merging of these technologies, has had a major impact on the way businesses bring value to their
1). Using today’s powerful computers, marketers create detailed databases and use them to
target individual customers with offers designed to meet their specific needs and buying patterns.
2). Cell phones; fax machines, and CD-ROM to interactive TV are just a few of the tools
being used to make connections.
a). Electronic commerce allows consumers to shop and buy without ever leaving home.
b). Virtual reality displays, virtual shopping, and virtual salespeople are just a few of the
changes that consumers seem to be embracing. The Information Superhighway (and its
the Internet) will link customers to companies in ways that were unimagined only a few years
The Internet is a vast and burgeoning global web of computer networks, with no central
management or ownership. The user-friendly World Wide Web has changed us all.
1). The Internet has been hailed as the technology behind a new model for doing business.
2). New applications include:
a). Internet--connecting with customers.
b). Intranets--connecting with others in the company.
c). Extranets--connecting with strategic partners, suppliers, and dealers.
3). Marketplaces have now become market spaces.
2). However, new opportunities abound.
• Connections with Customers
B. Rapid Globalisation
Technological and economic developments continue to shrink the distances between countries.
World is becoming global village due to advancement in the connecting technologies. The world
Shrinking rapidly with the advent of faster communication, and transportation, and financial
In the Twenty-First century, firms can no longer afford to pay attention only to their domestic
market, no matter how large it is. Many industries are global industries, and those firms that
operate globally achieve lower costs and higher brand awareness. At the same time, global
marketing is risky because of variable exchange rates, unstable governments, protectionist tariffs
and trade barriers, and other prohibitive factors
management that is more than a marketing term. We can assume that this increasingly rapid
growth and rate of change will continue, and despite the dot-com bust, recession, and other major
social, political, and economic adjustments, the Internet and the New Economy have changed
marketers and marketing for the long-term future.
D. The Call for More Ethics and Social Responsibility
The greed of the 1980's and the problems caused by pollution in Eastern Europe and elsewhere
has spurred a new interest in ethical conduct in business. Social and ethical issues in marketing:
Connections with our values and social responsibilities--as the worldwide consumerism and
environmentalism movements mature, today’s marketers are being called upon to take greater
responsibility for the social and environmental impact of their actions. The social responsibility
environmental movements will place even stricter demands on companies in the future. Those
that resist will be forced into compliance by legislation or consumer outcries.
1. High Prices High Costs of Distribution can be misleading. Among other reasons, consumers
want to know about products, it is expensive to advertise and promote, brands provide
psychological benefits and quality standards, and distribution costs include delivering the
not just promoting it. High Advertising and Promotion Costs are determined in a competitive
marketplace where consumers often have real choices. Excessive Markups are the exception
than the rule and are more likely in uncompetitive industries. Ethics can influence strategic
decisions on such pricing decisions as market penetration versus market skimming
2. High costs of distribution. It is often argued that middlemen are greedy and mark up
prices beyond the value of their services. A comprehensive implementation of marketing ethics
should include policies and guidelines for defining the company's relationship with distributors
3. High advertising and promotion costs. Modern marketing is also accused of pushing
prices up to cover the costs of heavy advertising and sales promotion. When considered in light
increasing activism among consumer groups to regulate advertising, marketers have a unique
opportunity to proactively address the needs for strong advertising ethical standards. While
protecting free speech, marketers could adopt a statement on ethics in advertising that promotes
accurate information exchange, encourages creative and innovative message generation.
4. Excessive middlemen gross profit margins. Critics say that middlemens gross margins
are excessive.
5. Deceptive Practices Deceptive pricing includes practices such as falsely advertising "factory"
or "wholesale" prices or a large price reduction from a phoney high list price. Deceptive
includes practices such as overstating the product's features or performance, luring the customer
the store for a bargain that is out of stock, or running rigged contests. Deceptive packaging
exaggerating package contents through subtle design, not filling the package to the top, using
misleading labeling, or describing size in misleading terms.
6. High-Pressure Selling People are free to not respond to selling tactics. Moreover, most
states have "cooling off" periods that allow buyers to return products or back out of a
purchase for large ticket items.
7. Unsafe Products Dangerous products are most often illegal.
Corporate marketing policies can provide broad guidelines that everyone in the organization