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Abstract: Markets globalisation makes industrial companies to change radically, becoming more
flexible, customer oriented and agile in manufacturing. Consequently, the enterprise software applications
are becoming more and more complex, exploiting distributed object technology in multi-tier architectures.
The aim of the paper is to present the design specification for an enterprise application that integrates the
ERP concept in three-tier architecture, containing modularized, distributed subsystems in configurable and
maintainable software. Starting from the customer order, to planned order dispatch, the ERP main
components and the information flow within the system is presented. Then, the software architecture is
discussed, where the ERP components are implemented using Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), deployed in a
J2EE application server, for performing transactions with business environment and the database.
Constructing the visual model in Unified Modeling Language (UML), the application is designed and
analyzed. The use case diagram of the system is presented.
Key words: Enterprise Resource Planning, Material requirements Planning, Distributed object
technology, Unified Modeling Language.
“Whereas at one time the decisive factor of production was the land,
and later capital…..today the decisive factor is increasingly man himself, that is his knowledge”.
Pope John Paul II - 1991 Centesimus Annus
The main goal of the architecture in Fig. 1 is to disaggregate the production plane, to
schedule and issue production orders for the final products together all their components,
while ensuring the feasibility of production plans and the general ledger, [6]. The input in
the system is the customer order that after it is processed in the sales and marketing
department enters the Master Production schedule (MPS). The MPS is a modelling
technique that allows for demand-driven production plans, making statements on what,
when and how much is to be produced. Based on data input (Manual forecast, system
forecast and actual customer order) the system generates the total demand for each time
periods, using the following rule: for the lead-time (emphasized in yellow) the actual
customer order is considered; outside, the manual forecast has priority to system forecast,
[5]. The initial inventory stock is also correlated to generate the MPS records: the projected
available balance and the available to promise quantities. The MRP modelling technique
uses time-phased gross requirements, scheduled receipts, inventory information and other
system parameters, for elaborating the net requirements, planned order receipts and
planned order release schedule, Fig. 2.
a) b)
Fig. 2 MPS (a) and MRP (b) matrices for a generic item with Lot for Lot Sizing Technique
Gross requirement is total actual demand for that item at that time. Scheduled receipt
indicates the expected units that will be completed at that time. Planned order release
indicates the suggested amount of units to order from the Shop-floor system. With the
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International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’ 2005
knowledge of time-phased gross requirements, scheduled receipts and other MPS
parameters, MRP can be filled out. In order to adapt to suppliers conditions, several
techniques for lot sizing are used. Explosion of requirements in MRP programs flows down
through component levels following the linkage specified in the Bill of Materials (BOM)
structure. The planned order release of a parent item multiplied by the quantity of the child
item that goes into the making of one parent item, become the gross requirement of the
component required at the next level. The information is organised in tree type structures,
each tree being used to describe the structure of one final product. The BOM structure is
exploded many times during MRP calculation, requiring fast data retrieval. The format
used to structure its content and to represent the hierarchical structures is the Extensible
Markup Language (XML). The attributes considered for each node are name, quantity, and
lead-time. As a sample, the Fig. 3 shows hierarchy structure of BOM for a mixed type
production of final products F0 and F1. Each of them consists of assemblies and parts.
F0 F1
P0(2) P1(1)
<product name="F0">
<subassembly name="A0" quantity="2" lead_time="2">
<part name="P0" quantity="2" lead_time="1"></part>
<part name="P1" quantity="1" lead_time="1"></part>
<part name="A1" quantity="2" lead_time="3"></part>
<product name="F1">
<subassembly name="A2" quantity="2" lead_time="2">
<subassembly name="A0" quantity="1" lead_time="1">
<part name="P1" quantity="2" lead_time="1"></part>
<part name="P2" quantity="1" lead_time="1"></part>
<part name="P0" quantity="3" lead_time="1"></part>
Fig. 3 BOM Hierarchy Structure and the corresponding XML file
The file is plain text format and Java language is used to access the BOM file,
parsed with Document Object Model (DOM) specification, no matter what platform it
resides on.
JSP Enterprise
Web Page Servlet Bean
Web Container
EJB Container
Client Database
WebTier - JSP Business Tier
According to the architecture, five kinds of group users will use the system:
Customer, Administrator, Supplier, Shop-floor system, and the database. They are the
actors in the model, categorized by means of generalization relationships. Use cases can
be related by association and generalization relationships and by two stereotyped
relationships called <<include>> and <<extend>>. Actors and use cases are linked by a
special kind of association called <<communicate>> relationship. Use case for
Administrator is to manage the accounts and to supervise the system. Checked and
updated by the system, Customer group may upload orders that are processed before
issuing the invoice. It includes the firm record of the demand and the update of the
receivable account. The customer group may check the order status or modify the order.
Based on actual demand and the sales forecast the MPS is generated, taking into account
the available production capacity. The schedule for final products it is correlated with
inventory information, scheduled receipts and the exploded BOM to generate the MRP.
Using the make/buy decision associated to the part, the planned orders are directed to the
Shop-floor system or to purchasing system by Order Release System. Supplier group may
receive the purchase orders from MRP system by using web browser. Once the customers
add or modify orders, MRP system may update data automatically to rapidly respond to
change of customer requirement. MPS, MRP and Capacity Requirements Planning are
designed as Session Beans that invokes other Entity Beans for logic performing. BOM,
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International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’ 2005
Customer Order, Process Plan and Inventory Data are designed as Entity Bean,
representing persistent data. All these Enterprise Java Beans reside in Application Server
and supply services like security, transaction management, and scalability. The complete
implementation of the application using EJB comprises: writing remote and home
interfaces, which define the methods of creating, finding and interacting with an EJB,
writing the main EJB class, writing the deployment descriptor component and compiling
the EJB classes and interfaces. The UML is extensively used through the entire
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