Alpha Case Prevention-Final
Alpha Case Prevention-Final
Alpha Case Prevention-Final
Submitted by
Justin Chretien
Matthew King
William Proia
Stacy Rudolf
Submitted on
April 27, 2010
In Cooperation With
Wyman-Gordon Company
________________________________ _________________________________
Professor David DiBiasio, Advisor Professor Richard Sisson, Co-Advisor
In an effort to more accurately predict diffusion kinetics of oxygen into titanium during
heat-treatment, the Wyman-Gordon Company commissioned this study to obtain an accurate rate
of alpha case formation within titanium and to investigate the use of coatings to reduce alpha
case formation. This project consisted of heat-treating Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-4V ELI samples
that were uncoated, coated with an SJ, and SJ advanced coating over a period of time consistent
with their heat-treatment cycle. These samples were analyzed through optical microscopy and
microhardness to determine alpha case depth. The project concluded with a cost analysis, which
aimed to find the most economic and optimal solution to reducing alpha case formation.
Executive Summary
To determine the rate of alpha case formation and compare a coating’s resistance to
oxygen diffusion 12-piece sample sets of Ti-6Al-4V (Ti-6-4) and Ti-6Al-4V ELI (ELI) were
heat treated under three coating conditions for a maximum of 6 hours and at 1750°F. The coating
conditions were as follows:
1. Uncoated
2. Coated with SJ, current WG production procedure
3. Coated with SJ advanced
After heat treating the samples and performing the necessary preparation techniques of
cutting, mounting, grinding, polishing, and etching each sample they were analyzed through
optical microscopy and microhardness profiles. Using a microscope synchronized with a
computer program we were able to photograph and measure the visible alpha case region on each
sample under 20 times magnification. Microhardness testing was then performed to determine at
what percentage range beyond the visible alpha case region the hardness profile of the sample
stabilized. This point indicated the minimum depth necessary to remove through chemical
To visually represent the amount of alpha case formed and to compare the effect of each
condition on alpha case formation, the optically measured depth was plotted against the square
root of time each sample was heated. This representation showed a linear, positive correlation in
the data thus indicating a parabolic growth of alpha case over time. The maximum average depth
of alpha case observed was about 67 microns. Samples coated with SJ advanced showed a 37%
reduction in alpha case on Ti-6-4 samples and a 54% reduction on ELI samples.
Microhardness profiles revealed that sample hardness did not stabilize until an average of
65% beyond the optically viewed depth of alpha case, with a maximum increase of 120%. The
maximum depth of stabilization for Ti-6-4 samples was 110 microns and similarly 100 microns
for ELI. With SJ advanced coated samples, however, the maximum depth before hardness
stabilization was only 50 microns for Ti-6-4 and 30 microns for ELI.
After completing analysis upon our test samples and collecting data from WGC from the
2009 year a raw material cost comparison was conducted. It was found that by chemically
milling only as much alpha case as was found through our analysis and by transitioning to the SJ
advanced coating that a significant amount of money could be saved annually. Table 1 represents
the potential savings associated with both these proposed changes.
Our results provide an accurate profile of alpha case accumulation on titanium for the
WGC to reference when heating and milling. Optimizing the chemical milling process so that
only the alpha case layer is removed would show immediate savings for WGC as their acid baths
would begin lasting much longer. This would also benefit the company environmentally as less
acid would need to be treated and disposed of, therefore lessening the risk of a spill.
Furthermore, while the SJ advanced coating did not eliminate alpha case altogether, it did
significantly reduce the amount of alpha case formed by protecting against oxygen diffusion. It is
recommended that the WGC begin to use the SJ advanced coating in place of SJ. The project
group recommends that our results be used to aid future research outside the scope of this
project. In particular we recommend the following projects:
We would like to begin by thanking the WGC for allowing us access to their facility and
equipment as we investigated the formation of alpha case over time and possible coatings to
reduce the depth of contamination. In particular, we would like to thank Brian Postale and Briant
Cormier for the creation of our project and for their continual discussion, interest, and assistance
with becoming acclimated with the facility, equipment, and important people of interest that we
utilized during at time at WGC.
We also extend thanks to David Markey, WGC’s principle metallurgist, for providing
reference laboratory reports and discussing gas versus electric furnace effects on alpha case
formation. We extend a very special thanks is also extended to Ernie Brackett, sample
preparations supervisor, for his assistance in acquiring titanium test samples as well as the
industrial staff for cutting our tested samples to a usable size.
In addition, we would like to thank Professor Boquan Li for his continual assistance in
our sample preparations in the Washburn Laboratories. Professor Li was responsible for training
our group on numerous procedures such as mounting, polishing, and etching our samples.
Without his assistance we could not have gathered any data. Similarly, we thank Rita Shilansky,
Mechanical Engineering Administrative Assistant, for allowing our group access to the
appropriate laboratories during the sample preparation and analysis stages of our project.
Finally, we would like to thank both our advisors, David DiBiasio and Richard Sisson,
for their continual assistance, guidance, and feedback throughout the entirety of the MQP
Authorship Page
Justin Chretien, Matthew King, William Proia, and Stacy Rudolf all contributed to the
outline and final edit of this research report. Each person’s contributions in terms of authorship
and editing are recorded on this page. Authors were responsible for writing an initial draft of
each section. Editors revised, updated, and checked sections for appropriate voice, grammar, and
Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ vi
Authorship Page ............................................................................................................................ vii
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... viii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ xi
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ xii
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
2 Literature Review.................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Titanium ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Titanium Phases ............................................................................................................ 5
2.1.2 Titanium Alloys ............................................................................................................ 7
2.2 Heat-treatment of Titanium .............................................................................................. 8
2.3 Alpha Case Overview....................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Dominating Factors .......................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Theoretical Calculations ............................................................................................. 11
2.5 Alpha Case Prevention ................................................................................................... 11
2.5.1 Molds .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.5.2 Coatings ...................................................................................................................... 14
3 Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Create alpha case samples and prepare for analysis ....................................................... 18
3.1.1 Creating Alpha Case ................................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Cutting Samples .......................................................................................................... 18
3.1.3 Mounting, polishing, and etching ............................................................................... 19
3.2 Determine parameters to be tested and data to be collected .......................................... 20
3.2.1 Parameters varied ....................................................................................................... 20
3.2.2 Data recorded .............................................................................................................. 20
3.3 Analyze alpha case depth on samples ............................................................................ 20
3.3.1 Optical Microscopy .................................................................................................... 20
3.3.2 Micro-hardness analysis ............................................................................................. 20
3.4 Cost Analysis.................................................................................................................. 21
3.5 Vacuum Testing ............................................................................................................. 21
4 Results and Discussion ......................................................................................................... 22
4.1 Optical assessment of heat-treated specimens ............................................................... 22
4.1.1 Phase contrast ............................................................................................................. 22
4.1.2 Phase Structure ........................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Alpha case depth trends.................................................................................................. 23
4.2.1 Microscopic analysis .................................................................................................. 24
4.2.2 Microhardness analysis............................................................................................... 26
4.3 Cost analysis ................................................................................................................... 28
4.3.1 Acid Bath .................................................................................................................... 28
4.3.1 Coatings ...................................................................................................................... 29
4.3.2 Overall ........................................................................................................................ 30
4.4 Environmental Benefits .................................................................................................. 31
4.5 Coating comparison........................................................................................................ 31
4.6 Vacuum Testing ............................................................................................................. 31
4.7 Limitations to findings ................................................................................................... 32
4.7.1 Application method .................................................................................................... 32
4.7.2 Furnace trays............................................................................................................... 32
4.7.3 Coating durability ....................................................................................................... 32
4.7.4 Coating viability and removal .................................................................................... 33
5 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 34
6 Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 36
References ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Appendix A – Equipment used in testing and analysis ................................................................ 40
A.1 Electric Oven (5217) and P.P.E. ................................................................................. 40
A.2 Saw in Washburn ........................................................................................................ 40
A.3 Vibro-peen .................................................................................................................. 40
A.4 Coater.......................................................................................................................... 40
A.5 Sample Mounter ......................................................................................................... 40
A.6 Grinding ...................................................................................................................... 41
A.7 Optical Microscope..................................................................................................... 41
A.8 Micro-hardness Tester ................................................................................................ 41
Appendix B – Traceability and labeling technique....................................................................... 42
Appendix C – Heating Procedure ................................................................................................. 43
Appendix D – Cutting Procedure .................................................................................................. 44
D.1 Procedure in the Test Prep Department of WGC ........................................................... 44
D.2 Procedure in Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Materials Lab ...................................... 44
Appendix E – Sample Preparation Procedure ............................................................................... 46
E.1 Mounting ........................................................................................................................ 46
E.2 Polishing ......................................................................................................................... 46
E.3 Etching ........................................................................................................................... 47
Appendix F- Optical Microscopy Analysis Procedure ................................................................. 48
Appendix G – Microhardness analysis Procedure ........................................................................ 49
Appendix H – Alpha Case Optical Depth Photos ......................................................................... 50
Appendix I – Alpha Case Optical Depth Data .............................................................................. 55
Appendix J – Microhardness Profiles ........................................................................................... 58
Appendix K – Microhardness Data............................................................................................... 60
List of Figures
Figure 1: Titanium Phase Diagram (Gale & Totemeier, 2003) ...................................................... 5
Figure 2: Hexagonal Close Packed Structure (Callister, 2006) ...................................................... 6
Figure 3: Body Centered Cubic Structure (Crystal structure, 2009) .............................................. 6
Figure 4: Predicted depth of α-case for titanium alloy IMI 834 at different exposed temperatures
(Gurappa, 2003). ........................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Measured microhardness profiles of titanium alloy, IMI 834, after 100 h of oxidation at
various temperatures showing the depth of α-case (Gurappa, 2003). ........................................... 10
Figure 6: Hardness profiles with mold materials: Al2O3, ZrSiO4, ZrO2 and CaO stabilized ZrO2
(Sung et al., 2008). ........................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 7: Comparison of elemental mapping images of O, Al and Si in Ti castings into Al2O3
mold and backscattered electron imaging (BEI) image (Sung et al., 2008). ................................ 13
Figure 8: Hardness profile between pure titanium and alpha case controlled mold (Sung et al.,
2008). ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 9: Variation of (a) UTS, (b) yield strength, and (c) ductility as function of strain rate (S.N.
Patankar et al., 2001). ................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10: Cyclic oxidation kinetics of titanium based alloy, IMI 834 with different coatings at
800°C and comparison with the uncoated alloy (Gurrappa & Gogia, 2001). ............................... 16
Figure 11: Cross sections of titanium alloy heated for 100 hours at 800°C in air with (a) plain
aluminide, (b) platinum aluminide, (c) bare titanium alloy (Gurrappa & Gogia, 2001). ............. 17
Figure 12: Optical view (20x) of a Ti-6-4 uncoated sample at 6 hrs & 1750°F ........................... 22
Figure 13: Optical view of a Ti-6-4 SJ coated sample at 6 hrs & 1750°F .................................... 23
Figure 14: Diffusion Kinetics Ti-6-4 ............................................................................................ 24
Figure 15: Diffusion Kinetics ELI ................................................................................................ 26
Figure 16: Micro-hardness data Ti-6-4 SJ advanced coating at 1750°F ....................................... 26
Figure 17: Uncoated Ti-6-4 vacuum heated sample ..................................................................... 31
Figure 18: First cut at WGC.......................................................................................................... 44
Figure 19: Second cut at WGC ..................................................................................................... 44
Figure 20: Final Cut ...................................................................................................................... 44
List of Tables
Table 1: Cost Findings ................................................................................................................... iv
Table 2: Comparison to Alpha Case Layer Growth Kinetics for Ti-6-4 by F. Dannheim and R.D.
Sisson ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Table 3: Comparison to trend from Alpha Case Layer Growth Kinetics for Ti-6-4 by F.
Dannheim and R.D. Sisson ........................................................................................................... 25
Table 4: Alpha case depth comparison of optical microscopy and microhardness at 6 hr and
1750°F ........................................................................................................................................... 27
Table 5: Milling Adjustments ....................................................................................................... 28
Table 6: Acid Bath Cost Analysis ................................................................................................. 29
Table 7: Coating Cost Analysis .................................................................................................... 30
Table 8: Overall Cost Findings ..................................................................................................... 30
Table 9: Vacuum Sample Comparison ......................................................................................... 32
1 Introduction
Metals are plentiful natural resources that are and have been used in different technical
applications throughout a variety of industries. Metals are extracted from ore and come in a raw
form which must be manipulated to the correct shape and size for a specific application while
maintaining desirable physical properties. One form of manipulation is hot metal forging, where
metals are shaped by compressive forces while being exposed to high temperatures. Titanium is
one such metal that is manipulated through hot metal forging at the Wyman-Gordon Company
(WGC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Precision Castparts Corporation (PCC). The titanium
which WGC forges is used in applications such as aerospace and defense to make aircraft parts
and engines, and the strength of metal is imperative to the company’s success. Although high
temperatures are necessary for hot metal forging, it does cause a brittle layer to develop on the
surface of titanium.
When titanium is exposed to high temperatures, a hard brittle layer caused by oxygen
diffusing into the titanium, called an alpha case, is formed. Titanium is an incredibly strong
metal; however, an alpha case layer reduces the amount of strain that the surface can withstand
before cracking. If the metal cracks it creates a weak point in the metal that will eventually lead
to part failure. This part failure could cause an airplane crash and the possibility of human
casualties. There are three different possible ways to deal with alpha case formation on titanium:
prevention, minimization, or removal. The current process at WGC for dealing with this issue is
removal via chemical milling. Chemical milling consists of forged products being dipped into
vessels filled with strong acids, hydrofluoric or nitric, to remove the alpha case. This current
process is not an ideal solution to the problem because regulations in the industry cause chemical
milling to be an expensive process to maintain. It also puts the company at legal risk in the
unlikely situation where process safeguards fail and a chemical spill occurs that could harm
employees, the surrounding community, or the environment. Further, the spent hydrofluoric acid
has to be disposed of, causing further environmental concerns.
Extensive research has been completed to understand titanium alloys and the formation of
the alpha case upon the heating of these alloys as is cited in the work of Lutjering & Williams.
Titanium has many qualities that make it ideal for use in aerospace and defense, and the reaction
kinetics for the alpha case are explained in the work of Gurappa. Several studies have been
completed to study the alpha case thickness at various heating temperatures and over different
processes, including an experiment completed by Professor Richard Sisson of WPI. Studies of
acid baths used for chemical milling have been assessed to remove the alpha case once it has
formed. At the WGC, work has been done to optimize this process by assessing the amount of
alpha case that forms at certain times and temperatures and studying how quickly the acid bath
removes the alpha case so the titanium is milled with acid only long enough to remove the alpha
case (Burnham & Dannheim, 1994). If the depth of alpha case is not correctly known,
unnecessary milling will occur and the acid bath will become exhausted quicker than necessary.
Other research has been completed by testing different coatings on the titanium to prevent or
minimize the alpha case formation (Gurrappa & Gogia, 2001). At the WGC, work has been only
been completed by testing different lubricants to aid the forging process including water-based or
oil-based coatings (Cayer et al., 1997), no research has yet been focused upon coatings as a
method for alpha case prevention.
While many studies have been conducted to better understand and predict the alpha case,
there are still areas that need to be investigated to best deal with the alpha case formation at the
WGC facility. The feasibility of different treatment methods for the titanium to prevent and
minimize the alpha case has not been explored. Coatings besides the oil and water based
lubricants have not been tested, and the economic impact such changes would have on the
company have not been assessed. While the depth of the alpha case on the titanium alloys has
been determined at various temperatures, an extensive study of this depth has not been
In this project, a comprehensive analysis of the depth of the alpha case formation over
time was completed at the temperature and oxygen levels consistent with the forging process. A
second purpose of this project was to determine if there are economically viable methods which
could prevent or minimize the buildup of the alpha case on titanium alloys. Coatings were
applied and the process conditions were varied to determine their effect on the alpha case
buildup. If it is found that the alpha case can be prevented or minimized by using one of these
methods, the WGC could reduce the amount of dangerous, expensive acids used to treat the
remove alpha case. Finally, by understanding an in-depth analysis of the amount of alpha case
formed, WGC can ensure that the titanium is not milled for longer than necessary to remove only
the alpha case layer. The product of this research will aid in optimizing the current process, and
could reduce or potentially eliminate the need for chemical milling altogether.
2 Literature Review
Any improvements made to the current operating conditions at WGC should take into
account a full understanding of titanium, alpha case formation, and the titanium forging process.
In this section, we provide a background to titanium and the various alloys and phases it is hold.
Next, alpha case formation and prevention is discussed in detail. Finally, the current production
process for titanium forging at WGC is outlined. This background information provides a solid
foundation for which the methodology is based.
2.1 Titanium
Titanium is abundant on Earth. It is the ninth most prevalent element in the planet, and
the fourth most prevalent metal within the Earth’s crust (Moiseyev, 2005). The interest in
Titanium sparked worldwide in the 1950’s after World War II for its desirable properties,
including its strength. Today, it is used mostly in the aerospace industry, but has applications in
many others including medical prosthesis and automobile parts and engines (Avallone,
Baumeister, & Sadeg, 2006).
Many properties make titanium an ideal metal for many applications. With its high
strength to density ratio, Ti alloys are lightweight but still able to resist much stress and strain. In
addition, it has a low coefficient for thermal expansion and high melting point making the metal
ideal for operations over 50 degrees Celsius (Lutjering & Williams, 2003). Titanium also has a
low electrical resistivity (Boyer, Collings, & Welsch, 1994). In addition, titanium reacts readily
with oxygen to form a hard and brittle layer, called the alpha case layer, over the metal making it
extremely resistant to corrosion. The layer is stable enough that hydrofluoric acid is one of the
only acids that can break it apart (Moiseyev, 2005).
While titanium has many desirable properties for many uses, there are also problems
preventing it from being used for many applications. Because titanium readily reacts with
oxygen, it is very difficult to purify. The Kroll process, developed in the 1930’s, is still used
today to isolate titanium (Lutjering & Williams, 2003). Rutile (TiO2) and ilmenite (FeTiO3) are
mined, and then treated with chlorine to create TiCl4 (Avallone et al., 2006). This compound
then needs to be treated in an inert or vacuum environment to obtain a Ti sponge, named for its
spongy appearance. The complicated purification process makes the metal very expensive.
Further, at temperatures greater than 600 degrees Celsius, a brittle oxide layer quickly forms
(Lutjering & Williams, 2003).
The alpha phase is stable at room temperature, and thus, is the phase of pure titanium
under standard conditions. Even at low temperatures, this titanium phase is ductile, thermally
stable, and yields weldability (Moiseyev, 2005). It has a hexagonal close packed structure (HCP)
(Lutjering & Williams, 2003) as shown below in Figure 2 (Crystal structure.2009).
Figure 2: Hexagonal Close Packed Structure (Callister, 2006)
Alpha titanium is anisotropic, meaning the HCP molecule has different angles associated
different directions within the molecule (Callister, 2006). This anisotropy affects the elastic
modulus, E, at different angles (Lutjering & Williams, 2003). In general, a larger E value
indicates a stiffer material with greater resistance to elastic deformation (Callister, 2006).
Aluminum can be used to interstitially stabilize the alpha structure making the titanium more
ordered with more covalent bonds, increasing E (Lutjering & Williams, 2003).
At high temperatures, alpha titanium will convert to beta titanium, with a body centered
cubic (BCC) structure, as seen below in Figure 3 (Crystal structure.2009).
The transformation takes place at 882 degrees Celsius in pure titanium, but can be higher
or lower depending on the alloy. The beta phase has a lower E value than alpha titanium, and is
not stable at room temperature. However, if at least 15% vanadium (V) is introduced into the
metal, the beta phase becomes stable at room temperature. Unlike Al, V disturbs the bonding
force of the titanium lattice, and decreases the value of E (Lutjering & Williams, 2003). A
compound with both the alpha and beta phases creates a titanium compound with greater
ductility, strength, and high temperature strength than pure alpha titanium (Moiseyev, 2005).
2.1.2 Titanium Alloys
Titanium alloys are used to create the properties desired for different applications.
Alloying elements dissolve into the phases and increase the atom to atom interactive forces,
making the compound more stable than pure titanium (Lutjering & Williams, 2003). In general,
alloying elements increase the strength but decrease the ductility of titanium (Moiseyev, 2005).
Each alloying element can be classified as an alpha or beta stabilizer, and alloys can be classified
as alpha alloys, beta alloys, or alpha and beta alloys depending on the phases present in the alloy.
These alloying elements also affect the transition temperature of the titanium (Lutjering &
Williams, 2003).
form. Wrought titanium is always used for aircraft parts. In the industry, the alloy is typically
used in mill annealed conditions (Boyer et al., 1994). Thus, the metal is heated for a prolonged
period and slowly cooled (Callister, 2006). In order to treat the spaces that form in the metal
known as porosity, the metal castings are usually pressed with heat and high pressure (Boyer et
al., 1994).
Though Ti-6-4 titanium alloys are the preferred metal for aerospace applications, there
are still problems than can arise from stresses the metal is exposed to. If the alloy is exposed to
hydrogen, hydrogen damage may ensue. The result is a loss of ductility and a reduced
stress/intensity threshold for crack propagation. At temperatures of about 300 to 350 degrees
Celsius, creep becomes a concern with titanium alloys (Boyer et al., 1994). Creep is caused when
high temperatures and static mechanical stresses result in deformation (Callister, 2006). It can be
best resisted with near alpha alloys, and can be prevented with treatment. Fretting fatigue is an
additional concern. Thus, if the metal slides against itself or other materials, the titanium alloy
exhibits poor wear resistance. Further, the high cycle fatigue strength is lowered during
annealing, but can be improved by rapid cooling. However, the rapid cooling process produces a
much harder, martensitic, variation of the alpha phase not desired in the alloy (Boyer et al.,
Ti-6Al-4V ELI (ELI), extra-low-interstitial, is a tougher and more ductile form of Ti-6-4.
It is a slightly purer alloy of titanium. It contains 11% oxygen and 10% nitrogen as opposed to
regular Ti-6-4 which contains 18% oxygen and 15% nitrogen. The reduction of the amount of
dissolved gases gives ELI the increase in toughness and ductility at the cost of its yield strength
(Boyer et al., 1994). The similarities in composition and increased toughness and ductility, make
this alloy a compatible filler metal for welding Ti-6-4.
Several measures can be taken to improve the high temperature strength of the titanium
alloys. The first of these treatments is cold-work hardening. It is caused by the deformation of
the metal at temperatures lower than the recrystallization temperature. However, this lowers the
elastic modulus, and limits the range of temperatures at which the titanium can be used. It can
also be fused with components to form solid solutions with basic metals. While this increases the
strength, it also increases the stability of the compound to the point that it significantly decreases
the transformation from the alpha to beta phase in heat-treatment. Other options include fusing
the titanium with various elements or forming a mixture of phases (Donachie, 2004).
time and temperature. As shown over a set period of time, temperature has a significant effect on
the alpha case layer.
Figure 4: Predicted depth of α-case for titanium alloy IMI 834 at different exposed temperatures
(Gurappa, 2003).
Figure 5 (Gurappa, 2003) shows a similar graph, however the alpha case depth is reported
as a function of microhardness. At 600°C the depth is a minimum at 25 µm. A slight increase is
seen with a minimum of 50 µm at 700°C. Finally at 900°C a drastic increase to 140 µm is
Figure 5: Measured microhardness profiles of titanium alloy, IMI 834, after 100 h of oxidation at
various temperatures showing the depth of α-case (Gurappa, 2003).
2.4.1 Theoretical Calculations
In one recent, R.G. Keanini, professor at the University of North Caroline at Charlotte,
examined the thermophysical features of small scale titanium forging process. These features
include: induction period, solidification rate and time, and the corresponding alpha case depth
From the time the first Ti liquid drop touches the casting mold an induction period, ,
exists where those surface and air constituents diffuse uniformly into the titanium before
solidification begins. At the end of this induction period the liquid titanium begins to solidify and
the diffusion of material into liquid ceases. The alpha case layer can then be calculated knowing
the thermal diffusivity of the titanium, α, as follows: (Keanini et al., 2007). These
results show that the “magnitude of the bulk contaminant concentration is almost certainly
determined by a combination of the length of the induction period, τI, as well as by the chemical
makeup of the mold” (Keanini et al., 2007) and amount of oxygen present.
2.5.1 Molds
Ceramics such as calcium oxide (CaO), zirconium oxide (ZrO2), zirconium orthosilicate
(ZrSiO4), and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) have been used as mold materials to eliminate the
formation of an alpha case layer as they thermodynamics do not favor titanium oxide (TiO2)
formation. TiO2 has a more positive standard free energy of formation of oxides and therefore
will not proceed spontaneously (Sung & Kim, 2005). However, Figure 6 (Sung et al., 2008)
shows that when used as a mold these alpha case layers still do exist when viewing the hardness
profile of the material. A consistently formed alpha case layer with minimum thickness at 250
µm is seen for all materials except Al2O3, which has a minimum thickness at about 500 µm.
Therefore, it is evident that an unpredicted chemistry is occurring during this process.
Figure 6: Hardness profiles with mold materials: Al2O3, ZrSiO4, ZrO2 and CaO stabilized ZrO2
(Sung et al., 2008).
Based upon the thermodynamics the reaction between titanium and Al2O3 should not
produce alpha case spontaneously during the forging process. The explanation for the alpha case
region can be explained through the element mapping images of Figure 7 (Sung et al., 2008).
These images show that the mold material, aluminum, dissolved into the titanium and ultimately
affected the reaction, as seen by the green band within the Al quadrant of Figure 7. In this
instance, the aluminum is primarily responsible for the alpha case layer which is composed of
both TiO2 and titanium aluminide (Ti3Al). Therefore, a conclusion as to the mechanism for alpha
case formation can be drawn, “…it could be confirmed that the alpha case is formed by not only
interstitial oxygen atoms but also substitutional metal atoms dissolved from mold” (Sung et al.,
Figure 7: Comparison of elemental mapping images of O, Al and Si in Ti castings into Al2O3 mold
and backscattered electron imaging (BEI) image (Sung et al., 2008).
Since it was determined that atoms from the mold materials could facilitate an alpha case
layer, alpha case control molds are constructed of the materials TiO2 and TiAl3, the products that
cause alpha casing from the Al2O3 mold. By utilizing alpha case control molds the alpha case
layer can be prevented as the titanium aluminide reaction does not occur. The result is a uniform
hardness profile as shown in Figure 8 (Sung et al., 2008).
Figure 8: Hardness profile between pure titanium and alpha case controlled mold (Sung et al.,
2.5.2 Coatings
When exposed to temperatures greater than 500°C oxygen readily diffuses into titanium
to create an alpha case layer. It is necessary to reduce that absorption of oxygen in order to more
efficiently forge at higher temperatures since in general alpha casing is proportional to
temperature. Ceramic coatings cannot be utilized as they have too low a malleability and are not
stable at the high temperatures necessary to forge. Metallic coatings are more stable at higher
temperatures; however have the tendency to diffuse metallic particles to the titanium and
therefore produce a contaminated alpha case layer (Gurrappa & Gogia, 2001).
Figure 9: Variation of (a) UTS, (b) yield strength, and (c) ductility as function of strain rate (S.N.
Patankar et al., 2001).
Figure 10: Cyclic oxidation kinetics of titanium based alloy, IMI 834 with different coatings at
800°C and comparison with the uncoated alloy (Gurrappa & Gogia, 2001).
Through the use of an electron microscope, a cross sectional view of the materials can be
obtained, as in Figure 11 (Gurrappa & Gogia, 2001). The plain aluminide coating is shown to
have a slight amount of oxidation while the platinum aluminide contains even less. Notably, both
coatings successfully prevented alpha case formation altogether. In contrast, the uncoated
titanium alloy is layered with both an oxidization and alpha case layer.
Figure 11: Cross sections of titanium alloy heated for 100 hours at 800°C in air with (a) plain
aluminide, (b) platinum aluminide, (c) bare titanium alloy (Gurrappa & Gogia, 2001).
3 Methodology
The goals of our Major Qualifying Project were: to create a profile of alpha case
formation for Ti-6-4 and ELI over a period of time, and determine any alteration of process
conditions or addition of a coating that would prevent or reduce alpha case formation. We
identified four major objectives which will aid us in the pursuit of our goals and associated tasks
which must be completed in order to achieve each objective. The objectives were:
The next step in sample preparation was polishing the mounted sample in order to
accurately and clearly view the microstructure and alpha case depth. The objective was to
produce a sample that is “scratch free and mirror-like in appearance” (Buehler, 2007). Our
titanium samples were initially polished using a manual technique on the Buehler MetaServ 2000
grinder/polisher. The sample was rotated opposite the direction the polishing wheel was spinning
so as to polish in more than one direction along the sample. The next polishing step required an
aqueous alumina solution of 1.0 then 0.05 microns to ensure a smoother surface finish on the
sample. The final polishing abrasive utilized the MasterMet colloidal silica polishing suspension.
This bettered the finish by a chemical action which is beneficial to samples more difficult to
prepare, such as titanium. The final step was ultrasonic cleaning, necessary to remove unwanted
debris for minute cracks or pores.
The final step in sample preparation was to chemically etch the sample with an acid
solution. The acid used was a mixture of ethanol and 3% nitric acid, known as nital. This etchant
was used to more prominently define and improve the contrast between the boundary layer of the
alpha phase and the alpha-beta phase. The acid was applied with a cotton swab for 10-15 seconds
and then rinsed in water to stop the etching from continuing. A second etching was performed
using a more selective acid solution as a way of comparing the effectiveness of the nital solution.
This acid solution, known as Kroll’s Reagent consisted of 92 mL water, 6 mL nitric acid, and 2
mL hydrofluoric acid.
alpha-beta phase. Thus, to obtain a more accurate measurement of the alpha case and to estimate
the error in our visual readings, microhardness testing was performed using the Shimadru HV-
2000 Microhardness Tester. Samples were placed in the microscope, and measurements were
made using the Vickers Microhardness scale. The first imprint was made on the edge with alpha
case of each sample, and subsequent imprints were made approximately a half of a diamond
length toward the center of sample until the hardness readings were consistent. The test was
performed on the six samples that remained in the furnace for six hours.
Based upon the reduction in alpha case via optical microscopy and microhardness data
between the samples applied with the SJ and SJ advanced coating a proportional comparison was
made to determine how much longer the acid bath could be kept before changeover. This longer
bath life was then be compared to the optimized milling conditions and the increase cost of the
SJ advanced coating to determine the overall cost benefit.
4 Results and Discussion
This section discusses the results from the data collected as described in the preceding
Methodology section. The first subsection describes how the alpha case region was identified
during microscopy. The second subsection assesses the alpha case depth trends through both
optical microscopy and microhardness profiles. The third subsection identifies potential cost
savings by implementing a new type of coating that reduces alpha case formation. The fourth
subsection compares and contrasts the SJ advances coating to the SJ coating currently used at
WGC. The final subsection addresses some limitations we encountered throughout the project.
Although we were only able to test on a small scale compared to the titanium pieces that WGC
typically forges, we believe the trends we found will remain similar regardless of samples size.
Figure 12: Optical view (20x) of a Ti-6-4 uncoated sample at 6 hrs & 1750°F 22
It can also be seen that the oxygen did not diffuse evenly or create a clean boundary
between the alpha and alpha-beta phases. It is important to note this because it can have an effect
on how much titanium must be milled off of each forging by WGC.
Figure 13: Optical view of a Ti-6-4 SJ coated sample at 6 hrs & 1750°F
The alpha case can be noted by a smooth and homogeneous appearance whereas the
alpha-beta region has both regions of alpha and beta case dispersed within one another. Photos of
each of the sample’s alpha case region and measurement can be found in Appendix H.
4.2.1 Microscopic analysis
Alpha Case Depth (cm)
y = 0.0019x
0.005000 R² = 0.8409
0.004000 SJ
0.003000 y = 0.0023x
R² = 0.9302
SJ Advanced
y = 0.0016x
0.000000 R² = 0.9712
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time1/2 (hr1/2)
A parabolic rate was originally found when viewing alpha case as a function of time. This
trend is consistent with expectation as a previous report by WGC showed a parabolic increase of
alpha case over time until a point at which the alpha case depth reached a plateau and remained
constant (Park, 1988). However, in order to represent these trends in a simpler, clearer, and linear
fashion Figure 14 was plotted as alpha case depth as a function of the square root of time
(Dannheim & Sisson). The positive slope of the line shows with increasing time there is an
increase in growth. Alpha case depth is not only a function of the temperature but a function of
the time exposed to the heat source. The trends also show that samples with SJ coating had the
most alpha case whereas samples with SJ advanced had the least alpha case. The uncoated
samples fell somewhere in the middle of the range.
The data which we compiled through our heating trials was compared to paper titled,
Alpha Case Layer Growth Kinetics for (α+β) Ti-6-4 from 732°C to 954°C (Dannheim & Sisson),
which also measured alpha case depth over time. Table 2 and
Table 3 compare the data which we gathered to the data reported in this paper.
Table 2: Comparison to Alpha Case Layer Growth Kinetics for Ti-6-4 by F. Dannheim and R.D.
Alpha Case Depth @1749.2 F (cm) Alpha Case Depth @ 1750 F (cm)
Time (hrs)
(Dannheim & Sisson) (Chretien, King, Proia, Rudolf)
1 0.00777 0.001356
4 0.01023 0.003756
Table 3: Comparison to trend from Alpha Case Layer Growth Kinetics for Ti-6-4 by F. Dannheim
and R.D. Sisson
Report Author Trend line equation R2 value
The data in Table 2 shows that when comparing the alpha case depth at similar points in
time, Dannheim and Sisson suggest more growth per time. Referring to
Table 3 also shows that the slope calculated in our analysis is 1/3 of their reported slope.
Although our trend line’s R2 value is 0.8409, we have collected 12 points where as the report by
Dannheim and Sisson collected only 3 points. When a figure only has 3 points, any change in the
depth of alpha case can significantly change the slope. Therefore although our data does not
exactly match up to the paper by Dannheim and Sisson, there is not enough data to statistically
say which one is accurate.
The data for optically measured depth of alpha case for ELI is plotted in Figure 15 as
depth as a function of square root of time.
Diffusion Kinetics Ti-6AL-4V Eli
Alpha Case Depth (cm) 0.004000
y = 0.0016x
R² = 0.8835
0.002000 y = 0.0016x
R² = 0.8626
0.001000 SJ Advanced
y = 0.0009x
0.000000 R² = 0.9057
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time1/2 (hr1/2)
depth of alpha case. Figure 14 shows how deep the alpha case region was for Ti-6-4, when we
inferred from visual measurements. Optical
200 Depth
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00
Depth in Micrometers
Table 4: Alpha case depth comparison of optical microscopy and microhardness at 6 hr and 1750°F
By using the estimated values for where microhardness testing stabilizes, we determined
how far beyond the optical data the alpha phase actually goes. These values range from 120% to
220%. These values should be kept in mind when determining how much alpha case to mill off
after heating. Microhardness profiles and measurements for each category of sample can be
found in Appendix J while the data can be found in Appendix K.
4.3 Cost analysis
In order to determine economic viability of changing the industrial forging process from
their current SJ coating to the proposed SJ advanced coating and optimizing the milling process,
a cost analysis was performed. The cost analysis takes into account only the raw materials: acids
and coatings. Since our previous findings have shown a reduction in alpha case through SJ
advanced coated samples, it must be determined whether this reduction correlates to a large
enough reduction in the amount of acid needed to make the process more economical. The cost
analysis does not take into account savings on acid disposal, labor cost, or increased production
time, or even distinguish between Ti-6-4 and ELI. It simply takes into account the worst case
scenario to estimate potential savings. Actual savings, therefore, are expected to be even larger.
This reduction in chemical milling would increase the current bath life of approximately
14 days to 36 days if milled more efficiently or to 56 days by using the SJ advanced coating.
Therefore the number of acid baths a year could be reduced from 26 down to 7, as shown in
Table 6. Based upon this reduction in acid baths per year and the purchasing and pricing
information received from WGC for 2009, a savings of over $400,000 is possible for simply
milling the titanium more accurately, and a potential of just over $500,000 could occur through
utilizing the SJ advanced coating as the raw material cost of the acid baths is significantly
Amount HF in 2009
445,000 179,000 111,000
Amount HNO3 in 2009
350,000 136,000 88,000
4.3.1 Coatings
Based on the total amount of SJ coating purchased by WGC in 2009 and the price
difference between the SJ and SJ advanced coating, a comparison between the net purchasing
price for each coating is shown in Table 7. Since the SJ advanced coating is $2.25 more
expensive the total cost of coat will be approximately $4,800 more expensive annually.
Table 7: Coating Cost Analysis
4.3.2 Overall
Finally, by combining price comparisons of both coating and acid bath cost for all three
processes, as shown in Table 8, a potential savings of over $400,000 is determined for simply
optimizing the current milling process and a project savings of just over $500,000 is possible by
using the SJ advanced coating.
Proposed SJ Adv.
Current Process Optimized Milling
4.4 Environmental Benefits
Another important factor that should not be overlooked is the environmental benefit as a
result of optimizing the milling process. Nitric and hydrofluoric acid are extremely dangerous
and pose a potential risk to the environment if not disposed of properly. Therefore, any reduction
in the quantities purchased will reduce the risk of an acid spill, as occurred in 1993 (Leonhardt,
1993), and the necessity for a third party vendor to remove and treat the waste.
The alpha case is clearly seen as the solid white section with a depth of approximately 12
microns. Therefore, a reduction of about 80% is achieved during heat-treatment under vacuum
conditions, as shown in Table 9.
Table 9: Vacuum Sample Comparison
5 Conclusions
The intent of the project was to develop a profile for the buildup of alpha case on Ti-6-4
and ELI, determine if coatings could be used to reduce or eliminate the alpha case on these
samples, and conduct a cost analysis to determine if changing the coating would be economically
viable. This section outlines several conclusions which we reached based on our research.
The SJ coating, currently used by Wyman-Gordon, did not reduce the alpha case
layer thickness on the samples. The general trend for the SJ coating trial showed the largest
build up of alpha case out of all heating trials. At some points in time, the alpha case layer was
equal for the uncoated sample and the sample coated with the SJ coating. The ELI samples did
not show a significant difference in the alpha case layer between the SJ coated and uncoated
samples. Therefore the coating currently used at WGC does not aid in alpha case prevention.
The SJ advanced coating significantly reduced the alpha case on both the Ti-6-4 and
ELI samples. Samples with the SJ advanced coating had a consistently smaller amount of alpha
case on the outer edge of the surface. The Ti-6-4 sample with the advanced coating had about a
third less alpha case than the uncoated sample when heated for six hours, while the ELI sample
with the advanced coating had only half as much alpha case as the uncoated sample after six
hours. Thus, the advanced coating reduced the alpha case layer by a significant amount.
The WCG currently mills off more material than just the alpha case layer. The
WCG currently mills 0.015 inches off every titanium piece regardless of how much alpha case is
actually on the piece. Based on our microscopy and microhardness results, the alpha case depth
is found a maximum at 0.006 inches for their current conditions. Therefore, WCG is using is not
milling efficiently and can begin to save over $400,000 annually by optimizing their milling
process. This monetary savings is in addition to the environmental benefits of reducing the total
amount of acid the company needs to store and eventually have treated. Any reduction in the
quantity of acid purchased lowers the risk of a potential spill.
Based on the cost analysis, it is in the economic interests of the company to switch to
the SJ advanced coating. Although the SJ advanced coating is slightly more expensive, it
reduced the amount of alpha case on the titanium pieces by a factor of four. Since much less
alpha case would be necessary to remove, the acid baths would last much long. Based upon our
cost analysis of both coatings and acid baths, the SJ advanced coating shows a potential savings
of just over $500,000 and therefore should be utilized by the WGC.
6 Recommendations
Upon further testing, the WGC should begin using the SJ advanced coating. The
cost analysis shows a significant potential for savings if the SJ advanced coating is introduced to
the process. The coating showed a significant improvement in alpha case prevention when
compared to the uncoated titanium and the current SJ coating. However, more tests need to be
done to make sure that more alpha case does not form through the reheating and forging process,
and also that the coating is capable to be used on the equipment. Potentially, a switch to the SJ
advanced coating could save WGC over $500,000 annually.
We recommend that titanium samples be heated over a longer time scale to get a full
profile of alpha case buildup until the alpha case layer ceases to grow. At some point, the
alpha case layer profile over time will reach a plateau. Our recommendation is to heat samples of
both types of titanium to determine the maximum depth of alpha case build up over time. This
testing can be done with both coatings as well as uncoated samples. WGC may be able to further
refine their milling process by knowing the maximum depth of alpha case on titanium products.
We recommend that titanium samples are tested simulating each process step that
titanium parts undergo including being spray coated, hydraulically pressed, and recoated.
At WGC, the coatings are sprayed on. However, in our testing the samples were dipped in the
coating, which could result in a different thickness of coating and therefore alpha case depth. If
the coating layer were thinner, it may not prevent alpha case as well. Further, the titanium at
WGC is forged and reheated. The coating may not mold with the titanium, which could lead to
cracks or holes in the coating layer. These inconsistencies in the coating layer could allow
oxygen to diffuse in and create more alpha case. Another possible challenge could be that the
coating may stick to the hydraulic press. Tests should be completed to ensure that the coating
will prevent alpha case throughout the entire process without damaging the equipment.
More tests should be completed to determine the extent of the interaction between
the SJ advanced coating and titanium samples. Because titanium is extremely reactive, some
of the components from the coating could diffuse into the alpha case. Tests should be done with
x-ray diffraction to test the surface of the titanium to determine the elements in the sample and
the phase of titanium at various depths.
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Appendix A – Equipment used in testing and analysis
A.3 Vibro-peen
In order to maintain traceability within the samples collected a vibro-peen was used to grind
the appropriate label, as described in Appendix B, on both the heat-treated titanium piece as well
as the top of the mounted sample.
A.4 Coater
Samples were hand coated with SJ advanced coating by dipping them into the coating and
being allowed to air-dry. Samples being coated with the SJ coating currently used at WGC were
sprayed on and allowed to air-dry.
4200psi and consisted of a 6 minute preheat to 300°F, 2 minutes of heating, and a 3 minute cool
period. A Buehler Phenolic Powder was used as the filler to encase the sample.
A.6 Grinding
The polisher used was a Buehler MetaServ 2000 grinder/polisher. The samples were polished
by a manual method in which the mounted sample was pressed against the rotating wheel.
Sandpaper grade 180-, 320-, and then 600-grit respectively to remove scratches from sample
piece. Next a fabric polisher was used with a 1.0 and then 0.05 micron alumina solution to polish
samples to a scratch free, mirror-like quality.
Appendix B – Traceability and labeling technique
The samples were labeled with a marker after they were removed from the oven and with a
vibro-peen on the remaining sample once they are cut.
1. Collect 12 samples each kind of titanium alloy. The first digit represents the grade.
a. Ti 6-4 (A)
b. Ti 6-4 Eli (B)
2. The second character in the identification code defines what type of coating, if any, that
the sample has on it.
a. Uncoated (X)
b. ATP - Sodium Silicate coating (Y)
c. ATP - Sodium Silicate advanced coating (Z)
3. Place the 12 samples of the same grade, coating, and coating classification on an oven
tray in an organized order.
4. When removing the samples from the furnace place samples in chronological order of
when they were removed for traceability.
5. The third character is labeled as 1 through 12 to represent the order in which the sample
was removed from the oven and the length of time that the sample was inside the furnace.
Appendix C – Heating Procedure
1. Heat electric furnace 5217 to temperature depending on temperature for the specified
a. Ti-6-4 1750 ⁰ F
b. ELI 1750 ⁰ F
2. Adjust the temperature on the control panel to the rear and right side of the oven
a. Set temperature should be the temperature which the specific grade calls for
b. Control temperature should be no more than 100 ⁰ F more than the set
3. Remove the samples in 30 minute increments over a period of 6 hours
4. Two people are needed to remove a sample from the electric furnace
5. The person (person 1) who will be removing the sample from the oven should put on
P.P.E. including a thermally insulated jacket, thermally insulated gloves, face shield, and
lab safety glasses with side shields.
6. The other person (person 2) who will be removing the sample from the tray should put on
a thermally insulated gloves, face shield, and lab safety glasses with side shields.
7. Person 2 should open the furnace by using the foot pedal to the left of the furnace
8. Person 1 grabs the furnace tray from inside the furnace with a pair of industrial tongs
9. Person 2 removes the hot sample from the furnace tray with a pair of industrial tongs and
sets it down on a cold furnace tray on the table adjacent to the furnace
10. Once the sample is removed, it should be left to cool for 24 hours.
Appendix D – Cutting Procedure
Cut here
Cut here
Figure 19: Second cut at WGC
Cut here Cut here
1. Create 1 to 10 coolant solution by measuring coolant and water out in a graduated
2. Pour coolant solution into the cooling water reservoir on the Mark V Series 600 saw
3. Place S/C 6 x 0.040 x 5/8 grade saw blade on to the Mark V Series 600 saw and tighten
bolt with a wrench
4. Place sample into the sample holder as depicted in Figure 3 and close the safety shield on
the saw
5. Turn on saw by pressing the start button located on the front panel
6. Lower the sample on to the saw blade which is already in motion
7. Continue to check on sample until it is cut entirely through
8. Turn off saw and repeat for remaining samples
Appendix E – Sample Preparation Procedure
E.1 Mounting
In order to perform the necessary testing on each titanium sample they must first be mounted
by the following procedure.
1. Turn on Buehler SimpliMet® 3000 Automatic Mounting Press by pushing the power
2. Insert sample piece face down and centered on stage with the side which will later be
viewed during testing. Lower stage
3. Measure 20-25cc of Buehler Phenolic Powder and pour onto sample using a funnel.
4. If mounting two samples at once, insert spacer and repeat steps 2 and 3.
5. Secure cover and click the cycle start button.
6. Lower stage completely to reduce pressure then unfasten cover.
7. Raise stage to open cover and clean area of any leftover residue.
E.2 Polishing
After a sample is mounted it must be polished on the xy-plane in order to have a clean
surface to look at under the microscope
E.3 Etching
The last step in sample preparation is to etch with a nital ethcing solution to cause the
alpha case layer to visually stand out from the rest of the titanium.
Appendix F- Optical Microscopy Analysis Procedure
To determine the depth of alpha case the optical microscope was used by the following
Appendix G – Microhardness analysis Procedure
Appendix H – Alpha Case Optical Depth Photos
Appendix I – Alpha Case Optical Depth Data
AX1 12.20 17.64 17.63 9.49 11.53 13.70 0.0014 3.73 0.0004
AX2 17.63 14.92 11.53 13.56 10.17 13.56 0.0014 2.92 0.0003
AX3 21.03 13.56 25.76 14.92 15.59 18.17 0.0018 5.11 0.0005
AX4 18.31 25.77 27.80 14.92 17.64 20.89 0.0021 5.58 0.0006
AX5 22.37 22.37 21.02 23.73 29.83 23.86 0.0024 3.47 0.0003
AX6 28.48 25.76 25.76 30.51 34.58 29.02 0.0029 3.70 0.0004
AX7 21.02 29.16 35.26 39.32 31.19 31.19 0.0031 6.90 0.0007
AX8 35.26 39.33 34.58 42.03 36.62 37.56 0.0038 3.09 0.0003
AX9 35.93 38.64 40.68 42.00 37.97 39.04 0.0039 2.37 0.0002
AX10 50.17 50.63 44.75 58.37 41.36 49.06 0.0049 6.49 0.0006
AX11 48.81 54.92 57.63 57.63 53.56 54.51 0.0055 3.64 0.0004
AX12 61.88 57.90 57.09 49.81 57.23 56.78 0.0057 4.36 0.0004
AY1 9.52 10.26 14.25 10.17 12.20 11.28 0.0011 1.94 0.0002
AY2 12.20 17.63 15.59 21.69 17.63 16.95 0.0017 3.46 0.0003
AY3 25.76 27.13 26.44 31.86 27.80 27.80 0.0028 2.39 0.0002
AY4 35.93 27.80 32.54 35.25 42.01 34.71 0.0035 5.18 0.0005
AY5 33.90 36.61 41.36 33.22 31.87 35.39 0.0035 3.76 0.0004
AY6 35.93 31.86 43.39 42.04 43.40 39.32 0.0039 5.19 0.0005
AY7 34.58 37.97 41.36 51.53 51.53 43.39 0.0043 7.80 0.0008
AY8 47.46 45.43 41.36 44.75 44.75 44.75 0.0045 2.20 0.0002
AY9 45.42 45.42 49.77 48.14 44.40 46.63 0.0047 2.24 0.0002
AY10 62.39 46.11 51.53 40.68 51.53 50.45 0.0050 8.05 0.0008
AY11 73.23 65.09 58.98 43.39 52.21 58.58 0.0059 11.49 0.0011
AY12 70.51 67.80 65.76 62.37 67.12 66.71 0.0067 2.98 0.0003
AZ1 8.81 12.20 9.49 13.56 8.84 10.58 0.0011 2.17 0.0002
AZ2 14.92 14.92 14.92 23.74 13.74 16.45 0.0016 4.11 0.0004
AZ3 27.12 21.69 22.37 19.00 22.38 22.51 0.0023 2.93 0.0003
AZ4 21.02 22.37 18.31 23.74 21.02 21.29 0.0021 2.01 0.0002
AZ5 21.69 18.98 24.41 25.76 30.52 24.27 0.0024 4.36 0.0004
AZ6 23.73 27.80 26.45 26.45 32.54 27.39 0.0027 3.23 0.0003
AZ7 31.19 27.80 31.86 30.51 27.80 29.83 0.0030 1.92 0.0002
AZ8 30.52 29.15 26.44 35.94 33.25 31.06 0.0031 3.67 0.0004
AZ9 27.15 27.33 35.28 35.26 36.62 32.33 0.0032 4.68 0.0005
AZ10 34.58 39.32 36.61 31.19 28.47 34.03 0.0034 4.30 0.0004
AZ11 40.68 30.52 34.58 42.03 41.36 37.83 0.0038 5.06 0.0005
AZ12 39.33 48.89 44.83 41.24 34.58 41.77 0.0042 5.43 0.0005
BX1 14.92 10.85 14.24 17.63 13.58 14.24 0.0014 2.44 0.0002
BX2 11.53 13.56 11.53 16.58 13.56 13.35 0.0013 2.07 0.0002
BX3 20.35 18.31 20.34 29.15 16.95 21.02 0.0021 4.77 0.0005
BX4 24.44 20.34 23.05 13.56 16.27 19.53 0.0020 4.57 0.0005
BX5 22.41 27.12 21.69 25.09 25.12 24.29 0.0024 2.22 0.0002
BX6 24.41 17.07 19.85 24.41 23.19 21.79 0.0022 3.23 0.0003
BX7 29.83 29.15 26.44 21.69 27.80 26.98 0.0027 3.23 0.0003
BX8 27.80 38.65 33.23 22.38 31.87 30.79 0.0031 6.09 0.0006
BX9 27.12 35.93 33.90 26.44 30.52 30.78 0.0031 4.14 0.0004
BX10 30.54 42.72 33.90 38.67 35.26 36.22 0.0036 4.66 0.0005
BX11 42.71 47.46 38.65 34.58 49.49 42.58 0.0043 6.14 0.0006
BX12 44.07 46.78 45.47 46.78 35.93 43.81 0.0044 4.54 0.0005
BY1 11.53 9.49 10.85 10.85 12.88 11.12 0.0011 1.23 0.0001
BY2 21.69 21.03 14.24 11.53 18.31 17.36 0.0017 4.38 0.0004
BY3 21.02 13.56 17.63 17.63 18.98 17.76 0.0018 2.73 0.0003
BY4 21.02 21.02 15.59 14.81 25.76 19.64 0.0020 4.50 0.0004
BY5 27.13 25.08 23.05 25.76 25.08 25.22 0.0025 1.47 0.0001
BY6 28.47 35.93 37.29 33.22 33.90 33.76 0.0034 3.37 0.0003
BY7 33.22 28.47 25.76 27.12 28.47 28.61 0.0029 2.81 0.0003
BY8 27.80 25.08 37.29 27.12 24.41 28.34 0.0028 5.20 0.0005
BY9 25.76 30.51 25.09 31.86 26.45 27.93 0.0028 3.04 0.0003
BY10 40.00 36.61 38.65 35.93 33.23 36.88 0.0037 2.61 0.0003
BY11 40.01 37.97 44.75 49.20 44.24 43.23 0.0043 4.39 0.0004
BY12 43.40 45.43 51.53 43.44 42.47 45.25 0.0045 3.67 0.0004
BZ1 9.49 8.81 8.14 8.14 8.81 8.68 0.0009 0.56 0.0001
BZ2 10.17 7.46 9.49 12.20 8.81 9.63 0.0010 1.75 0.0002
BZ3 9.49 10.17 15.59 13.59 10.17 11.80 0.0012 2.66 0.0003
BZ5 11.53 12.95 14.93 16.96 17.00 14.67 0.0015 2.43 0.0002
BZ6 16.27 21.02 16.27 17.63 12.88 16.81 0.0017 2.93 0.0003
BZ7 14.24 18.98 15.59 24.41 14.92 17.63 0.0018 4.21 0.0004
BZ8 20.35 18.32 15.61 15.59 17.63 17.50 0.0018 2.00 0.0002
BZ9 18.31 18.98 20.34 18.98 20.35 19.39 0.0019 0.91 0.0001
BZ10 18.31 16.95 20.34 19.00 20.34 18.99 0.0019 1.44 0.0001
BZ11 20.34 19.98 18.31 17.63 19.66 19.18 0.0019 1.16 0.0001
BZ12 19.66 19.66 22.37 22.37 20.34 20.88 0.0021 1.39 0.0001
Appendix J – Microhardness Profiles
AX12 Microhardness
Hardness (HV)
300 Optical Depth
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00
Depth in Micrometers
AY12 Microhardness
Hardness (HV)
Optical Depth
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00
Depth in Micrometers
AZ12 Microhardness
Hardness (HV)
Optical Depth
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00
Depth in Micrometers
BX12 Microhardness
Hardness (HV)
Optical Depth
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00
Depth in Micrometers
BY12 Microhardness
Hardness (HV)
300 Optical Depth
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00
Depth in Micrometers
BZ12 Microhardness
Hardness (HV)
300 Optical Depth
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00
Depth in Micrometers
Appendix K – Microhardness Data
d1 (mm) d2 (mm) Depth (µm)
For AX12
For AY12
5 26.0 23.6 301 330.22
For AZ12
d1 d2 HV depth
For BX12
5 19.4 19.5 490 133.80
For BY12
14 21.6 21.7 395 323.63
For BZ12