Grounding Considerations For Large kVA Pad-Mount Transformers

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Grounding Considerations for Large kVA

Pad-Mount Transformers
Ruwan Weeransundara P.E.
Member, IEEE
ESC Engineering Senior Planning Engineer
3540 JFK Parkway, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525, USA
Phone 970-212-1525
[email protected]

Abstract - Utilities in the United States and Canada have done Although not common for utility application, grounded-wye primary
extensive analysis of the ground grid design for substations in order to with impedance grounded secondary are used for industrial
limit step and touch potentials to safe values; however, few have applications to limit phase-to-ground fault currents. The primary Ho
analyzed the potential hazard and designed grounding systems for and secondary Xo are separated when the secondary Xo bushing is
pad-mount transformers. Since the kVA size and voltage ratings of grounded through impedance.
pad-mounts have increased and the exterior of these facilities are
accessible not only to qualified electric utility workers but also the
general public, there is a need to analyze and properly design and III. ASSUMPTIONS
construct grounding systems which will render these facilities safe for The following assumptions were used to determine the adequacy of
switching and fault conditions. This paper analyzes and develops the various grounding systems for different kVA size and voltage rated
design for several different pad-mount transformer voltages and kVA pad-mount transformers. These assumptions are conservative for
sizes through 5,000kVA. most conditions but should be checked for particular installations to
insure they are applicable and provide safe results.
I. INTRODUCTION  Pad-mount transformers rated 750kVA and larger were assumed
The primary purpose of grounding is to limit voltages across to have 5.75 percent impedance.
insulated or non-insulated portions of equipment within a person’s  Top soil resistivity of 2,000 m was used. This is typical for
reaching capabilities and the potential differences between different sand, gravel and dry soil.
points on the ground within one step. These voltages are known as  Lower soil resistivity of 1,000 m was used.
“touch” and “step potentials,” respectively. The evaluation of these
voltages is required not only during normal operating conditions, but  The weight of the person is 50 kilograms (110 lbs.)
also during abnormal situations such as lightning strikes, faults and  Thickness of the surface material is 0.5 ft.
switching surges.  Fault duration is 0.5 seconds
A large Ground Potential Rise (GPR), with respect to remote earth The maximum secondary line-to-ground fault currents for different
potential, can occur during abnormal conditions if the fault current (I) kVA size and voltage transformers were assumed to have nearly an
and ground (Rg) are high (GPR = I x Rg). Voltage potential rises infinite primary source:
during fault conditions can be significant even when established
grounding practices are used.  5,000kVA with 12.47/7.2kV secondary, available fault current
4,000 amps.
Pad-mount transformers are being used in ever increasing kVA
sizes and with higher primary and secondary voltages. Pad-mount  2,500kVA with 12.47/7.2kV secondary, available fault current
transformers are now available in sizes up through 5,000kVA. 2,000 amps.
Pad-mount transformers are frequently used in lieu of smaller kVA  5,000kVA with 4.16/2.4kV secondary, available fault current
size traditional substations when the primary voltage is 34.5kV and 12,000 amps.
lower. Secondary voltages up to 24.9/14.4kV are available. These
 2,500kVA with 4.16/2.4kV secondary, available fault current
trends necessitate a review of established grounding practices for
6,000 amps.
pad-mount transformer installations to ensure that the grounding
system will limit step voltage and touch potential to safe levels. The current distribution factor equals 1.0 (i.e., all fault current goes
Limiting the maximum step potential is especially important for these into the grid and none returns through the source distribution circuit).
transformer installations because they are often placed in locations
where the general public can be exposed to danger. The touch and step potential values calculated from the equations
specified in IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substations Grounding
Std. 80-2000 are the maximum values which should be allowed for
II. PAD-MOUNT TRANSFORMER CONNECTIONS pad-mount transformer installations.

The large majority of three-phase pad-mount transformers are IEEE Std 80 provides equations for the allowable touch and step
connected grounded-wye on the secondary. Secondary voltages potentials for both 50 and 70 kilograms persons. The weight of 50 kg
include 208/120 volts, 480/277 volts, and common distribution was used because the potential limits for the lighter person are more
primary voltages (4.16/2.4, 12.47/7.2, 13.2/7.6, 24.9/14.4 kV). Delta restrictive.
connected primary connections are not common due to the Two types of ground grid were initially investigated: the two
susceptibility of this connection to ferro-resonance over voltages. ground rod schemes required by Rural Utilities Services (RUS) for all
three-phase underground pad-mounted equipment applications in their The actual step and touch voltages, metal to touch and step to step
unit UM 48-2 and the Canadian Standards Association Rule 36-302 in voltages, should be less than the respective maximum allowable
the Electrical Safety Authority, which requires a ground rod on each voltage limits to ensure safety.
of the four corners around the pad-mount transformer. These
grounding schemes are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. It should be noted that the above calculations assume 0.5 seconds
fault duration. With a square root of ts in the denominator of equations
In addition, a suggested sample design (Figure 4) for a 5000kVA, (6) and (7) above, the allowable step and touch voltages will both be
34.5/4.16kV pad-mount transformer is included. The potential decreased with an increase in fault clearing time. Increasing the fault
contour for the grounding arrangement is shown in Graph 4. duration time from 0.5 seconds to 2.0 seconds will reduce the above
values by one-half.

IV. CALCULATIONS Although not common in the electric utility industry, some
industrial electrical users separate the primary H0 and secondary X0
The ground potential rise (GPR), maximum allowable touch connection points to obtain an impedance grounded secondary
( and step ( potential calculations were performed using system. When this is done, the maximum voltages during fault
the equations specified in IEEE Std 80-2000. The grounding analysis conditions will not be limited by the secondary windings and the
was performed for different kVA sizes and voltage ratings of pad- touch potentials as well as the step potentials will exceed those which
mount transformers with both the RUS and Canadian Standards. The would occur for a grounded wye to grounded wye connection with the
EDSA Advanced Ground Mat Program V4.70.00 was used to perform H0 and X0 points bonded.
sample calculations on pad-mount transformers, ranging from
500kVA to 5000kVA. These calculations were compared with the
maximum allowable values calculated from the equations specified in
IEEE Standard 80-2000.
Step and Touch Voltage Criteria
The safety of a person depends on preventing the critical amount of
shock energy from being absorbed before the fault is cleared and the
system is de-energized. The maximum driving voltage of any
accidental circuit should not exceed the limits defined as follows.
The limit for Step Voltage is: 1
Figure 1 Human Tolerances Model
2 (1)
For body weight of 50kg:
1000 6 1 (2)

Similarly, the touch voltage limit is:

/ (3)
For body weight of 50kg:
1000 1.5 (4)
1 (5)
Estep-The step voltage in volts
Etouch-The touch voltage in volts
Cs -The surface layer de-rating factor
S- The surface material resistivity in m Figure 2 RUS Std UM48-2, 3-Phase Pad-Mounted Grounding
 - The resistivity of the earth beneath the surface material in m
ts -The duration of shock current in seconds
hs -The thickness of the surface material

The following values were used for grounding analysis:

Cs=1.0 (No earth beneath surface material),  = S = 2000m

ts = 0.5 sec, hs=0-.5 ft.

From (2) & (4)
1000 6x1x2000 = 2312.6V (6)
√ .
1000 1.5x1x2000 = 656.2V (7)
√ .

1 Figure 3 Canadian Standard for Pad-Mounted Grounding

IEEE – Guide For Safety in AC Substation Grounding, IEEE – Std. 80-2000, pp- 23-37
Graph 1 Potential 3D graph for 5000kVA, 34.5/4.16kV RUS Std Figure 4 Suggested grounding arrangement for 5000kVA 34.5/4.16kV
pad-mount transformer

Graph 4 Potential 3D graph for 5000kVA, 34.5/4.16kV with suggested

grounding arrangement
Graph 2 Absolute potential along an axis – 34.5/4.16kV RUS Std

Table 1 shows the comparison of maximum surface voltage on both
RUS Std and Canadian Standard for different sizes and voltages of pad mount
transformers. The maximum allowable touch and step voltages are 656.2V and
2312.6V respectively.
Table 1
RUS Standard  Canadian Standard 
Size Line-Ground Maximum Maximum
Secondary Meets the Meets the
(KVA) Fault Surface Surface
Voltage (kV) Safety Safety
Current (A) Potential Potential
Requirement Requirement
(V) (V)

12.47 5000 4000 1655 No  707 No 

12.47 2500 2000 875 No  338 Yes 

12.47 1500 1250 601 Yes  205 Yes 

4.16 5000 12000 4551 No  1491 No 

4.16 2500 6000 1848 No  911 No 

Graph 3 Potential 3D Graph for 5000kVA, 34.5/4.16kV Canadian
Standard 4.16 1500 3500 1454 No  515 Yes 

4.16 1000 2250 933 No  404 Yes 

4.16 750 2000 875 No  338 Yes 

4.16 500 1000 598  Yes  201  Yes 

With the RUS two ground rod standard, the maximum surface Ruwan Weeransundara received a BSEE from the University of
potential as well as the maximum 1.0 meter gradient potential can be Peradeniya Sri Lanka in 1987 and a MSEE from the University of
exceeded for large kVA size pad-mount transformers with 4.16/2.4kV Windsor, Ontario Canada in 2004. From 1987 to 2000, he worked as a
and higher secondary voltages. The Canadian Electrical Safety Code Power System Engineer for Ceylon Electricity Board in Sri Lanka
which requires four grounding rods, one on each corner, provides with an emphasis on Power Distribution, Protection of Transmission
better results but still fails for some larger kVA sizes and higher and Generating Stations and Substation Design. In 2000, he joined
secondary voltages. A detailed engineered grounding design should Siemens Canada as a Field Service Engineer. In 2004, he joined
be prepared by a qualified person for pad-mount transformer Schneider Electric Canada as Senior Power System Engineer and in
installations exceeding 750kVA when the secondary voltage is 2009, he joined ESC engineering, Inc. as a Senior Planning Engineer.
4.16/2.4kV or higher or if the fault clearing time exceeds 0.5 seconds. He is a member of IEEE and a Registered Professional Engineer in
Since the allowable step and touch potentials decrease with an the Province of Ontario Canada.
increase in the shock current duration time, it is important to consider
the maximum fault clearing time when designing ground systems for
pad-mount transformers. A detailed grounding design requires
knowledge or measurement of the soil resistance at the pad-mount
transformer location plus information regarding any possible
deviation from the assumptions used in this paper. In addition, a
detailed grounding design should be done for all grounded wye to
impedance grounded secondary when the H0 and X0 are not connected
to provide an impedance grounded secondary.

[1] IEEE for Safety in AC Substation Grounding IEEE
Standard 80-2000.
[2] Canadian Electrical Safety Code, 2009, by Electrical Safety
[3] RUS Standard 1728F-806, June 2000, Specifications and
Drawings for Underground Electric Distribution.
[4] IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial &
Commercial Power Systems, ANSI/IEEE Std 142-1982

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