Lea 134 Pages
Lea 134 Pages
Lea 134 Pages
Police Organization defined Beat – An area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot or
Police organization is a group of trained personnel in motorized.
the field of public safety administration engaged in the
achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the Sector – An area containing two or more beats, routes, or posts.
maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and
property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes. District – a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol
purposes, usually with its own station.
The organization of the police force commonly requires the
following organizational units: Area – a section or territorial division of a large city each
comprised of designated districts.
Functional Units
Important Terminologies Sick Leave - period which an officer is excused from active
duty by reason of illness or injury
Sworn Officers – all personnel of the police department who
have oath and who possess the power to arrest Suspension - a consequence of an act which temporarily
deprives an officer from the privilege of performing his duties
Superior Officer - one having supervisory responsibilities, as result of violating directives or other department regulations
either temporarily or permanently, over officers of lower rank. Department Rules - rules established by department
directors/supervisors to control the conduct of the members of
Commanding Officer - an officer who is in command of the the police force
department, a bureau, a division, an area, or a district
Duty Manual - describes the procedures and defines the duties
Ranking Officer - the officer who has the more senior of officers assigned to specified post or position
rank/higher rank in a team or group
Order - an instruction given by a ranking officer to a
Length of Service - the period of time that has elapsed since subordinate, either
the oath of office was administered. Previous active services
may be included or added a. General Order,
b. Special, or
On Duty - the period when an officer is actively engaged in the c. Personal
performance of his duty
Report - usually a written communication unless otherwise
Off Duty - the nature of which the police officer is free from specifies to be verbal reports; verbal reports should be
specific routine duty confirmed by written communication.
Special Duty - the police service, its nature, which requires that Types of Police Organizational Structures
the officer be excused from the performance of his active
regular duty Line Organization
The straight line organization, often called the
Leave of Absence - period, which an officer is excused from individual, military or departmental type of
active duty by any valid/acceptable reason, approved by higher organization,
authority Is the simplest and perhaps the oldest type;
but it is seldom encountered in its channels of It combines staff specialist such as the criminalists, the
authority and responsibility extends in a direct training officers, the research and development
line from top to bottomwithin the structures, specialists, etc.
authority is definite and absolute. Channels of responsibility is to “think and provide
While the line type of organization has many expertise” for the line units.
advantages, The line supervisor must remember that he obtains
It also has some inherent weaknesses which, for advice from the staff specialists.
many organizations, make its use impractical. In normal operations, the staff supervisor has line
Perhaps its greatest advantage is that, it is commands but with recognized limitations such as
utterly simple. coordination between line and staff personnel can be
It involves a division of the work into units of achieved without undue friction.
eighth person with a person in charge who has Failure to recognize these line and staff relationship is
complete control and who can be hold directly the greatest and most frequent source of friction and a
responsible or accountable for results, or lack of barrier to effective coordination.
them. The advantage of this kind would be - it combines staff
specialist or units with line organization so that service
Functional Organization of knowledge can be provided line personnel by
The functional organization in its pure form is rarely
found in present day organizations, except at or near the Classification of Line, Staff, and Auxiliary Function
top of the very large organizations.
Unlike the line type of structure, those establishments Whatever their method of grouping internal activities,
organized on a functional basis violate the prime rule all bureaucratic agencies segregate the function of line, staff,
that men perform best when they have but one superior. and auxiliary personnel. The reasons for this tripartite
The functional responsibility of each “functional classification are best explained by examining each of the
manager” is limited to the particular activity over functions.
which he has control, regardless of who performs the
function. Line Functions:
Line functions are the “backbone” of the police
Line and Staff Organization department;
The Line and Staff organization is a combination of the They include such operations as patrol, criminal
line and functional types. investigation, and traffic control, as well as supervision
of the personnel performing those operations.
Line functions are carried out but “line members,” Auxiliary functions involve the logistical operations of
including the patrol officer, the detective, the sergeant, the department.
the lieutenant, the captain, and the chief of police. These include training, communications, jailing,
Line members are responsible for: maintenance, record keeping, motor vehicles, and
Carrying out the majors purposes of the police similar operations.
Delivering the services provided by the department. ELEMENTS OF THE ORGANIZATON
Dealing directly with the department’s clientele.
Making final decisions with respect to the activities Specialization
they perform. The grouping of activities and segregation of line, staff,
and auxiliary functions are large-scale examples of
Staff Functions: specialization within a bureaucratic organization.
Staff functions are those operations designed to support Specialization of an individual level is also important in
the line functions, all organizations, since it must be expected that some
Staff members are necessarily advisors who are members will know more, perform better and contribute
typically assigned to planning, research, legal advice, more in one area of activity than in others, Disparities
budgeting, and educational services. in job ability among persons may be the result of
Staff members are often civilians with specialized physical attributes, mental aptitude, skills, interests
training who serve within the department but do not education, training, motivation, or adaptation, among
deal with daily operations on the street. other factors.
Their main function is to study police policies and Specialization Defined:
practices and to offer proposals to the chief executive of Specialization is the assignment of particular workers to
the department. particular tasks. Thus, it can be thought of in terms of
Staff personnel tend to be: either jobs or people.
Specialization of people (specialists) is the designation of
Highly specialized. particular persons as having expertise in a specific area of
Involved in an advisory capacity work.
Detached from the public Here, specialization signifies the adaptation of an individual to
Not directly responsible for the decisions made by the requirements go some technical tasks through training,
department executive. conditioning or extensive on-the-job experience.
Auxiliary Functions: Areas of police specialization include undercover works, crime
scene operations, legal advising, computer work, planning,
community relations, drug reaction, gang activities, or SWAT A hierarchy thus serves as the framework for the flow
operations. of authority downward (and obedience upward) through
the department.
Hierarchy of Authority Example:
If all persons within an organization were given the Authority can be illustrated by the situation in which a
freedom to do what they like (and to refuse to do what subordinate abstains from making his or her choice among
they dislike), there would be little likelihood of several courses of action and instead automatically accepts the
accomplishment. choice made by the supervisor regardless of whether one
Any collaborative effort such as that in a police personally agrees.
department thus requires a system of checks and
controls on individual behavior. Authority Roles:
Hence, the department must have a person or persons Authority within an organization must be viewed in
with authority to direct the actions of workers and terms of prescribed roles rather than of individuals.
ensure compliance with standards in order to achieve A particular position within an organization carries the
the department’s goals. same authority regardless of who occupies that position.
While the personality of the occupant may change the
Hierarchy defined: style or manner in which authority is exercise, it should
A hierarchy represents the formal relationship among increase or decrease the basic obligations of the
superiors and subordinates in any given organization. occupant toward those in subordinate positions.
It can be visualized as a ladder, with each rung (or rank) Example:
representing a higher or lower level of authority. The authority of a police chief stems from the role that
Each rank or position on a hierarchical ladder has a chief executive must play – whether he or she is referred to as
specific rights, while at the same time owing specific chief, superintendent, commissioner, or some other title, and
duties to the positions above and below it. regardless the size or location of the department he or he
Any particular position of the ladder is expected to commands.
direct and control the activities of the ranks, while Span of Control
obeying the directions and instructions received from A span of control is the maximum number of
higher ranks. subordinates at a given position that superior can
supervise effectively.
Authority Defined: Determining the Span of Control
Authority is the right to command and control the Effective organization requires that only a manageable
behavior of employees in lower positions within an number of subordinates be supervised by one person at
organizational hierarchy. any given time.
This number will, of course, vary – not only from one standardized languages are essential to effective
organization to another (depending on each communication within such large organization.
organization’s definition of “effective supervision”) but
also within each organization depending on the number While the eight elements previously discussed are crucial to
of task and the size of personnel available at a given any police organization, they would remain fragmented without
time. some means of integrating them into a meaningful and
Delegation of Authority practical whole. The integrating element is communication.
Delegation is the conferring of an amount of authority Through communication, personnel are kept informed of the
by a superior position onto a lower-level position. objectives of the organization, of the means selected for
The person to whom authority is delegated becomes achieving them, and of the information necessary for the
responsible to the superior for doing the assigned job. continuing operation of the department. Effective
However, the delegators remain accountable for communication would ensure a common understanding of
accomplishment of the job within the guidelines and department goals, policies, and procedures and this helps to
quality standards of the agency. bind the agency together.
Traditional theories of organization insisted that each
employee should have only one supervisor of “boss”, Police organizations are either formal or informal.
and considered this principle of “unity of command” Formal organizations are highly structured
the backbone of any organizational structure. Informal organizations are those without structure
Thus, a patrol officer, for example, would always
receive orders from one sergeant and would always Every formal police organization whether small or large
report to that same sergeant. are governed by the following principles:
If the officer was instructed or advised by a detective,
garage sergeant, or any other administrator (with the Principle of Unity of Objectives - an organization is effective
possible exception of the chief), if it enables the individuals to contribute to the organization’s
The officer is expected to check with his or her sergeant objectives.
before taking any action. Principle of Organizational Efficiency – organization
Formal Communication structure is effective if it is structured in such a way to aid the
Basically, communication is the process of sharing accomplishment of the organization’s objectives with a
understanding and information on common subjects. More minimum cost.
precisely, it is an intercourse between, through or more people Scalar Principle – shows the vertical hierarchy of the
by means of words, letters symbols, or gestures for the purpose organization which defines an unbroken chain of units from top
of exchanging information. Procedures, channels, and
to bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority. The Principles of Absoluteness of Responsibility – explains that
scalar principles are: the responsibility of the subordinates to their superior for
performance is absolute and the superior cannot escape
a. Line of Authority and Chain of Command - This principle responsibility for the organization on activities performed by
of organization suggests that communications should ordinarily their subordinates.
go upward through established channels in the hierarchy. Principle of Parity and Responsibility – explains that
Diverting orders, directives, or reports around a level of responsibility for action cannot be greater than that implied by
command usually has disastrous effects on efficiency of the the authority delegated nor should it be less.
organization. Authority Level Principle – implies that decisions within the
b. The Span of Control of a supervisor over personnel or units authority of the individual commander should be made by them
shall not mean more than what he can effectively direct and and not be returned upward in the organizational structure.
coordinate. In span of control, levels of authority shall be kept Principle of Flexibility – means that the more flexible the
to a minimum. organization, the more it can fulfill its purpose.
c. The Delegation of authority shall carry with it a
commensurate authority and the person to whom the authority Other Principles in Police Organizations
is delegated shall be held accountable therefore. It implies that Grouping of Similar Task
delegation must carry with it appropriate responsibility. Tasks, similar or related in purpose, process, method, or
d. The Unity of Command - explains that subordinates should clientele, should be grouped together in one or more units
only be under the control of one superior. under the control of one person. Whenever, practicable, every
Functional Principle – refers to division of work according to function of the police force shall be assigned to a unit.
type, place, time and specialization.
Line and Staff – implies that a system of varied functions According to Function
arrange into a workable pattern. The line organization is The force should be organized primarily according to
responsible for the direct accomplishment of the objectives the nature of the basis to be performed. It should be divided
while the staff is responsible for support, advisory or into groups so that similar and related duties may be assigned
facilitative capacity. to each.
Principle of Balance – states that the application of principles According to Time Frame
must be balanced to ensure the effectiveness of the structure in The elements are divided into many shifts or watches
meeting organization’s objectives. according to the time of the day. This is the most elementary
Principle of Delegation by Results – states that authority form of police organization. Any large functional unit can also
delegated should be adequate to ensure the ability to be organized according to time if the demand exists.
accomplish expected results. According to Place of Work
A territorial distribution of a platoon, accomplished by Composition of the PNP
assigning patrolman on beats, is necessary to facilitate the
direction and control of the officers and to ensure suitable The Philippine National Police (PNP) is hereby
patrol service at every point with in the jurisdiction. Patrolman established, initially consisting of the members of the police
on street duty is usually under the supervision of a patrol forces who were integrated into the Integrated National Police
sergeant. When the number of patrolmen is great, it may be (INP) pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 765, and the officers
desirable to divide them into squads assigned to specific and enlisted personnel of the Philippine Constabulary (PC).
sectors of jurisdiction, with a sergeant in charge of each squad.
According to Level of Authority Officers and enlisted personnel of the PC shall include
A police department is always divided according to the those assigned with the Narcotics Command (NARCOM),
level of authority. Example, there will be some patrolmen, Criminal Investigation Service (CIS), together with the civilian
sergeants, some lieutenants, some captains, and so on. Vertical operatives, and those of the technical service of the Armed
combinations of superior officers, with each rank at a different Forces of the Philippines (AFP) assigned with the PC.
level of authority from any other, from channels through which
operations may be directed and controlled can be adopted in Also included are the absorbed regular operatives of the
certain cases to ensure coordination. abolished Inspection, Investigation and Intelligence Branch
(IIIB) of the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM).
Specialization Based on Need
Specialized units should be created only when overall Organization of the PNP
departmental capability is thus significantly increased. The Philippine National Police (PNP) shall be headed
Specialization is a principle of organization which is the by a Chief with the rank of Director General, who shall be
result of the division of the force into separate units. The assisted by two (2) Deputy Chiefs, i.e., one (1) for
degree of specialization is determined by the size and administration, who is the second in command with the rank of
sophistication of the department and by the extent to which unit Deputy Director General, and one (1) for operations, who is
has exclusive responsibility for the performance of each group third in command with the rank of Deputy Director General.
of the operational task. The organizational structure is composed of the
national office, regional offices, provincial offices, district
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE offices, in case of large provinces and city and municipal
The police force shall be organized, trained and stations. The national office is composed of the following:
equipped primarily for the performance of police functions. Its
national scope and civilian character shall always be 1. The Office of the Chief, PNP. the Office of the Deputy
paramount. Chief for Administration, the Office of the Deputy Chief for
Operations, and the Office of the Chief, Directorial Staff;
2. The fifteen (16) Staff Directorates as follows: Security & Protective Group (PSPG), Special Action Force
Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM), (SAF),and Anti-Kidnapping Group (AKG).
Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
(DHRDD), Directorate for Logistics (DL), Directorate for 6. The PNP Regional Offices (PROs) corresponding to the
Research and Development (DRD), Directorate for following: the Office of the Regional Director (ORD), the
Comptrollership (DC), Directorate for Intelligence (DI), Office of the Deputy Regional Director for Administration
Directorate for Operations (DO), Directorate for Plans (DP), (ODRDA), the Office of the Deputy Regional Director for
Directorate for Police-Community Relations (DPCR), Operations (ODRDO), the Office of the Chief, Regional
Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management Directorial Staff (CRDS) with staff divisions, as follows:
(DIDM), Directorate for Information Technology & Regional Personnel & Human Resource Division (RPHRDD),
Communications Management (DITCM), and the five Regional Logistics & Research Development Division
Directorates for Integrated Police Operations (DIPOs). (RLRD), Regional Comptrollership and Finance Division
(RCFD), Regional Intelligence Division (RID), Regional
3. The Office of the Inspector General, Internal Affairs Investigation and Management Division (RIDMD), Regional
Service (IG, IAS), Program Management Office (PMO), and Operations Divisions (ROPD), Regional Police Community
Public Information Office (PIO), which are all under the Office Relations Division (RPCRD), and Regional Training and Plans
of the Chief, PNP. Division (RTPD).
4. The eleven (11)Administrative Support Units (ASU), as 7. The five (5) Police District Offices (PDO) of the
follows: Chaplain Service, Information Technology National Capital Region (NCR), each headed by a District
Management Service (ITMS), Communications and Electronic Director (DD) and assisted by a Deputy District Director
Service (CES), Engineering Service (ES), Finance Service (DDD), and the District Internal Affairs Service (DIAS) which
(FS), Headquarters Support Service (HSS), Health Service is under the District Director.
(HS), Legal Service (L), Logistic Service (LOGS), Training
Service (TS), and Police Retirees Benefit Service (PRBS). 8. The Police Provincial Office (PPO) corresponding to all
provinces throughout the country, each headed by a Provincial
5. The eleven (10) Operational Support Units (OSU), as Director (PD) and assisted by a Deputy Provincial Director
follows: Aviation Security Group (ASG), Civil Security Group (DPD), and the Provincial Internal Affairs Service (PIAS)
(CSG), Crime Laboratory (CL), Criminal Investigation & which is under the Provincial Director.
Detection Group (CIDG), Maritime Security Group (MSG),
Police-Community Relations Group (PCRG), Police Highway 9. The City Police Office (CPO) of highly urbanized cities
Patrol Group (PHPG), Police Intelligence Group (PIG), Police outside of NCR which shall be under the command and
direction of the Regional Director (RD) and equivalent to a
Provincial Police Office (PPO), headed by a City Director population ratio as maybe prescribed by regulations
(CD) and assisted by Deputy City Director (DCD), and the promulgated by the NAPOLCOM.
City Internal Affairs Service (CIAS).
Rank Classifications
10. The City/Provincial Public Safety Company (C/PPSC) For purposes of efficient administration, supervision
headed by the Group Director (GD) to enhance the police and control, the rank classifications of the member of the PNP
internal security operations in the province, and to assist the shall be as follows:
AFP in counter-insurgency.
PNP Ranks AFP Ranks
11. The Police Station (PS) headed by a Chief of Police Director General General
(COP) which is established in every component city and Deputy Director General Lieutenant General
municipality, under the command and direction of the Director Major General
Provincial Director (PD), and with subordinate Police Chief Superintendent Brigadier General
Community Precincts (PCP) and Community-Police Assistance Senior Superintendent Colonel
Centers (COMPAC), classified as follows: Superintendent Lieutenant Colonel
a. Cities i.e., Type “A” - population of 100,000 or more, Chief Inspector Major
Type “B” - population of 75,000 to less than 100,000, and Senior Inspector Captain
Type “C” - population of less than 75,000. Inspector Lieutenant
Senior Police Officer IV Master Sergeant
b. Municipalities, i.e., Type “A” - population of 75,000 or Senior Police Officer III Technical Sergeant
more, Type “B” - population of 30,000 to less than 75,000, and
Senior Police Officer II Staff Sergeant
Type “C” - population of less than 30,000.
Senior Police Officer I Sergeant
Manning Levels
Police Officer III Corporal
On the average nationwide, the manning levels of the PNP Police Officer II Private First Class
shall be approximately in accordance with a police-to- Police Officer I Private
population ratio of one (1) policeman for every five-hundred
(500) persons. The actual strength by cities and municipalities Cadets of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) are
shall depend on the state of peace and order, population density classified above the Senior Police Officer IV and below the
and actual demands of the service in the particular area. Inspector rank in the PNP.
However, the minimum police-to-population ratio shall not be Percentage Rank Distributions
less than one (1) policeman for every one thousand (1,000)
persons. Urban areas shall have a higher minimum police-to-
The percentage rank distributions of the uniformed
members, except for the rank of Police Chief Superintendent An act extending for five years the reglementary period
and above, shall be as follows: for complying with the minimum educational qualification for
appointment to the PNP and adjusting the promotion system
Rank thereof is amending for the purpose pertinent provisions of R.A
6975 and R.A. 8551 and for other purposes.
Police Senior Superintendent .23% General Qualifications
Police Superintendent .61% Hereunder are the general qualifications and standards
Police Chief Inspector 1.22% in the recruitment and selection of police personnel, as follows:
Police Senior Inspector 2.25%
Police Inspector 4.10% 1. A citizen of the Philippines;
Senior Police Officer IV 4.10% 2. A person of good moral character;
Senior Police Officer III 7.74% 3. Must have passed the psychiatric and
Senior Police Officer II 9.78% psychological, physical, medical and dental, and
Senior Police Office I 12.50% drug tests to be administered by the PNP Health
Police Officer III 14.95% Service and Crime Laboratory Service or by any
Police Officer II 18.77% NAPOLCOM accredited government hospital
Police Officer I 23.75% for the purpose of determining physical and
mental health;
======= 4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree
Total 100.00% from a recognized learning institution;
5. Must be eligible in accordance with the
At present there are ninety (90) star rank officers in the standards set by the Commission;
PNP, i.e., from Police Chief Superintendent to Police Director 6. Must not have been convicted by final judgment
General. of an offense or crime involving moral
Whereas, Section 14 of R.A. No. 8551 amending 7. Must not have been dishonorably discharged
Section 30 of R.A. No. 6975, prescribes the minimum from military employment or on AWOL or
qualifications for appointment of uniformed personnel in the Dropped from Rolls from the PNP service or
Philippine National Police (PNP). dismissed for cause from any civilian position in
the government;
R.A. 9708
8. Must have no pending criminal case in any
court, including the Office of the Ombudsman or any 2. Peace and order conditions, actual demand of
administrative case if already an employee of the the service, and class of city and municipality.
9. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two cms. Regular Recruitment Quota
(1.62m) in height for male and one meter and fifty- The recruitment quota given to any of the National
seven cms. (1.57m) in height for female; Support Units (NSU) shall be based on the actual demands of
10. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs.) the functional area covered. Within five (5) working days from
from the standard weight corresponding to his/her receipt of the proposed annual recruitment quota, the
height, age and sex; and Commission shall grant the Chief, PNP with the authority to
11. Must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor more than recruit through a Resolution which shall contain the approved
thirty (30) years of age. quota distribution and supplemental guidelines peculiar to the
particular recruitment.
Appropriate Eligibilities
Attrition Recruitment Quota
The appropriate eligibilities to Police Officer I was Upon receipt of the recruitment quota, the Mayor as
those acquired from the following: Chairperson of the Local Peace and Order Council (LPOC)
shall create an Ad Hoc Body composed of four (4) members,
1. NAPOLCOM PNP Entrance Examination. namely: Vice-Mayor, DILG-CLGOO/MLGOO, POC Member,
2. R.A. No. 6506-Licensed Criminologist. and City Director/Chief of Police. The City Director/Chief of
3. R.A. No. 1080-Board and Bar Examinations Police (CD/COP) shall serve as the Secretariat for this activity.
4. P.D. No. 907-Honor Students. He shall publish the list of applicants in public places and
5. Civil Service Eligibilities. through the local media, if any, to encourage the public to
report any information relative to the worthiness of the
Distribution Criteria of Police Officer 1 applicant to become law enforcer in their community.
Factors to be considered in the grant of waiver, are as follows: PNP: National in Scope - Civilian in Character
outstanding accomplishments or possession of special skills in
law enforcement or police work, martial arts, marksmanships National in scope simply means that the PNP is a
and similar skills; special talents in the field of sports, music, nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction covers
and others; and extensive experience or training in forensic the entire breath of the Philippines archipelago which extends
science and other technical services. up to the municipality of Kalayaan islands in the province of
Palawan. All PNP personnel both the uniformed and non-
The Powers and Functions of the PNP uniformed components are national government employees.
Civilian in character means that the PNP is not a part of the
Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the protection of military. Although,. it retains some military attributes such as
lives and properties; discipline, it shall adopt unique non-military cultures, Code of
Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure Ethics, and Standard of Professional conduct comparable to the
public safety; civilian police forces of other countries.
Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest of criminal
offenders, bring offenders to justice, and assist in their THE ANTI-CRIME MACHINERY – Criminal Justice
prosecution. System (CJS)
Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and seizure
in accordance with the Constitution and pertinent Laws. Anti-crime strategies, programs for crime prevention and the
Detain and arrest person for a period not beyond what is like in any society is practically based on an organized criminal
prescribed by law, informing the person so detained of all justice system.
his/her rights under the Constitution;
Issue licenses for the possession of firearms and explosives in Justice defined
accordance with law;
Justice is “rendering what is due or merited and that which is
Supervise and control the training and operation of security
due or merited.”
agencies and issue licenses to operate security agencies, and to
According to Mortimer J. Adler, there are two principles of
security guards and private detectives for the practice of their
profession; and
Perform such other duties and exercises all other functions as
Render to each his due
may be provided by law. One of these is the Forestry law
Treat equals equally and unequal unequally but in proportion to To investigate, apprehend, prosecute and sentence those who
their inequality. violated the rules of society; and,
To rehabilitate the convicts and reintegrate them into the
Justice, according to the Supreme Court of the Philippines, is community as law-abiding citizens.
symbolically represented by a blindfolded woman, holding
with one hand a sword and with the other a balance. How does the CJS Operate?
What is Criminal Justice System? The first four pillars, i.e., law enforcement, prosecution,
courts, and corrections, pertain to the traditional agencies
The Criminal Justice System (CJS) is the machinery vested with the official responsibility in dealing with crime or
which society uses in the prevention and control of crime. The in crime control. The community pillar is the broadest pillar.
process is the totality of the activities of law enforcers, Under the concept of a participative criminal justice system in
prosecutors, defense lawyers, judges and corrections personnel, the Philippines, public and private agencies, as well as citizens,
as well as those of the mobilized community in crime become a part of the CJS when they become involved in issues
prevention and control. and participate in activities related to crime prevention and
In theory, CJS is an integrated process primarily concerned control.
with apprehension, prosecution, trial, adjudication, and
correction of criminal offenders.
The Police or Law Enforcement Pillar
What are the major components of the CJS?
The first pillar consists mainly of the members of
Police or Law Enforcement Philippine National Police (PNP) and other law enforcement
Prosecution agencies. The work of the PNP is the prevention and control of
Courts crimes, enforcement of laws, and affecting the arrest of
Corrections offenders, including the conduct of lawful searches and
Mobilized Community seizures to gather necessary pieces of evidences so that a
complaint may be filed with the Prosecutor’s Office.
What are the functions of the major components of the
CJS? The Prosecution Pillar
To prevent and control the commission of crime; The second pillar takes care of the investigation of the
To enforce the law; complaint. In the rural areas, the PNP may file the complaint
To safeguard lives, individual rights, and properties; with the inferior courts (i.e. the Municipal Trial Courts or the
Municipal Circuit Trial Courts). The judges of these inferior he committed. He can apply for probation or he could be
courts act as quasi-prosecutors only for the purpose of the turned over to a non-institutional or institutional agency or
preliminary investigation. Once a prima facie case has been facility for custodial treatment and rehabilitation. The offender
determined, the complaint is forwarded to the City or could avail of the benefits of parole or executive clemency
Provincial Prosecutor’s Office which will review the case. once he has served the minimum period of his sentence.
When the complaint has been approved for filing with the When the penalty is imprisonment, the sentence is
Regional Trial Court, a warrant of arrest for the accused will be carried out either in the municipal, provincial or national
issued by the court once the information has been filled. penitentiary depending on the length of the sentence meted out.
The third pillar of the CJS is the forum where the The fifth pillar has a two-fold role. First, it has the
prosecution is given the opportunity to prove that there is a responsibility to participate in law enforcement activities by
strong evidence of guilt against the accused. It is also in the being partners of the peace officers in reporting the crime
courts that the accused is given his “day in court” to disprove incident, and helping in the arrest of the offender. Second, it
the accusation against him. has the responsibility to participate in the promotion of peace
The Constitutional presumption is the innocence of any and order through crime prevention or deterrence and in the
person accused of a crime unless proved otherwise. This rehabilitation of convicts and their reintegration to society.
means that the courts must determine the guilt of the accused – Rehabilitation takes place when the convict is serving his
beyond reasonable doubt – based on the strength of the sentence. A convict may be paroled or may even be placed on
evidence of the prosecution. probation.
If there is any reasonable doubt that the accused
committed the crime, he has to be acquitted. Under the concept of a participative criminal justice
The Rules of Court, however, provides that the accused system in the Philippines, public and private agencies as well
can be convicted of a lesser crime than the crime he has been as citizens, become a part of the CJS when they participate and
charged with in the information. But the elements of the lesser become involved with issues and activities related to crime
offense should be necessarily included in the offense charged, prevention. Thus, citizen-based crime prevention groups
and such lesser crime was proven by competent evidence. become part of the CJS within the framework of their
involvement in crime prevention activities and in the
The Corrections Pillar reintegration of the convict who shall be released from the
corrections pillar into the mainstream of society.
The fourth pillar takes over once the accused, after
having been found guilty, is meted out the penalty for the crime POLICE OPERATIONAL PLANNING
What is a Plan? Police Planning is an attempt by police administrators in
trying to allocate anticipated resources to meet anticipated
A plan is an organize schedule or sequence by methodical service demands. It is the systematic and orderly determination
activities intended to attain a goal and objectives for the of facts and events as basis for policy formulation and decision
accomplishments of mission or assignment. It is a method or affecting law enforcement management.
way of doing something in order to attain objectives. Plan
provides answer to 5W’s and 1 H. What is Operational Planning?
The process of combining all aspects of the department and the Objectives are a specific commitment to achieve a measurable
realistic anticipation of future problems, the analysis of result within a specific period of time. Goals are general
strategy and the correlation of strategy to detail. statement of intention and typically with time horizon, or it is
The conceptual idea of doing something to attain a goal or an achievable end state that can be measured and observed.
objective. Making choices about goals is one of the most important
aspects of planning. Relate this definitions with their
What is Police Planning? description as defined in chapter one.
The process of police operational planning involves strategies TASK 2 - Diagnose Environmental Threats and Opportunities
or tactics, procedures, policies or guidelines. A Strategy is a TASK 3 - Assess Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses
broad design or method; or a plan to attain a stated goal or TASK 4 - Generate Alternative Strategies
objectives. Tactics are specific design, method or course of TASK 5 - Develop Strategic Plan
action to attain a particular objective in consonance with TASK 6 - Develop Tactical Plan
strategy. Procedures are sequences of activities to reach a point TASK 7 - Assess Results of Strategic And Tactical Plan
or to attain what is desired. A policy is a product of prudence or TASK 8 - Repeat Planning Process
wisdom in the management of human affairs, or policy is a
course of action which could be a program of actions adopted In the process, the police administrator can use the potent tool
by an individual, group, organization, or government, or the set of alternatives. Alternatives (options) are means by which
of principles on which they are based. Guidelines are rules of goals and objectives can be attained. They maybe policies,
action for the rank and file to show them how they are expected strategies or specific actions aimed at eliminating a problem.
to obtain the desired effect. Alternatives do not have to be substitutes for one another or
should perform the same function. For example, our goal is to
STRATEGIC PLANNING “improve officer-survival skills.” The plan is to train the
officers on militaristic and combat shooting. The alternatives
Strategic Planning is a series of preliminary decisions on a could be:
framework, which in turn guides subsequent decisions that
generate the nature and direction of an organization. This is Alternative 1 - modify police vehicles
usually long ranged in nature. The reasons for Strategic Alternative 2 - issuing bulletproof vests
Planning are: Alternative 3 - utilizing computer assisted dispatch system
Alternative 4 - increasing first-line supervision, etc
VISION - A vision of what a police department should be.
deciding where we want to be
STRATEGIC FOCUS What are the Objectives of Police Planning?
A STRATEGIC RESPONSE TO CHANGE To increase the chances of success by focusing on results and
A STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK not so much on the objectives.
To force analytical thinking and evaluation of alternatives for
What is the Strategic Planning process? better decisions.
To establish a framework for decision making consistent with
TASK 1 - Develop Mission and Objectives the goal of the organization.
To orient people to action instead of reaction. Where to do – place
To modify the day-to-day style of operation to future Who will do – people involve
management. How to do – strategy
To provide decision making with flexibility.
To provide basis for measuring original accomplishments or What are the approaches in Police Planning?
individual performance.
What can be expected in planning? A variety of approaches are employed in the planning
processes. Each is unique and can be understood as a method
Improve analysis of problems of operationalizing the word planning. There are basically five
Provide better information for decision-making major approaches to planning which are:
Help to clarify goals, objectives, priorities
Result is more effective allocation of resources Synoptic Approach
Improve inter-and intradepartmental cooperation and Incremental Approach
coordination Transactive Approach
Improve the performance of programs Advocacy Approach
Give the police department a clear sense of direction Radical Approach
Provide the opportunity for greater public support
What is Synoptic Planning?
What are the characteristics of a good police plan?
Synoptic planning or the rational comprehensive
With clearly defined Objectives or Goals. approach is the dominant tradition in planning. It is also the
Simplicity, Directness and Clarity point of departure for most other planning approaches.
Possibility of Attainment This model is based on a problem-oriented approach to
Must provide Standards of Operation planning especially appropriate for police agencies. It relies
Economy in terms of Resources needed for implementation heavily on the problem identification and analysis of the
planning process. It can assist police administrators in
What are the guidelines in Planning? formulating goals and priorities in terms that are focused on
The five (5) W’s and one (1) H specific problems and solutions that often confront law
What to do – mission/objective
Why to do – reason/philosophy
When to do – date/time
Steps in Synoptic Planning that the police departments are problem oriented, choices about
goals and objectives should adhere to the synoptic model.
Prepare for Planning - The task of planning should be detailed
in a work chart that specifies (a) what events and actions are Identify alternative course of action – As stated earlier,
necessary, (b) when they must take place, (c) who is to be alternatives are means by which goals and objectives can be
involved in each action and for how long, and (d) how the attained. These are options or possible things to be done in
various actions will interlock with one another. case the main or original plan is not applicable.
Describe the present situation - Planning must have a mean for Select preferred alternatives – there are three techniques to
evaluation. Without an accurate beginning database there is no select alternative:
reference point on which to formulate success or failure.
Strategic Analysis – this includes the study on the courses of
Develop projections and consider alternative future states - actions; suitability studies; feasibility studies; acceptability
Projections should be written with an attempt to link the studies; and judgment.
current situation with the future, keeping in mind the desirable
outcomes. It is important for the police executive to project the Suitability – each course of action is evaluated in accordance
current situations into the future to determine possible, with general policies, rules and laws. Feasibility - these
probable and desirable future states while considering the include the appraisal of the effects of a number of factors
social, legislative, and political trends existing in the weighed separately and together. Acceptability – those judged
community. to be suitable and feasible are then analyzed in acceptability
Identify and analyze problems - The discovery of the problems
assumes that a system to monitor and evaluate the current arena Cost-effectiveness Analysis - This technique is sometimes
is already on place. Closely related to the detection and called cost-benefit or cost performance analysis. The purpose
identification of issues is the ability of the police to define the of this form of selection is that the alternative chosen should
nature of the problem, that is to able to describe the maximize the ratio of benefit to cost.
magnitude, cause, duration, and the expense of the issues at
hand. A complete understanding of the problem leads to the Must-wants Analysis – This method of selecting a preferred
development of the means to deal with the issues. course of action combines the strengths of both strategic and
cost effectiveness analysis. Must wants analysis is concerned
Set goals - Making choices about goals is one of the most with both the subjective weights of suitability, feasibility, and
important aspects of planning. It makes no sense to establish a acceptability and the objectives weights of cost versus benefits.
goal that does not address a specific problem. Remembering
Plan and carryout implementation - The police administrator Transactive planning is carried out in face-to-face
must be aware that the implementation requires a great deal of interaction with the people who are to be affected by the plan
tact and skill. It maybe more important how an alternative is and not to an anonymous target community of beneficiaries.
introduced to a police department than what actually is. Techniques include field surveys and interpersonal dialogue
marked by a process of mutual learning.
Monitor and evaluate progress - Evaluation requires
comparing what actually happened with what was planned for- What is Advocacy Planning?
and this may not be a simple undertaking. Feedback must be
obtained concerning the results of the planning cycle, the Beneficial aspects of this approach include a greater
efficiency of the implementation process, and the effectiveness sensitivity to the unintended and negative side effects of plans.
of new procedures, projects or programs. This is an important
step of synoptic planning, trying to figure out what, if anything What is Radical Planning?
happened as a result of implementing a selected alternative.
The first mainstream involves collective actions to
Summation of the synoptic planning approach – This can be achieve concrete results in the immediate future. The second
done by making a summary of the presentation, could be mainstream is critical of large-scale social processes and how
tabular or other forms of presentation. they permeate the character of social and economic life at all
levels, which, in turn, determine the structure and evolution of
Repeat the Planning Process – repetition of the process of social problems.
planning enables the planner to thresh out possible flaws in the
Incrementalism concludes that long range and Fundamental Doctrines – These are the basic principles in
comprehensive planning are not only too difficult, but planning, organization and management of the PNP in support
inherently bad. The problems are seen as too difficult when of the overall pursuits of the PNP Vision, mission and strategic
they are grouped together and easier to solve when they are action plan of the attainment of the national objectives.
taken one at a time and broken down into gradual adjustments Operational Doctrines – These are the principles and rules
over time. governing the planning, organization and direction and
employment of the PNP forces in the accomplishment of basic
What is Transactive Planning? security operational mission in the maintenance of peace and
order, crime prevention and suppression, internal security and Authority – The right to exercise, to decide, and to command
public safety operation. by virtue of rank and position.
Functional Doctrines – These provide guidance for specialized Doctrine – It provides for the organizations objectives. It
activities of the PNP in the broad field of interest such as provides the various actions. Hence, policies, procedures, rules
personnel, intelligence, operations, logistics, planning, etc. and regulations of the organization are based on the statement
of doctrines.
Cooperation or Coordination
Discipline – It is imposed by command or self-restraint to
insure supportive behavior.
2. Secondary Doctrines
Classifications of Police Plan
Complimentary Doctrines – Formulated jointly by two or more
bureaus in order to effect a certain operation with regard to According to coverage: Police Plans could be Local Plans
public safety and peace and order. These essentially involve the (within police precincts, sub-stations, and stations), Regional
participation of the other bureaus of the Bureau of Jail Plans, and National Plans.
Management and Penology (BJMP), Bureau of Fire Protection
(BFP), Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC), National According to Time: Police Plans are classified as:
Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and other law enforcement
agencies. Strategic or Long Range Plan – It relates to plans which are
strategic or long range in application, and it determine the
Ethical Doctrines – These define the fundamental principles organization’s original goals and strategy.
governing the rules of conduct, attitude, behavior and ethical
norm of the PNP. Example: Police Action Plan on the Strategy DREAMS and
Program P-O-L-I-C-E 2000, Three Point Agenda, and
3. The Principles of Police Organization GLORIA (These are discussed on the latter part of this
The principles of organization are presented in chapter three.
These principles are considered in police planning in order not Intermediate or Medium Range Planning – It relates to plans,
to violate them but rather for the effective and efficient which determine quantity and quality efforts and
development of police plans. accomplishments. It refers to the process of determining the
contribution on efforts that can make or provide with allocated
4. The Four (4) Primal Conditions of the Police Organization resources.
Example: 6 Masters Plans:
Master Plan Sandigan-Milenyo (Anti-Crime Master Plan) OPLAN BANTAY DALAMPASIGAN that sets forth the
Master Plan Sandugo (Support to Internal Security Operations operational guidelines on the heightened security measures and
Master Plan) sea borne security patrols.
Master Plan Banat (Anti-Illegal Drugs Master Plan)
Master Plan Sang-ingat (Security Operations Master Plan) TYPES OF PLANS in general
Master Plan Saklolo (Disaster Management Master Plan)
Sangyaman (protection and Preservation of Environment, Reactive Plans are developed as a result of crisis. A particular
Cultural Properties, and Natural Resources Master Plan) problem may occur for which the department has no plan and
must quickly develop one, sometimes without careful
Operational or Short Range Planning - Refers to the preparation.
production of plans, which determine the schedule of special Proactive Plans are developed in anticipation of problems.
activity and are applicable from one week or less than year Although not all police problems are predictable, many are,
duration. Plan that addresses immediate need which are and it is possible for a police department to prepare a response
specific and how it can be accomplished on time with available in advance.
allocated resources. Visionary Plans are essential statements that identify the role of
the police in the community and a future condition or state to
Examples of OPLANS which the department can aspire. A vision may also include a
statement of values to be used to guide the decision making
Oplan Jumbo – Aviation Security Group Strategic Plan against process in the department.
terrorist attacks Strategic Plans are designed to meet the long-range, overall
goals of the organization. Such plans allow the department to
Oplan Salikop – Criminal Investigation and Detection Group adapt to anticipated changes or develop a new philosophy or
(CIDG) Strategic Plan against Organized Crime Groups model of policing (e.g. community policing). One of the most
important aspects of strategic planning is to focus on external
LOI PAGPAPALA is the entry point in the conceptualization environmental factors that affect the goals and objectives of the
of the PNP Pastoral Program for the next five years with a department and how they will be achieved. Important
Total Human Development Approach (THD Approach). environmental factors include personnel needs, population
trends, technological innovations, business trends and demand,
The TMG through its "OPLAN DISIPLINA" that resulted in crime problems, and community attitudes.
the apprehension of 110,975 persons, the confiscation of 470 Operational Plans are designed to meet the specific tasks
unlawfully attached gadgets to vehicles, and rendering various required to implement strategic plans. There are four types of
forms of motorists’ assistance. operational plan:
Policy and Procedural Plans – to properly achieve the
1. Standing Plans provide the basic framework for responding administrative planning responsibility within in the unit, the
to organizational problems. The organizational vision and Commander shall develop unit plans relating to: (a) policies or
values, strategic statement, policies, procedures, and rules and procedure; (b) tactics; (c) operations; (d) extra-office activities;
regulations are examples of standing plans. Standing plans also and (e) management.
include guidelines for responding to different types of
incidents; for example, a civil disturbance, hostage situation, Further, standard-operating procedures shall be planned
crime in progress, and felony car stops. to guide members in routine and field operations and in some
special operations in accordance with the following
2. Functional Plans include the framework for the operation of procedures:
the major functional units in the organization, such as patrol
and investigations. It also includes the design of the structure, Field Procedure – Procedures intended to be used in all
how different functions and units are to relate and coordinate situations of all kinds shall be outlined as a guide to officers
activities, and how resources are to be allocated. and men in the field. Examples of these procedures are those
related to reporting, to dispatching, to raids, arrest, stopping
3. Operational-efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity plans suspicious persons, receiving complaints, touring beats, and
are essentially the measures or comparisons to be used to investigation of crimes. The use of physical force and clubs,
assess police activities and behavior (outputs) and results restraining devices, firearms, tear gas and the like shall, in
(outcomes). If one of the goals of the police department is to dealing with groups or individuals, shall also be outlined.
reduce the crime rate, any change that occurs can be compared Headquarters Procedures – Included in these procedures are
to past crime rates in the same community or crime in other the duties of the dispatcher, jailer, matron, and other personnel
communities, a state, or the nation. If the crime rates were concerned which may be reflected in the duty manual.
reduced while holding or reducing costs, it would reflect an Procedures that involve coordinated action on activity of
improvement not only in effectiveness but also in departmental several offices, however, shall be established separately as in
productivity. the case of using telephone for local or long distance calls, the
4. Time-specific Plans are concerned with a specific purpose radio teletype, and other similar devices.
and conclude when an objective is accomplished or a problem Special Operation Procedures – Certain special operations
is solved. Specific police programs or projects such as drug also necessitate the preparation of procedures as guides.
crackdown, crime prevention program, and neighborhood Included are the operation of the special unit charged with the
clean-up campaign are good examples of time-specific plans. searching and preservation of physical evidence at the crime
scenes and accidents, the control of licenses, dissemination of
KINDS OF POLICE PLANS information about wanted persons, inspection of the PNP
headquarters, and the like.
Tactical Plans – These are the procedures for coping with Regular Operating Programs – These operating divisions/units
specific situations at known locations. Included in this shall have specific plans to meet current needs. The manpower
category are plans for dealing with an attack against buildings shall be distributed throughout the hours of operation and
with alarm systems and an attack against the PNP headquarters throughout the area of jurisdiction in proportion to need.
by lawless elements. Plans shall be likewise be made for Assignments schedules shall be prepared that integrate such
blockade and jail emergencies and for special community factors as relief days, lunch periods, hours, nature, and location
events, such as longer public meetings, athletic contests, of regular work. Plans shall assure suitable supervision, which
parades, religious activities, carnivals, strikes, demonstrations, become difficult when the regular assignment is integrated to
and other street affairs. deal with this short time periodic needs.
Operational Plans – These are plans for the operations of Meeting unusual needs – The unusual need may arise in any
special divisions like the patrol, detective, traffic, fire and field of police activity and is nearly always met in the
juvenile control divisions. Operational plans shall be prepared detective, vice, and juvenile divisions by temporary
to accomplish each of the primary police tasks. For example, readjustment of regular assignment.
patrol activities must be planned, the force must be distributed
among the shifts and territorially among beats, in proportion to Extra-office Plans – The active interest and the participation
the needs of the service, and special details must be planned to of individual citizen is so vital to the success of the PNP
meet unexpected needs. Likewise in the crime prevention and programs that the PNP shall continuously seek to motivate,
in traffic, juvenile and vice control, campaigns must be planned promote, and maintain an active public concern in its affairs.
and assignments made to assure the accomplishment of the These are plans made to organize the community to assist in
police purpose in meeting both average and regular needs. the accomplishment of objectives in the fields of traffic control,
Each division or unit has primary responsibility to plan organized crime, and juvenile delinquency prevention. The
operations in its field and also to execute the plans, either by its organizations may be called safety councils for crime
own personnel or, as staff agency, by utilizing members of the commissions and community councils for the delinquency
other divisions. prevention. They shall assist in coordinating community effort,
in promoting public support, and in combating organized
Plans for operations of special division consist of two types, crime. Organization and operating plans for civil defense shall
namely: (1) those designed to meet everyday, year-round also be prepared or used in case of emergency or war in
needs, which are the regular operating program of the coordination with the office of the Civil Defense.
divisions; and (2) those designed to meet unusual needs, the
result of intermittent and usually unexpected variations in Management Plans – Plans of management shall map out in
activities that demand their attention. advance all operations involved in the organization
management of personnel and material and in the procurement
and disbursement of money, such as the following:
Field Operations shall be directed by the police commander
Budget Planning – Present and future money needs for and the subordinate commanders and the same shall be aimed
personnel, equipment, and capital investments must be at the accomplishment of the following primary tasks more
estimated. Plans for supporting budget request must be made if effectively and economically:
needed appropriations are to be obtained. Patrol – The patrol force shall accomplish the primary
Accounting Procedures – Procedures shall be established and responsibility of safeguarding the community through the
expenditure reports be provided to assist in making protection of persons and property, the preservation of the
administrative decisions and in holding expenditures within the peace, the prevention of crime, the suppression of criminal
appropriations. activities, the apprehension of criminals, the enforcement of
Specifications and Purchasing Procedures – Specifications laws and ordinances and regulations of conduct, and
shall be drawn for equipment and supplies. Purchasing performing necessary service and inspections.
procedures shall likewise be established to insure the checking Investigation – The basic purpose of the investigation division
of deliveries against specifications of orders. Plans and unit shall be to investigate certain designated crimes and clear
specifications shall be drafted for new building and for them by the recovery of stolen property and the arrest and
remodeling old ones. conviction of the perpetrators. To this end, the investigation
Personnel – Procedures shall be established to assure the division shall supervise the investigation made by patrolman
carrying out of personnel programs and the allocation of and undertake additional investigation as may be necessary of
personnel among the component organizational units in all felonies.
proportions need. Traffic Patrol – Police control of streets or highways, vehicles,
Organization – A basic organizational plan of the and people shall facilitate the safe and rapid movement of
command/unit shall be made and be posted for the guidance of vehicles and pedestrians. To this end, the inconvenience,
the force. For the organization to be meaningful, it shall be dangers and economic losses that arise from this moment,
accompanied by the duty manual which shall define congestion, delays, stopping and parking of vehicles must be
relationships between the component units in terms of specific lessened. Control of traffic shall be accomplished in three (3)
responsibilities. The duty manual incorporates rules and ways:
regulations and shall contain the following: definition of terms, Causes of accidents and congestion shall be discovered, facts
organization of rank, and the like, provided the same shall not gathered and analyzed for this purpose;
be in conflict with this manual. Causes shall be remedied, charges shall be made in physical
condition that create hazards, and legislation shall be enacted to
regulated drivers and pedestrians; and
FIELD OPERATIONS: How planning affects them? The public shall be educated in the provisions of traffic and
ordinances. Motorists and pedestrians shall be trained in
satisfactory movement habits, and compliance with regulations
shall be obtained by enforcement. The police shall initiate SOP #02 – BANTAY KALYE - This SOP prescribes the
action and coordinate the efforts of the agencies that are deployment of 85% of the PNP in the field to increase police
concerned in the activities. visibility and intensifies anti-crime campaign nationwide.
Vice Control – It shall be the determined stand of the PNP in SOP #03 – SIYASAT - This SOP prescribes the guidelines in
the control of vices to treat vice offenses as they shall do to any the conduct of inspections to ensure police visibility.
violation, and to exert efforts to eliminate them, as there SOP #4 – REACT 166 - REACT 166 was launched in 1992 as
attempt to eliminate robbery, theft, and public disturbance. the people’s direct link to the police to receive public calls for
Control of vice, shall be based on law rather than on moral assistance and complaints for prompt action by police
precepts, and intensive operations shall be directed toward their authorities. This SOP prescribes the procedures in detail of
elimination. A primary interest in vice control results from the Duty Officers, Telephone Operators and Radio Operators for
close coordination between vice and criminal activities. REACT 166; and their term of duty and responsibilities.
Constant raids of known vice dens shall be undertaken. SOP #5 – LIGTAS (ANTI-KIDNAPPING) - With the creation
Juvenile Delinquency Control – Effective crime control of the Presidential Anti-Organization Crime Task Force
necessitates preventing the development of individuals as (PAOCTF), the PNP is now in support role in campaign
criminals. The police commander shall recognize a need for against kidnapping in terms of personnel requirements. SOP #5
preventing crime or correcting conditions that induce sets forth the PNP’s guidelines in its fight against kidnapping
criminality and by rehabilitating the delinquent. activities.
SOP #6 – ANTI-CARNAPPING - This SOP prescribes the
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOPs) conduct of an all-out and sustained anti carnapping campaign
to stop/minimize carnapping activities, neutralize syndicated
Standard Operating Procedures or SOPs are products of police carnapping groups, identify/prosecute government personnel
operational planning adopted by the police organization to involved in carnapping activities, and to effectively address
guide the police officers in the conduct of their duties and other criminal activities related to car napping.
functions, especially during field operations. SOP #7 – ANTI-TERRORISM - This prescribes the
operational guidelines in the conduct of operations against
The following are Police Security Service Package of the terrorists and other lawless elements involved in terrorist
PNP with the following standard operating procedures and activities.
SOP prescribes the basic procedures to be observed by all PNP provides overall planning, integration, orchestration or
Units and mobile patrol elements in the conduct of visibility coordination, and monitoring of all efforts to ensure the
patrols. successful implementation.
SOP sets forth the guidelines and concepts of operations to be SEARCH, AND SEIZURE -This SOP prescribes the
observed in the conduct of anti-highway procedures and manner of conducting an arrest, raid, search
robbery/hold-up/hijacking operations. and/or search of person, search of any premises and the seizure
SOP #10 – PAGLALANSAG/PAGAAYOS-HOPE - This SOP of properties pursuant to the 1987 Philippine Constitution,
sets forth the concept of operations and tasks of all concerned Rules of Court, as amended and updated decision of the
units in the campaign against Partisan Armed Groups and loose Supreme Court.
WANTED PERSONS) - This SOP sets forth the objectives and SOP #19 – ANTI-ILLEGAL LOGGING
concept of operation tasks of all concerned units in the SOP #20 – ANTI-ILLEGAL FISHING
neutralization of wanted persons. SOP #21 – ANTI-ILLEGAL DRUGS
forth the operational thrusts to be undertaken by the PNP that DISASTER AND EMERGENCY PLANNING
will spearhead the fight against all forms of illegal gambling
nationwide. Emergency and disaster planning is one of the most
SOP #13 – ANTI-SQUATTING - This SOP sets forth the important interrelated function in a security system. It is
concept of operation in the campaign against professional important in any organization as physical security, fire
squatters and squatting syndicates. protection, guard forces, security of documents and personnel
SOP #14 – JERICHO - This SOP prescribes the operational security.
guidelines to be undertaken by the National Headquarter
(NHQ) of PNP in the establishment of a quick reaction group Emergency and disaster planning refers to the
that can be detailed with the office of the Secretary of Interior preparation in advance of protective and safety measures for
and Local Government (SILG), with personnel and equipment unforeseen events resulting from natural and human actions.
requirements of that reaction group supported by the PNP.
SOP #15 – NENA (ANTI-PROSTITUTION/VAGRANCY) - Disaster plans outline the actions to be taken by those
This SOP sets forth the operational thrusts to be undertaken by designated for specific job. This will result in expeditious and
the PNP that will spearhead the fight against prostitution and orderly execution of relief and assistance to protect properties
vagrancy. and lives. These plans must also be rehearsed so that when the
SOP #16 – ANTI-PORNOGRAPHY - This prescribes the bell ring, there will be speed and not haste in the execution.
guidelines to be followed by tasked PNP Units/Offices in Speed is the accurate accomplishment of a plan as per
enforcing the ban on pornographic pictures, videos and schedule, while haste is doing a job quickly with errors. Plans
magazines. therefore must be made when any or all of the emergencies
arise. Those plans, being special in nature, must be prepared Equipping the crisis center
with people whose expertise in their respective field is legion Testing contingency plans and emergency procedures
together with the coordination and help of management, Dealing with the media
security force, law enforcement agencies, and selected Dealing with victims and their families
employees. Dealing with other affected person (such as employees)
Getting the organization’s normal work done
Planning is necessary to meet disaster and emergency Returning to normal after the crisis
conditions and it must be continuing and duly supported by
management. One aspect of the plans will be to consider Plan Checklist
recovery measures to be undertaken by the organization. Being Identify the type of crisis/disaster/induced catastrophe
prepared for the eventuality gives better chances of protection Identify which operation, facility, personnel at risk
and eventual recovery than those not prepared. Without Prioritize accordingly
planning, the emergency or disaster can become catastrophic. Determine effects of emergencies in the operation
With a good, suitable plan to follow, the unusual becomes Identify broad categories that must be addressed in your
ordinary, hence, the mental preparedness for easy survival and contingency planning
recovery. Review existing emergency plans to identify gaps
Consider the environment with in which your emergency plans
Understanding Disaster will be implemented.
Compile and review your organization”s policies on various Disaster Action Team Members
contingencies before establishing your plans
Ensure that these policies are known throughout the Depending on the size of the organization and the
organization and that they are included in your emergency number of people available, the following team mebers maybe
manuals considered:
Ensure that your procedures and plans are consistent with your
organization’s established policies and goals Team leader/ Alternate
Identify appropriate outside consultants and other sources of Executive Assistance
assistance in developing and implementing your plans and Public Affairs
procedures Liaison Officers
Ensure that appropriate personnel have any security clearances (for family/victim/government/International)
or background cheks which might be required Administrative Support
Establish a viable record-keeping system and procedures to Communications Specialist
ensure they are followed Legal Specialist
Organizing Disaster Management Team Medical and Relief Operations Officer
Financial Specialist
Disaster Team Leadership
Each disaster team member must be oriented and trained on Try to anticipate future consequences
their respective role and the functional requirements for Control stress of team members
disaster management. Ensure log maintenance
What is a Victim?
6. Personal and VIP Security – involve in the protection of Natural- mountain, forest, water or in nature.
top ranking official the government, visiting persons of Human
illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries. Animals
7. Crisis Security- is the protection of the rich person, Structural- man made obstacles
industrial magnates, political leaders against kidnapping for Energy- alarm system
economic, political, emotional or nationalistic purposes. Different factors that to be considered in providing the
8. Industrial Security- various measures to safeguard amount of security.
factories, manufacturing establishment, etc. Criticality- the importance of the product or services
9. Operational Security- is physical which deals with the that the company is giving or producing.
protection of processes, formulas, patents and other Vulnerability – how susceptible the establishment for
activities. the particular sabotage, espionage, etc.
10. Other special type of security- these type of security are Different factors that to be considered in providing
adaptations, variations, innovations and modifications of security in the establishment.
physical security which are follows, to wit: Size, shape and location
1. Air cargo security Number and character of people
2. Supermarket Kind of product
3. School Security Espionage- an act of gathering information
4. Personnel security- involves the background Espion – French word- that means spy
check of persons This is used to estimate or determine the best possible
Security Hazard- is any act or condition, which may result means of sabotage.
in the compromise of information, loss of life, loss or Spy – is the agent of Espionage. They are very dangerous
destruction of property, or disruption of the objectives of because of their skill in deception and undercover works.
the installations. Methods used by the Agents of Espionage.
Types of Security Hazards: Stealing or buying information from the employees.
Natural Hazards- types of hazard, which the mere cause is By using various form of threats or extorting
the natural phenomenon. Ex. Storm, earthquake, typhoons, information’s.
floods, fire, lightning etc. By means of blackmail.
Human/Manmade Hazard - which is actually the act of Obtaining or gaining information from social
omission or commission both overt/covert by an individual gathering.
or by group of an individual? By the use of fake organization as a front.
Ex. Espionage and sabotage-because of the state of mind of Stealing records or documents.
an individual By means of subversive activities.
Different types of barriers/Obstacles
Sabotage – is an act of destroying, damaging or any evil High Intensity Explosives – is detonated by means of shock,
motives that will lead to stoppage of the normal operation jarring or shake. These are from liquid.
of the company, factory, plant and or establishment. Types of High Intensity Explosives;
Sabot- French word – that means Wooden Slipper. 1. Dynamite – from liquid it is manufactured and usually
Saboteur – is the agent of sabotage. homemade and popularly used by illegal fisherman and
3 types of Saboteur miners.
Enemy agent 2. TNT (Trinitrotoluene) – popular in the military.
Traitorous person 3. Plastic Explosives
Irresponsible person 4. Molotov Bomb
Types of Sabotage 5. Stench Bomb – Chemical that is carried out by the
Mechanical Sabotage racketeers and with disagreeable odor.
Psychological Sabotage 6. Nitro-glycerin – contains of nitro-acid, sulfuric acid and
Mechanical Sabotage – is an act wherein they used the glycerin.
object or substance within the area of an establishment. Types of Stench Bomb
Types of Mechanical Sabotage 1. Zinc Valerate – mix with alcohol, ether or warm water
1. Contamination – is a type where they used foreign and place it in a vial or bottle. (White Powder)
materials to apply in the establishment. 2. Valeriana Acid – white crystal – Valeriana Officinales
2. Breakage – destroying the vital parts of a machine. 3. Butyric Acid - double fermentation of sugar and milk.
3. Substitution – Substitution or changing of formula 4. Hydrogen Sulfide – it has a rotten eggs, or rotten fish
to another, which will cause damage or smell or odor.
destructions. Arson – is the malicious burning of one’s property.
4. Omission – this is committed by means of a doing Objectives:
by an individual, which can cause destruction inside Fraud- losing- by burning the property they can recover
of the company or establishment. from losing.
5. Abrasive – a special type of contamination, by Revenge/Spite
using a type of material that will grind metals. Pyromaniac- a person who is fond of looking fire
6. Explosives – substances that are easily exploded by Combustion- a chemical process by which the heat and
means of heat, friction, jarring or sparks. They are flame will comes out.
highly dangerous because of its damaging effect. Causes of fire
Types of Explosives: According to their sensitivity. 1. Flame
2. Gas or Electricity
Low Intensity Explosives – It is very sensitive to heat. It can 3. Chemicals
be exploded by means of fire, friction or spark. 4. Heat of the sun
5. Bacteria Causes of riot:
6. Spark 1. Panic
Fire is classified according to their classes. 2. Strike
Class A Fire - are those disposed by ordinary combustible 3. Mob- a promiscuous multitude of people, rude and
material – Fire extinguisher used is water. disorderly.
Class B Fire - is disposed or composed of petroleum product- Types of mob:
it serves as blanket to burning material. 1. Aggressive mob
Class C Fire - is disposed or composed of electrical energy or 2. Escape mob
from electricity related fire- Fire extinguisher used are dry 3. Acquisitive mob
chemicals and carbon dioxide 4. Expressive mob
Class D Fire - composed or disposed by combustible metal- Crowd – Temporary congregation of people.
Fire Extinguisher used are powder talc and dry sand. Types of crowd:
What is the reason in classifying fire? 1. Physical crowd – temporary congregation of people
The reason is that in order to determine the types of fire without interest
extinguisher to be used. 2. Psychological crowd- temporary congregation of
Fire Fighting- is used to reduce the burning material. people with common interest in a certain thing.
Subversive activities- are dealing with the weakness of a Types:
person. a. Casual psychological – common
Economic sabotage- activities of the business interest only for short duration
establishment against the government. b. International Psychological- common
Objectives of Subversive activities: interest in a long duration
In order to determine the authority; to under weaken the Pilferage- Petty theft
organization; in order that they can manage or take over the One of the most annoying and common human hazard
organization. These activity must be immediately put in control
Parts of Subversive activities: Types of pilferage:
1. Rumor mongering 1. Casual pilferage- one who steal due to inability to resist
2. Propaganda the unexpected opportunity or has little fear that there is
3. Legal Action detection for souvenir
4. Arm threats – used of force 2. Systematic pilferage – one who steal with preconceived
5. Murder, Kidnapping, corruption of a certain employee plan and take away things for all types of goods,
or employees supplies or merchandise for economic gain
Riot- refers to the unlawful assembly that resulted to violent Methods used in Systematic Pilferage:
disturbance of peace. 1. Classic method
2. Uses fake documents 1. 7 feet minimum height of the fence, on top is a
3. Removal of items barbwire.
4. Disposal of the same 2. Security Guard- to check the in and out of building and
5. Limiting factors of pilferage: the people.
Value of the item- very expensive 3. Protective lighting for safety protection.
Ease of concealment – easy to cover 4. Poor lighting – indirect action- lack of protection
Transportation 5. Well lighted- psychological barriers- it gives more
KLEPTOMANIAC – The person who is fond of getting the protection.so that they can notice and familiarize, they
property of other people. There is satisfaction on the part of the can immediately detect the particular intruder.
person committing a crime Different factors that to be considered in protective
Theft - is committed by any person who with intent to gain but lighting.
without violence against or intimidation of persons nor force 1. Size, shape and location
upon things shall take personal property of another without the 2. Kind of product-variable, critical or plenty of loses
latter’s consent. 3. Protective advantage
Simple theft- without violation of trust and confidence 4. Management policy-for security consciousness
Qualified Theft – taking the property of another with violation ??is used to increase the
of trust and confidence; effectiveness of the guard by
Example: maid, houseboy, salesgirl, or employees or any increasing the guard’s visual range
person that the victim has trusted. during the hours of darkness or in
Shoplifter- is those people or somebody who gets the things or location where natural lighting does
property displayed in the store without payment. not reach or is insufficient to provide
PERIMETER SECURITY- is the first line of security or
defense by establishing structural barriers fence, to protect the Types of lighting system:
entire establishment. 1. Continuous- non-stop
Different enclosures used in the perimeter security. 2. Stand by- operated manual by security guard or
Solid – they cannot see what is in the inside and those who are operated by an alarm system
in the inside they cannot see also what is in the outside. 3. Movable- search light
Full View- you can see through the fences, or what’s going on 4. Emergency- use in case of emergency
inside and out. Position of the protective lighting
Safety measures to be used. 1. Always focus on the approach
2. Must focus on the people not on the guard
Preventive measures- is the best approach. 5. Perimeter barriers- is a system of protection designed to
Perimeter security restricted areas by unauthorized person.
Carefully select the workers and employees; Purposes of perimeter barrier:
1. Initial security 1. Outline the perimeter of the area to be protected.
2. Background investigation 2. Create a physical and psychological deterrent to
3. Analysis of previous employment or unauthorized entry.
employment history 3. Delay intrusion, thus facilitating apprehension of
4. Personal investigation intruders
5. Establishing rules and regulation 4. Assist in a more efficient and economical
6. Regularly check the pulse of your workers employment of guards
Preventing measures to help in the establishment 5. Facilitate and improve the control of pedestrian and
1. Intelligence vehicular traffic.
2. Solved Grievance Openings in perimeter barriers.
3. Prevent the organization of opposition The number necessary to handle peak loads of pedestrian and
4. Develop working relation with other local vehicular traffic
authorities. Gates- locks (seals) and seals
Different entries that are need to be controlled by the Frequent inspection by guards
security guards. Key control
1. Restricted area- is an area access to which is subject to Windows
special restriction to the flow of pedestrian or vehicular Other openings
traffic to safeguard property or material. 1. Sewer
2. Limited area- a restricted area containing a security 2. Air and water intake
interest or other matter in which uncontrolled 3. Exhaust tunnels
movement will permit access to such security interest or 4. Electrical and common tunnels
matter; but within which and controlled. Clear zones- exterior – 20 feet
3. Exclusive area- a restricted area containing a security Interior- 50 feet
interest or matter, which is of such nature or of such If minimum clear zones is not possible
vital importance that access to the area of proximity 1. raise height of fence
resulting from access to the area, constitutes access to 2. add more lights
the security interest or matter. 3. increase patrol
4. Clear zones- the exterior and interior parallel area near Types of physical barriers
perimeter barriers of an industrial compound to afford 1. Natural barriers- mountain, rivers, seas and terrain
better observation and patrol movements.
2. Man made barriers- structural construction, like fences, Security Survey- is the process of conducting an
walls, floors, muffs and grills exhaustive physical examination and thorough
Common types of physical barriers are; inspection of all operational systems and procedures
1. Wire fences of a facility.
2. Building walls Purposes of Security Survey
3. Bodies of water 1. To determine existing state of security
Types of fencing a. To locate weaknesses in defenses
1. solid b. To determine degree of protection required.
2. full view- chain-link, barbwire c. To produce recommendations, establishing a
Security Planning: total security program
Security Planning- is a corporate and executive Persons responsible to conduct security survey
responsibility. It involves knowing the objectives of 1. Staff security personnel
security and the means and methods to reach those 2. Qualified security specialist
objectives or goals must then be evolved. In short, A Security Survey is known by a number of different
security planning is a decision-making process. terms such as;
Contents of Security planning: Risk analysis
The situation- this part of security planning explains the Risk assessment
historical background of the organization of its security picture Key step in a risk assessment process;
The mission- this part of security will cover what the plan is all 1. to determine value, impact and cost of any asset
about and what it intends to do, This mission is further should it be lost due to natural or man-made forces.
subdivided into: 2. To determine the degree of probability that natural
1. Purpose or man-made forces will strike at any given facility.
2. Goals Information necessary in conducting a survey:
3. Objectives 1. A plot plan of the area to be surveyed
Execution- this part of security plan will explains and outline 2. A map of the city or locality in which the facility is
the concept of the security project located, this becomes very important if the facility
Administrative and Logistics- This part of the security plan consist of more than one location.
involves listing of security equipment 3. The number of employees working on each shift by
Command and signal- this last portion of the security plan category
pertains to the channel of communication needed, when 4. The operational flow plans of the facility if they are
implementing to the project until in full view. available in writing
SECURITY SURVEY 5. Maps and description of guard tours and stations if
6. Guard orders and the facility’s security manuals if there 3. Government Guard Forces- they are considered as
are such government employees and paid by the government
7. Locations of the nearest fire department and police 4. Security Guard Forces- maybe define as a group of
headquarters forces of men selected, trained and organized into a
functional group for the purpose of protecting
operational processes from those disruption which
Security Inspection- is a process of conducting impede efficiency or halt operations at a particular
physical examination to determine compliance with plant, facility, institution or special activity.
established security policies and procedures as a The Essential Qualities of Security Guards:
result of a security survey. 1. Alertness
Comparison made between Security Survey and 2. Judgment
Security Inspection. 3. Confidence
1. Security Survey. 4. Physical Fitness
2. Defensive type process/service 5. Self-control
3. Detailed study of the existing security measures SECURITY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM – facilities
4. Conducted to determine the level of security provided for signaling, alerting or alarming workers at any
required consistent with the mission location throughout the installation as occasion demands.
5. Broader in scope These include the use of telephone and radio.
6. Non-recurring type of service PROTECTIVE ALARM SYSTEM- provide an electrical
Security Inspection. and mechanical means of detecting and announcing
1. Defensive type service proximity of intrusion which endanger the security of a
2. Limited check of the security measures already restricted area, a facility of an installation, or its
adopted components.
3. Conducted to determine the degree of compliance Kinds of Lock:
with directed security measures 1. Warded lock- old type where the key is open and be
4. Limited in scope seen through
5. Recurring type of service 2. Disc tumbler lock- used in car doors, desk, drawers,
Types of Guard Forces etc.
1. Company guard- proprietary or in house security, and 3. Pin tumbler lock –widely used I doors of offices
they are directly under the payroll of the company. and houses irregular in shape and the key
2. Agency guard- they are hired by an agency, and they 4. Lever lock- used in locker
are paid by contract 5. Combination lock- has 3 deals which must be
aligned in proper order before the lock will be open
6. Code-operated lock- this opens by pressing a series 2. Security administrative problems are reduced
of numbers buttons in proper sequence 3. Problems related to recruiting, pre-employment
7. Card-operated lock- coded cards whether notched, investigation and training are eliminated
embossed or embedded with magnetic-fuels are 4. Absenteeism and vacation leaves are eliminated
inserted to open 5. Security personnel are separated from co-employees
8. Padlock- a pad and a lock combination 6. Incase of emergencies, extra guards are easily
Terminologies: available
Private Detective – is refers to any person who is not a 7. Incase of company strike, the agency guards will be
member of a regular police agency or the Armed Forces of on duty to carry out their assigned duties.
the Philippines who does detective work for hire, reward, Disadvantages of Agency Guard Services;
or commission. 1. Lack of training
Persons – as used in this act, shall include not only natural 2. Low caliber employees
persons but also judicial persons such as corporation, 3. No company loyalty
partnership, company or association duly registered with 4. Project poor image
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and 5. Large turn-over
Bureau of Commerce. 6. Not familiar with plans
Private Detective Agency – refers to any organization or Advantages of a company Guard Forces:
corporation who is not a member as regular police agency 1. Generally higher caliber as they can receive higher
or of the AFP. wage
Watchmen/Security Agency – Any persons, associations, 2. Generally they provide better services
partnership or corporation who recruits training, masters, 3. Can be trained to handle of the more complex
furnishes, and solicits individuals or business firms, private security duties
or government owned corporation, engaging his services 4. Less turn-over
those of its watchmen either residential or business 5. Are more familiar with facilities they protect
premises, or both for hire or compensation thru 6. Tend to be more loyal to the company
subscription shall be known as watchmen or security Disadvantages of Company Guard Forces:
agency. 1. Cost more
License or License Certificate – a document issued to a 2. Maybe required to join guard force
person by competent authority allowing such person to 3. Problem of ensuring availability of back-up
established direct, manage, or operate detective or personnel
intelligence and private watchmen/security agency. Control of authorized entry:
Advantages of an Agency Guard Services; 1. Screening of personnel
1. More economical 2. Identification of personnel
3. Identification of visitors 1. Physical Security -is the broadest branch of security
4. Control of truck/vehicle because it covers all types of security.
5. Control of packages Exterior Physical Characteristics
6. Container control Perimeter
What is the purpose of Key Control? Grounds:
1. To control the issue, use and storage of keys and Is the fence strong and in good repair?
reserve key locks Fence height- Is it designed so that an intruder
2. To control reproduction of duplicate keys cannot climb over it?
3. to control lock rotation and or replacement Distance of fence from the building- Is it designed
4. To maintain record on all of the above so that an intruder cannot crawl under it?
5. To ensures proper supervisions of key control Are boxes or other materials placed at a sage
measures by responsible persons. distance from the fence?
The following areas needs to be inspected, to determine the
Are the weeds or trash adjoining the building that
degree of protection to be applied in the establishment
should be removed?
1. Perimeter
Are stocks, crates or merchandise allowed to be
2. Building Security
piled near the building?
3. Key Control
4. Protective lighting Is there a cleared area on both sides of the fence?
5. Communication and alarm system Are fence gates properly locked?
6. Personnel identification and control Are fence gates’ hinges secure and removable?
7. Vehicular identification and control What types of lock and chain are used to secure
8. Safety for personnel gate?
9. Adequacy of existing guard forces 2. Communication Security - is applied to prevent or
SURVEY REPORTS – itemizes the condition which are delay enemy or unauthorized persons in gaining
conducive to breaches of security, records the preventive information through communication system.
measures currently in effect and when required--- makes
specific practical and reasonable recommendations to bring the a. Transmission Security - applied to protect the
physical security to the desired standard. transfer of communication from interception, traffic
analysis, and imitative deception.
Security Defined: b. Crypto Security - other component of communication
Is an act of being secured, freedom from fear, assurance security that resulted from the provisions of technically
or certainty sound Crypto-systems and their proper use.
Communication – the transfer of thought from the mind of volume of cash inside the bank. Security in the bank should
one person to the mind of another thought a common medium have specialized training.
or channel. 7. Crises Security -allied if not part of VIP Security, involves
Conference – the exchange of thoughts or opinions by in the protection of VIP’s like dignitaries, rich scions,
conversations, or seminar. The exchange could be from oral, industrial magnates, and political leaders against kidnapping.
written and other forms. 8. Industrial Security - is physical security applied to
Medium of Communication – refers to the common language business groups engaged in industries like manufacturing
known for two or more individuals who want to exchange assembling, research and development, processing,
thought or ideas with each other. warehousing and even agriculture.
Example: English: Is the dominant medium of 9. Operational Security - is part of physical
communication in the world. security that deals primarily with the protection of
Ilocano – is the common medium of communication in Baguio processes, formulas, patents and other activities.
City. 10. Other Types of Security - these types are
Channel of Communication – refers to the equipments being adaptations, variations, innovations and or modification of
used to transfer thought or ideas. physical security and these are the following:
Hotel Security - specialized physical security wherein aside a) Air Cargo Security - the objective of this type of
from uniformed guards assigned, they also employed hotel security is to minimize if not prevent loses of cargo
detectives. Their primary concern is the peace atmosphere of during transit, storage or transfer.
the hotel. Since there are lot of types of people entering the b) School Security - involves the protection of
hotel, guards should possess good human relations. children, buildings, faculty members, and school
4. Document Security - involves the protection of documents properties. This specialized type of work came about
and classified papers from loss, access by unauthorized due to rampant campus riots, vandalism, activism and
persons, damage, theft, and compromise through disclosure. wide used of dangerous drugs and narcotics among the
Inadequate and non-continuous background checks of people school population.
handling the document seems to the primary reason of c) Supermarket security- ahs emerged due to rampant
compromise. pilferage in these big institutional stores. Security for
5. Personnel and VIP Security – the protection of top ranking department stores, warehouse, ports and piers, and
officials of the government, visiting persons of illustrious storage depots are by themselves peculiar work
standing and foreign dignitaries is no easy job. Protection of activities requiring special treatment.
officials especially during travel or public appearances is no d) Personnel Security - involves in the background
easy task. checks of the individuals commensurate with the
6. Bank Security -another type of physical security. The main security requirements of their work. Pre-employment
concern of the bank guards is to protect the bank assets, the checks of personnel are undertaken by agencies to
determine their character, credit and social standing, Possible Reasons Why Pilferage Happened Inside the
and professional competence. Storeroom:
a) Poor personnel movement control;
GENERAL SECURITY PLANNING b) Inadequate patrol guards;
Planning c) Lack of surveillance equipment;
Is an act of or process of choosing goals to be d) Defective choice of locks; and
attained in the future, methods of attaining goals, e) Inadequate background checks on employees.
the allocation of resources to carryout those 3 FACTORS IN SECURITY PLANNING:
methods, and methods of determining the extent or 1. Cold hard facts - records of crime trend from law
degree to which the goals are attained. enforcement agency. The security staff officer should not
In the concept of hiring guards to protect a particular contest the facts, but make some moves just to prevent any
establishment, it requires planning. future occurrences.
Security Staff Officer is the one responsible of making the 2. Statistics - is designed to give the planner the opportunity
plan. to take advantage of everybody else’s experiences. The
TWO (2) MEASURES INVOLVES IN SECURITY following must be considered in statistics:
WORK: a) The prevailing rate for a guard’s pay;
1. Active measures - are the physical barriers, security b) The response time of police agencies when called;
lighting, use of vaults, locks and others. 3. Estimate - is a guess, but with the knowledge, background,
2. Passive measures - are those that will deter man the available hard cold facts, and the statistical data, it becomes
from committing such acts for fear of being caught, educational guess. This simply brings down that plans can
charged in court, or get dismissed.Examples: never appropriately answer all the problems that will come,
a. Security education programs hence the estimate.
b. Investigations
c. Fire prevention seminars A plan when being prepared can assume many names. It can be
d. Personnel security checks called:
SECURITY PROCESS: b) a project study
Investigation - serve as deterrents on those involved, at c) an outline
the same time ways and means can be evolved if the cause d) a feasibility study
or causes of such violations can be found. e) under a code name
Audit - is the discovery of weaknesses of the system in WOMEN SECURITY GUARDS
use and the adoption of countermeasures to forestall or Women security can be given a light work due to the invention
prevent similar occurrences of similar errors. of modern technology wherein women security could be
assigned as operator of electronically operated security devices. In a plant, shift change should not be made when
Experienced revealed that women as guards can be used people are coming to work; guard shift turn-over
effectively in following types of work: should be made an hour or more before entry or
a) Checking passes of static posts dismissed time.
b) Administrative duties at offices SECURITY GUARD FORCE
c) Escorting female visitors Human guard - is the key element in the security
d) Making body checks on women employees system of a plant of installation.
e) Checking women’s areas a) Without human guard element, all mechanical,
f) Investigating women suspects electrical and electronic protective aids as well as
g) Operator of security radio sets security techniques would be worthless.
h) Console operator of electronic devices b) The selection of guards must be done with care and
i) Guarding secured parking areas meticulousness.
j) Toll gate operator Guard force - is a group of forces of men selected, trained and
k) Observing and guarding display booths organized into a functional group for the purpose of protecting
l) Traffic operation operation processes from those distributions which facility,
institution of special activity.
Organization of guard forces varies depending on the a. Company or organic b.Private agency or contractual
circumstances and the available manpower.
Usually, a security force has a chief and for each shift, there is TRAINING OF GUARDS
a supervisor. a) Need for training
If there is no shift in-charge, the senior guard can assume the b) Trained guards can be depend on as they can apply
supervisory functions. what they have learned in the training.
Guards can perform the following functions: c) It is not only dangerous but a criminal act to assign a
a. Fixed post d. Administrative work guard who has not been properly indoctrinated and
b. Patrol e. Others trained.
c. Reserve d) The untrained guards may do unnecessary harm to
GUARD SHIFTS employees in performing their assigned duties.
Guard forces are organized for duty into three shift e) Training gives supervisor better tolls to do his task
on an eight-hour period. efficiently among his guards.
Change of shifts is variable but normally should be
made not on peak periods of activity in the normal SUPERVISION AND MANAGEMENT
operation of the establishment.
The Security Supervisor b) The color of the uniform is navy blue.
1. He is charged with directing the work and observing the c) Other include pistol belt, holster and night stick.
behavioral performance of the men under his unit. SECURITY HAZARDS
2. The effective supervisor must possess the necessary Security Hazards
leadership, human understanding, and job knowledge to do his Is any act or condition, which may result in the
work. compromise of information, loss of life, loss or destruction
3. A good supervisor is a good leader. A man who can induce of property or disruption of the objective of the installation.
his subordinates to render excellent work is a leader of men. Degree of Security Requirements:
4. A superior leader is intelligent, emotionally stable, and a) Relative criticality of operation
physically strong. b) Relative vulnerability of installation
EQUIPAGE FOR SECURITY GUARDS Relative criticality – refers to an imminent danger
In a company or organic security guard force, equipment which of an item, area, or activity.
include uniforms, vehicles and firearms are provided by the Relative vulnerability - is the susceptibility to
mother unit. damage of each part of the facility and the means by
In cases of agency guards, the client’s contract on the rates as which it may be damage.
agreed upon, includes individual equipage of the guards. THE SABOTEUR
The prescribed equipage of security guards is under the PNP The saboteur is indeed the most dangerous foe whom
SOSIA, Camp Crame. This unit prescribes the uniform, the security will have to deal with while planning and
standard firearms, insignias and other accessorial and implementing security measures and techniques. A
ornamental requirements. saboteur is an ordinary-looking guy but in his mind, he
These are covered in the rules and regulations governing the has the training in deception, knowledge in
organization and operation throughout the Philippines, and as incendiarism, explosives, chemistry, bacteriology,
vested in Sec. 17 of RA 5487. mechanics and psychology.
Uniforms (Rule VI) – Rules and Regulation THE ESPIONAGE AGENT
All guards personnel should required to wear the complete The espionage agent is a very dangerous adversary, and his
prescribed uniform as prescribed by the PNP rules and skills in deception and his cunning should never be
regulations; underestimated. He is usually a person of extensive training
a) The uniform shall consist of headgear, service shirt, and will be highly effective in gaining the confidence of
service trousers, service belt and footwear. It shall be people and of extracting information of value to be relayed
different from that of the members of the Armed Forces to his employer
of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police. SECURITY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM
Uniforms should display the prescribed badge, buckle,
collar and cap devices, etc.
These are facilities for signaling, alerting, or alarming immediate vicinity of the protected area or
workers at any location throughout the installation, as component.
occasion demands. These includes: Kinds:
a) Telephone 1. Audio - sound
b) Radio 2. Ultrasonic - movement of sound waves
This system should provide for employees, guard, or watchmen 3. Electro-magnetic - breaking electric circuit
reporting fires, accidents, or suspicious circumstances without 4. Photo-electric - interrupting light beam
leaving their posts or areas of patrol. 5. Thermal - heat
Protective Alarm Systems - provides an electrical and 6. Television
mechanical means of detecting and announcing proximity of SCREENING OF PERSONNEL
intrusion which endangers or may endanger the security of a Includes all the security measures designed to prevent
restriction area, a facility, or its components. unsuitable persons of doubtful loyalty from gaining access to
Purpose: classified matters or may security facility and to prevent the
a) To permit more economical and efficient use of appointment, employment, and retention of such person.
manpower by substitution of mobile responding 1. Background Investigation (BI)
guard units for larger numbers of fixed guards 2. Record clearances
and/or patrols; Types of Background Investigation
b) To take the place of other necessary elements of 1. Partial Background Investigation _(PBI)
physical security, which cannot be used because 2. Complete Background Investigation – (CBI)
building layout safety regulations, operating PBI - is an inquiry into specific phases of the persons life and
requirements, or other reasons; and includes a Local Agency Check (LAC), interviews of
c) To provide additional controls at vital areas as references and former co-employees, if any.
insurance against human or mechanical failure. CBI - is thorough inquiry into all important aspect or the
Types of Alarms: persons life history and includes a National Agency History
1. Central Alarm Station - in which the operation Sheet (NAHS) and those developed in the course of the
electrical protection circuits and devices are inquiry.
automatically signaled to a central station which as Factors to considered in the inquiry:
trained guards and operation is attendance at all 1. Loyalty - faithful allegiance to the Philippine
times. Government and its duly constituted authorities.
2. Local Alarm System - is one which the 2. Integrity - uprightness of character, soundness of
protective devices are connected to a visual and/or moral principle; freedom from moral delinquencies;
audible signal element which is located at/or in the honesty.
3. Discretion - ability or tendency to act or decide with Cylinder Lock -usually installed at residences. It is also called
prudence; habits of wide judgment; good judgment. night latch and is operated by a key on the outside and a knob
4. Moral - personal traits; moral habits. on the inside.
5. Character - the aggregate of distinctive mental and Dry Run -is the practical exercise or test of a plan or activity
moral qualities that have been impressed by nature, to determine its effectiveness.
education and habit upon the person. Facility - is a plan, building, office, institution of any
6. Reputation - opinion or estimation in which a group commercial or industrial structure or complex with all the
of person is generally held; what he is reported to be. attendant structure and functions that are of an integrated
Close-in Security - refers to the working protective detail that Grand Master Key - refers to a key that will open
provides close physical security on the principal. everything in a system involving two or more master key
25 Years Old - the minimum age requirement for Security groups.
Manager or Operator of a Security Agency. Peterman - a term used in England for lock pickers,
1,000 -The maximum number of guards for company guard safe combination crackers.
and agency guard forces. Recon Vehicle - a vehicle always in fronting the
200 -The minimum number of guards allowed for private principal’s vehicle to neutralize any possible threat. .
security agencies. Securities and Exchange Commission - a
30 -The minimum number of guards allowed for company government agency where the registration of a security
guard forces. agency took place.
Perimeter Defense -It includes barriers, perimeter fences or Security Education - refers to means and ways that trains
guards at the gate. personnel and employees making, them security conscious.
Examples of interior perimeter defense: Trade Secrets - it consists of devices, patterns or
a. Doors compilation of information which is used in one’s business
b. Floors and gives the user advantage over competitors.
c. Grills Vault - a heavily constructed fire resistant storage facility
Barrier - refers to a natural or man-made structure which and is always part of the building structure.
is capable of delaying illegal access to a facility. When may firearms issued to private security agencies be
Central Alarm System - is a type of alarm system utilizes confiscated?
a station outside the compound. Answer:
Chief PNP - exercises the power to revoke, for causes a. When the firearm has been used or is about to
licenses issued to security guards. be used in the commission to a crime.
b. When the firearm’s caliber is not among those
prescribed by law for use.
c. When the firearm is carried or used outside the W. Parker
property or compound serviced by the agency without “Against organized crime, internal affairs
proper authority. in my defensive arm; Intelligence is my offensive arm.”
Known in the Industrial Security as Physical Security: History
a. Perimeter barriers Biblical Setting
b. Protective lighting The earliest source of intelligence, in the age of belief is
c. Guarding super natural interventions in the affairs of men, were prophets,
Three Categories of Security Guards Belonging to the seers, oracles, soothsayers and astrologers. Since God knew
“Blue Army” what was going to happen ahead to time, having to some extent
1. Agency guards ordained the outcome of events, it was logical to seek out
2. Company guards divine intentions in the inspiration of holy men in the riddles of
3. Government security guards oracles, in the stars and often in dreams.
“Deploy intelligence men in pilferage prone areas to catch the MOSES
culprits” – is the best choice of action by the security chief of One of the first recorded formalized intelligence efforts,
an industrial firm if inventory shows that pilferage is rampant with format, can also be found in the Holy Bible Numbers
in the warehouse. 13:17
File Room - is installed as part of the building which holds DELILAH
up to 10,000 cubic meters of essential items and at least 12 feet The Philistine used her when she allowed Philistine
in height, with enough ventilation and fire proof of at least I spies to hide in her house (Judges 16). Delilah was an
hour. impromptu intelligence agent. Apart from her tonsorial
Key Control specialty, she also allowed sex to gain intelligence from a
Is a very important factor in conducting a survey. powerful enemy. She achieved the largest effective force of her
Check whether the clients are in the habit of picking up employer’s adversaries and contriving the stroke which put that
keys from employees at their termination or if they have an force out of action”.
accurate record if who has which keys.
Sun –Tzu
SUN TZU A Chinese philosopher, creator of the “The Art of War”
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need “Information must be obtained from men who knew the enemy
not fear the result of a hundred battles.” situation.”
“If you know yourself and not the enemy, for every “Know thy enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the
victory, you are a fool who will meet defeat in every battle” results of a hundred battles”
“If you know yourself and not the enemy, for every victory, you He was known as the “Father of Organized Military
are a fool who will meet defeat in every battle.” Espionage”.
Alexander the Great Alfred Redl
When Alexander the Great was marching to Asia, were He was one of the most brilliant intelligent agents.
rumors of disaffection growing among his allies and Though a homosexual, he became Chief of the Austro –
mercenaries, he sought the truth, and got it by simplest Hungarian Secret Service. He became a double agent of
expedient by devising the first “letter sorting” and opening to Russia. In 1913, his treason was discovered and he was forced
obtain information. to commit suicide. His treason also led to the death of almost
Genghis Khan 500,000 agents and soldiers combined in his 13 years
He was known “The Great Mongol”, who used espionage episode.
intelligence to conquer China and invade Cathay. He instructed Federal Bureau of Investigation
his Generals to send out spies and used prisoners as sources of First established in 1908 as an investigative arm of the
information. The leader of the so-called MONGOL U.S. Department of Justice and became what is known as the
CONQUERORS - made use of effective propaganda machine F.B.I. under its first director John Edgar Hoover in 1924. On
by spreading rumors of Mongol Terror, they collected September 6, 1939 by a presidential directive, it came to its
information on weaknesses and rivalries of Europe. The leaders responsibility the task of a domestic intelligence.
usually disguised as merchants. Central Intelligence Agency
The agency was created under the US National Security
The French Intelligence System continued since 15th Act of 1947. It was the Central Intelligence group established
Century. during the time of President Truman in January 1946. The CIA
was under the National Security Council.
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “One Spy in the right Committee for State Security
place is worth 20,000 men in the field”. He organized two Russia - The Intelligence agency known as the KGB -
Bureaus of Interest: Bureau of Intelligence – which consolidate Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB)
all incoming information regarding the enemy for presentation British Secret Service – Great Britain
to the emperor and to obtain information as desired, and Mossad – Israel
Topographic Bureau – which maintains a large map which WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE ?
covers the latest information regarding both enemy and According to Government – Commission Task Force
friendly forces. He maintained Military Intelligence and Secret It means the collection, processing, collation, interpretation,
Political Police Service all over Europe. His main arm was evaluation and dissemination of information, with references to
“Spy against spy” concept. national security.
Frederick the Great According to Military Terminologies - Intelligence is the end
product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis,
integration and interpretation of all available information story must be convincing and to be convincing it must
which may have immediate or potential significance to the not only be plausible or factual but its significance must
development and execution of plans, policies and programs of be shown.
the users. e) Selection - Intelligence should be essential and
According to Police Parlance - The end product resulting from pertinent to the purpose at hand.
the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and f) Timeliness - Intelligence must be communicated to the
interpretation of all available information regarding the decision maker at the appropriate time to permit its
activities of criminal and other law violators for the purpose of most effective use.
affecting criminals and other law violators for the purpose of g) Security - Security is achieved by the measures which
affecting their arrest, obtaining evidence, and forestalling plan intelligence takes to protect and preserve the integrity
to commit crime. of its activities.
a) Objectivity - in intelligence, only the well guided General Activities in Police Intelligence
succeed. It is a basic intelligence concept that there
must be unity between knowledge and action. It follows a) Strategic Intelligence – it is an intelligence activity
therefore that intelligence should interact and condition which is primarily long range in nature with little
the decision practical immediate operation value.
b) Interdependence - Intelligence is artificially subdivided b) Line Intelligence – it is an intelligence activity that has
into component elements to insure complete coverage, the immediate nature and value necessary for more
eliminate duplication and to reduce the overall task or effective police planning and operation.
manageable sizes. Continuity - Intelligence must be c) National Intelligence - it is the integrated product of
continuous. It is necessary that coverage be continuous intelligence developed by all the governmental
so that the shape of what happens today could be branches, departments concerning the broad aspect of
studied in the light of what happened before, which in national security and policy.
turn would enable us to predict the shape of things to d) Counter-Intelligence – phase of intelligence covering
come. the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness of
c) Communication - Intelligence adequate to their needs hostile foreign activities and to the protection of info
must be communicated to all the decision makers in against espionage, subversion and sabotage.
manner that they will understand and form that will e) Undercover Work – is an investigative process in which
permit its most effective use. disguises and pretext cover and deception are used to
d) Usefulness - Intelligence is useless if it remains in the gain the confidence of criminal suspects for the purpose
minds, or in the files of its collectors or its producers. of determining the nature and extent of any criminal
The story must be told and it must be told well. The activities that maybe contemplating or perpetuating.
Functional Classification of Police Intelligence THE INTELLIGENCE CYCLE
Theory of Police Omnipresence - High police visibility The most important role of a patrol officer is to serve as the
discourages criminals. police organization’s actual field contact with the people. Thus,
Normally, criminals think twice before executing their the word PATROL is an acronym of: P – oliceman; A –
plans if there is obvious presence of police officers. Thus, ssigned; T – o; R – estore; O – rder in the ; L – ocality
patrol activity should be carried in a manner that attracts
maximum attention to the police officer or police vehicles. This B. Patrol Methods
theory applies the principle of overt operation or high police Patrol methods are various means of getting from one
visibility. place to another within a specified patrol jurisdiction. Various
Low Profile Theory - Low police visibility increases the methods of patrol are not intended to isolate the patrol officer
opportunity to apprehend criminals. Deceptive absence of the from the people he vowed to serve and protect.
police officers will let criminals believe that they will not be Patrol effort made by the police may be in the form of any or
detected or caught if they execute crimes that they planned. combination of the following:
In this theory, the objective is to attract as little attention as 1. Beat Patrol
possible while on the process of patrolling. The officers should 2. Foot Patrol
operate in a manner that it would be difficult for either 3. Bicycle Patrol
criminals or the public to determine that police are around. The 4. Sector Patrol (Motorized Patrol)
principle of covert operation is integrated in this theory. 5. Automobile Patrol
Therefore: 6. Motorcycle Patrol
Theory of Omnipresence= Overt Operation 7. Aircraft Patrol (Helicopter and Fixed Wing)
Low Profile Theory = Covert Operation
If you are a police officer, what theories will you going to use? FOOT PATROL
A smart patrol officer should use both approaches depending Foot patrol is restricted to small areas and is used to
on the circumstances of a situation. He can make his presence deal with special situations while maintaining radio contact
obvious in a high-crime area to deter criminals by conducting with officers in patrol cars. Foot patrol is used to secure 2 types
slow motor patrol. In another situation, he may conceal himself of police geographical units:
and test the presence of criminals around an area. Post – a fixed position or location where an officer is assigned
Game theory for guard duty
This is a theory on patrol emphasizes the selection of Beat – the smallest area specifically assigned for patrol
places to be patrolled like those of establishments that purposes
are likely be victimized by criminals. Types of Foot Patrol
1. Fixed foot patrol is usually used for traffic, officers because of the ease and speed of moving
surveillance, parades, and special events. around. Motorcycles have greater access than
2. Mobile foot patrol is used where there is considerable automobiles to some areas and are better suited to
foot movement such as patrolling business and heavy traffic, narrow alleys and rugged terrain.
shopping centers, high crime areas, and in places where
there are many or multiple family dwellings. HORSE PATROL (Mounted Patrol)
Mounted patrol is decreasing in the US but is still
AUTOMOBILE PATROL used in some large cities for crowd and traffic control.
The patrol car is the most extensively used and the Mounted officers are usually more acceptable than K-
most effective means of transportation for police on 9s as crowd control instruments. Expense is one of
patrol. Equipped with state-of-the-art police gear, the main advantages of mounted patrol. The greatest
patrol cars today provide a rapid, safe, and efficient advantage is that an officer on horseback is much
means of transportation under average operating more effective at controlling a disorderly crowd than
conditions. Automobile patrol has the greatest one on foot or in any kind of vehicle (other than a
mobility and flexibility. Most experts on patrol tank). Mounted officers can see up to three blocks
operation agree that it is the most cost-effective away and cover more territory than officers on patrol.
method of patrol. Horses are useful in patrolling jurisdiction that covers
large park areas or similar places where automobiles
BICYCLE PATROL cannot go or may be forbidden. Mobile patrol cars
Bicycle patrol is growing in popularity because of cannot be expected to race on grassy fields or wooded
easy operation and its acceptance by the public, areas but horses can.
particularly children who view them as a non-
threatening form of patrol. Bicycles are now used in AIRCRAFT PATROL
many countries as a simple and inexpensive means of Among the more recent trends in patrolling is the use
silent transportation to carry police officers of aircraft, either helicopter or fixed-wing. Today, it
throughout their patrol district. Often, bicycles are has become necessary for the police use aircraft in
used in parks and on beaches and have many of the performing both routine and specialized patrol
same advantages and disadvantages as motorcycles. activities. The use of aircraft is not totally new. In
1925, the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department
MOTORCYCLE PATROL has already formed a volunteer Reserve Aero
Most police departments have their motorcycles Squadron. Full-time Aero detail is still an official unit
marked with the same insignia as their patrol cars. in this police department today.
Motorcycles are beginning to be a favorite of patrol Before 1929, the New York police department began
using aircraft. In 1947, the New York Port Authority that the company began a loan program wherein law
began using helicopters for surveillance, enforcement agencies can obtain free use of Yamaha
transportation, and rescue. Other cities and state PWC during the boating season. These vehicles have
agencies in United States has employed helicopters, very shallow draft, high maneuverability and stability.
usually during daylight hours. In 1986, the state of They are also very easy to operate. The 2 models
California developed an experimental program using most frequently used were the: Wave Runner LX (for
helicopters for police patrolling known as SKY 2 people) and the Wave Runner III (for 3 people). The
KNIGHT.During the latter part of 1959, the Public front compartment allows for storage of ticket book,
Safety Department of Dade County in Florida used high-powered binoculars and a portable breath test.
the aerial patrol concept. At present, it is effectively Many are equipped with public-address systems,
utilizing fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters in regular sirens, and lights.
patrols to prevent crime and apprehend offenders or
engage in surveillance activities. CANINE (K-9) ASSISTED PATROL (Dog Patrol)
As earlier mentioned, the Egyptians were the first to
WATER PATROL (Marine/Bay/River Patrol) use dogs in patrolling. In the US, dogs have been used
Water patrol units are extremely specialized and are in police patrol since 1900. In April 1957, Baltimore
not in great use except in areas with extensive coasts was the only American police force that used trained
or a great deal of lake or river traffic. The objective dog handler teams on patrol. As of April 1968, about
was to use the water vehicles in anti-smuggling 200 police agencies used a total of 500 man dog
operations as well as against robberies committed in teams in police patrol work.Egyptians are the first
warehouses along riverbanks or water ports. Like people to use police dogs on patrol. They also
aircraft, boats are expensive to buy, operate and invented the lock.
maintain. Further, those who operate them must have
special training. Nonetheless, boats are the best
means to effectively control violators of water safety PATROL SUPERVISION
regulations as well as to apprehend drug and gun Hands on - supervisor involved in day to day activities
smugglers. They are also valuable in rescue Command - supervisor shows up at incident sites and gives
operations during times of flooding as well as in orders
dragging operations for drowning cases. A new trend Counsel - supervisor available and when requested shows up at
in water patrol is the use of PWC or Personal incident sites
Watercraft. Among the earliest manufacturers of this Specialized Units and Operations
type of vessel was the Yamaha Motor Corporation 1. Special Weapons & Tactics
(1990). The reason why PWC became popular was 2. Vice & Drugs
3. K-9 Organization of a Centralized Records System
4. Organized Crime Depending upon the size and needs of the police force,
5. Community Services the Station Commander shall maintain an adequate and
6. Crime analysis efficient records system by organizing in his force and efficient
7. Domestic Violence records and communication unit capable of providing
8. Sex Crimes appropriate services to the line units. The centralization of
9. Internal Affairs records in a police station brings together at one point all
10. Crime Prevention information concerning the police activities, and it is through
11. Juvenile & School Service such centralization that the various line functions of a police
12. Intelligence department are coordinated.
POLICE OPERATIONS Functions and Uses of Records:
PATROL - 50 % OF FORCE ~ 80 % OF BUDGET a. Measure police efficiency
A crew which is assigned to a mobile car usually consists of a b. Present the community’s crime picture
driver and a recorder. Considered as the busiest shift in a patrol c. Assist in assigning and promoting personnel
duty is Afternoon shift .Considered as the graveyard shift is d. Identify individuals
Midnight shift. e. Provide a basis for property accountability
f. Control investigation
POLICE RECORDS MANAGEMENT g. Make information available to the public
h. Increase the efficiency of traffic control
The Need for Police Records i. Assist the courts and prosecutors
A police department is only as good as its records j. Assist in evaluating control services
keeping capabilities. The effectiveness of a police department k. Coordinate custodial services
is directly related to quality of records.They are the primary l. Integrate the department
means of communication among the members of the police m. Furnish data for the budget
department and have as their purpose the integration of the n. Establish responsibility
various department units into an integrated organization for o. Reveal unusual problems
efficient performance of routine duties, in the wise direction of p. Aid in the apprehension of criminals
police effort, in supervision and control of personnel, and in the q. Assist other police agencies
determination of department policy. r. Provide the basis for combination of police \ statistics
The PRDM is organized into three sections: s. Effective employment of personnel and equipment
1. Accident Records Mechanics of Good Report
2. Arrest Records a. Report shall be written to present a chronological record of
3. Offense Records events always beginning with time and date
b. If possible, it shall be typed; if not, ink shall be used but i. Periodic inspection shall be made to see that the rules and
never pencil regulations of the local agency relative to records creation and
c. Report shall provide complete name (first, middle and last) maintenance are strictly complied with; and
address, as well as aliases, brief bio data (such as age, sex) of j. Statistical records shall conform in all respect to the uniform
victim or suspect crime reporting standards and regulations.
d. Abbreviations shall be avoided except those that are Five (5) Categories of Police Records:
commonly known a. Case records
e. It shall be brief as to sacrifice clarity nor should it contain b. Arrest and booking records
excess materials that would tend to confuse c. Identification records
f. Every incident shall be written in a separate report d. Administrative records
g. It shall be accurate and shall state facts not opinions e. Miscellaneous records
h. It shall answer these questions: WHEN, WHERE, WHAT, Case Records
WHO, WHY and HOW Two (2) Categories:
Installation of a Police Records System: 1. Complaint/assignment sheet which reflects all information
a. A permanent record shall be made of each crime regarding complaints and reports received by the police from
immediately upon receipt of the complaint citizens and other agencies, or actions initiated by the police
b. Proper control shall be made upon the receipt of a complaint 2. Investigation report which contains the findings of an action
to insure that it is promptly recorded and accurately tabulated taken by the investigating officer based on inquiries made and
c. An investigative report shall be rendered in each case by obtaining the available facts of the incident.
showing fully the details of the offense as alleged by the Arrest and Booking Records-This record maintains the arrest
complainant and is disclosed by the police investigation. An and jail booking report which is required for all persons
effective follow-up system shall be adopted to insure that all arrested. It shall bear an arrest number for each arrest made.
reports are promptly submitted in all cases Identification Record-Identification record is the third major
d. All reports shall be checked to see that the crime division of police records. Fingerprint records are the heart of
classification conforms to the classification of offenses any identification system. It provides positive identification
e. The offense or complaint report on crime cleared by arrest and the police must supplement it with
shall be noted as cleared a record of physical characteristics and in some cases a
f. Arrest record shall be completed, special care being taken to photograph of the criminal. Identification records have their
show the final disposition of all charges own number series; an identification number is assigned to
g. Records shall be centralized each criminal to identify records relating to him.
h. Records and statistical reports shall be closely supervised by Administrative Records-These are records required in the
the Station Commander management of the department’s personnel and designed to aid
in assignments, promotions, and disciplinary actions. Such e. Accident Report-This report shall serve as the investigation
records are so essential in administering report of the officer who investigated the accident.
personnel matters that they must be maintained in a police f.Wanted Person Report-Information on persons who are
department. wanted by the police shall be flashed by means of “Notice
Miscellaneous Records-These are records which do not relate Wanted Person, accomplished in six copies: one to be sent to
to recorded complaint and investigation reports but are PNP Provincial Director, one copy to PNP Regional Director,
informational in character. one copy to be sent to the PNP Director General, Camp
a. Case Records-The case record is the heart of any police Crame, Quezon City, and one copy to be sent to NBI Central
record system. It is the basis for an analysis of offenses and the Office, Taft Avenue, Manila. The original copy to be placed in
methods by which they are committed. the “Persons Wanted File” of the Police Station concerned and
Two (2) Numbering Systems: the sixth copy to be displayed in the Rogues Gallery.
1. Complaint Assignment Sheet-becomes the primary g. Daily Record of Events-A daily record of events is needed to
document for analysis of crime occurrences. keep all members of the force informed concerning police
2. Investigative Report-the prime document for the operations, assignments administrative instructions.
continuation of the investigative process. Investigative Report- b. Arrest and Booking Records-These records are required for
This type of report is prepared as a written report on the all persons arrested. They shall be made out in full on each
findings of the investigator. person arrested.
Types of Investigative Reports:
a. Case Report-This report shall be accomplished by the 1) Arrest Report-An arrest report shall be made out in full on
investigator or member making preliminary investigation of each person arrested and should be prepared at the a prisoner is
crimes reported to the police. booked. Immediately, after accomplishing the arrest report,
b. Supplemental/Progress Final Report-Progress report shall be three things are done:
accomplished by the investigator continuing the investigation if First-Send to the complaint clerk for the preparation of a
the case is left in pending status. complaint/assignment sheet.
c. Continuation Report-This report shall be used as the second Second-Send to the records office for name search against the
and succeeding pages of all kinds of reports. alphabetical index file in order to
d. Technical Report-This report shall be accomplished by the determine if the prisoner is wanted on some other cases.
investigator to cover other angles of the case or the technical Third-Two sets of fingerprint of the prisoner shall be taken.
staff whose assistance has been requested to conduct laboratory One set shall be forwarded to the NBI headquarters, Manila,
examination of evidence specimen gathered, to supplement the and the other shall be searched
findings and report of the investigating officer. by fingerprint classification in the fingerprint file if the
department is maintaining one.
2. Booking Report-The police station needs a current list of the 1. Personal Records-A file showing the history of each police
prisoners in custody which will indicate the status and officer, both prior and subsequent to joining the force, is
disposition of each. It provides information to each division as indispensable.
to the inmate or inmates in jail. 2. Correspondence File-This shall consist of sets or records of
3. Prisoner’s Property Receipt-All police stations shall give communication classified, arranged and filed alphabetically by
receipts to prisoners to property that is taken from them. This the subject to which they pertain.
receipt is prepared in duplicate. Everything taken from him is 3. Memoranda, Orders, Policy Files, etc.-These shall be filed
still the prisoner’s property until accordingly as they are made available.
shown to be otherwise. 4. Assignment Record-The detective assignment record is
c. Identification Records-The various identification records for desirable for the effective function of the detective division.
the identification of criminals and other individuals now 5. Other Files-Police stations shall maintain other
extensively used in police stations shall include the following: administrative records responsive to their needs.
1. Fingerprint Record-Of the various methods of criminal e. Miscellaneous Records-Police stations perform a variety of
identification, the fingerprint system is the most reliable. services which do not relate to recorded complaints.
f. Indexing-Police stations shall prepare and maintain index
a. Criminal Fingerprint-All persons arrested for an offense cards for all names appearing in the case report, and index
shall be fingerprinted and an identification number shall be cards for serial number and description of recovered, lost or
assigned to each prisoner to identify records relating to him. stolen property that has been brought to their attention.
b. Civilian Fingerprint-All persons requesting clearance Different Types of Index File:
certification or other personal identification purposes shall be 1. Master Name Index File-It shall be in 3x5 inches card stock.
fingerprinted using the prescribed form. Index cards shall be made on all names of complainants,
c. Alien fingerprint-All aliens requesting clearance certificate victims, suspects and wanted persons.
for purposes of petition for naturalization, change of name, 2. Stolen Property Index File-One principal objective of the
oath taking and for other personal identification purposes shall investigation conducted by the line-operating units is the
be fingerprinted using also the prescribed form. identification and recovery of lost or stolen property.
2. Criminal Specialty or Modus Operandi File-This consist of Two means of identifying property:
photographic records and modus operandi of known criminals. 1. By serial number placed on the property
The use of classification index file is the simplest form of 2. The type of property (unnumbered)
modus operandi.
d. Administrative Records-A number of different records are UNIFORM CRIME REPORTING (UCR)
required in the management of the department’s personnel. A uniform reporting shall be established in every police station
for monthly and annual reports on cases handled and persons
Kinds of Administrative Records: arrested by the police to include cases reported.
Monthly statistical reports: Record cycle- refers to the lifespan of a record from creation
a. Monthly report of cases handled by the police station. until disposition.
b. Supplement on monthly report on cases handled by the Tab - refers to the portion of a guide or of a folder that extends
police station. above the regular height of the folder or the guide.
c. Report of male persons arrested Wasserman - Test that will be made before permanent
d. Report of female persons arrested appointment.
The four (4) reports above described shall be submitted to the Public Safety Officer’s Candidate Course – required for
NAPOLCOM in three copies not later than the 15 th of each promotion for Police Inspector
month. The NAPOLCOM in return shall each furnished the Public Safety Officer’s Basic Course – required for promotion
NBI and the Chief PNP. to Senior Inspector
The annual crime statistical report shall follow the prescribed Public Safety Officer’s Advance Course – required for
form of monthly reports. promotion to Police Chief Inspector
Documents Necessary in Personnel Management: Public Safety Senior Officer’s Course (other term is OSEC) –
1. Roster of personnel. is a mandatory training required for promotion to Police
2. Statistical summary and changes in personnel letter. Superintendent
3. Data on scalawags, those with criminal and administrative
4. Records of individual sick or vacation leaves Police Activity Percentage
5. Comparative monthly statistics on resolution of police cases.
6. Data on personnel occupying positions and assignments. 1. Patrol Functions 50%
7. List of retirees and attrited personnel.
8. Plantilla of personnel including those of civilians. 2.Criminal Investigation 15%
9. List of personnel with training and schooling. 3.Traffic Functions 10%
10. List of equipage for use in personnel management. 4. Vice & Juvenile Related Functions 10%
11. 1Distribution of men to everystation,sections, units. 5.Administrative Functions 10%
12. Data on time and grade of personnel. 6.Auxiliary Functions 5%
13. Performance evaluation files of personnel. Proactive and Reactive Patrol
14. Promotional data of personnel. Proactive patrol – an effort, which seeks to prevent crime
15. List of personnel carried on the withholding section such as from occurring. This involves the use of patrol officers of all
those on detached service, prolonged leave of absence, crime analysis. It includes the effort by the beat officer to see
suspended and temporary duty with other offices. trends in developing areas or individual and to make measures
to intercede. An alternative patrol system which entails
anticipation on the part of the patrol units that something Event Oriented Patrol
unusual would occur. • It is simply the identification of events which may
require the application of intensified patrol efforts or
Reactive Patrol- an effort to respond existing situations that different kind of patrol strategies due to the nature of
confront them and the type of reaction may determine whether the problems they may create.
or not a suspect is arrested and prosecuted, or a problem is Shift Scheduling
solved or a life is saved. This is a patrol activity which consists • One of the major indication of the effectiveness of the
of driving around the district and waiting for something to patrol shift is how to tell matches variations in
happen. workload by day of the week and by hour of the day.
• A work schedule for patrol officers to consists of eight
Directed Deterrent Patrol (8) hours shift. The daily work pattern would consist of
• This patrol methods performs a predetermined six (6) days, with officers having the same day off each
preventive functions on a planned and systematic basis. week.
These preventive activities are designed on the basis of Shift Rotation
detailed analysis of crime incidents, offender • Day Shift – This shift is devoted to service activities.
characteristics, methods of operating and locations. The people that a police officer meets during the day
Target Oriented Patrol shift are usually law abiding and create few problems.
• Target Oriented Patrol strategies are those that are • Afternoon Shift – The afternoon shift is usually the
directed toward specific persons, places, or events. busiest and offers the greatest variety of activities.
• It can be Location Oriented, Offender Oriented, and • Midnight Shift – The so called “graveyard shift” to
Event Oriented Patrol. denote lack of activities or dog watch”.
Location Oriented Patrol
• Is the process of conducting intensified surveillance COMPARATIVE POLICE SYSTEM
over selected areas that have been identified through
crime analysis or through intelligence data as being COMPARATIVE POLICE SYSTEM
high risk areas for the commission of selected types of The study of comparative police system, criminal
crimes. justice and law is a fairly new field and has
Offender Oriented Patrol corresponded with rising interest in a more
• It is the process of conducting surveillance of an established field, comparative criminology.
individual. In this case, police intelligence data as well Comparing reflects how we make decisions, and it
as criminal history information on known offenders will provides the impetus for how we act.
form the basis for the identification of targets against
which patrol efforts are directed.
Comparative criminology has been defined as the 2. Threat of aggression
systematic and theoretically informed comparison 3. Intervention (in the internal or external affairs of
of crime in two or more cultures. another state)
It explain why crime exists to a greater or lesser 4. Genocide (destroying a national, ethnic, racial or
degree in one country versus another. religious group)
Three practical reasons why we should compare our 5. Apartheid (suppression (to abolish by authority) of a
system: racial and ethnic group)
1. To benefit from the experience of others. 6. Systematic or mass violation of human rights
To learn from the experience of others and, conversely, 7. Terrorism
that he who knows only one country knows none. 8. Drug trafficking
2. To broaden our understanding of different cultures and 9. Will full and severe damage to the environment
approaches to problems These are not the only forms of international
If we fail to broaden our understanding of other crimes. Other have been identified by various
countries we are more likely to fall prey to the problem legal conventions
of ethnocentrism---the belief that one’s own country or (ex. Human trafficking) while some are not yet
culture does things “right” and all other ways are formally
“wrong” or ”foreign”. recognized y international agencies and
3. To help us deal with the many transnational crime agreements.
problems that plague our world today.
These problems have now become imperative because TRANSNATIONAL CRIMES always involve at least
the multicultural world we now live in has entered the two countries. Transnational crimes have been defined
stage of globalization. as “offenses whose inception, proportion and/ or direct
or indirect effects involve more than one country”.
INTERNATIONAL CRIMES have been defined as Examples of Transnational Crimes
“crimes against the peace and security of mankind”. 1. Money Laundering- is the practice of disguising the
Such acts become “crimes” based on agreements origins of illegally-obtained money. Ultimately, it is the
between countries, called conventions, or based on process by which the proceeds of crime are made to
legal precedents that develop over time. Some appear legitimate.
international crimes can occur only within the 2. Theft of art and cultural objects
boundaries of a country, as with genocide or apartheid. 3. Drug trafficking
4. Terrorism
Examples of International Crimes 5. Economic crimes (ex. Insurance fraud, fraudulent
1. Aggression (by one state against another) bankruptcy)
6. Sea piracy leading characteristics of the contemporary
7. Computer crimes world.
8. Land hijacking It embodies the idea that the world is getting
9. Corruption and bribery of public officials smaller.
It is used to describe how the world has become
Terms to Ponder interdependent in terms of the events and the
Cyber crime – a crime committed with the use of actions of people and governments around the
computers world.
Independent state refers to people who are politically It has occurred as a result of a number of cultural
organized into a sovereign state with a definite territory. and technological changes like the tremendous
Sovereign state is an internationally recognized unit of innovations in communications, the increase in
political authority. worldwide transportation, and growth in
Examples: Puerto Rico, which is a dependency of the technology– internet, have served to fuel the
United States, and Hong Kong, which is politically tied to move to globalization.
Professed values are those that are proclaimed as GLOBALIZATION Effects of Globalization on Law
values by the participants in the system. Enforcement
Ethnocentrism- the belief that one’s own country or Every law enforcement agency in the world is expected
culture does things “right” and all other ways are to be the protector of the people’s right. Globalization has
“wrong” or ”foreign”. great impact on every human right.
Crime statistics attempt to provide statistical measures
of the crime in societies. Threats on Law Enforcement brought by globalization:
Triangulation is the implementation of multiple Increasing volume of human rights violations evident
measures as a way to improve the validity or by genocide or mass killing
truthfulness of what one is trying to measure. The underprivileged gain unfair access to global
mechanisms on law enforcement and security
GLOBALIZATION Conflict between nations
Globalization is a package of transnational flows Transnational criminal networks for drug trafficking,
of people, production, investment, information, money laundering, terrorism, etc.
ideas and authority. It is the growing
interpenetration of states, markets,
communications, and ideas. It is one of the
with or without an arrest. The law enforcement
Effect of Globalization on Human Rights agencies then voluntarily send the data to the Federal
The effect of globalization on state- based human rights Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which compiles them
violations will into an annual published report.
depend on the type of state and its history. It was formed when information on a subset of crimes
Why measure crime and compare crime data? were collected by participating police agencies.
Purposes: It provides a good overall picture of the incidence of
Collecting data about crime allows us to determine the crime but it is not without serious methodological flaws
kind and extent of crimes reported in any one country It is limited in that it measures only crimes reported to
and, more importantly, to distinguish long- term police, does not weight the crimes ( a murder and a
patterns from year- to- year trends. bicycle theft count the same), often counts only the
Measuring crime and comparing crime data provide most serious crime committed in the series of crimes,
clues as to why some nations are more successful than does not differentiate between completed and attempted
others in controlling crime rates. acts, and does not cover white collar or federal crimes.
Between 1940s and the early 1970s, crime data
collection was limited to the International Criminal Police National Crime Victimization Surveys
Organization (ICPO) more commonly called Interpol, which It covers the crimes of rape, robbery, assault, larceny,
tried to collect data from as many of its member nations as burglary, and motor vehicle theft.
cared to report them. This improves our knowledge of the true extent of
crime by reducing the dark figure of crime, that is, the
Common Source of Crime Data amount of unknown crime.