Diagnosis and Treatment of Limb Fractures Associated With Acute Peripheral Ischemia
Diagnosis and Treatment of Limb Fractures Associated With Acute Peripheral Ischemia
Diagnosis and Treatment of Limb Fractures Associated With Acute Peripheral Ischemia
Rezumat Abstract
Acute Peripheral Ischemia (API) is the most severe acute
Diagnosticul æi tratamentul în fracturile de membre asociate
complication after both open and closed fractures, as
cu ischemie perifericã acutã
ischemia compromises not only the vitality of the affected
Ischemia perifericã acutã (API) este cea mai severã complicaåie limb, but also the patient’s life, because metabolic anaerobic
acutã a fracturilor închise æi deschise, având în vedere faptul cã changes following ischemia have serious local and general
ischemia afecteazã nu numai vitalitatea membrului afectat, ci consequences. These explain why early diagnosis of API is
chiar viaåa pacientului, întrucât alterãrile datorate metabolis- very important for the prognosis of the traumatized limb.
mului anaerob consecutive ischemiei au consecinåe redutabile The authors analyse cases when API was not diagnosed
locale æi generale. Aceasta explicã de ce diagnosticul precoce immediately after trauma, but some time after the first
al ischemiei periferice acute este foarte important pentru examination, due to either low systolic BP or to late onset
prognosticul unui membru traumatizat. Autorii analizeazã of API. The patients were analysed concerning the type of
cazurile când aceasta nu a fost diagnosticatã imediat post- the fracture, the reason for delayed diagnosis of API, the
traumatic, ci dupã un oarecare interval de timp, fie datoritã moment of API diagnosis and the arterial injury. In all those
valorilor iniåiale scãzute ale TA sistolice, fie datoritã instalãrii cases, surgery was performed immediately after API
tardive a ischemiei. Pacienåii au fost evaluaåi din punct de diagnosis, in order to identify and treat the complex injuries
vedere al tipului de fracturã, motivelor diagnosticului tardiv, (bone and vascular).
momentului efectuãrii acestuia æi tipului de leziune arterialã.
În aceste cazuri, intervenåia chirurgicalã a fost efectuatã cu Key words: limbs, fractures, acute peripheral ischemia,
maximã urgenåã, pentru a identifica æi trata leziunile complexe thrombosis
(osoase æi vasculare).
Table 3. Table 4.
arterial section seventeen complete-twelve Number The time between the first examination
cases cases of cases and the moment when API was first diagnosed
incomplete-five 18 less than 18 hours, but above 12 hours
cases Total 36 Mean time 14 hours
injury of internal and
medium layer, with
intact external layer eight cases represented by both clinical and etiopathogenic conditions of
thrombosis three cases API.
compression and spasm eight cases
incomplete section with A. Absent pulse in one limb after patient hemodynamic
subsequent thrombosis five cases stabilization
In our study, the arterial injury in the cases with a late onset
of API was arterial thrombosis. Literature presents post-
traumatic arterial thrombosis as a very serious complication, as
Figure 3. API-toes cyanosis
it occurs late after trauma, the artery looking intact, but the
mechanism is a microscopic one: the initial trauma is only a
contusion which does not disrupt the arterial wall, but
produces thrombosis or disruption of the vasa vasorum -
generating ischemia of the arterial wall. The most sensitive
structure to ischemia (of the entire arterial wall) is the internal
layer (the intimae). Subsequently to the initial trauma, the
intimal layer is injured both directly (mechanical) and
indirectly, through ischemia of the wall. The injury of the
intimae damages the connections between the endothelial
cells, so the endothelium loses its continuity from place to
place, exposing the subendothelial collagen fibres to the blood
flow, which generates conditions for blood cell adherence,
leading to thrombosis. (16,17,18) (Fig. 3, 4)
After trauma, ischemia is frequently diagnosed after “alarm
signs” (the sensation of “cold fingers” of the fractured limb, Figure 4. Intramuscular thrombosis
pain, paresthaesia) are reported by the patient to the physician,
who performs a new examination, suspecting an ischemia. The
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