Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya: Sub: Admission To Class XI, 2021-22
Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya: Sub: Admission To Class XI, 2021-22
Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya: Sub: Admission To Class XI, 2021-22
• Only a few deserving students from other institutions are admitted to Class-XI in Science
Stream and Humanities Stream.
• A student may apply only once. So, one needs to be very careful while selecting Options.
Option(s) once finally submitted cannot be modified.
• Students of Humanities stream may write answers in the Admission Test, School Examinations
and Classes XI and XII Board Examinations either in Bengali or in English.
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• Application forms can be submitted ONLINE only in the school website at
www.rkmvnarendrapur.org. No offline forms will be issued. Boys appearing at Class-X
Board Examination in 2021 only may apply.
• Application Fees: The cost of the Application Form is Rs.600/- per option. The payment is
to be paid through ONLINE only. A student may apply for one, two or all the three options by
paying requisite fees.
• Marks Criteria:
Students willing to apply need to secure the following marks in the Class IX Annual
Examination of their school.
•Admission to Class XI is provisional and will be confirmed only after Class X Board
Results 2021 are published. A student has to secure
• at least 95% marks in the Science Group and 75% marks in the Language Group in Class X
Board Examination 2021 for Science Stream and/or
• 1at least 75% marks in the Aggregate and 75% marks in the Language Group in Class X
Board Examination 2021 for Humanities Stream.
• Important Dates:
Time period for online Application: 15.04.2021 from 10-00 a.m. to
15.06.2021 up to 4-00 p.m.
Last date of payment 15.06.2021 up to 5-00 p.m.
Download of Admit Card: After 24 hours from the date of successful payment
• Results of a Written Examination followed by a ‘Viva-Voce’ test are taken into account while
ascertaining selection of boys coming from other institutions.
N.B.: Calculators, Mobile Phones, Bluetooth devices or any other communication devices or
electronic gadgets are not allowed in the examination hall. Any infringement of this instruction
shall entail disciplinary action including cancellation of candidature.
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