Aerodynamic Analysis of Variable Cant Angle Winglets For Improved Aircraft Performance
Aerodynamic Analysis of Variable Cant Angle Winglets For Improved Aircraft Performance
Aerodynamic Analysis of Variable Cant Angle Winglets For Improved Aircraft Performance
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All content following this page was uploaded by Abhinivesh Beechook on 29 May 2014.
Abstract—Aircraft performance is highly affected by conditions as it created large flow separations, which
induced drag caused by wingtip vortices. Winglets, referred generated a very large increase in profile drag. Then, in
to as vertical or angled extensions at aircraft wingtips, are 1974, Dr. Richard Whitcomb, an Aeronautical Engineer at
used to minimise vortices formation to improve fuel the NASA Langley Research Centre, installed small
efficiency. This paper describes a wind tunnel experiment vertical fins on a Boeing KC-135A aircraft and performed
and a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis, experiments. The results theorised that an almost vertical
performed on a rectangular wing prototype (with and wing-like surface at the tip of the wing could in fact lower
without winglet) of NACA 653218 aerofoil section. The trailing vortices strength, if designed accurately [2].
objectives of the analysis were to compare the aerodynamic
characteristics and to investigate the performance of winglet Conventional winglets provide maximum drag cutback
at cant angles 0°, 30°, 45° and 60° at various angles of attack and improve L/D under cruise conditions only. During
(AOA). The experimental analysis was performed in a non-cruise conditions, these winglets are less likely to
closed-loop wind tunnel at sea-level conditions and free- improve aircraft performance and subsequently, they do
stream velocity of 35 m/s. The CFD simulations were not provide optimal fuel efficiency during take-off,
performed at low subsonic flow speed in ANSYS CFX solver landing and climb. Non-cruise flight conditions add up to
using Finite Volume Method. Spalart-Allmaras turbulence a significantly large fraction of a flight and therefore,
model and 3-dimensional unstructured tetrahedral mesh
winglet designs must be optimised to be able to function
were used to compute the flow around the model. The
during both cruise and non-cruise flight conditions.
aerodynamic characteristics of lift coefficient (CL), drag
coefficient (CD) and lift-to-drag ratio (L/D) were compared
Research on conventional winglets improvement methods
and it was found that each winglet configuration at a have been more dominant compared to any other types of
particular AOA had different CL, CD and L/D values, winglet. In recent years, extensive research has been
indicating that fixed winglets do not provide optimum ongoing, aiming to improve the design of winglets in
aircraft performance at different phases of flight. order to boost the aircraft performance during flight, e.g.
spiroid winglets and sharklets. Limited work has been
Keywords-Aerodynamics, CFD, Wind Tunnel, Winglet. carried out on winglet designs that can alter the cant angle.
I. INTRODUCTION Boeing patented the ‘controllable winglets’ concept in
1997, involving Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), which
The soaring prices of aviation fuel and the changes shape in response to thermal energy [1]. The use
environmental issues the world is currently facing, for of multiple winglets on an aircraft wing to recycle much
instance global warming, have forced aircraft of the energy dissipated by the trailing vortices was
manufacturers and commercial airlines to investigate into another innovative idea patented in the US in 2006 [3].
ways to enhance the environmental footprint of aviation, ‘Articulating winglets’ is a unique concept of aircraft
ideally to improve aircraft fuel efficiency during flight. having foldable winglets [4]. The main objective behind
Aircraft configuration designs yielding reduced fuel these innovative concepts is to maximise aircraft
consumption per seat-mile are very much desirable [1]. efficiency and optimise performance at cruise and non-
Winglets application is one of the most noticeable fuel cruise conditions. Blended winglets [5] were developed to
economic technologies on aircraft. Winglets, defined as achieve minimum induced drag during flight. Test results
small fins or vertical extensions at the wingtips, improve proved that blended winglets minimise fuel burn and
aircraft efficiency by reducing the induced drag caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by approximately 4% on
wingtip vortices, improving the lift-to-drag ratio (L/D). the Boeing 737. Spiroid winglets are likely to be more
Winglets function by increasing the effective aspect ratio effective in drag reduction compared to blended winglets
of the wing without contributing significantly towards the based on a comparable sized aircraft. The ‘spiroid-tipped’
structural loads. The winglet concept was first developed wing concept [6] was patented in the US in 1991. Spiroid
in the late 1800’s by Frederick W. Lanchester. His winglets, developed by Aviation Partners, were first seen
investigations proved that under high lift conditions, on a Gulfstream II [7].
wingtip drag can be reduced by placing a vertical surface CFD analysis and wind tunnel tests have been used to
at the wingtip. He patented the concept as ‘endplates’ in determine the aerodynamic characteristics of winglets and
1897. However, his design was not very efficient at cruise to predict flow behaviour around wingtips. Experimental
and numerical analyses were carried out at The Institute of II. METHODOLOGY
Technology, Atlanta to examine the potential of multiple
winglets for induced drag cut back without increasing the A. Geometry (3-D CAD Modelling)
wingspan[8]. The results proved that the wing induced The wing and winglet geometries were modelled in
drag was reduced and the L/D was improved by 15-30% SolidWorks. The aerofoil used was a 6-digit NACA
for certain multiple winglet configurations in comparison series, NACA 653218, as shown in Figure 1.
to the ordinary wing. The winglets at negative incidence
and twist improved the L/D by re-directing the winglet lift
vector forward, cancelling a portion of the drag formed.
The lift curve slope was improved by the flat plate
winglets at zero incidence, which produced extra lift than
an equivalent area of the wing without winglet. Next,
elliptical and semi-circular winglets [9] at various cant
angles were numerically analysed at various AOA. The
simulations were performed at 40 m/s using FLUENT 6.2
solver with an unstructured tetrahedral mesh. The
comparison of CL, CD and L/D showed that the elliptical
winglet at 45° cant was the most efficient configuration, Figure 1. NACA 653218 Aerofoil Section
improving the lift curve gradient by 8%.
The dimensions of the four winglet configurations
A wind tunnel analysis [10] of different winglet shapes (cant angle 0°, 30°, 45° and 60°) are illustrated in Table I,
(rectangular, circular and triangular) was carried out to with reference to the diagram represented in Figure 2.
demonstrate induced drag reduction for modern aircraft
without increasing the wingspan by using winglets. The
experiment was performed in a closed-loop wind tunnel at
different Reynolds numbers (Re). The results showed that
the triangular winglets were the most efficient at 5°
inclination, reducing the drag by 30.9% as compared to Figure 2. Winglet Dimensions
other studied winglet configurations. Another similar
study [11] investigated the aerodynamic characteristics of TABLE I. WINGLET DIMENSIONS
an aircraft model wing with and without bird feather like
winglet. Wind tunnel tests were performed at different Re Parameter
θ = 0° θ = 30° θ = 45° θ = 60°
on a wing without winglet, wing with horizontal winglet
and wing with 60° cant angle winglet. The results proved Winglet Root Chord (mm) 121 121 121 121
that CD decreased by 25-30% and CL increased by 10-20% Winglet Tip Chord (mm) 60.5 60.5 60.5 60.5
using bird feather like winglet at 8° AOA.
Angled Height, a (mm) 0 55.1 55.1 55.1
Aircraft designer and manufacturer giants, Boeing and
Airbus are working on the development of adjustable Vertical Height, b (mm) 0 27.6 39.0 47.7
winglets during aircraft flight [12]. Boeing’s concept will Horizontal Length, c (mm) 55.1 47.7 39.0 27.6
use SMAs, which allows a shape to recall its form, by the
use of heat energy. Airbus has financed a ‘morphlet’
(morphing winglet) project at the University of Bristol, Figure 3 illustrates the CAD models of wing-winglet
England. Airbus is going for light weight electric motors configurations generated in SolidWorks.
rather than SMAs. A study on the application of variable
cant angle winglets for morphing aircraft control [13,14]
was performed, that involved independently actuated
winglet with adjustable cant angle, fitted at the tip of the
wing. Wind tunnel tests and CFD analysis with a vortex
lattice model was performed and results proved the
concept’s validity. This concept appeared to be a relevant
substitute to conventional control surfaces on an aircraft.
The motivation of this research is to investigate into
the improvement of aircraft performance at various phases
of flight using winglets that can change cant angle. The
main objective of this study is to experimentally perform a
wind tunnel test followed by a numerical CFD analysis on
the baseline wing (without winglet) and the wing with
winglet at cant angle 0°, 30°, 45° and 60°. The tests were
performed on a rectangular wing of 121mm chord length
and 330mm semi-span, at various angle of attack and low Figure 3. Wing-winglet 3-D CAD Models
subsonic flow velocity (Mach<0.2). The aerodynamic
characteristics were compared – CL, CD and L/D.
B. Prototype Manufacture particular case, the mesh consisted of around 2 to 2.5
The wing prototype was manufactured in different million elements, which was very effective in terms of
parts using high density foam material by the CNC computational time as well as the results quality.
machining techniques. The term CNC stands for
Computer Numerical Control, which is a process of
selective removal of material from a billet. Alternatively,
the winglets were manufactured with plaster material
(reinforced with resin) by the rapid prototyping method.
Rapid prototyping is a fast method to produce prototypes
using 3-D printing technologies. The manufactured wing
and winglet prototypes for wind tunnel experimental
testing are shown in Figure 4.
C. Wind Tunnel Experimental Setup Figure 6. Full C-Domain Mesh and Finer Mesh around Wing
The experimental analysis was performed in a closed-
The boundary layer thickness, δ for turbulent flow
loop wind tunnel of test section size of 1.3m × 1.3m. The
model to be tested was placed at mid-height in the wind was calculated to be 3.62 × 10-3 m. The first layer height,
tunnel as shown in Figure 5. y was calculated to be 8.5 × 10-7 m. Inflation layers were
applied to the meshed geometry to create a layer of
structured grids on the wall surface of the wing and
winglet as shown in Figure 7. Inflation layers with a first
layer height have greater ability to capture the viscous
flow sub-layer that usually arises at a turbulent boundary
layer where viscous stresses are dominant.
The experiments were performed at ISA sea level Figure 7. First Layer Height Inflation Layers
conditions and freestream velocity of 35 m/s which gave a
Reynolds number of 2.89 × 105 (turbulent flow). The The boundary conditions were defined for the inlet,
winglet configurations were tested at various angle of outlet and the walls as shown in Figure 8.
attack and the Lift, L and Drag, D values were recorded.
D. CFD Solver Setup
The numerical analysis was ideally a 3 stage process:
pre-processing, computation, and post processing. The
pre-processing stage involved geometry setup and grid
generation (meshing). The computational domain (C-
Domain) was drawn around the 3-D geometry followed
by the mesh generation. 3-D unstructured tetrahedral
mesh with inflation layers was generated around the
geometry using ANSYS Workbench. The mesh element
size close to the wing and winglet was smaller and
moving towards the domain boundary walls, the element
size incrementally increased (Figure 6). A grid
refinement study was performed by running simulations
with different grid resolution, i.e. the number of elements.
This was carried out in order to select an appropriate
range for the number of elements in the mesh. In this Figure 8. Boundary Conditions
For this study, the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes B. Drag Coefficient, CD
(RANS) equations coupled with a turbulence model was Figure 10 shows the comparison of drag coefficient
used. The solver (ANSYS CFX) discretizes the RANS values obtained from wind tunnel tests and CFD
equations over the grid elements, producing a set of non- simulations.
linear equations for every variable at each node. The
turbulence model used was Spalart-Allmaras (SA). SA is a
one-equation model, i.e. the model consists of one partial
differential equation, which is used for the velocity
component of the model. SA model solves for the
turbulent viscosity, νt. This is then applied to the
governing RANS equations.
The solver was set to perform the simulations for 500
iterations. At 500 iterations, the solutions were fully
The wind tunnel tests and the CFD simulations
provided comparable results. The results from the 3-D
wing with winglet at different cant angles were compared
to the wing without winglets. The analysis focused on the
aerodynamic characteristics, i.e. CL, CD and L/D.
A. Lift Coefficient, CL
Winglets of cant angle 45° produced the highest lift.
The results also indicated that the addition of winglets
improves the lift. CL values for different winglet
configurations vary at various angles of attack, as shown
in Figure 9.
Figure 11. Lift-to-drag Ratio, L/D (Wind Tunnel and CFD Comparison)