Filming & Video Production: Download Slides at Http://ucanr - Edu/film

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Filming & Video Production

Presentation by the 4-H Technology Leadership Team

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1. Introductions & Overview
2. Pre-Production: Storyboarding and Scripting
3. Production: filming, camera equipment
4. Post-Production: Video editing
Goal for the Workshop
Learn the basics of filmmaking!

We will have you work in groups on each step of

the filmmaking process ….

You may not finish your project (and that’s ok!).


• Tell us about yourself

• What do you know about filming and video
• What would you like to know?
(and not books, magazines, radio…?)
Showcase Your Films
The State 4-H Office showcases films at:
California 4-H Revolution of Responsibility
Website @
California 4-H YouTube Channel @
California 4-H Facebook Fan Page @
4-H Revolution of Responsibility video from
Cottonwood 4-H in Yolo County
2013 State 4-H Film Festival
4-H Revolution of Responsibility
Share your story of leading positive change
through multimedia. Don't forget to define the
problem within the community, show how 4-H
can be a part of the solution, and finally tell
how the change is impacting your community!

The Voices of 4-H History Project

Capture the remembrances of 4-H alumni.
The Steps to a Great Movie

• Storyboard planning and scripting

• Using your equipment
• Camera techniques, composition, tri-pod,
and microphone
• Basic video production styles
Video Creation Workflow
4-H Filmmaking Studio curriculum –
“The Filmmaking Process”
Example Storyboards
Storyboarding Planning

Camera Scripting

• Not as detailed
• Plan out scenes and props
• Think about important angles and different
camera techniques you might use
Writing Your Script

• Very detailed
• Determines the structure of your video
• Reveals restrictions and limitations
• Leave time for memorization!
What story will your group choose?

1.Commercial (30-seconds): Why join 4-H?

2.Interview (1-2 min): My favorite 4-H memory.
3.Documentary (1 min): Meaning of the 4, H’s
4.Action (1 min): A 4-H Club Meeting in Action
Break for Story Boarding
Reflect on Storyboarding
How was the storyboarding process?

What was easy? What was challenging?

What would make this process easier?

Camera Demonstration
Common Composition
• Rule of Thirds
• Golden Ratio (1.618)
• Symmetry
• Leading Lines

(similar to photography!)
Rule of Thirds
Golden Ratio
Golden Ratio
Leading Lines
Tutorial video – Camera Angles and

• What are some good ways to capture emotion?

• What are some good ways to capture action?
• What camera techniques should would work in
different kinds of movies?
• What other camera techniques could convey a
specific message?
4-H Filmmaking Studio curriculum –
“Filmmaking Tips I”
Summary of Camera Techniques

• Close-Up •Tracking
• Medium Shot •Panning
• Long Shot •Dollying
• High/Low Angle •Tilting
• Eye-level Shot •Point-of-view
• Reverse Angle
What camera techniques
do you see in this video?
Example Video
Tri-pod Tips

• Use often
• Move slowly
• Double check to see if it is level
4-H Filmmaking Studio curriculum –
“Using Your Tripod”
What if you don’t have a tri-pod?

• Rest arms on a surface - wall or table

• Rest arms on your stomach
• Try not to pan or tilt
Using the Microphone
• Must use when filming dialogue!
• Double check and make sure it is recording
properly before filming (every time you turn
the camera on if possible)
• Quiet environments are best
• Avoid wind

• Critical element; influences emotional response

• Avoid backlighting
• Use three-point lighting
Tips for Interviewing
• Ask specific questions that might help them answer the
“purpose” of your video
• Conversation style, question asking is usually best
• Take a moment to get you know your interviewee while setting
• Make sure the interview is set in a quiet environment - no
distracting backgrounds
• Closer shots are usually best - capture emotion
• Don’t interrupt the interviewee
• Be enthusiastic about your video and its purpose!
Expert Tips
From Kevin Wentzel:
• Since you probably won’t get a sound-proof studio, find a
quiet location or record late at night.
• CHECK AUDIO every time you turn on the camera.
• Take your time. It can take all day to shoot a 2 minute video.
• Be prepared to modify your script or shot list as you go. A
great new idea or opportunity may come up as you work.
• Camera operators tend to use cut to a close-up far more than
zoom. Suggest that zoom be severely limited and SLOW.
• Lighting is VERY important!
More Expert Tips

• Pay attention to the background before you shoot.

• Don’t be afraid to re-shoot. Even if you think you have it
perfect, shoot again.
• In most situations shoot in small parts. Usually less than a
minute each.
• Schedule the shot list for convenience (e.g. using a set for all
shots in that set). Don’t worry about the order you’ll later
reassemble the video. Most video is shot out of order.
Break for Filming
Did your group:

Use the tripod? How did it work?

Use the microphone?

What camera angles did you use?

What worked well? What challenges did you find?

4-H Filmmaking Studio curriculum – “Transferring
and Capturing your Footage”
Video Formats
• High definition (HD)
• Accepted by YouTube
What software?!
Microsoft Live Movie Maker (free)
Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 ($57)
Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12 ($65)
Adobe Premiere Elements 11 ($75)
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 ($640)
Adobe After Effects CS6 ($730)

Apple iMovie
Apple FinalCut Express
Editing Techniques
• Montage Style
• Focus on short clips - 5 to 7 seconds
• Capture emotion and interaction
• Interview Style
• Sound must be clear
• Cut clips so they are answering the
“purpose” of your video
Editing Techniques
• Story Style
• Mixture of both Montage and Interview
• Presentation Style
• Focus on hands when possible
• Show steps multiple times - different
• Use close ups when possible
Editing Techniques
• Music
• Use royalty free music at all times
• Overall tips
• Avoid distracting transitions
• Take breaks
• Avoid adding names in credits
Add one of these!
To the last 3 seconds of your video, add one of
these logos:
Demo of Movie Maker
Break for Video
Groups share films
Complete your Evaluation

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Presentation by the 4-H Technology Leadership Team

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