A Complete Beginner's Guide To Django
A Complete Beginner's Guide To Django
A Complete Beginner's Guide To Django
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Today I’m starting a new tutorial series about Django fundamentals. It’s a
complete beginner’s guide to start learning Django. The material is divided into
seven parts. We’re going to explore all the basic concepts in great detail, from
installation, preparation of the development environment, models, views,
templates, URLs to more advanced topics such as migrations, testing, and
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I wanted to do something different. A tutorial that would be easy to follow,
informative and fun to read. That was when I came up with the idea to create
some comics along the text to illustrate some concepts and scenarios. I hope you
enjoy the reading!
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But before we start…
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Back when I worked as a substitute professor in a university, I used to teach an
introduction to web development discipline for the newcomer students in the
Computer Science course. And I would always start new classes with this
Confucius quote:
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So, hands on! Don’t just read the tutorials. Let’s do it together! You will learn
much more by doing and practicing.
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Why Django?
It’s good to know who is using Django out there, so to have an idea what you
can do with it. Among the biggest Web sites using Django we have: Instagram,
Disqus, Mozilla, Bitbucket, Last.fm, National Geographic.
For more examples you can see the Django Sites database, they offer a list of
over 5K Django-powered Web sites.
By the way, last year, in the Django Under The Hood 2016 conference, Carl
Meyer, a Django core developer, and Instagram employee, gave a talk on how
Instagram use Django at scale and how it supported their growth. It’s a one hour
talk, but if you are interested in learning more, it was an entertaining talk.
The first thing we want to do is install the latest Python distribution, which is
Python 3.6.2. At least it was, by the time I was writing this tutorial. If there’s a
newer version out there, go with it. The next steps should remain more or less
the same.
We are going to use Python 3 because the most important Python libraries have
already been ported to Python 3 and also the next major Django version (2.x)
won’t support Python 2 anymore. So Python 3 is the way to go.
The best way to go is with Homebrew. If you don’t have it installed on your Mac
yet, run the following command in the Terminal:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubuserconten
If you don’t have the Command Line Tools installed, the Homebrew
installation might take a little bit longer. But it will take care of everything for
you, so no worries. Just sit back and wait until the installation completes.
You will know when the installation completes when you see the following
==> Installation successful!
==> Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate user behaviour
Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out)
==> Next steps:
- Run `brew help` to get started
- Further documentation:
Since macOS already ships with Python 2 installed, after you install Python 3,
you will have both versions available.
To run Python 2, use the python command in the Terminal. For Python 3, use
python3 instead.
Make sure you check the option Add Python 3.6 to PATH and click on the
Install Now option.
After the installation completes, you should see the following screen:
Now search for the Command Prompt program and open it:
If you are using Ubuntu 16.10, 17.04 or 17.10 you don’t need to perform the step
Now everyone executes the following commands to install the latest Python 3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6
Installing Virtualenv
For the next step, we are going to use pip, a tool to manage and install Python
packages, to install virtualenv.
Note that Homebrew already installed pip for you under the name pip3 for your
Python 3.6.2 installation.
In the Terminal, execute the command below:
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
In the Command Prompt, execute the command below:
pip install virtualenv
This folder is the higher level directory that will store all the files and things
related to our Django project, including its virtual environment.
So let’s start by creating our very first virtual environment and installing Django.
Inside the myproject folder:
virtualenv venv -p python3
virtualenv venv
Our virtual environment is created. Now before we start using it, we need to
source venv/bin/activate
source venv/bin/activate
You will know it worked if you see (venv) in front of the command line, like
Let’s try to understand what happened here. We created a special folder named
venv. It contains a copy of Python inside this folder. After we activated the venv
environment, when we run the python command, it will use our local copy,
stored inside venv, instead of the other one we installed earlier.
Another important thing is that the pip program is already installed as well, and
when we use it to install a Python package, like Django, it will be installed
inside the venv environment.
Note that when we have the venv activated, we will use the command python
(instead of python3 ) to refer to Python 3.6.2, and just pip (instead of pip3 )
to install packages.
Note that when we have the venv activated, we will use the command python
(instead of python3.6 ) to refer to Python 3.6.2, and just pip (instead of
pip3.6 ) to install packages.
It’s very straightforward. Now that we have the venv activated, run the
following command to install Django:
pip install django
For now, you can ignore the migration errors; we will get to that later.
Now open the following URL in a Web browser: http:// and you
should see the following page:
Django Apps
It’s a way to organize the source code. In the beginning, it’s not very trivial to
determine what is an app or what is not. How to organize the code and so on.
But don’t worry much about that right now! Let’s first get comfortable with
Django’s API and the fundamentals.
Alright! So, to illustrate let’s create a simple Web Forum or Discussion Board.
To create our first app, go to the directory where the manage.py file is and
executes the following command:
django-admin startapp boards
As you can see, Django already come with 6 built-in apps installed. They offer
common functionalities that most Web applications need, like authentication,
sessions, static files management (images, javascripts, css, etc.) and so on.
We will explore those apps as we progress in this tutorial series. But for now, let
them be and just add our boards app to the list of INSTALLED_APPS :
Using the analogy of the square and circles from the previous comic, the yellow
circle would be our boards app, and the django.contrib.admin,
django.contrib.auth, etc, would be the red circles.
Hello, World!
Let’s write our first view. We will explore it in great detail in the next tutorial.
But for now, let’s just experiment how it looks like to create a new page with
Open the views.py file inside the boards app, and add the following code:
from django.http import HttpResponse
def home(request):
return HttpResponse('Hello, World!')
Views are Python functions that receive an HttpRequest object and returns
an HttpResponse object. Receive a request as a parameter and returns a
response as a result. That’s the flow you have to keep in mind!
So, here we defined a simple view called home which simply returns a message
saying Hello, World!.
Now we have to tell Django when to serve this view. It’s done inside the urls.py
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib import admin
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
If you compare the snippet above with your urls.py file, you will notice I added
the following new line: url(r'^$', views.home, name='home')
and imported the views module from our app boards using from boards
import views .
As I mentioned before, we will explore those concepts in great detail later on.
But for now, Django works with regex to match the requested URL. For our
home view, I’m using the ^$ regex, which will match an empty path, which is
the homepage (this url: http:// If I wanted to match the URL
http://, my url would be:
url(r'^homepage/$', views.home, name='home') .
That was the first part of this tutorial series. In this tutorial, we learned how to
install the latest Python version and how to setup the development environment.
We also had an introduction to virtual environments and started our very first
Django project and already created our initial app.
I hope you enjoyed the first part! The second part is coming out next week, on
Sep 11, 2017. It’s going to be about models, views, templates, and URLs. We
will explore together all the Django fundamentals! If you would like to get
notified when the second part is out, you can subscribe to our mailing list.
Just so we can stay on the same page, I made the source code available on
GitHub. The current state of the project can be found under the release tag v0.1-
lw. The link below will take you to the right place:
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django - Part 2
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Welcome to the second part of our Django Tutorial! In the previous lesson, we
installed everything that we needed. Hopefully, you are all setup with Python 3.6
installed and Django 1.11 running inside a Virtual Environment. We already
created the project we are going to play around. In this lesson, we are going to
keep writing code in the same project.
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In the next section, we are going to talk a little bit about the project we are going
to develop, so to give you some context. Then after that, you are going to learn
all the Django fundamentals: models, admin, views, templates, and URLs.
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Hands on!
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I don’t know about you, but personally, I learn much more by seeing practical
examples and code snippets. For me, it’s difficult to process a concept where in
the examples you read Class A and Class B , or when I see the classical
foo(bar) examples. I don’t want to do that with you.
So, before we get into the fun part, playing with models, views, and everything.
Let’s just take a moment and discuss very briefly about this project we are going
to develop.
If you already have experience with Web development and feel it’s too much
detail, you can just skim through the pictures to have an idea what we are going
to build and then jump to the Models section of this tutorial.
But if you are new to Web development, I highly suggest that you keep reading.
It will give you some good insights on modeling and design of Web
applications. Web development, and software development in general, is not just
about coding.
Figure 1: Use case diagram of the core functionalities offered by the Web Board
Class Diagram
From the Use Case Diagram, we can start thinking concerning the entities of our
project. The entities are the models we will create, and it’s very closely related to
the data our Django app will process.
For us to be able to implement the use cases described in the previous section,
we will need to implement at least the following models: Board, Topic, Post,
and User.
After spending some time designing the application models, I like to create some
wireframes to define what needs to be done and also to have a clear picture of
where we are going.
Then based on the wireframes we can gain a deeper understanding of the entities
involved in the application.
First thing, we need to show all the boards in the homepage:
Figure 5: Boards project wireframe homepage listing all the available boards.
If the user clicks on a link, say in the Django board, it should list all the topics:
Figure 6: Boards project wireframe listing all topics in the Django board.
Here we have two main paths: either the user clicks on the “new topic” button to
create a new topic, or the user clicks on a topic to see or engage in a discussion.
The “new topic” screen:
We will do all the work inside the boards/models.py file. Here is how we
represent our class diagram (see Figure 4). in a Django application:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Board(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30, unique=True
description = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Topic(models.Model):
subject = models.CharField(max_length=255)
last_updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=
board = models.ForeignKey(Board, related_name='topics'
starter = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='topics'
class Post(models.Model):
message = models.TextField(max_length=4000)
topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic, related_name='posts'
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
created_by = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name
updated_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, related
All models are subclass of the django.db.models.Model class. Each class will
be transformed into database tables. Each field is represented by instances of
django.db.models.Field subclasses (built-in Django core) and will be translated
into database columns.
The fields CharField , DateTimeField , etc., are all subclasses of
django.db.models.Field and they come included in the Django core – ready to
be used.
Here we are only using CharField , TextField , DateTimeField , and
ForeignKey fields to define our models. But Django offers a wide range of
options to represent different types of data, such as IntegerField ,
BooleanField , DecimalField , and many others. We will refer to them as
we need.
Some fields have required arguments, such as the CharField . We should
always set a max_length . This information will be used to create the database
column. Django needs to know how big the database column needs to be. The
max_length parameter will also be used by the Django Forms API, to
validate user input. More on that later.
In the Board model definition, more specifically in the name field, we are also
setting the parameter unique=True , as the name suggests, it will enforce the
uniqueness of the field at the database level.
In the Post model, the created_at field has an optional parameter, the
auto_now_add set to True . This will instruct Django to set the current date
and time when a Post object is created.
One way to create a relationship between the models is by using the
ForeignKey field. It will create a link between the models and create a proper
relationship at the database level. The ForeignKey field expects a positional
parameter with the reference to the model it will relate to.
For example, in the Topic model, the board field is a ForeignKey to the
Board model. It is telling Django that a Topic instance relates to only one
Board instance. The related_name parameter will be used to create a
reverse relationship where the Board instances will have access a list of
Topic instances that belong to it.
At this point, you may be asking yourself: “what about primary keys/IDs”? If we
don’t specify a primary key for a model, Django will automatically generate it
for us. So we are good for now. In the next section, you will see better how it
If you’re not familiar with SQL, don’t worry. We won’t be working directly with
SQL in this tutorial series. All the work will be done using just the Django
ORM, which is an abstraction layer that communicates with the database.
The next step now is to apply the migration we generated to the database:
python manage.py migrate
Because this is the first time we are migrating the database, the migrate
command also applied the existing migration files from the Django contrib apps,
listed in the INSTALLED_APPS . This is expected.
The line Applying boards.0001_initial... OK is the migration we
generated in the previous step.
That’s it! Our database is ready to be used.
One of the great advantages of developing with Python is the interactive shell. I
use it all the time. It’s a quick way to try things out and experiment libraries and
You can start a Python shell with our project loaded using the manage.py
python manage.py shell
Python 3.6.2 (default, Jul 17 2017, 16:44:45)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for
Python 3.6.2 (v3.6.2:5fd33b5, Jul 8 2017, 04:57:36)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for
Python 3.6.2 (default, Jul 17 2017, 23:14:31)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for
This is very similar to calling the interactive console just by typing python ,
except when we use python manage.py shell , we are adding our project
to the sys.path and loading Django. That means we can import our models
and any other resource within the project and play with it.
Let’s start by importing the Board class:
from boards.models import Board
To persist this object in the database, we have to call the save method:
The save method is used both to create and update objects. Here Django
created a new object because the Board instance had no id. After saving it for
the first time, Django will set the id automatically:
So, right now we have two boards. We can use the objects to list all existing
boards in the database:
<QuerySet [<Board: Board object>, <Board: Board object
The result was a QuerySet. We will learn more about that later on. Basically,
it’s a list of objects from the database. We can see that we have two objects, but
we can only read Board object. That’s because we haven’t defined the
__str__ method in the Board model.
The __str__ method is a String representation of an object. We can use the
board name to represent it.
First, exit the interactive console:
Let’s try the query again. Open the interactive console again:
python manage.py shell
from boards.models import Board
<QuerySet [<Board: Django>, <Board: Python>]>
Similarly, we can use the model Manager to query the database and return a
single object. For that we use the get method:
django_board = Board.objects.get(id=1)
But we have to be careful with this kind of operation. If we try to get an object
that doesn’t exist, for example, a board with id=3 , it will raise an exception:
board = Board.objects.get(id=3)
boards.models.DoesNotExist: Board matching query does
We can use the get method with any model field, but preferably use a field that
can uniquely identify an object. Otherwise, the query may return more than one
object, which will cause an exception.
<Board: Django>
Note that the query is case sensitive, a lower case “django” would not match:
boards.models.DoesNotExist: Board matching query does
Find below a summary of the methods and operations we learned in this section,
using the Board model as a reference. Uppercase Board refers to the class,
lowercase board refers to an instance (or object) of the Board model class:
Operation Code sample
Create an object without
board = Board()
Save an object (create or
Create and save an object Board.objects.create(name='...',
in the database description='...')
List all objects Board.objects.all()
Get a single object,
identified by a field
In the next section, we are going to start writing views and displaying our boards
in HTML pages.
Views, Templates, and Static Files
At the moment we already have a view named home displaying “Hello, World!”
in the homepage of our application.
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib import admin
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
from django.http import HttpResponse
def home(request):
return HttpResponse('Hello, World!')
We can use this as our starting point. If you recall our wireframes, the Figure 5
showed how the homepage should look like. What we want to do is display a list
of boards in a table alongside with some other information.
The first thing to do is import the Board model and list all the existing boards:
from django.http import HttpResponse
from .models import Board
def home(request):
boards = Board.objects.all()
boards_names = list()
for board in boards:
response_html = '<br>'.join(boards_names)
return HttpResponse(response_html)
And the result would be this simple HTML page:
But let’s stop right here. We are not going very far rendering HTML like this.
For this simple view, all we need is a list of boards; then the rendering part is a
job for the Django Template Engine.
Create a new folder named templates alongside with the boards and mysite
|-- myproject/
| |-- boards/
| |-- myproject/
| |-- templates/ <-- here!
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
Now within the templates folder, create an HTML file named home.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
{% for board in boards %}
{{ board.name }} <br>
{% endfor %}
In the example above we are mixing raw HTML with some special tags {%
for ... in ... %} and {{ variable }} . They are part of the Django
Template Language. The example above shows how to iterate over a list of
objects using a for . The {{ board.name }} renders the name of the board
in the HTML template, generating a dynamic HTML document.
Before we can use this HTML page, we have to tell Django where to find our
application’s templates.
Open the settings.py inside the myproject directory and search for the
TEMPLATES variable and set the DIRS key to os.path.join(BASE_DIR,
'templates') :
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoT
'DIRS': [
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')
'APP_DIRS': True,
'context_processors': [
Basically what this line is doing is finding the full path of your project directory
and appending “/templates” to it.
We can debug this using the Python shell:
python manage.py shell
from django.conf import settings
import os
os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'templates')
See? It’s just pointing to the templates folder we created in the previous steps.
Now we can update our home view:
from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Board
def home(request):
boards = Board.objects.all()
return render(request, 'home.html', {'boards': boards
This is a very simple test case but extremely useful. We are testing the status
code of the response. The status code 200 means success.
We can check the status code of the response in the console:
Now we can test if Django returned the correct view function for the requested
URL. This is also a useful test because as we progress with the development,
you will see that the urls.py module can get very big and complex. The URL
conf is all about resolving regex. There are some cases where we have a very
permissive URL, so Django can end up returning the wrong view function.
Here’s how we do it:
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.urls import resolve
from django.test import TestCase
from .views import home
class HomeTests(TestCase):
def test_home_view_status_code(self):
url = reverse('home')
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
def test_home_url_resolves_home_view(self):
view = resolve('/')
self.assertEquals(view.func, home)
In the second test, we are making use of the resolve function. Django uses it
to match a requested URL with a list of URLs listed in the urls.py module. This
test will make sure the URL / , which is the root URL, is returning the home
Test it again:
python manage.py test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 2 tests in 0.027s
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
To see more detail about the test execution, set the verbosity to a higher level:
python manage.py test --verbosity=2
Creating test database for alias 'default' ('file:memorydb_
Operations to perform:
Synchronize unmigrated apps: messages, staticfiles
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, boards, contenttypes,
Synchronizing apps without migrations:
Creating tables...
Running deferred SQL...
Running migrations:
Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages...
Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
Applying boards.0001_initial... OK
Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
test_home_url_resolves_home_view (boards.tests.HomeTests) .
test_home_view_status_code (boards.tests.HomeTests) ... ok
Ran 2 tests in 0.017s
Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('file:memoryd
Verbosity determines the amount of notification and debug information that will
be printed to the console; 0 is no output, 1 is normal output, and 2 is verbose
Static files are the CSS, JavaScripts, Fonts, Images, or any other resources we
may use to compose the user interface.
As it is, Django doesn’t serve those files. Except during the development
process, so to make our lives easier. But Django provides some features to help
us manage the static files. Those features are available in the
django.contrib.staticfiles application already listed in the INSTALLED_APPS
With so many front-end component libraries available, there’s no reason for us
keep rendering basic HTML documents. We can easily add Bootstrap 4 to our
project. Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript.
In the project root directory, alongside with the boards, templates, and
myproject folders, create a new folder named static, and within the static folder
create another one named css:
|-- myproject/
| |-- boards/
| |-- myproject/
| |-- templates/
| |-- static/ <-- here
| | +-- css/ <-- and here
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
The next step is to instruct Django where to find the static files. Open the
settings.py, scroll to the bottom of the file and just after the STATIC_URL , add
the following:
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),
First we load the Static Files App template tags by using the {% load
static %} in the beginning of the template.
The template tag {% static %} is used to compose the URL where the
resource lives. In this case, the {% static
'css/bootstrap.min.css' %} will return
/static/css/bootstrap.min.css, which is equivalent to
The {% static %} template tag uses the STATIC_URL configuration in the
settings.py to compose the final URL. For example, if you hosted your static
files in a subdomain like https://static.example.com/, we would set the
STATIC_URL=https://static.example.com/ then the {% static
'css/bootstrap.min.css' %} would return
If none of this makes sense for you at the moment, don’t worry. Just remember to
use the {% static %} whenever you need to refer to a CSS, JavaScript or
image file. Later on, when we start working with Deployment, we will discuss
more it. For now, we are all set up.
Refreshing the page we can see it worked:
Now we can edit the template so to take advantage of the Bootstrap CSS:
{% load static %}<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/bootstrap.m
<div class="container">
<ol class="breadcrumb my-4">
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">Boards</li>
<table class="table">
<thead class="thead-inverse">
<th>Last Post</th>
{% for board in boards %}
{{ board.name }}
<small class="text-muted d-block">{{
<td class="align-middle">0</td>
<td class="align-middle">0</td>
{% endfor %}
So far we are adding new boards using the interactive console (python
manage.py shell ). But we need a better way to do it. In the next section,
we are going to implement an admin interface for the website administrator
manage it.
When we start a new project, Django already comes configured with the Django
Admin listed in the INSTALLED_APPS .
A good use case of the Django Admin is for example in a blog; it can be used by
the authors to write and publish articles. Another example is an e-commerce
website, where the staff members can create, edit, delete products.
For now, we are going to configure the Django Admin to maintain our
application’s boards.
Let’s start by creating an administrator account:
python manage.py createsuperuser
Enter the username and password to log into the administration interface:
It already comes with some features configured. Here we can add Users and
Groups to manage permissions. We will explore more of those concepts later
To add the Board model is very straightforward. Open the admin.py file in the
boards directory, and add the following code:
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Board
Save the admin.py file, and refresh the page on your web browser:
And that’s it! It’s ready to be used. Click on the Boards link to see the list of
existing boards:
We can add a new board by clicking on the Add Board button:
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django - Part 3
] ['\n',
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In this tutorial, we are going to dive deep into two fundamental concepts: URLs
and Forms. In the process, we are going to explore many other concepts like
creating reusable templates and installing third-party libraries. We are also
going to write plenty of unit tests.
, '\n',
If you are following this tutorial series since the first part, coding your project
and following the tutorial step by step, you may need to update your models.py
before starting:
, '\n',
, '\n',
class Topic(models.Model):
# other fields...
# Add `auto_now_add=True` to the `last_updated` field
last_updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=
class Post(models.Model):
# other fields...
# Add `null=True` to the `updated_by` field
updated_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, related
, '\n',
Now run the commands with the virtualenv activated:
, '\n',
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
, '\n',
If you already have null=True in the updated_by field and the
auto_now_add=True in the last_updated field, you can safely ignore
the instructions above.
, '\n',
If you prefer to use my source code as a starting point, you can grab it on
, '\n',
The current state of the project can be found under the release tag v0.2-lw. The
link below will take you to the right place:
, '\n',
, '\n',
The development will follow from here.
, '\n',
This time let’s take a moment and analyze the urlpatterns and url .
The URL dispatcher and URLconf (URL configuration) are fundamental parts
of a Django application. In the beginning, it can look confusing; I remember
having a hard time when I first started developing with Django.
In fact, right now the Django Developers are working on a proposal to make
simplified routing syntax. But for now, as per the version 1.11, that’s what we
have. So let’s try to understand how it works.
A project can have many urls.py distributed among the apps. But Django needs
a url.py to use as a starting point. This special urls.py is called root URLconf.
It’s defined in the settings.py file.
ROOT_URLCONF = 'myproject.urls'
It already comes configured, so you don’t need to change anything here.
When Django receives a request, it starts searching for a match in the project’s
URLconf. It starts with the first entry of the urlpatterns variable, and test
the requested URL against each url entry.
If Django finds a match, it will pass the request to the view function, which is
the second parameter of the url . The order in the urlpatterns matters,
because Django will stop searching as soon as it finds a match. Now, if Django
doesn’t find a match in the URLconf, it will raise a 404 exception, which is the
error code for Page Not Found.
This is the anatomy of the url function:
def url(regex, view, kwargs=None, name=None):
# ...
regex: A regular expression for matching URL patterns in strings. Note that
these regular expressions do not search GET or POST parameters. In a
request to http:// only /boards/ will be
view: A view function used to process the user request for a matched URL. It
also accepts the return of the django.conf.urls.include function, which is
used to reference an external urls.py file. You can, for example, use it to
define a set of app specific URLs, and include it in the root URLconf using a
prefix. We will explore more on this concept later on.
kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments that’s passed to the target view. It is
normally used to do some simple customization on reusable views. We don’t
use it very often.
name: A unique identifier for a given URL. This is a very important feature.
Always remember to name your URLs. With this, you can change a specific
URL in the whole project by just changing the regex. So it’s important to
never hard code URLs in the views or templates, and always refer to the
URLs by its name.
Basic URLs
Basic URLs are very simple to create. It’s just a matter of matching strings. For
example, let’s say we wanted to create an “about” page, it could be defined like
from django.conf.urls import url
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^about/$', views.about, name='about'),
Those are some examples of simple URL routing. For all the examples above,
the view function will follow this structure:
def about(request):
# do something...
return render(request, 'about.html')
def about_company(request):
# do something else...
# return some data along with the view...
return render(request, 'about_company.html', {'company_
Advanced URLs
A more advanced usage of URL routing is achieved by taking advantage of the
regex to match certain types of data and create dynamic URLs.
For example, to create a profile page, like many services do like
github.com/vitorfs or twitter.com/vitorfs, where “vitorfs” is my username, we
can do the following:
from django.conf.urls import url
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^(?P<username>[\w.@+-]+)/$', views.user_profile
This will match all valid usernames for a Django User model.
Now observe that the example above is a very permissive URL. That means it
will match lots of URL patterns because it is defined in the root of the URL,
with no prefix like /profile/<username>/. In this case, if we wanted to define a
URL named /about/, we would have do define it before the username URL
from django.conf.urls import url
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^about/$', views.about, name='about'),
url(r'^(?P<username>[\w.@+-]+)/$', views.user_profile
If the “about” page was defined after the username URL pattern, Django would
never find it, because the word “about” would match the username regex, and
the view user_profile would be processed instead of the about view
There are some side effects to that. For example, from now on, we would have to
treat “about” as a forbidden username, because if a user picked “about” as their
username, this person would never see their profile page.
Sidenote: If you want to design cool URLs for user profiles, the easiest solution
to avoid URL collision is by adding a prefix like /u/vitorfs/, or like Medium
does /@vitorfs/, where "@" is the prefix.
If you want no prefix at all, consider using a list of forbidden names like this:
github.com/shouldbee/reserved-usernames. Or another example is an application
I developed when I was learning Django; I created my list at the time:
Those collisions are very common. Take GitHub for example; they have this
URL to list all the repositories you are currently watching: github.com/watching.
Someone registered a username on GitHub with the name "watching," so this
person can't see his profile page. We can see a user with this username exists by
trying this URL: github.com/watching/repositories which was supposed to list
the user's repositories, like mine for example github.com/vitorfs/repositories.
The whole idea of this kind of URL routing is to create dynamic pages where
part of the URL will be used as an identifier for a certain resource, that will be
used to compose a page. This identifier can be an integer ID or a string for
Initially, we will be working with the Board ID to create a dynamic page for the
Topics. Let’s read again the example I gave at the beginning of the URLs
url(r'^boards/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.board_topics, name
The regex \d+ will match an integer of arbitrary size. This integer will be used
to retrieve the Board from the database. Now observe that we wrote the regex as
(?P<pk>\d+) , this is telling Django to capture the value into a keyword
argument named pk.
Here is how we write a view function for it:
def board_topics(request, pk):
# do something...
Or like this:
def board_topics(request, id):
# do something...
The name wouldn’t matter. But it’s a good practice to use named parameters
because when we start composing bigger URLs capturing multiple IDs and
variables, it will be easier to read.
Sidenote: PK or ID?
PK stands for Primary Key. It's a shortcut for accessing a model's primary key.
All Django models have this attribute.
For the most cases, using the pk property is the same as id . That's because if
we don't define a primary key for a model, Django will automatically create an
AutoField named id , which will be its primary key.
If you defined a different primary key for a model, for example, let's say the field
email is your primary key. To access it you could either use obj.email or
obj.pk .
It’s time to write some code. Let’s implement the topic listing page (see Figure
1) I mentioned at the beginning of the URLs section.
First, edit the urls.py adding our new URL route:
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib import admin
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^boards/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.board_topics,
url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
Note: For now we are simply creating new HTML templates. No worries, in the
following section I will show you how to create reusable templates.
Now check the URL http:// in a web browser. The
result should be the following page:
Time to write some tests! Edit the tests.py file and add the following tests in the
bottom of the file:
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.urls import resolve
from django.test import TestCase
from .views import home, board_topics
from .models import Board
class HomeTests(TestCase):
# ...
class BoardTopicsTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
Board.objects.create(name='Django', description
def test_board_topics_view_success_status_code(self
url = reverse('board_topics', kwargs={'pk': 1
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
def test_board_topics_view_not_found_status_code(
url = reverse('board_topics', kwargs={'pk': 99
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404)
def test_board_topics_url_resolves_board_topics_view
view = resolve('/boards/1/')
self.assertEquals(view.func, board_topics)
A few things to note here. This time we used the setUp method. In the setup
method, we created a Board instance to use in the tests. We have to do that
because the Django testing suite doesn’t run your tests against the current
database. To run the tests Django creates a new database on the fly, applies all
the model migrations, runs the tests, and when done, destroys the testing
So in the setUp method, we prepare the environment to run the tests, so to
simulate a scenario.
The test_board_topics_view_success_status_code method:
is testing if Django is returning a status code 200 (success) for an existing
The test_board_topics_view_not_found_status_code
method: is testing if Django is returning a status code 404 (page not found)
for a Board that doesn’t exist in the database.
The test_board_topics_url_resolves_board_topics_view
method: is testing if Django is using the correct view function to render the
Now it’s time to run the tests:
python manage.py test
This is the default page Django show while with DEBUG=False . Later on, we
can customize the 404 page to show something else.
Now that’s a very common use case. In fact, Django has a shortcut to try to get
an object, or return a 404 with the object does not exist.
So let’s refactor the board_topics view again:
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
from .models import Board
def home(request):
# code suppressed for brevity
def board_topics(request, pk):
board = get_object_or_404(Board, pk=pk)
return render(request, 'topics.html', {'board': board
Changed the code? Test it.
python manage.py test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 5 tests in 0.052s
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
Observe that now we added a setUp method for the HomeTests as well. That’s
because now we are going to need a Board instance and also we moved the url
and response to the setUp, so we can reuse the same response in the new test.
The new test here is the test_home_view_contains_link_to_topics_page. Here
we are using the assertContains method to test if the response body contains a
given text. The text we are using in the test, is the href part of an a tag. So
basically we are testing if the response body has the text
href="/boards/1/" .
Now we can write the code that will make this test pass.
Edit the home.html template:
<!-- code suppressed for brevity -->
{% for board in boards %}
<a href="{% url 'board_topics' board.pk %}">{{
<small class="text-muted d-block">{{ board.descript
<td class="align-middle">0</td>
<td class="align-middle">0</td>
{% endfor %}
<!-- code suppressed for brevity -->
<a href="{% url 'board_topics' board.pk %}">{{ board.name
Always use the {% url %} template tag to compose the applications URLs.
The first parameter is the name of the URL (defined in the URLconf, i.e., the
urls.py), then you can pass an arbitrary number of arguments as needed.
If it were a simple URL, like the homepage, it would be just {% url 'home'
%} .
The trick part is the regex. So I prepared a list of the most used URL patterns.
You can always refer to this list when you need a specific URL.
Primary Key AutoField
Regex (?P<pk>\d+)
views.question, name='question')
Captures {'pk': '934'}
Slug Field
Regex (?P<slug>[-\w]+)
url(r'^posts/(?P<slug>[-\w]+)/$', views.post,
Captures {'slug': 'hello-world'}
Slug Field with Primary Key
Regex (?P<slug>[-\w]+)-(?P<pk>\d+)
views.blog_post, name='blog_post')
Captures {'slug': 'hello-world', 'pk': '159'}
Django User Username
Regex (?P<username>[\w.@+-]+)
views.user_profile, name='user_profile')
URL /profile/vitorfs/
{'username':Django User
Regex (?P<year>[0-9]{4})
views.year_archive, name='year')
Captures {'year': '2016'}
Year / Month
Regex (?P<year>[0-9]{4})/(?P<month>[0-9]{2})
Example [0-9]{2})/$', views.month_archive,
Captures {'year': '2016', 'month': '01'}
You can find more details about those patterns in this post: List of Useful URL
Reusable Templates
Until now we’ve been copying and pasting HTML repeating several parts of the
HTML document, which is not very sustainable in the long run. It’s also a bad
In this section we are going to refactor our HTML templates, creating a master
page and only adding the unique part for each template.
Create a new file named base.html in the templates folder:
{% load static %}<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{% block title %}Django Boards{% endblock
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/bootstrap.m
<div class="container">
<ol class="breadcrumb my-4">
{% block breadcrumb %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
This is going to be our master page. Every template we create, is going to extend
this special template. Observe now we introduced the {% block %} tag. It is
used to reserve a space in the template, which a “child” template (which extends
the master page) can insert code and HTML within that space.
In the case of the {% block title %} we are also setting a default value,
which is “Django Boards.” It will be used if we don’t set a value for the {%
block title %} in a child template.
Now create a new CSS file named app.css inside the static/css folder:
.navbar-brand {
font-family: 'Peralta', cursive;
Forms are used to deal with user input. It’s a very common task in any web
application or website. The standard way to do it is through HTML forms, where
the user input some data, submit it to the server, and then the server does
something with it.
At first, I thought about jumping straight to the forms API. But I think it would
be a good idea for us to spend some time trying to understand the underlying
details of form processing. Otherwise, it will end up looking like magic, which
is a bad thing, because when things go wrong, you have no idea where to look
for the problem.
With a deeper understanding of some programming concepts, we can feel more
in control of the situation. Being in control is important because it let us write
code with more confidence. The moment we know exactly what is going on, it’s
much easier to implement a code of predictable behavior. It’s also a lot easier to
debug and find errors because you know where to look.
Anyway, let’s start by implementing the form below:
It’s one of the wireframes we drew in the previous tutorial. I now realize this
may be a bad example to start because this particular form involves processing
data of two different models: Topic (subject) and Post (message).
There’s another important aspect that we haven’t discussed it so far, which is
user authentication. We are only supposed to show this screen for authenticated
users. This way we can tell who created a Topic or a Post.
So let’s abstract some details for now and focus on understanding how to save
user input in the database.
First thing, let’s create a new URL route named new_topic:
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib import admin
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^boards/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.board_topics,
url(r'^boards/(?P<pk>\d+)/new/$', views.new_topic
url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
The way we are building the URL will help us identify the correct Board.
Now let’s create the new_topic view function:
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
from .models import Board
def new_topic(request, pk):
board = get_object_or_404(Board, pk=pk)
return render(request, 'new_topic.html', {'board'
For now, the new_topic view function is looking exactly the same as the
board_topics. That’s on purpose, let’s take a step at a time.
Now we just need a template named new_topic.html to see some code working:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block title %}Start a New Topic{% endblock %}
{% block breadcrumb %}
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{% url 'home'
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{% url 'board_topics
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">New topic</li>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
For now we just have the breadcrumb assuring the navigation. Observe that we
included the URL back to the board_topics view.
Open the URL http:// The result, for now, is the
following page:
We still haven’t implemented a way to reach this new page, but if we change the
URL to http://, it should take us to the Python
The result may be different for you if you haven't followed the steps from the
previous tutorial. In my case, I have three Board instances in the database, being
Django = 1, Python = 2, and Random = 3. Those numbers are the IDs from the
database, used from the URL to identify the right resource.
We can already add some tests:
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.urls import resolve
from django.test import TestCase
from .views import home, board_topics, new_topic
from .models import Board
class HomeTests(TestCase):
# ...
class BoardTopicsTests(TestCase):
# ...
class NewTopicTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
Board.objects.create(name='Django', description
def test_new_topic_view_success_status_code(self):
url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={'pk': 1})
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
def test_new_topic_view_not_found_status_code(self
url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={'pk': 99})
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404)
def test_new_topic_url_resolves_new_topic_view(self
view = resolve('/boards/1/new/')
self.assertEquals(view.func, new_topic)
def test_new_topic_view_contains_link_back_to_board_top
new_topic_url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={
board_topics_url = reverse('board_topics', kwargs
response = self.client.get(new_topic_url)
self.assertContains(response, 'href="{0}"'.format
This is a raw HTML form created by hand using the CSS classes provided by
Bootstrap 4. It looks like this:
In the <form> tag, we have to define the method attribute. This instructs the
browser on how we want to communicate with the server. The HTTP spec
defines several request methods (verbs). But for the most part, we will only be
using GET and POST request types.
GET is perhaps the most common request type. It’s used to retrieve data from
the server. Every time you click on a link or type a URL directly into the
browser, you are creating a GET request.
POST is used when we want to change data on the server. So, generally
speaking, every time we send data to the server that will result in a change in the
state of a resource, we should always send it via POST request.
Django protects all POST requests using a CSRF Token (Cross-Site Request
Forgery Token). It’s a security measure to avoid external sites or applications to
submit data to our application. Every time the application receives a POST, it
will first look for the CSRF Token. If the request has no token, or the token is
invalid, it will discard the posted data.
The result of the csrf_token template tag:
{% csrf_token %}
Is a hidden field that’s submitted along with the other form data:
<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value=
Another thing, we have to set the name of the HTML inputs. The name will be
used to retrieve the data on the server side.
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="id_subject"
<textarea class="form-control" id="id_message" name="messag
So, a naïve implementation of a view that grabs the data from the HTML and
starts a new topic can be written like this:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_o
from .models import Board, Topic, Post
def new_topic(request, pk):
board = get_object_or_404(Board, pk=pk)
if request.method == 'POST':
subject = request.POST['subject']
message = request.POST['message']
user = User.objects.first() # TODO: get the curren
topic = Topic.objects.create(
post = Post.objects.create(
return redirect('board_topics', pk=board.pk)
return render(request, 'new_topic.html', {'board'
This view is only considering the happy path, which is receiving the data and
saving it into the database. But there are some missing parts. We are not
validating the data. The user could submit an empty form or a subject that’s
bigger than 255 characters.
So far we are hard-coding the User fields because we haven’t implemented the
authentication yet. But there’s an easy way to identify the logged in user. We
will get to that part in the next tutorial. Also, we haven’t implemented the view
where we will list all the posts within a topic, so upon success, we are
redirecting the user to the page where we list all the board topics.
Just create a path through the property using dots. We can pretty much access
any property of the User model. If we wanted the user’s email, we could use
topic.starter.email .
Since we are already modifying the topics.html template, let’s create the button
that takes us to the new topic screen:
{% block content %}
<div class="mb-4">
<a href="{% url 'new_topic' board.pk %}" class="btn btn
<table class="table">
<!-- code suppressed for brevity -->
{% endblock %}
We can include a test to make sure the user can reach the New topic view from
this page:
class BoardTopicsTests(TestCase):
# ...
def test_board_topics_view_contains_navigation_links
board_topics_url = reverse('board_topics', kwargs
homepage_url = reverse('home')
new_topic_url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={
response = self.client.get(board_topics_url)
self.assertContains(response, 'href="{0}"'.format
self.assertContains(response, 'href="{0}"'.format
Before we code the previous form example in a Django way, let’s write some
tests for the form processing:
''' new imports below '''
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from .views import new_topic
from .models import Board, Topic, Post
class NewTopicTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
Board.objects.create(name='Django', description
User.objects.create_user(username='john', email
# ...
def test_csrf(self):
url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={'pk': 1})
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertContains(response, 'csrfmiddlewaretoken'
def test_new_topic_valid_post_data(self):
url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={'pk': 1})
data = {
'subject': 'Test title',
'message': 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
response = self.client.post(url, data)
def test_new_topic_invalid_post_data(self):
Invalid post data should not redirect
The expected behavior is to show the form again wit
url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={'pk': 1})
response = self.client.post(url, {})
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
def test_new_topic_invalid_post_data_empty_fields
Invalid post data should not redirect
The expected behavior is to show the form again wit
url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={'pk': 1})
data = {
'subject': '',
'message': ''
response = self.client.post(url, data)
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
First thing, the tests.py file is already starting to get big. We will improve it
soon, breaking the tests into several files. But for now, let’s keep working on it.
setUp: included the User.objects.create_user to create a User
instance to be used in the tests
test_csrf: since the CSRF Token is a fundamental part of processing POST
requests, we have to make sure our HTML contains the token.
test_new_topic_valid_post_data: sends a valid combination of data and
check if the view created a Topic instance and a Post instance.
test_new_topic_invalid_post_data: here we are sending an empty dictionary
to check how the application is behaving.
test_new_topic_invalid_post_data_empty_fields: similar to the previous
test, but this time we are sending some data. The application is expected to
validate and reject empty subject and message.
Let’s run the tests:
python manage.py test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
ERROR: test_new_topic_invalid_post_data (boards.tests.NewTo
Traceback (most recent call last):
django.utils.datastructures.MultiValueDictKeyError: "'subje
FAIL: test_new_topic_invalid_post_data_empty_fields (boards
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/vitorfs/Development/myproject/django-beginne
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
AssertionError: 302 != 200
Ran 15 tests in 0.512s
FAILED (failures=1, errors=1)
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
We have one failing test and one error. Both related to invalid user input. Instead
of trying to fix it with the current implementation, let’s make those tests pass
using the Django Forms API.
So, we came a long way since we started working with Forms. Finally, it’s time
to use the Forms API.
The Forms API is available in the module django.forms . Django works
with two types of forms: forms.Form and forms.ModelForm . The Form
class is a general purpose form implementation. We can use it to process data
that are not directly associated with a model in our application. A ModelForm
is a subclass of Form , and it’s associated with a model class.
Let’s create a new file named forms.py inside the boards’ folder:
from django import forms
from .models import Topic
class NewTopicForm(forms.ModelForm):
message = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(),
class Meta:
model = Topic
fields = ['subject', 'message']
This is our first form. It’s a ModelForm associated with the Topic model. The
subject in the fields list inside the Meta class is referring to the
subject field in the Topic class. Now observe that we are defining an extra
field named message . This refers to the message in the Post we want to save.
Now we have to refactor our views.py:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_o
from .forms import NewTopicForm
from .models import Board, Topic, Post
def new_topic(request, pk):
board = get_object_or_404(Board, pk=pk)
user = User.objects.first() # TODO: get the currently
if request.method == 'POST':
form = NewTopicForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
topic = form.save(commit=False)
topic.board = board
topic.starter = user
post = Post.objects.create(
return redirect('board_topics', pk=board.
form = NewTopicForm()
return render(request, 'new_topic.html', {'board'
This is how we use the forms in a view. Let me remove the extra noise so we can
focus on the core of the form processing:
if request.method == 'POST':
form = NewTopicForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
topic = form.save()
return redirect('board_topics', pk=board.pk)
form = NewTopicForm()
return render(request, 'new_topic.html', {'form': form
First we check if the request is a POST or a GET. If the request came from a
POST, it means the user is submitting some data to the server. So we instantiate
a form instance passing the POST data to the form: form =
NewTopicForm(request.POST) .
Then, we ask Django to verify the data, check if the form is valid if we can save
it in the database: if form.is_valid(): . If the form was valid, we
proceed to save the data in the database using form.save() . The save()
method returns an instance of the Model saved into the database. So, since this is
a Topic form, it will return the Topic that was created: topic =
form.save() . After that, the common path is to redirect the user somewhere
else, both to avoid the user re-submitting the form by pressing F5 and also to
keep the flow of the application.
Now, if the data was invalid, Django will add a list of errors to the form. After
that, the view does nothing and returns in the last statement: return
render(request, 'new_topic.html', {'form': form}) . That
means we have to update the new_topic.html to display errors properly.
If the request was a GET, we just initialize a new and empty form using form
= NewTopicForm() .
Well, our previous form was looking better, right? We are going to fix it in a
It can look broken right now but trust me; there’s a lot of things behind it right
now. And it’s extremely powerful. For example, if our form had 50 fields, we
could render all the fields just by typing {{ form.as_p }} .
And more, using the Forms API, Django will validate the data and add error
messages to each field. Let’s try submitting an empty form:
If you see something like this: when you submit the form, that's not
Django. It's your browser doing a pre-validation. To disable it add the
novalidate attribute to your form tag: <form method="post"
You can keep it; there's no problem with it. It's just because our form is very
simple right now, and we don't have much data validation to see.
Another important thing to note is that: there is no such a thing as "client-side
validation." JavaScript validation or browser validation is just for usability
purpose. And also to reduce the number of requests to the server. Data validation
should always be done on the server side, where we have full control over the
It also handles help texts, which can be defined both in a Form class or in a
Model class:
from django import forms
from .models import Topic
class NewTopicForm(forms.ModelForm):
message = forms.CharField(
help_text='The max length of the text is 4000.'
class Meta:
model = Topic
fields = ['subject', 'message']
The render_field tag is not part of Django; it lives inside the package we
installed. To use it we have to pass a form field instance as the first parameter,
and then after we can add arbitrary HTML attributes to complement it. It will be
useful because then we can assign classes based on certain conditions.
Some examples of the render_field template tag:
{% render_field form.subject class="form-control" %}
{% render_field form.message class="form-control" placehold
{% render_field field class="form-control" placeholder
{% render_field field style="font-size: 20px" %}
The template code looks a little bit complicated, right? Well, the good news is
that we can reuse this snippet across the project.
In the templates folder, create a new folder named includes:
|-- myproject/
| |-- boards/
| |-- myproject/
| |-- templates/
| | |-- includes/ <-- here!
| | |-- base.html
| | |-- home.html
| | |-- new_topic.html
| | +-- topics.html
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
Now we are using Django Forms; we can add more tests to make sure it is
running smoothly:
# ... other imports
from .forms import NewTopicForm
class NewTopicTests(TestCase):
# ... other tests
def test_contains_form(self): # <- new test
url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={'pk': 1})
response = self.client.get(url)
form = response.context.get('form')
self.assertIsInstance(form, NewTopicForm)
def test_new_topic_invalid_post_data(self): # <- updat
Invalid post data should not redirect
The expected behavior is to show the form again wit
url = reverse('new_topic', kwargs={'pk': 1})
response = self.client.post(url, {})
form = response.context.get('form')
self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
Now we are using the assertIsInstance method for the first time.
Basically we are grabbing the form instance in the context data, and checking if
it is a NewTopicForm . In the last test, we added the
self.assertTrue(form.errors) to make sure the form is showing
errors when the data is invalid.
← Part 2 - Fundamentals
Part 4 - Authentication →
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django - Part 4
] ['\n',
, '\n',
This tutorial is going to be all about Django’s authentication system. We are
going to implement the whole thing: registration, login, logout, password reset,
and password change.
, '\n',
You are also going to get a brief introduction on how to protect some views from
non-authorized users and how to access the information of the logged in user.
, '\n',
In the next section, you will find a few wireframes of authentication-related
pages that we are going to implement in this tutorial. After that, you will find an
initial setup of a new Django app. So far we have been working on an app
named boards. But all the authentication related stuff can live in a different app,
so to achieve a better organization of the code.
, '\n',
, '\n',
We have to update the wireframes of the application. First, we are going to add
new options for the top menu. If the user is not authenticated, we should have
two buttons: sign up and log in.
Initial Setup
To manage all this information, we can break it down in a different app. In the
project root, in the same page where the manage.py script is, run the following
command to start a new app:
django-admin startapp accounts
Let’s start by creating the sign up view. First thing, create a new route in the
urls.py file:
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib import admin
from accounts import views as accounts_views
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^signup/$', accounts_views.signup, name='signup'
url(r'^boards/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.board_topics,
url(r'^boards/(?P<pk>\d+)/new/$', views.new_topic
url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
Notice how we are importing the views module from the accounts app in a
different way:
from accounts import views as accounts_views
We are giving an alias because otherwise, it would clash with the boards’
views. We can improve the urls.py design later on. But for now, let’s focus on
the authentication features.
Now edit the views.py inside the accounts app and create a new view named
from django.shortcuts import render
def signup(request):
return render(request, 'signup.html')
Testing the status code (200 = success) and if the URL /signup/ is returning the
correct view function.
python manage.py test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 18 tests in 0.652s
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
For the authentication views (sign up, log in, password reset, etc.) we won’t use
the top bar or the breadcrumb. We can still use the base.html template. It just
needs some tweaks:
{% load static %}<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{% block title %}Django Boards{% endblock
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Per
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/bootstrap.m
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/app.css'
{% block stylesheet %}{% endblock %} <!-- HERE -->
{% block body %} <!-- HERE -->
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-da
<div class="container">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="{% url 'home'
<div class="container">
<ol class="breadcrumb my-4">
{% block breadcrumb %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock body %} <!-- AND HERE -->
I marked with comments the new bits in the base.html template. The block {%
block stylesheet %}{% endblock %} will be used to add extra CSS,
specific to some pages.
The block {% block body %} is wrapping the whole HTML document. We
can use it to have an empty document taking advantage of the head of the
base.html. Notice how we named the end block {% endblock body %} . In
cases like this, it’s a good practice to name the closing tag, so it’s easier to
identify where it ends.
Now on the signup.html template, instead of using the {% block content
%} , we can use the {% block body %} .
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block body %}
<h2>Sign up</h2>
{% endblock %}
Time to create the sign up form. Django has a built-in form named
UserCreationForm. Let’s use it:
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm
from django.shortcuts import render
def signup(request):
form = UserCreationForm()
return render(request, 'signup.html', {'form': form
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block body %}
<div class="container">
<h2>Sign up</h2>
<form method="post" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.as_p }}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Create
{% endblock %}
Looking a little bit messy, right? We can use our form.html template to make it
look better:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block body %}
<div class="container">
<h2>Sign up</h2>
<form method="post" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'includes/form.html' %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Create
{% endblock %}
Uh, almost there. Currently, our form.html partial template is displaying some
raw HTML. It’s a security feature. By default Django treats all strings as unsafe,
escaping all the special characters that may cause trouble. But in this case, we
can trust it.
{% load widget_tweaks %}
{% for field in form %}
<div class="form-group">
{{ field.label_tag }}
<!-- code suppressed for brevity -->
{% if field.help_text %}
<small class="form-text text-muted">
{{ field.help_text|safe }} <!-- new code here -->
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Save the form.html file, and check the sign up page again:
Now let’s implement the business logic in the signup view:
from django.contrib.auth import login as auth_login
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
def signup(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = UserCreationForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
user = form.save()
auth_login(request, user)
return redirect('home')
form = UserCreationForm()
return render(request, 'signup.html', {'form': form
A basic form processing with a small detail: the login function (renamed to
auth_login to avoid clashing with the built-in login view).
Note: I renamed the login function to auth_login , but later I realized that
Django 1.11 has a class-based view for the login view, LoginView , so there
was no risk of clashing the names.
On the older versions there was a auth.login and auth.view.login ,
which used to cause some confusion, because one was the function that logs the
user in, and the other was the view.
Long story short: you can import it just as login if you want, it will not cause
any problem.
If the form is valid, a User instance is created with the user =
form.save() . The created user is then passed as an argument to the
auth_login function, manually authenticating the user. After that, the view
redirects the user to the homepage, keeping the flow of the application.
Let’s try it. First, submit some invalid data. Either an empty form, non-matching
fields, or an existing username:
Now fill the form and submit it, check if the user is created and redirected to the
Referencing the Authenticated User in the Template
How can we know if it worked? Well, we can edit the base.html template to add
the name of the user on the top bar:
{% block body %}
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm navbar-dark bg-dark"
<div class="container">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="{% url 'home' %}"
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-tog
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="mainMenu"
<ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="#">{{ user.username
<div class="container">
<ol class="breadcrumb my-4">
{% block breadcrumb %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock body %}
We changed a little bit the SignUpTests class. Defined a setUp method, moved
the response object to there. Then now we are also testing if there are a form and
the CSRF token in the response.
Now we are going to test a successful sign up. This time, let’s create a new class
to organize better the tests:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.urls import resolve
from django.test import TestCase
from .views import signup
class SignUpTests(TestCase):
# code suppressed...
class SuccessfulSignUpTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
url = reverse('signup')
data = {
'username': 'john',
'password1': 'abcdef123456',
'password2': 'abcdef123456'
self.response = self.client.post(url, data)
self.home_url = reverse('home')
def test_redirection(self):
A valid form submission should redirect the user to
self.assertRedirects(self.response, self.home_url
def test_user_creation(self):
def test_user_authentication(self):
Create a new request to an arbitrary page.
The resulting response should now have a `user` to
after a successful sign up.
response = self.client.get(self.home_url)
user = response.context.get('user')
Everything is working, but… The email address field is missing. Well, the
UserCreationForm does not provide an email field. But we can extend it.
Create a file named forms.py inside the accounts folder:
from django import forms
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class SignUpForm(UserCreationForm):
email = forms.CharField(max_length=254, required=
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ('username', 'email', 'password1', 'passwo
Now, instead of using the UserCreationForm in our views.py, let’s import the
new form, SignUpForm, and use it instead:
from django.contrib.auth import login as auth_login
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from .forms import SignUpForm
def signup(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = SignUpForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
user = form.save()
auth_login(request, user)
return redirect('home')
form = SignUpForm()
return render(request, 'signup.html', {'form': form
And it automatically reflected in the HTML template. It’s good, right? Well,
depends. What if in the future, a new developer wanted to re-use the
SignUpForm for something else, and add some extra fields to it. Then those
new fields would also show up in the signup.html, which may not be the desired
behavior. This change could pass unnoticed, and we don’t want any surprises.
So let’s create a new test, that verifies the HTML inputs in the template:
class SignUpTests(TestCase):
# ...
def test_form_inputs(self):
The view must contain five inputs: csrf, username,
password1, password2
self.assertContains(self.response, '<input',
self.assertContains(self.response, 'type="text"'
self.assertContains(self.response, 'type="email"'
self.assertContains(self.response, 'type="password"
Alright, so we are testing the inputs and everything, but we still have to test the
form itself. Instead of just keep adding tests to the accounts/tests.py file, let’s
improve the project design a little bit.
Create a new folder named tests within the accounts folder. Then, inside the
tests folder, create an empty file named __init__.py.
Now, move the tests.py file to inside the tests folder, and rename it to
The final result should be the following:
|-- myproject/
| |-- accounts/
| | |-- migrations/
| | |-- tests/
| | | |-- __init__.py
| | | +-- test_view_signup.py
| | |-- __init__.py
| | |-- admin.py
| | |-- apps.py
| | |-- models.py
| | +-- views.py
| |-- boards/
| |-- myproject/
| |-- static/
| |-- templates/
| |-- db.sqlite3
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
Note that since we are using relative import within the context of the apps, we
need to fix the imports in the new test_view_signup.py:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.urls import resolve
from django.test import TestCase
from ..views import signup
from ..forms import SignUpForm
We are using relative imports inside the app modules so we can have the
freedom to rename the Django app later on, without having to fix all the absolute
Now let’s create a new test file, to test the SignUpForm. Add a new test file
named test_form_signup.py:
from django.test import TestCase
from ..forms import SignUpForm
class SignUpFormTest(TestCase):
def test_form_has_fields(self):
form = SignUpForm()
expected = ['username', 'email', 'password1',
actual = list(form.fields)
self.assertSequenceEqual(expected, actual)
It looks very strict, right? For example, if in the future we have to change the
SignUpForm, to include the user’s first and last name, we will probably end up
having to fix a few test cases, even if we didn’t break anything.
Those alerts are useful because they help to bring awareness, especially for
newcomers touching the code for the first time. It helps them code with
Let’s work a little bit on it. Here we can use Bootstrap 4 cards components to
make it look good.
Go to https://www.toptal.com/designers/subtlepatterns/ and find a nice
background pattern to use as a background of the accounts pages. Download it,
create a new folder named img inside the static folder, and place the image
Then after that, create a new CSS file named accounts.css in the static/css. The
result should be the following:
|-- myproject/
| |-- accounts/
| |-- boards/
| |-- myproject/
| |-- static/
| | |-- css/
| | | |-- accounts.css <-- here
| | | |-- app.css
| | | +-- bootstrap.min.css
| | +-- img/
| | | +-- shattered.png <-- here (the name may b
| |-- templates/
| |-- db.sqlite3
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
In the signup.html template, we can change it to make use of the new CSS and
also take the Bootstrap 4 card components into use:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load static %}
{% block stylesheet %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/accounts.css'
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<div class="container">
<h1 class="text-center logo my-4">
<a href="{% url 'home' %}">Django Boards</a>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-lg-8 col-md-10 col-sm-12">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h3 class="card-title">Sign up</h3>
<form method="post" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'includes/form.html' %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary
<div class="card-footer text-muted text-center"
Already have an account? <a href="#">Log in
{% endblock %}
To keep a natural flow in the implementation, let’s add the log out view. First,
edit the urls.py to add a new route:
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
from accounts import views as accounts_views
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^signup/$', accounts_views.signup, name='signup'
url(r'^logout/$', auth_views.LogoutView.as_view(),
url(r'^boards/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.board_topics,
url(r'^boards/(?P<pk>\d+)/new/$', views.new_topic
url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
Here we are passing the name of the URL pattern we want to redirect the user
after the log out.
After that, it’s already done. Just access the URL and
you will be logged out. But hold on a second. Before you log out, let’s create the
dropdown menu for logged in users.
Inside the static folder, create a new folder named js. Copy the jquery-
3.2.1.min.js file to there.
Bootstrap 4 also needs a library called Popper to work. Go to popper.js.org and
download the latest version.
Inside the popper.js-1.12.5 folder, go to dist/umd and copy the file
popper.min.js to our js folder. Pay attention here; Bootstrap 4 will only work
with the umd/popper.min.js. So make sure you are copying the right file.
If you no longer have all the Bootstrap 4 files, download it again from
Similarly, copy the bootstrap.min.js file to our js folder as well.
The final result should be:
|-- myproject/
| |-- accounts/
| |-- boards/
| |-- myproject/
| |-- static/
| | |-- css/
| | +-- js/
| | |-- bootstrap.min.js
| | |-- jquery-3.2.1.min.js
| | +-- popper.min.js
| |-- templates/
| |-- db.sqlite3
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
In the bottom of the base.html file, add the scripts after the {% endblock
body %} :
{% load static %}<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{% block title %}Django Boards{% endblock
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Per
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/bootstrap.m
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/app.css'
{% block stylesheet %}{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<!-- code suppressed for brevity -->
{% endblock body %}
<script src="{% static 'js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js' %}
<script src="{% static 'js/popper.min.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'js/bootstrap.min.js' %}"></scri
If you found the instructions confusing, just download the files using the direct
links below:
Right-click and *Save link as….
Now we can add the Bootstrap 4 dropdown menu:
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm navbar-dark bg-dark"
<div class="container">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="{% url 'home' %}">Django
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggl
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="mainMenu"
<ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#"
{{ user.username }}
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#">My account
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Change passwo
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="{% url 'logout'
Let’s try it. Click on logout:
It’s working. But the dropdown is showing regardless of the user being logged
in or not. The difference is that now the username is empty, and we can only see
an arrow.
We can improve it a little bit:
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm navbar-dark bg-dark"
<div class="container">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="{% url 'home' %}">Django
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggl
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="mainMenu"
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href=
{{ user.username }}
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#">My account
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Change pass
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="{% url 'logout
{% else %}
<form class="form-inline ml-auto">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-outline-secondary"
<a href="{% url 'signup' %}" class="btn btn-prima
{% endif %}
Now we are telling Django to show the dropdown menu if the user is logged in,
and if not, show the log in and sign up buttons:
Inside the as_view() we can pass some extra parameters, so to override the
defaults. In this case, we are instructing the LoginView to look for a template at
Edit the settings.py and add the following configuration:
This configuration is telling Django where to redirect the user after a successful
Finally, add the login URL to the base.html template:
<a href="{% url 'login' %}" class="btn btn-outline-secondar
We can create a template similar to the sign up page. Create a new file named
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load static %}
{% block stylesheet %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/accounts.css'
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<div class="container">
<h1 class="text-center logo my-4">
<a href="{% url 'home' %}">Django Boards</a>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-8">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h3 class="card-title">Log in</h3>
<form method="post" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'includes/form.html' %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary
<div class="card-footer text-muted text-center"
New to Django Boards? <a href="{% url 'signup'
<div class="text-center py-2">
<a href="#" class="text-muted">Forgot your pass
{% endblock %}
We still don’t have the password reset URL, so let’s leave it as # for now.
{% extends 'base_accounts.html' %}
{% block title %}Sign up to Django Boards{% endblock
{% block content %}
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-lg-8 col-md-10 col-sm-12">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h3 class="card-title">Sign up</h3>
<form method="post" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'includes/form.html' %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary bt
<div class="card-footer text-muted text-center"
Already have an account? <a href="{% url 'login'
{% endblock %}
Notice that we added the log in URL: <a href="{% url 'login'
%}">Log in</a> .
If we submit the log in form empty, we get some nice error messages:
But if we submit an username that doesn’t exist or an invalid password, right
now that’s what’s going to happen:
A little bit misleading. The fields are showing green, suggesting they are okay.
Also, there’s no message saying anything.
That’s because forms have a special type of error, which is called non-field
errors. It’s a collection of errors that are not related to a specific field. Let’s
refactor the form.html partial template to display those errors as well:
{% load widget_tweaks %}
{% if form.non_field_errors %}
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
{% for error in form.non_field_errors %}
<p{% if forloop.last %} class="mb-0"{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for field in form %}
<!-- code suppressed -->
{% endfor %}
We still have to deal with the password field though. The thing is, Django never
returned the data of password fields to the client. So, instead of trying to do
something smart, let’s just ignore the is-valid and is-invalid CSS
classes in some cases. But our form template already looks complicated. We can
move some of the code to a template tag.
Inside the boards app, create a new folder named templatetags. Then inside
this folder, create two empty files named __init__.py and form_tags.py.
The structure should be the following:
|-- myproject/
| |-- accounts/
| |-- boards/
| | |-- migrations/
| | |-- templatetags/ <-- here
| | | |-- __init__.py
| | | +-- form_tags.py
| | |-- __init__.py
| | |-- admin.py
| | |-- apps.py
| | |-- models.py
| | |-- tests.py
| | +-- views.py
| |-- myproject/
| |-- static/
| |-- templates/
| |-- db.sqlite3
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
Will return:
Much better, right? Reduced the complexity of the template. It looks cleaner
now. And it also solved the problem with the password field displaying a green
First, let’s just organize the boards’ tests a little bit. Like we did with the
accounts app, create a new folder named tests, add a __init__.py, copy the
tests.py and rename it to just test_views.py for now.
Add a new empty file named test_templatetags.py.
|-- myproject/
| |-- accounts/
| |-- boards/
| | |-- migrations/
| | |-- templatetags/
| | |-- tests/
| | | |-- __init__.py
| | | |-- test_templatetags.py <-- new file, emp
| | | +-- test_views.py <-- our old file with al
| | |-- __init__.py
| | |-- admin.py
| | |-- apps.py
| | |-- models.py
| | +-- views.py
| |-- myproject/
| |-- static/
| |-- templates/
| |-- db.sqlite3
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
We created a form class to be used in the tests then added test cases covering the
possible scenarios in the two template tags.
python manage.py test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 32 tests in 0.846s
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
Password Reset
The password reset process involves some nasty URL patterns. But as we
discussed in the previous tutorial, we don’t need to be an expert in regular
expressions. It’s just a matter of knowing the common ones.
Another important thing before we start is that, for the password reset process,
we need to send emails. It’s a little bit complicated in the beginning because we
need an external service. For now, we won’t be configuring a production quality
email service. In fact, during the development phase, we can use Django’s debug
tools to check if the emails are being sent correctly.
Console Email Backend
The idea is during the development of the project, instead of sending real emails,
we just log them. There are two options: writing all emails in a text file or
simply displaying them in the console. I find the latter option more convenient
because we are already using a console to run the development server and the
setup is a bit easier.
Edit the settings.py module and add the EMAIL_BACKEND variable to the end
of the file:
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBac
The template_name parameter in the password reset views are optional. But
I thought it would be a good idea to re-define it, so the link between the view
and the template be more obvious than just using the defaults.
Inside the templates folder, the following template files:
password_reset_email.html: this template is the body of the email message
sent to the user
password_reset_subject.txt: this template is the subject line of the email, it
should be a single line file
Before we start implementing the templates, let’s prepare a new test file.
We can add just some basic tests because those views and forms are already
tested in the Django code. We are going to test just the specifics of our
Create a new test file named test_view_password_reset.py inside the
accounts/tests folder.
{% extends 'base_accounts.html' %}
{% block title %}Reset your password{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-8">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h3 class="card-title">Reset your password</h3>
<p>Enter your email address and we will send you
<form method="post" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'includes/form.html' %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary bt
{% endblock %}
from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordResetForm
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core import mail
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.urls import resolve
from django.test import TestCase
class PasswordResetTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
url = reverse('password_reset')
self.response = self.client.get(url)
def test_status_code(self):
def test_view_function(self):
view = resolve('/reset/')
self.assertEquals(view.func.view_class, auth_views
def test_csrf(self):
self.assertContains(self.response, 'csrfmiddlewaret
def test_contains_form(self):
form = self.response.context.get('form')
self.assertIsInstance(form, PasswordResetForm
def test_form_inputs(self):
The view must contain two inputs: csrf and email
self.assertContains(self.response, '<input',
self.assertContains(self.response, 'type="email"'
class SuccessfulPasswordResetTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
email = '[email protected]'
User.objects.create_user(username='john', email
url = reverse('password_reset')
self.response = self.client.post(url, {'email'
def test_redirection(self):
A valid form submission should redirect the user to
url = reverse('password_reset_done')
self.assertRedirects(self.response, url)
def test_send_password_reset_email(self):
self.assertEqual(1, len(mail.outbox))
class InvalidPasswordResetTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
url = reverse('password_reset')
self.response = self.client.post(url, {'email'
def test_redirection(self):
Even invalid emails in the database should
redirect the user to `password_reset_done` view
url = reverse('password_reset_done')
self.assertRedirects(self.response, url)
def test_no_reset_email_sent(self):
self.assertEqual(0, len(mail.outbox))
[Django Boards] Please reset your password
Hi there,
Someone asked for a password reset for the email address
Follow the link below:
{{ protocol }}://{{ domain }}{% url 'password_reset_confirm
In case you forgot your Django Boards username: {{ user.use
If clicking the link above doesn't work, please copy and pa
in a new browser window instead.
If you've received this mail in error, it's likely that ano
your email address by mistake while trying to reset a passw
initiate the request, you don't need to take any further ac
disregard this email.
The Django Boards Team
We can create a specific file to test the email message. Create a new file named
test_mail_password_reset.py inside the accounts/tests folder:
from django.core import mail
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.urls import reverse
from django.test import TestCase
class PasswordResetMailTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
User.objects.create_user(username='john', email
self.response = self.client.post(reverse('password_
self.email = mail.outbox[0]
def test_email_subject(self):
self.assertEqual('[Django Boards] Please reset your
def test_email_body(self):
context = self.response.context
token = context.get('token')
uid = context.get('uid')
password_reset_token_url = reverse('password_reset_
'uidb64': uid,
'token': token
self.assertIn(password_reset_token_url, self.
self.assertIn('john', self.email.body)
self.assertIn('[email protected]', self.email.body
def test_email_to(self):
self.assertEqual(['[email protected]',], self.email
This test case grabs the email sent by the application, and examine the subject
line, the body contents, and to who was the email sent to.
{% extends 'base_accounts.html' %}
{% block title %}Reset your password{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-8">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h3 class="card-title">Reset your password</h3>
<p>Check your email for a link to reset your pass
<a href="{% url 'login' %}" class="btn btn-second
{% endblock %}
from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.urls import resolve
from django.test import TestCase
class PasswordResetDoneTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
url = reverse('password_reset_done')
self.response = self.client.get(url)
def test_status_code(self):
def test_view_function(self):
view = resolve('/reset/done/')
self.assertEquals(view.func.view_class, auth_views
{% extends 'base_accounts.html' %}
{% block title %}
{% if validlink %}
Change password for {{ form.user.username }}
{% else %}
Reset your password
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-8 col-sm-10">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
{% if validlink %}
<h3 class="card-title">Change password for @
<form method="post" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'includes/form.html' %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success
{% else %}
<h3 class="card-title">Reset your password
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"
It looks like you clicked on an invalid passw
<a href="{% url 'password_reset' %}" class=
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
This page can only be accessed with the link sent in the email. It looks like this:
During the development phase, grab this link from the email in the console.
If the link is valid:
from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_genera
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
from django.utils.http import urlsafe_base64_encode
from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views
from django.contrib.auth.forms import SetPasswordForm
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.urls import resolve
from django.test import TestCase
class PasswordResetConfirmTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
user = User.objects.create_user(username='john'
create a valid password reset token
based on how django creates the token internally:
self.uid = urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(
self.token = default_token_generator.make_token
url = reverse('password_reset_confirm', kwargs
self.response = self.client.get(url, follow=True
def test_status_code(self):
def test_view_function(self):
view = resolve('/reset/{uidb64}/{token}/'.format
self.assertEquals(view.func.view_class, auth_views
def test_csrf(self):
self.assertContains(self.response, 'csrfmiddlewaret
def test_contains_form(self):
form = self.response.context.get('form')
self.assertIsInstance(form, SetPasswordForm)
def test_form_inputs(self):
The view must contain two inputs: csrf and two pass
self.assertContains(self.response, '<input',
self.assertContains(self.response, 'type="password"
class InvalidPasswordResetConfirmTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
user = User.objects.create_user(username='john'
uid = urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(user.
token = default_token_generator.make_token(user
invalidate the token by changing the password
url = reverse('password_reset_confirm', kwargs
self.response = self.client.get(url)
def test_status_code(self):
def test_html(self):
password_reset_url = reverse('password_reset'
self.assertContains(self.response, 'invalid passwor
self.assertContains(self.response, 'href="{0}"'
{% extends 'base_accounts.html' %}
{% block title %}Password changed!{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-8 col-sm-10">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h3 class="card-title">Password changed!</h3>
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"
You have successfully changed your password! Yo
<a href="{% url 'login' %}" class="btn btn-second
{% endblock %}
This view is meant to be used by logged in users that want to change their
password. Usually, those forms are composed of three fields: old password, new
password, and new password confirmation.
myproject/urls.py (view complete file contents)
url(r'^settings/password/$', auth_views.PasswordChangeView
url(r'^settings/password/done/$', auth_views.PasswordChange
Those views only works for logged in users. They make use of a view decorator
named @login_required . This decorator prevents non-authorized users to
access this page. If the user is not logged in, Django will redirect them to the
login page.
Now we have to define what is the login URL of our application in the
myproject/settings.py (view complete file contents)
LOGIN_URL = 'login'
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block title %}Change password{% endblock %}
{% block breadcrumb %}
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">Change password</li>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-8 col-sm-10">
<form method="post" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'includes/form.html' %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success"
{% endblock %}
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block title %}Change password successful{% endblock
{% block breadcrumb %}
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{% url 'password_cha
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">Success</li>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
<strong>Success!</strong> Your password has been change
<a href="{% url 'home' %}" class="btn btn-secondary"
{% endblock %}
Regarding the password change view, we can implement similar test cases as
we have already been doing so far. Create a new test file named
I will list below new types of tests. You can check all the tests I wrote for the
password change view clicking in the view complete file contents link next to
the code snippet. Most of the tests are similar to what we have been doing so far.
I moved to an external file to avoid being too repetitive.
accounts/tests/test_view_password_change.py (view complete file contents)
class LoginRequiredPasswordChangeTests(TestCase):
def test_redirection(self):
url = reverse('password_change')
login_url = reverse('login')
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertRedirects(response, f'{login_url}?next={
The test above tries to access the password_change view without being logged
in. The expected behavior is to redirect the user to the login page.
accounts/tests/test_view_password_change.py (view complete file contents)
class PasswordChangeTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self, data={}):
self.user = User.objects.create_user(username
self.url = reverse('password_change')
self.client.login(username='john', password='old_pa
self.response = self.client.post(self.url, data
Here we defined a new class named PasswordChangeTestCase. It does a basic
setup, creating a user and making a POST request to the password_change
view. In the next set of test cases, we are going to use this class instead of the
TestCase class and test a successful request and an invalid request:
accounts/tests/test_view_password_change.py (view complete file contents)
class SuccessfulPasswordChangeTests(PasswordChangeTestCase
def setUp(self):
'old_password': 'old_password',
'new_password1': 'new_password',
'new_password2': 'new_password',
def test_redirection(self):
A valid form submission should redirect the user
self.assertRedirects(self.response, reverse('passwo
def test_password_changed(self):
refresh the user instance from database to get the
hash updated by the change password view.
def test_user_authentication(self):
Create a new request to an arbitrary page.
The resulting response should now have an `user` to
response = self.client.get(reverse('home'))
user = response.context.get('user')
class InvalidPasswordChangeTests(PasswordChangeTestCase
def test_status_code(self):
An invalid form submission should return to the sam
def test_form_errors(self):
form = self.response.context.get('form')
def test_didnt_change_password(self):
refresh the user instance from the database to make
sure we have the latest data.
The refresh_from_db() method make sure we have the latest state of the
data. It forces Django to query the database again to update the data. We have to
do it because the change_password view update the password in the database.
So to test if the password really changed, we have to grab the latest data from
the database.
Authentication is a very common use case for most Django applications. In this
tutorial, we implemented all the important views: sign up, log in, log out,
password reset, and change password. Now that we have a way to create users
and authenticate them, we will be able to proceed with the development of the
other views of our application.
We still have to improve lots of things regarding the code design: the templates
folder is starting to get messy with too many files. The boards app tests are still
disorganized. Also, we have to start refactoring the new topic view, because
now we can retrieve the logged in user. We will get to that part soon.
I hope you enjoyed the forth part of this tutorial series! The fifth part is coming
out next week, on Oct 2, 2017. If you would like to get notified when the fifth
part is out, you can subscribe to our mailing list.
The source code of the project is available on GitHub. The current state of the
project can be found under the release tag v0.4-lw. The link below will take you
to the right place:
← Part 3 - Advanced Concepts
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django - Part 5
] ['\n',
, '\n',
Welcome to the 5th part of the tutorial series! In this tutorial, we are going to
learn more about protecting views against unauthorized users and how to access
the authenticated user in the views and forms. We are also going to implement
the topic posts listing view and the reply view. Finally, we are going to explore
some features of Django ORM and have a brief introduction to migrations.
, '\n',
Protecting Views
In the picture above the user is not logged in, and even though they can see the
page and the form.
Django has a built-in view decorator to avoid that issue:
boards/views.py (view complete file contents)
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
def new_topic(request, pk):
# ...
From now on, if the user is not authenticated they will be redirected to the login
Let’s now add a test case to make sure this view is protected by the
@login_required decorator. But first, let’s do some refactoring in the
boards/tests/test_views.py file.
Let’s split the test_views.py into three files:
test_view_home.py will include the HomeTests class (view complete file
test_view_board_topics.py will include the BoardTopicsTests class (view
complete file contents)
test_view_new_topic.py will include the NewTopicTests class (view
complete file contents)
|-- myproject/
| |-- accounts/
| |-- boards/
| | |-- migrations/
| | |-- templatetags/
| | |-- tests/
| | | |-- __init__.py
| | | |-- test_templatetags.py
| | | |-- test_view_home.py <-- here
| | | |-- test_view_board_topics.py <-- here
| | | +-- test_view_new_topic.py <-- and here
| | |-- __init__.py
| | |-- admin.py
| | |-- apps.py
| | |-- models.py
| | +-- views.py
| |-- myproject/
| |-- static/
| |-- templates/
| |-- db.sqlite3
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
In the test case above we are trying to make a request to the new topic view
without being authenticated. The expected result is for the request be redirected
to the login view.
Now we can improve the new_topic view and this time set the proper user,
instead of just querying the database and picking the first user. That code was
temporary because we had no way to authenticate the user. But now we can do
boards/views.py (view complete file contents)
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect
from .forms import NewTopicForm
from .models import Board, Post
def new_topic(request, pk):
board = get_object_or_404(Board, pk=pk)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = NewTopicForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
topic = form.save(commit=False)
topic.board = board
topic.starter = request.user # <- here
created_by=request.user # <- and here
return redirect('board_topics', pk=board.
form = NewTopicForm()
return render(request, 'new_topic.html', {'board'
Let’s take the time now to implement the posts listing page, accordingly to the
wireframe below:
Observe that now we are dealing with two keyword arguments: pk which is
used to identify the Board, and now we have the topic_pk which is used to
identify which topic to retrieve from the database.
The matching view would be like this:
boards/views.py (view complete file contents)
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
from .models import Topic
def topic_posts(request, pk, topic_pk):
topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, board__pk=pk, pk
return render(request, 'topic_posts.html', {'topic'
Note that we are indirectly retrieving the current board. Remember that the topic
model is related to the board model, so we can access the current board. You
will see in the next snippet:
templates/topic_posts.html (view complete file contents)
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block title %}{{ topic.subject }}{% endblock %}
{% block breadcrumb %}
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{% url 'home'
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{% url 'board_topics
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">{{ topic.subject
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
Now let’s create a new test file for the topic_posts view:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test import TestCase
from django.urls import resolve, reverse
from ..models import Board, Post, Topic
from ..views import topic_posts
class TopicPostsTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
board = Board.objects.create(name='Django', descrip
user = User.objects.create_user(username='john'
topic = Topic.objects.create(subject='Hello, world'
Post.objects.create(message='Lorem ipsum dolor sit
url = reverse('topic_posts', kwargs={'pk': board
self.response = self.client.get(url)
def test_status_code(self):
def test_view_function(self):
view = resolve('/boards/1/topics/1/')
self.assertEquals(view.func, topic_posts)
Note that the test setup is starting to get more complex. We can create mixins or
an abstract class to reuse the code as needed. We can also use a third party
library to setup some test data, to reduce the boilerplate code.
Also, by now we already have a significant amount of tests, and it’s gradually
starting to run slower. We can instruct the test suite just to run tests from a given
python manage.py test boards
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 23 tests in 1.246s
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
Cool, right?
Let’s keep moving forward.
Inside the topic_posts.html, we can create a for loop iterating over the topic
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load static %}
{% block title %}{{ topic.subject }}{% endblock %}
{% block breadcrumb %}
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{% url 'home'
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{% url 'board_topics
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">{{ topic.subject
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="mb-4">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" role="button"
{% for post in topic.posts.all %}
<div class="card mb-2">
<div class="card-body p-3">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-2">
<img src="{% static 'img/avatar.svg' %}"
<small>Posts: {{ post.created_by.posts.count
<div class="col-10">
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-6">
<strong class="text-muted">{{ post.created_
<div class="col-6 text-right">
<small class="text-muted">{{ post.created_a
{{ post.message }}
{% if post.created_by == user %}
<div class="mt-3">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Since right now we don’t have a way to upload a user picture, let’s just have an
empty image.
I downloaded a free image from IconFinder and saved in the static/img folder of
the project.
We still haven’t really explored Django’s ORM, but the code {{
post.created_by.posts.count }} is executing a select count
in the database. Even though the result is correct, it is a bad approach. Right
now it’s causing several unnecessary queries in the database. But hey, don’t
worry about that right now. Let’s focus on how we interact with the application.
Later on, we are going to improve this code, and how to diagnose heavy queries.
Another interesting point here is that we are testing if the current post belongs to
the authenticated user: {% if post.created_by == user %} . And we
are only showing the edit button for the owner of the post.
Since we now have the URL route to the topic posts listing, update the
topics.html template with the link:
templates/topics.html (view complete file contents)
{% for topic in board.topics.all %}
<td><a href="{% url 'topic_posts' board.pk topic.pk
<td>{{ topic.starter.username }}</td>
<td>{{ topic.last_updated }}</td>
{% endfor %}
Let’s implement now the reply post view so that we can add more data and
progress with the implementation and tests.
New URL route:
myproject/urls.py (view complete file contents)
Also take the time to update the return redirect of the new_topic view function
(marked with the comment # TODO).
def new_topic(request, pk):
board = get_object_or_404(Board, pk=pk)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = NewTopicForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
topic = form.save(commit=False)
# code suppressed ...
return redirect('topic_posts', pk=pk, topic_pk
# code suppressed ...
Then after posting a reply, the user is redirected back to the topic posts:
We could now change the starter post, so to give it more emphasis in the page:
templates/topic_posts.html (view complete file contents)
{% for post in topic.posts.all %}
<div class="card mb-2 {% if forloop.first %}border-dark
{% if forloop.first %}
<div class="card-header text-white bg-dark py-2 px-3"
{% endif %}
<div class="card-body p-3">
<!-- code suppressed -->
{% endfor %}
Now for the tests, pretty standard, just like we have been doing so far. Create a
new file test_view_reply_topic.py inside the boards/tests folder:
boards/tests/test_view_reply_topic.py (view complete file contents)
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test import TestCase
from django.urls import reverse
from ..models import Board, Post, Topic
from ..views import reply_topic
class ReplyTopicTestCase(TestCase):
Base test case to be used in all `reply_topic` view tes
def setUp(self):
self.board = Board.objects.create(name='Django'
self.username = 'john'
self.password = '123'
user = User.objects.create_user(username=self
self.topic = Topic.objects.create(subject='Hello, w
Post.objects.create(message='Lorem ipsum dolor sit
self.url = reverse('reply_topic', kwargs={'pk'
class LoginRequiredReplyTopicTests(ReplyTopicTestCase
# ...
class ReplyTopicTests(ReplyTopicTestCase):
# ...
class SuccessfulReplyTopicTests(ReplyTopicTestCase):
# ...
class InvalidReplyTopicTests(ReplyTopicTestCase):
# ...
The essence here is the custom test case class ReplyTopicTestCase. Then all
the four classes will extend this test case.
First, we test if the view is protected with the @login_required decorator,
then check the HTML inputs, status code. Finally, we test a valid and an invalid
form submission.
Let’s take the time now to explore some of the models’ API functionalities a
little bit. First, let’s improve the home view:
In the Post model we are using the Truncator utility class. It’s a convenient way
to truncate long strings into an arbitrary string size (here we are using 30).
Now let’s open the Python shell terminal:
python manage.py shell
# First get a board instance from the database
board = Board.objects.get(name='Django')
The easiest of the three tasks is to get the current topics count, because the Topic
and Board are directly related:
<QuerySet [<Topic: Hello everyone!>, <Topic: Test>, <
Here we have 11 posts. But not all of them belongs to the “Django” board.
Here is how we can filter it:
from boards.models import Board, Post
board = Board.objects.get(name='Django')
<QuerySet [<Post: This is my first topic.. :-)>, <Post
<Post: Hi everyone!>, <Post: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
<Post: Testing the new reply feature!>
Observe that we are using self , because this method will be used by a Board
instance. So that means we are using this instance to filter the QuerySet.
Now we can improve the home HTML template to display this brand new
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block breadcrumb %}
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">Boards</li>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<table class="table">
<thead class="thead-inverse">
<th>Last Post</th>
{% for board in boards %}
<a href="{% url 'board_topics' board.pk %}
<small class="text-muted d-block">{{ board.desc
<td class="align-middle">
{{ board.get_posts_count }}
<td class="align-middle">
{{ board.topics.count }}
<td class="align-middle">
{% with post=board.get_last_post %}
<a href="{% url 'topic_posts' board.pk
By {{ post.created_by.username }} at
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
It seems like we have a problem with our implementation here. The application
is crashing if there are no posts.
{% with post=board.get_last_post %}
{% if post %}
<a href="{% url 'topic_posts' board.pk post.topic.pk
By {{ post.created_by.username }} at {{ post.create
{% else %}
<small class="text-muted">
<em>No posts yet.</em>
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
I added a new board with no messages just to check the “empty message”:
Now it’s time to improve the topics listing view.
I will show you another way to include the count, this time to the number of
replies, in a more effective way.
As usual, let’s try first with the Python shell:
python manage.py shell
from django.db.models import Count
from boards.models import Board
board = Board.objects.get(name='Django')
topics = board.topics.order_by('-last_updated').annotate
for topic in topics:
Here we are using the annotate QuerySet method to generate a new “column”
on the fly. This new column, which will be translated into a property, accessible
via topic.replies contain the count of posts a given topic has.
We can do just a minor fix because the replies should not consider the starter
topic (which is also a Post instance).
So here is how we do it:
topics = board.topics.order_by('-last_updated').annotate
for topic in topics:
Cool, right?
boards/views.py (view complete file contents)
from django.db.models import Count
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
from .models import Board
def board_topics(request, pk):
board = get_object_or_404(Board, pk=pk)
topics = board.topics.order_by('-last_updated').annotat
return render(request, 'topics.html', {'board': board
templates/topics.html (view complete file contents)
{% for topic in topics %}
<td><a href="{% url 'topic_posts' board.pk topic.pk
<td>{{ topic.starter.username }}</td>
<td>{{ topic.replies }}</td>
<td>{{ topic.last_updated }}</td>
{% endfor %}
Next step now is to fix the views count. But for that, we will need to create a new
Now we can use it to keep track of the number of views a given topic is
boards/views.py (view complete file contents)
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
from .models import Topic
def topic_posts(request, pk, topic_pk):
topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, board__pk=pk, pk
topic.views += 1
return render(request, 'topic_posts.html', {'topic'
Now open a topic and refresh the page a few times, and see if it’s counting the
page views:
In this tutorial, we made some progress in the development of the Web boards
functionalities. There are a few things left to implement: the edit post view, the
“my account” view for the user to update their names, etc. After those two views,
we are going to enable markdown in the posts and implement pagination in both
topic listing and topic replies listing.
The next tutorial will be focused on using class-based views to solve those
problems. And after that, we are going to learn how to deploy our application to
a Web server.
I hope you enjoyed the fifth part of this tutorial series! The sixth part is coming
out next week, on Oct 9, 2017. If you would like to get notified when the fifth
part is out, you can subscribe to our mailing list.
The source code of the project is available on GitHub. The current state of the
project can be found under the release tag v0.5-lw. The link below will take you
to the right place:
← Part 4 - Authentication
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django - Part 6
] ['\n',
, '\n',
Welcome to the sixth part of the tutorial series! In this tutorial, we are going to
explore in great detail the Class-Based Views. We are also going to refactor
some of the existing views so to take advantage of the built-in Generic Class-
Based Views.
, '\n',
There are many other topics that we are going to touch with this tutorial, such as
how to work with pagination, how to work with Markdown and how to add a
simple editor. We are also going to explore a built-in package called Humanize,
which is used to give a “human touch” to the data.
, '\n',
Alright, folks! Let’s implement some code. We have plenty of work to do today!
, '\n',
Views Strategies
At the end of the day, all Django views are functions. Even class-based views
(CBV). Behind the scenes, it does all the magic and ends up returning a view
Class-based views were introduced to make it easier for developers to reuse and
extend views. There are many benefits of using them, such as the extendability,
the ability to use O.O. techniques such as multiple inheritances, the handling of
HTTP methods are done in separate methods, rather than using conditional
branching, and there are also the Generic Class-Based Views (GCBV).
Before we move forward, let’s clarify what those three terms mean:
Function-Based Views (FBV)
Class-Based Views (CBV)
Generic Class-Based Views (GCBV)
A FBV is the simplest representation of a Django view: it’s just a function that
receives an HttpRequest object and returns an HttpResponse.
A CBV is every Django view defined as a Python class that extends the
django.views.generic.View abstract class. A CBV essentially is a
class that wraps a FBV. CBVs are great to extend and reuse code.
GCBVs are built-in CBVs that solve specific problems such as listing views,
create, update, and delete views.
Below we are going to explore some examples of the different implementation
Function-Based View
def new_post(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = PostForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
return redirect('post_list')
form = PostForm()
return render(request, 'new_post.html', {'form':
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^new_post/$', views.new_post, name='new_post'
Class-Based View
A CBV is a view that extends the View class. The main difference here is that
the requests are handled inside class methods named after the HTTP methods,
such as get, post, put, head, etc.
So, here we don’t need to do a conditional to check if the request is a POST or if
it’s a GET. The code goes straight to the right method. This logic is handled
internally in the View class.
from django.views.generic import View
class NewPostView(View):
def post(self, request):
form = PostForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
return redirect('post_list')
return render(request, 'new_post.html', {'form'
def get(self, request):
form = PostForm()
return render(request, 'new_post.html', {'form'
The way we refer to the CBVs in the urls.py module is a little bit different:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^new_post/$', views.NewPostView.as_view(),
Here we need to use the as_view() class method, which returns a view
function to the url patterns. In some cases, we can also feed the as_view()
with some keyword arguments, so to customize the behavior of the CBV, just
like we did with some of the authentication views to customize the templates.
Anyway, the good thing about CBV is that we can add more methods, and
perhaps do something like this:
from django.views.generic import View
class NewPostView(View):
def render(self, request):
return render(request, 'new_post.html', {'form'
def post(self, request):
self.form = PostForm(request.POST)
if self.form.is_valid():
return redirect('post_list')
return self.render(request)
def get(self, request):
self.form = PostForm()
return self.render(request)
It’s also possible to create some generic views that accomplish some tasks so
that we can reuse it across the project.
But that’s pretty much all you need to know about CBVs. Simple as that.
Now about the GCBV. That’s a different story. As I mentioned earlier, those
views are built-in CBVs for common use cases. Their implementation makes
heavy usage of multiple inheritances (mixins) and other O.O. strategies.
They are very flexible and can save many hours of work. But in the beginning, it
can be difficult to work with them.
When I first started working with Django, I found GCBV hard to work with. At
first, it’s hard to tell what is going on, because the code flow is not obvious, as
there is good chunk of code hidden in the parent classes. The documentation is a
little bit challenging to follow too, mostly because the attributes and methods are
sometimes spread across eight parent classes. When working with GCBV, it’s
always good to have the ccbv.co.uk opened for quick reference. No worries, we
are going to explore it together.
Now let’s see a GCBV example.
from django.views.generic import CreateView
class NewPostView(CreateView):
model = Post
form_class = PostForm
success_url = reverse_lazy('post_list')
template_name = 'new_post.html'
Here we are using a generic view used to create model objects. It does all the
form processing and save the object if the form is valid.
Since it’s a CBV, we refer to it in the urls.py the same way as any other CBV:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^new_post/$', views.NewPostView.as_view(),
Update View
Let’s get back to the implementation of our project. This time we are going to
use a GCBV to implement the edit post view:
With the UpdateView and the CreateView, we have the option to either define
form_class or the fields attribute. In the example above we are using the fields
attribute to create a model form on-the-fly. Internally, Django will use a model
form factory to compose a form of the Post model. Since it’s a very simple form
with just the message field, we can afford to work like this. But for complex
form definitions, it’s better to define a model form externally and refer to it here.
The pk_url_kwarg will be used to identify the name of the keyword argument
used to retrieve the Post object. It’s the same as we define in the urls.py.
If we don’t set the context_object_name attribute, the Post object will be
available in the template as “object.” So, here we are using the
context_object_name to rename it to post instead. You will see how we are
using it in the template below.
In this particular example, we had to override the form_valid() method so as to
set some extra fields such as the updated_by and updated_at. You can see
what the base form_valid() method looks like here: UpdateView#form_valid.
myproject/urls.py (view complete file contents)
from django.conf.urls import url
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
# ...
views.PostUpdateView.as_view(), name='edit_post'
class PostUpdateViewTests(PostUpdateViewTestCase):
# ...
class SuccessfulPostUpdateViewTests(PostUpdateViewTestCase
# ...
class InvalidPostUpdateViewTests(PostUpdateViewTestCase
# ...
First, let’s fix the problem with the @login_required decorator. The way
we use view decorators on class-based views is a little bit different. We need an
extra import:
boards/views.py (view complete file contents)
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.views.generic import UpdateView
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from .models import Post
@method_decorator(login_required, name='dispatch')
class PostUpdateView(UpdateView):
model = Post
fields = ('message', )
template_name = 'edit_post.html'
pk_url_kwarg = 'post_pk'
context_object_name = 'post'
def form_valid(self, form):
post = form.save(commit=False)
post.updated_by = self.request.user
post.updated_at = timezone.now()
return redirect('topic_posts', pk=post.topic.
All good!
List View
We could refactor some of our existing views to take advantage of the CBV
capabilities. Take the home page for example. We are just grabbing all the
boards from the database and listing it in the HTML:
from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Board
def home(request):
boards = Board.objects.all()
return render(request, 'home.html', {'boards': boards})
If we check the homepage we will see that nothing really changed, everything is
working as expected. But we have to tweak our tests a little bit because now we
are dealing with a class-based view:
boards/tests/test_view_home.py (view complete file contents)
from django.test import TestCase
from django.urls import resolve
from ..views import BoardListView
class HomeTests(TestCase):
# ...
def test_home_url_resolves_home_view(self):
view = resolve('/')
self.assertEquals(view.func.view_class, BoardListVi
We can very easily implement pagination with class-based views. But first I
wanted to do a pagination by hand, so that we can explore better the mechanics
behind it, so it doesn’t look like magic.
It wouldn’t really make sense to paginate the boards listing view because we do
not expect to have many boards. But definitely the topics listing and the posts
listing need some pagination.
From now on, we will be working on the board_topics view.
First, let’s add some volume of posts. We could just use the application’s user
interface and add several posts, or open the Python shell and write a small script
to do it for us:
python manage.py shell
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from boards.models import Board, Topic, Post
user = User.objects.first()
board = Board.objects.get(name='Django')
for i in range(100):
subject = 'Topic test #{}'.format(i)
topic = Topic.objects.create(subject=subject, board
Post.objects.create(message='Lorem ipsum...', topic
Good, now we have some data to play with.
Before we jump into the code, let’s experiment a little bit more with the Python
python manage.py shell
from boards.models import Topic
# All the topics in the app
# Just the topics in the Django board
# Let's save this queryset into a variable to paginate it
queryset = Topic.objects.filter(board__name='Django')
It’s very important always define an ordering to a QuerySet you are going to
paginate! Otherwise, it can give you inconsistent results.
Now let’s import the Paginator utility:
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
paginator = Paginator(queryset, 20)
Here we are telling Django to paginate our QuerySet in pages of 20 each. Now
let’s explore some of the paginator properties:
# count the number of elements in the paginator
# total number of pages
# 104 elements, paginating 20 per page gives you 6 pages
# where the last page will have only 4 elements
# range of pages that can be used to iterate and create the
# links to the pages in the template
range(1, 7)
# returns a Page instance
<Page 2 of 6>
page = paginator.page(2)
Here we have to pay attention because if we try to get a page that doesn’t exist,
the Paginator will throw an exception:
EmptyPage: That page contains no results
We have to keep those details in mind when designing the user interface.
Now let’s explore the attributes and methods offered by the Page class a little
page = paginator.page(1)
# Check if there is another page after this one
# If there is no previous page, that means this one is the
# Take care here, since there is no previous page,
# if we call the method `previous_page_number() we will get
EmptyPage: That page number is less than 1
FBV Pagination
Now the trick part is to render the pages correctly using the Bootstrap 4
pagination component. But take the time to read the code and see if it makes
sense for you. We are using here all the methods we played with before. And
here in that context, topics is no longer a QuerySet but a paginator.Page
Right after the topics HTML table, we can render the pagination component:
templates/topics.html (view complete file contents)
{% if topics.has_other_pages %}
<nav aria-label="Topics pagination" class="mb-4">
<ul class="pagination">
{% if topics.has_previous %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ topics.previo
{% else %}
<li class="page-item disabled">
<span class="page-link">Previous</span>
{% endif %}
{% for page_num in topics.paginator.page_range
{% if topics.number == page_num %}
<li class="page-item active">
<span class="page-link">
{{ page_num }}
<span class="sr-only">(current)</span>
{% else %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ page_num
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if topics.has_next %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ topics.next_p
{% else %}
<li class="page-item disabled">
<span class="page-link">Next</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
GCBV Pagination
Below, the same implementation but this time using the ListView.
boards/views.py (view complete file contents)
class TopicListView(ListView):
model = Topic
context_object_name = 'topics'
template_name = 'topics.html'
paginate_by = 20
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['board'] = self.board
return super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
def get_queryset(self):
self.board = get_object_or_404(Board, pk=self
queryset = self.board.topics.order_by('-last_update
return queryset
While using pagination with class-based views, the way we interact with the
paginator in the template is a little bit different. It will make available the
following variables in the template: paginator, page_obj, is_paginated,
object_list, and also a variable with the name we defined in the
context_object_name. In our case this extra variable will be named topics, and
it will be equivalent to object_list.
Now about the whole get_context_data thing, well, that’s how we add stuff to
the request context when extending a GCBV.
But the main point here is the paginate_by attribute. In some cases, just by
adding it will be enough.
Remember to update the urls.py:
myproject/urls.py (view complete file contents)
from django.conf.urls import url
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
# ...
url(r'^boards/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.TopicListView
Now take the time to run the tests and fix if needed.
from django.test import TestCase
from django.urls import resolve
from ..views import TopicListView
class BoardTopicsTests(TestCase):
# ...
def test_board_topics_url_resolves_board_topics_view
view = resolve('/boards/1/')
self.assertEquals(view.func.view_class, TopicListVi
Just like we did with the form.html partial template, we can also create
something similar for the pagination HTML snippet.
Let’s paginate the topic posts page, and then find a way to reuse the pagination
boards/views.py (view complete file contents)
class PostListView(ListView):
model = Post
context_object_name = 'posts'
template_name = 'topic_posts.html'
paginate_by = 2
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
self.topic.views += 1
kwargs['topic'] = self.topic
return super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
def get_queryset(self):
self.topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, board__pk
queryset = self.topic.posts.order_by('created_at'
return queryset
Now update the urls.py (view complete file contents)
from django.conf.urls import url
from boards import views
urlpatterns = [
# ...
Now we grab that pagination HTML snippet from the topics.html template, and
create a new file named pagination.html inside the templates/includes folder,
alongside with the forms.html file:
|-- myproject/
| |-- accounts/
| |-- boards/
| |-- myproject/
| |-- static/
| |-- templates/
| | |-- includes/
| | | |-- form.html
| | | +-- pagination.html <-- here!
| | +-- ...
| |-- db.sqlite3
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
{% if is_paginated %}
<nav aria-label="Topics pagination" class="mb-4">
<ul class="pagination">
{% if page_obj.has_previous %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ page_obj.prev
{% else %}
<li class="page-item disabled">
<span class="page-link">Previous</span>
{% endif %}
{% for page_num in paginator.page_range %}
{% if page_obj.number == page_num %}
<li class="page-item active">
<span class="page-link">
{{ page_num }}
<span class="sr-only">(current)</span>
{% else %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ page_num
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if page_obj.has_next %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ page_obj.next
{% else %}
<li class="page-item disabled">
<span class="page-link">Next</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Just for testing purpose, you could just add a few posts (or create some using the
Python Shell) and change the paginate_by to a low number, say 2, and see how
it’s looking like:
complete file contents)
Update the test cases:
from django.test import TestCase
from django.urls import resolve
from ..views import PostListView
class TopicPostsTests(TestCase):
# ...
def test_view_function(self):
view = resolve('/boards/1/topics/1/')
self.assertEquals(view.func.view_class, PostListVie
My Account View
Okay, so, this is going to be our last view. After that, we will be working on
improving the existing features.
accounts/views.py (view complete file contents)
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.generic import UpdateView
@method_decorator(login_required, name='dispatch')
class UserUpdateView(UpdateView):
model = User
fields = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'email', )
template_name = 'my_account.html'
success_url = reverse_lazy('my_account')
def get_object(self):
return self.request.user
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block title %}My account{% endblock %}
{% block breadcrumb %}
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">My account</li>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-8 col-sm-10">
<form method="post" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'includes/form.html' %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success"
{% endblock %}
Adding Markdown
Let’s improve the user experience by adding Markdown to our text areas. You
will see it’s very easy and simple.
First, let’s install a library called Python-Markdown:
pip install markdown
Here we are dealing with user input, so we must take care. When using the
markdown function, we are instructing it to escape the special characters first
and then parse the markdown tags. After that, we mark the output string as safe
to be used in the template.
Now in the templates topic_posts.html and reply_topic.html just change from:
{{ post.message }}
{{ post.get_message_as_markdown }}
From now on the users can already use markdown in the posts:
Markdown Editor
By default, this plugin will transform the first text area it finds into a markdown
editor. So just that code should be enough:
I just thought it would be a nice touch to add the built-in humanize package. It’s
a set of utility functions to add a “human touch” to data.
For example, we can use it to display date and time fields more naturally.
Instead of showing the whole date, we can simply show: “2 minutes ago”.
Let’s do it. First, add the django.contrib.humanize to the
'django.contrib.humanize', # <- here
Now we can use it in the templates. First, let’s edit the topics.html template:
templates/topics.html (view complete file contents)
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load humanize %}
{% block content %}
<!-- code suppressed -->
<td>{{ topic.last_updated|naturaltime }}</td>
<!-- code suppressed -->
{% endblock %}
def gravatar(user):
email = user.email.lower().encode('utf-8')
default = 'mm'
size = 256
url = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{md5}?{params}'
params=urlencode({'d': default, 's': str(size
return url
Basically I’m using the code snippet they provide. I just adapted it to work with
Python 3.
Great, now we can load it in our template, just like we did with the Humanize
template filter:
templates/topic_posts.html (view complete file contents)
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load gravatar %}
{% block content %}
<!-- code suppressed -->
<img src="{{ post.created_by|gravatar }}" alt="{{ post.cr
<!-- code suppressed -->
{% endblock %}
Final Adjustments
Maybe you have already noticed, but there’s a small issue when someone replies
to a post. It’s not updating the last_update field, so the ordering of the
topics is broken right now.
Let’s fix it:
def reply_topic(request, pk, topic_pk):
topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, board__pk=pk, pk
if request.method == 'POST':
form = PostForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
post = form.save(commit=False)
post.topic = topic
post.created_by = request.user
topic.last_updated = timezone.now() # <- here
topic.save() # <- and h
return redirect('topic_posts', pk=pk, topic_pk
form = PostForm()
return render(request, 'reply_topic.html', {'topic'
Next thing we want to do is try to control the view counting system a little bit
more. We don’t want to the same user refreshing the page counting as multiple
views. For this we can use sessions:
class PostListView(ListView):
model = Post
context_object_name = 'posts'
template_name = 'topic_posts.html'
paginate_by = 20
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
session_key = 'viewed_topic_{}'.format(self.topic
if not self.request.session.get(session_key,
self.topic.views += 1
self.request.session[session_key] = True
kwargs['topic'] = self.topic
return super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
def get_queryset(self):
self.topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, board__pk
queryset = self.topic.posts.order_by('created_at'
return queryset
Now we could provide a better navigation in the topics listing. Currently the only
option is for the user to click in the topic title and go to the first page. We could
workout something like this:
import math
from django.db import models
class Topic(models.Model):
# ...
def __str__(self):
return self.subject
def get_page_count(self):
count = self.posts.count()
pages = count / 20
return math.ceil(pages)
def has_many_pages(self, count=None):
if count is None:
count = self.get_page_count()
return count > 6
def get_page_range(self):
count = self.get_page_count()
if self.has_many_pages(count):
return range(1, 5)
return range(1, count + 1)
Like a tiny pagination for each topic. Note that I also took the time to add the
table-striped class for a better styling of the table.
In the reply page, we are currently listing all topic replies. We could limit it to
just the last ten posts.
class Topic(models.Model):
# ...
def get_last_ten_posts(self):
return self.posts.order_by('-created_at')[:10
{% block content %}
<form method="post" class="mb-4" novalidate>
{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'includes/form.html' %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Post a re
{% for post in topic.get_last_ten_posts %} <!-- here! --
<div class="card mb-2">
<!-- code suppressed -->
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Another thing is that when the user replies to a post, we are redirecting the user
to the first page again. We could improve it by sending the user to the last page.
We can add an id to the post card:
{% block content %}
<div class="mb-4">
<a href="{% url 'reply_topic' topic.board.pk topic.pk
{% for post in posts %}
<div id="{{ post.pk }}" class="card {% if forloop.last
<!-- code suppressed -->
{% endfor %}
{% include 'includes/pagination.html' %}
{% endblock %}
The important bit here is the <div id="{{ post.pk }}" ...> .
Then we can play with it like this in the views:
def reply_topic(request, pk, topic_pk):
topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, board__pk=pk, pk
if request.method == 'POST':
form = PostForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
post = form.save(commit=False)
post.topic = topic
post.created_by = request.user
topic.last_updated = timezone.now()
topic_url = reverse('topic_posts', kwargs
topic_post_url = '{url}?page={page}#{id}'
return redirect(topic_post_url)
form = PostForm()
return render(request, 'reply_topic.html', {'topic'
In the topic_post_url we are building a URL with the last page and adding an
anchor to the element with id equals to the post ID.
With this, it will required us to update the following test case:
class SuccessfulReplyTopicTests(ReplyTopicTestCase):
# ...
def test_redirection(self):
A valid form submission should redirect the user
url = reverse('topic_posts', kwargs={'pk': self
topic_posts_url = '{url}?page=1#2'.format(url
self.assertRedirects(self.response, topic_posts_url
Next issue, as you can see in the previous screenshot, is to solve the problem
with the pagination when the number of pages is too high.
The easiest way is to tweak the pagination.html template:
{% if is_paginated %}
<nav aria-label="Topics pagination" class="mb-4">
<ul class="pagination">
{% if page_obj.number > 1 %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page=1">First</a>
{% else %}
<li class="page-item disabled">
<span class="page-link">First</span>
{% endif %}
{% if page_obj.has_previous %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ page_obj.prev
{% else %}
<li class="page-item disabled">
<span class="page-link">Previous</span>
{% endif %}
{% for page_num in paginator.page_range %}
{% if page_obj.number == page_num %}
<li class="page-item active">
<span class="page-link">
{{ page_num }}
<span class="sr-only">(current)</span>
{% elif page_num > page_obj.number|add:'-3' and
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ page_num
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if page_obj.has_next %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ page_obj.next
{% else %}
<li class="page-item disabled">
<span class="page-link">Next</span>
{% endif %}
{% if page_obj.number != paginator.num_pages %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ paginator.num
{% else %}
<li class="page-item disabled">
<span class="page-link">Last</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Part 7 - Deployment →
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django - Part 7
] ['\n',
, '\n',
Welcome to the last part of our tutorial series! In this tutorial, we are going to
deploy our Django application to a production server. We are also going to
configure an Email service and HTTPS certificates for our servers.
, '\n',
At first, I thought about given an example using a Virtual Private Server (VPS),
which is more generic and then using one Platform as a Service such as Heroku.
But it was too much detail, so I ended up creating this tutorial focused on VPSs.
, '\n',
Our project is live! If you want to check online before you go through the text,
this is the application we are going to deploy: www.djangoboards.com.
, '\n',
Version Control
Basic Setup
In the project root (the same directory as manage.py is), initialize a git
git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/vitorfs/Developm
Before we proceed in adding the source files, create a new file named .gitignore
in the project root. This special file will help us keep the repository clean,
without unnecessary files like cache files or logs for example.
You can grab a generic .gitignore file for Python projects from GitHub.
Make sure to rename it from Python.gitignore to just .gitignore (the dot is
You can complement the .gitignore file telling it to ignore SQLite database files
for example:
Notice the dot here. The command above is telling Git to add all untracked files
within the current directory.
Now make the first commit:
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Always write a comment telling what this commit is about, briefly describing
what have you changed.
Remote Repository
Now let’s setup GitHub as a remote repository. First, create a free account on
GitHub, then confirm your email address. After that, you will be able to create
public repositories.
For now, just pick a name for the repository, don’t initialize it with a README,
or add a .gitignore or add a license so far. Make sure you start the repository
After you create the repository you should see something like this:
Now let’s configure it as our remote repository:
git remote add origin [email protected]:sibtc/django-boards.gi
Now push the code to the remote server, that is, to the GitHub repository:
git push origin master
Counting objects: 84, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (81/81), done.
Writing objects: 100% (84/84), 319.70 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done
Total 84 (delta 10), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (10/10), done.
To [email protected]:sibtc/django-boards.git
* [new branch] master -> master
I create this repository just to demonstrate the process to create a remote
repository with an existing code base. The source code of the project is officially
hosted in this repository: https://github.com/sibtc/django-beginners-guide.
Project Settings
For that, there’s a great utility library called Python Decouple that I use in every
single Django project I develop. It will search for a local file named .env to set
the configuration variables and will fall back to the environment variables. It
also provides an interface to define default values, transform the data into int,
bool, and list when applicable.
It’s not mandatory, but I really find it a very useful tool. And it works like a
charm with services like Heroku.
First, let’s install it:
pip install python-decouple
from decouple import config
Now we can place the sensitive information in a special file named .env (notice
the dot in front) in the same directory where the manage.py file is:
|-- myproject/
| |-- accounts/
| |-- boards/
| |-- myproject/
| |-- static/
| |-- templates/
| |-- .env <-- here!
| |-- .gitignore
| |-- db.sqlite3
| +-- manage.py
+-- venv/
The .env file is ignored in the .gitignore file, so every time we are going to
deploy the application or run in a different machine, we will have to create a .env
file and add the necessary configuration.
Now let’s install another library to help us write the database connection in a
single line. This way it’s easier to write different database connection strings in
different environments:
pip install dj-database-url
This particular configuration makes sure your application is only served to this
Tracking Requirements
Create a file named requirements.txt in the project root, and add the
dependencies there:
Domain Name
Deployment Strategy
The cloud is our Virtual Private Server provided by Digital Ocean. You can sign
up to Digital Ocean using my affiliate link to get a free $10 credit (only valid for
new accounts).
Upfront we will have NGINX, illustrated by the ogre. NGINX will receive all
requests to the server. But it won’t try to do anything smart if the request data.
All it is going to do is decide if the requested information is a static asset that it
can serve by itself, or if it’s something more complicated. If so, it will pass the
request to Gunicorn.
The NGINX will also be configured with HTTPS certificates. Meaning it will
only accept requests via HTTPS. If the client tries to request via HTTP, NGINX
will first redirect the user to the HTTPS, and only then it will decide what to do
with the request.
We are also going to install this certbot to automatically renew the Let’s Encrypt
Gunicorn is an application server. Depending on the number of processors the
server has, it can spawn multiple workers to process multiple requests in
parallel. It manages the workload and executes the Python and Django code.
Django is the one doing the hard work. It may access the database (PostgreSQL)
or the file system. But for the most part, the work is done inside the views,
rendering templates, all those things that we’ve been coding for the past weeks.
After Django process the request, it returns a response to Gunicorn, who returns
the result to NGINX that will finally deliver the response to the client.
We are also going to install PostgreSQL, a production quality database system.
Because of Django’s ORM system, it’s easy to switch databases.
The last step is to install Supervisor. It’s a process control system and it will
keep an eye on Gunicorn and Django to make sure everything runs smoothly. If
the server restarts, or if Gunicorn crashes, it will automatically restart it.
You may use any other VPS (Virtual Private Server) you like. The configuration
should be very similar, after all, we are going to use Ubuntu 16.04 as our server.
First, let’s create a new server (on Digital Ocean they call it “Droplet”). Select
Ubuntu 16.04:
Pick the size. The smallest droplet is enough:
Then choose a hostname for your droplet (in my case “django-boards”):
If you have an SSH key, you can add it to your account. Then you will be able to
log in the server using it. Otherwise, they will email you the root password.
Now pick the server’s IP address:
Before we log in to the server, let’s point our domain name to this IP address.
This will save some time because DNS settings usually take a few minutes to
So here we added two A records, one pointing to the naked domain
“djangoboards.com” and the other one for “www.djangoboards.com”. We will
use NGINX to configure a canonical URL.
Now let’s log in to the server using your terminal:
ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Set the new password, and let’s start to configure the server.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
If you get any prompt during the upgrade, select the option “keep the local
version currently installed”.
Python 3.6
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6
sudo apt-get -y install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo apt-get -y install nginx
sudo apt-get -y install supervisor
sudo systemctl enable supervisor
sudo systemctl start supervisor
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo python3.6 get-pip.py
sudo pip3.6 install virtualenv
Application User
We will have to add two extra libraries here, the Gunicorn and the PostgreSQL
pip install gunicorn
pip install psycopg2
This command copy all the static assets to an external directory where NGINX
can serve the files for us. More on that later.
Now create a super user for the application:
python manage.py createsuperuser
Configuring Gunicorn
So, Gunicorn is the one responsible for executing the Django code behind a
proxy server.
Create a new file named gunicorn_start inside /home/boards:
cd $DIR
source ../venv/bin/activate
exec ../venv/bin/gunicorn ${DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE}:application
--name $NAME \
--workers $WORKERS \
--user=$USER \
--group=$GROUP \
--bind=$BIND \
--log-level=$LOG_LEVEL \
This script will start the application server. We are providing some information
such as where the Django project is, which application user to be used to run the
server, and so on.
Now make this file executable:
chmod u+x gunicorn_start
Create two empty folders, one for the socket file and one to store the logs:
mkdir run logs
Right now the directory structure inside /home/boards should look like this:
Configuring NGINX
Next step is to set up the NGINX server to serve the static files and to pass the
requests to Gunicorn:
Add a new configuration file named boards inside /etc/nginx/sites-available/:
upstream app_server {
server unix:/home/boards/run/gunicorn.sock fail_timeout
server {
listen 80;
server_name www.djangoboards.com; # here can also be t
keepalive_timeout 5;
client_max_body_size 4G;
access_log /home/boards/logs/nginx-access.log;
error_log /home/boards/logs/nginx-error.log;
location /static/ {
alias /home/boards/staticfiles/;
# checks for static file, if not found proxy to app
location / {
try_files $uri @proxy_to_app;
location @proxy_to_app {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forward
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass http://app_server;
At this point, if the DNS have already propagated, the website should be
available on the URL www.djangoboards.com.
Configuring an Email Service
One of the best options to get started is Mailgun. It offers a very reliable free
plan covering 12,000 emails per month.
Sign up for a free account. Then just follow the steps, it’s very straightforward.
You will have to work together with the service you registered your domain. In
my case, it was Namecheap.
Click on add domain to add a new domain to your account. Follow the
instructions and make sure you use “mg.” subdomain:
Now grab the first set of DNS records, it’s two TXT records:
Add it to your domain, using the web interface offered by your registrar:
After adding all the DNS records, click in the Check DNS Records Now
Now we need to have some patience. Sometimes it takes a while to validate the
Meanwhile, we can configure the application to receive the connection
EMAIL_BACKEND = config('EMAIL_BACKEND', default='django.cor
EMAIL_HOST = config('EMAIL_HOST', default='')
EMAIL_PORT = config('EMAIL_PORT', default=587, cast=int
EMAIL_HOST_USER = config('EMAIL_HOST_USER', default=''
EMAIL_USE_TLS = config('EMAIL_USE_TLS', default=True,
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'Django Boards <[email protected]
EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '[Django Boards] '
You can find your credentials in the Domain Information section on Mailgun.
We can test the new settings in the production server. Make the changes in the
settings.py file on your local machine, commit the changes to the remote
repository. Then, in the server pull the new code and restart the Gunicorn
git pull
Now let’s protect our application with a nice HTTPS certificate provided by
Let’s Encrypt.
Setting up HTTPS has never been this easy. And better, we can get it for free
nowadays. They provide a solution called certbot which takes care of installing
and renewing the certificates for us. It’s very straightforward:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-certbot-nginx
Setup the auto renew of the certs. Run the command below to edit the crontab
sudo crontab -e
This command will run every day at 4 am. All certificates expiring within 30
days will automatically be renewed.
Thanks a lot for all those who followed this tutorial series, giving comments and
feedback! I really appreciate! This was the last tutorial of the series. I hope you
enjoyed it!
Even though this was the last part of the tutorial series, I plan to write a few
follow-up tutorials exploring other interesting topics as well, such as database
optimization and adding more features on top of what we have at the moment.
By the way, if you are interested in contributing to the project, few free to submit
pull requests! The source code of the project is available on GitHub:
And please let me know what else you would like to see next! :-)