Plan Unloading PC

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Unloading Schedule Planning and arrangement

Date 6/25/2021

Uploading Schedule

New Pc bar in put on from 28-06-21

No. Schedule Truck Qty Roll/Truck Total roll Remark
Pc-bar Pc-bar Pc-bar
7.1mm 9.0mm 11.0mm
1 Monday 8 24 192 After unloading in the day time
around 8 truck per day and will
2 Wednesday 8 24 192 arrange after the unloading and in
240 336 48 the night time.
3 Friday 10 24 240
Total 26 72 624

New Warehouse detail new Input

No Spec Roll/Stack Total Stack Remark
Pc bar 7.1 16 15
New input Pc bar 9.0 16 21 new pc bar import on June input to new warehouse all
Pc bar 11.0 16 3
Pc bar 11.0 16 6
Old remain old remain pc-bar move to new warehouse total 224 rolls
Pc bar 13.0 16 8

No Spec Roll/Stack Total Stack Remak

Pc bar 5.0 76 8 9.5 Move to new warehouse 32 rolls and at square 44 rolls
Pc bar 7.1 216 16 13.50 At Square Area
Pc bar 9.0 125 16 7.81 At Square Area
old Stock
Pc bar 11.0 103 16 6.44 Move to new warehouse 96 rolls and at square 7 rolls
Pc bar 13.0 144 16 9.00 Move to new warehouse for all
Stack of Pc Bar arrange

Note Cyan Color New PC-bar 7.1mm 240rolls

Red Color New PC-bar 9.0mm 336 rolls
Pink color New PC-bar 11.0mm 48rolls
Blue color old PC-bar 11.0mm And 9.0mm
Green Color New PC-bar 5.0mm 32rolls
Position of Pc Bare arrange

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