Health6 - Q4 - ImportanceOfConsumerHealth

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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Lesson 1: Importance
of Consumer Health

CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
Health – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Importance of Consumer Health
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio Assistant

Development Team of the Module

Author: Receli P. Imas

Editor: Elsie P. Serafico

Reviewers: Ma. Lennie F. Pamposa, Elsie P. Serafico, John Mark Q. Apellado

Illustrator: Zoila Mae Panes

Layout Artist: Catherine P. Padrones, Ronald A. Catedral
Management Team: Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Ma. Nilma E. Casamayor
Dexter P. Diergos
Winifred S. Panes

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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Lesson 1: Importance of
Consumer Health
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need
to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-
check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We
trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests.
And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to discuss
the importance of consumer health.

The module consists of only one lesson:

Lesson 1 – The Importance of Consumer Health:
• Wise and informed decision in purchasing products or
availing services
• Protection from fraud and malpractice
• Valid Health Information from myths or misconceptions

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain the importance of consumer health (MELC-H6CH-IVa-13).

a. Understand the wise and informed decision in purchasing products or availing
services, protection from fraud and malpractice, and valid health information
from myths or misconceptions.
b. Share the knowledge to classmates about the wise and informed decision in
purchasing products or availing services, protection from fraud and malpractice,
and valid health information from myths or misconceptions.
c. Practice the importance of consumer health.

1 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
What I Know

Direction: Read and understand each situation below. Write C if it tells the
importance of consumer health W if it is not. Write the letter in a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Kyla determines the important things need to buy before going to

the market.
2. Dr. Parreño looks for unreliable source on treating his acne
3. Sigmund accompanies his grandpa for window shopping to protect
him from fraud.
4. Kim reports the malpractice performed by her doctor.
5. Red flag information is also known as safe information.
6. Kyle makes sure to have accurate and evident information about the
lot purchased by his parents.
7. Mila is a licensed physician who can perform and help maintain
8. Dr. Gomez offers her free dental check-up to the indigent people in
their locality.
9. Mike was admitted to a health-care facility due to a car accident
10. Ian consumes eight glasses of water every day.

2 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
Lesson Importance of
1 Consumer Health

What’s In

Consumer health focuses on the application of consumer knowledge, skills

in choosing goods and services and proper use of health information and services
that will have a direct effect on one’s health. It helps the consumer to be educated
and make the right decision about certain health item or services he or she buys.
It assists people to take the right services on time. It also gives knowledge to
protect the consumer rights and responsibilities and improve consumer’s ability
to use health information, products and services properly. A good consumer
health is shown by a wise consumer.

What’s New

People use goods and services every day. Right, we need food, clothing and
shelter. We travel on busses, trains and other means of transportation. We also visit
the doctors, dentists and other health professionals when necessary. We also do our
routine activities each day. All these involve goods and services. As much as possible,
we maintain good health to work well. For health sake, we must be careful and wise
in buying health products, because quality of goods and services are equally
important. If we are not aware in selecting the right goods and services we become
the victim of the wrong choices that we made. Therefore, it is important to know the
significance of consumer health to protect ourselves, family and the society
misconceptions and misleading.

3 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
A. Directions: Read the poem about the wise consumer. Take note of the
information being stated and give what is being asked in “Something to Do” found

Be A Wise Consumer
by: Receli P. Imas

Look for reliable sources of information for your guidance

Maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid getting sick by chance
Take safety precautions to lower the cost of health care
Eat balanced- diet, regular exercise and enough rest for your welfare.

Feeling ill needs immediate visit to a skilled health practitioner

Select the best or with great expertise to keep you well or healthier
Present the problem right away to give you what is necessary
That’s how to avoid a health problem become so scary.

For health sake, products and services should be of quality

Cautiously choose or select the one that fit the needs not wants
You can settle for less provided the quality is not sacrificed
Having the best for both products and services make you wise.

As health consumer, observe carefulness and wise buying

Do not patronize fraud products and anything that misleads
Never forget to report any wrongdoings to the right agency
Doing it is a big help and wise consumer as you can be

Awareness andRemember
vigilance isthis
DECIDE forModel
a healthy society
in the Selection and
So make the quality products
Purchase and Products
of Health services be in demand today
Not just only by chance to make it that way but in all ways
Happy is a wise consumer free from any worry and anxiety

D-etermine the important needs to buy

E-xplore choices
C-onsider consequences of each choice
I-dentify what is essential
D-etermine what to purchase
E-valuate made decisions

4 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
Activity 1: Something to Do
Directions: Give one (1) sentence about the message of the poem. Use all the words
found inside the box as your guide. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

A wise consumer considers and all the services

The quality of the products sources

that can be from the awaited reliable

Activity 2: Something to Do
A. Directions: Write A if the statement is approved and B if the statement is not
approved. This will lead you in realizing the importance of consumer health.

1. Be careful and wise in buying health products.

2. Good costumers select the one that fits and all that they want.
3. Quality of goods and services are not equally important.
4. Think of the right goods and services to protect ourselves.
5. Buy only things you need.
B. Directions: Look at the graphic organizer below. Read the information it is all
about reliable information that could help consumer’s well-being.

Health Information
It refers to reliable information that consumers need to support their
intelligent healthcare decision on wellness, services, facilities, health
insurance agencies and providers.

Reliable sources of health It is important to assess other

information are available from sources of medical information
the following below with an open mind to
protect one’s health like
Health brochures from -magazines
-local hospital -TV stories
-doctor’s office -advertisement
-community health center -advice from family and friends
-website that promote a
-health information websites product
*government sites
*condition specific sites
*support organization sites
*medical journals

5 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
Clue to identify publisher in the web address
• .edu is associated in educational institutions
• .gov belongs to governmental organizations
• .com is to profit company
• .org belongs to a non-profit

When assessing the accuracy of these sources consider the

• Is the information based on scientific evidence?
• Is it supported by facts?
• Is original source listed?
• Is the information current?
• Is the information making realistic claims?

Be careful of the red flags information or “dangerous

• Anonymous information
• One-sided or biased6
• Conflict of interest
• Outdated
• Claim for secret cure
• No evidence is cited
• Misspelled words
• Poor grammar
It is very important to search for reliable sources of health
information because it will help you identify between good
quality and poor data.

Direction: Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper.

1. Where can we get reliable health information? Give at least five (5)?
2. Is reliable health information important to consumer health? Why?

6 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
What is It

Direction. A. Read the dialogue. It focuses on the importance of

protecting yourself from fraud and malpractice.

Consumer fraud happens when a person suffers from

• financial and personal loss

It involves the use of

• Malpractice
• Misleading

Common fraud happens to older people, students and all

consumers as well. Here are some tips for you to help protect
yourself from these clever schemes.
• Spot imposters.
• Do online research
• Identify fake caller information
• Don’t pay before for a promise
• Consider how you pay
• Talk to someone you trust
• Be doubtful about free trial offers
• Sign up for free scam alerts

Malpractice is defined as misconduct and negligence of duty of

healthcare professional resulting to
• injury
• failure to meet a standard of care

There are steps to help you minimize or protect from

• Note everything
• Follow the chain of command.
• Make the patient your partner
• Report wrongdoings
• Consider malpractice insurance

1. What have you learned from the dialogue? Explain.
2. Does the dialogue help you as a consumer? How?

7 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
Directions. B. Read the information about the importance of valid health
information from myths and misconceptions.

Finding valid sources of valid health information, products, and

services is a health skill that could save your life. Take time to
identify specific information, products or services that you need.

Follow these steps to master this health skill.

1. Identify health information, products and services you need.
❖ Health-care provider is a trained, licensed professional who
performs services that help maintain health status.
Examples are dentists, doctors, pharmacists and nurses.
❖ Health service is the work performed by health-care
provider. This includes giving a prescription, performing an
operation or administering a vaccine. This is usually
performed in a health-care facility a place where people
receive health care. Hospitals, emergency-care facilities
doctor’s and dentist’s offices and clinics are examples of
❖ Health product is something that restores or maintains
health. Some health products you need to keep your teeth
an gum healthy are toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss.
2. Find health information, products and services.
❖ You can find information about health topics in doctor’s
and dentist’s office, pharmacy and grocery stores.
❖ You can get health products from a health-care provider,
pharmacy and grocery store.

3. Evaluate health information, products and services.

❖ When you read a brochure about the topic, analyze the
information and check the reliability of it.

4. Take an action when health information is misleading.

❖ When you read, see or hear information that is unsafe
discuss your thoughts to parents or guardians.
❖ You can write a letter to complaint or contact authorized
agencies to protect you from false advertisement.

Here are the agencies that can help with a health complaint.
❖ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforce laws governing
safety food, drugs, medical devices and cosmetics.
❖ Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalls products
and establishes and enforces safety standards.
❖ Federal Trade Commission (FTC) checks advertising practices.
❖ Postal Service protects public when products or services are sold
through mail.

8 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
What’s More

Activity 1:
Directions: Give the steps in finding the sources of valid health information,
products and services. Write them on your answer sheet.

Let’s take a look at some healthcare consumer’s myths or


• High quality health care costs more.

• High technology tools lead to better health care.
• Consumers make informed decisions about healthcare.
• Health insurance will cover your entire hospital bill.
• Technology-driven healthcare only appeals to millennial.

• Clinics will remain an alternative- health care solution.

• All patients want every treatment that could help them.
• Physicians are not concerned with the cost of treatment.
• Consumers are paying more for their healthcare in premium

• Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) on the label of the food is

what counts.
• The hour at the gym is enough exercise for the day.
• Supplements make you healthier.
• Carbohydrates make you fat.
• An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

• Eating in fast food makes you fat.

• Being in a cold place can give you colds.
• Salads are the healthiest menu.
• Exercising will make you lose weight no matter what you eat.

• Eating at night can affect weight gain.

• Organic food means automatically healthy.
• Flu vaccines are not necessary to healthy people.
• Clear urine is an indication that you are hydrated.
• Eight glasses of water is a must to consume every day.

9 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
Direction: Read the following statement. Write Agree if it tells the importance of
consumer health Disagree if is not. Write your answer in a sheet of paper

1. Trained licensed professional like dentists, doctors, nurses and

pharmacists help maintain our health status.

2. Health products restore or maintain well-being is known as health


3. Health-care provider gives prescription, performs an operation or

administers a vaccine.

4. Health-care facilities like hospitals and clinics are place where people
receive health care.

5. Consumers need unreliable information to support their healthcare

decision on wellness.

10 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
What I Have Learned

Direction: Read the following sentences. Fill in the missing word to complete the
idea. Choose your answer from the box. Write your answer in a separate paper.

Consumer fraud Food and Drug Administration

Misconception Red flags Malpractice

1. ___________________enforce laws governing safety food, drugs, medical devices

and cosmetics.

2. When a person suffers from financial and personal loss due to deceptive
___________________ takes place.

3. ___________________ is defined as misconduct and negligence of duty of

healthcare professional.

4. A reliable source of health content will help you identify between good quality
and __________________information.

5. A technology-driven healthcare only appeal to millennial is an example of

___________________ in consumer wellness.

11 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
What I Can Do

Direction: Match column A with the column B. Write the letter of the correct answer
in a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. Fraud

2. An information is accurate if is supported B. Red Flag

with facts.

3. An individual that knows the C. Valid Health Information

importance of the things need to buy
or avail of service.

4. It is characterized as D. Wise Consumer

biased or no evidence information.

5. Clever schemes that E. Myths

victimize all consumers.

12 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1

Direction: Write True if the statement tells the importance of consumer health
False if it is not. Write your answer in a piece of paper

1. A wise consumer knows the importance of the things need to


2. Consumer fraud involves good and honest practices.

3. Valid sources of health information can save your life.

4. As per consultation to a health worker, exercising will lose your

weight no matter what you eat.

5. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) checks advertising practices.

6. Report wrongdoings to minimize or protect from malpractice.

7. Be careful of the common fake plan others do.

8. Take safety precautions to lower the cost of health care.

9. Health-care service is a place where people receive wellness.

10. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) on the label of the food

is important.

Thank you for accomplishing this module. Congratulations!

13 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
Additional Activity

Direction: Read each health slogan. Choose the correct answer from the box that
refers to the following sentences. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Reliable Health Information Health Products

Consumer Fraud Health-Care Providers

Health –Care Facility

1. Be wise. Stay informed. _____________________________

2. Eat healthy. Use goods well. Feel wealthy. _____________________________

3. Our mission is to care. Feel at home. _____________________________

4. Better health experts. Better wellness. _____________________________

5. Think and Act Before It’s Too Late. _____________________________

14 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1 15
What’s New What I Have Learned Assessment
1. Food and Drug 1. True
Activity 1 s
2. False
Answers may Administration
3. True
vary (FDA) 4. False
Activity 2 2. Consumer
1. A 5. True
2. A Fraud 6. True
3. B 3. Malpractice 7. True
4. A 4. Red flag 8. True
5. A 5. Misconception 9. False
What I Know What I Can Do Additional Activities
1. C 1. Consumer Myths 1. Wise Consumer
1. C 2. Valid Health 2. Health Products
2. W1. C
2. W Information 3. Health-Care
3. C2. W
3. C 3. Wise Consumer Facility
4. C3. C
4. C 4. Health Care
4. Red Flag
5. W4. C
5. W Providers
6. C5. W 5. Fraud 5. Consumer
6. C
7. C6. C Fraud
7. C
8. C7. C
8. C
9. C8. C
9. C
10. W
10. 9.W C
10. W
What’s More
1. Agree
2. Agree
3. Agree
4. Agree
5. Disagree
Answer Key
Don’t fall for these 4 myths about healthcare consumers. Retrieved on August
1, 2020
about-health care-consumers

Evaluating Health Information. Retrieved on August 1, 2020

Finding reliable health information. Retrieved on August 1, 2020
g-reliable-health information

Health and Wellness Myths That Can Negatively Influence your well being.
Retrieved on August 1,2020

Health facts you’ve been told all your life that you are totally wrong. Retrieved
on August 1, 2020

Health Information and Health products online. Retrieved on August 1, 2020 at -

How to protect yourself from malpractice lawsuits. Retrieved on August 1, 2020

Intelligent Consumer Behavior. Retrieved on August 1, 2020

Medical and Health Information. Retrieved on August 1, 2020 in Health 6. P 354

Myths about healthcare consumerism. Retrieved on August 1,2020 at

Myths and Misconceptions about Nutrition/ disease Prevention and Heathy

Lifestyle. Retrieved on August 1, 2020

16 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
Things you can avoid to Fraud. Retrieved on August 1, 2020 at

What are the biggest misconceptions about health and wellness? Retrieved on
August 1, 2020

17 CO_Q4_Health 6_Module 1
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd- BLR)

Office Address: Ground Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex

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Telefax: (02) 634-1072 or 634-1054; 631-4985

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