ISO 20022 - A New Language, For Better Payments
ISO 20022 - A New Language, For Better Payments
ISO 20022 - A New Language, For Better Payments
A new language,
for better payments
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
It’s clear, though, that those who place customer experience and
transaction journeys at the heart of their payment design are
those more likely to understand the opportunities ISO enables.
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
ISO 20022 is the new language of payment messages, providing a richer array of customer data
able to be shared in each ‘package’ of a payment transaction. It will dramatically enhance the
richness of information with which customers communicate, transfer data, move funds and
provide verification across the globe.
Why should organisations The roadmap for The challenge of meeting the compliance
deadlines should not be underestimated.
embrace it? change… MT messaging in particular is tightly
woven into the fabric of the banking
The simple answer is more data. The The ECB’s PISA Framework defines a
landscape. There are several lenses to
infrastructure and messaging used payment scheme as ‘a set of formal,
consider compliance against:
today don’t align with the explosion in standardised and common rules enabling
big data and the needs of consumers to the transfer of value between end
▲ Your people – the language and
know more specifics beyond ‘how much, users by means of electronic payment
meaning of legacy formats are
to where and by when’. As a bank or a instruments’. In the UK, if you transfer
ingrained in payments and cash
business, imagine having, in one message money to a friend via a mobile banking
management professionals, with
package, the specifics of an entire app, the chances are it will go through
significant training and education
shopping basket, the sustainability of the the Faster Payments Scheme. If you run a
required to embrace ISO 20022.
product set bought, associated insights business, payroll will likely be distributed
such as time spent before completing the to employees through the BACS scheme,
▲ The tech – this will be a
purchase, or even specific instructions, like and any high-value transactions will go
material challenge for any
‘when depositing these funds, please also through the Bank of England’s Real Time
organisation with legacy
inform the beneficiary that there will be Gross Settlement (RTGS) system, CHAPS.
downstream infrastructure
another 3 payments tomorrow of a similar
associated with payments,
value’. ISO is data-rich, which should be There are various schemes across the
trading, treasury and cash
music to the ears of customers and banks. globe, most of which have committed
management platforms needing
to standardisation by aligning to the ISO
to be redesigned and how they
What’s the problem with 20022 standard. For example, the Bank
interface with every aspect of
of England’s CHAPS RTGS migration to
existing standards? ISO 20022 expects ‘like for like’ or simply
an organisation considered. The
larger the business, the more
a replication of existing functionality
While current standards work for money challenging the shift, albeit the
using ISO 20022 in July 2022, with full
movement, they just don’t meet the more beneficial the uplift from
use of ISO from February 2023, while the
needs of the modern, data-rich world. It is eventually making the move, due
European Union’s TARGET2 scheme will
like Marie Curie explaining the discovery of to having more data to play with.
migrate to ISO 20022 in November 2022.
radium and polonium through Morse code
– the medium of communication is just ▲ Your customers – firstly, you
SWIFT has outlined a migration from
wholly inadequate to express the richness will need to educate them on
the existing Message Type (MT) format
of information to be shared. what has changed and why the
to the ISO-ready MX formats by the end
data they see is richer and in a
of 2022, while full decommissioning of
different format. Secondly, you’ll
MT messages is planned by 2025 – by
need to manage expectations –
this time, all players will need to learn
once they know there is choice in
the new language, embed it across their
what can be sent, they will want
organisation, and then never use the old
to choose and innovate with you.
language again. There is much to be done
Are you ready to embrace a new
in a relatively short amount of time.
way of working with customers
where you innovate together?
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
There are opportunities to achieve a Ultimately, compliance will be unique to In financial services, we’ve seen the
compliance minimum with ISO 20022 your organisation. But some things are notion of minimum and maximum play
standards through translation services. consistent when it comes to ISO 20022 – out several times before – most recently
Using SWIFT messaging as an example, using a translation service, or sticking to a with application programming interfaces
a translator sits above legacy MT native compliance minimum, over the long term (APIs). Following the regulatory drive
infrastructure and translates all incoming will… toward open data, financial intuitions have
MX messages into their unstructured and embraced APIs as a way of exchanging
potentially truncated MT equivalents, for ▲ limit your potential to innovate; account information and initiating
consumption downstream. On the other payments on behalf of customers. Some
hand, a compliance maximum would ▲ result in a more clouded institutions have stopped at the regulatory
require upgrading all internal systems to understanding of your customers requirements, while others have emerged
handle ISO 20022 formats natively. This and their data; as market leaders.
results in a future-proofed end-to-end
communication chain across front-to- ▲ prevent cost savings and There’s no doubt that a similar dynamic
back infrastructure. Clearly, there are efficiencies for your own business will play out with ISO 20022, but it’s
ways to enrich MT with appended data and those of your clients; important to recognise that maximising
both on inbound and outbound messages the opportunity with ISO 20022 is a
considering customer preference – it does ▲ create a cottage industry of data journey which your organisation should
sound a bit like Frankenstein’s monster stitching, which will, in turn, go on alongside your clients, as reflected
though – piecing together bits and bobs to create yet more reconciliation in Figure 1. Becoming a market leader is a
create something functional. and opportunity for poorer function of how quickly your organisation
customer experience. can begin on this journey.
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
Maximising the
Proposition Opportunity
Scheme ISO-Native Development
Compliance Infrastructure How can I make data
How can I use the data the centre of my
What data do I have How can I make the to add value to my organisation?
available? data accessible? clients?
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
There are sizable improvements on offer, from the conventional and well-documented aspects,
such as improved straight-through processing and improved reconciliation, to those that are more
nuanced but will ultimately help banks to really stand out in the payments space.
Today’s payment journeys revolve around (STP). When it does go wrong, and it will,
limited and fairly unstructured data, which more data means increased speed of
drives a lot of wasted time, money and resolution, accelerating the release of
frustration for clients – borne out in the funds to clients for those payments that
reconciliations space – an entire specialism do go wrong.
By creating a common
based on the expectation payments language and model for
will fail… and regularly at that. In turn, Going into a little more detail, there payments data, ISO 20022
manual intervention usually results in are specific fields in the ISO 20022
non-standard interaction with the original standard that will help with automated significantly improves the
payment message, causing a reduction in reconciliation, including the use of a legal quality of data across the
data quality and loss of information. Add entity identifier (LEI) with an associated
to that the associated costs for financial database to ensure a consistent way payment’s ecosystem.
institutions and clients in terms of people of identifying debtors and creditors Richer, structured,
power AND delayed funds reaching their associated with each payment – helping
intended destination – it really does to route transactions to the right place. meaningful data will enable
mount up! SWIFT estimates that 10% of Through one LEI code in a payment new client experiences,
payments require manual intervention message, users can look up data points
bank side, delaying the crediting of funds such as an entity’s official name and
while improving compliance
to clients. Consider the total value of registered address to help ‘plug the and efficiency.
payments exchanged each second and gap’ for when clients forget to input the
therefore the impacts to businesses when information on execution. Additionally, –
10% of that value arrives late. having more fields for remittance means Steven Pairman, Head of Cash
less truncation and less free-form text – Product, Europe at
Enter ISO 20022. The standard enables additional fields provide the opportunity Standard Chartered
payments to carry 10x more data in a for additional matching criteria to ensure
structured and consistent format. The a transaction has settled as intended. A
fact that it is a standard means all parties clear example is more fields for external
across a payments chain will use and reference codes within a SWIFT message
understand the same data fields and – typically MT has three to four system
structure, creating more consistency, reference codes, but when a transaction
harmonisation and interoperability. has passed through multiple internal
ISO 20022 will therefore reduce the processing steps, it may need to have
frequency of manual intervention resulting many more to tie the transaction back
in improved straight-through processing across a large estate.
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
Combating financial crime Increased visibility on why ISO 20022 provides the first step
toward this with the introduction of
customers are making payment purpose codes for cross-
It will enable financial institutions and
their clients to maintain compliance,
payments border transactions, such as ‘FCIN – Fee
saving potentially heavy fines in the Collection and Interest’ and ‘BONU
Billions of transactions are processed by – Bonus Payment’, enabling banks to
process. In 2019, the United States
banks across the world each day, without start understanding why their clients are
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
any context on what the payment is for. transacting, if the behaviour is normal and
fined companies nearly US$1.3 billion
Forrester’s research claims that the future then how they can make their lives easier.
for breaching international sanctions or
of banking will be ‘invisible, connected,
enabling money laundering. Unstructured
insights-driven, and purposeful’. Without
and incomplete data can make it more
data, it’s impossible to understand what
difficult for sanctions-screening processes
to offer your clients, and when. Banks
to identify offending transactions, while
that emerge as winners over the next
a high percentage of ‘false positives’
decade will be those that embrace data to
can divert attention and focus away
offer timely value-added services to their
from where it is needed. LEI codes along
with structured address fields are two
examples of how ISO 20022 will help
sanctions-screening processes single out
offending transactions and prevent them
at source, whilst allowing institutions
to better tune their ruleset to identify
criminal activity in the finance ecosystem.
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
ISO-enabled propositions
Standardisation and harmonisation in payments will accelerate innovation by making things easier
and more consistent. Beyond business efficiency, ISO 20022 opens up a world of exciting new
payments propositions that are ready to be explored. The move from the current ISO 20022 v3
standards to the even richer v9 standards will open up even more opportunities.
The last decade has been dominated by the growth of Arguably, the success of any organisation can be attributed
the gig economy, from the rise of Uber and Deliveroo to how well they know their customers. ISO 20022 will
through to creative services such as Fiverr and even legal enable additional context to be associated with each
services like Rocket Lawyer. Alongside this, we’ve seen the transaction, creating an opportunity for banks to better
development of bespoke banking services to freelance understand the behaviours and needs of their clients
workers, such as Lili, Joust, and Oxygen. ISO 20022 could – this will enable development of customer profiles,
play a key role in the sector moving forward, by including segmentation, and even the identification of trends. By
additional information alongside each disbursement, leveraging basket data, if you know your customer has
including hours worked, services provided, breakdown started spending money on a pram, nappies and baby toys,
of shifts – and maybe even additional ‘rewards’ such as then you can approach them with child savings accounts
loyalty points alongside the principal payment. and life insurance products.
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
White paper ISO 20022 – A new language, for better payments
Give Baringa a call to discuss how we can help you on your ISO 20022 journey.
With thanks to
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