Osmania University: Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Semester III and IV 2020 - 2021

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Osmania University

Faculty of Informatics

Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Semester III and IV
2020 – 2021

Scheme of Instruction

Osmania University
OU-MCA With effect from the academic year 2020-2021


Scheme of
Course Course Cate- Hours/ No of Examination
Code Title gory Week Credits Max Duration
Marks (hrs)
1 PCC 301 Software Engineering PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
Design and Analysis of
2 PCC 302 PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
Information Retrieval
3 ETC 303 ETC 4 - 4 70 30 3
4 MGC 304 Operation Research MGC 4 - 4 70 30 3
5 Open Elective 4 - 4 70 30 3
MGC 311 Organizational Behavior MGC
MGC 312 Professional Ethics MGC
Intellectual Property
Rights and Cyber Laws
HSC 314 Environmental Sciences HSC
Software Engineering Lab
6 LCC351 LCC - 4 2 50 25 3
using UML
7 LCC352 Algorithms Design Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3
Information Retrieval
8 LTC353 LTC 4 2 50 25 3
Systems Lab
Total 20 12 26 500 225 -

Abbreviation Full Form Abbreviation Full Form

BSC Basic Science Course LTC Laboratory Technological Course
PCC Professional Core Course LPC Laboratory Professional Course
ETC Emerging Technological Course LHC Laboratory Humanities Course
HSC Humanities and Social Science Course CIE Continuous Internal Evaluation
MGC Management Course SEE Semester End Evaluation
PEC Professional Elective Course L Lecture

LCC Laboratory Core Course P Practical

PCC301 – Software Engineering

Unit I

The software Problem: Cost, Schedule and Quality, Scale and change,
Software Processes: Process and project, Component Software Processes, Software
Development Process Models, Project management Process.

Unit II

Software Requirements Analysis and Specification: Value of a good SRS, Requirements

Process, Requirements Specification, Functional Specification with Use Cases, Other
approaches for analysis.
Software Architecture: Role of Software Architecture Views, Component and connector view,
Architectural styles for C & C view, Documenting Architecture Design, Evaluating

Unit III

Planning a Software Project: Effort Estimation, Project Schedule and staffing, Quality
Planning, Risk Management Planning, Project Monitoring Plan, Detailed Scheduling. Design:
Design concepts, Function oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Detailed Design,
Verification, Metrics.

Unit IV

Coding and Unit Testing: Programming Principles and Guidelines, incrementally developing
code, managing evolving code, unit testing, code inspection, Metrics. Testing: Testing Concepts,
Testing Process, Black Box testing, White box testing, Metrics.
Unit V

Maintenance and Re-engineering: Software Maintenance, supportability, Reengineering,

Business process Reengineering, Software reengineering, Reverse engineering; Restructuring,
Forward engineering, Economics of Reengineering.
Software Process Improvement: Introduction, SPI process, CMMI, PCMM, Other SPI
Frameworks, SPI return on investment, SPI Trends.

Suggested Readings:

1. Pankaj Jalote, "Software Engineering- A Precise Approach", Wiley India, 2010.

2. Roger. S.Pressman, "Software Engineering - A Practitioner's Approach", 7th Edition,
McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2010.

3. Deepak Jain, "Software Engineering", Oxford University Press, 2008.
4. Rajib Mall, "Fundamentals of Software Engineering", 4th Edition, PHI Learning, 2014.
5. Ian Sommerville, "Software Engineering", 10th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2015.
PCC302 – Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Unit I
Introduction to Algorithms: Algorithm Specification, Performance Analysis, Randomized
Algorithms. Elementary Data Structures: Stacks and Queues, Trees, Dictionaries, Priority
Queues, Sets and Disjoint Set Union, Graphs.
Unit II
Divide and Conquer: Binary Search, Finding the Maximum and Minimum, Merge Sort; Quick
Sort, Selection sort, Strassen's Matrix Multiplication, Convex Hull. The Greedy Method:
Knapsack Problem, Tree Vertex Splitting, Job Sequencing with Deadlines, Minimum-Cost
Spanning Trees, Single Source Shortest Paths.

Unit III
Dynamic Programming: General Method, Multistage Graphs, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Single-
Source Shortest Paths, Optimal Binary Search Trees, 0/1 Knapsack, The Traveling Salesperson
Problem. Basic Traversal and Search Techniques: Techniques for Binary Trees, Techniques
for Graphs, Connected Components and Spanning Trees, Biconnected Components and DFS.
Unit IV
Back Tracking: General Method, 8-Queens Problem, Sum of Subsets, Graph Coloring,
Hamiltonian Cycles, Knapsack Problem. Branch-Bound: The Method, 0/1 Knapsack Problem,
Traveling Sales Person.
Unit V

NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems: Basic Concepts, Cook's Theorem, NP-Hard. Graph
Problems, NP-Hard Scheduling Problems, NP-Hard Code Generation, Some Simplified NP-
Hard Problems.

Suggested Readings

1. E Horowitz, S Sahni, S Rajasekaran, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms",

2nd Edition, Universities Press, 2007.
2. R. Pannerselvam, "Design and Analysis of Algorithms", PHI, 2007.
3. Hari Mohan Pandey, "Design, Analysis and Algorithm", University Science Press, 2009.
4. TH Cormen, CE Leiserson, RL Rivert, C Stein, "Introduction to Algorithms”, 3rd Edition,
PHI, 2010.

ETC303 – Information Retrieval Systems

Introduction to Retrieval. Strategies: Vector Space model, Probabilistic Retrieval.

Strategies Language Models: Simple Term Weights, Non Binary Independence Model.


Retrieval Utilities: Relevance Feedback, Clustering, N-grams, Regression Analysis, Thesauri.


Retrieval Utilities: Semantic Networks, Parsing, Cross-Language Information Retrieval:

Introduction, Crossing the Language Barrier.


Efficiency: Inverted Index, Query Processing, Signature Files, Duplicate Document Detection.


Integrating Structured Data and Text: A Historical Progression, Information Retrieval as a

Relational Application, Semi-Structured Search using a Relational Schema.

Distributed Information Retrieval: A Theoretical Model of Distributed Retrieval, Web Search.

Suggested Reading:

1. David A. Grossman, Ophir Frieder. “Information Retrieval - Algorithms and

Heuristics”, Springer, 2nd Edition (Distributed by Universities Press), 2004.
2. Gerald J Kowalski, Mark T Maybury. “Information Storage and Retrieval Systems”,
Springer, 2000.
3. Soumen Chakrabarti, “Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge. from Hypertext
Data", Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 2002.
4. Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich SchGtze, “An
Introduction to Information Retrieval”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,

MGC – 304 Operation Research

Linear Programming: Introduction, Concept of Liner Programming Model, Development of

LP models, Graphical Method, Linear Programming Methods, Special cases of Linear
Programming, Duality, Sensitivity Analysis.


Transportation Problem: Introduction, Mathematical Model for 'Transportation Problem,

Types of Transportation Problem, Methods to solve Transportation Problem, Transshipment


Assignment Problem: Introduction, Zero-One Programming Model, Types of Assignment

Problem, Hungarian Method, Branch-and-Bound Technique for Assignment Problem.

Integer Programming: Introduction, Integer Programming Formulations, The Cutting-Plane

Algorithm, Branch-and-Bound Technique, Zero-One Implicit Enumeration Algorithm.


Dynamic Programming: Introduction, Applications of Dynamic Programming, Solution of

Linear Programming Problem through Dynamic Programming.


Game Theory: Introduction, Game with Pure Strategies, Game with Mixed Strategies,
Dominance Property, Graphical Method for 2 x n or m x 2 Games, Linear Programming
Approach for Game Theory.

Suggested Reading:
1. Pannarselvam, "Operations Research", 3rd Edition, PHI, 2009.
2. Prem Kumar Gupta, DS Hira, "Problems in Operations Research", S. Chand, 2010.
3. Rathindra P Sen, "Operations Research - Algorithm and Application", PHI, 2010.
a) JK Sharma, "Operations Research", Fourth Edition, MacMillan, 2009.

MGC311 Organizational Behavior

Management Process and Functions, Scientific and Modern Management, 3D Model of

Managerial Behavior - MBO - MBWA - Line and Staff - The Peter's Principle - Parkinson's Law
- Approaches to Organization Structure-Management - Classical, Human Relations, Systems and
Contingency Approaches, Hawthorne's Experiments - Human Engineering.


Decision Making and Negotiations: Approaches to Decision making - Rational, Behavioral,

Practical, and Personal Approaches - Open and Closed Models of Decision Making, Types and
steps in planning, Authority, Responsibility, Centralization, Decentralization and
Recentralization, Bureaucracy.


Psychological contract - Personality Traits, Big 5 personality traits, MBTI inventory, the Process
of Perception - Perceptual distortions and errors, Kelly's personal construct Theory, Motivation-
Content Theories: Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, McCleland. Process Theories: Vroom, Potter
and Lawler, Equity Theory - Goal Theory - Attribution Theory.


Models of Organization Behavior - Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive, Collegial and System

Models, Transactional Analysis, Johari Window. Group Dynamics: Typology of Groups -
Conflicts in groups - The nature, of conflict - Reactions to conflict - A model of conflict. Trait
and Behavioral Approaches to Leadership, Managerial Grid, Path-Goal Theory, Vroom's
Decision Tree Approach to Leadership - Hersey and Blanchard Model.


Organization Design, Organization culture and organization climate, Stress Management and
Counseling, Management of change and organization development. Communication - Emerging
aspects of OB.

Suggested Readings
1. Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, 9th Edition,
McGraw Hill Education, 2015.
2. Curtis W. Cook and Phillip L. Hunsaker, Management and Organizational Behavior,
3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill,2010.

MGC312 Professional Ethics
Development of Legal Profession in India — Advocates Act, 1961 — Right to Practice — a
right or privilege -- Constitutional guarantee under Article 19(1) (g) and its scope — Enrolment
and Practice — Regulation governing enrolment and practice — Practice of Law — Solicitors
firm — Elements of Advocacy.

Seven lamps of advocacy — Advocates duties towards public, clients, court, and other
advocates and legal aid ; Bar Council Code of Ethics.

Disciplinary proceedings --- Professional misconduct — Disqualifications — Functions of Bar
Council of India/State Bar Councils in dealing with the disciplinary proceedings —
Disciplinary Committees -- Powers and functions - Disqualification and removal from rolls.

Accountancy for Lawyers - Nature and functions of accounting — Important branches
of accounting — Accounting and Law – Bar - Bench Relations.

Safety and Risk – Assessment of Safety and Risk – Risk Benefit Analysis and Reducing Risk –
Respect for Authority – Collective Bargaining – Confidentiality – Conflicts of Interest –
Occupational Crime – Professional Rights – Employee Rights – Intellectual Property Rights
(IPR) – Discrimination.

Suggested Readings:

1. Myneni S.R, Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bench-Bar Relation, Asia
Law House, 2013.
2. Gupta S.P, Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bench-Bar Relation, Asia
Law House, Hyderabad, 2020
3.Kailash Rai, Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bench-Bar
Relation, Allahabad Law Agency.,2016
3. Siroh, Professional Ethics, Central Law Publications, Allahabad, 2015.
4. Ramachandra Jha, Selected Judgements on Professional Ethics, Bar Council of India
trust, 2017

MGC313 – Intellectual Property Rights and Cyber Laws

Meaning, Nature, Classification and protection of Intellectual Property — The main forms of
Intellectual Property — Copyright, Trademarks, Patents, Designs (Industrial and Layout) --
Geographical Indications - Plant Varieties Protection and Biotechnology


Introduction to the leading International instruments concerning Intellectual Property Rights —

The Berne Convention — Universal Copyright Convention — The Paris Union — Patent Co-
operation Treaty -- The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the UNEESCO,
International Trade Agreements concerning IPR — WTO — TRIPS.


Select aspects of the Law of Copyright in India--- The Copy Right Act,1957 - Historical
— Meaning of copyright — Copyright in literary, dramatic and musical works, computer
programmes and cinematograph films — Neighbouring rights — Rights of performers and
broadcasters, etc. — Ownership and Assignment of copyright — Author's special rights —
Notion of infringement — Criteria of infringement -- Infringement of copyright in films, literary
and dramatic works — Authorities under the Act — Remedies for infringement of copyright.


Intellectual Property in Trademarks and the rationale of their protection - The Trade Marks Act.
1999 —Definition of Trademarks — Distinction between Trademark and Property Mark -
Registration — Passing off — Infringement of Trademark — Criteria of Infringement —
Remedies. The Designs Act, 2000 -- Definition and characteristics of Design — Law in India —
Protection and rights of design holders -- Copyright in design — Registration — Remedies for


Patents — Concept of Patent — Historical overview of the Patents Law in India — Patentable
Inventions —Kinds of Patents — Procedure for obtaining patent — The Patents Act, 1970 —
Rights and obligations of a patentee — Term of patent protection — Use and exercise of rights
— Exclusive Marketing Rights — Right to Secrecy — The notion of 'abuse' of patent rights —
Infringement of patent rights and remedies available.

Suggested Readings

1. P. Narayanan, Patent Law, Eastern Law House, 1995.

2.Roy Chowdhary, S.K. & Other, Law of Trademark, Copyrights, Patents and
Designs, Kamal Law House, 1999.
3. Dr. G.B. Reddy, Intellectual Property Rights and the Law ,5th Edition, Gogia
Law Agency, 2005.

HSC314 – Environmental Sciences

Environmental Studies: Introduction - Definition, Scope and Importance - Basic principle of

ecosystem functioning - Concept of ecosystem, structure and functioning of ecosystem,
introduction and characteristic features, structures and functions, different ecosystems.

Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction - Bio-geographical classification of India. Value

of biodiversity - consumptive and predictive use, social, ethical and optional values. Biodiversity
- Global, National and local levels. Hot spots of biodiversity - Threats to biodiversity -
Endangered and endemic species of India - Conservation of biodiversity - In-situ and Ex-situ


Environmental and Natural Resources: Forest resources - Use and over-exploitation,

Deforestation, Timber extraction, Mining and dams - their effects on forests and tribal' people.
Water resources - Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, droughts,
conflicts over water, dams - effects of extracting and using mineral resources. Food resources -
World food problems - change caused by agricultural and overgrazing, effects of modern
agricultural fertilizer pesticide problems, water logging and salinity.
Environmental Valuation: Welfare measure and environmental values, definition and
classification of environmental values, valuation methods. Environmental Economics: Economic
approach to environmental preservation and conservation, property rights and externalities,
management of natural resources.

Environmental Pollution: Causes, effects and control measures of air pollution, water pollution,
soil pollution, marine pollution, noise pollution.
Environmental Problems in India: Effects of human activities on the quality of life, Water and
River, Ground water, Wasteland reclamation.

Regional and Sectoral Issues: Urbanization, Agro-forestry, Dry lands, Goods and services,
Mountain development, River basin water resources management. sustainable tourism, and
Costal zone management. Environment and Development: The economy and environment
interaction, State of the Environment - Economics of development; Preservation and
Sustainability: Theory and Practice, Equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles - Role
of an individual in prevention of pollution.
Human Population and the Environment: Population growth and environment - Human


Social Issues and the Environment: Sustainable Development - Resettlement and rehabilitation
of people and its problems and concerns.
Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions-Consumerism and waste products - Public
awareness. Sustainable resources management. Design of Environmental Policy -- Direct
regulation by Government - Command and control instrumentation.

Suggested Readings:

1. B. Sudhakara Reddy, T. Sivaji Rao, U. Tataji & K. Purushottam Reddy, An

Introduction to Environmental Studies, Maruti Publications.
2. C.Manohar Chary and P.Jayaram Reddy, Principles of Environmental Studies,
Publications, Hyderabad.
3.Y.Anjaneyulu, Introduction to Environmental Science, B.S. Publications, Hyderabad.

LCC351 – Software Design Lab using UML

1. Phases in software development project, overview, need, coverage of topics

2. To assign the requirement engineering tasks

3. To perform the system analysis: Requirement analysis, SRS

4. To perform the function-oriented diagram: DFD and Structured chart

5. To perform the user’s view analysis: Use case diagram

6. To draw the structural view diagram: Class diagram, object diagram

7. To draw the behavioral view diagram: Sequence diagram, Collaboration diagram

8. To draw the behavioral view diagram: State-chart diagram, Activity diagram

9. To draw the implementation view diagram: Component diagram

10. To draw the environmental view diagram: Deployment diagram

11. To perform various testing using the testing tool unit testing, integration testing

Draw UML diagrams for the following system

1. ATM application
2. Library management system
3. Railway reservation
4. E-Commerce System
5. Banking System

Perform the following tasks

Background: Software has made the world a global village today. The impact of software
spans across almost all aspect of human life. All organizations, Institutions and companies are
leveraging the potentials of software in automating the critical functions and eliminating
manual interventions. Software is also a predominant area for trade and export especially for
the countries like India. Domains like health care, Airlines, financial Services, Insurance,
retails, Education, and many more have exploited software and still there a lot of the scope for
software to create impact and add values in multiple dimensions.
Problem Description: In the context of this background, identify the areas (or application or
systems) how software has been leveraged extensively in the following domains
1. Health Care 2. Airlines 3. Banking Insurance

4. Retail 5. Education

Background: In the early years of computers applications, the focus of the development and
innovation were on hardware. Software was largely views as an afterthought. Computer
programming was an art. Programmers did not follow any disciplined or formalized
approaches. This way of doing things was adequate for a while, until the sophisticated of
computer applications outgrow. Software soon took over and more functions which were done
manually. A software houses begin to develop for widespread distribution. Software
development projects produced thousands of source program statement. With the increase in
the size and complexity of the software, following situation resulted is collectively termed as
software crisis.
1. Time Slippage
2. Cost Slippage
3. Failure at customer Site
4. Intractable Error after delivery

Problem Description: In the context of this background, for each of the scenario mentioned
below, identify the most appropriate problem related to software crisis and mention the same
in the table provided.
Scenario A: Railways reservation software was delivered to the customer and was installed in
one of the metro station at 12.00 AM (mid-night) as per the plan. The system worked quite
fine till the next day 12.00 PM (noon). The system crashed at 12.00 PM and the railways
authorities could not continue using software for reservation till 02.00 PM. It took two hours to
fix the defect in the software in the software.
Scenario B: A polar satellite launch vehicle was scheduled for the launch on August 15th. The
auto-pilot of the rocket to be delivered for integration of the rocket on May 15th. The design
and development of the software for the auto-pilot more effort because of which the auto-pilot
was delivered for the integration on June 15th (delayed by a month). The rocket was launched
on Sep 15th (delayed by a month).
Scenario C: Software for financial systems was delivered to the customer. Customer informed
the development team about a mal-function in the system. As the software was huge and
complex, the development team could not identify the defect in the software.

Background: Integration testing is carried out after the completion of unit testing and
before the software is delivered for system testing. In top down integration testing,
dummy stubs are required for bottom level modules. Similarly, in bottom up testing,
dummy drivers are required for top level modules

Problem Description: Consider the scenario of development of software for Travel,
Management System (TMS) is in progress. The TMS software has 3 major modules namely
Ticket_Booking_Module, Hotel_Booking_Module and Taxi_Booking_Module. The
Ticket_Booking_Module has 3 sub modules namely Enquiry_Module, Booking_Module and
Update_Module. The enquiry module uses Date_Validation_Unit, Ticket_Validation_Unit and
In the context of the given scenario, identify the usage of stub or driver for the following
1. Except the Ticket_validation_Unit, the coding and unit testing of all other modules, sub
modules and units of TMS are completed. The top-down integration is in progress for the TMS
software. To carry out the integration testing, which among the following is necessary?
2. The coding and unit testing of all the module, sub modules and units of TMS are completed
except the Update_Module (coding and testing for Edit_Module, Cancel_Module and
View_Module are also completed). The bottom-up integration is to be started for the TMS
software. Mention any stub or driver needed to carry out the integration testing?
3. Except the Taxi_Booking_Module, the coding and unit testing of all other modules, sub
modules and units of TMS are completed. The top-down integration is to be started for the TMS
software. Mention any stub or driver needed to carry out the integration testing.
Background: Performance testing tests the non-functional requirements of the system. The
different types of performance testing are load testing, stress testing, endurance testing and spike
Problem Description: Identify the type of performance testing for the following:
1. A space craft is expected to function for nearly 8 years in space. The orbit control system of
the spacecraft is a real-time embedded system. Before the launch, the embedded software is to be
tested to ensure that it is capable of working for 8 years in the space. Identify the suitable
performance testing category to be carried out to ensure that the space craft will be functioning
for 8 years in the space as required.
2. Global Education Centre (GEC) at Infosys Mysore provides the training for fresh entrants.
GEC uses an automated tool for conducting objective type test for the trainees. At a time, a
maximum of 2000 trainees are expected to take the test. Before the tool is deployed, testing of
the tool was carried out to ensure that it is capable of supporting 2000 simultaneous users.
Indicate the performance testing category?

3. A university uses its web-based portal for publishing the results of the students. When the
results of an examination were announced on the website recently on a pre-planned date, the web
site crashed. Which type of performance testing should have been done during web-site
development to avoid this unpleasant situation?
4. During unexpected terrorist attack, one of the popular websites crashed as many people logged
into the web-site in a short span of time to know the consequences of terrorist attack and for
immediate guidelines from the security personnel. After analyzing the situation, the maintenance
team of that website came to know that it was the consequences of unexpected load on the
system which had never happened previously. Which type of performance testing should have
been done during web-site development to avoid this unpleasant situation?
Background: Enhancements are introduction of new features to the software and might be
released in different versions. Whenever a version is released, regression testing should be done
on the system to ensure that the existing features have not been disturbed.
Problem Description: Consider the scenario of development of software for Travel
Management System (TMS) discussed in previous assignment. TMS has been developed by
Infosys and released to its customer Advance Travel Solutions Ltd. (ATSL). Integration testing,
system testing and acceptance testing were carried out before releasing the final build to the
customer. However, as per the customer feedback during the first month of usage of the
software, some minor changes are required in the Enquiry Module of the TMS. The customer has
approached Infosys with the minor changes for upgrading the software. The development team
of Infosys has incorporated. Those changes, and delivered the software to testing team to test the
upgraded software. Which among the following statement is true?
a. Since minor changes are there, integration of the Enquiry Module and quick system testing on
Enquiry module should be done.
b. The incorporation of minor changes would have introduced new bugs into other modules, so
regression testing should be carried out.
c. Since the acceptance testing is already carried out, it is enough if the team performs sanity
testing on the Enquire module.
d. No need of testing any module.

Background: There are some metrics which are fundamental and the rest can be derived from
these. Examples of basic (fundamental) measures are size, effort, defect, and schedule. If the
fundamental measures are known, then we can derive others. For example if size and effort are
known, we can get Productivity (=size/effort). If the total numbers of defects are known we can
get the Quality (=defect/size) and so on.
Problem Description: Online loan system has two modules for the two basic services, namely
Car loan service and House loan service.
The two modules have been named as Car_Loan_Module and House_Loan_Module.
Car_Loan_Module has 2000 lines of uncommented source code. House_Loan_Module has 3000
lines of uncommented source code. Car_Loan_Module was completely implemented by Mike.
House_Loan_Module was completely implemented by John. Mike took 100 person hours to
implement Car_Loan_Module. John took 200 person hours to implement House_Loan_Module.
Mike‟s module had 5 defects. Jonh’s module had 6 defects. With respect to the context given,
which among the following is an INCORRECT statement?
Choose one:
1. John‟s quality is better than Mike.

2. John‟s productivity is more than Mike.
3. John introduced more defects than Mike.
4. John‟s effort is more than Mike.

LCC352 – Algorithms Design Lab
Programs to be written on the following concepts using any programming language like
Python, C, Java.
1. Binary Search
2. Merge Sort
3. Quick Sort
4. Knapsack Problem
5. Job Sequencing with Deadlines
6. Minimum-Cost Spanning Trees
7. Single Source Shortest Paths.
8. All-Pairs Shortest Paths
9. 0/1 Knapsack
10. The Traveling Salesperson Problem.
11. Traversal Techniques for Binary Trees – Inorder
12. Traversal Techniques for Binary Trees - preorder
13. Traversal Techniques for Binary Trees - postorder
14. Techniques for Graphs - DFS
15. Techniques for Graphs - BFS.

LTC353 – Information Retrieval Systems Lab

The programs can be implemented in either Java or Python.

1. Build an inverted index

2. Term frequency and weighting

3. tf-idf functions

4. Naive Bayes text classification

5. k- nearest neighbor

6. k-means

7. Term-document matrices

8. Web crawling

9. Web as a graph

10. Page Rank

OU-MCA With effect from the academic year 2020-2021


Scheme of
Course Course Cate- Hours/ No of Examination
Code Title gory Week Credits Max Duration
Marks (hrs)
1 PCC401 Computer Networks PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
2 ETC402 Data Mining ETC 4 - 4 70 30 3
3 PCC403 Web Programming PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
4 PCC403 Distributed Systems PCC 4 - 4 70 30 3
5 Professional Elective - I PEC 4 - 4 70 30 3
PEC411 Artificial Intelligence
PEC412 Distributed Databases
Machine Learning
PEC414 Theory of Computation
6 LCC451 Computer Networks Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3
7 LTC452 Data Mining Lab LTC - 4 2 50 25 3
8 LCC453 Web Programming LCC 4 2 50 25 3
Total 20 12 26 500 225 -

Abbreviation Full Form Abbreviation Full Form

BSC Basic Science Course LTC Laboratory Technological Course
PCC Professional Core Course LPC Laboratory Professional Course
ETC Emerging Technological Course LHC Laboratory Humanities Course
HSC Humanities and Social Science Course CIE Continuous Internal Evaluation
MGC Management Course SEE Semester End Evaluation
PEC Professional Elective Course L Lecture
LCC Laboratory Core Course P Practical

PCC401 – Computer Networks
Unit I

Data Communications: Components - Direction of Data flow - networks - Components and

Categories - types of connections - Topologies -Protocols and Standards - ISO/OSI model,
TCP/IP. Transmission Media - Coaxial Cable - Fiber Optics - Line Coding - Modems - RS232

Unit II

Datalink Layer: Error detection and correction, CRC, Hamming code, Flow Control and Error
control - stop and wait - go back-N ARQ - selective repeat ARQ - sliding window - HDLC.
Mac Layer: LAN - Pure and Slotted ALOHA, Ethernet IEEE 802.3 - IEEE 802.4 -IEEE 802.5,

Unit III

Network Layer: Internetworks - virtual circuit and Datagram approach, Routers IP

addressing, Subnetting, CIDR. Routing - Distance Vector Routing, Link State Routing,

Unit IV

Transport Layer: Services of transport layer, Multiplexing. Transmission Control Protocol

(TCP) Congestion Control, timer management, Quality of services (QOS) and User Datagram
Protocol (UDP)

Unit V

Application Layer: Domain Name Space (DNS) - SMTP - FTP - HTTP - WWW.

Suggested Readings

1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks", Pearson Education; Fourth Edition, 2008.

2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, "Data communication and Networking", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009.
3. James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
Featuring the Internet", Pearson Education, 2006.

ETC402 – Data Mining
Unit I

Introduction: Challenges – Origins of Data Mining and Data Mining Tasks. Data Types of
Data. Data Quality – Data Preprocessing – Measures of Similarity and Dissimilarity – OLAP
and Multidimensional Data Analysis.

Unit II

Classification: Preliminaries – General approach to solving a classification problem – Decision

tree induction – Model overfitting – Evaluating the performance of a classifier – Methods of
comparing classifiers - Rule-based classifier.

Unit III

Classification: Nearest-Neighbor classifiers – Bayesian classifiers – Artificial Neutral Networks

– Support vector machine – Ensemble methods – Class imbalance problem – Multiclass

Unit IV

Association Analysis: Problem definition – Frequent item set generation – Rule generation –
Compact representation of frequent item sets – Alternative methods for generating frequent item
sets – FP-Growth Algorithm – Evaluation of association patterns – Effect of Skewed support
distribution – Handling categorical attributes – Handling continuous attributes – Handling a
concept hierarchy.

Unit V

Cluster Analysis: Overview – K-means – Agglomerative hierarchical clustering – DBSCAN –

Cluster evaluation – Characteristics of Data, Clusters, and Clustering Algorithms

Suggested Readings

1. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining, Pearson
Education, 2008.
2. K.P.Soman, Shyam Diwakar, V.Ajay, Insight into Data Mining Theory and Practice,
PHI, 2010.
3. Arun K Pujari, Data Mining Techniques, University Press, 2nd Edition, 2009.
4. Vikram pudi P. Radha Krishna , Data Mining, Oxford University Press, 1st Edition 2009
5. Galit S, Nitin RP, Peter C Bruce. Data Mining for Business Intelligence. Wiley India

PCC403 – Web Programming
Unit I
HTML: Markup languages, common tags, header, test styling, linking images Formatting text,
Unordered lists, nested and ordered list, Tabs-and formatting, Basic forms; Complex forms
linking, Meta Tags. Dynamic HTML: Cascading style sheets in line styles, style element,
External Style sheet, text flow and Box model, user style sheets.
Unit II

Object model and collections: Object referencing, collections all, children frames, navigator
object. Event model: ONCLICK, ONLOAD, Error Handling, ON ERRORS
ONSUBMIT. Dynamic HTML: Filters and transitions, Data binding with Tabular data control
binding to IMO, TABLE, Structured graphics, Active controls.

Unit III

Introduction to scripting, Java Script, Data types, Arithmetic's Equality relational, assignment
increment, decrement operators, Java Script Control Structures- if, if-else, while. Java Script
Control Structures: For, Switch, Do/while, break.
Programming modules, recursion, recursion vs iteration global functions arrays, using arrays,
Reference and reference parameters, passing arrays to functions, multiple subscripted arrays,
objects-math, string. Boolean and number.

Unit IV
Client side scripting with VB Script, operations, Data types and control structures, Functions,
Arrays, String manipulations, classes and objects. Web Servers: Personal Web server, Internet
information server, Apache Web Server, Installation of a Web Server.

Unit V
Active Sever Pages, Client side Scripting vs Server side Scripting, Server side Active X
Component, ADO, file system objects, Session tracking, CGI and PERL5, String Processing and
Regular Expressions, Server side includes, Cookies and PERL XML Document Type Definition,
XML Parsers, Using XML with HTML.

Suggested Readings

1 Deiterl, Deitel & NIETO, "Internet & World Wide Web - How to Program",
Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2004.
2 Steven Holzner, "HTML Black Book - Comprehensive Problem Server", Dream
Tech Press, 2000.
3 B Sosinsky, V Hilley, "Programming the Web - An Introduction", MGH, 2004.

PCC404 – Distributed Systems
Unit I

Introduction: Goals and Types of Distributed Systems

Architectures: Architectural Styles, System Architectures, Architectures versus Middleware, and
Self-Management in Distributed Systems.
Processes: Threads, Virtualization, Clients, Servers, and Code Migration.
Communication: Fundamentals, Remote Procedure Call, Message-Oriented Communication,
Stream-Oriented Communication, and Multicast Communication.

Unit II

Naming: Names, Identifiers and Addresses, Flat Naming, Structured Naming, and Attribute-Based
Synchronization: Clock Synchronization, Logical Clocks, Mutual Exclusion, Global Positioning of
Nodes, and Election Algorithms. Consistency and Replication: Introduction, Data-Centric
Consistency Models, Client-Centric Consistency Models, Replica Management, and Consistency

Unit III

Fault Tolerance: Introduction to Fault Tolerance, Process Resilience, Reliable Client-Server

Communication, Reliable Group Communication, Distributed Commit, and Recovery.
Distributed Object-Based Systems: Architecture, Processes, Communication, Naming,
Synchronization, Consistency and Replication, Fault Tolerance, and Security.

Unit IV

Distributed File Systems: Architecture, Processes, Communication, Naming, Synchronization,

Consistency and Replication, Fault Tolerance, and Security.
Distributed Web-Based Systems: Architecture, Processes, Communication, Naming,
Synchronization, Consistency and Replication, Fault Tolerance, and Security.

Unit V

Distributed Coordination-Based Systems: Introduction to Coordination Models, Architecture,

Processes, Communication, Naming, Synchronization, Consistency and Replication, Fault Tolerance,
and Security.
Map-Reduce: Example, Scaling, programming model, Apache Hadoop, Amazon Elastic Map
Reduce, Mapreduce.net, Pig and Hive.

Suggested Readings

1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten Van Steen, ―Distributed Systems‖, PHI 2nd Edition,

2. R.Hill, L.Hirsch, P.Lake, S.Moshiri, ―Guide to Cloud Computing, Principles and Practical,
Springer, 2013.
3. R.Buyya, J.Borberg, A.Goscinski, Cloud Computing-Principles and Paradigms,Wiley 2013.

PEC411 – Artificial Intelligence – Professional Elective
Unit - 1

Introduction: History Intelligent Systems, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Sub areas of

Al, Applications. Problem Solving - State - Space Search and Control Strategies:
Introduction, General Problem Solving Characteristics of problem, Exhaustive Searches,
Heuristic Search Techniques, Iterative - Deepening A*, Constraint Satisfaction.
Game Playing, Bounded Look - ahead Strategy and use of Evaluation Functions, Alpha
Beta Pruning.

Unit – II

Logic Concepts and Logic Programming: Introduction, Propositional Calculus Propositional

Logic, Natural Deduction System, Axiomatic System, Semantic Table, A System in
Propositional Logic, Resolution, Refutation in Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic, Logic
Knowledge Representation: Introduction, approaches to knowledge Representation,
Knowledge Representation using Semantic Network, Extended Semantic Networks for KR,
Knowledge Representation using Frames.

Unit - III

Expert System and Applications: Introduction, Phases in Building Expert Systems Expert
System Architecture, Expert Systems Vs Traditional Systems, Truth Maintenance Systems,
Application of Expert Systems, List of Shells and tools.
Uncertainty Measure - Probability Theory: Introduction, Probability Theory, Bayesian Belief
Networks, Certainty Factor Theory, Dempster - Shafer Theory.

Unit - IV

Machine - Learning Paradigms: Introduction, Machine learning System, Supervised and

Unsupervised Learning, Inductive Learning, Learning Decision Trees, Deductive Learning,
Clustering, Support Vector Machines. Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction Artificial
Neural Networks, Single - Layer Feed Forward Networks, Multi - Layer Feed Forward
Networks, Radial - Basis Function Networks, Design Issues of Artificial Neural Networks,
Recurrent Networks.

Unit - V

Advanced Knowledge Representation Techniques: Case Grammars, Semantic Web.

Natural Language Processing: Introduction, Sentence Analysis Phases, Grammars and Parsers,
Types of Parsers, Semantic Analysis, Universal Networking Knowledge.

Suggested Readings

1. Saroj Kaushik, Artificial Intelligence, Cengage Learning India, First Edition, 2011.
2.Russell, Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Pearson
Education, 2nd Edition, 2004.
2. Rich, Knight, Nair , Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition

PEC412 – Distributed Databases – Professional Elective
Introduction: Database-System Applications, Purpose of Database Systems, View of Data,
Database Languages, Relational Databases, Database Design, Object-Based and Semistructured
Databases, Data Storage and Querying, Transaction Management, Data Mining and Analysis,
Database Architecture, Database Users and Administrators, History of Database Systems.


Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases, Fundamental Relational-Algebra

Operations, Additional Relational-Algebra Operations, Extended Relational-Algebra Operations,
Null Values, Modification of the Database.
Query Processing : Overview, Measures of query cost, Selection operation, sorting, Join
operation, Other operations, Evaluation of Expressions.


Query Optimization : Overview, Transformation of Relational expressions, Estimating

statistics of expression results, Choice of evaluation plans, Materialized views.
Parallel Databases: Introduction, I/O Parallelism, Interquery Parallelism, Intraquery
Parallelism, Interoperation Parallelism, Intraoperation Parallelism, Design of Parallel Systems.

Distributed Databases: Reference architecture for DDB, Types of Data Fragmentation,
Distribution Transparency for Read-only applications, Distribution Transparency for Update
applications, Distributed Database Access Primitives, Integrity Constraints in DDB.
Distributed Database Design: A frame work for Distributed Database Design, The design of
Database fragmentation, The allocation of fragmentation.


Translation of Global Queries to Fragment Queries: Equivalence transformations for queries,

Transforming global queries into fragment queries, Distributed grouping and aggregate function
evaluation, Parametric queries. Optimization of Access Strategies: Access Control Models,
Database Security, A framework for query optimization, Join queries, General queries.

Suggested Readings:
1. Silberschatz A, Korth HF, Sudarshan S, Database System Concepts, McGraw-Hill
International Edition, 5th Edition, 2006.
2. Ceri S, Pelagatti G, Distributed Databases: Principles and Systems, McGraw-Hill
International Edition, 1984

PEC413 – Machine Learning Techniques – Professional Elective
Unit I

Basic Maths: Probability, Linear Algebra, Convex Optimization Background: Statistical

Decision Theory, Bayesian Learning (ML, MAP, Bayes estimates, Conjugate priors)

Unit II

Regression: Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Lasso Dimensionality Reduction: Principal

Component Analysis, Partial Least Squares

Unit III

Classification: Linear Classification, Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis,

Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, Perceptron, Support Vector Machines + Kernels, Artificial
Neural Networks + BackPropagation, Decision Trees, Bayes Optimal Classifier, Naive Bayes.

Unit IV

Evaluation measures: Hypothesis testing, Ensemble Methods, Bagging, Adaboost Gradient

Boosting, Clustering, K-means, K-medoids, Density-based Hierarchical, Spectral

Unit V

Miscellaneous topics: Expectation Maximization, GMMs, Learning theory Intro to

Reinforcement Learning Graphical Models: Bayesian Networks.

Suggested Readings

1. Ethem Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning, 3rd Edition, MIT Press, 2004.

2. Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning McGraw Hill Education, 2013

PEC414 – Theory of Computation – Professional Elective
Basic concepts of Automata Theory: Alphabets, Strings and Languages, Deterministic Finite
Automata (DFA) and Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) – Definition, Representation
using Transition Tables and State Diagrams, Language of DFA and NFA. NFA with ε-
transitions, Language of NFA with ε-transitions, Equivalence of NFA and DFA

Regular Expressions and Languages: Introduction, Definition of regular expression, Kleen’s
Theorem, Equivalence of regular expression and Finite Automata, Pumping Lemma for regular
Languages, Closure properties of Regular Languages, Decision properties of Regular
Languages, Finite Automata with Output: Moore and Mealy Machine, Equivalence of Moore
and Mealy Machines.

Non-Regular Grammars: Definition of Grammar, Classification of Grammars, Chomosky's
Hierarchy. Context Free Grammars (CFG) and Context Free Languages (CFL) - Definition,
Examples, Derivation trees, Ambiguous Grammars, Simplification of Grammars, Normal forms
of CFGs: CNF and GNF, Closure properties of CFLs, Decision Properties of CFLs, Pumping
lemma for CFLs. Push Down Automata (PDA): Definition and Description, Language of PDA
and its applications.
Turing Machines: Introduction, Basic Features of a Turing Machine, Language of a Turing
Machine, Variants of Turing Machine: Multitapes, Nondeterministic Turing Machine, Universal
Turing Machine. Turing Machine as Computer of Integer functions, Halting problem of Turing
Machine, Church-Turing Thesis
Undecidability: Introduction, Undecidable problems about Turing Machines, Rice's Theorem,
Post's Correspondence problem (PCP) and Modified PCP. Tractable and Intractable Problems: P
and NP, NPComplete Problems, Introduction to recursive function theory

Suggested Readings:

1. John E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory,

Languages and Computation, Narosa, 1979.
2. J.E.Hopcraft, R.Motwani, and Ullman, Introduction to Automata theory,
Languages and Computation, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.

LCC451 – Computer Networks Lab
Programs to be written on the following concepts using any programming language like
Python, C, C++, Java.
1. Understanding and using of commands like ifconfig, netstat, ping, arp, telnet, ftp,
finger, traceroute, whois.
2. Socket Programming: Implementation of Connection-Oriented Service using standard
3. Implementation of Connection-Less Service using standard ports.
4. Implementation of Connection-Oriented Iterative Echo-Server, date and time, character
generation using user-defined ports.
5. Implementation of Connectionless Iterative Echo-server, date and time, character
generation using user-defined ports.
6. Implementation of Connection-Oriented Concurrent Echo-server, date and time,
character generation using user-defined ports.
7. Program for connection-oriented Iterative Service in which server reverses the string
sent by the client and sends it back.
8. Program for connection-oriented Iterative service in which server changes the case of
the strings sent by the client and sends back (Case Server).
9. Program for Connection-Oriented Iterative service in which server calculates the net-
salary of an employee based on the following details sent by the client
10. i) basic ii) hra iii) da iv) pt v) epf vi) net-salary=basic+hra+da-pt-epf).
11. Program for file access using sockets.
12. Program for Remote Command Execution using sockets .
13. Implementation of DNS.

LTC452 – Data Mining Lab
1. Demonstration of preprocessing on dataset labor.arff
2. Demonstration of Association rule process on dataset contactlenses.arff using apriori
3. Demonstration of Association rule process on dataset test.arff using apriori algorithm
4. Demonstration of classification rule process on dataset student.arff using j48
5. Demonstration of classification rule process on dataset employee.arff using j48
6. Demonstration of classification rule process on dataset employee.arff using id3
7. Demonstration of classification rule process on dataset employee.arff using naïve
bayes algorithm.
8. Demonstration of clustering rule process on dataset iris.arff using simple k-means
9. Demonstration of clustering rule process on dataset student.arff using simple k- means
10. Demonstration of clustering rule process on dataset employee.arff using simple k-

LCC452 – Web Programming Lab
1. Creating HTML pages to test different Tags.

i. Headers
ii. Linking Images.
iii. Images as anchor.
iv. Text Formatting.
v. HTML Table Formatting.
vi. Ordered and Unordered lists.

2. Creation of Frames.

3. Examination result in Java Script.

4. Creation of Quiz program.

5. Usage Data and the methods of Date and Time objects.

6. Floating alerts, aligning text and setting box dimension using CSS.

7. Demonstrating object hierarchy using collection children. Using HTML Events.

8. Using Transition & Filters like Flip filter, Chrome filter, Shadow filter etc.,

9. VB script classes and regular expression.

10. Installing Web Server (PWS or IIS).

11. Guest book Active Server pages.

12. Creation of Small full-fledged database application using ADO spreading over to
3 sessions.


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