Resource Conserving Agriculture
Resource Conserving Agriculture
Resource Conserving Agriculture
TABLE 2. Summary of Adoption and Impact of Agricultural Sustainability Technologies and Practices on 286 Projects in 57
number of number of hectares under average % increase
FAO farm system category farmers adopting sustainable agriculture in crop yields
1. smallholder irrigated 177,287 357,940 129.8 ((21.5)
2. wetland rice 8,711,236 7,007,564 22.3 ((2.8)
3. smallholder rainfed humid 1,704,958 1,081,071 102.2 ((9.0)
4. smallholder rainfed highland 401,699 725,535 107.3 ((14.7)
5. smallholder rainfed dry/cold 604,804 737,896 99.2 ((12.5)
6. dualistic mixed 537,311 26,846,750 76.5 ((12.6)
7. coastal artisanal 220,000 160,000 62.0 ((20.0)
8. urban-based and kitchen garden 207,479 36,147 146.0 ((32.9)
all projects 12,564,774 36,952,903 79.2 ((4.5)
a Yield data from 360 crop project combinations; reported as % increase (thus a 100% increase is a doubling of yields). Standard errors are
given in brackets.
vation tillage, which reduces the amount of tillage, sometimes and rejections were based on a strict set of criteria (18). As
to zero, so that soil can be conserved and available moisture this was a purposive sample of “best practice” initiatives, the
used more efficiently. (4) Agroforestry, which incorporates findings are not representative of all farms in developing
multifunctional trees into agricultural systems, and collective countries.
management of nearby forest resources. (5) Aquaculture, We used a novel typology of farming systems developed
which incorporates fish, shrimps, and other aquatic resources by FAO for the World Bank to classify these projects (19) into
into farm systems, such as into irrigated rice fields and fish 8 broad categories based on the following social, economic,
ponds, and so leads to increases in protein production. (6) and biophysical criteria: (i) the available natural resource
Water harvesting in dryland areas, which can mean formerly base, including water, land, grazing areas, and forest; climate
abandoned and degraded lands can be cultivated, and and altitude; landscape, including slope; farm size, tenure,
additional crops can be grown on small patches of irrigated and organizations; and access to services including markets;
land owing to better rainwater retention. (7) Livestock and (ii) the dominant patterns of farm activities and
integration into farming systems, such as dairy cattle and household livelihoods, including field crops, livestock, trees,
poultry, including using zero-grazing. aquaculture, hunting and gathering, processing, and off-farm
Here we show the extent to which recent successful activities; and the main technologies used, which determine
interventions focusing on agricultural sustainability (some- the intensity of production and integration of crops, livestock
times called bright spots (17)) have increased total food crop and other activities.
productivity in developing regions. Our questions are as Table 1 contains a summary of the global land area and
follows: (i) To what extent can farmers increase per hectare population located in these eight major farm system cat-
and per farm food production by using low-cost and locally egories. On average, these sustain 2.28 people per cultivated
available technologies and inputs? (ii) What impacts do such hectare of land (range 0.5-5.5). A total of 72 farming
methods have on environmental goods and services (in subsystems have been identified across the developing
particular using the water use efficiency, carbon sequestra- regions, some of which comprised similar systems occurring
tion, and pesticide use as proxies to indicate changes in on different continents (e.g., wetland rice systems in East
adverse effects on the environment)? Asia/Pacific and in South Asia). A summary of all these
systems and their locations is contained in the Supporting
Methodology Information. In our study, system categories 2-5 are well-
We used both questionnaires and published reports by represented, with 40-95 projects in each. System categories
projects to assess adoption of sustainable agriculture and 1, 6, and 8 have 15-20 projects each, and category 7 has only
changes over time. As in earlier research (18), data were two.
triangulated from several sources, and cross-checked by Extent of Agricultural Sustainability and Impacts on
external reviewers and regional experts. This study involves Yields. Table 2 contains a summary of the location and extent
analysis of projects sampled once in time (n ) 218) and those of the 286 agricultural sustainability projects across the eight
sampled twice over a 4 year period to assess temporal changes categories of farming systems in 57 countries. In all, some
(n ) 68). Not all proposed cases were accepted for the dataset, 12.6 million (M) farmers on 37 M ha were engaged in
TABLE 3. Summary of Changes in Water Productivity by Major Crop Type Arising from Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural
Technologies and Practices in 144 Projectsa
water productivity water productivity water productivity
before intervention after intervention gain
crop (kg food m-3 water ETa) (kg food m-3 water ETa) (kg food m-3 water ETa) % increase in WP
rice (n )18) 1.03 ((0.22) 1.19 ((0.12) 0.16 ((0.04) 15.5%
cotton (n ) 8) 0.17 ((0.04) 0.22 ((0.05) 0.05 ((0.02) 29.4%
cereals (n ) 80) 0.47 ((0.06) 0.80 ((0.09) 0.33 ((0.05) 70.2%
legumes (n)19) 0.43 ((0.07) 0.87 ((0.16) 0.44 ((0.11) 102.3%
roots and tubers (n)14) 2.79 ((0.73) 5.79 ((1.08) 3.00 ((0.65) 107.5%
urban and kitchen gardens
vegetables and fruits (n)5)
0.83 ((0.29) 2.96 ((0.97) 2.13 ((0.71) 256.6%
a Standard errors in brackets.
It is uncertain whether progress toward agricultural sus-
tainability, delivering benefits at the scale occurring in these
projects, will result in enough food to meet the future food
needs in developing countries after continued population
growth, urbanization, and the dietary transition to meat-
rich diets (39). Even the substantial increases reported here
may not be enough. However, more widespread adoption of
these resource conserving technologies, combined with other
innovations in crop and livestock genotypes, would con-
tribute to increased agricultural productivity (1, 16), par-
ticularly as evidence indicates that productivity can grow in
many farming systems as natural, social, and human capital
FIGURE 5. Changes in pesticide use and yields in 62 projects (A, assets also grow (40). Our findings also show that poor
n ) 10; C, n ) 5; D, n ) 47). households benefit substantially.
But improving agricultural sustainability alone will not
(ii) pesticide use increases but yields decline (B); (iii) both solve all food poverty problems. The challenge is to find ways
pesticide use and yields fall (C); or (iv) pesticide use declines, to improve all farmers’ access to productive technologies
but yields increase (D). and practices that are also resource conserving. The critical
The conventional wisdom is that pesticide use and yields priority is now international, national, and local policy and
are positively correlated, and so only trajectories moving institutional reforms (41) designed to benefit both food
into A and C are likely (33-34). A change into sector B would security and income growth at national and households levels,
be against economic rationale, as farmers’ profits would while improving the supply of critical technologies that
invariably fall and behavior change. A shift into sector D improve the supply of environmental goods and services.
would indicate that current pesticide use has negative yield
effects. This could be possible with excessive use of herbicides
or when pesticides cause outbreaks of secondary pests (35). We are grateful to all project staff and scientists who made
We analyzed the 62 IPM initiatives in 21 developing countries data available on projects, to earlier comments and sug-
in the dataset (Figure 5). The evidence on pesticide use is gestions from researchers involved in the IWMI Bright Spots
derived from data on both the number of sprays per hectare research program, to Noel Aloysius for input for some of the
and the amount of active ingredient per hectare. There is research, to David Tilman for comments on an earlier
only one case in sector B reported in recent literature (36), manuscript, and to two referees for their helpful comments.
and so this was not included. The research was funded by the U.K. Department for
Sector A contains 10 projects where pesticide use in- International Development. The views expressed in this paper
creased. These are mainly in zero-tillage and conservation are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
agriculture systems, where reduced tillage creates benefits policies of their organizations.
for soil health and reduces off-site pollution and flooding
costs. These systems usually require increased use of Supporting Information Available
herbicides for weed control (37), though there are examples Table A1 containing full details of the classification system
of organic zero-tillage systems (38). The 5 cases in sector C developed by FAO (Dixon and Gulliver, ref 19) for farming
show a 4.2% ((5.0) decline in yields with a 93.3% ((6.7) fall systems. This separates farming systems into 8 types (ir-
in pesticide use. Most cases, however, are in category D where rigated; wetland rice based; smallholder rainfed humid;
pesticide use declined by 70.8% ((3.9) and yields increased smallholder rainfed highland; smallholder rainfed dry/cold;
by 41.6% ((10.5). While pesticide reduction is to be expected, dualistic; coastal artisanal fishing; urban-based) for six regions
as farmers substitute pesticides by information, the cause of of the world (Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East and North
yield increases induced by IPM are complex. It is likely that Africa; Europe and Central Asia; South Asia; East Asia and
farmers who receive good quality field training will not only Pacific; Latin America and Caribbean). Table A2 summarizing
improve their pest management skills but also become more the location of the 286 projects in this study in these farming
efficient in other agronomic and ecological management systems types, and giving the impact of agricultural sus-
practices. They are also likely to invest cash saved from tainability in each farming system. Part C containing profiles
pesticides in other inputs such as higher quality seeds and of 47 of the 286 projects (11 in Latin America, 17 in Africa,
fertilizers. This analysis indicates considerable potential for and 19 in Asia) as examples of how the technologies were
avoiding environmental costs. adopted and their environmental and social outcomes. This
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