Course Outline-Ncm109

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Western Mindanao State University

Zamboanga City


NCM 109 A

Vision: The University of Choice for higher learning with strong research orientation that
produces professionals who are socially responsive to and responsible for human
development; ecological sustainability; and, peace and security within and beyond the

Mission: The Western Mindanao State University, set in a culturally diverse environment, shall
pursue a vibrant socio-economic agenda that include:
 A relevant instruction paradigm in the education and training of competent and
responsive human resource for societal and industry needs;
 A home for intellectual formation that generates knowledge for people empowerment,
social transformation and sustainable development; and;
 A hub where science, technology and innovation flourish enriched by the wisdom of
the Arts and Letters, and Philosophy.

Course Description: Deals with concepts, principles, theories and techniques in the nursing care of at-risk/
high risk/ sick client during child bearing and child

Course Credit: Theory 6 units, RLE; Skills Lab- 1 unit, Clinical – 5 units

Contact Hours: (108 hours) Theory, (51 hours) RLE; Skills Lab, (255 hours) Clinical

Prerequisite: NCM 107 A

Placement: 2nd Semester Year Second Semester SY 2020-2021

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the second year, given simulated situations in selected settings, the learners
demonstrate basic nursing skills in rendering safe and appropriate care utilizing the
nursing process, the student can:

1. Apply concepts, theories and principles of sciences and humanities in the formulation and application
of appropriate nursing care of at risk/high risk/sick clients during childbearing and childrearing years.
2. Provide safe and appropriate nursing interventions addressing health care needs of the at-risk/high-
risk/sick clients during childbearing and childrearing years.
3. Apply evidence-based practices in the delivery of nursing care to the at-risk/high-risk/sick clients
during childbearing and childrearing years.
4. Practice maternal and child nursing in accordance with the existing laws, legal, ethical and moral
principles as it applies to at-risk/high-risk and sick clients.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally and age-appropriate
language in maternal and child-care.
6. Document to include up-to-date reporting of the care of at risk/high risk/sick client accurately and
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in
the care of at risk/ high risk/ sick clients.
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of care to at risk/ high risk/ sick
mother and child.
9. Participate in conducting research on at risk/ high risk/ sick mother and child as a member of the
research team.
10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global development in the
care of at risk/ high risk/ sick mother and child.
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino.
12. Adopt nursing core values in the delivery of care to the mother and child.
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Outcome-Based Time
Learning Objectives Content
Activities Allotment

1. Exhibit awareness and WMSU VMGO, Classroom Policies,  Articulate the

appreciation of the Course Overview, Course Vision,
University Vision, Requirements, Grading System Mission and Week 1
Mission & Quality Goals of the (2 hours)
Policy, College Goals, College of
and Program Nursing
2. Demonstrate  Verbalize the
understanding of the classroom’s
classroom policies, policies,
course requirements, course
and grading system. requirements
& grading

Given a set of questions or Topic 2: Framework for maternal and Assign readings Week 1
situations, the students can: child health nursing focusing on At with guide (4 hours)
1. Integrate concepts, Risk, High Risk and Sick Clients (5 questions on the
theories, and principles of hours) National Health
sciences and humanities Situation on
in the formulation and A. National Health Situations on Maternal and
application of appropriate MCN Child Health
care during childbearing Nursing focusing
and childrearing years B. Statistics on MCN on the High Risk
and Sick mother
and Child
C. Genetics and Genetic Counseling

Given a set of questions or T0pic 3:

situations, the students can: A.Nursing Care of the pregnant client Weeks
1. Integrate the concepts : Identify client at risk (18 hours) Interactive- 2 -4
and principles of the Discussion (18
nursing process and A. Risk factors affecting pregnancy hours)
anatomy and physiology a. age
in the care of a pregnant b. parity
mother at risk c. pre-existing diseases or Newly-
Acquired Illness (history of past and
2.Assess for factors that family illnesses)
make a pregnancy at risk
(demographic, behavioral d. social profile (tobacco, alcohol and
characteristics, obstetric drug consumption; violence)
history, medical problems)
2.Laboratory and diagnostic exams
3.Formulate with the client a. urinalysis
a plan of care to address b. blood serum studies – CBC, genetic
health needs/problem of the screen, VDRL(serologic screen for
at-risk pregnant mother syphilis), serum antibody titer for
hepatitis, rubella and varicella, HIV
4. Implement safe and screening, ultrasonography
quality nursing
interventions to address B. Identify pre-gestational
needs of the at-risk conditions
pregnant mother. 1.DM/ gestational

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Outcome-Based Time
Learning Objectives Content
Activities Allotment
2.PIH Interactive-
3.Hyperthyroidism Discussion
4.Cardiac conditions
6.Hyperemesis gravidarum
7.H mole Case scenario

B. Identify gestational
conditions Simulated learning
1.Preterm labor through video
2.PROM presentation
4. Obesity
5. UTI
6. ABO incompatibility
7. Bleeding tendencies

Given a set of questions or Topic 4:

situations, the students B. Nursing Care of the Client WEEK
can: during Labor and Delivery (15 5-7
1.Assess the at-risk/high hours) Online quiz (15 hours)
risk mother during labor A. Passenger
and delivery 1. Fetal malposition Simulated learning
2. Malpresentation through video
2.Formulate a plan of care 3. Cord coil presentation
to address health 4.Cord prolapse
needs/problem of the at- 5. SGA Video Presentation
risk mother during labor 6. LGA
and delivery 7. Fetal distress
8. Multiple pregnancy
3. Implement safe and
quality nursing A. Passageway
interventions to address 1.CPD
needs of the at-risk 2. Ineffective cervical dilation,
mother during labor and effacement
B. Power
1.Uterine dysfunction/disorders

C. Psyche –psychological
state influencing labor and
the effects of fear/anxiety

Given a set of questions or Topic 5:

situations, the students C. Nursing Care of the Online quiz
can: Post-Partum Client ( 6 Week
1.Assess the at-risk/high hours) Simulated learning 7-8
risk post-partum mother 1.Postpartal Hemorrhage (Early & through video (6 hours)
Late) presentation
2.Formulate a plan of care 2.Puerperal Infection
to address health 3. Uterine atony Video Presentation
needs/problem of the at- 4.Thromboembolism and
risk post-partum mother thrombophlebitis
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5. Mastitis
3.Implement safe and 6.Postpartum psychosis
quality nursing
interventions to address
needs of the at-risk post-
partum mother

Topic 6:
4. Conduct A. Nursing Care of Male and Interactive Week 8
Individual/group health Female Clients with General discussion
education activities based and Specific Problems in (3 hours)
on the priority learning Reproduction and Sexuality
needs (3 hours)
Group Activity:
1. Infertility Divide class into
2. Sterility smaller groups and
3. Anovulation assign readings to be
4. Endometriosis shared to the
5. Erectile dysfunction class/flipped
6. PID classroom


Given a set of questions or
situations, the students Topic 7:
can: B.Nursing Care of at-risk/high Interactive Week 10
risk/sick client Discussion (3 hours)
1. Assess the at-risk child ( 3 hours)
with the use of specific
methods and tools to 1. Newborn
address existing health Case Vignettes/
needs 2. Infant and young analysis

2. Formulate a plan of 3. Toddler

care to address health
needs/problems of a 4. Preschool
high-risk child
5. School Age

3. Evaluate with the client

6. Adolescent
the health outcomes of
nurse-client working

4. Implement safe and

quality nursing
intervention to address
health needs of a high-
risk child

Given a set of questions or Topic 8: Nursing Care of

situations, the students Children with Alterations in Evocative Discussion Week
can: Health Status (Acute and 10-13
1.Assess the child with Chronic) (24 hours) (24 hours)
alterations in health status Video Presentations
A. Alterations in
2.Formulate a plan of care Oxygenation
to address health 1. Responses to Altered Cardiac
needs/problem of the sick and Tissue Perfusion
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child. Assign individual
 Congenital heart disorder topics for
3.Implement safe and  Congestive Heart Failure Concept mapping
quality nursing  Rheumatic Fever
interventions to address  Infectious Endocarditis
needs of the sick child  Anemias Group Activity

4.Conduct 2. Responses to Altered

Individual/group health Transport
education activities based  Choanal Atresia
on the priority learning
 Acute Nasopharyngitis
 Pharyngitis
5.Institute appropriate  Tonsillitis
corrective actions to  Epistaxis
prevent or minimize harm  Sinusitis
arising from adverse  Croup
effects  Bronchitis
 Influenza
 Pneumonia
 Asthma
 Status asthmaticus
Case Analysis
 Atelectasis
 Pneumothorax
 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
 Tuberculosis
 Cystic fibrosis

B. Alterations in Fluid and

Electrolytes and Acid-Base

 Acute Poststreptococcal
 Chronic Glumerulonephritis
 Nephrotic syndrome
 Alterations with Infectious,
Inflammatory and Immunologic
 Allergy
•Atopic disorders
• Drug and food allergies
• Contact dermatitis
•Viral Infections – Roseola
Infantum, Rubella, Rubeola,
Chicken Pox, Herpes Zoster,
Small Pox
•Enteroviruses – Coxsackievirus,
• Rabies
• Mumps
• Infectious Mononucleosis
• Bacterial Infections –
Streptococcal: Scarlet Fever,
-Staphylococcal: Furuncolosis,
Cellulitis, MRSA
• Diptheria
• Pertussis
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• Tetanus
• Lyme
• Anthrax
• Helmintic Infections
• Fungal Infections – Superficial
Fungal infections, Candidiasis
• STDs

C. Cellular Aberrations
 Leukemias
 Ewing Sarcoma
 Neuroblastoma

D. Alterations in Nutrition and

Metabolism and Endocrine
 Failure to Thrive
 Diarrhea
 Constipation
 Necrotizing Enterocolitis
 Disorders caused by Food,
Vitamins and Mineral
Deficiencies –
Kwashiorkor, Nutritional
 Congenital Hypothyroidism
 Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
 Congenital Adrenal
 Cushing Syndrome
 Maple Syrup Urine Disease
 Galactosemia

E.Alteration in Perception and

 Increased Intracranial
 Cerebral Palsy
 Bacterial Meningitis
 Encephalitis
 Guillain-Barre syndrome
 Epilepsy
 Seizures
 Traumatic Injury to the
 Congenital Glaucoma
 External Otitis
 ImpactedCerumen
 Acute Otitis Media
 Juvenile Rheumatoid

Given a set of questions or Topic 9:

situations, the students Nursing Care of a Child with
can: Life-Threatening
1.Assess the child acute Conditions/Acutely Ill/Multi- Week
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and chronic life- Organ Problems/ High 13-15
threatening conditions Acuity and Emergency (18 hours)
situations (Acute and Chronic) Interactive
2.Formulate a plan of care (18 hours) Discussion
to address health
needs/problem of the very A.Assessment
sick child. 1. Subjective Data
 Health history
3.Implement safe and 2.Objective Data
quality nursing  Physical assessment
interventions to address  Diagnostic/ Video
needs of the very sick Laboratory tests Presentations/Lecture
child Forum
B. Nursing Diagnosis
Individual/group health C. Planning and
education activities based Implementation of Care
on the priority learning 1. Health promotion and Risk
needs Management
2. Health Restoration and
5.Institute appropriate Maintenance Therapies
corrective actions to  Pharmacological
prevent or minimize harm Therapeutics
arising from adverse  Basic Cardiac Life
effects during emergency Support and Advanced
situations Cardiac Life Support in
neonates and child
6.Manage resources
 Surgical Interventions
(human, physical,
financial, time) efficiently  Nutrition and Diet
and effectively. Therapies
 Complementary and
7. Document client’s alternative therapies Lecture-Discussion
responses/nursing care D.Client Education using the IMCI
services and outcomes of module
nursing care rendered.
E.Evaluation of Care
8. Ensure completeness,
integrity, safety,
accessibility and security
of information

9. Adhere to protocol and

principles of
confidentiality in
safekeeping and releasing
of records G.Evidence-Based Interventions
1. Nursing Care of at
risk/sick mother
10. Apply evidence-based
practice when providing 2. Nursing care of at-risk and
nursing care and sick child applying
preventing injury to at Integrated Management of
risk/high risk mother and Childhood Illnesses
sick child (IMCI)
Given a set of questions or Topic 10 : Ethico-Legal
situations, the students Considerations and Issues in the Lecture-Discussion
can: Care of Sick Mother and Child Week
1. Adhere to Ethico- (3 hours) 16
Legal considerations Video Presentation (3 hours)
when providing safe, A. Assisted reproductive
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quality nursing care to techniques
mother and child at- Concept Mapping
risk B. Alternatives to Childbirth
2. Apply ethical
reasoning and decision- C. Protection of Women from
making process to Domestic Violence Act
address situations of
ethical distress and D. Protection of Women Against
moral dilemma Sexual Harassment
3. Adhere to
established norms of
conduct based on the
Phil. Nursing Law and
other legal, regulatory
and institutional
requirements safe
nursing practice
4. Protect client’s
rights based on
Patient’s Bill of Rights
and Obligations
5. Implement
related to informed
consent as it applies in
multiple contexts

Given a set of questions or Topic 11: Roles and functions of Lecture –Discussion
situations, the students the nurse in varied settings in
can: the delivery of care to at-risk/ Week
1.Ensure intra-agency, high risk/ sick mother and child 16
inter-agency, (2 hours) (2 hours)
multidisciplinary and Online readings on
sectoral collaboration in related topics
the delivery of health care

2.Maintain a harmonious
and collegial relationship
among members of the
health team for effective,
efficient and safe client

3.Collaborate with other

members of the health
team in the
Evocative Week 17
implementation of (3 hours)
Discussion/ Shared
programs and services Cultural
Topic 12: Experiences
4. Exemplify love for 1.Filipino culture, values and
country in service of the practices in relation to difficult
Filipinos childbearing and childrearing
(3 hours) ……….
5.Customize nursing
interventions based on 2.Roles and responsibilities of a
Phil. Culture and values Maternal and Child Nurse in
Challenging situations
6. Demonstrate caring as
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the core of nursing, love
of God, love of country 3.Career options in Maternal
and love of people and Child Nursing

7. Demonstrate
professionalism, integrity
and excellence

8. Protect the positive,

professional image of a
Filipino nurse


Formula for
Final Term
Midterm Grade Weight Weight Computing Final Rating
40% Final Examination 40% Actual Score X Midterm Grade =
Written Output Written Output Total Score 40%
(can be generated (can be generated Final Term Grade
online or offline) online or offline) 100 X = 60%
e.g.quizzes,essays, e.g.quizzes,essays Percentage
case analysis,
30% , case analysis,
Passing Grade: 3.0
reflection paper & reflection paper &
etc. etc. RLE: Performance
Course Course
20% Rating
Participation 10% Participation 10%

100% 100%


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The following books will be used as major references
1. Pillitteri, Adele (2016). Maternal and Child Health Nursing
1.>publications. PDFMNCHNstrategy-DOH
2.>publications>PDF2018Philippine Health Statistics-DOH
3. Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice 11th edition

Prepared By: NCM 109 A Team: Aileen V. Covarrubias,RN,MN

Desdimona C. Sakandal,RN,MN
Lorna B. Carpio,RN,MN
Deanna I. Sanchez,RN,MN
Teresita D. Ong,RN,MN
Calire A. Ongchua,RN,MAN

Noted by:

Anna Lizza S. Caburnay RN, MAN

Level II Coordinator

Recommending Approval:

Fredie M. Omar, RN, MAN, MN

Curriculum Chair

Approved By:

Dr. Mary Joselyn C. Biong


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