C-I, Kurla: National Block Bandra Bandra Mumbai TCS Dalal Mumbai Scrip
C-I, Kurla: National Block Bandra Bandra Mumbai TCS Dalal Mumbai Scrip
C-I, Kurla: National Block Bandra Bandra Mumbai TCS Dalal Mumbai Scrip
TC S/B B/S E /20 I 1202t -22
February 12,2022
National Stock Exchange of India Limited BSE Limited
Exchange Plaza, C-I, Block Go Bandra Kurla P. J. Towers,
Complex, Bandra (East) Dalal Street,
Mumbai - 400051 Mumbai - 400001
Symbol - TCS Scrip Code No. - 532540
Dear Sirs,
This is further to our letter no. TCS/BB/SEIl92l202l-22 dated January 13,2022 enclosing the copy of
Postal Ballot Notice seeking approval of the members for Buyback of equity shares.
We further inform that pursuant to the provisions of Section I l0 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with
the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time, the
Company conducted the Postal Ballot as set out in the notice of Postal Ballot dated January 12,2022.
Remote e-voting process concluded at 5.00 p.m. (lST) today post which the scrutinizer submitted his
report on the results ofthe postal ballot. Based on the report ofthe scrutinizer, we hereby inform that
the members of the Company have duly passed the special resolution approving the Buyback.
Pursuant to Regulation aap) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,20l5, we are submitting herewith the details of the voting
results and Scrutinizer's Report in this behalf for your record.
The voting results and the Scrutinizer's Report are being uploaded on the Company's website
www.tcs.com and website of National Securities Depository Limited www.evoting.nsdl.com.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Encl: As above
l7l=l(s)/(2)11 l0t)
ltl l2l l3l=l(2)/(l)lil00 t{t lsl l6l=l{{)/(2)l *I 00
2 (r7 02.04.198 100.00 0 100.00 0.00
Pronroter and Pronoter Group 0.00
0 0.00 0 0 0.00
0,00 0 0 0.00 0.00
February 12,2022
9th Floor, Nirmal Building,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400021.
Dear Sir,
a) My report to the Chairman of the Company on the results of the postal ballots received
from shareholders only by voting through electronic means ("remote e-voting").
b) The register showing the particulars of the e-votes registered on the National Securities
Depository Limited ('NSDL") e-voting system in respect of the said resolution.
P. N. Parikh
FCS:327 CP:1228
Parikh & Associates
Encl.: As above.
The Chairmary
9th Floor, Nirmal Building,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400 021
Report of Scrutinizer
I, P. N. Parikh, of Parikh & Associates, Practising Company Secretaries (Membership No. FCS324,
having my office at111,11th Floor, Sai Dwar CHS Ltd., Sab TV Lane, Opp. Laxmi Indl. Estate, Off
Link Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 053, have been appointed as the Scrutinizer to conduct
the postal ballot process in respect of Special Resolution for approval for Buyback of Equity Shares
pursuant to the Notice dated January 12, 2022, issued under Section 110 and other applicable
provisions of the Companies Act,2013 ("the Act") read with the Companies (Management and
Administration) Rules, 201.4, as amended from time to time read with the General Circular No.
1.4/2020 dated April8,2020, General Circular No.17/2020 dated April13,2020, General Circular
No.22/2020 dated June 15, 2020, General Circular No. 33/2020 dated September 28,2020, General
Circular No. 39/2020 dated December 3'1.,2020, General Circular No. 10/2021 dated J:une 23,2O21
and General Circular No. 20/2021 dated December 8,2027 issued by the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs (hereinafter collectively referred to as "MCA Circulars").
The Notice dated January 12, 2022 along with statement setting out material facts under Section
102 of the Act as confirmed by the Company were sent through electronic mode to those Members
whose e-mail addresses were registered with the Company/Depositories.
The Company had engaged the services of National Securities Depository Limited ("NSDL") to
provide remote e-voting facility to its Members.
The shareholders of the Company holding shares as on the " c:ut-off' date of January 12,2022 were
entitled to vote on the resolution as contained in the Notice.
The remote e-voting period commenced from Friday, January 14,2022 and ended at 5.00 p.m. (IST)
on Saturday, February 1.2,2022 and the NSDL e-voting module was disabled thereafter.
The votes cast under remote e-voting facility were thereafter unblocked and were counted.
Prtrtklr & Associnfr's Cor t ti rr t tnt i o tt S/rr'ct
I have scrutinized and reviewed the votes cast through remote e-voting based on the data
downloaded from the NSDL e-voting system and have maintained a register in which necessary
entries have been made in accordance with the Companies (Management and Administration)
Rules, 20].L as amended.
The Management of the Company is responsible to ensure compliance with the requirements of
the Companies Act 2013, rules and the MCA Circulars relating to remote e-voting on the
Resolutions contained in the notice of Postal Ballot.
I nuw subnrit my Scrutinizer Report on the results of the voting by postal ballot only through
remote e-voting mode in respect of the said Special Resolution for approval for Buyback of Equity
Shares, as under:
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Signature: 3afts6klL .n=PN Pa':lh
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