Automation System Boundary
Automation System Boundary
Automation System Boundary
December 5, 2021
Presentation tier
The presentation tier is the user interface and communication layer of the
application, where the end user interacts with the application. Its main
purpose is to display information to and collect information from the user. This
top-level tier can run on a web browser, as desktop application, or a graphical
user interface (GUI), for example. Web presentation tiers are usually
developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Desktop applications can be
written in a variety of languages depending on the platform.
Application tier
The application tier, also known as the logic tier or middle tier, is the heart of
the application. In this tier, information collected in the presentation tier is
processed - sometimes against other information in the data tier - using
business logic, a specific set of business rules. The application tier can also
add, delete or modify data in the data tier.
The application tier is typically developed using Python, Java, Perl, PHP or
Ruby, and communicates with the data tier using API calls.
Data tier
The data tier, sometimes called database tier, data access tier or back-end, is
where the information processed by the application is stored and managed.
This can be a relational database management system such as PostgreSQL,
MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, DB2, Informix or Microsoft SQL Server, or in
a NoSQL Database server such as Cassandra, CouchDB or MongoDB.
The main aim of Object Oriented Design (OOD) is to improve the
quality and productivity of system analysis and design by making it more
usable. In analysis phase, OO models are used to fill the gap between
problem and solution. ... It facilitates changes in the system at low cost. It
promotes the reuse of components.
Sequential Diagram
Sequence Diagram is an interaction diagram that details how operations are carried out
-- what messages are sent and when.
Deployment Diagram
A deployment diagram is a UML diagram type that shows the execution
architecture of a system, including nodes such as hardware or software
execution environments, and the middleware connecting them.
The SRP requires that a class should have only a single responsibility.
The OCP requires that each software entity should be open for extension,
but closed for modification.