Ooredoo Guidelines

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Notice of Disclaimer 
This document provides guidelines, requirements and best practices where applicable. The information 
contained herein are subject to review and change, and superseding guidelines, requirements and best 
practices regarding this subject may differ from those in this document.  
Participants identified in the document make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, with 
respect to the sufficiency, accuracy, or utility of any information or opinion contained herein. 
Participants expressly advise that any use of or reliance upon said information or opinion is at the risk 
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Local conditions may give rise to a need for additional professional investigations, modifications, or 
safeguards to meet site, equipment, environmental safety or company‐specific requirements.  In no 
event is this information intended to replace state, local, or other applicable codes, laws, or 
regulations.   Specific applications will contain variables unknown to or beyond the control of the 
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The parties do not hereby recommend, approve, certify, warrant, guarantee, or endorse any products, 
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recommendation, approval, certification, warranty, guaranty, or endorsement to anyone.

Amendment History
Date Issue Amendment History Author
Residential and SOHO Internal Wiring
July 22, 2011 Version 1.3 Guidelines, Designers’ Guide for ictQATAR/Qtel
Greenfield Developments in Qatar
SOHO and Residential Services Internal
Wiring Guidelines (includes all the
October 2011 Version 2.0 Qnbn
recommendations from Version 1.3, iCT
Qatar Document)
SOHO and Residential Services Internal
Wiring Guidelines (incorporating
March 2012 Version 3.0 Qnbn
changes discussed and agreed between
Qnbn, Qtel and Vodafone)
Incorporating further changes discussed
and agreed between Qnbn Qtel and Qnbn (to be approved
April 2012 Version 4.0
Vodafone, submitted to ICTQatar for by ICTQatar)
Revising the front cover of the document
Version 5.0 to update the Qnbn logo and generally Qtel and Qnbn
clean up the graphics.
Renaming the document to "internal
cabling guidelines”, removing "Qnbn
Version 6.0 FTTH Network" from the header, and Qnbn and Qtel
removing "Qnbn Proprietary" from the

Table of Contents
1  Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1 
1.1  Purpose and Scope .................................................................................... 1 
1.2  Target Audience ......................................................................................... 1 
2  Compliance ............................................................................................................ 2 
3  Scope and Responsibilities .................................................................................... 4 
3.1  Demarcation Points .................................................................................... 8 
4  Telecommunications Services ............................................................................. 10 
5  General Design Considerations ........................................................................... 11 
5.1  In-Process Installation Quality Checks ..................................................... 12 
6  Internal Wiring Functional Components Overview ............................................... 15 
6.1  Telecom Room (TR) ................................................................................. 15 
6.1.1  Telecom Room Type A (TR-A): ..................................................... 15 
6.1.2  Telecom Room Type B (TR-B): .................................................... 15 
6.1.3  Floor Aggregation Point (FAP): .................................................... 15 
6.2  Distribution Boxes (DB) ............................................................................ 16 
6.2.1  Building Distribution Box (BDB): ................................................... 16 
6.2.2  Floor Distribution box (FDB): ........................................................ 16 
6.2.3  Primary Home Distribution Box (PHDB) ....................................... 16 
6.2.4  Secondary Home Distribution Box (SHDB) .................................. 16 
6.3  Optical Fiber Components ........................................................................ 17 
6.3.1  Optical Cable (Internal Optical Fiber Cable): ................................ 17 
6.3.2  Fiber Patch Panel (ODF): ............................................................. 17 
6.3.3  Fiber Splicing Box (FSB): ............................................................. 17 
6.3.4  Fiber Termination Box (FTB): ....................................................... 17 
6.3.5  Fibre Patch Cord: ......................................................................... 17 
6.4  Copper Components ................................................................................ 18 
6.4.1  UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) Cable: ......................................... 18 
6.4.2  Copper Patch Panel or Cross-Connect Box: ................................. 18 
6.4.3  Copper Termination Point (Socket or Jack):.................................. 18 
6.4.4  Copper Patch Cord: ...................................................................... 18 
6.5  Ducting System ........................................................................................ 18 
6.5.1  External Ducting: ........................................................................... 18 
6.5.2  Inter-DB Ducting: .......................................................................... 19 
6.5.3  Home Ducting: .............................................................................. 19 
6.6  Segregation of services ............................................................................ 19 
6.6.1  Conduction Avoidance: ................................................................. 19 
6.6.2  Induction avoidance: ..................................................................... 19 
6.6.3  Rigid barriers:................................................................................ 20 
6.6.4  Intersystem Bonding for Earthing (Grounding) ............................. 20 
6.7  Under Floor or Raised Floor Scenarios...................................................... 20 

6.8  Ceiling Void or Plenum Scenarios ............................................................. 21 
7  Wiring Scenarios.................................................................................................. 22 
7.1  Multi Dwelling Units (≤ 100 connections) .................................................. 22 
7.2  Multi Dwelling Units (> 100 connections) ................................................. 23 
7.3  Single Villa with One Floor ....................................................................... 24 
7.4  Single Villa with Multiple Floors ................................................................ 24 
7.5  Single Villa with Multiple Tenants ............................................................. 25 
7.6  Compound of Villas (≤ 100 connections) .................................................. 26 
7.7  Compound of Villas (> 100 connections) .................................................. 27 
7.8  Existing and New Homes Internal Wiring ................................................. 27 
7.8.1  Existing Home Wiring:................................................................... 27 
7.8.2  New Home Wiring: ........................................................................ 28 
8  Technical Specifications ...................................................................................... 29 
8.1  Telecom Room ......................................................................................... 29 
8.1.1  Telecom Room Type A ................................................................. 29 
8.1.2  Telecom Room Type B ................................................................. 29 
8.2  Floor Aggregation Point (FAP).................................................................. 30 
8.3  Building Distribution Box (BDB) ................................................................ 30 
8.4  Floor Distribution Box (FDB) ..................................................................... 31 
8.5  Primary Home Distribution Box (PHDB) ................................................... 32 
8.6  Secondary Home Distribution Box (SHDB) .............................................. 33 
8.7  Risers ....................................................................................................... 34 
8.8  Optical Fiber Cable ................................................................................... 34 
8.9  Optical Fiber Termination Box (FTB) ........................................................ 35 
8.10  Optical Fiber Patch Panels ....................................................................... 35 
8.11  Fiber Splice Box/Enclosure (FSB) ............................................................ 36 
8.12  Optical Fiber Patch Cord .......................................................................... 36 
8.13  Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable ...................................................... 36 
8.14  UTP Termination Point (UTP Outlet or Socket) ........................................ 37 
8.15  UTP Patch Panel ...................................................................................... 37 
8.16  UTP Patch Cord ....................................................................................... 37 
8.17  External Ducting ....................................................................................... 37 
8.18  External Ducting Entry Box (Optional) ...................................................... 37 
8.19  Inter-Distribution Box (DB) Ducting........................................................... 38 
8.20  Home Ducting ........................................................................................... 39 
9  Installation of Equipment and Cabling Procedures .............................................. 40 
9.1  General Guidelines................................................................................... 40 
9.2  Checklists and Documentation ................................................................. 40 
9.3  Visual Inspections .................................................................................... 41 
9.4  Operational Guidelines ............................................................................. 42 
10  Test Procedures ................................................................................................ 44 
10.1  Equipment Testing ................................................................................... 44 
10.2  Fiber Cabling Testing ............................................................................... 45 

10.3  Category-6 and Connector Cabling Testing ............................................. 45 
11  Glossary and Definitions .................................................................................... 47 
12  Annex A – Additional Requirements .................................................................. 50 
12.1  Telecommunications Room ...................................................................... 50 
12.2  Air Conditioning Requirements ................................................................. 50 
12.3  Fire System Requirements ....................................................................... 50 
12.4  Telecommunication Closets and Distribution Boxes ................................. 50 
13  Annex B – Optical Fiber Cable Specifications ................................................... 52 
13.1  Optical Fibre Characteristics..................................................................... 52 
13.2  Cable Construction ................................................................................... 53 
13.2.1  Strength Elements ...................................................................... 53  Central Strength Element .................................................... 53  Peripheral Strength Element ................................................ 53 
13.2.2  Cable Make-up............................................................................ 54  Optical Fibers Cable Choices: ............................................. 54  Loose Tubes: ....................................................................... 54  Fillers: .................................................................................. 54  Tight Buffer: ......................................................................... 55 
13.2.3  Identification ................................................................................ 55  Inside Identification .............................................................. 55  Cable Size Identification ...................................................... 55  Cable Length Identification .................................................. 55 
13.2.4  Sheath 55  Ultimate Tensile Strength .................................................... 56  Elongation at Break ............................................................. 56  Bend Test ............................................................................ 56 
13.2.5  Rip Cord ...................................................................................... 56 
13.2.6  Filling Compound ........................................................................ 56 
13.2.7  External Diameter ....................................................................... 57 
13.2.8  Color Scheme ............................................................................. 57  Color Scheme for Loose Tubes/Fillers................................. 57  Color scheme for the Fibres shall be as follows: ................. 57 
13.2.9  Mechanical Performance of Cable .............................................. 58  Tensile Strength................................................................... 58  Flexibility .............................................................................. 58  Compressive Stress............................................................. 58  Transportation and Storage ................................................. 58  Vibrations and Shock ........................................................... 58 
14  Annex C – Category-6 Cable Specifications ...................................................... 59 
14.1  Insulated Conductor Characteristics ......................................................... 59 
14.2  Other Cable Components ......................................................................... 60 
14.3  Cable Jacket Characteristics .................................................................... 60 
14.4  Electrical Requirements ........................................................................... 61 

14.5  Complete Cable Requirements ................................................................ 63 
15  Annex D – External Ducting Specifications..................................................... 65 
15.1  Ducts ........................................................................................................ 65 
15.1.1  Specification ............................................................................... 65 
15.1.2  Formation and Requirements...................................................... 65 
15.2  Joint Boxes or Handholes......................................................................... 65 
15.3  General Civil Considerations .................................................................... 66 
16  Annex E – Internal Ducting Specifications ...................................................... 67 
16.1  Microduct - Size and Material .................................................................. 68 
16.2  General Design Features ......................................................................... 68 
16.3  Marking..................................................................................................... 69 
16.4  Functional Performance ........................................................................... 69 
17  Annex F – Guidelines for Component Usage .................................................... 71 


Figure 1 Scope of this Guideline 6 

Figure 2 Plan View of Scope (example) 8 

Figure 3 Multi Dwelling Units (≤ 100 connections) 22 

Figure 4 Multi Dwelling Units (> 100 connections) 23 

Figure 5 Single Villa with One Floor 24 

Figure 6 Single Villa with Multiple Floors 24 

Figure 7 Single Villa with Multiple Tenants 25 

Figure 8 Compound of Villas (≤ 100 connections) 26 

Figure 9 Compound of Villas (> 100 connections) 27 

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards  Introduction 
Internal Cabling Guide 

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose and Scope

Licensed Operators have an obligation to provide basic services to all customers with
an ICT requirement, be it residential or business. It is also an objective of the operators
within Qatar to provide wherever possible state-of-the-art infrastructure and services to
help make Qatar a world leading market for ultra high speed internet as well as leading
edge products and services.
Licensed Operators within Qatar require landlords, building owners and developers to
follow the guidelines within this document to ensure that the best and fastest services
may be provided to the customer.
To that end this document sets out to:
1. Set the minimum requirements regarding the provision of internal wiring to support
Telecommunications Services in Residential and Small Office Home Office (SOHO)
premises in Qatar.
2. Set out a best practice guideline to which all parties involved in the design of
internal wiring shall comply.
The guidance provided herein on internal cabling infrastructure is also designed to help
“future-proof” the network as far as reasonably possible given the current trends in
technology through the use of ducts, Category-6 cable/connector assemblies, and
limiting cable span lengths to help maximize transmission performance.
The network demarcation points and licensed operators’ responsibilities are defined in
section 3 of this document.

1.2 Target Audience

This document has been prepared to provide guidelines that need to be considered
during the design stage of internal wiring and civil infrastructure of residential and
SOHO premises.
The target audience for this document is wiring designers, network engineers and
construction consultants.

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Compliance 
Internal Cabling Guide 

2 Compliance
While compliance with this guideline may assist to fulfil the legal and regulatory
obligations, this document does not constitute legal advice or a comprehensive outline
of all legal issues relevant to the provision of premises wiring services in Qatar.
In addition to compliance with this guideline, industry participants are obliged to comply
with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements of any government or statutory
body, as well as with any other applicable industry and building standards or codes,
whether voluntary or otherwise.
In the event of any inconsistency between this guideline and any relevant legislation or
any Bilateral Agreement, this inconsistency will be resolved in the following
(descending) order of precedence:
1. Any Legislation or relevant regulation
2. This guideline
3. Any Bilateral Agreement
High quality cable installation is needed no matter which cable medium is being placed
– fibre or twisted-pair copper cables. Most network problems that occur with high-
speed data cable systems can be traced to poor cabling techniques (during
construction, installation or maintenance) that damage cable and components. To
obtain the reliable high performance design targets for an installed data cable system,
various factors need to be controlled.
1. Materials Selection - The cables, connectors, and terminals used shall meet
adequate technical specifications such as those in Section 8 and Annex B, C, D
and E, as well as references to applicable industry specifications and codes. All the
hardware shall be manufactured under a certified Quality Management System
(QMS) such as ISO 9000.
2. Engineering Plans - Detailed engineering plans, drawings and general directions
including specifying the best or first choice cable path shall be provided for
3. Installation Practices - Minimize physical stress and damage to cable by decreasing
exposure of cables, components and individual conductors to kinking, abrasion,
twisting, bending and compression.
4. Worker Training - Equip and train installers with adequate knowledge, good M&P
(methods and procedures), and the correct tools that are maintained in good
working order.
5. Safety - Follow sound safety methods and procedures for both personal safety and
protection of equipment.
6. Quality Assurance (QA) - Follow sound QA strategies that include network testing
during all phases of the work.
In this guideline, these factors will be addressed to help ensure that the most reliable
and high performance data cable network is planned, constructed, installed and
maintained. If these factors are addressed effectively and a testing system of checks
and balances used during construction and installation, then a highly reliable physical
infrastructure will be delivered to support the best possible current and future

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Compliance 
Internal Cabling Guide 

broadband communications network for QATAR.

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Test Procedures 
Internal Cabling Guide   

3 Scope and Responsibilities

The scope of this guideline is the “internal wiring for residential and SOHO premises”.
These internal wiring spans are defined as wherever the cable can be run entirely
within a fully enclosed access-way owned by the customer, including any other related
elements (e.g., splice boxes and sockets).
Each residential unit, regardless of whether they are in a Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) or
a Single Dwelling Unit (SDU), would have 4 fiber optic strands, one for each of the 3
service providers and one spare. The assumptions and guidance with respect to Small-
Office-Home-Office (SOHO) retail subscribers would be same as for residential
The residential retail subscribers should be able to avail services from all three service
providers simultaneously, if they so choose.

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Internal Cabling Guide   

Figure 1 shows the demarcation point where the “Customer Responsibility” begins and
that designates the scope of this guideline including external duct and all internal
ducting and wiring (fibre and copper) from the Service Provider to customer premises,
detailing the specific demarcation points that constitute ownership boundaries. The
building owner is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and future upgrade
requirements of in-building cables.
To provide telecom services, the internal concealed pipe and other associated
requirements vary for the different building types. The various types of buildings are
grouped as commercial buildings, residential towers, ware houses, medium high-rise
buildings, shopping complexes, retail houses, row houses, independent villas, Campus
villas, labour camps, mosques, petrol pumps, etc. The building owners, builders,
property developers, consultants and contractors are advised to provide the various in–
building requirements, as applicable, to ensure timely provision of services.

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Internal Cabling Guide   

Figure 1 Scope of this Guideline

Service  Access  Customer Premises

Provide Network 
Office ODN H


F Building 
too Distribution 
mm F
Box (BDB)
er  Floor 
Re Distribution 
sp Box (FDB)
o B
Box (HDB)
External Duct
Inter DB Duct

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Test Procedures 
Internal Cabling Guide   

Building owners are also responsible for any additional internal wiring as well as any
special requirements for other non telecommunications services (BMS, CCTV, etc).
Additional internal wiring would include wire spans from the Home Distribution Box
(HDB) and the individual pieces of customer equipment (laptop, PC, telephone
terminals) along with power cables for the equipment. Figure 2 illustrates some of the
additional internal wiring possibly required within the living area. Within these spaces,
individual building and dwelling owners will make very different choices on exact cable
pathways and locations based on their immediate needs and desired flexibility for the
future. Such additional internal wiring must not adversely impact the quality of the
installation of wiring to support telecommunications.

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Test Procedures 
Internal Cabling Guide   

Figure 2 Plan View of Scope (example)

3.1 Demarcation Points

A summary of the key network demarcation points and areas of responsibility are
described below:
• From property line of the home or building to the PHDB or BDB - The
responsibility for this section of plant will often be shared between the ANP and
home/building owner. It is desirable that details of responsibility be explicitly
included in the contractual service agreement between ANP/service provider
and the customer (building/home owner). Such agreements should address
issues of accessibility for servicing and repair, as well as physical security to
help prevent or limit damages from accidents and intentional attacks.
o Villas and multi-dwelling unit (MDU) complexes often having substantial
outer walls which can not only protect but also create access problems.
o In some cases the wall of the building may be a more useful demarcation
line then the property line – e.g., when PHDB or BDB is located inside the
building structure.

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Test Procedures 
Internal Cabling Guide   

• Building Owner - owns, manages and is responsible for the internal wiring from
building side of the BDB or PHDB to the HDB located inside the living space. The
building owner is responsible for all wiring located inside wall cavities.
• Homeowner or Dwelling Unit Owner - owns, manages and is responsible for the
internal wiring inside the living space

Access  Customer 
Provider Network  Premises

Central  ODN H
Office D
m FD
e B
OLT r 
e FD Building Distribution 
s B Box (BDB)
p Floor Distribution Box 
o FD
n B
Home Distribution Box 
ili External Duct
t Inter DB Duct
y Home Distribution Duct

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Test Procedures 
Internal Cabling Guide   

4 Telecommunications Services
The PON with in-building twisted pair cabling and facilities infrastructure described
herein is intended to support the full range of current residential and enterprise services
available as well as applications and services that can be reasonably expected to
develop over the next decades. This would include, but not be limited to, the following:
• Voice Services
• Video Delivery Services
o Subscription television: IPTV (Internet Protocol Television)
o Video-on-Demand (VoD)
• Data Services including IP VPN and VPN Services
o Internet Protocol Virtual Private Networks (IP VPNs) support multiple
data, voice and video applications on a shared network infrastructure.
These shared networks may be within a single building/complex or across
a wide geographic area.
• High Speed Internet services
These services provide broadband Internet connectivity and download speeds which are many
times faster than a dial-up connection.
The network infrastructure described here will need to support a large variety of SOHO
and residential services that involve not only large amounts of streaming video and
other graphic applications but also the rapidly expanding demand for simultaneous
delivery of multiple communications services involving large amounts of network traffic
in both the upstream and downstream directions.

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Test Procedures 
Internal Cabling Guide   

5 General Design Considerations

1. All designs shall support a multi-operator environment of up to three operators.
When this document does not specifically mention multi operators, and where
diagrams within this document do not show specifics for a multi-operator
environment, it is the duty of the designer to ensure that support for up to three
operators is provided in their specific design(s).
2. The number of fiber cables to each unit or dwelling may vary, but the number of
independent fibres shall be at least four (4).
3. All copper cable elements (twisted copper pairs) must be rated at Category-6 or
4. Wherever an UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cable termination is required, all UTP
cable pairs must be terminated.
5. All wall-mounted DBs (Distribution Boxes) must be installed at least 1.2m above the
finished surface level.
6. All UTP cables must be laid in star topology with no exceptions.
7. Cable span between Patch Panel and Socket shall not exceed 90m in length. This
is to allow for 10m of patching.
8. Spans between equipment running Ethernet protocol shall not exceed 100m in
9. All Optical Fiber elements must be Single Mode (SM) and at least compliant with
ITU-T G.657.A2.
10. All fibre splices in internal wiring are to be “Fusion Spliced”. Typical splice
attenuation shall not exceed 0.05dB
11. The minimum bending radius, expressed as a multiple of the overall cable diameter
shall be 20 times overall diameter for Single Mode fiber cables.
12. As a minimum requirement, the power measurement shall be taken between the
ODF, located in a Telecom Room (TR) and the FTB (Fibre Termination Box) at
1310, 1550 and 1650nm after installation. A copy of the test results is to be
provided and left with the installation documentation and certification.
a. It is advisable that the fiber characterization documentation and certified data
package includes OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer) scans and
power loss measurements for the complete optical span from the ODF/OLT
in the Telecom Room to the FTB.
b. Such OTDR and power measurements should be made at appropriate and
convenient times during the construction and installation process to help
provide interim quality checks on the splicing, placement and
connectorization activities that can degrade the fiber performance.
13. All CAT6 spans must be continuous - middle joints are not allowed.
14. All elements of internal wiring must be labelled properly to simplify operation and
maintenance work. Labels on elements must match the label in the documentation
and the labels at each end of single span shall correlate in description and color.
Various methods and strategies of identification can be used including printing on
cable jackets along with printed or colored tags at cable/fiber termination points.
15. In any villas or compounds having more than 100 connections and in all multi
dwelling units (MDU) complexes, a Telecom Room must be provided.

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Test Procedures 
Internal Cabling Guide   

16. In any MDU complex, if the total number of connections is more than 100, a
Telecom Room Type A must be provided.
17. In any MDU complex, if the total number of connections is less than or equal to
100, a Telecom Room Type B must be provided.
18. For all outlets supplying power for any telecommunications service, the use of UPS
is the recommended back-up powering option.
19. Only components that have been independently certified to meet applicable UL or
TUV safety criteria (or equivalent requirements) by a recognized independent body
shall be used.
a. UL - Underwriter’s Laboratories
b. TUV - Technischer Überwachungs-Verein (Technical Inspection Association)
20. All Category-6 rated cables are to be tested and certified as meeting Category-6
transmission standards (TIA-EIA 568 criteria) through testing with a calibrated
Industry Standard Category-6 test set. A certified copy of the compliance test
results is to be provided and left with the installation documentation and
21. Any design based on this document must clearly document that and specify which
version/date of this document is being followed.

5.1 In-Process Installation Quality Checks

The installation methods and procedures used to build the physical plant is a critical
component of creating a quality network service. The functional performance of a good
quality ITU 957 bend-resistant fiber cable (ITU G.657, “A Characteristics of a Bending
Loss Insensitive Single-Mode Optical Fibres and Cables for the Access Network”) can
be quickly compromised by bad or improper installation methods and procedures during
the construction work. A Category 6 cable connected improperly to a Category 6
terminal block can easily result in a service that is well below the acceptable and
expected Category 6 performance.
Typical statistics for cabling network infrastructure show that
• Cabling costs about ~10% of the total network infrastructure
• Typical cabling systems last 16-20 years usually outlasted only by the shell of
the building
• 60-80% of the network problems have root causes in poor cabling techniques
that damage cable and/or cable component problems.
As discussed earlier in Section 2 above and elsewhere in this guide, the process checks
to achieve the desired quality assurance and reliable performance of the network
include various factors including:
1. Quality materials selection through adequate functional performance specifications
for products (see Section 8, Annex B-C-D-E) coupled with a manufacturing process
that follows good Quality Management Systems (QMS) such as ISO 9000. A 5-year
warranty for the major plant elements shall be required to help ensure long-term
reliable performance of plant.
2. Engineering Plans - Detailed engineering plans, drawings and general directions to

SOHO and Residential Services   Qatar Standards   Test Procedures 
Internal Cabling Guide   

help specify the best cable path shall be provided.

3. Installation Practices - Minimize physical stress and damage to cable by decreasing
exposure of cables, components and individual conductors to kinking, abrasion,
twisting, bending and compression.
4. Worker Training - Equip and train installers with adequate knowledge, good M&P
(methods and procedures), and the correct tools that are maintained in good
working order.
5. Safety - Follow sound safety methods and procedures for both personal safety and
protection of equipment.
To help ensure adequate quality of workmanship during construction (Items 3 and 4 in
the above list), agreements covering in-process quality checks along with training
requirements and certifications for construction and installation workers need to be
established and followed. Having quality checks and processes in place during the
installation will help avoid repair time, remedial costs and future problems. Having post-
construction performance tests are baseline requirements.
The installation/construction company is required to show that industry best practices
have been followed and their installation crews have been both (a) properly and
adequately trained, and (b) that materials and tools used (e.g., cables, connectors, and
crimping tools) are well-maintained and compatible with each other.
Testing of the cable, connection, termination and other network element equipment is a
vital step in evaluating system performance and needs to be completed at the several
points during installation and construction activities. To maximize the reliable lifetime of
the communications facilities, the network operator and building owner should ensure
by physical plant and transmission testing that the system performance is met.
The final acceptance performance tests for the installed system shall be documented
and certified to characterize the transmission profile for the network and for individual
termination points. Separate profiles of transmission performance of the key spans will
be provided and include:
• OSP segment = Fiber link from the CO (OLT) to building demarcation point (BDB
or PHDB).
• Inside Building Span = Fiber or copper cable link from the building demarcation
point (BDB or PHDB) to FDB and HDB
• Home Span = Copper cable link from HDB to individual connection point (e.g.,
wall jack or socket).
These records need to be easily assessable during re-configuration of the network,
adding data stations and troubleshooting any future problems to help locate and repair
any problems. All test sets used to characterize these spans shall be independently
calibrated and have labels detailing calibration date and status.
Qualification testing shall be completed for all new plant after it has been built or for
older plant immediately after it has been modified. The qualification test record is used
not only to certify the network as meeting contractual agreements, but also it will
become the reference point for any future examination and troubleshooting of the
network. This testing should include frequency sweeps to characterize the network fully.

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See Section 9 and 10 for more discussions and details on the appropriate guidelines
and procedures for qualification testing of the in-house plant.

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6 Internal Wiring Functional Components Overview

Internal wiring elements can be grouped into five functional groups:
1. Telecom Rooms (TR)
2. Entry Box and Pipe
3. Distribution Boxes (DB)
4. Optical Fiber Components
5. Copper Components
6. Ducting System
These functional groups contain the following components:

6.1 Telecom Room (TR)

In any internal wiring scenario, there are THREE (3) different types of Telecom Room
(TRs) that may be used. For technical specifications of a particular type, please refer
to section “8 Technical Specifications” and “12 - Annex A” below.

6.1.1 Telecom Room Type A (TR-A):

TR-A is used in scenarios having more than 100 connections. Its functions are:
a) To house Building Distribution Box (BDB),
b) To house any other service providers’ active and/or passive components.
c) To connect to ANP over segregated routes by providing multiple external ducts
and terminating them to the BDB.
d) To house backup power systems (rectifiers and batteries). It is desirable that the
power systems are contained within a separate compartment of the BDB box.

6.1.2 Telecom Room Type B (TR-B):

TR-B is used in scenarios having less than or equal to 100 connections. Its functions
a) To house Building Distribution Box (BDB).
b) To house any other service providers’ active and/or passive components.
c) To connect to ANP over a single route by providing external ducts and terminate
them in the BDB

6.1.3 Floor Aggregation Point (FAP):

FAP is used in MDU scenarios on floors other than ground floors. Its functions are:
a) To house Floor Distribution Box (FDB).
b) To house any other service providers’ active and/or passive components
c) To connect HDB to Telecom Room

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6.2 Distribution Boxes (DB)

In any internal wiring scenario, there are FOUR (4) different types of Distribution
Boxes (DBs) that may be used. For technical specifications of a particular type,
please refer to section “8 Technical Specifications” and “12 - Annex A” below.

6.2.1 Building Distribution Box (BDB):

A BDB is located inside a telecom room in compounds having more than 100
connections and in all multi dwelling units (MDU). Its functions are:
a) To be the main aggregation point for all cables running inside the building.
b) To be the last point under customer responsibility, in which an ANP will
terminate its cable.
c) To house all service providers’ active and/or passive components.
d) To house all customer active and/or passive components, if required.

6.2.2 Floor Distribution box (FDB):

A FDB is used in FAP whenever SP’s active or passive elements are to be used. Its
functions are:
a) To be the aggregation point for all cables running in a particular floor (horizontal
b) To be the link between PHDBs and BDBs.
c) To house all service providers’ active and/or passive components.
d) To house all customer active and/or passive components, if required.

6.2.3 Primary Home Distribution Box (PHDB)

A PHDB is used in flats and in ground floors of villas. Its functions are:
a) To be the aggregation point for all cables running in the flat or in the ground floor
within a villa.
b) To be the aggregation point for all SHDBs.
c) To house all service providers’ active and/or passive components.
d) To house all customer active and/or passive components, if required.

6.2.4 Secondary Home Distribution Box (SHDB)

An SHDB is used only in villas in floors other than the ground floor. Its functions are:
a) To be the aggregation point for all cables running in a particular floor within a
b) To be the link between sockets and PHDBs.
c) To house all service providers’ active and/or passive components for that
particular floor, if required.
d) To house all customer active and/or passive components, if required.

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6.3 Optical Fiber Components

In any internal wiring scenario, there are FIVE (5) different types of optical
components that may be used. For technical specifications of a particular type, please
refer to section “8 Technical Specifications” and “13 - Annex B: Optical Fibre Cable
Specifications” below.

6.3.1 Optical Cable (Internal Optical Fiber Cable):

This component is used only in multi dwelling units (MDU). Its function is to extend the
optical signal from BDB up to PHDB, either by:
a) Direct optical cables passing through FAP,
b) Splicing inside FSB, or
c) Patching inside the FDB.

6.3.2 Fiber Patch Panel (ODF):

This component is used inside BDBs and, if required, inside FDBs. Its functions are:
a) To terminate optical cable(s).
b) To give an easy interface to the optical fiber network through patching to
permit rapid and trouble-free re-configuration of operators and services to
individual homes (HDB).

6.3.3 Fiber Splicing Box (FSB):

This component is used inside FAP whenever SP’s active or passive elements are
not to be used. Its functions are:
a) To be the aggregation point for all cables running in a particular floor
(horizontal cables).
b) To house splices between horizontal optical cables and vertical cable.
c) To be the link between PHDBs/BDBs and individual HDBs.

6.3.4 Fiber Termination Box (FTB):

This component is used inside BDBs and HDBs in all installations. Its functions are:
a) To terminate optical cable(s) (ANP or internal cable(s)).
b) To give an easy interface to the optical fiber network through patching.

6.3.5 Fibre Patch Cord:

a) This component is used in all installation scenarios. Its function is to cross-

connect between two optical fiber components.

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6.4 Copper Components

In any internal wiring scenario, there are FOUR (4) different types of Copper
components that may be used. For technical specifications of a particular type, please
refer to section “8. Technical Specifications” and “14. - Annex C: Category-6 Copper
Cable Specifications” below.

6.4.1 UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) Cable:

This component is used in all installations. Its function is to extend the electrical
signal from an HDB (PHDB or SHDB) to Copper Termination Points (sockets).

6.4.2 Copper Patch Panel or Cross-Connect Box:

This component is used inside HDBs in all installations. Its functions are:
a) To terminate UTP cables in a PHDB or SHDB.
b) To give an easy interface to the copper network through patching for
necessary re-configuration and testing of individual services.

6.4.3 Copper Termination Point (Socket or Jack):

This component is used in all installations. Its functions are:

a) To terminate a UTP cable extended from a PHDB or SHDB.
b) To give an easy interface and access to the copper network at wall sockets
(jacks) points that permits disconnection/connection of different customer
premises equipment as required.

6.4.4 Copper Patch Cord:

This component is used in all installations. Its function is to cross-connect between two
copper components while having minimum loss in signal power (low resistance) and
maintaining data capacity levels at a minimum of Category 6 transmission

6.5 Ducting System

In any internal wiring scenario, there are THREE (3) different types of ducting
systems that may be used. For technical specifications of a particular type, please
refer to section “8 Technical Specifications” and “15. - Annex D” and “16. - Annex E”
on external and internal ducting below.

6.5.1 External Ducting:

This component is used in all installations to help protect the cable and facilities
against mechanical and environmental stresses that can occur in the OSP and internal

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building applications. Its main function is to provide a cabling channel between ANP
plant and customer premises. External ducting is terminated in a PHDB for villas and in
a BDB in Multi Dwelling Units. In the case of large scale ducting requirements such as
in Mega Projects, Urban Metro style ducts should be provided.

6.5.2 Inter-DB Ducting:

This component is used in all installations. Its function is to provide a cabling channel
between DBs that supplies physical support for cable elements and protects the cable
from mechanical compression and abrasion stresses that occur during installation and
operation of the communications services.

6.5.3 Home Ducting:

This component is used in all installations. Its function is to provide a cabling channel
between an HDB (PHDB or SHDB) and sockets that supplies physical support for cable
elements and protects the cable from mechanical compression and abrasion stresses
that occur during installation and operation of the communications services. Home
ducting can also provide some protection to the UTP communication cable from
induction effects of nearby or adjacent power supply cables.

6.6 Segregation of services

In order to avoid interference by induction (EMI) and electrical hazard through
conduction or contact, telecommunications cables should always be installed with a
permanent minimum radial physical separation of 50cm from electrical cables and a
minimum of 1m from fluorescent bulbs, dimmer switchers or similar light fixtures to
reduce EMF/EMI field effects induced by such devices. The only allowable
exception is where a certified non-conductive rigid barrier is in place.

6.6.1 Conduction Avoidance:

Telecommunications cables should be at least 50mm from all electrical cables. It is

recommended that 300mm spacing between cables be maintained to ensure minimal
electrical hazard through power induction or potential conduction.
Telecommunications outlets should be at least 200mm from any mains electrical
outlets. Where practical, a distance of 300mm should be maintained. All
telecommunications cabling should cross electrical cables at an angle of 90 degrees
(i.e., a right angle) while maintaining the spacing of at least 50mm.

6.6.2 Induction avoidance:

To ensure no interference from electrical induction, telecommunications cables

should not be run in parallel to electrical cables with a spacing of less than 100mm.
Where cables are within 100mm, the parallel run should be no more than 3m. At no

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time shall a spacing of less than 50mm acceptable. All telecommunications cabling
should cross electrical cables at an angle of 90 degrees (a right angle) while
maintaining the spacing of at least 50mm.

6.6.3 Rigid barriers:

Rigid barriers include partition walls where the spacing between each surface is at
least 200mm and solid wall linings of non conductive material at least 50mm in depth.
In severe or difficult situations, the rigid barriers can include conductive home ducting
products (metallic conduit or duct). As an alternative, communications cables
containing copper, aluminium or other metallic shields or foils can be used as
shielding to help maintain electrical isolation and minimize electrical noise from
causing service disruptions.

6.6.4 Intersystem Bonding for Earthing (Grounding)

Where power and communications facilities are in close proximity, then the grounding
systems of both utilities need to be coordinated and harmonized through appropriate
earthing (grounding) and intersystem bonding practices. Such grounding and bonding
practices between metallic elements of the network shall be designed to maximize
electrical safety of workers and public.
The appropriate local building, fire and electrical codes for SOHO and residential
buildings shall be followed. Metallic closures or metallic components of
shielded/armoured cables shall be solidly electrically bonded to the ground electrode
system of the building either at or through the FDB or BDB. Note that the design of
customer powered premises equipment served by the communications cable will
usually be equipped with intersystem bonding and grounding capability with the CPE
and no additional action is needed from the communications installation crew.

6.7 Under Floor or Raised Floor Scenarios

Telecommunications cables should not be run under floors where there is any risk of
wet surfaces, water runoff, excessive dampness, or where unintended water leakage
may occur (under bathrooms, laundries water tanks or water pipes etc.). The only
allowable exception is where the cable sheathing has been specifically rated for such
purposes. Additionally, telecommunications cables that are placed beneath floors or
inraised floor plenums:
a) Shall be in secure ducts or trays where practical – the ducts, conduit or
raceway shall be closed and sealed to prevent water entry.
b) Shall be easily accessible at entry and exit points and at points along the cable
c) Shall be secured at any point where changes in direction occur; where there is
potential for movement; to avoid sagging or contact to groundwork.
d) Shall have large cable looms/coils secured to an anchor cable or cable tray.

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6.8 Ceiling Void or Plenum Scenarios

Telecommunications cables should not be laid on surfaces where there is risk of
damage or movement. This includes, but is not limited to surfaces used for storage;
where there is risk of persons standing or kneeling; around chimneys/ flues, heating
ducts or plumbing. Additionally, telecommunications cables placed in these void or
plenum spaces should:
a) Be placed in secure ducts or trays where possible.
b) Be secured at any point where changes in direction occur; where there is
potential for movement; to avoid sagging.
c) Have large cable looms/coils secured to an anchor cable or cable tray.
d) Not be placed above joists and sills.
e) Be placed away from insulation or other surfaces that may retain moisture

It is desirable that communications cabling and facilities are not located in air-
handling spaces or plenums. If it is necessary or unavoidable to place
communications cables in plenums or in air-handling spaces, the communications
cable jackets, wire insulations and duct materials shall have appropriate fire
resistance for the application – i.e., high resistance to fire ignition and flame spread
with low smoke characteristics if burned – plenum rated cables.

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7 Wiring Scenarios
The following wiring scenarios are provided as illustrations and guidance. It is
understood that each individual building will have specific floor plans, wall layouts and
distinct room locations that will necessitate customized cable pathways and node

7.1 Multi Dwelling Units (≤ 100 connections)

Figure 3 Multi Dwelling Units (≤ 100 connections)

Note 1: If the total number of connections is more than or equal to 16, then the
customer has the option to lay high capacity riser cable, terminate some of the fibers
in each floor, and then lay horizontal drop cables for each flat.
Note 2: If the number of connections is less than 16, the customer has the option not
to use Telecom Room Type B but replace it with Fiber Aggregation Point (FAP) to
serve that small number of customers.

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7.2 Multi Dwelling Units (> 100 connections)

Figure 4 Multi Dwelling Units (> 100 connections)

Note 1: For optical cable placing, there are THREE (3) different scenarios:
a) One - Fiber optical cable laid vertically from the Telecom Room (TR) through
FAPs and then horizontally to each Flat directly without patching/splicing.
b) One multi-core optical cable laid vertically from TR to each FAP then
patched/spliced within the FAP to connect with a 4-Fiber optical cable laid
horizontally to each Flat.
c) One multi-core optical cable laid vertically from TR to service all FAPs then
patched/spliced with the 4F optical cable laid horizontally up to each Flat
Note 2: In the scenario where patch panels are to be used, the number of patch
panels in FDB inside the FAP depends on the size of riser cable and the number of
horizontal cables.

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7.3 Single Villa with One Floor

Figure 5 Single Villa with One Floor

7.4 Single Villa with Multiple Floors

Figure 6 Single Villa with Multiple Floors

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Note 1: If the total number of sockets on floors other than the ground floor is more
than 4, the customer has the option to use active equipment (Ethernet switch) in the
SHDB to minimize the number of riser cables. The Ethernet switch will not be
supplied by SP or ANP.
Note 2: If the Category-6 cable length between sockets and copper patch panel is
more than 90m, designer has to use active component (Ethernet switch) in the SHDB.

7.5 Single Villa with Multiple Tenants

Figure 7 Single Villa with Multiple Tenants

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7.6 Compound of Villas (≤ 100 connections)

Figure 8 Compound of Villas (≤ 100 connections)

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7.7 Compound of Villas (> 100 connections)

Figure 9 Compound of Villas (> 100 connections)

7.8 Existing and New Homes Internal Wiring

The home cabling illustrated in this subsection covers two scenarios:

(a) Existing homes, where cabling either already exist. In some cases existing
installations may have some inherent constraints which make it impractical or
prohibitively expensive to upgrade and it is assumed that in those cases no upgrades
will be carried out, and

(b) New homes, where outside plant and internal wiring installations meet these
requirements. This section demonstrates how one set of wiring can be used within the
home, with up to three service providers, delivering different types of services to the

Although this section refers to home wiring, the guidelines apply to multidwelling/SOHO
units by following the recommendations set out in this section above.

7.8.1 Existing Home Wiring:

There are two possible scenarios in which an existing home has been wired, with and
without a Home Distribution Box (HDB). In the first instance the appliances within the

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home can either be wired directly to the ONT device, and in the second scenario an
HDB can be installed which allows the internal CAT6 cabling to be terminated within the
HDB patch panel and then connected to the ONT.

It may be the case that in some installations High Speed Internet services may have
been installed together with a wireless router (i.e. IEEE 802.11b/g/n standard) to
minimize internal wiring requirements.

Whilst it may be unusual for a home to buy services from all three service providers,
should the client wished to do so, it may be possible to adapt the existing wiring to
support all three service providers. For new installations all internal wiring should be
CAT-6 or better, as specified in section 5 of this document.

Where a HDB has not been provisioned (or existing ones do not meet requirements as
per section 8 of this document), a new HDB should be deployed. The service providers
should terminate their wiring at the back of the HDB patch-panel using CAT-6 wiring.
Existing home wiring should be terminated with RJ45 connectors inside the HDB. This
will allow for services to be patched within the home, according to the clients’

7.8.2 New Home Wiring:

It is expected that new home wiring will comply with all requirements as laid out in this

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8 Technical Specifications
Section 8 contains the basic requirements for the physical elements of the internal
cabling, closures and connection hardware components for SOHO and Residential
network services.
It is critical that good housekeeping practices be enforced inside the
telecommunications closet with cables organized neatly and general work conditions
are clean and well lit. Precise and consistent labels need to be used on both ends of
cables and on the cross connect frames to prevent confusion and possible service
8.1 Telecom Room
The following applies to all telecom rooms, as appropriate given the size and space:

• The room must be easily accessible authorised personnel 24 hr./day, (all days
including weekends). The room must be clean, dry and free from dust and
secured from unauthorized entry
• Adequate lighting and minimum of four 20 amp and 240 volt A.C. Mains outlet
from a dedicated circuit breaker should be provided
• The room must be provided with a good earth rod of not more than 5 ohms
• The door opening for the room should swing outwards
• The floor, roof and surrounding wall of the telecom room, should be free of any
concealed water/drainage pipes and air-conditioning ducts passing through
• The room must be provided with an emergency light, a smoke detector and a fire
• If the telecom room is proposed in the basement, an automatic sump draining
system must be provided to handle water seepages
8.1.1 Telecom Room Type A

Refer to Annex A – Additional Requirements. Type A telecom rooms are usually large
and need to be fully integrated into the general building structure and associated
services to have the necessary space, lighting, environmental controls, and operational

8.1.2 Telecom Room Type B

• Size and Layout

o Minimum floor plan size of 2m wide × 2m long.
o The room shall have a minimum clear height of 3m.
o The room shall have no windows.
• Shall have good lighting, proper ventilation, air circulation and room filtration
capability to enable
o Labels and warning instructions to be read from a distance of 1 m with
normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
o Dissipation of heat generated by active equipment to maintain equipment

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within normal operational range – that is, between 5oC (41oF) to 45oC
(113oF) and in humidity up to 85% RH.
o Trouble free operation in desert, marine and industrial areas where dust
and particulate contamination may be common in the outside
• Physical Access and Security
o Service provider (SP) operation and maintenance staff shall have 7-day,
24-hour access to the room.
o The room shall have sufficient safe working access for personnel when
shifting or relocating equipment and for the use of tools.
o The entrance door shall have a master lock and a process to document,
control and log any access to the room. It is desirable that the door include
a means to remotely report an alarm to a network or building control
o No water pipes for supplying hot/cold potable or chilled water shall pass
through the ceiling or floor of the room.
o No drainage or sewerage services shall pass through the ceiling or floor of
the room.

8.2 Floor Aggregation Point (FAP)

• Can be a dedicated small room (any size) or a space within a service room as
long as it provides
o Ready access by building owner and/or Service provider (SP) – i.e., shall
be in a common area that can be easily accessible by SP operation and
maintenance staff.
o Sufficient working space around the equipment to permit maintenance,
repair and relocating of equipment as well as the safe use of tools.
• Shall have good lighting, proper ventilation and air circulation characteristics as
noted above for the telecom Room Type B.

8.3 Building Distribution Box (BDB)

• Shall be a standard 19” steel rack (wall- or floor-mounted).
• Must be of adequate size to accommodate at least the following items:
o Optical Patch Panels for termination of optical cables from all the flats
(dwelling units) in that particular building.
o Optical Patch Panel to terminate ANP optical cable(s).
o All Service Providers’ active and/or passive components.
o 4-way PDU of 240V AC (BS 1363 UK standard with isolated breaker of
30A) dedicated to Telecommunications Services.
o Vertical and horizontal cable management.
o Space to coil ANP optical cable(s) for maintenance purpose (max of 3m).
o Any customer equipment (switches, routers, etc…).
• Must be accessible from all sides (front, back, right and left) with lockable doors
with at least 600mm of clear space.

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o It is preferred that 750 mm of clear working space is provided in front of

equipment when access door is open.
• Must have cable entries from top and bottom.
• A dust-free ventilation mechanism must be available (grid doors, replaceable
filters and/or ventilation fans).
• Must be installed in an easy to access area with good lighting, proper ventilation
and air circulation. A BDB shall not be installed in any inaccessible, high humidity
or water condensing areas.
• Earthing (grounding) facility must be provided for all metallic components with a
single bonding point to connect to the building grounding system.
• Any internal wiring and Low Voltage (LV) power cables must be separated by a
distance of at least 50mm.
• For active BDB units, a convenience outlet (240V AC) shall be provided for test
equipment of the Service Provider maintenance and operations technical staff.

8.4 Floor Distribution Box (FDB)

• Shall be a wall mounted 19” steel cabinet or rack (Wall mounted at a height of
120 cm above finished floor level) and located close to risers inside telecom
• Must be of adequate size (not less than 30(L) X 30(H) X 15(D)) to accommodate
at least the following items:
o Optical Patch Panels for termination of optical cables
o Optical Patch Panel to terminate ANP optical cable(s).
o All Service Providers’ active and/or passive components.
o 4-way PDU of 240V AC (BS 1363 UK standard with isolated breaker of
30A) dedicated to Telecommunications Services.
o Vertical and horizontal cable management.
o Space to coil ANP optical cable(s) for maintenance purpose (max of 3m).
o Any customer equipment (switches, routers, etc…).
• Must be accessible from all sides (front, back, right and left) with lockable doors
with at least 600mm of clear space.
o It is preferred that 750 mm of clear working space is provided in front of
equipment when access door is open.
• It should be installed at a height between 40 cm and 120 cm above the finished
floor level
• Must have cable entries from top and bottom.
• A single conduit of at least 25 mm (1 inch) internal dia., black and of uPVC
material should be provided from each floor distribution box to the indoor
equipment cabinet of each office, residence, flat and other independent areas in
the same floor
o Each floor distribution box must only be linked to living units on the floor
where it is located
o There can be multimple floor distribution boxes on a floor, depending on
the building configuration and number of units
• The distribution boxes on different floors of a villa should be connected through a

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PVC conduit, of a 50 mm diameter

• The distribution box should have one 50 mm (2 inch) conduit to the rooftop of the
villa, from the cabinet or from the telephone entry duct location, in order to
provide access to cables from the antenna
• A dust-free ventilation mechanism must be available (grid doors, replaceable
filters and / or ventilation fans).
• Must be installed in an easy to access area with good lighting, proper ventilation
and air circulation. A BDB shall not be installed in any inaccessible, high humidity
or water condensing areas.
• Earthing (grounding) facility must be provided for all metallic components with a
single bonding point to connect to the building grounding system.
• Any internal wiring and Low Voltage (LV) power cables must be separated by a
distance of at least 50mm.
• For active BDB units, a convenience outlet (240V AC) shall be provided for test
equipment of the Service Provider maintenance and operations technical staff.

8.5 Primary Home Distribution Box (PHDB)

• The PHDB must be flush mounted (inside the wall) with 4 lockable
compartments. (All) doors must provide a dust-free ventilation mechanism (grid
doors, replaceable filters and / or ventilation fans).
o SP compartment shall accommodate the following :
o Four (4)-way PDU of 240V AC (BS 1363 UK standard with isolated
breaker of 13A) dedicated to Telecommunications Services.
o Two (2) Optical Network Termination units (ONTs).
o One (1) Fiber termination Box (FTB).
o Simple cable management to minimize bending stresses on cables
and enable clear unambiguous identification of optical fibres.
o Space to coil fibre cable(s) for maintenance purposes (max of 1m).
o SP compartment door must be lockable with a master lock.
• Customer compartment shall accommodate the following:
o As a minimum, 24 Ports CAT-6 Patch Panel for villas or 8 Ports CAT-6
for flats (there is no actual limit on the total number of ports if customer
demand is for more).
o 2-way PDU of 230V AC (BS 1363 UK standard with isolated breaker of
o Simple cable management to minimize bending stresses on cables
and enable clear unambiguous identification of pairs...
o Any customer equipment (switches, routers, etc…).
• Must have capability for cable to entry from all sides with grommets and seals for
cable entry ports and openings.
• Must be installed in readily accessible area with good lighting, proper ventilation
and air circulation. The PHDB shall not be installed either in inaccessible or
hazardous areas such as inaccessible corners, areas of high humidity, prone to
water-condensation, adjacent to boilers, chillers or other industrial motors used to
service building systems.

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• Must be dedicated to the unit that it is located in.

• The location of the indoor equipment cabinet should be at a common point,
where all the internal conduits meet and the Structured Cabling System (SCS) on
a star topology can be installed. However, the farthest socket must not exceed
90 m from the cabinet
• The cabinet distribution box location should not be adjacent to any electrical
distribution or bus bars
• The cabinet distribution box should be installed at a height of 120 cm above the
finished floor level
• If the PHDB is made of conductive metallic materials, an earthing (grounding)
connection point shall be provided and utilized – a single point for the whole
• Any internal wiring and LV power cables must be separated by a distance of at
least 50mm.
• All internal conduits should be of a diameter not less than 25 mm (1 inch) to
extend the structured cables from ONU to SCS socket locations at each room
8.6 Secondary Home Distribution Box (SHDB)
• The SHDB must be flush mounted (inside the wall) with one compartment having
front door, which provides a dust-free ventilation mechanism (grid doors,
replaceable filter and/or ventilation fans)
• The box shall be of adequate size to accommodate any of the following (decided
by customer demand):
o CAT-6 Patch Panel (there is no actual limit on the total number of
o Two (2)-way PDU of 230V AC (BS 1363 UK standard with isolated
breaker of 13A).
o Simple cable management to minimize bending stresses on cables
and enable clear unambiguous identification of pairs.
o Any customer equipment (switches, routers, etc…).
• Must have cable entry ports on all sides to permit easy connection as well as
grommets and seals for these cable entry ports and openings.
• Must be installed in an easy to access area with good lighting, proper ventilation
and air circulation. The SHDB shall not be installed either in inaccessible or
hazardous areas such as inaccessible corners, areas of high humidity, prone to
water-condensation, adjacent to boilers, chillers or other industrial motors used to
service building systems.
• Must be dedicated to the unit it is located in.
• Location of SHDB should take into consideration Wi-Fi coverage wherever
• If the SHDB is made of conductive metallic materials, an earthing (grounding)
connection point shall be provided and utilized – a single point for the whole
• Any internal wiring and LV power cables must be separated by a distance of at
least 50mm.

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8.7 Risers
Risers are required in multiple-storey buildings for the installation of telecom fibre
optic cables from main telecom room to other floors.
• Galvanized slotted iron cable trays (minimum 200x50 mm HDRF (Heavy Duty,
Return Flange) should be provided from the main telephone room, to each
telephone closet and extended up to the roof telephone room
• The risers to each floor must be symmetrical and vertically in line with the main
telecom room.
• Where the main telecom room, floor telephone closet and roof telecom rooms are
to be located one below the other in vertical line, a continuous cable trays/
conduits must be provided with pull boxes/access panels at every turning point
and at interval of 15 meters each, up to the main telecom room. Right angle or
sharp bends are to be avoided
• If a building consists of more than one tower, all the above specified
requirements are required in each tower The towers must be inter-connected at
the main telecom room, by separate cable trays of minimum 2 nos. and size
200x50 mm or through floor raceways passing through a common area between
the two buildings. The same requirements also apply to mezzanine and
penthouse floors. The telecom cable trays should have adequate separation from
electrical cable trays. Electrical cable trays should not cross the telecom cable
• Flexibility in cable plant placement can be provided by first placing small
diameter microducts (OD < 13 mm) into the building. The small diameter
microducts can be more easily placed in wall cavities, riser spaces and
into/through telecommunications closet spaces. The small fiber or possibly
some copper building cable can be placed into the microduct using blowing or
pulling technologies and thereby be protected from physical damage from
contact with the building during placement.
• Another alternative would be to use cable raceways integrated into plastic
mouldings that are designed to look like wood trims and mouldings used along
ceiling/wall and floor/wall corners. The cabling is then readily accessible but
hidden from direct sight inside the moulding products.

8.8 Optical Fiber Cable

• Refer to Annex B – Optical Fiber Cable Specifications for details. The optical
fiber cables used within SOHO and residential buildings shall require adequate
fire resistance ratings and mechanical robustness performance for the inside
applications of placement in tall riser spaces, tight wall cavities, inside
conduits/ducts and through walls and ceilings. These optical fiber cables also
need to survive undamaged during the physical stresses involved during the
handling and placement operations involved in the installation and construction
phases of cabling the building.

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8.9 Optical Fiber Termination Box (FTB)

• Shall be wall mounted.
• Must be “Indoor type” rated with applicable fire resistance and mechanical
• Have the capacity to terminate four (4) fiber cables using fusion splicing
technique and accommodate spliced fibers in splicing organizers / cassettes.
• Shall have four (4) LC simplex adaptors, each equipped with 1.5m pigtail
terminated with LC/APC connectors. Connector insertion loss shall not be more
than 0.2dB and return loss shall be better than 55dB.
• Optical characteristics of the optical fiber terminated in the FTB shall be as per
ITU-T G657.A2.
• Shall have flexibility, adequate working space and ease-of-accessibility to the
fiber splicing trays and cable management elements.
• Shall have guiding rings and guiding tubes to minimize mechanical stress and
facilitate fiber identification and traceability.
• Shall have hard material body (plastic or aluminium) to resist impacts and
accidental contact.

8.10 Optical Fiber Patch Panels

• Shall be installable in a standard 19” rack with wall mounting as an option.
• Shall have 24 LC simplex adaptors, each equipped with 1.5m pigtail terminated
with LC/APC connectors. Connector insertion loss shall not be more than 0.2dB
and return loss shall be better than 55dB.
• Optical characteristics of the optical fiber shall be as per ITU-T G657.A2.
• The panel should have a locking system, cable clamps, be compact in size and
use compression fittings.
• Shall have flexibility and provide easy access to the fiber splicing and
management, with slide in/ slide out mechanism for the fiber modules or opening
with hinges.
• Shall have enough splice organizing trays to splice and terminate optical cable(s)
to all available connector terminated fiber.
• There shall be guiding rings, guiding tubes and fiber patch cord management.
• Shall have a steel body. Splice organizing trays shall comply with the following
o Must be made of plastic material that will provide resistance to water,
corrosive chemicals, household cleaners, paints, extreme temperature
and impacts.
o Must be able to hold minimum of 12 fusion or mechanical splices per
tray with sleeve / mechanical-connector grip facility.
o Must have enough space to hold up to 1m coil of each fiber.
o Optical fiber must not suffer any attenuation inside the tray due to
curvature radius.
o Each splice tray shall be protected by an individual cover.
o Cascaded trays must be easily accessible without damaging existing

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8.11 Fiber Splice Box/Enclosure (FSB)

• Shall be wall mounted cabinet or joint closure made of plastic or steel
• It should have a locking system, cable clamps, be compact in size and use
compression fittings.
• Shall provide easy access to the fiber splicing and management, with an opening
mechanism that uses screws or hinges
• Shall have sufficient splice organizing trays and optical cable(s) entries.
• Splice organizing trays shall comply with the following specifications:
o Must be made of plastic material that will provide resistance to water,
corrosive chemicals, typical cleaners, extreme temperatures and
o Must be able to hold minimum of 12 fusion or mechanical splices per
tray with sleeve / mechanical-connector grip facility.
o Must have enough space to hold up to 1m coil of each fiber.
o Optical fiber must not suffer any attenuation inside the tray due to
curvature radius.
o Each splice tray shall be protected by an individual cover.
o Cascaded trays must be easily accessible without damaging existing

8.12 Optical Fiber Patch Cord

• Shall be factory made with LC/APC simplex connector on each end.
• Optical characteristics of the fiber shall be as per ITU-T G657.A2.
• Return loss of the patch cord with connector shall be better than 55dB.
• Insertion loss shall not be more than 0.2dB per connector.
• Shall be of appropriate and approved lengths (1m, 2m, 3m, 5m and 10m).
• The overall diameter of the patch cord shall not be more than 2mm.
• Outer jacket shall be Low-Smoke, Zero-halogen (LSZH) materials or Flame
Retardant PVC (FR-PVC).

8.13 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable

• All UTP cables used in internal wiring must be at least Category-6 rated balanced
• Sheath materials of all UTP cables used in internal wiring must be Low-Smoke,
Zero-halogen (LSZH) or Fire-Retardant PVC (FR-PVC).
• Sheath materials of all UTP cables used between individual buildings within a
compound (for example) must be of external rated cable with weather-resistant
jacket material – e.g., sheath shall be water (rain) resistant, sunlight resistant and
able to withstand the temperature extremes and diurnal cycling between hot days
and cold night conditions.

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• Depending on the customer application and likelihood of electrical induction

problems in a location, twisted-pair cabling with metallic shielding - STP
(Shielded Twisted Pair) cable or FTP (Foil Twisted Pairs) - can be used if

8.14 UTP Termination Point (UTP Outlet or Socket)

• All UTP outlets used in internal wiring must be at least Category-6 rated.
• Terminations shall be done using IDC (Insulation Displacement Contact) design
and technique with matching and appropriate tools.
• All UTP outlets must be a shuttered RJ45 socket and preferably of “Keystone
Module” to help minimize contamination of the termination.
• It is highly recommended that dual UTP outlets with two separate cables be
installed near TV outlets and in big rooms.
• Faceplates may be installed “horizontally” (landscape) or “vertically” (portrait), but
in all cases the RJ45 socket shall be oriented in such a way that the plug latch
will be on the underside. This orientation helps to ensure that the contact springs
are at the top of the socket and therefore less susceptible to dust or dirt settling
on them.
• UTP outlets shall not share the same face plate with any LV power sockets.
• UTP outlets shall not be installed outdoors unless housed in an
appropriate enclosure with appropriate IP rating and environmental seals.

8.15 UTP Patch Panel

• All Patch Panels used in internal wiring must be at least Category-6 rated.
• All sockets shall be RJ45 and preferably “Keystone Module” to simplify
• Termination shall be done using IDC (Insulation Displacement Contact)
technique with matching and appropriate tools.

8.16 UTP Patch Cord

• All UTP patch cords used in internal wiring must be at least Category-6 rated.
• Patch Cords must be factory-terminated with RJ45 connectors on both ends.

8.17 External Ducting

• Refer to “15. Annex D – External Ducting Specifications”
8.18 External Ducting Entry Box (Optional)
• The entry box is a reinforced concrete structure, with a heavy duty Ductile Iron
Frame and Cover of rating grade ‘A’ and size is 60x60x80 cm. The cover shall
have marking as “Telephones”
• The location of the entry box, depends on the location of existing/proposed

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external line plant

• The entry box should be constructed at a maximum distance of 1 meter from plot
line. If it is not practical to install within the plot, then install it outside the plot.
Make sure it touches the boundary wall• Due to the variables involved, it is
essential to consult at the design stage, to decide the location of the entry box
and entry pipe. The consultants/ contractors must not deviate from the stipulated
• An earth rod must be provided at the entry box. The required earth resistance
should not exceed more than 5 ohms
• Rach Entry Box is equipped with entry pipes.Entry pipes for the entry box are
uPVC ducts. These ducts are to be extended from the entry box towards the
customer premises and towards line plant location.
o Entry pipes should be laid at a depth of 60 cm from the proposed finished
paving level. The entry pipe must be protected with concrete to prevent
o Entry pipe should be extended to the entry box and beyond to the nearest
existing plant location, or 1 meter from plot limit.
o The entry pipe should be of uPVC material and of black color
o The open ends of the entry pipe must be properly sealed, to prevent entry
of sub-soil materials and ingress of water
o Location of entry pipes must be clearly marked, above ground for easy
o Building contractors shall be responsible to locate the installed entry pipes
on site.
o No right-angled sharp bends should be installed throughout the duct
length, except one wide-angle, long radius bend (factory made) at the
terminating end of the duct, inside the main telecom room. Alternatively, at
the location of the wide angle bend, a cable pull box of minimum size
600(L) x 700(W) x 800(D) mm must be provided
o Entry pipes must be provided with a draw rope made of nylon of minimum
6 mm diameter

8.19 Inter-Distribution Box (DB) Ducting

• Preferably to be of u-PVC (unplasticized PVC) pipes. Other solutions like GI
(Galvanized Iron) ducts or cable trays are also acceptable. These are rigid or
semi-rigid ducts designed for strength and mechanical stability.
• The percentage fill of any inter-DB ducting used to distribute cabling must not be
more than 50% by volume at the design stage.
• Sharp or acute (less than 90°) bends must be avoided, if possible. Whenever
bends are required, use smooth gradual bends that maintain the minimum
bending radius of the cable. If sharp or acute (less than 90°) turning is
unavoidable, use junction boxes that can be easily accessed in the future.
• Any inter-DB duct shall maintain a minimum clearance of 50mm from LV lines. If
crossing is unavoidable then it shall be at an angle of 90°.
• Ducts shall not be laid under wet areas such as kitchens or bathrooms.

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8.20 Home Ducting

• Shall be constructed in star topology. If not possible, a maximum of four (4)
sockets can be connected in series (Daisy Chain). This shall not affect the UTP
cables’ star topology.
• Home ducts are preferably to be of U-PVC pipe materials. Other solutions such
as surface floor boxes with GI ducts or skirting multi-compartment trunking are
also acceptable.
• The percentage fill of any home ducting solution used to distribute cabling must
not be more than 50% by volume at the design stage.
• Sharp or acute (less than 90°) bends must be avoided, if possible. Whenever
bends are required, use smooth gradual bends that maintain the minimum
bending radius of the cable. If sharp or acute (less than 90°) turning is
unavoidable, use junction boxes that can be easily accessed in future.
• Any duct shall maintain a minimum clearance of 50mm from LV power lines. If
crossing is unavoidable, it shall be at an angle of 90°.
• Home ducts shall not be laid under wet areas such as kitchens or bathrooms.

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9 Installation of Equipment and Cabling Procedures

9.1 General Guidelines
The reliable performance of the fiber and internal copper cabling network is heavily
dependent on the quality assurance procedures applied and followed during the
installation and construction phases. Improper installation will easily degrade the
performance of optical fibre, Category-6 cable and other hardware components. The
necessary quality assurance procedures include
1. Quality Inspections – Evidenced by documentation on materials used, expertise and
training of workers, and records of the construction. This will include construction
records and detailed work Methods and Procedures (M&Ps) that were followed
during work.
2. Visual inspections completed during and after the installation and construction work
– Evidenced by documentation and certifications by installation contractor as well as
by quality inspection reports taken as part of acceptance of the as-built network by
the service provider, building owner and other interested stakeholders.

9.2 Checklists and Documentation

General installation guidelines and quality checklist items that can be used to help
minimize plant damage and maximize performance and reliability of the inside building
network include the following items.
1. Quality Check on Materials – The sources and suppliers of all cable, connector,
closure box and hardware components in the network shall be documented and
retained as part of the network acceptance certification. The inspection of all
incoming materials and the use of correctly sized and matched tools for cable work
(fiber and copper pairs) shall be part of quality assurance procedures for any
construction and installation project.
2. Check Engineering Drawings - Network schematics and engineering drawings shall
be available and include the list of dwelling units, rooms, layouts and end-to-end
cable route with notations of any ceiling /raised floor type construction. The testing
protocols and procedures used for cable inspection and final acceptance of network
shall be documented.
3. Proper Tool Selection and Use - The correct tools need to be used to obtain a good
metallurgical bond for electrical connections or low loss optical connections. Punch
down, splicing and crimping tools are designed to match connection housings with
specific cable, conductor or fiber sizes. The type and size of tools used shall match
those specified by the manufacturers of the Category-6 cables, fiber cables,
connectors and termination blocks. Incorrect tools or incorrect use of tools can lead
to (1) poor electrical or optical connections, (2) physically loose connections, (3)
contamination of connections with small pieces of conductor (conductive metal) or
dust particles, and/or (4) damage to adjacent connections or terminal pins.

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4. Training Records – The training and certification records for the installation and
construction crews shall be available to show that the cable plant was placed with
well trained and knowledgeable workers using industry best practices.
5. Cable Span Characterization - The final acceptance performance tests for the
installed system shall be documented and certified to characterize the transmission
profile for the network and for individual termination points. Separate profiles of
optical loss (OTDR) or transmission performance (e.g., attenuation, impedance and
crosstalk) of the key spans will be available and include:
a) OSP segment = OTDR scan of the fiber span from the OLT in the CO to the
building demarcation point (BDB or PHDB).
b) Inside Building Span = From building demarcation point (BDB or PHDB) to
c) Home Span = From HDB to individual connection point (e.g., wall jack or

9.3 Visual Inspections

Visual inspections can occur during and after installation. The visual audit or walk-
through of the network can be achieved with a simple toolkit of:
• Flashlight,
• Written checklist based on the items discussed below
• Multimeter or low-cost OTDR meter.
This visual audit can and should be an on-going process throughout the installation and
construction phases. Part of this audit or review can entail interviews with installers and
contractors to ascertain that craftspeople understand the methods and procedures and
know who and where to go for resolution of any question.
The visual inspection should cover not only patch panels, distribution boxes, termination
racks and telecommunications closets, but may also need to follow cable pathways and
ducts. The inspector shall look in all the accessible places for certain warning signals
such as the following.
• Damaged Cables or Ducts - Abraded, split or punctured materials caused by
building corners, installation hardware and tools, or poor quality methods and
• Physically Stressed Cables or ducts – Examples include cables/ducts pulled
tightly around bends or structural columns, or unsupported cable falls between
floors, inadequate support or over-compression in cable trays, over-tight cable
ties that compress underlying cable pairs together. These physical circumstances
are factors that compress and distort fiber or conductor pairs and disrupt twist lay
that will increase noise and attenuation particularly at higher frequencies.
• Cable “Housekeeping” – Examine cable trays, plenum spaces, equipment
connections and terminations in telecommunications closets, distribution boxes
and equipment bays for the general cable layout. The cable should be neatly
arranged and secured showing good practices for stowing cable and arranging
fan outs at terminations and connections.

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• Electrically Vulnerable Cables – Document location and identity of cables that are
(or seemed to be) placed too close to power cables, radiating cables, signal
switching cables, lighting fixtures, and other possible EMI/noise sources. Such a
cable link should be scheduled for electrical testing when adjacent cables are
energized and in regular use.
• Physical and Fire Protection – Cables need adequate physical and fire protection
at wall and floor penetrations. Physical support is needed to reduce damage from
abrasion, physical impact and insulation degradation from cold flow (creep) of
plastic insulations and jacket materials. Approved fire stop materials are needed
for cables that penetrate walls or floors to help ensure cables and wall/floor holes
do not become channels for spreading fires.
• Hardware Compatibility - The individual components of the network must match
with each other and with the equipment demands for the connectors, cables,
terminations, patch panels, and transmission infrastructure. These hardware
components need to meet the engineering design as well as local physical
environment and relevant codes with appropriate fire-rated cables used in riser
and plenum spaces.
• Termination and Patch Panels – Neatness counts with data and fiber cables;
particularly at terminations and cross-connection points. Loose connections can
rapidly degrade or even stop data transmission. Therefore, the review should
o Checks of untwisted lengths of Cat-6 data cables at terminations,
o Checks for kinks or tightly curved fiber sections.
o Looking for loose connections – Checked by applying a small pull out
stress on connection and patch panel connections by gently pulling with a
force of approximately 2-4 pounds force on the cable/wire,
o Examine the neatness and systematic arrangement of the various
conductors, fibers or cables. For example, (1) terminals shall be clean with
no protruding bare copper wire that may create shorts and no evidence of
open pairs, split pairs, or crossed pairs, and (2) fiber connections shall be
placed in orderly smooth bends into ports with minimal crossing of fibers
and tight bends.

9.4 Operational Guidelines

The installation crews shall follow industry best practices work and use documented
M&Ps that include (at a minimum), instructions covering the items listed below:
• Minimize Physical Stress During Installation – Sufficient slack cable shall be
provided during and after placement to allow for connectorization, termination
and subsequent re-arrangement of cable pairs. Cables should be blown into
ducts or pulled in ducts will less than 100N tension. Cable reels should be
positioned to allow tension free feed-off from the reel or out of the cable box into
the conduit, cable tray or into plenum space. Cables placed between floors shall
be gravity feed – i.e., drop cables down between floors rather than pull cable up
from floor to floor to minimize the tension and stress placed on the cable. Play

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out cable from bottom of reel to help cable move without kinking, crushing or
pinching of cable.
• Minimize Bending Stress on Cables – The cable pull lines will be straight with
minimal bends or pulling around pulleys or bends. (i.e., no sheave wheels).
Cables shall never to be bent tighter than the larger of manufacturer’s
recommended bending radius Typically, this criteria means that the data cables
will not be bent at a radius less than 8 times their diameter or for small pair count
cables not bent with a radius of less than 32 mm.
• Limit Cable Torsion (Twisting) – To minimize possible torsional stress (twisting)
of the cable, swivels will be used during cable pulling operations.
• After installation of cable, any open or non-terminated ends shall be cleared,
capped and sealed. All cables, termination points, jumper cables, patch panel
connections shall be labeled in a clear, readable and consistent manner.
• Pairs of the Category 6 cable shall not show excessive untwisting at the
connection point – i.e., should not show more than 10-12 mm of pair being
untwisted to accommodate connection or more than 60-70 mm of cable sheath
being removed. These terminations shall also be such that the cable and pair are
physically supported as close to the termination as possible to avoid undue
physical stress on the conductor at connection point.
• Correct Tool Use - The correct tools need to be used to obtain a good
metallurgical bond that forms the required electrical connection with low loss
(attenuation). Punch down tools and crimping tools are designed to match
connection blocks and cable/conductor size. The type and size of tools used
shall match those specified by the manufacturers of the Category-6 cables,
connectors and termination blocks. Incorrect tools or incorrect use of tools can
lead to (1) poor electrical connections, (2) physically loose connections, (3)
contamination of connector blocks with small pieces of conductor (conductive
metal), and/or (4) damage to adjacent terminal pins.
• Maintenance of Tools – Experience has shown that the repeated use of hand
tools can induce craftsperson fatigue and reduce tactile feedback, as well as
abrade or blunt tool edges. For an experienced craftsperson, tactile feedback can
be a very accurate indication of connection quality. However, the user fatigue
and deterioration of tool can easily lead to less reliable and poor quality
connections. Electrically driven tools offer more uniform connection quality for the
inexperienced worker but also are prone to use too high a force. The high
insertion force may damage the terminal block and adjacent pairs with the worker
realizing the problem. The installer shall provide documentation that the correct
tools are being used for terminating the cable, the installer has completed
training and that the tools are well maintained.

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10 Test Procedures
Continuity testing shall be completed by the installation company for each optical fiber
or copper cable span installed.
10.1 Equipment Testing
All test equipment used shall be independently calibrated or verified before use.
Equipment calibration checks or verifications shall be completed at least every 12
months. Typical UTP cable test equipment for these tests will typically include one or
more from the following list.

Test Set Test Function, Use and Capability

General • Resistance, voltage and currents for the internal copper cables
Purpose Meter
• Checking for opens, shorts, continuity and so forth
• Portable hand-held units that inject signal into optical cables
Time Domain and provide a graphical representation of the transmission path
Reflectometer based on the reflected signal
(TDR) • Checks length and attenuation coefficient of cable
• Capability to electronically save or print TDR trace/results
• Excellent for locating troubles and problems in optical cable
• These portable products consist of two test units (trans-
Wire Map receivers) one a signal injector and one the receiver
• Checks wire path looking for opens, shorts and crosspairs
• Talk-set capability to facilitate testing
• Capability to electronically save or print mapping results
• Measures resistance, power, voltage, data rates, noise levels
• Checks continuity, loop length and compares to an internal
Cable Tester
reference standard
LAN Tester • Shall contain software to measure and automatically cable
transmission performance against variety of standards
including Category-6 as per EIA/TIA 568-C or equivalent
• It is desirable that the test sets can record crosstalk and
attenuation measurements and have the capability to
electronically save acceptance test results

These test sets should all be “Data-Safe”, which means that on initial attachment to a
cable pair or optical fiber the test set checks if the cable is an active data line before any
other action. If the data line is active, then the test set asks user if he/she is sure they
wish to further test line since this will likely disrupt data service. Data-safe sets are not
necessary during construction and final acceptance testing phases for qualification

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testing. However the data-safe feature is required for any test sets used for daily
maintenance and repair operations.
Qualification testing shall be completed for all new plant after it has been built or for
older plant immediately after it has been modified. The qualification test record is used
not only to certify the network as meeting contractual agreements, but also it will
become the reference point for any future examination and troubleshooting of the
network. This testing should include frequency sweeps to characterize the network fully.

10.2 Fiber Cabling Testing

Testing for optical fiber spans shall be based on visual inspection and certified OTDR
(attenuation and optical loss) measurements of the “as received” cables, after span
installation and acceptance testing. Optical testing shall be completed at 1310, 1550
and 1625 nm unless other testing protocols are approved.
• “As received” cables – This is a quality assurance check performed on
random selection of incoming cables to verify that the documented cable
specifications (fibercounts, colors, markings, length, and optical loss) supplied
with cable reel match the delivered product.
• After Installation – This is a quality assurance check performed on every span
as installed to check for continuity and help ensure no fiber breaks or cable
deformations is present that causes high losses or non-usable fibers.
• Acceptance testing - This is the formal certification that the optical network
has been tested and found to meet the design specifications in terms of
optical loss, and attenuation characteristics. These test results are
documented and stored for future reference and testing.

10.3 Category-6 and Connector Cabling Testing

Testing for UTP copper cable spans shall be based on certified measurements of DC
resistance, attenuation, impedance and crosstalk across the full frequency range
required for the service. The transmission characteristics of the category-6 cables shall
be tested at frequencies up to 250 MHz following the transmission requirements of
ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 as applicable for solid conductors.
• “As received” cables – This is a quality assurance check performed on
random selection of incoming cables to verify that the documented cable
specifications (pair counts/sizes, markings, twist length, and electrical
characteristics) supplied with cable reel match the delivered product. For
“as received” cable reel transmission tests, the test sample length shall be
100 meters, unless otherwise specified. The 100-meter length derives from
the 90-meter maximum length of the permanent cable link, plus 5 meters at
each end for a patch cord or flexible connection link.
• After Span Installation – This is a quality assurance check performed on
every span as installed to check for continuity and help ensure no

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conductor breaks, or cable bends have occurred that may cause high
resistance, transmission and noise problems.
• Acceptance testing - This is the formal certification that the category-6
copper network which includes cable and connections/terminations has
been tested and found to meet the design specifications in terms of
o DC Resistance and Balance
o Capacitance
o Attenuation
o Insulation Resistance and DV Voltage withstand
o Characteristic Impedance and Structural Return Loss
o Return Loss
o Crosstalk and Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio
o Propagation Delay (PD) and Skew
o Jacket Leakage
These test results are documented and stored for future reference and

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11 Glossary and Definitions

AC Alternating Current
ACRF Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio - Far End
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
ANP Access Network Provider
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AWG American Wire Gauge
BDB Building Distribution Box
CAT Transmission category as per TIA 568
Cat-6 Category-6
CLNE Customer-Located Network Equipment
CPE Customer Premises Equipment
DC Direct Current
ELTCTL Equal-Level Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss
EMI Electromagnetic Induction or Electromagnetic Interference
FAP Floor Aggregation Point
FDB Floor Distribution Box
FEXT Far-End Cross Talk
FTB Fiber Termination Box
FTP or F/UTP Foil-Screen Twisted Pair or Foil Unshielded Twisted Pair
FTTB Fiber To The Building
FTTH Fiber To The Home
FSB Floor Splicing Box
GI Galvanized Iron
HDB Home Distribution Box
IDC Insulation Displacement Contact
ITL Independent Testing Laboratory
LCL Longitudinal Conversion Loss
LV Low Voltage
MDU Multi Dwelling Unit
NEXT Near-End Cross Talk
OD Outer Diameter
ONT Optical Network Termination
PD Propagation Delay
PDU Power Distribution Unit
PD SKEW Propagation Delay Skew
PHDB Primary Home Distribution Box
POTS Plain Ordinary Telephone Services
PS ACRF Power-Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio - Far End
PS NEXT Power-Sum Near-End Crosstalk
PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
QMS Quality Management System
SHDB Secondary Home Distribution Box
SOHO Small-Office, Home-Office

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SP Service Provider
SRL Structural Return Loss
STI Surface Transfer impedance
STP Shielded Twisted Pair
TCL Transverse Conversion Loss
TCTL Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
VDSL Very-high-bit rate Digital Subscriber Line
VRMS Voltage - Root Mean Square
Z Characteristic Impedance
Zo Terminating Impedance

Access Network Provider (ANP): The Party to whose network an access line is
directly connected and over which services are supplied. Note that an ANP may also
be an Access Service Wholesaler and / or a Retail Service Provider.

Balanced Cable: A cable consisting of one or more metallic symmetrical cable

elements (twisted pairs or quads) also known and above, as referenced in the ISO /
IEC 11801.

Cross-connection: Any arrangement which enables a socket to be associated with a

specific service.

Customer Premises Equipment (CPE): Any telecommunications terminal

equipment connected to the customer’s wiring, other than CLNE.

Customer-Located Network Equipment (CLNE): Any access network provider /

service provider network terminating equipment required to provide a specific service
and located within the customer’s premises on the customer’s side of the network
demarcation point.

Daisy-Chain (or loop) wiring: A common form of wiring where a cable to one socket
is connected to another cable to the next socket etc

Ducting System: Any system that provides a passageway for cables. It could be
pipes, trays, concrete trenches, or any other form of a channel to convey cables.

Insulation Displacement Contact (IDC): A technique used to terminate copper

wires without stripping-off the insulation using a special insertion tool.

Low Voltage (LV): Any voltage in the range 50–1000Vrms AC or 120–1500V DC.

Pair: Any set of two wires used to provide a circuit.

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Service Provider (SP): Any company providing a Telecommunication and / or

Broadcast Service to a Customer and who has the Billing Relationship with the
Customer for that service.

Star Topology: An arrangement where each socket is separately cabled to a central

point, where cross-connect facilities may be provided.

Figure 10 Star Wiring Topology

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12 Annex A – Additional Requirements

12.1 Telecommunications Room

It is the responsibility of the building, dwelling or unit owner to provide the Telecom
room where it is required as defined by the requirements within this documentation. The
standards for Telecom room are defined elsewhere in the ‘Telecommunications
Equipment Room Requirements in Qatar’ document.
In general, the electronic and optical equipment used in the SOHO and residential
telecommunications room locations should be designed to operate reliably in ambient
temperatures between 5oC (41oF) and 45oC (113oF) and in humidity up to 85%RH. The
equipment should also be able to operate for short periods (e.g., up to 3-4 days) up to
55oF and as low as 0oC as well as under 90% RH.

12.2 Air Conditioning Requirements

It is the responsibility of the building, dwelling or unit owner to provide the Telecom
room with adequate air conditioning to support the equipment as per the most current
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) document reference EN
300019-1-3, pertaining to Classification of Environmental Conditions; Stationary Use at
Weather Protected Locations. At the time of publication of this document, the current
version is ETSI EN 300 019-1-3 v2.3.2 (2009-11) and can be downloaded from the
ETSI website (www.ETSI.org).

12.3 Fire System Requirements

It is the responsibility of the building, dwelling or unit owner to provide the Telecom
room with a fire fighting system that conforms to telecommunications use as defined
elsewhere in the ‘Telecommunications Equipment Room Requirements in Qatar’

12.4 Telecommunication Closets and Distribution Boxes

The telecommunication closets and various closure boxes shall be:
• Large enough for terminal blocks and interconnections to be mounted securely
and be readily accessible. The mounting support needs to be secure so that
push-down tools and other connection tools can be used with solid backing to
facilitate a good quality connection (IDC).
• Readily-accessible in terms of physical entrance space and internal working
space for workers and for entering/exiting cables. The cable that enters from a
duct or through holes in wall need to be arranged to provide adequate space to
bend cable without undue stress and make stress-free connections to the
terminal block.

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• Adequate working space to arrange cables neatly and so provide sufficient

space for re-arrangement and future cabling activities within the
telecommunications closet. Empty conduits/ducts should be sealed and
provided with pull tapes for future work. Good housekeeping practices at the
connection points in telecommunications closets and at wall jacks are critical to
achieving and maintaining a high speed data service that may be up-graded in
the future.

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13 Annex B – Optical Fiber Cable Specifications

13.1 Optical Fibre Characteristics
The geometrical, optical, transmission and mechanical characteristics of the fiber shall
conform to ITU-T G.657.A2 for 4, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 144F cable for characteristics of a
single- mode optical fiber cable.
# Attribute Details Value
Wavelength 1310 nm
Mode field diameter Range of nominal values 8.6-9.5 µm
Tolerance ± 0.4 µm
Nominal 125.0 µm
2 Cladding Diameter
Tolerance ± 0.7 µm
3 Core concentricity error Max 0.5 µm
4 Cladding non-circularity Max 1.0%
5 Cable cut-off wavelength Max (λcc) 1260nm
Radius (mm)i 15 10 7.5
Uncabled fibre macro No. of turns 10 1 1
bending loss Max. at 1550nm (dB) 0.03 0.1 0.5
Max. at 1625nm (dB) 0.1 0.2 1.0
7 Proof stress Minimum 0.69 GPa
λ0min 1300 nm
Chromatic dispersion λ0ii 1310 nm
λ0max 1324 nm
S0max 0.092 ps/nm .km
Max. from 1310nm to 1625nm 0.4dB/km
Max. at 1310nm 0.35dB/km
Max. at 1550nm 0.21dB/km
Max. allowed point discontinuities at
9 Attenuation Coefficient 0.05dB
1310nm and 1550nm
Max. allowed variationiii 0.1dB
Temperature rang -5° to +70°C
Max. aging effect (25 years) 0.05dB/km
M 20 Cables
10 PMD Coefficient Q 0.01%
Max. PMDQ 0.20 ps/√ km

The macro bending loss can be evaluated using a mandrel winding method (method A of [IEC 60793-1-47]),
substituting the bending radius and the number of turns specified in this table
The fiber shall also be suitable for use in the 1550nm region, where this fiber is not optimized for use.
Variation between the value of attenuation co-efficient for any one km length of cable is compared with that of
another one km length of the cable

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13.2 Cable Construction

13.2.1 Strength Elements Central Strength Element

The central strength element shall be of a suitable non metallic substance such as FRP
(Fiber Reinforced Polymer) rod coated with polyethylene and shall be designed to meet
all mechanical strength requirements of the cable.
Requirements of typical values for the central strength member are shown in the table

Sl. Item Unit Typical values

1 Nominal diameter mm 2 for 12 and 24 fibre cable
2.5 for 48, 96 and 144 fibre cable
2 Specific gravity - 2.1
3 Tensile Strength MPa 1100 (minimum)
4 Tensile Modules GPa 50 (minimum)
5 Flexural Strength MPa 1200 (minimum)
6 Flexural Modulus GPa 40 (minimum)
7 Elongation to Break % 2 % (minimum)
8 Load (Kg) to Elongation of 0.2 % N 900 (minimum) Peripheral Strength Element

The peripheral strength element shall be of a suitable aramid yarns or glass fibres
wrapped with plastic tape and shall be designed to meet all mechanical strength
requirement of the cable.
The peripheral strength element shall be placed in between the plastic tape and the
swelling tape. Requirement of typical values for the peripheral strength element are
shown in the table below.

Sl. Item Unit Typical Values

1 Number of Aramid Yarns Number 21
2 Weight kg/km 5
3 Specific Gravity gm/cm3 1.4
4 Breaking Strength N 300 (minimum)
5 Elongation to Break % 2 (minimum)
6 Modulus of Elasticity GPa (kN/m2) 85 (minimum)

Note: Table values in Sections and are given as a general values,
however, any other values can be used subject to prior approval.

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13.2.2 Cable Make-up Optical Fibers Cable Choices:

4 Optical Fibers: The standard cable core configuration will have a total of four (4)
fibers arranged in two (2) loose tubes containing two (2) fibers each, with one strength
member of Aramid Yarn embedded in the cable sheath. The cable will contain no
metallic elements and be dielectric. Alternate designs having all four (4) fibers on a
central tube or as tight buffer cable are acceptable, with prior approval.
12 Optical Fibers: The total number of fibers in the cable shall be twelve (12) with six
(6) of the fibers encapsulated within two (2) loose tubes. Tight buffer cables are also
acceptable, with prior approval.
24 Optical Fibers: The total number of fibers in the cable shall be twenty four (24). Six
(6) fibers shall be encapsulated within four (4) loose tubes. Tight buffer cables are
also acceptable, with prior approval.
48 Optical Fibers: The total number of fibers in the cable shall be forty eight (48). Six
(6) fibers shall be encapsulated within eight (8) loose tubes
96 Optical Fibers: The total number of fibers in the cable shall be ninety six (96).
Twelve (12) fibers shall be encapsulated within twelve (12) loose tubes
144 Optical Fibers: The total number of fibers in the cable shall be one hundred and
forty four (144) arranged with twelve (12) fibers encapsulated within each of twelve
(12) loose tubes. Loose Tubes:

The loose tubes containing optical fibers together with fillers shall be suitably stranded
over the central strength member in one layer.
There shall be binder to maintain core geometry, stranded around central strength
element, using reverse helical wrap technique. Fillers:

The fillers shall be of a transparent color made of polyethylene, polypropylene or any

other approved material at the discretion of the manufacturer. All fillers shall be
compatible with the other constituent components of the cable and shall not adversely
affect the performance of the cable, throughout the operative life of the cable. The
number of filler tubes shall be decided in such a way to maintain cable sheath
circularity. The fillers shall completely fill the voids they are designed to and shall not
phase separate under all operational conditions.

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   Optical Fiber Cable Specifications 
Internal Cabling Guide Tight Buffer:

Individual fiber shall be coated with yellow PVC jacket of a diameter of 2.5±0.5mm
each. Each fiber shall be numbered as follows:
a) from one to four for four fibers cable,
b) from one to twelve for twelve fibers cable, and
c) from one to twenty four for twenty four fibers cable.
Fiber number must be printed on the PVC jacket on each fiber at intervals of not more
than 100mm. Numbers must be printed in numerals and in writing such as: “17
SEVENTEEN”, on the complete length of each fiber’s buffer. The printing shall be
permanent, durable and not abraded during normal wear and use.

13.2.3 Identification Inside Identification

The name of the manufacturer and the year of manufacture shall be indelibly marked at
intervals of not more than 100mm, either on the belting tape or on a separate polyester
marking tape of not less than 3mm wide.
If a separate marking tape is used then it shall be laid over the outer wrappings and
under the sheath. Cable Size Identification

The cable size shall be punch type marked (non-erasable) at every meter on the outer
surface of the sheath. Cable Length Identification

Cable length (meter) shall be marked at every meter on the outer sheath surface and
the markings shall be clearly visible, permanent and durable. The cable length shall be
punch type marked (non-erasable) at every meter on the outer surface of the sheath.

13.2.4 Sheath

• The sheath shall be free from pinholes, joints, mended places and other defects.
• The minimum sheath thickness shall not be less than 1mm for 4 and 12F, 1.5mm
for 24, 48 and 96F, and 2mm for 144 F cables.
• The sheath shall be reasonably circular, and the curvature of the external surface
shall not be concave at any point.
• The sheath material shall be of LSZH type (Low-Smoke Zero-Halogen) or Fire-
Resistant PVC (FR-PVC) suitable for internal and external use and the sheath
color shall be YELLOW.

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Tensile strength-at-break of the sheath material shall not be less than 10N/mm2. Elongation at Break

The elongation-at-break of the sheath material at break shall be ≥ 150%. Bend Test

The sheath shall show no signs of damage or ripples after a bend test have been
carried out as follows:
• No Load Test:
o The cable shall be coiled at least one complete turnaround a mandrel of
diameter not more than 10 times the specified minimum cable diameter
• Full Load Test:
o The cable shall be coiled at least one complete turnaround a mandrel of
diameter not more than 20 times the specified minimum cable diameter.

13.2.5 Rip Cord

a) A rip cord having a minimum breaking load of not less than 150N shall be
laid under the outer sheath of 2, 4 and 12 fibre cables respectively.
b) Two rip cords having a minimum breaking load of not less than 250N shall
be laid under the sheath on diagonally opposite sides of the cable for 48,
96, 144 and 192 fiber cables.

13.2.6 Filling Compound

a) The filling compound shall be provided inside the loose tube only. Suitable
industry proven filling compound shall be provided to completely block
ingress of moisture into the loose tube
b) The filling compound shall be safe to handle and shall not adversely affect
the performance and color of the fibre, or the constituent components of
the cable, throughout its operational life.
c) The filling compound shall be compatible with the need to prepare the
cable and splice the fibers under field conditions.
d) The filling compound shall be suitable for installation and operation over
the temperature range -5°C to +70°C.
e) The filling compound shall be non-toxic, free from unpleasant odor and
shall cause no dermatitis hazards.
f) The compound shall be non-hydrogen generating, waterproof, and neutral
in color.
g) Data sheets for filling compound shall be provided along with Tender

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13.2.7 External Diameter

The external diameter of the cable, when measured by diameter tape, shall not be more
than 7mm for 4F, 14mm for 12, 48 and 96 fibre cable, 17mm for the 144 fibre cables.
13.2.8 Color Scheme Color Scheme for Loose Tubes/Fillers

The loose tubes shall employ the following colour code:

Tube No. Color

1 Dark Blue
2 Orange
3 Green
4 Brown
5 Grey
6 White
7 Red
8 Black
9 Yellow
10 Violet
11 Pink
12 Light Blue
Filler Transparent Color scheme for the Fibres shall be as follows:

Fibres shall employ the following color code:

Tube No. Colou

1 Dark Blue
2 Orange
3 Green
4 Brown
5 Grey
6 White
7 Red
8 Black
9 Yellow
10 Violet
11 Pink
12 Light Blue
Filler Transparent

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13.2.9 Mechanical Performance of Cable Tensile Strength

The cable shall have sufficient strength to withstand a load of value T = 9.81×W×3 N,
(where W = mass of 1km of cable in kg). The load shall not produce a total strain
exceeding 0.25% in the fibres, and shall not cause permanent damage to the
component parts of the cable. The load shall be sustained for 10 minutes and the strain
of the fiber monitored. Flexibility

The fibers and the component parts of the cable shall not suffer permanent damage
when the cable is repeatedly wrapped and unwrapped four (4) complete turns for ten
(10) complete cycles, around a mandrel of 12×D in diameter, where “D” is the outside
diameter of the cable in mm. Compressive Stress

The fibers and component parts of the cable shall not suffer permanent damage when
subjected to a compressive load of 1000N applied between two flat plates of
dimensions 50mm by 50mm. The load shall be applied for 60 seconds. Transportation and Storage

The cable shall be protectively packed in drums to withstand transportation. The cable
design and packing techniques shall permit the storage of all cable, in its original
packing (reel or drum). Vibrations and Shock

The supplier shall state the limits of vibration and mechanical shock that the cables can
withstand under conditions of transport, storage and installation.


1. BS 6234 - Specification for Polyethylene Sheath

2. ITU-T G657.A2 – Characteristics of Bending-Loss Insensitive single-mode optical
fibre and cable for the access network
3. IEC 794-IF5-Water Permanent Test
4. TIA TIA-568-C.0; Generic Telecommunications Cabling for Customer Premises

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14 Annex C – Category-6 Cable Specifications

14.1 Insulated Conductor Characteristics

Conductor - Each conductor shall be a solid wire of commercially pure annealed
copper, smoothly drawn, circular in cross section, uniform in quality, and free from
defects. The nominal conductor size shall be 22 or 24 AWG. The exact conductor
gauge size may vary to achieve the required Category-6 electrical requirements.
Insulation - Conductors shall be insulated with a suitable dielectric insulating material
of sufficient thickness and properties to meet the electrical requirements. The
insulation shall be uniform and applied concentrically; consisting of 100% virgin
material. The insulation materials used will be one of the following types - polyolefin,
poly(vinyl chloride), or fluoropolymer - that have proven successful at meeting the
functional performance requirements of premises wires
Imperfections - The insulated conductors should have no more than an average of one
fault per 1,000 conductor meter when measured at 2500 VDC or 1750 VRMS (AC).
Adhesion - The adhesion of the insulation on the conductor shall be such that the
force to remove the insulation from the conductor shall not be greater than 20 N when
stripped at a rate of travel of 50mm per minute.
Tensile strength and Elongation - The average elongation-at-break shall not be less
than 100% and the average tensile strength-at-break shall not be less than 13.6 MPa.
It is desirable that the minimum elongation-at-break shall not be less than 150%.
Resistance to Aging - After aging at 100°C for 7 days, the insulated conductors shall
show no signs of cracking, splits or tears when examined at a 5× magnification, after
wrapping in 6 tight turns around a mandrel having a diameter no larger than the
diameter of the insulated conductor.
Compression Resistance - Insulated conductors shall be tested for resistance to
compression at a rate of approach not to exceed 0.5 mm per minute and the minimum
compressive strength shall not be less than 1330N over a 50-mm length of the
insulated conductor sample.
Cold Bend - Insulated conductors shall be wrapped around a test mandrel with a
diameter equal to 3 times the outer diameter (OD) at -20 ± 2°C. There shall be no
cracks in the tested specimens after bending the insulated conductors 5 times around
the mandrel within 20 to 30 seconds.
Shrinkback - A 150mm length of insulated conductor shall be placed in a circulating air
oven for 4 hours at 115 ± 1°C. After cooling to room temperature, the difference in
length between the insulation and the conductor shall not exceed 8 mm.
Twist Lengths - Appropriately colored insulated conductors shall be uniformly twisted
into pairs in a way that ensures that meet the Category-6 transmission electrical
requirements. The average twist length of any pair in the finished wire shall not
exceed 150 mm.

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Insulation Color – Color coding is required so that conductors and individual pairs can
be properly and easily identified. Color coding shall be accomplished by use of colored
insulation in combination with either single marks of a colored ink, or an extruded
colored stripe.

14.2 Other Cable Components

Foil Screens - Internal cables may include a foil screen surrounding the insulated wires
or the core bundle to help protect the transmitted signal from the inductive (EMI) and
interference (RFI) effects from external electromagnetic influences. These foils vary in
their shielding effectiveness depending on the metal thickness of the screen, its
conductivity, and the physical coverage provided by the foil for the underlying
conductors. The required thickness and foil material type will depend on the
electromagnetic protection level desired for the application. The foil screen is normally
used in conjunction with a tinned copper drain wire, which provides electrical continuity
for the foil screen. As a guideline, typical foil screens usually are 0.025 to 0.05 mm
thick aluminium.
Jacket Ripcords - Jacket ripcords shall be continuous in any length of wire and shall be
capable of consistently slitting the wire jacket for the continuous length of 0.75 m at 23
±3°C without entanglement or damage to the conductor insulation when examined
under 5 × magnifications.

14.3 Cable Jacket Characteristics

Jacket Material - Jacket materials that have proven successful at meeting the
functional performance requirements of telecommunications premises cables include
fire-retardant polyolefins, poly(vinyl chloride), and fluoropolymers. Other materials may
be used provided that they meet all the applicable performance requirements of this
Jacket Surface - The jacket shall be smooth, free from holes, splits, blisters, and other
defects, and shall not adhere to the conductor insulation or to the core wrap if used.
Jacket Thickness - Jacket thickness is dependent on the material selected, desired
fire resistance, and other functional performance requirements. Jacket thickness shall
be sufficient to meet the mechanical and electrical requirements.
Material Tensile Strength and Elongation - The jacket materials shall have a minimum
ultimate strength (tensile strength-at-break) of 13.6 MPa and a minimum elongation-at-
break of 100%. It is desirable that the minimum elongation-at-break be at least 150%.
Resistance to Aging - After aging at 100°C for 7 days, the average tensile strength-at-
break of the jacket sample shall not be less than 75% of the initial value before aging,
and the average elongation-at-break shall not be less than 50% of the initial value
before aging.

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14.4 Electrical Requirements

Caterory-6 Transmission Performance- Cables shall meet the Category-6 transmission
characteristics tested at frequencies up to 250 MHz. In general, electrical test criteria
and procedures noted below follow the methods and procedures of the Transmission
Requirements section of ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 as applicable for solid conductors. For all
transmission tests, the test sample length shall be 100 meters unless otherwise
DC Conductor Resistance - For nominal 24 AWG conductors, the resistance of any
individual conductor in any reel or length of wire shall not exceed 9.38 ohms per 100m
measured at 20°C. For nominal 22 AWG conductors, the resistance of any individual
conductor in any reel or length of wire shall not exceed 5.9 ohms per 100 m when
measured at 20°C.
Conductor Resistance Unbalance - The resistance unbalance between the two
conductors of any pair in completed wire shall not exceed 5.0%.
Capacitance Unbalance — Pair-to-Ground - The unbalance to ground at 1 kHz shall
not exceed 330 pF per 100 m
Insertion Loss (Attenuation) - Insertion loss (also called attenuation) is a measure of
the signal loss (power) resulting from the wire as the signal passes along it between a
transmitter and receiver component. The insertion loss in dB at 100 meters measured
at 20°C shall not exceed

where f = frequency from 1 to 250 MHz.

The insertion loss shall be measured at 40°C (104°F) and 60°C (140°F) and the
maximum permitted wire insertion loss shall be computed at these elevated
temperatures by using the following factors as appropriate:
• A factor of 0.4% per °C increases from 20°C to 40°C for UTP (unshielded
twisted pairs) products
• A factor of 0.6% per °C increases from 40°C to 60°C for UTP (unshielded
twisted pairs) products.
• A factor of 0.2% per °C increases from 20°C to 60°C for foil-screened wire
products (also called FTP or F/UTP).
Insulation Resistance - Insulated conductor(s) shall have an insulation resistance not
less than 1500 megaohm-100 m.
Return Loss - Return loss of cable products shall be measured across the appropriate
frequency range and shall not be less than the values calculated from the equations
below where f is the frequency in MHz.
For f from 1 to 10 MHz Æ Return Loss (dB at 100 m) > 20 + 5 log (f)
For f from 10 to 20 MHz Æ Return Loss (dB at 100 m) > 25
For f from 20 to 250 MHz Æ Return Loss (dB at 100 m) > 25 - 7 log (f/20)
Near-End Crosstalk (NEXT) - In wire products containing 4 pairs or less, the Near-End

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Crosstalk (NEXT) shall be measured across the appropriate frequency range and the
NEXT Loss (dB at 100 m) shall not be less than 44.3 - 15 log (f/100).
Power-Sum Near-End Crosstalk (PS NEXT) - For wire products containing 25 pairs
and less, the Power-Sum Near-End Crosstalk (PS NEXT) measured as dB at 100
meters between each pair and all other pairs and shall not be less than 42.3 - 15 log
Power-Sum Attenuation-to-Crosstalk Ratio, Far-End (PS ACRF) - The Power-Sum
Attenuation-to-Crosstalk Ratio, Far-End shall be calculated across the frequency
range and the PS ACRF values in dB at 100meters shall not be less than 24.8 - 20 log
Propagation Delay (PD) - The Propagation Delay (PD) shall be measured across the
frequency range and the PD values in nanoseconds at 100meter shall not exceed the
values determined from the following equation where f is the frequency in MHz -

Transverse Conversion Loss (TCL) and Transverse Conversion Transfer

Loss (TCTL) - Transverse Conversion Loss (TCL) is the measured loss from a
balanced signal to an unbalanced signal measured at the near end of the wire product.
For wire components, the TCL value is the same as Longitudinal Conversion Loss
(LCL) where the measured loss is from an unbalanced signal to a balanced signal
measured at the near end of the wire. Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss (TCTL) or
Equal-Level Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss (ELTCTL) are the measured losses
from a balanced signal at the near end to an unbalanced signal measured at the far
end of the pairs in the wire product.
Transverse Conversion Loss (TCL) - The Transverse Conversion Loss (TCL) shall be
measured as per ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 across the 1 to 250 MHz frequency range and the
TCL values shall not be less than the values determined from the following equation,
where f is the frequency in MHz.

Equal-Level Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss (ELTCTL) - the Equal-Level
Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss (ELTCTL) shall be measured as per ANSI/TIA-
568-C.2 across the 1 to 30 MHz frequency range and the ELTCTL values shall not be
less than the values determined from the following equation, where f is the frequency
in MHz.

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14.5 Complete Cable Requirements

Cold Wrap Test - The completed wire shall be capable of being bent without visual
evidence of cracks or splits in the jacket after the wire has been bent around a mandrel
3 times in three close turns within 30 seconds. The test will be performed at -20 ± 2°C.
For wires with an OD up to or equal to 20 mm, the diameter of the test mandrel shall
equal 8× OD of the wire product. For wires with an OD greater than 20 mm, the
diameter of the test mandrel shall equal 10× OD of the wire.
Impact Test - The completed wire product shall be capable of surviving a 3 inch-lb
impact test at -10 ± 2°C without visual evidence of cracks or splits in the jacket after
the wire has been impacted. The impact cylinder shall have a flat striking surface and
be 1 inch in diameter. The wire shall be placed on an anvil with a ridge 1.6-mm wide
and 2.4-mm high.
Fire Resistance – Riser Cables - Internal cables shall meet the applicable fire codes.
For cables used in building riser locations, these riser-rated wire products shall meet
the requirements of UL-444 where the flame height during the test shall be less than
3.7 m and the temperature at any of the monitoring thermocouples shall exceed
Fire Resistance – Plenum Cables - Internal cables shall meet the applicable fire codes.
For cables used in building plenum locations, these plenum-rated wire products shall
meet the requirements of UL-444 Flame and Smoke Requirements Section and when
tested as per NFPA 262 the plenum-rated wire products shall show:
• A flame spread of 5 feet (1.5 m) or less
• A peak optical smoke density of 0.5 or less
• An average optical smoke density of 0.15 or less.
Jacket Marking - The outer surface of the jacket shall be durably marked in black or
color contrasting ink with the following information:
• Manufacturer’s Name or Code
• Year of Manufacture
• Number of Pairs
• Conductor Gauge — AWG
• Fire resistance rating
• Electrical transmission classification (i.e., Category-6).
These markings shall be spaced at equal intervals to and alternating with the
sequential length marking not exceeding 0.6 meters.
Packaging - Premises wires are furnished in a variety of packages to facilitate
deployment in a variety of applications. Packaging can include coils, cartons, small-
and medium sized reels, or other suitable configurations. The wire shall be packed in
conveniently sized packages that permit tangle-free distribution of wire from an
unattended dispenser. The wire shall be evenly and compactly packed into one
continuous length.


SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   Category‐6 Cable Specifications 
Internal Cabling Guide   

1. Telecommunications Cabling Standards with the ANSI/TIA568-C.2, Copper

Cabling Components,
2. ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, (NEC) 2008.
3. ANSI/UL 444, UL Standard for Safety Communications Cables (CSA C22.2).
4. ISO 9000, Quality Management Systems
5. ASTM D 4565, Standard Test Methods for Physical and Environmental
Performance Properties of Insulations and Jackets for Telecommunications Wire
and Cable.
6. ASTM D 4566, Standard Test Methods for Electrical Performance Properties of
Insulations and Jackets for Telecommunications Wire and Cable.
7. UL 1581, Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables and Flexible Cords.
8. UL 1685, Standard for Vertical-Tray Fire-Propagation and Smoke-Release Test
for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables.
9. UL 1666, Standard for Test for Flame Propagation Height of Electrical and
Optical-Fiber Cable Installed Vertically in Shafts.
10. NFPA 262, Standard Method of Test for Flame Travel and Smoke of Wires and
Cables for Use in Air-Handling Spaces.

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   External Ducting Specifications 
Internal Cabling Guide   

15 Annex D – External Ducting Specifications

Multiple spans of external ducts with Joint Boxes in between may be needed to extend
the cabling channel. In MDU scenarios, a dedicated telecommunications room is part of
external ducting.

15.1 Ducts
15.1.1 Specification

Material Inner Available Colour Qtel

Diameter Length Designation
PVC 90mm 5.8 m Black D54
PVC 50mm 3m Black D56

15.1.2 Formation and Requirements

No. of
Description Remarks
Each Villa 1×D56

Additional 2×D54 from different

MDUs 2×D54 direction need to be considered
for cable route diversity

The number of D54 depends on

From the final cabling design as it is
Joint Box to Joint Box
2×D54 required to maintain at least 50%
to duct space for maintenance and
Joint Box to Telecom Room any future expansion.

15.2 Joint Boxes or Handholes

Joint boxes need to be located in the footway or verge, in a safe location and be easy to
access in the future. The orientation of the Joint boxes window (access holes) needs to
be designed to facilitate the cable entry. Different sized Joint boxes are based on the
number of ducts entering the Joint Box, the location and number of joint closure.

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   External Ducting Specifications 
Internal Cabling Guide   

Handhole Dimensions
Code Internal Dimensions Location Maximum Number of Duct Ways
(mm) of Normal Depth Extra Depth
L W D Chamber D54 D56 Depth D54 D56
Length Width Depth (mm)
- 5 75 - 6
JRC4 915 460 780 1 4 100 1 5
2 2 125 2 6
1 5 100 2 4
Footway/ 2 3 125 4 2
JRC12 1170 680 740 Carriageway
(Roadway) 3 2 150 4 3
- - 200 4 4
1 8 125 4 2
2 6 150 4 4
Footway/ 3 4 175 6 2
JRC14 2285 680 965 Carriageway
(Roadway) 4 3 200 6 4
- - 250 6 6
- - 300 6 8
Note: Manholes can be used if number of D54 ducts is more than 6.

15.3 General Civil Considerations

• All external ducts must be laid underground.
• Ducts to be laid at 600 mm depth from final ground level with pulling rope
• Only one slow bend is acceptable for Villa connection through D56 ducts.
• Only one slow bend is acceptable for MDUs connection through D54 ducts.
• All telecom rooms of Type A shall be connected from two different directions for
diversity requirements.
• Maximum distance between the Joint boxes shall not exceed 250 meters
• Minimum of JRC12 shall be used to accommodate FO (Fibre Optic) Joint
• Sharp or acute (less than 90°) bends are unacceptable and not permitted.
• Type of Joint Box depends on the usage (i.e. JRC12 and JRC 14 shall be used in
areas used by heavy vehicles regardless of the number of used ducts).
• Manholes with sufficient space for closures which can accommodate minimum
three splitter layers and spare cable length.

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   Internal Ducting Specifications 
Internal Cabling Guide   

16 Annex E – Internal Ducting Specifications

For cabling inside buildings, microducts (ducts with OD less than 25 mm) can provide
placement flexibility. In MDU scenarios, individual microducts can be used to place
cable between distribution boxes and the telecommunications jack (socket). A number
of colored microducts can also be bundled under one outer sheath to form an internal
multi-duct conduit for easier placement and identification of cable runs.

The microduct products are designed to accommodate a single fiber optical cable
primarily for deployment in a residential or intrabuilding location through either cable
pulling or cable blowing procedures. The microduct product shall be flexible, lightweight,
durable, and easy to install. Microduct products consist of smooth or micro-ribbed ducts
and are shall be:
• Compatible with existing construction designs and building configurations for
both riser- and plenum-rated applications, including cable blowing apparatus.
• Able to accommodate single or multiple microfiber cables of 2.5 to 8 mm
diameter; although the most common sizes anticipated shall be fiber cables of
2.9 or 3.0 mm outer diameter.
• Allow cables to be safely deployed through pull lines or strings using less than
90-120 Newtons of force, or more often using cable blowing techniques at
typical deployment speeds of 30-60 meters (100-200 feet) per minute.
Microducts are typically small-diameter, flexible, or semi-flexible ducts with inside
diameters usually ranging from 3 mm to 10 mm (larger sizes available). These ducts are
designed to provide clean, continuous, low-friction paths for placing optical cables that
have relatively low pulling tension limits.

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   Internal Ducting Specifications 
Internal Cabling Guide   

16.1 Microduct - Size and Material

Size - The standard sizes include the following from which a microduct can be chosen
to match cable size and application. Various material formulations including PVC,
LSZH and fluoropolymers varieties are available with differing fire resistance ratings to
match building application (general purpose, risers and plenums) and customer needs.

Nominal Size (mm)

5 mm (*) 5.0 3.0
7 mm 7.0 5.5
8.5 mm 8.5 6.0
10 mm 10.0 8.0
12 mm 12.0 10.0
(*) Used for small 2-2.5 mm OD cables that are blown into microduct.

The microduct products shall meet the nominal ODs and IDs noted above within a
tolerance of +/- 0.1 mm in their measured OD values.
Regrind - Microduct products shall have a maximum of 5% plastic regrind used in their
Aging - No significant changes (less than 5%) in characteristic dimensions of the
microducts are allowed after aging at 75°C for 30 days. The microduct shall have a
maximum longitudinal shrinkage of 2% after conditioning at 75°C for 30 days. The
microduct product shall show no significant change in colour, surface appearance, and
mechanical robustness after conditioning at 75°C for 30 days.

16.2 General Design Features

The microduct product shall consist of a smooth or micro-ribbed duct designed to
accommodate a single fibre optical cable primarily for deployment in a residential or
intrabuilding location through either cable pulling or cable blowing procedures.
The microduct product shall be flexible, lightweight, durable, and easy to install.
The microduct shall have the ability to be cut cleanly using standard tools.
Indoor microduct products shall be able to be deployed and operational at conditions
between -5°C (23°F) and 50°C (122°F) and between 10 and 85% relative humidity
The microduct product and accessories such as end-caps, couplers, and mounting
hardware shall have no sharp edges or burrs that might be hazardous to a technician or
installer, or otherwise damage any cabling placed in it following the manufacturer’s
Microducts shall be homogeneous and free of any visible surface flaking, chips, voids,
holes, or cracks.
Microducts extruded over optical cable shall not adhere to the cable sheath.

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   Internal Ducting Specifications 
Internal Cabling Guide   

Microduct products shall be compatible with common tools, equipment, and procedures
- specifically, ducts shall be
• Provided on reels compatible with existing reel handling equipment
• Capable of being placed in underground conduit using existing swivels, slings,
links, grips, winches, and winch lines
• Compatible with existing rodding devices (such as compressors or vacuum
equipment) used to place a standard pull line inside the duct
• Compatible with generally used telephone cable lubricants.

16.3 Marking
Product information shall be permanently applied on the outside surface of the duct in
readable characters at least 1.6 mm high, although characters of 3 mm in height are
preferred if there is sufficient space on the microduct product. The information shall
include the product name and/or number and the manufacturer’s identification code,
and date of manufacture.
The information shall be printed or imprinted with a contrasting color ink at minimum
intervals of 0.6 m throughout the length of duct.
Length markings shall be permanently applied on the outside surface of the duct in
readable characters, at least 1.6 mm high. The markings shall be printed or imprinted
with a contrasting colour ink at intervals of 0.6 m throughout the length of duct.

16.4 Functional Performance

Installation - The product shall be able to be installed following the supplier’s
instructions. The supplier shall provide capabilities and capacities with 50 lbs. peak pull
force. A standard fibre cable shall be able to be pulled through a test configuration that
includes a minimum of 100m of duct with at least 8 x 90-deg bends with radii of
between 200 and 250 mm using pull forces less than 40 lbs.
Ovality -The maximum ovality of the microduct shall be 5% when tested at 50°C for 15
days at 2 kg of weight per linear foot.
Coefficient of Friction - The maximum coefficient of friction (CoF) for a cable moving
through these microducts shall be 0.35 without lubricant, and 0.30 with lubricant or in
pre-lubricated duct. It is desirable that the maximum sliding coefficient when using
lubricants or pre-lubricated duct shall not exceed 0.15.
Tensile and Pull Strength for indoor microducts –
• The minimum pull or tensile strength for a 7 mm OD microduct product shall be
55 lbs. when pulled at 1 inch/min.
• The minimum pull or tensile strength for an 8.5 mm OD microduct product shall
be 70 lbs. when pulled at 1 inch/min.
• The minimum pull or tensile strength for a 12 mm OD microduct product shall
be 175 lbs. when pulled at 1 inch/min.

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   Internal Ducting Specifications 
Internal Cabling Guide   

Elongation for Indoor microducts - The minimum elongation of the microduct shall be
2.5% when pulled to the following stress levels at a tensile strain rate of 1 inch/min:
• 40 lbs for the 7 mm microduct
• 50 lbs for the 8.5-mm OD microduct
• 100 lbs force for 12-mm OD microduct.

Impact - After an impact of 4 ft-lbs at -5oC, the microduct specimens shall show
• No damage, cracks, or splits,
• No deformation greater than 15%, or
• No more than a 15% change in ovality.
Bending Resistance – The microduct shall be capable of being bent 180° over a
mandrel with a radius of 15 OD of the microduct at -5°C. After this test, the microduct
shall be able to be straightened without damage. After the bending test is completed,
the ovality shall be less than 5%.
Pressure Burst Strength - The minimum burst strength for duct shall be 900 kPa) at
23°C ± 5°C.
Chemical Resistance - Microducts shall not stress crack or mechanically degrade on
exposure to typical cleaners and lubricant chemicals that are routinely used in
telecommunications industry. Microducts shall retain 75% of their original pull strength
after 30-day exposure to the chemicals specified below.
• Water displacement lubricant - WD-40
• Wasp and Insect Spray
• Generic cable lubricant - 10% Igepal in water
• Oil- and latex-Based House Paints
• Alkaline solutions - 0.2N NaOH.
• Fuel-based liquids - Low Odor Kerosene
• Acidic solutions - 3% H2SO4
• Cleaners - Ammonia-based cleaner
• 90% Alcohol (isopropyl alcohol in water).
Fire Resistance - Microducts intended for intrabuilding use shall be rated and
identified as flame resistant. The products shall exceed the following ratings when
measured as per Underwriters Laboratories UL 94 or an equivalent fire resistance
• UL94V-2 for Riser-Rated Microducts
• UL94V-0 for Plenum-Rated Microducts.
Connection Hardware - The connector, coupler, and end-cap hardware for the duct
shall withstand six (6) operations of assembly and disconnection.

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   Existing and New Homes 
Internal Cabling Guide  Internal Wiring 

17 Annex F – Guidelines for Component Usage

Bldg floors
Bldg floors
(G+10) and
(G+6) to
Buildings (G+10)
(G+5) or Group of
Complex of over 100 Shopping
Single Villa or Bldg of 100 shops &
Villas tenants malls
up to 3000 tenants sheds
m2 or
Bldg area
Bldg area
more than
upto 7000 m2
7000 m2
Entry Box Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size:
60x60x80 cm. JRC-4 Joint JRC 12 Joint JRC 12 Joint JRC 12 Joint JRC 12 Joint 60x60x80
Location: Box Box Box Box Box cm with
Within the (Qnbn (Qnbn (Qnbn standard) (Qnbn standard) (Qnbn Grade A
compound and standard) standard) Location: Location: standard) cover
at Location: Location: Within the Within the Location: Position:
Max 1 m from Depends upon Within the property, property, Depending on Within land
compound wall the property, near plot line. near plot line. the plot
line layout near plot line. Additional Boxes Additional Boxes layou where lead-
Additional at at in
Boxes at all turning points all turning points branching to
all turning of lead-in of lead-in other
points blocks end
of lead-in at turning
Entry A single (2”) A single (4”) 2x (4”) inch 2 x (4”) inch 2 x (4”) inch 2 x (4”) inch A single x
Pipes/ Duct inch inch pipes/ducts pipes/ducts pipes/ducts pipes/ducts (4”) inch
pipes/duct pipes/ducts to towards towards towards towards pipes/ducts
towards be the building the building and the building and the building to be
the villa & single extended one and four x (4”) inch four x (4”) inch and extended
x meter four x (4”) inch pipes/ducts pipes/ducts four x (4”) inch one meter
(2”) inch outside the pipes/ducts towards towards pipes/ducts outside the
pipes/ducts to plot line towards the Qnbn the Qnbn towards plot line
be towards Qnbn the Qnbn Network Network the Qnbn towards
extended Network. Network A diversity entry A diversity entry Network Qnbn
outside Internal route may also route may also A diversity Network.
the plotline Distribution be be entry
towards within provisioned provisioned route may also
Qnbn Network plot to be in be
accordance provisioned
Qnbn advise
Apartment 12U (H) x 600 12U (H) x 600 42U (H) x 800 42U (H) x 800 42U (H) x 800 42U (H) x 800 12U (H) x
Indoor mm mm mm mm mm mm 600 mm
Distribution (W) X 515 mm (W) X 515 mm (W) X 800 mm (W) X 800 mm (W) X 800 mm (W) X 800 mm (W) X 515
(D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) mm (D)
flush mounted flush mounted Stand alone Stand alone type Stand alone type Stand alone flush
std 19“ on on type 19” equipment 19” equipment type mounted
Rack wall wall, per villa 19” equipment Cabinet Cabinet 19” equipment on wall
Cabinet Cabinet

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   Existing and New Homes 
Internal Cabling Guide  Internal Wiring 

Bldg floors
Bldg floors
(G+10) and
(G+6) to
Buildings (G+10)
(G+5) or Group of
Complex of over 100 Shopping
Single Villa or Bldg of 100 shops &
Villas tenants malls
up to 3000 tenants sheds
m2 or
Bldg area
Bldg area
more than
upto 7000 m2
7000 m2
Floor Size: Per single Size: Size: Size: Size: Size:
Distribution One 30x30 x15 villa. One 30x30x15 One 30x30x15 One 30x30x15 One 30x30x15 One
Box cm Size: One cm cm cm cm 30x30x15
box recessed 30x30x15 cm boxes flush to box flush to wall box flush to wall box flush to cm box
inside box wall Location: Location: wall flush to wall
the wall for each recessed Location: To be provided To be provided Location: Location:
floor. inside the To be in in To be To be
Location: wall for each provided in each floor each floor provided in provided in
Convenient floor. each floor Telecom Telecom each floor each
location Location: Telecom Closet Closet Telecom floor
with 1 meter free Convenient Closet Closet Telecom
wall space location Closet
around with one meter
and at a height free
between 40-120 wall space
cm around
above finished and at a height
floor level. between 40-
120 cm
above finished
floor level.
Main No requirements Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size:
Telecom 2x3x3 2x3x3 3x3x3 (LxWxH) 3x4x3 (LxWxH) 3x4x3 2x3x3
Room (LxWxH) (LxWxH) meters meters (LxWxH) (LxWxH)
meters for meters Location: Location: meters meters
villas Location: In the ground In the ground Location: Location:
more than In the ground floor floor In the ground In the
10 numbers floor common area common area. floor ground floor
common area. common area. common
Floor No requirements No Size: Size: Size: Size: Size:
Telecom requirements Closet Closet (LxWxD) Closet (LxWxD) Closet Closet
Closet (LxWxD) 100x60x60 cm 100x60x60 cm (LxWxD) (LxWxD)
100x60x60 cm Location: Location: 100x60x60 cm 100x60x60
Location: In common In common Location: cm
In common areas areas In common Location:
area area In common
Riser Cable No requirements No 20x5 cm 20x5 cm 20x5 cm 20x5 cm No
Trays requirements cable trays cable trays cable trays cable trays requirement

SOHO and Residential Services    Qatar Standards   Existing and New Homes 
Internal Cabling Guide  Internal Wiring 


1. ISO 9000, Quality Management Systems

2. UL 94 Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and
3. UL 2024 Optical Fiber and Communication Cable Raceway
4. ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, (NEC) 2008.
5. ANSI/UL 444, UL Standard for Safety Communications Cables (CSA C22.2).
6. UL 1685, Standard for Vertical-Tray Fire-Propagation and Smoke-Release Test
for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables.
7. UL 1666, Standard for Test for Flame Propagation Height of Electrical and
Optical-Fiber Cable Installed Vertically in Shafts.
8. NFPA 262, Standard Method of Test for Flame Travel and Smoke of Wires and
Cables for Use in Air-Handling Spaces.

- END -

Requirements for Telecom Rooms within Qatar
Version 1.0

Table of Revisions
Rev. Reviewed By Approved By Date
1.0 First Release Karam Al Shorbassi Andrew Laverick 10/01/2012
Samer Al Rabadi

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012


1. General Requirements.

2. Detailed Specifications for Fire Alarm & Fire Fighting System.

3. Detailed Specifications for Air-conditioning System.

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

Section 1

Telecom Room General Requirements

1. The room shall be of a sufficient size to accommodate the proposed Telecom equipments.
After the site visit, a layout drawing shall be prepared.

2. The room shall have proper access for personnel & for shifting equipments and tools.
Operation & maintenance staff shall have 24 hour access to the room.

3. The entrance door shall be fire rated of steel / aluminum with Operator master lock. (Lock will
be supplied by the operator).

4. The room shall have no windows.

5. No water, drain services, chilled water pipes shall pass in the ceiling or floor of the

6. The room shall have a minimum clear height of 3 mtrs.

7. The flooring shall be of antistatic Vinyl tiles or raised floor.

8. A 125 Amp 3 phase DB shall be provided inside the room. The feeding to the room shall be
from a UPS or a Generator backed up source.

9. 2 Nos. 63 Amp TP isolator shall be provided inside the room as indicated in the layout drawing.

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

10. Lighting fixtures shall be provided to have a Lux level of 500 at least 1 light fixture shall be with
a 3 hour emergency backup kit.

11. At least two 13 Amp convenient sockets shall be provided for use of tools and other

12. A 6 way Master Earth bar (as FURSE LK 045) shall be provided inside the room in a suitable
location nearby MDF. All Telecom Equipments including MDF should be connected to this
master earth bar.
The earth should be connected by using 1 cx70 Sq.M. PVC/ECC cable to an external Earth Pit
which has a 20 mm dia. solid copper rod up to summer water level.
Note that the reading of the earth resistance should be less than 1 ohm.
13. 2 Nos. floor standing air conditioning DX units (Direct Expansion) of sufficient cooling capacity
for the room and equipments (Average Heat Dissipation is 10 KW). The Units shall be provided
with an Automatic Change over panel to have one A/C unit running and 1 unit on standby.
FCU of the building HVAC system shall not be extended into the room.
N.B.: For a small telecom room, 2 Nos. wall mounted split units of sufficient capacity can be
installed instead of the Floor Standing Type; along with a changeover panel with the same
working sequence and specifications.
(See attached Section 3 for detailed specifications of Air Conditioning system).

14. The room shall be provided with Fire Alarm and FM 200 Fire Fighting System. No sprinkler
system shall be extended into the room. Provision for A/C Shut Down during the event of any
fire alarm shall be provided (See attached Section 2 for detailed specifications of FA/FF
Location of the Cylinder & FA Panel shall be as per the civil defense standards & requirements.

15. Install 1 No. 300 x 50mm GI Cable Tray as per the site conditions.

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

Section 2

Standard FA-FF Specifications for a Telecom Room

Fire System Installation

The Fire System shall be designed to protect the risk area within the premises by giving
warning of a fire condition when detected by an automatic detector or by the operation of a
break glass call point.
The Contractor shall submit the Material Status Report including the delivery period of the
Extinguishing media in their bid. During the execution of works, the contractor shall install and
connect the extinguishing media cylinder as confirmed in their bid. Failing to honor the delivery
date will be liable for penalty as per the delay penalty clause in the contract.
All the Manufacturer’s equipment and components (FEP, Smoke Detector, Extinguishing Gas,
container, accessories etc.) shall be certified by LPC/UL for design, construction and reliable
operation. The supplier shall furnish copies of certificates issued including serial numbers of the
particular product complying fully with National and International standards and code of
practice. All the certificates shall be submitted to Q-Tel prior to the installation of the system on
The scope of work for this contract shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to the
following items:
1. To prepare a complete computer aided design calculation based on relevant codes and
regulations for an electronic fire protection and detection system in the subject building.
2. The Contractor shall supply, install, test and commission a comprehensive fire alarm and
fire fighting system.
3. Testing and commissioning of the newly installed system to the engineer's approval.
4. 400 days maintenance period with minimum 4 Nos. maintenance visits.
1. The fire system shall be supplied and installed in complete compliance with the
recommendations of the International Standards.
2. The fire system shall fully comply with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
standard provided it is installed to comply with the limitations established by the list of
Factory Mutual Research Corporation or Underwriters Laboratory Inc. The proposed

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

system and extinguishing media shall also comply to NFPA-12, NFPA-12A wherever
3. The proposed extinguishing media shall also comply in all aspects to Montreal protocol for
the Ozone Depletion precautions.
4. The proposed fire extinguishing media is also to be accepted and approved by the local
civil defense authority.


1. The system shall be designed and maintained in full compliance with International
Standard. The system shall be functioning on the basis of double knock type in areas
covered by extinguishing media and two-stage alarm system.
2. Operation of an individual detector shall be displayed by an LED indicator fitted into the
base or body of the detector. The indicator shall illuminate when the detector goes into
alarm. User control switches for evacuate and reset shall be provided, and to be operable
only when enabled by a key switch.
3. The system shall operate on nominal 24 Volt DC with necessary rechargeable stand-by
batteries. The rechargeable batteries shall be Nickel Cadmium of adequate capacity to
operate the whole system for 6 hours duration, without fail. The battery set shall be able to
run the sounders either bell or siren for 1 hour continuously without fail, after maintaining the
system healthy for the 6 hours duration.
4. The supplied fire system shall guarantee the following facilities as a minimum requirement:
 Auto detection of fire accompanied by local audible and visual warning facility.
 Providing of audible and visual warning in case of operation of manual call point.
 Providing A/C and Exhaust. Fan shut down facility via heavy-duty relays.
 Activating and control of automatic fire fighting and extinguishing system.
 Providing remote alarming facility to Q-Tel central OMC room at Doha.
5. Upon receipt of an alarm, the control unit shall perform the following actions:
 Illuminate Fire Zone Indicator
 Activate Local Alarm Warning Devices
 Activate Internal fire sounder
 Activate A/C shutdown.
 Control and operate fire fighting and extinguishing system.



1. The RLU area shall be protected and covered by Fire extinguishing media shall be
having its own individual FIRE SYSTEM ALARM AND EXTINGUISHING PANEL with

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

its built-in controls and signals indicators. The Fire system accessories within this area
shall be connected to this FAP panel. The FAP control panel shall be of a modular
design as per International Standard. The FAP shall be activated by the activation of
any of the installed system devices and accessories shall which shall include but not
necessarily limited to the following accessories:

2. Smoke detectors, 1st stage alarm bell, 2nd stage alarm siren (sounder), door keep
contact, extinguishing release actuator, pressure switches, etc. The fire extinguishing
panel shall be installed in a location which is to be identified in co-ordination with the
client representative. The FAP function is to control and lock-off the extinguishing
media release in case anybody is inside the protected area. The panel shall be
connected to the door keep contact which shall change the status from auto/manual to
manual in case the door lock is opened. The FAP shall be equipped with the built-in
keys to enable and disable the controls buttons access, to change from auto/manual to
manual and to open the panel front door for access to the internal components.
3. The control panel shall be of a modular design and fully comply to International
Standard and include but not necessarily limited to the following facilities:
a. Detection zone modules, with zone outputs rated as per manufacturer's line of
production. On board of selectable auto/manual/test feature, and selectable
delayed, isolate response to each detection zone.
b. Integral battery charger for a supply of 240 V AC. ±10% at 50 Hz. The battery
charger shall be adequate to recharge the fully drained battery set within 12 hours
c. Single control for evacuate, silence sounders, reset and lamp test, all but the latter
being operated via push buttons on the front of the control panel which are enabled
by a key switch on the front cover.
d. Monitoring of all circuits for fault condition.
e. Nos. volt-free alarm contacts and 1-No. volt-free fault contact.
f. Relay modules, each consisting of 4 Nos. heavy-duty type relays rated at 250 V ac
/ 24 V dc for fan & A/C shut down and alarms relaying to Q-Tel’s OMC Room.
g. Choice of sounder output mode of test, continuous or pulsed. Twin monitored
sounder outputs.
h. Built in buzzer, to be activated in case of system fault, power failure or in case of
sounders or bells mute.
i. The cabinet trim and door assembly shall have Allen screw fixing to prevent
unauthorized opening.
j. Visual indicators via long life LED indicators.
k. Blank legend strips for specific identification of zones.
This unit shall be provided at the entrance to indicate the status of fire extinguishing. The 6-
lamp unit (FSSP) shall be in weatherproof transparent enclosure. The status indicator panel

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

(FSSP) shall be incorporating a set of ultra bright and heavy-duty type LED's. The LED's
shall be adequate and suitable to operate on 24V DC.
1. Optical smoke detectors shall operate on a two-wire circuit and shall meet the
requirements International Standard wherever applicable.
2. Optical smoke detectors shall operate on photo-optical principle and shall consist of an
asymmetrical sampling chamber, which shall allow easy entry for slow moving smoke
whilst greatly reducing the possibility of unwanted alarms caused by dust

3. The detector shall be activated in case the percentage of smoke volume to the
room volume is between 3-5%.


1. Manual call point shall be of the surface mounting type, suitable for 24 V dc operations
and shall be of the open circuit / closed circuit break glass type, housed within modified
polycarbonate oxide housing, with a plastic coated glass element and key operated test
facility with integral LED, as per International standard wherever applicable.

2. Manual fire alarm call points shall have two sets of contacts, one normally open and
one normally closed.



1. The alarm bell shall be 230mm (9 inches) diameter under dome type gong cover and shall
be surface mounted for fixing on to a standard electrical conduit box (with pressed steel
alloy gong and finished in red stove enamel paint) and suitable for 24 V dc operation.

2. The sound pressure decibel rating of the bell shall be at least 96 dB at 1 M distance.


1. The sounder shall be a 24 V DC continuous rated electronic sounder designed to be

mounted directly onto a standard electrical conduit box, with an easily selected choice of
distinctly different sounds, with a high sound output of 103 dB (A) at 1 meter distance.

2. The second stage sounder shall be activated only if it receives the signal from the fire-
extinguishing panel and the door of the related area is closed.

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

2.2.6 Door lock assembly (Dead lock type) / Door Keep Contact

1. The door lock assembly and / or door keep contact shall consist of door mounted lock
incorporating an individual door handle to release the dead lock (latch) from the inner
side of the door (inside the building or area), so as not to trap personnel inside the area.
2. The lock assembly shall also incorporate a micro switch to be fixed at the doorframe to
operate and activate the fire extinguishing control panel to be changed from automatic
mode to manual mode in case the door is opened by individuals.
3. The door lock assembly shall be provided to control automatic operation of fire
extinguishing system and to provide remote indication at the (FSSP) unit related to the
same area.
4. The door keep contact shall be of the heavy-duty type and of a suitable size to match
the doorframe.
5. This key contact (micro switch) shall follow and comply to the description given
elsewhere in this specification. The internal micro-switch shall be of 5A rating and shall
have two contacts (NO contact and NC contact).
6. The door keep contact shall be provided for the main entrance door. The door keep
contact shall be connected to the status indicating panel for Auto/manual operation of
the system. Signals from door keep contacts shall be connected to Q-Tel Alarm junction
box for extending the signals to the monitoring station.


1. The fire alarm warning lights shall be a surface mounted xenon flashing beacon,
featuring a fully sealed all solid state driver.
2. The unit shall be constructed from white polycarbonate or ABS, with red polycarbonate
dome and fully weatherproofed to IP 54.
3. Power consumption should not exceed 3 watts at 24 V dc and shall be continuously
rated with a flash rate of approximately 1 Hz. The Xenon flasher unit shall be activated
only in case the fire suppression agent has been released.


1. The solenoid valve shall be specially designed for use with the proposed extinguishing
media. The valve shall be normally closed, and opens upon electrical energy being
supplied, thus relieving the pressure above the main piston to atmosphere and causing
the container valve to open.
2. The detachable solenoid valve shall be fitted with a swivel union nut for mechanical
connection to and from the cylinder valves which have a solenoid valve connection port
with built in check valve. Electrical connection shall be made using flexible conduit to
allow convenient removal of the solenoid valve from the attachment to the cylinder
valve when the cylinder is serviced or recharged. Necessary safety precautions are to
be taken into consideration not to allow the gas to be released while servicing the
extinguishing container or refilling the same.

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

3. The release solenoid shall be connected to the fire extinguishing panel (FEP) and
control equipment compatible with and listed by UL and FM for the use with the
proposed fire extinguishing systems. The entire electrical system shall be under
constant supervision.
4. The automatic actuation of the extinguishing system shall be accompanied by
activating two separate zones of detectors (cross-zoning) in order to eliminate fire
extinguishing release actuation by a transient condition which may cause a single
detector to operate or by false alarming case.
5. Any break in the solenoid circuit will result in fault signal at FAP. The FAP shall
operate upon actuation of any of the following types of accessories of or combinations
 Optical smoke detector (double knock from two different zones)
 Manual call point.
 Manual release provision at the SIP, where applicable.


1. The pressure switch shall be used to perform interlock function, such as sounding
discharge alarms or shutting down electric motors or other equipment in case the
extinguishing discharge is activated through the system piping. The setting of the
pressure switch shall be as per the system manufacturer's/supplier's
2. The pressure switch shall be pneumatically or electrically operated by the gas release
action where applicable.
3. The pressure switch shall also be activating the Xenon flasher at the area entrance.


1. The agent shall be a liquefied gas / chemical extinguishing that interferes with the
combustion process by breaking the chain reaction which propagates fire and flame.
The system covered by this specification is for the "Total Flood" type. The
extinguishing media - which shall be stored in steel containers - shall be injected into
the protected area in black steel pipe work and nozzles to establish an extinguishing
concentration throughout the serviced area.
2. Extinguishing media shall be released within 8-10 seconds as per the International
Standard in this aspect to make re-ignition unlikely takes place provided that the initial
concentration is maintained for a short period, enough and adequate to suppress fire.
3. The extinguishing shall be super-pressurized with oxygen free nitrogen to certain pre-
calculated pressure to provide quick discharge via the system pipe work nozzles. The
operating temperature range shall be between 0°C to +54.4°C. The internal pressure
of the agent container shall not be more than 25 bars at 22°C.
4. The proposed agent shall be zero ozone depletion as per Montreal protocol for the
environment protection. The agent shall fully comply with NFPA-12 & NFPA-12A
wherever applicable.

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012


1. The extinguishing agent shall be contained in one (or more) high strength steel alloy
cylinders. Containers shall be manufactured, tested and marked in accordance with
DOT standard 4 BW 500 and shall be fitted with 1" size valves, as applicable.
2. Valves shall be of the pressure seated type of a brass body, a stainless steel piston
with seal and pressure releasing pilot check assembly and facilities for manual and / or
electrical operated by solenoid valve. A safety disc assembly and a pressure gauge
shall be included.
3. Actuation of the pilot check assembly or electric solenoid valve to relieve the pressure
above the piston and to permit the piston to travel upwards, thus fully opening the
value and permitting extinguishing agent to discharge through the outlet into the
distribution pipe. Pipe work shall comply in all aspects with International Standard.


1. Black steel pipe work (to be painted in red as approved), heavy duty and galvanized
malleable steel of 300 pound class fitting shall be used. For ¾" or smaller pipe sized
150 pound class fittings may be acceptable. The pipes and fittings shall conform to
schedule 40 in all aspects (diameter, material, wall thickness, etc.).
2. The discharge piping system must be balanced under the following circumstances,
cases and conditions:-
a. The actual pipe length from the container to each nozzle is equal to (within ± 10%)
the longest pipe length.
b. The equivalent pipe length from the container to each nozzle is equal to (within
c. The same number elbows are used in each branch.
d. The above mentioned factors and results are to be accurately calculated by the
system supplier/manufacturer and to be submitted for the engineer's approval prior
to order.

1. Nozzles type choice, coverage and locations shall be as per the system
manufacturers/suppliers computer aided design calculation.
2. Sizes and location are to be determined according to the individual computer
calculation to each area and to be submitted for engineers approval prior to order.
3. The discharge nozzle material shall be of brass.

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

1. The contractor shall supply and install the complete wiring required for the fire system
integration. The supplied wiring and cabling shall be of the mineral insulated, PVC
sheathed cables or Fire proof cables in trunking either single core or multi-core cables
as applicable. The supplied and installed cabling shall comply in full to NFPA standard
for mineral insulated cables and the termination shall comply International Standard for
the cold screw on pot wedge type seals termination for the same.
2. The contractor shall recruit a specialized person to carry out such professional wiring
and installation for such works. Sample of MICS cabling termination shall be submitted
to the engineer for approval.
3. It has to be noted that all the cabling and wiring used for such installation shall be of
medium duty type (400 - 750 volts) although it shall be used for 24v DC supply from the
FAP as well as FEP. On completion of installation of MICS cables, the contractor shall
carryout the insulation test (with 500v test instrument) as well as continuity test.


1. A/C units shall be interlocked to the fire alarm and fire fighting system to be shut down
in case of fire incident.
2. The magnetic coil of the contactor shall be looped through a heavy duty relay inside
the FAP (NC contact) which shall be of 10A rating to be activated via the fire alarm
panel itself.
3. The relays shall be complete with its base and to have at least two contacts (NO and
NC) volt -free contacts.


1. A flexible discharge hose shall be used to connect the agent container valve to the
system discharge piping. The allowable maximum and minimum pressure values shall
comply with NFPA, and manufacturer's/suppliers' recommendation.
2. The flexible discharge hose shall be of steel reinforced flexible rubber hose of at least
50-mm diameter to match the cylinder valves and the discharge piping system
3. The flexible discharge hose shall be of adequate construction to withstand a release
pressure of at least 20 bar or as per the computer-aided design, or as per the system
supplier recommendations.


1. Ploy vinyl chloride red colour blow off caps to protect the nozzle orifice from the entry of
foreign matter shall be provided to each nozzle in the system. The PVC cap shall suit
and match with the nozzle size and shape.



Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

1. Fire extinguishing media container(s) shall be normally mounted in the more usual
upright position with the wall mounting bracket which shall consist of a mounting
channel and a container strap.
2. The wall-mounting bracket shall be solidly fixed to the adjacent wall with the necessary
steel channels and anchors to ensure that the cylinders shall not be moved from their
place/location in case the gas is released.
3. The size of fixation bolts shall not be less than 8 mm Dia to withstand the release


1. An audible evacuation alarm shall be provided within the risk area to sound prior to
operation of the system. A visual indication shall be provided outside the protected
area at the entrance.
2. Audible pre-discharge evacuation alarm shall be in the form of pre-discharge siren the
visual alarm shall be in the form of Xenon flasher as s. The visual alarm (Xenon flasher)
shall be activated only in case that the fire extinguishing gas/media is released.
3. In addition to the above, a status indicator panel shall be provided, supplied and
installed adjacent to each area (preferably on the right hand side) at a level of 180 mm
from the FFL. The status indicator panel (SIP) shall be integrated with built in long life
ultra bright LED's to indicate the status of the system (Auto/manual, manual and gas
release). The LED's colour shall be as follow:-
 Manual Green
 Auto/manual Yellow/amber
 Gas release Red
1. Warning labels/signs shall be prominently displayed at the entrances to the area
protected by the fire extinguishing media as well as the main entrance door to the
building itself.
2. The warning labels/signs shall be type written on self adhesive stickers and to be in
double languages (Arabic/English). Samples to be submitted for the Engineer's

2.4.3 Structural Openings Closing / Sealant

1. The contractor shall close all cable entry openings between the battery room,
equipment room and MDF with a fire resistant material of at lest 1.5 Hr. fire rating in
order to avoid the fire and/or gas escaping through the openings in the event of fire
and during extinguishing process.

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

2. The specification and technical detail for such material shall be as indicated in the
respective specification clause.
2.4.4 Fire Prevention Materials
1. Fire prevention materials shall be provided in all services openings for PVC ducts,
extinguishing pipes and cables either through walls or floor slabs to provide complete
isolation of each and every area within the building. The fire prevention material shall
be of materials approved by the engineer prior to order, and to be able to withstand 1.5
hours of fire prevention as well as to prevent smoke spreading within the different area.
2. The fire prevention material shall be similar to the following or equivalent and
Intumex - Intumex L, KS-2 or KS-3.
Nulfire System "B-90" or Nulfire System - B "Bags".

3. The prevention materials shall be submitted for the engineer's approval prior to any
order is placed.
1. All equipment like status indicator panel (SIP) extinguishing containers, Fire System
panel (FAP), pressure switch etc. shall be fitted with external labels made of
rectangular pieces of ivorine, perspex or laminate. The character shall be reverse
engraved, coloured black against white background with beveled edges and fixed by
means of 3 mm chrome bolts/screws nuts and washers, or stuck with necessary glue
to each and every item.
2. Details of proposed labels to be submitted to the Engineer at the same time as the
project submittals are submitted for approval.
3. The contractor shall include for the provision of an approved metal plate of fire
accident instruction sheet in each of the sites both in Arabic and English.
4. The supplied system shall be complete with an appropriate zonal chart clearly detailing
the following:
 Area number
 Accessory number
 Zone number
 Cylinder size/capacity
 Extinguishing release nozzle size.
 Extinguishing release pipe sizes.
1. The contractor on completion of the installations shall perform testing and
commissioning to be whole electrical installations in this job as per International
Standard where applicable


Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

2. The full installation shall be tested and commissioned by a specialist Engineer. A
minimum of two testing/commissioning visits shall be allowed for the step by step
testing of the installations
3. A full test of all system components and functions shall be performed by the installation
contractor and supplier's specialist in the presence of the engineer. This test shall
include testing all detectors, manual controls, abort controls, audible and visual
indicators, and auxiliary functions.
4. The following tests shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations of KHARMAA
and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following tests:

a. Wires and cables continuity test, recorded and tabulated.

b. Insulation resistance tests, core to core and core to shield on all circuits and
equipment, using 500 volt megger. The megger reading shall be not less than one
Mega ohm.
c. Operational tests of all apparatus, smoke detectors, manual call points, bells,
sirens, indication LED's control panel, etc.
d. Earth continuity tests: not more than one ohm
e. Operation and response tests of the fire fighting system, including the timing of the
pre-discharge siren and the gas release timing, solenoid valve actuator, etc.
f. Polarity test for all accessories.
g. Operation tests for A/C shut down facility.
h. Operational test for Q-Tel remote alarming facility to Q-Tel central OMC room at
5. The system piping shall be prepared for testing with test pressure equivalent to 150% of
the extinguishing media release pressure. The pressure test shall be carried out by
nitrogen gas at 25 bars at least for a minimum of 1.0 hour duration.
6. The test shall not include discharge of the fire extinguishing media.
1. The contractor shall formally submit within one week time each and every material and
item he intends to use to be installed, for the engineer's approval prior to order.
2. Each submittal shall be triplicate, numbered, dated, and accompanied by manufacturer's
catalogues clearly marked and indicating the actual item to be used.
1. The contractor shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omission in the
drawings and other particulars supplied by him whether such drawings and other
particulars have been approved by the Engineer or not.


Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

2. The contractor shall prepare and submit for approval detailed workshop drawing for all
equipment or distribution services. Such drawings will include:
 The physical dimensions of the equipment and its operating weight.
 Position of controls, control panels, control accessories, etc.
 Detailed wiring diagrams of all electrical and control systems.
 Detailed detectors, nozzle and other services co-ordinated ceiling layout.
 Detailed conduit and cable route with high levels.
 Any other drawing found necessary or requested by the Engineer


1. Documents forming the manual of operation and maintenance shall be bound into a
single or a set of specific documents. The size should be DIN A4 at least.
2. On completion of the installation, the contractor shall submit 2 copies of the draft
documents for final approval of the Engineer. Upon approval, the contractor shall
submit 3 copies of the manual of operation before issue of the Completion Certificate.
An additional set of originals including reproducible drawing negatives shall be
submitted as a part of the As-built documentation/operation and maintenance manual.
(All drawings shall be produced using AutoCAD System (CAD v 2000).
3. The as-built manual shall incorporate and include but not necessarily limited to the
following set of documentation:-
a. Complete list of all items, equipment, controls and accessories as actually supplied
and installed including serial numbers and all name plate details and suppliers.
b. Set of "as-built Drawings".
c. Set of manufactures catalogues, wiring diagrams and installation drawings relevant
only to the particular items of equipment concerned.
d. Manufacturer's printed spare parts list for all items and equipment.
e. Planned Preventive Maintenance requirements at monthly and yearly intervals with
maintenance procedure for all plants and equipment.
f. Planned Preventive maintenance schedule during the 400 days maintenance
g. Written instruction charts in both Arabic and English language as to the method of
operation of the equipment and the routine maintenance work. One copy of such
instruction charts shall be framed and fixed to the wall of each of the Q-Tel units.
h. Test certificates, readings and results, tabulated.
i. Any other information required by the Engineer.



Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

1. Adjacent to the Fire System Control Panel (FAP), a "Location Plan" shall be provided,
showing layout of the area and fire zones with marking of detectors in block diagram.
The location map shall be 1:50 scale; and shall be made of Trafolite, 2 mm thick, with
white background and red lines and letters.
2. The location plan shall be framed with minimum profiles and fixed onto wall adjacent to
fire alarm panel, or as instructed by the Engineer.
3. A set of safety instructions and security procedures, all as instructed by the Engineer
during the course of execution shall be hanged adjacent to the zonal chart. All
identifications and instructions shall be in Arabic and English.


1. During the 400 days maintenance period the contractor shall carry out preventive
routine maintenance of the installed fire systems on quarterly basis. The 400 days
maintenance period shall commence immediately after the successful testing and
commissioning of the installed fire systems. The preventive routine maintenance shall
be carried out as follows:-
a. Removal of the system detector - cleaning and reinstalling them in place.
b. Cleaning of the break glass units/manual call points.
c. Cleaning of the bells and sirens.
d. Cleaning of the FAP, FEP as well as SIP.
e. Cleaning of the cylinder heads/actuators.
f. Activation of the fault incidents and check the consequential actions (without any
extinguishing release).
g. Cleaning of stand-by batteries with its termination.
h. Measuring the charging voltage as well as the charging currents of the built in
battery chargers.

2. All the above mentioned actions shall be carried out in the attendance of the
engineer’s representative.

3. The planned preventive Maintenance (PPM) visits shall be logged in a custom made
table. The PPM tables shall be hanged inside the main fire alarm panel and shall be
filled by the contractor’s representative/maintenance technician and shall be duly
signed by him as well as the engineer's representative.


Rev. 1.0 – January 2012


1. Cables (single or multi core) BICC UK

Pirelli UK
or equal and approved

2. Labels and markers BICC UK

Kirtchly UK
or equal and approved

3. FIRE SYSTEM (Fire Alarm & Fire Fighting) Chubb UK

Kidde UK
Notifier US/UK
Thorn UK
Gent UK
or equal and approved

4. Fire Suppression System Pipes & Nippon JAPAN

or equal and approved

5. Fire Resistant Materials Intumex UK

Nullfire UK
or equal and approved


Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

Section 3
Standard Detailed A/C Specifications for a Telecom Room
Air-conditioning Requirements




2 Nos. of split air-conditioning units (Floor Standing Type) shall be installed at the Telecom
Room; one unit as duty and one as standby with Auto-changeover control panel fitted inside
the room. The Panel will allow 1 unit to be selected as duty unit & 1 Unit to be selected as
standby with automatic changeover to standby on high room temperature and must include
standard run and fail lamps, a pair of no-volts contacts for remote Alarm and the ability to
shutdown the complete Air conditioning system on receipt of a signal from the fire alarm
system. The high limit thermostat to be located local to the equipment fitted in the room as

The Air-conditioning work shall include all necessary electrical control wiring and civil works.
Concrete plinth for outdoors condensing units and condensate drainage will be identified by the
engineer as per site conditions and wall openings.
Each system shall consist of units from the proprietary range of standards equipment by a
recognized manufacturer. The matching performances of the outdoor and indoor units shall be
guaranteed by manufacturer. Each system shall include all interconnecting (Refrigeration-
Grade) Copper pipes between the indoor and outdoor units.
The indoor A/C units shall be of floor standing on the steel stand (Upright) with top Horizontal
airflow and adjustable louvers. Refrigerant pipe run inside the room shall be through PVC
Outdoor condensing units shall be installed either on Concrete Plinth, refrigerant pipe work
between indoor and outdoor units with all control wiring shall run through GI Trunking on the
outside wall.
Due to the limited available space in the equipment room, the dimensions of the indoor units
shall not exceed more that which are specified below: -

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

 Height - 2000 mm
 Width - 1200 mm
 Depth - 600 mm

Site visit must be arranged in order to determine the exact location of A/C indoor and outdoor
units, installation routing of refrigerant piping, drainage, electrical control wiring etc., for each

The outdoor unit shall comprise a ONE-PIECE Air-cooled condensing unit. The unit shall have
been designed to operate in ambient temperatures of up to 50ºC.
The framework and casing shall be of galvanized steel with a baked enamel, synthetic resin
paint or plastic.
The Compressor shall be a hermetically sealed Reciprocating or Scroll type only, mounted on
vibration Isolators.
The compressor motor shall be suction gas cooled and shall have thermal overload protection.
The air-cooled condenser coil shall be constructed from seamless copper tubes with
mechanically bonded aluminum fins, pressure tested to a minimum of 1.5 times the maximum
working pressure. The coil shall be factory cleaned and dehydrated.
The condenser fan shall be of the direct driven propeller type, with a steel wire safety guard
and permanently lubricated bearings.
Each outdoor unit shall be provided with its own control panel and its own pre-wired power and
control systems, electrical components shall be built in during manufacture. Control panel shall
be weatherproof. The electrical supply to the outdoor unit shall be 415 Volts, Three Phase 50
The indoor unit shall be floor standing on the steel stand with top horizontal airflow. The air
louvers shall be adjustable type for changing air direction.
The cabinet shall be constructed from galvanized steel with baked enamel or synthetic resin
paint finish. Internal cabinet surfaces shall be insulated with mat-faced fiberglass (or
equivalent) having a minimum thickness of 25mm. Each unit shall contain a permanent
washable air filter.
The cooling coil shall be constructed from seamless copper tubes with mechanically bonded
aluminum fins. The coil shall be fed by a liquid distributor with expansion valve and the entire


Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

assembly shall be pressure tested to 1550 kpa. The coil shall be factory cleaned and
Each unit shall be provided with a drain pan, which shall extend under the cooling Coil and
shall be of sufficient size to collect all the condensation produced by the unit. The drain pan
shall be constructed from heavy gauge galvanized steel or aluminum alloy sheets and shall be
coated on the inside to prevent condensation forming on the external surfaces.
Fans shall be of the double inlet centrifugal type with forward curved impellers directly mounted
on the motor shafts. The fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced. The multi-speed,
permanently lubricated, split-capacitor motor shall be resiliently mounted and shall have built-in
thermal overload protection with automatic reset.

The electric supply to the indoor unit shall be 240 volts, 1 phase 50 Hs. The unit shall have
facility to restart automatically on power interruption.


Electric power to the Split type A/C units of the equipment room to be controlled through a
changeover panel wall mounted type.
Both A/C units shall be capable to act either as duty or as standby. The changeover panel
shall be built of heavy gauge steel with baked enameled finish and shall have hinged panel
door interlocked with the isolating device to de-energize the system when the door is opened.
The panel shall house the contactors, relays, switch buttons, timer and pilot lamps.
A space thermostat, independent from the thermostat of the A/C units and set at a limit
temperature (such as 32ºC) and shall close (energize) the second unit in case of rise of the
space temperature due to a failure or fault of the operation of the first unit. Auxiliary contacts
shall be provided at the panel terminals as volt free contact for possibility of remote signaling
facility and the ability to shutdown the complete Air-conditioning System on receipt of a signal
from the Fire Alarm System.


Work and materials shall conform to the latest edition of the QGEWC regulations and
recommendations for Air-conditioning equipment and installation. British standards and
Codes of Practice, and with all prevailing rules and regulations pertaining to adequate
protection of all moving parts, or otherwise hazardous conditions. Nothing in this Specification
shall be construed to permit work not conforming to the most stringent of the applicable codes.
The following standards are accepted for ACHVR services provided that necessary
corrections and provisions are made to suit Qatar climatologically and design conditions,
power supply system and other required codes.
 ASHRAE : American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
Engineers (U.S.A)
 IHVE : The Institute of Heating and Ventilation Engineers (U.K)

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

 ASME : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
 ARI : Air conditioning Refrigeration Institute (USA)
 ASTM : American Society for Testing and Materials.
 AWS : American Welding Society.
 UL : Underwriter Laboratories (U.S.A)
 SMACNA : Sheet Metal and Air-conditioning Contractors National Association,
 HVCA : Heating and Ventilation Contractor’s Association, U.K
Other International Standards may be considered provided to meet with the above standards
as minimum.
The codes and Standards mentioned above are hereby made part of the Contract drawings
and Specification for the project, and the contractor accepts full liability for ensuring
compliance with the same.
The Codes and Standards mentioned above are hereby made part of the Contract
Specification for the project, and the Contractor accepts full liability for ensuring compliance
with the same.

The Contractor shall co-ordinate his works with other trades and if so directed by the
Engineer, the contractor shall prepare composite working drawings sections at 1:50 or 1:20
scale clearly showing how his work is to be installed in relation to the work of other trades.

The contractor shall submit for approval on prescribed proforma the detailed information for
all equipment he proposes to install.
Following the award of the Contract the contractor shall provide for approval working
drawings of the whole works.


The Contractor shall be responsible and held liable for any discrepancies, errors or omissions
in the working drawings whether said drawings are approved or not.
The contractor shall submit C.V’s of his qualified personnel responsible for execution of work
for Engineer’s approval.


Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

The Contractor shall have a valid QGEWC license for the class of work he is undertaking and
shall provide a copy with English translation to the Engineer upon demand.
Prior to the issue of the Practical Completion Certificate the contractor shall supply two sets of
“As Built” drawing prints for the Engineer’s inspection and comment. Upon inclusion of any
comment from the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply to the Engineer one set of
reproducible (negatives) and four sets of prints. The certificate of practical completion shall
not be issued prior to the approval of the “As Built” drawings.


Prior to issue of the Practical Completion Certificate the contractor shall submit for the
Engineer’s approval two draft copies of the proposed manual for comment. Following receipt
of the Engineer’s approval of the proposed manual, the Contractor shall supply four
hardbound loose leaf copies of the approved manual to the Engineer. The Certificate of
Practical completion shall not be issued until the manual is submitted in draft form for
All steel work in connection with pipe supports exposed to the elements is to be painted with
two coats of a rust preventive paint approved by the Engineer, preferably Zinc Rich primer,
followed by one undercoat and one topcoat.
All exposed metal surfaces of air conditioning and electrical apparatus, motors, guards, pipe
work, hangers etc. must be painted with one coat of under-coat and two coats of enamel paint
finish to a color approved by the Engineer.
After completion of the installation, the entire work shall be checked for finish and appearance,
any portion of work found damaged, unpainted or not finished to the satisfaction of the
Engineer shall be rectified.
At the completion of the Contract, all unused materials, equipment and plant shall be removed
from the site and the work left in a tidy and clean condition, including the cleaning down of all
equipment and the removal of all marks and stains. If required by the Engineer, equipment
shall be repainted.
The contractor shall guarantee holding a full set of spare parts for all of the equipment he
intends to install for a minimum of 2 years. In addition, the contractor shall include for the

Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

supply of spare parts as per the attached list, prior to the issue of the Practical Completion


All works shall be inspected at any stage during the progress of work and after the completion
of works.
All works shall be tested and commissioned in accordance with the relevant British Standards,
Specifications and Codes of practice to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.
The contractor shall carry out all the performance tests initially before requesting the Engineer
to witness the test.
It shall be ensured that the system is free from any dirt, welding snag or any other foreign
matters before the system is finally filled with working fluid. The system shall be properly
vented for bringing it to operating conditions.
During the tests, all the readings of refrigerant pressures, temperature, current consumption of
A/C compressors, evaporator/condenser motors shall be tabulated and at least two copies
submitted to the Engineer.
The contractor shall guarantee for a period of 400 days after the Practical Completion of the
installation that all plant and equipment shall operate free of any defects due to defective
material or bad workmanship and that any part found defective during this period shall be
replaced free of cost by the Contractor.
All compressors shall be guaranteed for a period of five years from the date of Practical
If the defects are not rectified within a reasonable period, the Client may proceed to rectify
these defects by another agency at the Contractor’s entire risk and expense without prejudice
to any rights of the Client.
All materials and equipment must be stored properly and generally in accordance with
manufactures recommendation so as to prevent damage, corrosion, deterioration or dirt
All pipe and duct openings must be adequately closed to prevent dust and direct penetration
during the course of installation.


Prior to ordering and/or bringing any material equipment to the site, the Contractor shall submit
for approval to the Engineer the following data and technical information:-


Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

a. Make and model number of equipment
b. Literature showing the physical dimension of the equipment.
c. Technical specifications
d. Country of origin
Prior to commencing works at site, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, the
complete working drawings showing:-
a. Position of equipment
b. Position of ducts, pipes, conduits etc.
c. Electrical Layout
d. Position of condensate drain pipes
The Engineer shall check if he so requires all parts of the installation and materials. Any part
rejected shall be immediately dismantled, removed from site and replaced or repaired to
conform to the specification and to the full satisfaction of the Engineer.
Any part requiring realignment or repositioning in co-ordination with the decoration, false ceiling,
carpentry or finishing works as required by the Engineer shall be carried out without delay.
Any interim approval given by the Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of his obligations
under this contract.




1 Outdoor Motor 1 No.
2 Compressor Contactor 1 No.
3 Condenser Fan Propeller 1 No.
4 Fan Contactor 1 No.
5 Selector Switch or PC Board 1 No.
6 Thermostat or PC Board 1 No.
7 LP Switch 1 No.
8 HP Switch 1 No.
9 Relay 1 No.
10 Capacitors Each type 1 No.
11 Air Filters 1 Set


Rev. 1.0 – January 2012


Rev. 1.0 – January 2012

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