"Dangerous Submarines" Attacking The Heart of The Church

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Alberto R. Timm, PhD, is associate
director of the Ellen G. White Estate,
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.

“Dangerous submarines”
attacking the heart of
the church

n 1948 Robert H. Pierson warned,
“Just as the physical body cannot
live without the heart, just so a
church without a smoothly func-
tioning Sabbath School will inevitably,
sooner or later, (and probably sooner)
become a dead church.”1 And in 1966,
James J. Aitken affirmed, “The Sabbath
school is the heart of the church, and
good Sabbath school members make
good church members because the
Sabbath school is the church at study.”2
By contrast, some church leaders had
warned of the dangers that could
destroy the Sabbath School efficiency.
The gloomy memories of World War
I were very much alive. During the war,
German U-boats (military submarines)
had attacked and sunk several military
ships and some commercial ships of
the Allied forces. Within that setting,
Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs (wife of Frederick
Griggs) published in the Sabbath School
Worker for November 1934 an insightful
article titled “Dangerous Submarines.”
She compared the Sabbath School to a A further study generated a major process of (1) break-
ship sailing over the sea, with the new The disruptive effect of the Great ing away from the credal traditions of
earth for its destination. The “dangers Disappointment in October 1844 chal- the churches and (2) searching for a
continually confronting the Sabbath lenged the founders of the emerging deeper understanding of God’s Word.
school” were symbolized by the follow- Seventh-day Adventist movement to Initially, scattered Bible study
ing seven “submarines sent out to injure further study the Scriptures for bibli- groups helped define the basic doc-
the ship and destroy its efficiency”: (1) cal answers to the disappointment. In trinal components of the “system
untrained officers and teachers, (2) that endeavor, they ended up finding of present truth.” Then, the 1848
no interest, (3) disorder, (4) little daily answers not only to that specific ques- Sabbatarian Bible Conferences assisted
study, (5) small offerings, (6) no teachers’ tion but also to several others they were the founders of the Sabbath-keeping
meeting, and (7) many absent.3 not even initially concerned about. This Adventist movement in sharing their

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new Bible-based convictions with other and expansion of the church but were in San Francisco, California, one could
former Millerites.4 Shortly after, James also themselves expected to engage visit a special room set apart for the
White wrote and published in 1852 the in effective missionary activities and Sabbath School Department, with sev-
first issue of the Youth’s Instructor as a support the missions overseas with eral goal charts on the walls. The most
Bible study guide for those age groups. their offerings. So, the Sabbath School catching one had a large red heart with
He encouraged parents to “establish offerings of the first six months of 1889, the expression “the Sabbath School”
Sabbath Schools, even where there are throughout the world, were destined written in white letters. The arteries
but two or three children in a place.”5 “to build and equip for service, or buy, and veins that branched from the heart
a vessel of suitable size and construc- were identified as “Bible study,” “spiri-
Improvements and tion for missionary operations among tuality,” “harmony,” “missionary spirit,”
consolidation the islands of the Pacific Ocean,” 10 “adding members,” “training workers,”
One of the most influential tools which was named Pitcairn.11 Adventist and “promotes Christian growth.” At
for preserving the identity of the children were asked to raise money to the bottom of the illustration, in bold
Sabbath School and improving its support the Pitcairn endeavor, devel- print, appeared the expression “The
quality was the publication of the oping in them financial generosity and Heart of the Church.”13 The same illus-
Sabbath-School Worker, a monthly a passion for missions.12 This successful tration also appeared in the Sabbath
paper. The Worker suggested many experience set the trend for Sabbath School Worker for June 1922.14
helpful strategies. A crucial one was School offerings to be sent to support The notion of the Sabbath School
the establishment of weekly classes for missionary projects around the globe. as “the heart of the church” became
Sabbath School teachers. According to the most catching and popular nick-
C. H. Jones, the teachers should meet “The Heart of the name for that department through
regularly every week to (1) review the Church” the decades around the globe. 15 It
content of the Sabbath School lesson, The Sabbath School work received expressed the crucial role that depart-
and (2) “consult together in regard to a renewed emphasis under the ment played in keeping both the
methods of teaching, the management dynamic leadership of Mrs. L. Flora church and its mission much alive.
of the school, and plans for the future.”6 Plummer, who was in charge of the For Stemple White, “the impor-
Another useful strategy was the General Conference Sabbath School tance of the Sabbath school cannot
establishment of family Sabbath Department from 1913 to 1936. At the be overestimated. Since every member
Schools and branch Sabbath Schools. May 1922 General Conference Session of the church should be a member of
The Worker for January 1886 suggested
that the “many scattered families of
Sabbath-keepers who cannot meet
with others on the Sabbath day” could
“hold a Sabbath-school, consisting of
the members of their own household.”7
In the April 1886 issue of the magazine,
J. E. White proposed that a Sabbath
School branch should be established
in new fields “as soon as there were
from two to four to join in the lessons.”8
A quite innovative strategy for
Seventh-day Adventists was the
opening of Sunday Schools to reach
out to non-Adventists who were used
to going to church only on Sundays.
At the Eighth Annual Session of the
General Sabbath-School Association
(1885), J. E. White spoke of calls from
the South of the United States for
Sunday Schools. D. M. Canright, J. M.
Rees, and A. J. Cudney mentioned the
positive results from Sunday Schools
held in their own conferences. So, the
session voted “to assist in establishing
Sabbath and Sunday schools in home
mission fields.”9
Sabbath School members were not
only informed weekly about the growth

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the Sabbath school, and since children Europe, Australia, and around the Rosamond D. Ginther stated, “The influ-
and interested outside adults who are globe. On March 4, 1878, the delegates ence of the Sabbath school may be
not baptized believers may also be to the Third General Conference Special likened to the effect of a pebble thrown
members, it is at once clearly seen that Session in Battle Creek, Michigan, into a lake. A wave is formed, and then
the Sabbath school circle should be the organized a general Sabbath-school another, and another; and as the waves
largest circle in all our denominational Association, with the recommenda- increase, the circle widens, and eventu-
activities.”16 This was illustrated by the tion that state associations should be ally reaches the shore. Even so is the
following graphic. established as well.18 Because Sabbath influence of the Sabbath school.”21
In 1933 Mrs. Plummer declared,
“The Sabbath school is the church
organized and equipped for the sys-
tematic study of the word of God. By
its form of organization, it is fitted
to impart spiritual instruction to the
entire flock. It may be likened to a table
in a home, bountifully supplied with
nourishing food adapted to the needs
of each member of the family. The
babes of the flock often receive their
first impressions of God and His word
from the Sabbath school service, and
no one is so old or so experienced that
he no longer needs the blessing of the
Sabbath school in his life and in his
study of the Bible. There is no other
church service so organized that it can
feed all the flock at the same time.”22
In 1938 E. K. Slade stated, “During
all these years wherever churches
have existed we have had our Sabbath
schools. . . . It is impossible to estimate
the good results coming from our
Sabbath schools. Our strongest finan-
cial support of foreign mission work
has been by the Sabbath schools.”23
J. K. Jones added that “the Sabbath
school is the greatest single unifying
agency there is among Seventh-day
In early 1923 General Conference vice Schools were already present in sev- Adventists.” 24 Ellen White affirmed,
president Oliver Montgomery declared, eral countries outside North America, “The Sabbath-school should be one
“Second to none, the Sabbath School W. C. White suggested in 1886 that of the greatest instrumentalities, and
Department is filling its place and doing the association should be renamed the most effectual, in bringing souls
splendidly its part in the advancement the International Sabbath-school to Christ. Our Sabbath-school workers
of the message everywhere. Not only Association.19 In reality, Sabbath School need to be especially imbued with the
is it a mighty pioneer agency, touching played a crucial role in the outreach spirit of Christ.”25
as it does the most remote and far- and confirmation of new members in As time went by, often the Sabbath
flung points of interest, and establishing the Adventist message. School ended up no longer being
there the first form of organization; but In the reorganization of the denomi- seen with the same enthusiasm. In
it stands as one of the mighty bulwarks national structure that took place at early 1980 Bernard E. Seton acknowl-
of the church, uniting in study and char- the 1901 General Conference Session edged that “there was a time when
acter building every living soul in the in Battle Creek, the International the Sabbath school was known as
church, from the toddling infant to the Sabbath-school Association became ‘The Heart of the Church.’ . . . But in
white-haired patriarch.”17 the “Sabbath-school Department,” with an increasing number [of churches]
W. A. Spicer as its chairman.20 In many it is sadly out of date.”26 No wonder
Evangelism and nurture congregations, the Sabbath School work that a decade later (1990), William
Over time, many local Sabbath was so alive and dynamic that there G. Johnsson would suggest, in more
Schools for adults and children flour- were more Sabbath School members existentialist terms, that the heart of
ished in North America and, later, in than actual church members. In 1924 the church is “the people.”27

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In an editorial in Adventist Review Planning for the future What creative ideas, if imple-
for September 22, 1988, Myron Widmer So, where do we go from here? mented, could help us transform our
declared that “a growing number of The Sabbath School used to be one of modern Sabbath Schools again into
Sabbath schools across North America the most well-organized and success- “the heart of the church”?
are experiencing an increasingly dif- ful agencies of the church. As stated If our generation needs fellowship
ficult time in generating enthusiasm above, it effectively combined social and acceptance, Sabbath School can
for their programming and in attracting engagement, Bible study, spiritual provide it. If people want to grow in
members.”28 The following year (1989), nourishment, and mission outreach. their spiritual lives, Sabbath School can
the North American Division Church But in many churches, it is no longer foster it. If we are expected to become
Ministries Department began an exten- as healthy and well-attended as it “giants in the understanding of Bible
sive evaluation of the adult Sabbath used to be. Many church leaders are doctrines and the practical lessons of
school, culminating with the four-part convinced that the time has come for Christ,”31 then we should not miss what
series titled “Sabbath School: Diagnosis us to revitalize our Sabbath Schools. In we can receive from a well-organized
and Cure,” published in the Adventist doing so, the following basic questions and efficient Sabbath School. And if all
Review in May 1991. Part 1 of the series should be addressed thoroughly: of us should be engaged in the task of
presented the results of that study, In our churches today, why do far preaching “the everlasting gospel . . . to
showing that those who attended fewer people come to Sabbath School every nation, tribe, tongue, and people”
Sabbath School did so for the follow- than attend the Sabbath-morning (Rev. 14:6, NKJV), Sabbath School is
ing reasons: 0 percent to learn more divine service? unquestionably the right place to be.
about the teachings of the church; 14 Which Sabbath School charac- Over the years, the institution of
percent to learn more about the Bible; teristics from the past could be still Sabbath School has written one of the
14 percent for Christian fellowship; and rescued and effectively implemented most amazing chapters in the history of
72 percent for spiritual growth.29 The today? the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist
follow-up articles proposed strategies Could our Sabbath School out- Church. The vitality of our Sabbath
to revitalize the Sabbath School. 30 reach strategies combine the modern Schools can still be rescued if we make
These and other articles can also be small-group program with the classical this a top-priority task, put into it our best
helpful for us today. Sabbath School branch plan? efforts, and use the right strategies.

1 Robert H. Pierson, “The Heart of the Church,” British Sabbath-School Worker, Sept. 1890, 155. Work,” Sabbath-School Worker, Oct. 1924, 293.
West Indies Visitor, June 1948, 1. 12 J. F. W., “Our Little Missionaries,” Sabbath-School 22 L. Flora Plummer, “Why This Special Number of the
2 James J. Aitken, “South American Division,” Advent Worker, Feb. 1890, 38, 39. ‘Review,’ ” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, June
Review and Sabbath Herald, June 22, 1966, 9. 13 J. S. James, “Sabbath School Department,” General 29, 1933, 3.
3 Mrs. Frederick Griggs, “Dangerous Submarines,” Conference Special, no. 4, Advent Review and 23 E. K. Slade, “Reflex Blessings,” Advent Review and
Sabbath-School Worker, Nov. 1934, 325, 326; see also Sabbath Herald, June 1, 1922, 10. Sabbath Herald, July 21, 1938, 20.
Elizabeth U. Russell, “Sabbath School Problems,” 14 “The Heart of the Church” (illustration), 24 J. K. Jones, “The Sabbath School a Holding Force,”
nine-part series in Sabbath-School Worker, Feb. Sabbath-School Worker, June 1922, 162.
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, July 28, 1938, 23.
1927, 38, 39; Mar. 1927, 70, 71; Apr. 1927, 103–105; 15 See, e.g., W. B. Ochs, “Three Weeks in Friendly
25 Ellen G. White, Testimonies on Sabbath School Work
May 1927, 133, 134; June 1927, 168, 169; July 1927, Norway,” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Aug. 14,
1952, 18; L. L. Moffitt, “A Growing Work in Cuba,” (Washington, DC: Review and Herald Pub. Assn.,
198, 199; Aug. 1927, 230, 231; Sept. 1927, 263, 264;
Oct. 1927, 293, 294. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Aug. 30, 1956, 1900), 20.
4 Alberto R. Timm, The Sanctuary and the Three Angels’ 32; J. Ernest Edwards, “Ninety-One-Year-Old Member 26 Bernard E. Seton, “The Heart of the Church,” Adventist
Messages: Integrating Factors in the Development of Cycles to Church,” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Review, Jan. 31, 1980, 11.
Seventh-day Adventist Doctrines (Berrien Springs, MI: Dec. 27, 1956, 22. 27 William G. Johnsson, “More Prayers for the Church,”
Adventist Theological Society, 1995), 55–64. 16 Stemple White, “Enlarge the Circles,” Sabbath-School Adventist Review, Sept. 20, 1990, 4; William G.
5 “An Address to Those Who Are Interested in the Worker, Apr. 1922, 105–106. Johnsson, “Supporting Ministries,” Adventist Review,
Youth’s Instructor,” Youth’s Instructor, Aug. 1852, 2. 17 O. Montgomery, “A Mighty Bulwark of the Church,” Oct. 18, 1990, 4.
6 C. H. Jones, “Teachers’ Meetings,” Sabbath-School Sabbath-School Worker, Jan. 1923, 12. 28 Myron Widmer, “Sabbath School—In Need of
Worker, July 1885, 38, 39. 18 S. N. Haskell and J. T. Richards, “The Sabbath-School Revitalization—1,” Adventist Review, Sept. 22,
7 Eva Bell-Giles, “Family Sabbath-Schools,” Work,” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Mar. 14, 1988, 4.
Sabbath-School Worker, Jan. 1886, 3, 4. 1878, 85; Executive Board, “Sabbath-school 29 Monte and Norma Sahlin, “Sabbath School: An
8 J. E. White, “The Sabbath-School in New Fields,” Organizations,” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Institution in Poor Health?” Adventist Review, May 2,
Sabbath-School Worker, Apr. 1886, 20. Apr. 18, 1878, 128.
1991, 17–19.
9 “Proceedings of the General Sabbath-School 19 Arthur W. Spalding, Origin and History of Seventh-day
30 J. Lynn Martell, “Sabbath School: Back to Our Roots,”
Association: Eighth Annual Session,” Sabbath-School Adventists (Washington, DC: Review and Herald,
1962), 2:74. Adventist Review, May 9, 1991, 16–19; Jack Calkins,
Worker, Jan. 1886, 12; see also D. M. Canright,
“Sunday-Schools,” Sabbath-School Worker, Apr. 1886, 20 “Organization of General Conference Committee,” “Innovative Sabbath Schools,” Adventist Review, May
22, 23. General Conference Bulletin Thirty-Fourth Session, Apr. 23, 1991, 16–18; Monte and Norma Sahlin, “How to
10 C. H. Jones, “Sabbath-School Contributions for 1890,” 23, 1901, 409; A. G. Daniells, “A Brief Glance at the Turn Your Sabbath School Around,” Adventist Review,
Sabbath-School Worker, Jan. 1890, 12. Work of Reorganization,” General Conference Bulletin, May 30, 1991, 16, 17.
11 “Naming the Missionary Ship,” Sabbath-School 3rd quarter, 1901, 514, 515. 31 Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4
Worker, Aug. 1890, 139; “Launching of the ‘Pitcairn,’ ” 21 R. D. G., “The Great Commission in Sabbath School (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press, 1948), 415.

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