Acdelco Makes Business Changes To Grow: Over 100 Years of Experience
Acdelco Makes Business Changes To Grow: Over 100 Years of Experience
Acdelco Makes Business Changes To Grow: Over 100 Years of Experience
2015 ISSUE 3
O v e r 1 0 0 Ye a r s o f E x p e r i e n c e
Brand-new agreements
the service bay
with distributors will help
GM Transmission Technical Guides Added to GM
make it easier for them to Service Information........................................................... pg 2
stock ACDelco parts and Wheel Speed Sensor Diagnosis...................................... pg 6
5-Wire Stepper Motor Actuators................................... pg 7
satisfy intense demand from
Keeping Current................................................................. pg 9
independent service centers
for greater and more timely training
parts availability. ACDelco Builds on 50+ Years of
Training to Keep Techs in the Know............................... pg 10
Taking a Test Drive............................................................. pg 11
Changes include a new,
How to Take ACDelco Training....................................... pg 12
open-distribution model Training Schedule............................................................... pg 12
in the U.S. that will expand
distributors’ sales territories product
while meeting the needs Duramax Diesel Maintenance Support....................... pg 8
The ACDelco Illustrated Catalog Receives Updates pg 9
of independent service
centers. In addition, ACDelco running the business
has begun adjusting
Direct Diagnostic and Repair Assistance for PSC pg 3
prices on key parts lines Program Participants........................................................
Customer Savings Heat Up with ACDelco Spark
and simplifying purchase Bob Sanford, General Director, ACDelco Plug Rebate.......................................................................... pg 8
and incentive programs for Bosch Diagnostic Equipment Rebate Discontinued pg 9
distributors. Gateway ‘Spark Plug’ Login Tool Discontinued........... pg 12
tech tips
Continue reading on page 2
Correct Replacement Spin-On Oil Filter...................... pg 5
Throttle Body Replacement Job Aid Now Available pg 11
2 2015 ISSUE 3
GM Transmission Technical Guides “I’ve spent the past year talking to our Consumer Assurance and Roadside
Added to GM Service Information independent service center customers. Assistance: These programs protect
They believe in the brand and everything consumers in the event of a problem
GM has recently
added nearly it represents; they love the quality and on the road or the rare product defect
20 Transmis- broad coverage of our parts; they think (available to eligible participants in
sion Technical our training is the best in the business; ACDelco’s Professional Service Center
Guides to the
and they’re thrilled with our Consumer program).
GM Service
Information Assurance and Roadside Assistance
application. programs for consumers. The issue is they Holistic marketing and business
GM Service development support: ACDelco
have a difficult time getting our parts, and
Information is
we are going to change that,” says Bob supports installers with industry-leading
an online sub-
scription service Sanford, general director, ACDelco. e-commerce tools, marketing support,
that delivers the digital and customer relationship
most accurate and current diagnostic and management tools and access to over 20
“As a leader in the global aftermarket
repair information for GM vehicles.
business, it’s our job to meet our marketplace discounts to help them run
The Transmission Technical Guides pro- customers’ needs, and we are acting with and grow their business.
vide a detailed theory of operation and speed to get them the parts they need.
make an excellent addition to the existing
At the same time, we want to make it Industry-leading training: ACDelco
Transmission and Transaxle Unit Repair
manuals used for off-vehicle repairs that easy for distributors to do business with offers more than 500 instructor-led,
are currently available in the GM Service us. The new agreement positions our virtual classroom and web courses for
Information. technicians to help them stay on top of
valued distributor partners, independent
service centers and ACDelco with a real rapidly changing automotive technology.
The technical guides contain detailed col-
or graphics to aid in reviewing fundamen- opportunity to grow sales and succeed ACDelco recently announced a technician
tal mechanical, hydraulic and electrical together in the growing aftermarket.” training award program to encourage
operating principles of a transmission. technicians to pursue training and shop
These guides are a helpful resource. But Independent service centers are owners to support it.
there is a wide range of repair procedures demanding more ACDelco parts
and technical specifications for certain because ACDelco has been serving the A trusted brand: Independent market
vehicles and transmissions, so always
automotive aftermarket for nearly a research shows ACDelco leads the
refer to the proper service publication
when servicing a specific transmission. century. ACDelco’s leadership position is industry in six major brand equity
based on several key attributes: attributes, signaling the strength of the
The Transmission Technical Guides are brand and the confidence within the
easily accessible from the main menu
Quality and portfolio depth and industry.
within the Service Information. From the
Service Information home page, select breadth: ACDelco offers nearly 90,000
the link for Unit Repair, Specialty Publica- parts across 37 product lines for most The $145-billion annual aftermarket
tion or Transmission Technical Guide. business is expected to expand another
makes, models and budgets – and in
The right side of the page lists the more than 100 countries. Parts undergo $11 billion in just two years. Even as new-
Supplemental Transmission Technical stringent measures to ensure quality and car sales trend back up to pre-recession
Guides. Click the link to access the durability; for example, ACDelco brake numbers, the average vehicle on the road
desired publication. Since the guides are
products are among the most tested in today is a 2004 model.
rather large, it may take 30 seconds or so
to open. the industry.
“That means there are 100 million
GM Service Information is also the vehicles on the road in the U.S. that
General Motors OE parts: ACDelco is
primary source for GM service bulletins,
the only true provider of GM OE parts. are six to 12 years old, representing a
collision repair manuals, and GM owner
manuals. GM brands represent 36 percent of the real sweet spot for our industry,” says
car and light truck population in the U.S. Sanford. “With the business changes
Access more information or subscribe to we’ve implemented and the power of the
That’s 67.2 million vehicles on the road
GM Service Information today by visiting today that need parts and service. ACDelco brand, we intend to seize that
2015 ISSUE 3 3
A new box delete option for
the award-winning Chevrolet
Colorado is designed to allow
For diagnostic and repair assistance on tough or unusual service repairs on any make or model, business owners and fleet man-
ACDelco now has two options for Professional Service Center (PSC) program participants. agers to customize the rear of
the truck for almost unlimited
Diagnostic Hotline Identifix
Looking Ahead:
Forward Collision
Alert Operation
and Settings
The Forward Collision Alert (FCA) system (RPO UEU) available on many
late-model GM vehicles, ranging from the Cadillac ATS to the Chevrolet
Sonic, is designed to help drivers avoid or reduce the harm caused by front-
end crashes. When approaching a vehicle ahead much too quickly, the FCA
system warns drivers with a red flashing alert and rapid beeps.
The FCA system is a warning system only and does not apply the brakes. It
does not warn the driver of any objects that are not detected as a vehicle
(e.g. pedestrians, animals, signs, construction barrels or other stationary or
slow-moving objects).
Forward Collision Alert indicators
are located on top of the instrument panel.
System Operation
The FCA system uses the following components:
Conditions Affecting Operation The ACDelco PF64 oil filter installed by the factory meets
The FCA system may not detect a vehicle ahead if the the specifications of the ACDelco PF63E — but due to the
Frontview Camera Module is blocked by dirt, snow, or ice, or length of the ACDelco PF63E oil filter can, the engine plant
if the windshield is damaged. In these cases, the vehicle ahead cannot build with it because it currently interferes with the
indicator will not be illuminated. assembly line process.
It also may not detect a vehicle on winding or hilly roads, or in DID YOU KNOW?
driving conditions that can limit visibility, such as fog, rain, or The use of a spark device to ignite a fuel-air mixture was
snow. first demonstrated way back in 1777 by Italian physicist
Alessandro Volta, who also advanced the study of
The FCA system may provide unnecessary alerts for turning electrical capacitance. The scientific world was suitably
vehicles, vehicles in other lanes, objects that are not vehicles, impressed and dubbed the unit of electrical potential
or shadows. These alerts are normal operation. after him: volt. He also invented the conventional storage
battery. Smart guy.
6 2015 ISSUE 3
Vehicle occupants can select the desired position of the air either direction in stepped increments.
temperature door, mode door and recirculation door, using the Position is determined by the HVAC control module by
switches and dials on the HVAC controls. counting pulses from the non-energized coils as the permanent
magnets pass those coils. Previous actuators had 255 counts.
Selected values are passed to the HVAC control module as The present ones can exceed 1000 counts.
serial data. The HVAC control module supplies a 12V control
voltage to the stepper motor and energizes the four stepper The motor does not have physical stops; the physical stops
motor coils with a pulsed ground signal. The stepper motor are provided by the door within the housing. These stops are
then moves the appropriate door into the calculated position in learned by the HVAC control module during calibration.
order to reach the selected position.
HVAC Diagnostics
Precise Stepper Motors Diagnostics can be run when the ignition is on and the HVAC
The new actuator, called a stepper motor, was first employed control module is on.
with the introduction of the GM Global architecture. The
actuator is an externally driven or “dumb” actuator that DTC B023A 02 is set if the stepper motor supply output is
provides more precise control with increased torque. The shorted to ground.
motor driver
and position DTC B0223 01, B022A 01, B0233 01, B023A 01, B0408 01 or
detection B0418 01 is set if at least one control circuit of the appropriate
functions are stepper motor is shorted to voltage when the motor starts
located in the moving. Faults are not detected when the motor is already
HVAC control running or the target position is already reached.
module. The
stepper motor DTC B0223 06, B022A 06, B0233 06, B0408 06 or B0418 06
is a bipolar is set if at least one control circuit of the appropriate stepper
5-wire stepper motor actuator
design with motor is shorted to ground or open when the motor starts
four coil windings sharing a common 12V power feed. moving. Faults are not detected when the motor is already
running or the target position is already reached.
The null point of the stepper motor will be calibrated if the
stepper motor is new. When the stepper motor is calibrated, When DTC B023A is set, the affected output is switched off for
the HVAC control module can drive the applicable coil to reach hardware protection. All stepper motors are deactivated.
the exactly desired position of the door.
When DTC B0223, B022A, B0233, B0408 or B0418 is set, the
The stepper motor operates by sequentially changing the affected output is switched off for hardware protection. Only
magnetic fields that surround the inner drive rotor. The rotor the affected stepper motor is deactivated.
has permanent magnets with alternating fields embedded
along its axis. To create movement, the HVAC control module For more information about the latest HVAC technology and
grounds each of the four coils in a predetermined sequence. It is repairs, check out ACDelco training course S-AC07-03.01ILT,
this sequence of magnetic fields that cause the rotor to move in HVAC Control System Operation and Diagnostics.
8 2015 ISSUE 3
Customers who purchase qualifying ACDelco spark plugs will You’ll find 2015 Spark Plug Rebate Form pads (# AM-
appreciate your effort to pass along the opportunity for the FM-0078-15) available for ordering at acdelco1store.
following rebates: com. You can also download a digital version of the
• Professional Iridium, $2 per spark plug form at or Rebates
• Professional Platinum, $1.50 per spark plug typically take six to eight weeks for processing.
• Rapidfire, $1 per spark plug
• Professional Conventional, 50 cents per spark plug Be sure to tell your customers about this offer and make it easy for
Purchases of between four and 16 spark plugs per household them to participate throughout the year.
2015 ISSUE 3 9
Throttle Body Replacement Job
Aid Now Available
ACDelco has released a Throttle
Body Replacement job aid (Docu-
Learn more about ACDelco training from your
ment #21-SS-0184-15E) for 2007
field representative, distributor or by visiting and later full-size GM Trucks, and 2008 and later full-size SUVs with
a V-8 engine. It’s an easy-to-use
bilingual (English/Spanish) single
Coming Soon! New Technician Awards sheet job aid that reviews the
Program proper throttle body replacement
ACDelco, the aftermarket industry’s largest
Higher than normal idle speed
provider of technician training, is introducing and high engine speed during
an exciting awards program designed to deceleration may be experienced
encourage technicians to expand their skills after replacing the throttle body
or cleaning carbon from the area
and maintain a competitive edge. It launches
around the throttle blade. If these
this summer and more information will be conditions are found, the Idle Learn Reset should be performed. The job aid covers
available shortly. Stay tuned! the requirements that must be performed during the reset procedure using a scan
The Throttle Body Replacement job aid is available through the ACDelco 1Store.
Contact your local ACDelco representative for more information.
12 2015 ISSUE 3
Training Schedule
Current Virtual Classroom Training (VCT) Courses
Course Number Course Name
(VCT) courses (VCTs are 1- to-2-hour for a condition), click Take Training > S-EL06-13.01ILT Body Electrical Global Diagnostics
live online courses), click Take Training Catalog > Catalog Search and select Advanced Body Control System
> Catalog > Catalog Search and select Simulation under Delivery Type. Electrical Diagnostics
Effective June 1, the single sign on bookmarks and respective URLs. S-EP08-05.01ILT
Engine Performance Advanced
Drivability Diagnostics
Gateway tool (you may know it as You can continue to use the drive as a
After Combustion Sensors: Is
the Spark Plug flash drive) will be regular flash drive by simply deleting S-EP08-06.01ILT what is in the exhaust making your
decommissioned. ACDelco is seeking the program from it. engine run rough?