 1
of the steel. This is hardness measured
using the Brinell Test. In this test, a 0 0
0 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
tungsten carbide indenter is pressed into Millions of tonnes of traffic, MGT Millions of tonnes of traffic, MGT
the surface of the test piece using an
appropriate specified force. The diameter Figure 2 Measured Wear Rates of Grade 220 and 1% Cr Rail Steels
of the impression so produced is then
measured and the Brinell Hardness years. The greater wear at position B, directly reflect an in-service performance
Number, HBW, derived from the gauge corner, was a primary reason requirement.
HBW = Force/Surface area of impression. for early rail replacement and lead to the
adoption of a harder steel (1% Cr steel), For further information on properties
The focus of rail steel developments has which resulted in a much reduced wear such as rolling contact fatigue, fracture
been towards harder and stronger grades, rate. Further reductions in wear rate have
to give greater wear resistance and longer toughness and weldability, the reader is
been achieved through the use of harder
rail life. The finer microstructure, higher grades such as 350HT. directed to the web site for the full and
hardness and greater wear resistance of unabridged version of this paper.
Grade 260 is a result of the higher carbon Tensile Properties
content compared to that of Grade 220. Table 4 NR Specifications for
Although the direct correspondence Tensile Properties of Rail Steels
Further increases in hardness and wear
between hardness and wear resistance and
resistance are achieved in Grade 350HT Min. UTS
their dependence on the composition of Grade Min. El. %
through controlled, accelerated cooling, (Rm) MNm–2
pearlitic rail steel is widely acknowledged,
since its composition is broadly similar to
tensile properties continue to be included 220 770 12
that of Grade 260. Figure 2 shows actual in rail specifications, as shown in Table
site measurements of wear on Grade 220 260 880 9
4. However, tensile strength does not 350HT 1175 9
rail at Park Junction taken over several
Events Diary
June 2003
1st Residential course on railway electrical Published quarterly for members of the
Institute of Rail Welding
infrastructure systems Editor: Kay Bridges
Production: Kay Bridges, Penny Edmundson and
16-20 June John Dadson
© Copyright TWI Ltd 2003
Articles may be reprinted with permission from TWI Ltd.
September 2003 Storage of electronic media is not permitted.
Articles in this publication are for information only.
Targeting performance ñ Make a difference now! IoRW and TWI do not accept responsibility for the
consequences of actions taken by others after reading
this information.
Young Engineersí Railway Seminar
Designed by: Jenny May
Printed by: Concept Print & Display Ltd.
10-12 September
Published by TWI Ltd, Granta Park,
Manchester Great Abington, Cambridge,
Infrarail 2003 Telephone +44 (0)1223 891162
Facsimile +44 (0)1223 894219
16-18 September E-mail [email protected]
Manchester IoRW is an activity of the Professional Division
of The Welding Institute
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