Hydraulic Hints & Trouble Shooting Guide: General Product Support
Hydraulic Hints & Trouble Shooting Guide: General Product Support
Hydraulic Hints & Trouble Shooting Guide: General Product Support
Quiet Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Contamination Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Aeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Leakage Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Pump Test Procedure for Evaluation of Antiwear Fluids for Mobile Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Conversion Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Hydraulic Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
General Hydraulic Hints
Troubleshooting Guide & Maintenance Hints
Troubleshooting Guide & Maintenance Hints
Chart 1
4. Pump worn or
Remedy: e
a. Any or all of the following: b. Any or all of the following: c. Align unit and check condition of
seals, bearings and coupling.
Replace dirty filters; wash strainers in Tighten leaking connections; fill
solvent compatible with system fluid; reservoir to proper level (with rare d. Install pressure gauge and adjust to
clean clogged inlet line; clean or exception all return lines should be correct pressure.
replace reservoir breather vent; below fluid level in reservoir); bleed
change system fluid; change to air from system; replace pump shaft e. Overhaul or replace.
proper pump drive motor speed; seal (and shaft if worn at seal
overhaul or replace supercharge journal).
pump; fluid may be too cold.
Troubleshooting Guide & Maintenance Hints
Chart 2
3. Air in fluid 3. Excessive load 3. Worn or damaged valve 3. Fluid dirty or low supply
Remedy: b Remedy: c Remedy: e Remedy: f
Troubleshooting Guide & Maintenance Hints
Chart 3
1. Pump not receiving fluid 1. Flow control set too low 1. Flow control set too high
Remedy: a Remedy: d Remedy: d
4. Pump drive motor turning 4. External leak in system 4. Improper size pump
in wrong direction Remedy: b used for replacement
Remedy: g Remedy: h
a. Any or all of the following: c. Check for damaged pump or pump f. Check position of manually operated
drive; replace and align coupling. controls; check electrical circuit on
Replace dirty filters; clean clogged solenoid operated controls; repair or
inlet line; clean or replace reservoir d. Adjust. replace pilot pressure pump.
breather vent; fill reservoir to proper
level; overhaul or replace e. Overhaul or replace. g. Reverse rotation.
supercharge pump.
b. Tighten leaking connections. h. Replace with correct unit.
Troubleshooting Guide & Maintenance Hints
Chart 4
a. Replace dirty filters and system fluid.
Troubleshooting Guide & Maintenance Hints
Chart 5
2. Limit or sequence 2. Fluid viscosity too high 2. Air in fluid 2. Feedback transducer
device (mechanical, Remedy: a Remedy: See Chart I malfunctioning
electrical or hydraulic) Remedy: e
inoperative or
Remedy: e
4. No command signal 4. No lubrication of machine 4. Erratic command signal 4. Over-riding work load
to servo amplifier ways or linkage Remedy: f Remedy: h
Remedy: f Remedy: g
8. Worn or damaged
cylinder or motor
Remedy: e
a. Fluid may be too cold or should be c. Adjust, repair or replace. f. Repair command console or
changed to clean fluid of correct interconnecting wires.
viscosity. d. Clean and adjust or replace; check
condition of system fluid and filters. g. Lubricate.
b. Locate bind and repair.
e. Overhaul or replace. h. Adjust, repair or replace
counterbalance valve.
Quiet Hydraulics
Contamination Control
Fluid degradation by:
Solid High Water Air
Preventive Measures Contam. Temp.
For Hydraulic Systems:
– Remove protective caps only just before connecting " "
mating components.
– Use a portable filtration and transfer unit to fill the "
reservoir system.
– Flush new systems, and those that have undergone "
major repairs, before starting up. Temporarily
remove actuators and replace with flushing
manifolds or valves. Servo valves and similar high
precision units should also be replaced with
flushing manifolds or valves for flushing operations.
Make sure that actuators are clean internally before
connecting to the system.
– Make sure that air breathers and reservoir covers " "
are at all times properly installed and tightly
– Stop any leakage of water into the system from "
coolers or other sources. Make a leak-tight repair.
– By planned maintenance, ensure that clean filter " " "
elements are applied (or metallic elements cleaned
when appropriate) when indicators or visual
inspection shows this to be necessary.
– Take fluid samples periodically and analyze to " " " "
determine whether effects of particle contaminant,
heat, water and air indicate need for more control of
those factors or replacement of the fluid.
– Whenever the reservoir is emptied, clean it out " "
thoroughly and remove all residual contaminant. If
necessary, restore protective paint or other finishes.
On completion, cap all openings unless the system
is to be refilled immediately.
Hints On Maintenance Of Hydraulic Fluid In The System
Hydraulic Fluid And Temperature
Recommendations For Industrial Machinery
Hydraulic Fluid And Temperature
Recommendations For Industrial Machinery
3. Aerated fluid can be caused by
ingestion of air through the pipe joints
Water Based Fluids Water-Glycol Fluids
of inlet lines, high velocity discharge Water-glycol fire-resistant fluids are
lines, cylinder rod packings, or by
General Data typically water and diethylene glycol
fluid discharging above the fluid level To assure an effective emulsion or mixtures. They have approximately 40%
in the reservoir. Air in the fluid will solution, the water should not have water content.
cause abnormal noise and wear in excessive hardness or have an acid
your system. nature, and it should be distilled or
Oil-In-Water Fluids
deionized with less than 300 parts per Oil-in-water fluids are emulsions of oil
4. Contamination fluids can cause million hardness. and water. When preparing these
excessive wear of internal pump mixtures, the soluble oil should always
parts which may result in increased Hard water containing excessive mineral be added to the water while maintaining
sound levels. content, such as calcium and iron, may good fluid agitation. The water should
cause deposits in the hydraulic system never be added to the soluble oil. Do not
5. Systems using water based fluids or result in additive separation or mix soluble oil brands.
are susceptible to noise created by emulsion breaking.
vaporization of the fluid if excessive Filters
vacuums and temperatures are Proper maintenance of water containing
encountered. fluids requires periodic testing for pH, oil Many Vickers standard indicating type
and water concentrations. The pH inlet filters and return line filters are
should be maintained at 8.0-9.5 in approved with water-based fluid types.
Fire Resistant Fluids accordance with the supplier’s
A reduction of predicted life of hydraulic
recommendation. If the pH number
Hydraulic systems using fire resistant exceeds these limits, discard the fluid. components should be expected when
fluids require special engineering Always use a premixed fluid to replenish using water-based fluid types.
considerations. For applications using the system. The recommended storage
fire resistant fluids, consult Vickers or operating temperature range of water Synthetic Fluid Type
Guide to Alternative Fluids, Bulletin containing fluids is 4!C (39!F) to 49!C
579, for the specific component being (120!F), unless otherwise specified by Phosphate Ester
used or contact your local Vickers the fluid supplier.
representative for assistance. Phosphate ester type fluids are
manufactured from chemically produced
Proper design, operation and
Types Of Water Based esters. These types of fluids require
maintenance of fluid power systems is Fluids fluorocarbon seals. Consult your fluid
of paramount importance to obtain the supplier for the types of seals which are
optimum performance of fire resistant Invert Emulsions compatible.
fluids such as synthetics, water glycol Invert emulsions are inverted
and water-in-oil emulsion types. Environmental Hydraulic Oil
water-in-oil emulsions consisting of a
continuous oil phase surrounding finely If you have equipment that operates in
Additionally, you should consult your fluid divided water droplets that are uniformly environmentally sensitive areas, you may
supplier for specific fluid maintenance dispersed throughout the mixture. consider use of more environmentally
and application data on their fluid. aware fluids. These fluids perform well in
our hydraulic systems but may require
extra caution in order not to exceed their
performance capabilities.
Hydraulic Fluid And Temperature
Recommendations For Mobile Hydraulic Systems
The oil in a hydraulic system serves as index. The viscosity index of hydraulic Antiwear Hydraulic Oil
the power transmission medium. It is system oil should not be less than 90.
also the system’s lubricant and coolant. Multiple viscosity oils, such as SAE These oils are produced by all major oil
The selection of proper oil is a 10W-30, incorporate additives to improve suppliers and should consist of good
requirement for satisfactory system viscosity index (polymer thickened). These quality base stocks compounded with
performance and life. oils should have a minimum viscosity index antiwear, antioxidation, antifoam and
of 120. Oils of this type generally exhibit antirust additives. These may be
In most cases, use of these both a temporary and permanent decrease petroleum, vegetable or synthetic base oil.
recommendations will lead to selection of in viscosity due to oil shear encountered in
a suitable oil. However, due to the the operating hydraulic system. The actual Due to the large number of different
complex nature of oil formulation, the viscosity can, therefore, be far less in the antiwear hydraulic oils, it is impossible
variety of oils available and peculiarities of operating hydraulic system than what is for Vickers to test its products with all of
individual hydraulic applications, there will shown in normal oil data. Accordingly, the available fluids. Because of this, an
be rare instances where an oil selected when such oils are selected, it is evaluation procedure was developed for
on the basis of these recommendations necessary to use those with high shear fluid suppliers to establish the suitability
may yield unsatisfactory results. Vickers stability to insure that viscosity remains of their products for use in Vickers
cannot be responsible for such within recommended limits while in service. components. Refer to “Pump Test
exceptions. In this respect, the customer Procedure For Evaluation Of Antiwear
is encouraged to consult his Vickers Chemical Stability Hydraulic Fluids For Mobile Systems”,
representative or a reputable oil company page 20, for details of the 35VQ25 test
when selecting an oil. Oxidation and thermal stability are procedure. It is the responsibility of your
essential characteristics of oils for mobile oil supplier to assure that their fluids
hydraulic systems. The combination of meet Vickers requirements.
Important Factors In base stocks and additives should be
stable during the expected lifetime of the Environmental Hydraulic Oil
Selecting An Oil oil when exposed to the environment of
these systems. If you have equipment that operates in
Additives environmentally sensitive areas, you
may consider use of more
Hydraulic fluids contain a number of
additive agents which materially improve Suitable Types Of Oil envionmentally aware fluids. These
fluids perform well in our hydraulic
various characteristics of oil for systems but may require extra caution in
hydraulic systems. These additives are Crankcase Oil order not to exceed their performance
selected to reduce wear, increase capabilities. For further clarification,
chemical stability, inhibit corrosion and Oil having an API letter designation SE,
SF, SG or SH per SAE J183. Note that refer to Vickers Guide to Alternative
depress the pour point. Fluids, Bulletin 579.
one oil may meet one or more of these
Antiwear Other Oils
Pump performance and reliability are Certain other types of petroleum oil are
directly affected by the antiwear additive suitable if they meet the following
formulation contained in the oil. Oils provisions:
providing a high level of antiwear
protection are recommended for 1. Contain the type and content of
optimum performance and long life. antiwear additives found in the above
designated crankcase and antiwear
Viscosity hydraulic oils, and have passed the
pump tests.
Viscosity is the measure of the fluid’s
resistance to flow. The oil selected must 2. Have sufficient chemical stability for
have proper viscosity to maintain an mobile hydraulic system service.
adequate lubricating film at system
operating temperature. 3. Meet the viscosity requirements
shown in the following tables.
In addition to dynamic lubricating
properties, oil must have sufficient body
to provide an adequate sealing effect
between working parts of pumps, valves,
clylinders and motors, but not enough to
cause pump cavitation or sluggish valve
action. Optimum operating viscosity of
the oil should be between 16 cSt (80
SUS) and 40 cSt (180 SUS).
1 Temperatures shown are cold (ambient) start-up to maximum operating. During cold start-up,
avoid high-speed operation of hydraulic components until the system is warmed up to provide
adequate lubrication.
Pump Test Procedure For Evaluation Of
Antiwear Fluids For Mobile Systems
Acceptable Rings Unacceptable Rings
Oil Flow Velocity In Tubing
Pipe Sizes And Pressure Ratings
Preparation Of Pipes, Tubes, And Fittings
Before Installation In A Hydraulic System
When installing the various iron and from the threads getting into the – Place in tank No. 3. The solution in
steel pipes, tubes, and fittings of a hydraulic system. this tank should contain antirust
hydraulic system, it is necessary that compounds as recommended by the
they be absolutely clean, free from – Before filling the system with manufacturer. Usually the parts being
scale, and all kinds of foreign matter. hydraulic oil, be sure that the treated should be left to dry with
To attain this end, the following steps hydraulic fluid is as specified and antirust solution remaining on them.
should be taken: that it is clean. DO NOT use cloth
strainers or fluid that has been If pieces are stored for any period of
– Tubing, pipes and fittings should be stored in contaminated containers. time, ends of the pipes should be
brushed with boiler tube wire brush plugged to prevent the entrance of
or cleaned with commercial pipe – Use at least a No. 120 mesh screen foreign matter. Do not use rags or
cleaning apparatus. The inside edge when filling the reservoir. Use of a waste as they will deposit lint on the
of tubing and pipe should be reamed Vickers clean cart, porta filtering inside of the tube or pipe.
after cutting to remove burrs. Also and transfer unit, is recommended. Immediately before using pipes,
remove burrs from outside edge. Operate the system for a short time tubes and fittings should be
to eliminate air in the lines. Add thoroughly flushed with suitable
– Short pieces of pipe and tubing and hydraulic fluid if necessary. degreasing solution.
steel fittings should be sandblasted
to remove rust and scale. – Safety precautions. Dangerous
Sandblasting is a sure and efficient chemicals are used in the cleaning
method for short straight pieces and and pickling operations to be
fittings. Sandblasting should not be described. They should be kept only
used however, if there is the in the proper containers and
slightest possibility that particles of handled with extreme care.
sand will remain in blind holes or
pockets in the work after flushing.
Pickling Process
– In the case of longer pieces of pipe or
short pieces bent to complex shapes – Thoroughly degrease parts in
where is is not practical to sandblast, the degreaser, using a recommended
parts should be pickled in a suitable vapor degreasing solvent.
solution until all rust and scale is
removed. Preparation for pickling – Tank No. 1 Solution. Use a
requires thorough degreasing in a commercially available derusting
recommended vapor degreasing solvent. compound in solution as
recommended by the manufacturer.
– Neutralize pickling solution. The solution should not be used at a
temperature exceeding that
– Rinse parts and prepare for storage. recommended by the manufacturer,
otherwise the inhibitor will
– Tubing must not be welded, brazed, evaporate and leave a straight acid
or silver soldered after assembly as solution. The length of time the part
proper cleaning is impossible in will be immersed in this solution will
such cases. It must be accurately depend upon the temperature of the
bent and fitted so that it will not be solution and the amount of rust or
necessary to spring it into place. scale which must be removed. The
operator must use good judgement
– If flange connections are used, on this point.
flanges must fit squarely on the
mounting faces and be secured with – After pickling, rinse parts in cold
screws of the correct length. Screws running water and immerse in tank
or stud-nuts must be drawn up No. 2. The solution in this tank
evenly to avoid distortion in the should be a neutralizer mixed with
valve or pump body. water in a proportion recommended
by the manufacturer. This solution
– Be sure that all openings into the should be used at recommended
hydraulic system are properly temperatures and the parts should
covered to keep out dirt and metal remain immersed in the solution for
slivers when work such as drilling, the period of time recommended by
tapping, welding, or brazing is being the manufacturer.
done on or near the unit.
ISO/ANSI Basic Symbols
For Fluid Power Equipment And Systems
Lines Pumps
Line, Working Hydraulic Pump
(Main) Fixed
Displacement Heater
Line, Pilot
(For Control)
Line, Liquid Drain
Variable Cooler
Flow, Direction of
Flow Control, Definition Of Functions
Push-Pull Lever Adjustable
(temperature and
Function Definition
Pedal or Treadle compensated Intensified Pressure Pressure in
excess of supply
pressure which is
Two Position
induced by a
Mechanical Two Connection booster or
Two Position Supply Pressure Power-actuating
Detent Three Connection fluid.
Charging Pressure Pump-inlet
Pressure Two Position pressure that is
Compensated higher than
Four Connection
Solenoid, Single pressure.
Winding Three Position Reduced Pressure Auxiliary pressure
Four Connection which is lower
than supply
Servo Control %
% pressure.
Two Position
In Transition Pilot Pressure Control-actuating
Pilot Pressure Metered Flow Fluid at controlled
Valves Capable Of
Remote Supply flow rate, other
Infinite Positioning
(horizontal bars than pump
Internal Supply % delivery.
indicate infinite
positioning ability) Exhaust Return of power
and control fluid
to reservoir.
Valves Note Intake Sub-atmospheric
pressure, usually
Additional symbols are shown in on intake side of
Check Vickers Circuitool booklet available for pump.
a nominal charge. Ask for circuitool Drain Return of leakage
On–Off template kit 352. fluid to reservoir.
(manual shut-off)
Inactive Fluid which is
Color Code For Fluid within the circuit,
but which does
Power Schematic not serve a
Pressure Relief Drawings functional
purpose during
Function Color the phase being
Intensified Pressure . . Black
Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red
Pressure Reducing Charging Pressure . . . Intermittent Red
Reduced Pressure . . . . Intermittent Red
Pilot Pressure . . . . . . . . Intermittent Red
Metered Flow . . . . . . . . Yellow
Flow Control, Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue
Adjustable– Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green
Non-Compensated Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green
Inactive . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blank
Conversion Factors
Conversion Factors
Hydraulic Formulas
Horsepower: Conversion Factors: Pressure (PSI) = feet head ! 0.433 !
specific gravity.
GPM ! PSI 1 hp = 33,000 ft. lbs. per minute
Horsepower = 1 hp = 42.4 btu per minute
1714 Specific gravity of oil is approximately 0.85.
1 hp = 0.746 kwhr (kilowatt hours)
Torque: Thermal expansion of oil is
1 U.S. gallon = 231 cubic inches. approximately 1 cu.in. per 1 gal. per
Torque (lb. in.) = CU IN./REV. ! PSI Pipe volume varies as the square of the 10!F rise in temperature.
2π diameter; volume in gallons = 0.0034 D2L
Torque (lb. in.) = HP ! 63025
RPM where: D = inside diameter of pipe in
Flow: L = length in inches
Flow (gpm) = CU IN./REV. ! RPM Velocity in feet per second =
231 0.408 ! flow (gpm)
Overall Efficiency: D2