22-01-31 VW Motion For Extension of Time
22-01-31 VW Motion For Extension of Time
22-01-31 VW Motion For Extension of Time
Acer, Inc.,
C.A. No. 1:21-cv-01390
Fed. R. Civ. P. 6(b)(1) and Local Civil Rule 7(F)(2)(b), files this unopposed motion for an
respond to the Complaint filed by Plaintiff Acer, Incorporated. Defendant states as follows:
VWGoA’s response to the Complaint is currently due on February 7, 2022. Good cause
exists for this Court to grant this second extension because the parties are in negotiations to settle
all matters in controversy between them. VWGoA respectfully requests that this Court grant the
requested extension to allow the parties to more effectively continue with negotiations and
finalize an agreement. Counsel for VWGoA has spoken with Plaintiff’s counsel, and Plaintiff
does not oppose Defendant’s request for an extension of time. This extension does not present a
risk of prejudice to Acer, Inc. and will preserve the parties’ and the Court’s resources. As no
other responsive motions are pending before the Court, an extension will not significantly delay
the proceedings.
Case 1:21-cv-01390-PTG-IDD Document 23 Filed 01/31/22 Page 2 of 3 PageID# 89
WHEREFORE, Defendant VWGoA respectfully requests that the Court enter the
attached order granting VWGoA an extension of time through and including March 9, 2022 to
Case 1:21-cv-01390-PTG-IDD Document 23 Filed 01/31/22 Page 3 of 3 PageID# 90
I hereby certify that on January 31, 2022, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was
served using the Court’s CM/ECF system, with electronic notification of such filing to all
counsel of record.
Daniel E. Yonan
VA Bar No. 46019
1100 New York Avenue NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 371-2600