SR Wayang Windu 2018 - Eng
SR Wayang Windu 2018 - Eng
SR Wayang Windu 2018 - Eng
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing the Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Competence of Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Wayang Windu People
The realization of these programs has given concrete results, among others, more
efficient operations, lower level of carbon dioxide gas emissions from our operational 1
activities, as well as decreasing waste that pollutes the environment. On the other hand,
1 Summary of
2 Performance
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
• Supporting the improvement of Nurkayana SMEs Cooperative’s activities.
• Supporting the improvement of Smart House activities with several programs,
among others, A, B and C learning group package, sewing training, and preparation of
National Standard School Examination (USBN) and Computer-based Test (UNBK).
• Providing scholarships for 1,503 students at the elementary, secondary, and high
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Human Resources
• Implementing periodic training programs to improve employee competency
and performance.
• Realizing performance assessment of all employees and promoting job
promotions to outstanding employees.
• Striving to meet the expectations of employees as one of the main
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing the Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Competence of Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Wayang Windu People
2018 Sustainability
• Improving safety culture in line with the increase in target of number of Report
Quality Improvement
of the Company’s
Management System
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
1. Gold title in the Company Performance Rating Program (PROPER) in Environmental Management
for the 2016, 2017 and 2018 Period from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the
Republic of Indonesia.
2. Gold title in the Energy Category in the Sustainability Report Award 2018 from The National Center
Certification Assesor Certification Year
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
MARCH Inauguration of Citarum River Restoration Program by the Ministry of Forestry and the
12 Environment (Ekoriparian), Bandung, March 9.
2018 Sustainability Report
APRIL Commemoration of Earth Day through OHS Discussion and Mass Cleaning
Activity at the Permanent Villa, April 27, 2018.
MAY Reward “9 Million Safe Man-Hours without LTI” Reward at Bright Star Room,
May 28, 2018.
JULY Inauguration of Leueweung Citere Reservoir Restoration Program, July 27, 2018.
Receipt of Gold Award in the Energy Category of Receipt of Gold title in Company Performance Rating Program (PROPER)
Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2018 from The in Environmental Management for the 2017-2018 Period from the
National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR), Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (KLHK),
December 8, 2018. December 27, 2018.
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Table of Contents Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Table of Contents
60 Developing
100 Improving
Occupational Health
Community and Safety
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
of Green Economy
Table of Contents 14 Development of Infrastructure in Rural Areas 86
2018 Sustainability Report
Esteemed Stakeholders,
All praise is due to the Almighty God and may His mercy We support national economic development through
and blessings are bestowed upon us all, as for His grace continuity of electricity supply. Even more, the Company
the Company succeeded in achieving an impressive has also successfully implemented a wide range of social
performance in 2018. This year, Wayang Windu continued responsibility programs as a concrete manifestation of our
to fully operate and help support – as always – the commitment in supporting the achievement of sustainable
Government in achieving its target to realize Indonesia as development goals.
one of the world’s largest geothermal power producers.
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Remarks from the CEO Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
SUPPORTING THE ACHIEVEMENT by up to 29% on its own or up to 40% with the support of
IMPROVING SOCIAL LIFE QUALITY earn additional income while increasing the environmental
OF THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY quality through the use of baglog oyster mushroom waste as
fertilizer and an autoclave to produce baglog as a medium for
We are strongly committed to improving the quality of
growing oyster mushrooms.
people’s lives through the implementation of various
corporate social responsibility activities which consist of
For various environmental program initiatives and innovations
four main program areas, namely: Education, Environment
in community economic empowerment programs that are
and Health, Economy and Rural Development, by engaging
in synergy with the improvement of environmental quality
the surrounding community as the program subject. We
goal, SEGWWL was again awarded Gold PROPER in 2018.
carry out various activities, including: developing formal
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
This is for the third consecutive time that the Company has
and non-formal education, providing scholarships, repairing
received Gold rating after being awarded in 2016 and 2017.
basic infrastructure, building local/district government
We deserve to be proud and grateful, considering that three
infrastructure facilities, smart home facilities, building
consecutive awards are very rare achievements that now lead
places of worship, realizing community health improvement
the Company to become one of the role models for various
programs such as building maternal centers (posyandu)
medium and large scale companies in the management
and implementing related healthcare programs, as well as
of social responsibility programs that integrates well the
economic empowerment.
achievement of economic, social and environmental goals in
a balanced manner.
The ultimate goal of the program is to increase Human
Development Index (HDI) in the managed areas. An increase in
HDI indicates an increase in the community’s welfare.
2018 Sustainability Report
In the community empowerment program, aside from We will exert every effort to fully utilize renewable energy
supporting the development of Nurkayana small and medium sources potential in managed area of Wayang Windu in the
business cooperatives, we have intensified the implementation upcoming years according to a blueprint for the development
of synergy programs to balance between economic growth of renewable energy from PT PLN as the government’s power
interests and environmental quality improvement with the generation company that leads electricity industry nationally.
aim of growing ecotourism potential while optimizing the Indonesia’s geothermal energy potential equals to 29,544
surrounding natural environment conditions. In addition to MW, while there are only 1,438.5 MW or 4.9% of it that
the aforementioned Cinta Bakti Lestari Program, we fully have been utilized through geothermal power plant (PLTP).
support the optimization of land use through the development The Government of Indonesia (through PLN) is targeting an
of coffee plantation with intercropping system, as well as increase in the contribution of the new and renewable energy
supporting the growth of coffee business and coffee tourism mix (including geothermal) from 12.5% of the total national
communities, such as establishing of Ambeu Kopi and Coffee electricity production in 2017 to 23% by the end of 2025.
Other than coffee intercropping plantation, we also support and environmental quality improvement, the Company is
the development of other economic potentials from the fully committed to further increasing the development of
mountainous climate conditions in Pangalengan, namely the ecotourism potential that is able to combine the environmental
cultivation of environmentally friendly oyster mushrooms, preservation interest and economic potential from the beauty
in partnership with Villa Mushroom Agrifarm. Through this and natural preservation of Pangalengan environment and its
Finally, I would like to thank all stakeholders and shareholders who have worked together with
Wayang Windu to support the achievement of a wide range of sustainability achievements in 2018.
We also wish to express our highest appreciation to all employees for the dedication and hard work
that they have shown in supporting efforts to improve the entire company’s infrastructure and restore
operations as normal in accordance with the set schedule, and further to go side by side to accomplish
sustainable development goals.
2 About
Star Energy
(Wayang Windu)
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Brief Profile
2018 Sustainability
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited Desa Marga Mukti, Pangalengan, West Java
[GRI 102-1] [GRI 102-4]
Power from Geothermal Resources [GRI 102-2] Star Energy Geothermal Pte Ltd (d/h Star Energy
Holdings Pte Ltd 100%) [GRI 102-5]
PT PLN (Persero) for Java-Bali-Madura network LEGAL STATUS/BASIS
[GRI 102-6] National Investment [GRI 102-5]
2018 Sustainability Report
2018 Sustainability Report
DISSEMINATION AND EFFORTS TO the benefit. We internalize these values not only in the
ACHIEVE THE COMPANY’S VISION Company’s internal environment, but also for the interest
Company History
First Well spud, 1994 1996
WW-A1 drilling by
The establishment of Proven energy
Pertamina, discovered
reserves for
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
28 1999
August 1999 2001
Completion January 2001
2018 Sustainability Report
2006 2008
Completion of February 2008
ESC and JOC The Company’s name
2004 amendment 2007 changed from MNL to
November 2004 Star Energy Geothermal
EPC contract signing
Star Energy (Wayang Windu) Limited
with Sumitomo
100% share December 2008
for Unit 2
development Commissioning of
Unit 2
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
March 2013
Roll Out of Wayang
2009 2012 Windu Integrated
March 2009 December 2012 Management System
Commercial Settlement of (WIMS) with the
Operation of Well Intervention support of Document
Implementation of drilling
activities for “make
2014 up” well and upgrading
Intervention work of of environmental
9 wells, succeeded to management system
increase steam production
2015 from ISO 14001: 2004 to 29
Completion of
by 59 kg/s and one ISO 14001:2015, OSHMS
WW-A7 well work over
implementation and well
of “make up” well
intervention program (WIP)
activities. WIP activities drilling activity
in 2018
are carried out to maximize
production capacity from
existing wells
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
About Star Energy Geothermal Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Wayang Windu Ltd
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Total Employees (Permanent & Non Permanent) 219 223 228 179 193
Total Capitalization (US$ thousand)
- Debt 497,992 509,237 541,134 768,675 738,262
- Equity 50,834 44,887 94,350 85,456 131,813
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
2018 Sustainability Report
2018 Sustainability Report
3 Commitment to
34 Preservation,
Commitment to
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
BACKGROUND, PURPOSES AND (SDGs) established and approved by no less than 197
OBJECTIVES [GRI 103-1, GRI 103-2] countries that are members of the United Nations, which
were implemented starting from 2015-2030.
At present, the governments of both developed and
developing countries are intensifying cooperation to cut Global initiatives in the SDGs reinforce Kyoto Protocol,
down the volume and intensity of CO2 emissions through which binds 37 of the world’s major industrial countries to
various programs aimed at reducing emissions from jointly reduce the amount of CO2 emissions by introducing
industrial activities and transportation as well as initiatives the following 3 GHG reduction financing mechanisms
and support for the preservation of natural forests in both for developing countries where natural forest areas are
tropical and subtropical regions to allow optimum CO2 dominantly located:
absorption in the photosynthesis process. These efforts • International Emissions Trading
are now part of a global sustainable development agenda • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
as set out in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals • Joint Implementation (JI)
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Commitment to Environmental Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Preservation, Commitment to
As part of the Kyoto Protocol, the United Nations Framework by optimizing the potential of CO2 emissions reduction from
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been formed operational activities of managed Geothermal Power Plant
to act as a monitoring agency and organizer of the above (PLTP). Geothermal energy, as one of renewable energy
mechanism. types, has enormous potential to contribute to the reduction
of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially CO2 (carbon
Indonesia has committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) dioxide) gas. For each lbs/MW-hr unit, the level of GHG
emissions by 2020 by 29 percent on its own compared to the emissions from PLTP generators is the lowest compared to
figure of the business-as-usual baseline, and by 41 percent other types of power plants, as shown in the following table
with international support as outlined in the SDGs initiative. summary.
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
In order to maximize the potential of the greenhouse gas The company believes that all of the above items of
reduction from PLTP operations, SEGWWL realizes various environmental policy are in line with the global sustainable
environmental management programs and environmentally development concept as outlined in the SDGs. Likewise, we
friendly operations. These programs are made to achieve two are also optimistic that our eco-friendly operations that we
main objectives, namely: perform along with environmental preservation programs, as
• To maintain and restore environmental sustainability we will outline in the following discussion, are also in line with
to support long-term operations of geothermal power the SDGs. The goals concerned are as follows:
plants. • Item 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation - Ensuring the
• To demonstrate participation in energy and water availability of clean water and sustainable sanitation for
To ensure our compliance with OHS standard work procedures IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON
and to meet all environmental requirements, we also carry OUR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES
out periodic performance screenings of potential partners [GRI 201-2]
and new contractors by enacting the Contractor Safety and
One of the real impacts of the disrupted atmospheric balance
Health Management System (CSMS). From the monitoring
due to due GHG emissions (such as CO2, methane, freon and
results in 2018, the CSMS did not find any non-compliance
the like) is global climate change, including the occurrence of
cases and therefore there were no monetary sanctions for
extreme weather in certain areas, such as prolonged summer
non-compliance. [GRI 307-1]
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
and high intensity rainy seasons. This condition can cause Biodiversity Program – Realization of Revegetation and
severe floods on land and landslides in mountainous areas. Rehabilitation Program [GRI 304-3]
The Company has executed numerous programs aimed
Among the impacts of climate change that we undergo in the to preserve the environment around operational site as
Company’s operational areas is high rainfall, which causes part of the efforts in mitigating negative impact potential
landslides and erosions around business activity areas. Apart from environmental damage, as detailed in the following
from high intensity of the rain, the conversion of forest areas description.
into plantation areas that causes change in the surrounding A. Revegetation of Degraded Land
ecosystem is also the cause of erosion, landslides, and floods Through revegetation, we restore and improve the quality
Realization of Tree Planting in the Wayang Windu Geothermal Field Area in 2002-2018
Year Location Number and Type of Trees
2002 Soil Disposal Unit 1 13,000 Pine trees
45,980 Eucalyptus sp; 7,360 Persea Americana
2003 46 Ha of forest around Wellpad WW-A
7,360 Persea Americana
Forest around Wellpad WW-A 80,000 Mulberry trees
2004 7,500 Suren, 2,700 Eucalyptus Sp
Power Plant Area and Tea Plantation
2,700 Eucalyptus Sp
2005 Power Plant Area and Tea Plantation 1,000 Silver Oak trees
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
6,500 Suren
4,400 4,400 Damar
2009 20 Ha of Critical Area around Lake Aul
2,200 Silver Oak
8,800 8,800 Eucalyptus Sp
4,894 Eucalyptus Sp
2011 MB-C Wellpad area 4,894 Silver Oak
4,894 Cyprus
Internal Power Plant : PS, SCC area, Well
Pad Ares, MB-D Bridge, WW Village,
2012 Low Point Sukaratu, Low Point Cibolang, 2,785 Trees
Warehouse-1, Warehouse-2 and SS-1
1,114 Suren
Open Area along the pipelines of 4,26 Sengon
warehouse WW-A, WW-S dan MB-D
Sobsi and other types such as Huru, Kihujan, Bungur,
Re-charge area near the production wells Puspa, Rasamala, Manglid Baros, Eucalyptus, Sengon and
2014 7,900
of MB-A, MB-B, WW-S and WW-A Suren trees
Eucalyptus, suren, rasamala, avocado, baros, sengon, pine,
2015 Re-charge area near WW-Q 5,000
puspa trees
7 Ha of PTPN VIII Kertamanah Land
8,432 Coffee, Eucalyptus trees
Area(MBD Corridor & WWQ)
9.7 Ha of Perhutani Land (Cibitung and Eucalyptus, Rasamala, Pine, Kibadak, Gemina, Avocado,
2016 16,267
WWA) Jackfruit, Kaliandra trees
0,5 Ha of Perhutani Land (Earth Day -
350 Eucalyptus, Rasamala, Pine trees
Bird Oase Location (SS1, MBD, WWQ) Rasamala, Puspa, Manglid, Suren, Kibadak, Saninten trees as
2017 321
Land area: 0.5 Ha well as fruit trees such as avocado, guava and starfruit)
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Among the plants listed above, only one is listed in • Cacomantismerulinus (Wiwik kelabu).
IUCN Red List under the “vulnerable” category, i.e. Pinus • Rhipidura phoenicura (kipasan ekor-merah)
merkusii; whis is situated in Location SS-1. Surrounding • Dicaeum sanguinolentum (cabe gunung)
the observed site are tea plantations and vegetation • Cinnyris jugularis (burung-madu sriganti)
areas of SEGWWL, where we planted Pinuss merkusii. • Zosterops montanus (kacamata gunung)
The Location SS-1 is dominated by local plants; this • Lonchura leucogastroides (bondol jawa)
indicates that SEGWWL’s activities do not result in • Passer montanus (burung gereja erasia)
negative impacts on the local vegetation.
All birds found were recorded to be under the LC (Least
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
C. Fauna Monitoring and Protection [GRI 304-4] Concern) category according to IUCN, except Jerdon’s
We conducted fauna monitoring in nine locations, i.e. babbler with a VU (Vulnerable) label. Referring to
WWS, WWA, MBA, MBB, MBE, MBC, SS-1, MBD, and Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999, there are three
WWQ which are situated around Mount Bedil, Mount protected species found, namely takur tohtor (Megalaima
Wayang, Mount Malabar, Situ Aul and other developed armilaris), elang ular bido (Spilornis cheela), and alap-alap
areas. sapi (Falco moluccensis).
Bird Monitoring Bird species that are often found are walet linci (Collocalia
Based on the results of monitoring carried out in 2018, linchi) and wiwik kelabu (Cacomantis merulinus). Walet linci
30-33 bird species from 30 families have been recorded, is a species living in a various types of habitat, from
among others: lowland forests, highland forests, caves, to artificial
42 • Colocallia linchi (Walet linci), habitats such as buildings.
• Streptopelia chinensis (Tekukur biasa),
2018 Sustainability Report
Lanius schach (Bentet kelabu) Lonchura punctulata (Bondol peking) Lonchura striata (Bondol tunggir putih)
Dendrocopus masei (Caladi ulam) Ictinaetus malayensis (Elang hitam) Tordirhamphus cloris (cekakak sungai)
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Mammals were found in five locations out of a total The Observers succeeded in finding 3 types of large
of nine observation sites in the SEGWWL area. Some mammals in the Aul block forest area, namely the
species found through direct encounter are Tikus tanah Javan Leopard (Panthera pardus melas), Babi hutan/
(Rattus sp.), found at the MBE location, Luwak at WW- Wild boar (Sus scrofa), and long-tailed monkey (Macaca
S, Tupai kekes (Tupaia javanica) found at the MBE, SS1, fascicularis). Javan leopards and wild board are identified
and MBA locations, and Long-tailed monkey (Macaca from their traces and nests, while long-tailed monkeys
fascicularis) found at the MBE location. Tupai kekes are observed through direct encounter in the WWA area.
themselves can be found in primary or secondary forest
vegetation, but are more commonly found in primary
forests, i.e. forests that have not or are not disturbed.
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
The type of mammal that is of high concern in the is also included in the CITES under Appendix I category
monitoring location is Javan Leopard (Panthera pardus where trade of specimens is restricted.
javanica). This species belongs to the Javanese endemic
species because it can only be found on the Java island. From the existing data, the Javan leopard (Panthera
Javan leopards play an important role in maintaining the pardus melas) is the largest predator in the area 45
food chain cycle in the wild as a top predator (CWMBC- compared to other mammal species found. According
Butterfly Monitoring
From the results of butterfly monitoring at each SEGWWL observation site, 9 species of butterflies were found, which consist of
5 families, namely Nymphalidae (3), Papilionidae (2), Lychaenidae (2), Hesperiidae (1) and Pieridae (1). The most common types of
butterflies found in this period are Ypthima pandocus from the Nymphalidae family and Eurema hecabe from the Pieridae family.
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Commitment to Environmental Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Preservation, Commitment to
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Out of the 9 species of butterflies found, there is one species that is endemic to the island of Java, namely Mycalesis sudra,
and one species included in protected animals based on PP No. 7 of 1999, namely Troides helena. This shows that the
location of SEGWWL provides an opportunity for these endemic species to survive.
D. Aquatic Biota (Plankton and Benthos) Monitoring There were no specific types of phytoplankton which
SEGWWL also conducts monitoring on aquatic biota, dominated the ecosystem, indicating that the ecosystem
46 namely plankton and benthos, in the water or river quality is in a balanced condition. Hence, it demonstrates
ecosystem adjacent to its operational area. Plankton that SEGWWL activities did not adversely affect or
2018 Sustainability Report
and benthos are important water organisms in aquatic interfere the proportion of phytoplankton population in
life. While plankton float in accordance with a water its surrounding waters.
stream, benthos crawl on the sediment under water
bodies. Plankton is a source of food for most of aquatic
organisms; while benthos consume the corpses of PLANT NURSERY
animals on the sea/river beds. The excrement would
SEGWWL believes that the establishment of nurseries and
dissolve and turn into nutrition that goes back to the
revegetation efforts are a strategic matter for environmental
surface and be consumed by other organisms.
improvement, especially on critical lands that require an
adequate supply of the best plant seedlings. Therefore,
During the monitoring from the three monitoring
the Company manages the nursery independently to meet
locations, 8-16 genera and 3-7 classes of phytoplankton
the needs of revegetation plant seeds as mentioned above,
were identified. From the general monitoring result, the
especially native plants which are suitable for the local
genera are found in freshwater and commonly came
ecosystem. Plant nursery takes place in WWS, or the inactive
from the Bacillariophyceae class or often known as
well area.
In addition to management, the Company also executes plant material, the Company targets to implement a strict
programs categorized as ‘beyond compliance’, such as efficiency policy to optimally generate electricity and minimize
material use efficiency, energy efficiency, emission and waste impact on the environment from the use of various supporting
reduction, water use efficiency, and biodiversity management. materials.
Description Unit Note
2015 2016 2017 2018
Steam Generator Unit-1 Tonne Renewable Raw Material 6,464,802 4,035,364 6,823,827 6,800,755 6,682,810
Steam Generator Unit-2 Tonne Renewable Raw Material 6,725,747 3,969,529 7,037,910 6,900,326 6,982,151
Caustic Soda Kg Used Auxiliary Materials 319,884 252,530 210,000 250,000 300,000
Biocide, Sulphur 3DT
Liter Used Auxiliary Materials 16,452 13,751 16,576 16,136 26,399
Trasar, and Dispersant
Energy Efficiency [GRI 302-4]
SEGWWL implements various programs to improve the optimum operations of the generation system while at the same time
performing energy saving and efficiency programs as a form of participation in GHG emission mitigation efforts. Besides its result
in saving financially, this program also reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
To save energy, we optimize cooling tower by adding fan • Replacing fluorescence lamp to energy-saving LED.
blades to Unit-1 cooling tower. When fan blades are added, • Replacement of coolant in the refrigeration system,
the cooling tower will draw more air, and the temperature of from Freon R22 to R417A to reduce Ozone Depleting
the cooling water will decrease, thus increasingly reducing the Substances (ODS) emissions while reducing power
pressure inside the condenser. To that end, the generation will consumption.
increase even though the steam flow into the turbine remains • Replacement of LPG use with electricity for laundry
stable. The energy efficiency resulted from this activity dryers and stoves.
amounted to 5.17 GWh. • Optimization of operational vehicle fuels.
Unit 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Supporting Processes
Replacement of Freon R22 to R417A GWh 0.12 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.12
Electricity savings by changing Fluorescence lamps to LED
GWh 0.02 0.02 0.020 0.020 0.02
Optimization of operational vehicle fuel GWh 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29
Replacement of the use of LPG fuel with environmentally
GWh 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
friendly electricity in the operation of the Dryer and stove
Electricity energy savings by installing solar energy panels GWh 0.0009 0.0007 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Energy intensity [GRI 302-3]
2018 Sustainability Report
The total gross electricity production in 2018 amounted to 1,957,921 MWh (7,048,517 GJ) as a result of various energy efficiency
programs and the improvement of power plant equipment performance carried out by the Company. Meanwhile, total electricity
usage (house load) for all activities was only around 62,664 MWh (225,592 GJ) as we were able to well manage our operational
activities through various efficiency programs. Electricity needs for operational activities include: electricity supply for power
generation equipment, along with the auxiliary and ancillary equipment which is used for lighting in the administration building,
employees’ residence in the field, and utilities.
Therefore, the total net electrical energy that can be channeled into the PLN network as a buyer was 1,895,257 MWh (6,822,924
GJ). While the intensity of energy use compared to the amount of electricity generated was 3.20%, increased from 3.30% in the
previous year.
Description Unit
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
It is safe to say that the level of electricity use in all supporting Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emission
buildings is fairly efficient due to energy use efficiency and [GRI 302-4, GRI 305-2]
savings policy program. This result is based on the calculation In running supporting activities in SEGWWL’s operations,
of the Energy Consumption Intensity (ECI) standard for air- the Company uses diesel fuel for its operational vehicles. To
conditioned rooms. The ECI standard for air-conditioned implement energy efficiency programs, we regulate the route
rooms is between 4.17 - 7.92 KwH/m2/month, SEGWWL’s and mileage of all vehicles. In addition, we apply an operational
rate is 3.91 KwH/m2/month for offices and 1.12 KwH/m2/ vehicle age restriction policy and the periodic emission testing
month for housing. Referring to the following table, the use of of vehicles that we use.
power energy in offices and housing areas were categorized
(KWh/m2/month) 7.92-12.08 1.67-2.5 The following table describes fuel consumption of operational
Fairly Efficient 12.08-14.58 - vehicles. In 2018, there was an an increase in diesel
Description Unit
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Used Diesel 000 Liters 120.53 133.32 126.99 120.41 126.31
Austerity 000 Liters 0.70 12.79 -63.30 -65.80 5.90
Mileage 000 Km 1,007.8 1,090.40 1,046.60 949.40 1,000.20
CO2 Emissions Equivalent Ton 322.47 356.69 339.67 322.15 349.11
As a form of Wayang Windu’s participation in GHG emission mitigation (especially CO2 gas), the Company seeks to reduce the
amount of emissions from each emission source to comply with regulatory requirements and standards relating to emissions.
The main emission source comes from the power generation system where the total emissions from each cooling tower cell
are low, while the other emission sources come from activities related to transportation, cooling facilities, office activities and
employee housing facilities.
We have implemented various programs and policies to reduce emissions, including intensifying CDM programs that contributes
to substantial emission reduction as part of the optimization of CO2 emissions reduction from geothermal power plants. Basically,
the emission management programs implemented are closely related to the programs run to improve the efficiency of the
company’s energy consumption.
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Commitment to Environmental Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Preservation, Commitment to
Plant Emission [GRI 305-1] • Setting the age of vehicles used in the field.
PLTP is an eco-friendly power plant as it only emits • GPS installation in every operational vehicle and
greenhouse gases (CO2) from NCG (Non-Condensable Gas) implementation of the travel route setting procedures.
contained in steam from the generation process. This is the • Intensification of the use of information technology-
lowest (CO2e emission of 250 lbs/MW/day) as compared to based support infrastructure, namely video conference
other fossil fuel power generations, namely PLTU (coal), PLTD to reduce unnecessary transportation activities.
(diesel), and PLTG (gas).
Referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No.
To reduce emission from PLTP, we need to minimize the 5/2006, on the Limit of Old Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emissions
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
formation of NCGs in the steam of power generation. We shall and EURO-2 standards, we performed emission and feasibility
correctly measure steam supply that enters the power plant tests on all operational vehicles. The emission and feasibility
system to ensure there is no excess in the steam distribution tests involved the local Transportation Department.
pipeline system from production wells. The method is to apply
the “Integrated Control” with a zero venting concept during As a result of the implementation of these energy efficiency
normal operation. In essence, excess steam resulting from policies and programs, the GHG emissions generated from
fluctuations at the steam source (from the well or plant out transportation activities in 2018 changed as follows.
put), is regulated through the autotrimming valve system, so • Direct transportation amounting to equivalent 349.11
that there is no excess supply of steam resulting in steam tons of CO2, an increase of 8.4% from the previous year’s
venting. 322.15 TCO2e.
• Indirect transportation amounting to equivalent 18.74
52 tons of CO2, an increase of 67.6% from the previous
SEGWWL is the first geothermal operator in the world that
applies this system. As a result, the total emission from power year’s 11.18 TCO2e.
2018 Sustainability Report
plants in 2018 was 110,486.00 TCO2e, a decrease of 9.5% • The increase in transportation emissions was mainly due
from previous year’s 122,037 TCO2e. to an increase in physical movement activity around the
steam fields and power plants as a result of the ongoing
Emissions Management of Transportation Activities make up well activities.
[GRI 305-2]
We run this program to mitigate CO2 gas emissions from Total Emissions and GHG Reduction from Wayang Windu
transportation activities. The approach that we apply is Operations [GRI 305-1, GRI 305-2, GRI 305-4, GRI 305-5]
to measure the efficiency of fuel use from transportation Through the implementation of various emission control
activities and calculate the equivalent CO2 emissions programs implemented in an integrated manner with the
generated based on commonly used standard formulas, which energy efficiency program, the total emissions from the
is based on chemical reactions occurring in the combustion Company’s electricity generation and geothermal support
process. There are two types of transportation activities activities in 2018 amounted to 110,855.85 tons of CO2
that we manage, namely: first, direct transportation related equivalents, a decrease of 9.4% from 122,351.14 tons
to operational activities in the field or general activities; and of CO2 equivalents in the previous year, as shown in the
second, indirect transportation activities related to operational following table.
support activities. The following are efficiency programs that
we apply.
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Emissions from
Production Processes
Generator Emissions MTCO2 159,934.00 93,947.00 137,466.00 122,037.00 110,486.00
Emissions from
Supporting Facilities
- Transportation MTCO2e 322.47 356.69 339.67 322.15 349.11
Table of CO2 Emission Reduction of Wayang Windu [GRI 305-4, GRI 305-5]
Description Unit
2015 2016 2017 2018
Wayang Windu CDM
TCO2e 764,667.00 435,689.00 781,487.00 765,390.00 759,778.00
Other GHG Emission Sources WATER MANAGEMENT [GRI 303-1, GRI 303-3]
Another source of emissions is operational supporting
SEGWWL manages water use by prioritizing the use of
activities. In order to reduce GHG emission from the activities,
produced water as much as possible and utilizing fresh water
the Company has replaced the usage of LPG with a more
as minimally as possible. In our operations, fresh water is only
environmentally friendly electricity in the operation of dryers
used for domestic purposes (bathing, washing and toilet/
and stoves. In 2018, the emission from this process reached
MCK). We measure water usage by calculating the intensity
an equivalent of 23.58 TCO2e, which was relatively the same
of water use divided by total power generated as one of the
with the previous year.
parameters of water management performance. While water
consumption is calculated using a standard/methodology of
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Parameter Unit Test Results
CO2 na % <1
H25 35 mg/Nm3 <5 s/d 0.43
The Company continues to minimize use for the Company’s WASTE MANAGEMENT AND
operations and domestic needs. We also run various TREATMENT [GRI 306-2]
campaigns to foster staff awareness in water conservation,
SEGWWL reinforces its waste management policy as stated
such as: putting on reminder stickers, reparation of damaged
in a special procedure called Waste Management (EPE.WM),
faucets, advocating the use of buckets when washing
which is performed in the following approaches:
operational vehicles, and so forth. We monitor surface water
• The principle of 3R (Reduce waste, Re-use and Recycle)
collection and utilization to meet domestic needs as well as to
and safe disposals.
ensure a well-balanced usage of shallow groundwater around
the operational area.
Separation of the type of waste into two major groups,
Organic waste
Vegetables, fruit,
paper, etc.
Third party disposal
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Temporary disposal
Non-B3 Waste
Warehouse 2
Metal waste
2018 Sustainability Report
B3 Waste
Non-Hazardous (Non B3) Waste Management Out of non-routine activities and projects, the Company
SEGWWL produces non-B3 waste from operational and produced reusable waste in the form of fan blade in 2018 and
maintenance activities of the steam field and PLTP, office used fan stack and cooling tower fill in 2017. A total of 800 kg
operation, warehouse, clinic, garden areas around the offices, of waste in 2018 as compared to 14.56 tons in 2017 has been
as well as employee housing and domestic activities. To entirely used by the local community around the Company’s
Weight (Kg)
Description Disposal Method
2016 2017 2018
Organic Waste 12,696 12,708 12,277 Processed to be compost and disposed of to TPA
Paper 421 768 267 Disposed of to TPA (Non-Recycleable)
Plastic 206 238 237 Disposed of to TPA (Non-Recycleable)
Shredded Paper 131 440 70 Packed and sent to waste bank
Bantex 70 0 0 Packed and sent to waste bank
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
4 Developing
and Improving
60 Community
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSES with the goal of providing sustainable benefits to all
[GRI 103-1, GRI 103-2] stakeholders, not just to make profit for the company.
Through CSR, we show the company’s social care to realize
The idea of corporate citizenship, or corporation as a
social welfare of the surrounding community in line with
management team • Creating support • Discussing with • Building an PROGRESS Tracing the progress
• Formulating CSR from senior key stakeholders integrated CSR • Measuring the of CSR approach so
program definition management and • Making a work decision making performance of that it would serve
• Identifying and employees group for raising structure CSR program as the basis for
involving key • Observing commitment • Setting implementation improvement and
stakeholders stakeholders • Consulting with measurable • Measuring the modification
• Preparing the the impacted targets and impact based on
matrix of CSR stakeholders identifying the program plan
activities that are performance
proposed evaluation
• Developing • Involving
options for employees and/
sustainable CSR or other parties
program targeted by the
CSR programs
• Making internal
and external
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Our community development and empowerment programs results, namely improving the social welfare of the community
are carried out in accordance with the achievement of various through education, economy, environmental health and
development goals in the formulation of the Sustainable protection, and infrastructure development. To that end,
Development Goals (SDGs), namely: the company also carefully measures the success of these
• Goal 1 - No Poverty - End poverty in all its forms programs using development parameters annually issued by
everywhere; the Statistics Indonesia, namely Human Development Index
• Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-being - Ensure healthy (HDI).
lives and promote well-being for all at all ages;
• Goal 4 - Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and In addition, we have also set measurements using internal
SEGWWL’s CSR implementation aims to improve Human Development Index (HDI) of Pangalengan District, which is located in
the company’s operational area. HDI is a comparative measurement of three basic dimensions, which include long and healthy
life, knowledge, and a decent life. Each dimension is represented by various indicators that apply to all countries in the world.
According to data from the Statistics Indonesia in 2017, the HDI of Pangalengan District was 76.41, which was not much different
from the HDI of Bandung Regency of 76.45. This means that HDI of Pangalengan District is above the average of the National
HDI (2018) of around 73.13. Despite this fact, the company is fully committed to continuously improving Pangalengan District to
become the most progressive and prosperous district as we strive to increase the level and quality of life of its people through
the realization of our CSR programs.
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Developing and Improving Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Community Welfare
PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT [GRI-413-1] The Company also targets to minimize social impact from its
operational activities, such as changing pattern of interaction
In order to optimize the success of the program
between employees and the surrounding community that
implementation, the company conducts regular social
can last throughout the day, according to the nature of the
mapping to understand the community’s needs and develop
Company’s operational activities. To reduce this, the Company
on-target program. We adopt Quadruple Helix as a model of
imposes restrictions on hours of exiting operational areas and
CSR Program approach where the company always ensures
provides decent accommodations for employees in the field.
that community engagement is the subject of the program, in
cooperation with the government and academicians.
Meanwhile, the growing awareness of women to help support
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
2018 Sustainability Report
Starting in 2017 and continuing in 2018, the company has designed and developed CSR programs in three categories:
Education, Environmental Health and Protection, and Economic sectors. HDI increase of Pangalengan District also remained
one reference to measure the success of CSR programs. These three sectors are illustrated in the following chart:
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Basically, these programs are aimed at community empowerment and development. To ensure its smooth implementation, the
company annually allocates a number of community development funds which will be adjusted to the intensity of the program
and the company’s ability. In 2018, the company spent around Rp3.8 billion of CSR funds with the following allocation details:
Community Development (Education, Environment Health Safeguard & Economy) 2,913.09 3,318.62
Total 3,789.97 3,875.15
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Developing and Improving Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Community Welfare
The community empowerment programs that we implement • Restoration and conservation of buffer zones to protect
aim to: water source areas and critical land as an effort to
• Play active role in supporting the government’s manage the environment for the social welfare of local
programs, especially in increasing HDI (Human communities.
Development Index) with emphasis on the • Bring access to quality formal and non-formal
implementation of activities in the following fields: education, especially for children and teenagers.
>> Knowledge or Education, • Increase spirituality/religiosity by establishing and
>> Decent life or Community Economic Empowerment improving places for worship facilities.
and Improvement, • Build infrastructure, including free electricity facilities
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
>> Environmental Health and Protection, and to help improve the economy of the poor as part of the
>> Improvement of Social and Public Facilities efforts to realize economic growth, social justice, spread
Infrastructure of knowledge, and even electricity distribution for all.
• Establish and maintain good communication and
relationships with the community, community leaders, Summary of the Company’s CSR work program in 2018 is as
religious leaders, government, and related agencies. follows:
• Participate in improving the quality of welfare and social
life of the community as a form of social responsibility.
• Reduce poverty and unemployment rates around
operational locations.
Table of CSR Work Program Summary 2018
2018 Sustainability Report
EDUCATION Pangalengan Disaster education Desa Sukaluyu and There are 50% of participants
Disaster District as a Desa Warnasari that understand disaster
Education as a resilient district Communities, material
Pillar of Disaster Students of SMKN 5
Response Pangalengan
Training on Disaster risk Pangalengan District There are 50% of participants
reduction, attended by Scouts that understand training
Pangalengan District Scouts material
(water, electricity, and internet) students in Desa support learning and teaching
Pangalengan activities
ENVIRONMENT Restoration and Open land conservation (planting Pangelengan District There are 7,000 vetiver plants
Star Energy Care conservation of of tree and vetiver plants) Communities and 1,000 crops
buffer zones to
protect water
source areas and
critical land. Lake Leuweung Citere restoration Pangelengan District Restoration of 17 springs
(restoration of springs in Communities
plantation areas)
FREE Providing Installation of electricity lines to Desa Margamukti There are 102 underprivileged
ELECTRICITY FOR electricity 102 underprivileged families Communities families that now have
2018 Sustainability Report
One of the keys to successful implementation of public district government, other local government groups,
development program is active participation of the NGOs, and representatives from the Company. The
people as the subject that design the program, not meeting agenda is to form a synergy in determining
merely object that receives the benefit of the program. CSR Program and the program that is funded through
Therefore, in designing and implementing all public the village funds or other development scheme by the
development programs through the Corporate Social local government.
Responsibility (CSR), the Company endeavors to involve
the people by conducting Focus Group Discussion After the proposed program is mutually agreed,
(FGD), which is named as a Stakeholder Gathering, a small committee is established to decide the 71
including formal meetings between the government technical implementation of the program, including
Formal Education Program Planning And Implementation to ultimately improve living standard of their families. The
Based on the actual conditions, financial constraints, following is a table regarding SEGWWL formal education
distance, and availability of facilities are still the main barrier scholarship.
for most people to obtain quality education. Therefore, we
remain consistent in providing financial support in the form Table - Recapitulation of Scholarshi Recipients at
of scholarships to students in Pangalengan District. This Elementary, Junior High School, Vocational/High School
scholarship to obtain proper education is specifically directed DIII - 2018
for students with high performance yet having limited finance Students
Education Outstanding
from Poor Total
and those who are very poor. Level Students
Considering my family condition, since the middle school, I I was very lucky and thankful to Star Energy for the
was determined to study hard, so I could win a scholarship. scholarship program awarded to me. Thanks to the
Alhamdulillah, I earned it when I was in high school, since the scholarship, I was able to continue my study to a higher level,
second semester at the first grade and after I was at the top so now I have sufficient knowledge to develop the tourism
ranks in the school. After high school, I also applied for the potentials in my place of origin, and to help my friends and
selection of Star Energy’s talented scholarship for Diplomat families to earn additional income. Furthermore, Star Energy
program at Politeknik Negeri Bandung. also helps me in marketing the ecotourism packages that
we managed, including providing sponsorship in organizing
I obtained financial support which cover test fee, dormitory, certain events.
and tuition fee during my study at PolBan. Alhamdulillah, I was
able to finish my study with good rank and I landed a job at I believe that the activities that we carry out in promoting
74 Samsung Electronics Indonesia, even before I graduated from the ecotourism potentials in Pangalengan would produce
the polytechnic program. Then, I continued my career at Astra many benefits in terms of economy, and also other specific
2018 Sustainability Report
International. However, after a few months, I decided to resign benefits, namely well-preserved and improved quality of
from the job to start entrepreneurship in oyster mushroom the environment around Pangalengan. I hope that Star
cultivation. Energy will still be committed to providing support for the
development of education and economy of the community.
My pioneering business in oyster mushroom cultivation had
experienced ups and downs because of the flood that hit the 3. Risma Solihah
area. However, with the support of Star Energy and many I was an awardee of Star Energy’s talented scholarship
parties that cared about my village condition, Pulosari, now, the from junior high to high school. Then, I also applied for the
business is developing and it succeeds to particularly elevate scholarship program for D-3 Accounting at Universitas
social and economic condition of my family, and 11 foster Padjadjaran. Immediately after graduating, I felt that my
partners around our house. passion was not working at the office, so I decided to apply as a
teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Pangalengan to teach handicraft and
Based on my personal experience, I am grateful that I can entrepreneurship and at MTs Nurul Huda to teach math. I felt
prove my faith that good education can stop the poverty that by going back to Pangalengan as a teacher, I have practiced
cycle in our life. I would like to thank Star Energy for giving the knowledge that I have acquired, helped the next generation
me the opportunity to raise the dignity of my family and the in my area to develop, and contributed to the development in
community around my house through its various CSR programs that area as well.
in education field, the provision of scholarship as part of CSR in
the economic sector, as well as the economic empowerment Now, to comply with the requirement as a teacher, I continued
program implementation. I really hope that the programs my study to bachelor program at Universitas Terbuka majoring
continue to run and be improved, so similar opportunities will in Economic Education. Alhamdulillah, with the scholarship
be available for the next generation in Pangalengan so that from Star Energy, I am able to grow as I am today. I hope that
they can develop and stop the poverty cycle. In the future, they the program will be continued, so that talented students who
can continue to work together and bring Indonesia forward. are constrained by economic conditions can get the opportunity
to move forward and develop themselves, and in the future,
they are able to use their knowledge and skills for the nation
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
In 2018, Rumah Pintar held teaching and learning A, B and C program is mainly targeted to dropped out
activities as well as training as follows: Star Super Class students and generally to people aged 17-44 years old
(Kejar Paket A, B, and C), USBN and UNBK training, and from 13 villages in Pangalengan District who have
computer courses, basic graphic design, as well as dropped out of school.
sewing training for people of productive age. Kejar Paket
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
USBN and UNBK, basic graphic design courses, and and finally earn diploma, which is very important to
sewing classes. elevate their social and economic condition. We surely
hope that the intensity of this program is increased,
Through the programs of Kejar Paket A, B, and C, especially for the basic entrepreneurship skills, so that
they are able to obtain diploma that is equal with the there will be more people that can have better life.
maximum level of SLA, which is very useful in applying Ultimately, one of the objectives of RumPin, which is
for jobs, improving their careers if they have worked, increasing HDI of Pangalengan District, can be achieved,
or continuing their studies to a higher level if they are as indicated by the increased public welfare level.
still in the age of students. Up to now, RumPin has
taught more than 200 students. In 2018, the number
of students in the programs of Kejar Paket A, B, and C,
held every Saturday and Sunday, reached 180 people.
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
programs are implemented in cooperation with the local operators in Pangalengan District, organizing basic sewing
Regional Government. courses, graphic design class, establishing Payment Point
Online Bank business unit, initiating the production of
DEVELOPMENT AND EMPOWERMENT dodol kopi, and supporting the products of cooperative
OF GREEN ECONOMY members by making brochures and extending marketing
In the economic field, the company introduces Green Economy
as a vision of CSR Synergy Program through which we strive
Up to the end of 2018, there were at least 88 members
to contribute in improving public welfare and life quality of
of Nurkayana cooperative. All cooperative members can
Pangalengan people by conducting economic activities that
discuss and share their thoughts at all time to explore
prioritize environmental conservation, which are important
the development potential of each business performed
to sustain the life of the future generation of Pangalengan
78 by the members. Through routine discussion forums, the
participants can gain new ideas and breakthroughs to
2018 Sustainability Report
1. Supriadi – Stories of Success Nurkayana personnel in other areas. The monthly turnover is
Cooperative around Rp15 – Rp25 million. He hopes that the
Since 2000, Pak Supriadi started his business waste utilization business will be continuously
in producing shopping baskets using rattan and improving and supported by the appropriate yet
bamboo. However, Pak Supriadi now produces the simple technology development program to drive
baskets using fiber waste, which is the waste of production increase.
polyester fabric production in the form polyester
fibers. Furthermore, Pak Supriadi also provides 2. Haji Aki Acin – Manufacturers of Keripik Geprek
trellis, or locally known as “seumat”, to support Singkong (Cassava Crushed Chips)
vegetable plants, such as tomatoes and chili. Starting his business in 1996, Haji Aki Acin has
to absorb 2 tons of polyester fabric waste. The materials can only be obtained from the border
products of shopping basket and seumat are of Pangalengan–Garut; every production needs a
marketed in Pangalengan to Lembang with maximum of 3 tons of cassava supply/month. Due
direct payment. The advantages of Pak Supriadi’s to the limited supply, Haji Aki Acin cannot increase
shopping basket and seumat are that they are his production capacity, and is not able to fulfill the
more durable and can be used for several vegetable order from Yogja Department Store in Bandung.
planting cycles.
In the future, Haji Aki Acin will try different
The marketing of Pak Supriadi’s products is marketing approach, which is emphasizing on the
supported by the Committee of Nurkayana distinction as a result of the limited raw materials
Cooperative. Meanwhile, the working capital and production quality. Nurkayana has supported
and initial investment capital were supported by business by providing packaging designs and
Nurkayana. The entire Pak Supriadi’s outstanding marketing. The number of direct employees that
loan is in a current condition. Currently, Pak Supriadi can be absorbed by this small industry is 6 people.
employs 8 direct employees, besides marketing
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Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
2. Pangalengan Adventure Ecoventure – Integrated green economy; this is elaborated under the name of
Tourism of Pangalengan “Eco-Tourism Java Preanger Field Camp”.
Situated near three volcanoes and exposed to fresh air
and green landscapes, Pangalengan is a nice place for The program objectives are:
vacationing for both local and international tourists. a. Building a partnership between coffee farmers and
Not far from Pangalengan, there are attractive tourism business players to grow and improve society-based
destinations, including: Situ Cileunca Lake, tea plantations, economy, especially in the development of coffee
hot springs, camping ground, and hiking sites around a cultivation management, strengthening of coffee
natural forest, waterfall, and others. farmers’ capacity, coffee commerce, training, and
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
In 2018, various activities to support the development • Organization of various training programs for
of business and community were performed, including: coffee cultivation, trading, management of special
• Procurement of representative joint secretariat cafes for coffee enthusiasts and others, with the
facilities for coffee farmers, business players, and target of 75% of participants able to understand
businessmen. and apply it.
• Development of display room for coffee products in • Development of natural tourism related to coffee
plantation area around Pangalengan. cultivation and processing.
• Procurement of 1 sutton machine to process
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Developing and Improving Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Community Welfare
is a unique quality taste based on the type of coffees - Kopi Indonesia (LSP-KI) as baristas and examiners
and processing. Arabica Coffee from Pangalengan for taste and processing technique competence at
has certain uniqueness as it is planted above 1,100 the downstream sector. Such potentials are among
MASL. This coffee knowledge is not just left in vain, the excellence of Pangalengan coffee, other than the
yet it is shared by the Ambeu Preanger Community condition of natural resources that are appropriate
to local coffee farmers through 3 M system, which for coffee planting. Improvement of human resources
are menanam (planting), merawat (maintenance), and is highly important to explore more of the potentials
memanen (harvesting). The world needs quality and it of coffee, as the farmers are the real spearheads in
is realized by Ambeu Preanger Community; thus, the globalizing Pangalengan coffee.
2018 Sustainability Report
4. Bringing Hope from the Development of Oyster An alumnus of D-4 SEGWWL scholarship awardees,
Mushroom Cultivation Entrepreneurship named Taufik Hidayat, is the one who has explored the
The cool mountainous climate condition actually has potential. It has been initiated since the last several
been known to have various agribusiness potentials, years. After deciding to resign from one of the largest
one of which is oyster mushroom, an agriculture companies in Indonesia, Astra, Taufik, a native of Desa
product that is known to have good nutrition and fiber Pulosari, developed an oyster mushroom cultivation
content for the health. The huge potential of oyster business independently. Due to the support and
mushroom agribusiness in Pangalengan has currently cooperation with SEGWWL, the business has rapidly
and subsequently manifested in the establishment of grown into Villa Mushroom Agrifarm and contributes to
Integrated Mushroom Farming in Desa Pulosari. elevate the live of people in Pulosari.
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Eco-Friendly Cultivation of
Oyster Mushroom
Mutually creating benefits
IN RURAL AREAS [GRI 203-1] people, seven severely injured, and five lightly injured.
Ten houses were badly damaged and one with minor
The optimization of development of rural economic potentials
damage. Furthermore, SEGWWL’s geothermal pipes of
based on agricultural, plantation, and tourism, will be
250 in length was damaged. A total of 134 villagers of
obstructed if the basic infrastructure, such as roads, trading
Cibitung RW 15 took refuge at Margamukti Village Hall.
centers, and local information centers, are not sufficiently
available. Therefore, SEGWWL is fully committed to
In response to this disaster, SEGWWL showed
cooperate with Local Government, to support infrastructure
its commitment by building 8 houses (worth
development program in villages around Pangalengan.
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT & As a result, several water springs in the concession area were
DEVELOPING TOURISM POTENTIALS at risk and suffer from the decrease in water discharge. Some
water springs have even disappeared. Flood and landslide
One of the factors that caused damage to the forest around
disasters which then hit the area stirred up the public to join
SEGWWL’s operational area was conflict of interest, between
hands with the company and related stakeholders to return
the public’s interest in doing plantation or farming to fulfill
the environment habitat, as well as to manage it as more
their daily needs and the necessity of preserving the forest.
preserved income sources.
At the end, the fulfillment of people’s life needs is always
prioritized, which then leads to conversion of natural forests
Therefore, SEGWWL then launched the program of “Cinta
into plantation area that then cause damage to the land
Bakti Lestari”, a collaboration program between the company
condition. Several areas with high slope was converted into
and Pecinta Alam Penelusur Belantara (PAPB) Tapak Tiara
a farming land for annual plant, which was not only prone to
in returning the environment habitat, as well as obtaining
landslides, but also caused groundwater reserves to run low.
economic benefit. The purpose of this program is to restore
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Developing and Improving Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Community Welfare
and conserve buffer zone to protect the water springs area 7,000 vetiver plants and 1,000 crop plant in the areas around
and critical land. In 2018, the restoration is focused on area the water springs. The temporary result shows that the water
of Leuweung Citere lake and the water springs in WWA. The springs have produced water again with increasing level of
long-term target of this program is the restoration of 17 water discharge.
water springs throughout the area. This is done by planting
5 Supporting
Renewable Energy
Development and
National Economic
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Pursuant to PLN RUPTL 2018-2027, the Government, is to optimize existing natural resources. From the various
through PT PLN, has planned to achieve 100% national new energy sources, geothermal, hydro and bioenergy
electrification ratio before 2025. In addition, the are the three types of energy sources that have the most
Government is also targeting an increase in the utilization potential to be developed massively to contribute in
of new and renewable energy resources to 23% by the end generating 35,000 MW of electricity as targeted. Based on 91
of 2025. studies that have been carried out and data from PLN as
stated in RUPTL 2018-2027, the electrical power potential
GEOTHERMAL FIELD OPTIMIZATION our compliance with all tax regulations and provisions, during
SEGWWL has determined and is currently carrying out the reporting year, there was no violation made and fines to
PLTP units. To maintain the performance of operating power maintained electricity supply in accordance with the
plants units, we continue to maintain production capacity capacities mentioned previously, SEGWWL also supports the
through maintenance of wells and generating units as well as Government of Indonesia’s efforts to accelerate the growth
implementation of Wayang Windu Integrated Management of national economy, given that the electricity supply has
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Systems. The general objectives of the application of these a positive impact on economic growth. The company also
• To improve the efficiency of the operational conditions of construction of a number of public facilities and infrastructure
the main equipment and maintain the protection system (see the description of “Building and Ensuring Community
to ensure the readiness and capability of the power plant Welfare”), including:
• To ensure synergy, integration, and reliability of power • Development of local and sub-district government
plants. infrastructure.
The company believes that by optimizing the development SUPPORTING REGIONAL ECONOMIC
of electricity potential from geothermal fields, SEGWWL has GROWTH [GRI 203-2]
helped support the acceleration of national development SEGWWL supports regional economic growth by providing
through electricity supply from the currently managed PLTP. direct and indirect contributions to the government through
The company accordingly has contributed to provide basic payment of land and building tax of our offices and supporting
infrastructure, i.e. electricity, which is one of the main factors facilities, as well as operational vehicle taxes that will add
that can support the acceleration of a country’s economic to the regional-own source revenue (PAD), and construction
SEGWWL contributes to national development through two To illustrate this, the number of local residents who became
main channels. First, direct contribution to the state through permanent workers at the Company in the reporting year
fulfillment of various tax obligations, payment of import reached 28 people or 13% of the total 215 permanent
duties and retribution from land/use of geothermal energy workers in 2018. Some of these local workers have been
from use of geothermal. We fulfill all Government provisions in able to develop themselves to reach higher career as staff,
the field of taxation by paying sales tax, income tax and other supervisors, engineers and even up to department head
relevant taxes as a form of direct contribution. As a result of (superintendent). The number of local workers does not
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
include local workers hired through contract scheme or non- labor to support the ongoing geothermal well maintenance
permanent workers, whether they are tasked with supporting program.
administrative activities or other field activities, such as day
Allhamdulillah, we receive so much help from the community members in our village now have a better
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
existence of a social responsibility (CSR) program for the chance in education through their participation in the
development of villages in Pangalengan Sub-District. Kejar Paket A, B and C programs in Rumah Pintar, after
SEGWWL’s CSR programs for Desa Pangalengan have previously dropped out of school.
been implemented for more than 10 years. Thanks
to the implementation of these programs, the basic We are currently developing a semi-modern market
infrastructure of Desa Pangalengan continues to where SEGWWL currently supports an integrated
improve, especially in the fields of health and education. waste management program carried out jointly with the
In the past few years, the SEGWWL CSR program District Government. We hope that SEGWWL can also
support was focused more on healthcare development further support smooth development of the market
in Desa Pengalengan, i.e. building a posyandu along by continuously providing entrepreneurship training
with all healthcare-related equipment and programs programs for micro entrepreneurs and consistently
needed by the local community. Currently, almost all supporting the tourism potential development program,
RWs in Desa Pangalengan have been equipped with given that the market being built will also function as a
2018 Sustainability Report
Because of the support from the program, the record Once again, we greatly thank SEGWWL for the
of malnutrition, stunting and infectious diseases in our implementation of its CSR programs. We hope that
villages continues to decline. And due to the support of SEGWWL can continue to increase its support, so
educational programs, including through Rumah Pintar that more people in our village will become direct
Program, literacy rates have also improved, and many beneficiaries of these programs in the future.
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
PRODUCT SAFETY well, despite its remote and far location from the activities
of the surrounding community. Only authorized workers are
Electric lines with a voltage of 150 KV are considered as high
allowed to enter and work in the area around the production
voltage which can endanger health and life safety if people
well. In carrying out activities in the production well area, the
get too close to it or even touch it. To prevent this, SEGWWL
employees must wear clothes according to the specified OHS
complements the electricity channel and connection system
from the generator to the transmission network owned by
PLN with reliable security and insulators so that it does not
Meanwhile, the Company uses special heat insulations in the
endanger humans and the surrounding environment. The
piping network that channels steam from production wells
company also strictly secures the area around the production
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Monitoring Potential
of Ground Movements
One of the main risks from the management and operation PURPOSES
96 of geothermal power plants which are generally located in Monitoring of geohazard potential is carried out
mountainous areas is ground movement, both in the form periodically in the area around the Wayang Windu
2018 Sustainability Report
of landslides as a result of damage to vegetation areas and Geothermal Power Plant equipment installation. This
landslides due to earthquakes originating from volcanic monitoring aims to provide early warning so that each
activity from nearby mountains. Vegetation damage is level of geohazard risk can be addressed with appropriate
mainly caused by conflicts of interest with surrounding actions and coordination to minimize the risk as low as
communities, which is when some forest areas are possible. The monitoring equipment used includes nuki-ita,
converted into plantation and agricultural zones without extensometer, piezometer, rain gauge, and inclinometer.
considering the carrying capacity and landscape. The equipment is widely provided in certain locations
that have geohazard risk. In addition to the equipment,
A few years ago, the risk of these disturbed natural monitoring of ground movement potential is also carried
conditions occurred. Following heavy rain that lasted out through observation of relative movement between
several days, there was a landslide in a mountainous the pipe and the pipe holder (support). Visual monitoring is
land area that had been converted. One of the steam also carried out to map certain conditions that could trigger
pipelines was interrupted and the Company had to cease geohazard risk around the generating facilities, such as soil
the operational activities of the generator for a certain cracks, changes in springs, traces of soil movement, and
period. The company then had to repair the installation so on.
of geothermal steam pipelines and reconstructed all the 1. Monitoring Methods
equipment and buildings around the installation. This ground movement monitoring equipment is
divided into two parts. First, equipment installed to
The company carries out a program to reconstruct the monitor the ground movement at the surface, which
environmental conditions and realizes Geohazard Potential is nuki-ita and extensometer. Second, the equipment
Monitoring Program in all potential areas of similar risks to monitor the movement at the subsurface soil,
both in managed areas and areas near the installation of namely inclinometer. Nuki-ita is used in areas
geothermal steam pipelines, production wells, and other with steep slopes and not for wide coverage, while
supporting facilities areas. It is expected that mitigation extensometers are used in areas with steep slopes
measures can be done accurately and efficiently. The and wider coverage. Other monitoring equipment
following is the description of the program. that is not directly related to soil movement is a rain
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
equipment used in business operations is environmentally Under our current procedures and preventive measures,
friendly. We conduct routine evaluations and inspections on the Company has received zero reports, grievances, or
the security of our production facilities, production wells, complaints that could indicate violations to health, safety, and
and electrical interconnection to PLN’s substation. The environment in supplying the product. Thus, the Company did
routine evaluations and inspections are intended to ensure not receive either monetary or non-monetary sanctions due
that all policies and security procedures do not harm the to non-compliance with laws and regulations in social and
health and safety of workers, public, other living beings, and economic field during the reporting year. [GRI 419-1]
the environment. As a result, during the reporting year, there
were no policy violations in regard to these stakeholders.
2. Monitoring location
START A. Monitoring Location using Nuki-Ita, Extensometer,
Geohazard monitoring locations are spread in 10
Movement Value (x) locations in the project site and its surrounding areas.
The location and monitoring equipment used for each
point are mentioned in table 2, while examples of the
distribution of monitoring equipment in a location are
shown in figure-3.
x ≥ 5 mm/week
or No
x ≥ 20 mm of Regular Monitoring Location & Distribution of Monitoring Equipment
displacement Location Monitoring Equipment
MBA N1, N2, N3, N4,
Pipe gap ( Subsidence) dan
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Yes Inclinometer
MBD Bridge Inclinometer
Increase Monitoring Extensometer-1
Frequency Pipe gap (PG-40)
Landslide-1 Inclinometer
N1, N2, N3, N4 dan N5
Extensometer-1, Extensometer-2,
Repeatable Extensometer-3, Extensometer-4 dan
or Piezometer
Reference of analysis WWQ- Wellpad N1
of ground movement
monitoring by inclinometer WWQ-Corridor Inclinometer
WWS Extensometer-1
Call Expert and Increase WWA-Corridor Extensometer-1, Extensometer-2,
98 Monitoring Frequency
Extensometer-3, Extensometer-4,
Extensometer-5, Extensometer-6,
2018 Sustainability Report
Inclinometer, Piezometer
END WWA-Wellpad N1 dan N2
WWD Inclinometer
Power Station Inclinometer dan Piezometer
Example of Location
and Distribution of
Extensometer and
Nuki-ita Monitoring
at Landslide-1
Location of groundwater
measurements at
6 Improving
Health and Safety
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Geothermal power is considered as a renewable energy optimally minimize OHS risk that mainly comes from the
source that has enormous potential in Indonesia. The negligence of operators in the field. Such huge capital
operations of Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) is greatly fund is needed because the development of geothermal
cost-efficient in terms of working capital, considering that power plants requires specific high-tech applications and
there is no need for routine fuel spending as required in large initial investment, yet accompanied by high risk of 101
the operation of a Coal-Fired Power Plant (PLTU). This is failure. Specific advanced technology is needed to analyze,
because steam as a source that motors turbine is already calculate, and carry out drilling of production wells from
[GRI 103-1, GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3] explanation related to SHE issues to stakeholders,
representing Wayang Windu’s Integrated Management
As a form of commitment to improve the quality of OHS
accurately with verifiable performance.
aspects, the Company emphasizes the implementation of
• Ensure that this policy is communicated to and
quality OHS policy in the points of “Wayang Windu Field Policy”
understood by our employees and the persons working
statement which confirms that Star Energy Geothermal
under our control and/or on behalf of the Company. This
(Wayang Windu) Limited, is determined to be committed to:
policy is also applicable to related parties.
• Preventing accidents, illness, damage to property, work
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
• Fitness test (handgrip, flexibility, rockport) and aerobic SHE PERFORMANCE STATISTICS IN
exercise by BKOM Bandung for employees and 2018 [GRI 403-2]
Despite the Company’s strict work procedure that upholds
• Leadership Involvement Program in SHE observation
employee safety and the environment, the broad green field
and inspection activities in the Wayang Windu field.
of the Company’s operational area sometimes makes workers
• SHE technical guidance by EBTKE to SEGWWL employees
in the field become less cautious, thus causing work accidents.
and contractors.
• Emergency response training with scenario of landslide
However, due to the Company’s consistency in instilling a
occurrence and demonstration by residents around the
culture of work safety and being aware of OHS risk, workplace
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
operational area.
accident trend declined in the last three years. The number
• Periodical employee health examination for all employees
of workplace incidents during the reporting year 2018 is as
based on occupational risk exposure.
• Audit and certifications for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/
IEC17025 and OHSAS 18001.
Major 0 0 0 0 0
Fatal 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4 9 10 4 3
In 2018, the intensity of field activities was not as high as that of 2017; the most critical project in this period was the preparation
for mobilization and drilling of make up well at Q3, followed by several other jobs. Given the intensity of field operations for the
implementation of drilling of make up wells in several well pads to increase the amount of steam was decreasing, the number of
workplace accidents this year was lower than that of 2017, and the number of lost man-hours decreased within the minimum
range. This good achievement indicates the Company’s success in raising occupational work safety awareness.
The frequency of workplace incidents in 2018 also decreased, i.e. from four types of accidents to 3 (two minor and one moderate,
experienced by 3 male workers and 0 female workers), all were in our operational area in Bandung regency. With the occurrence
of 1 case of a moderate type accident, both the incident rate and frequency rate of the Company increased to 0.73 for each.
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
TRIR 0 0.58 0.59 0 0.73
FR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73
Note :
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) = RC x1,000,000/MANHOURS
Frequency Rate (FR) = (LWC+RWC) X 1,000,000/MANHOURS
Recordable Case = RWC + LWC
To further prevent and minimize workplace accidents in the future, the Company has prepared the following programs to be
• Dissemination and enforcement of obligations of every employee to adhere to all work procedures as stated in the SHE-based
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in conducting their tasks;
• Analysis on every accident to avoid similar accident in the future;
• Restriction on employee rotation.
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Improving Occupational Health Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
and Safety
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
2018 Sustainability Report
Various programs carried out to improve the performance of OHS aspects throughout 2018 were fruitful with the achievement
of awards related to SHE from various independent institutions. The awards are as follows:
• Zero Accident Award for certain areas from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia.
• PROPER award in Gold category from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment.
• P2-HIV and AIDS at workplace Program Award (Platinum) from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia.
• Receipt of Subroto award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
• Receipt of ADITAMA Award in the Safety and Environment Management category.
• Receipt of ISO/ISC 17025 accreditation regarding laboratory standards.
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Developing the Competence of Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Wayang Windu People
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
7 Developing the
Competence of
Wayang Windu
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Objective: Objective:
Identify talents & accelerate the Manage TPC to optimize
structure development company’s cost
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
110 Objective Select and boost-up top grade
Review and Improvement fresh graduates
Performance Management System
2018 Sustainability Report
Review and Improvement current
Policy Procedures
MPP & Recruitment & Leadership & Performance Succession C & B and Employee & Retirement
Organization Selection Development Management Planning Recognition Union
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
In cooperation with the local government, the Company • Talent Pool & Acceleration dan Leadership Development
provides scholarships for students in junior high Program
school, high school and university, the ‘Kejar Paket C’ In 2018, the management continued to focus on
educational program as well as sewing training for the preparing employees for leadership roles at the level of
locals. Through this mechanism, up to the end of 2018, manager, senior manager and vice president (established
the number of our local employees is 28 (or 13%) of the leaders) to meet the target of Star Energy Geothermal
total 215 permanent employees. (Wayang Windu) Limited for the next five years up to
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Developing the Competence of Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Wayang Windu People
2021. The management also focused on supervisor and • Complying with all rules and regulations in manpower.
superintendent (emerging leader) level regeneration, • Maintaining good relations with employees based
so employees can take the posts of their leaders in the on mutual cooperation and the periodically reviewed
future. SEGWWL nurtures employees for leadership in Contractual Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
cooperation with INSEAD under the program called the • Applying a fair, transparent and accountable
“Star Energy Leadership and Management Program”. remuneration system based on performance.
• Respecting employees’ rights including providing full
• Performance & Career Management System and support in the establishment and activities of the
Succession Planning [GRI 404-3] Employee Union.
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
advancement in our decision making. For 2018, as many “Employee Demography” section.
as 9 employees were promoted, consisting of 8 male
employees and 1 female as employees, as illustrated
SEGWWL determines a fair remuneration policy that is based
Total Employees Receiving Career Advancement
on salary grade level (SGL). It is expected that the policy would
Description 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
reflect the balance in everyone’s position level, duty, and
Promotion 50 0 0 37 9 responsibility. The policy also consists of religious Holiday
Demotion 0 0 0 0 0 allowance, health insurance, pension funds, social security
Job Transfer/ and annual leave benefits, all provided in accordance with
Rotation 2 0 2 0 0
the applicable regulations, outside the remuneration. There
are two types of remuneration based on employment status:
permanent employee and contract employee.
MANAGEMENT [GRI 406-1] However, some types of benefits are not applicable to contract
In optimally managing human resources, SGWWL considers employees, such as pension funds. This welfare package is
both the employees’ interests and the Company’s capability. given to all employees located in the head office in Jakarta as
As part of the implementation of the quality human resources well as in the operational site of SEGWWL in Pangalengan.
management policy and the fair and responsible consideration [GRI 401-2]
of the two parties, we apply human resources policy as
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Award Program for Employees The PKB regulates the basic provisions and agreements
In addition to the programs above, we conduct an employee related to employee rights, obligations and company relations,
appreciation program as one of the forms of work achievement including a minimum notice time in case of a substantial
evaluation and mentorship for employees. Employee change in work conditions, such as job unit closure, etc. The
appreciation comprises of an Achievement Award, Employee PKB also regulates settlement of differences of opinions
of the Year Award, Dedication Award and Retirement Award. between the employee and the Company’s management.
During the reporting period, there had not been any case of
dispute which may lead to a strike.
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Employee Turnover based on Causes incentive, bonus and other allowances. (See description of
[GRI 401-1] “Welfare Package”). The amount of minimum wage of a new
Type 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 recruit of lowest level is higher compared to the regional/
Retire 5 3 0 1 3 provincial minimum wage.
Deceased 0 0 0 0 0
Resign 4 4 4 18 9 As an example, below is a table of comparison between a
newly recruited SEGWWL employee’s salary and the minimum
Total 9 7 4 19 12
wage of the closest main region. [GRI 202-1]
There are three statuses of SEGWWL’s employees, namely 277 169 22 26 15
permanent employee, non-permanent employee and
Jakarta Head
outsourced employee. In the reporting period of 2018, there 9 11 2 4 7
were a total of 215 permanent employees, 119 of which work 286 180 24 30 22
at the Wayang Windu fields, while the remaining 96 others
Grand Total 505 403 252 209 215
work at the Headquarters.
In 2017, the Company focused on the development of new Employee Demography based on Age
and renewable energy. Age 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
19-30 31 28 31 31 32
The majority of the permanent employees in 2018 hold a 31-40 60 63 63 62 67
senior high school (SLTA) diploma and a bachelor’s degree (S1),
41-50 114 121 122 64 67
totaling 27.46% and 24.35% respectively. While employees
>50 14 11 12 22 27
with bachelor’s degree took up to 36.78%, with master’s
Total 219 223 228 179 193
degree at 10.88%, and the remaining number had doctoral
8 Sustainability
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE AND to other operating standards which has not been accredited,
MECHANISM [GRI 102-18] such as: maintenance operation standards and so on. To
facilitate the administration of all operating standards, we
Wayang Windu’s corporate structure and governance are
have integrated all operating standards into one single system
composed of Shareholders and Directors, the latter manages
that we call SEGWWL Integrated Management System or
daily business of the Company. The highest decision-making
Wayang Windu Integrated Management System (WIMS).
is vested in the Directors while the highest authority is vested
in the General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS, Rapat Umum
WIMS is an effective mechanism to improve business
Pemegang Saham). To determine the business direction and
and environmental management performance. In daily
evaluate Board of Directors’ performance, Shareholders
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
When selecting contractors for contracts of substantial Our other involvements are proposals on community
value, such as exploration and exploitation drillings, we development programs designed to complement similar
have always inserted a non-violation and respect to programs prepared and/or executed by the Central/
human rights clause, and only reputable companies well- Regional Government. [GRI 415-1]
known to its respect to human rights are considered
during the process. All new suppliers and partners • Suggestions to Directors
undergo a screening process aimed to ensure regulatory SEGWWL gives every opportunity for our employees
compliance. to submit their opinions and offer suggestions to the
Directors through formal mechanisms, such as in
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
The Company has also implemented a number of Our direct and indirect stakeholders are the customers,
accredited operating standards, such as ISO 14001:2015 on employees, government/regulators, partners/contractors/
Environmental Management, SMK3 and OHSAS 18001:2007 suppliers (vendors), PLN, PGE, NGOs, and local communities.
on Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and Through a relationship feedback loop, we strive to understand
ISO 9001: 2015 on Quality Management. and meet the expectations of our stakeholders as best
as we can using available resources. We also wish for our
Furthermore, SEGWWL actively promotes the creation of stakeholders to know the extent of our efforts towards
a favorable investment climate to generate power using meeting their expectations, the major issues we face, and
geothermal energy through advocacy in the following the mutual anticipation of the results that we can reasonably
associations: expect to deliver.
• Indonesian Geothermal Association (API, Asosiasi Panas
Bumi Indonesia)
• Indonesian Electrical Society (MKI, Masyarakat
Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia)
• Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI, Masyarakat
Energi Terbarukan Indonesia)
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Sustainability Governance Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Annual meetings and annual
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Strategic asset development and
worker network programs
• Communication relationship
management programs
• Annual stakeholder meeting
• Six-monthly execution meeting
2018 Sustainability Report
Dialogue and research cooperation
and social development programs
through conferences and meetings
Routine, monthly
coordination meetings
Routine, monthly
coordination meetings
Workshops and CSMS
process for local suppliers
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
Government/ Representation Regular meetings with Information and program Regulatory compliance
Regional officials sharing mechanism pursuant
Government to main duties and functions
Participation in
government programs
that aligns with
corporate plans
Transparent and Receive and synergize Cooperate in research and
comprehensive aspirations, socio-economic development
information sharing in network building programs to improve public
regular meetings with welfare
multiple institutions and
FGDs (Forum
Group Discussion)
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Sustainability Governance Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
9 About
This Report
2018 Sustainability Report
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
REPORTING PERIOD AND CYCLE color on all pages where these disclosures can be found.
The GRI Standard Core Content Index applied on this
Report is presented on page 135-139. 129
This Sustainability Report is annually published and covers
the period of 1 January to December 31, 2018. It contains
2018 Sustainability Report
Sustainability Context
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
The Company implemented the principle of Materiality on this shareholders, communities, non-governmental organizations,
Report by choosing material aspects or contents as obtained suppliers, industrial associations, and the government.
from the focus group discussions with our stakeholders. Through an internal focus group discussion, we also presented
a similar questionnaire to obtain a perspective from within the
The Company requests the input and opinion from our Company.
stakeholders to determine the materiality of the issues
contained in this report by sending out questionnaires, as From these forums and the responses from the stakeholders,
a form of implementation of the principles of stakeholder we obtained a picture of the materiality of the issues reported,
Materiality Level
Economic Performance
Social Aid
Outsourcing labor
Important for the Stakeholder
Material Topic Why This Topic is Material
No Disclosure Index Internal to External to
[GRI 102-47] [GRI 103-1]
1 Economic Performance Significant impact on stakeholders 201-2, 201-3 ü
2 Market Presence Significant impact on stakeholders 202-1 ü
3 Indirect Economic Impact Significant impact on stakeholders 203-1, 203-2 ü
4 Anti-Corruption Significant impact on development 205-3 ü
5 Material Significant impact on sustainability 301-1 ü
6 Energy Significant impact on sustainability 302-3, 302-4 ü
2018 Sustainability Report
Material Topic Why This Topic is Material
No Disclosure Index Internal to External to
[GRI 102-47] [GRI 103-1]
19 Suppliers Social Significant impact on reputation of the 414-1 ü
Assessment organization
20 Public Policy Significant impact on stakeholders 415-1 ü
21 Customer Health & Significant impact on customers 416-2 ü
22 Marketing & Labeling Significant impact on customers 417-3 ü
GRI Standard Page
No Title
GRI 102: Organizational Profile
General Disclosure
102-1 Name of The Organization 23
102-2 Activities, Brands, Products, and Services 23
102-3 Location of Headquarters 23
102-4 Location of Operations 23
102-5 Ownership and Legal Form 23
GRI Standard Page
No Title
Economic Performance
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of The Material Topic and its Boundary 132
103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 38, 113
Approach 2016
103-3 Evaluation of The Management Approach 38, 113
GRI 201: 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate 38
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Economic change
Performance 2016
201-3 Defined Benefit Plan Obligations and Other Retirement Plans 113
Market Presence
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of The Material Topic and its Boundary 132
103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 115
Approach 2016
103-3 Evaluation of The Management Approach 115
GRI 202: 202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum 115
Market Presence wage
Indirect Economic Impacts
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of The Material Topic and its Boundary 132
103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 72, 86, 92
136 Approach 2016
103-3 Evaluation of The Management Approach 72, 86, 92
GRI 203: 203-1 Infrastructure Investments and Services Supported 72, 86
2018 Sustainability Report
Indirect Economic
Impacts 2016 203-2 Significant Indirect Economic Impacts 92
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of The Material Topic and its Boundary 132
Indirect Economic
103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 121
Impacts 2016
103-3 Evaluation of The Management Approach 121
GRI 205: 205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 121
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of The Material Topic and its Boundary 132
103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 48
Approach 2016
103-3 Evaluation of The Management Approach 48
GRI 301: Materials 301-1 Materials used by weight or volume 48
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of The Material Topic and its Boundary 132
103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 48-51
Approach 2016
103-3 Evaluation of The Management Approach 48-51
GRI 302: Energy 302-3 Energy intensity 50
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption 48, 49, 51
Building and Improving Supporting Renewable Energy Improving Developing and Sustainability About
Welfare of the Community Development and National Occupational Health Improving Community Governance This Report
Economic Development and Safety Welfare
GRI Standard Page
No Title
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of The Material Topic and its Boundary 132
103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 54
Approach 2016
103-3 Evaluation of The Management Approach 54
GRI 303: Water 303-1 Water Withdrawal by Source 54
303-3 Water recycled and reused 54
GRI Standard Page
No Title
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of The Material Topic and its Boundary 132
103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 111, 113-116
Approach 2016
103-3 Evaluation of The Management Approach 111, 113-116
GRI 401: 401-1 New Employee Hires and Employee Turnover 111, 114-116
Employment 2016
401-2 Benefits Provided to Full-Time Employees That are Not Provided to 112
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
GRI Standard Page
No Title
Local Communities
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of The Material Topic and its Boundary 132
103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 64, 71
Approach 2016
103-3 Evaluation of The Management Approach 64, 71
GRI 413: 413-1 Operations with Local Community Engagement, Impact Assessments and 64, 71
Local Communities Development Programs
Supplier Social Assessment
Occupational GRI 403: Occupational 403-1, 403-2 103-104
health and safety Health and Safety 403-4
Spills GRI 306: Effluents and 306-1, 306-2 55, 57
Compliance with laws and GRI 308: Environmental 308-1 95
regulations Assessment of Suppliers
Ensure healthy lives and promote
wellbeing for all at all ages GRI 416: Customer Health 416-2 97
and Safety
Employee training GRI 404: Training and 404-3 112
and education Education
Scholarship GRI 203: Indirect Economic 203-1 72, 86
Revitalize the
global partnership
for sustainable
Summary of Remarks from the About Star Energy Commitment to Environmental
Sustainability CEO Geothermal Preservation, Commitment to
Performance (Wayang Windu) Limited Sustainability
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited
2018 Sustainability Report