Gaopeng en
Gaopeng en
Gaopeng en
Based on Measuring
the Dark Current
of Silicon Photodiode
Gao, Peng
Abstract—The torsion field detector is very neces- field can influence the properties of different materials is
sary for the research works of torsion field. Because it’s also introduced.
very difficult to measure the torsion field directly, most
of the detectors are based on measuring the changes of
Author ever used the torsion balance approach consist-
physical, chemical or biological parameters indirectly. ing of a wooden frame to detect the torsion field nature
This work studies detection of torsion field by way of scalar wave generated by Tesla scalar system [8]. But
of measuring the dark current of silicon photodiode. there is no data recording in this approach.
For this purpose, a silicon photodiode which works in
In this work, author wants to test the semiconductor-
reverse bias state and an ultra-weak current detector
should be used in all the related experiments, because based approach, which is based on measuring the dark
the dark current of selected photodiode is in pA current of silicon photodiode using an ultra-weak current
(10−12 A) level. This approach was tested with different meter. According to the recorded data, the results are
kinds of torsion field generators not only in local config- positive. The sensor can not only indicate the strength of
uration, but also in non-local configuration. Based on
torsion field, but also indicate the direction of torsion field,
the analysis of acquired results, this approach based on
measuring the dark current of silicon photodiode can furthermore, non-local phenomena can also be detected.
be used for detecting torsion field.
Figure 7. The core schematic diagram of the ultra weak current Figure 8. The configuration with cover (left) and without cover
meter. (right).
Dark Current(pA)
-218.2 -218.2
-218.4 -218.4
-219.2 -219
-219.4 -219.2
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time(S) Time(S)
(a) (b)
Figure 9. The results of different configuration: (a) with cover on the generator; (b) without cover on the generator. Grey area means the
impact time.
Dark Current(pA)
-221 -200
-222 -202
-225 -210
-226 -212
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time(S) Time(S)
(a) (b)
Figure 10. The possible ”after effect” in some experiments. Grey area means the impact time.
B. Experiments with LED generator temperature during the impact time is under 0.02 degree
The effect of ”high-penetrating” emission generated by
LED generator can be detected by many sensors, such as C. Experiments with Akimov generator
EDL, EIS and so on. So in this work, the LED generator
Akimov generator is the most classical torsion field
is used as a classical generator to impact the sensor based
generator. From Fig. 4, although the basic principle of it
on photodiode. According to the results, positive results
is based on EM approach, but it is shielded with metal all
are achieved in both local and non-local tests.
around it, so only torsion component can be emitted out
Fig. 11 shows some results in local tests. The sensor from the copper cone. In this work, only non-local tests
shows the same trend after the beginning of impact and were conducted with Akimov generator in the distance of
after impact time, the current recovers to the original value 3m and 5km, the achieved results are very interesting.
or trend slowly. These results show obvious correlation. These two experiments are all under the non-local
In the non-local tests with LED generator, although the configuration. In Fig. 14, the distance between the sensor
thermostat was not installed yet, but the results from Fig. and generator is only 3m, the photo of photodiode is placed
12 and Fig. 13 still show something positive. In the Fig. on the top of the copper cone of Akimov generator. It
12, although there is no temperature recording, but the should be noted that the sensor, data recording system and
current in the sensor is linear enough before impact and Akimov generator are all powered by a Li-battery of 12V,
during impact time, there is obvious reaction of the sensor. the receiver and generator are all independent system. The
Experiment was conducted in deep night and in a closed sensor is still influenced by generator in a short distance
lab, so although there was no thermostat, the environment with the help of non-local link:the photo of photodiode
around the sensor was very stable relatively speaking. in the sensor. Generally speaking, such great influence
In the Fig. 13, the temperature sensor was installed but can only be achieved in the direct impact mode. At the
there was still no thermostat. We can see the change of same day, the Akimov generator was taken to another
8 International Journal of Unconventional Science, Issue E3, 2018
Dark Current(pA)
-186.4 -184.5
-186.5 -185
-186.6 -185.5
-186.9 -186.5
-187 -187
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Time(S) Time(S)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Figure 11. The local tests with blue LED generator. Distance between sensor and generator is 10 cm. Grey area means the impact time.
Dark Current(pA)
-34.2 0.2
-34.4 0.1
-34.6 0
-34.8 -0.1
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Time(S) Time(S)
(a) (b)
Figure 12. Non-local test with blue LED generator, distance between sensor and generator is 3km, non-local link is the photo of photodiode
in the sensor. Grey area means the impact time. (a) is original data; (b) is linear regression of data.
place 5km away from the sensor. The Fig. 15 shows the because with the development of both sensor and torsion
result, there is also obvious change of the current, although field generator, the results under this configuration for
the trend is different from the result of 3m. It’s hard to non-local experiments in this part are more stable and
say why the difference happened, because the principle more easily replicated.
or theory for non-local phenomena is still not fully clear The signal added into the spinning Poynting vector gen-
yet although there is much non-local phenomena. It needs erator is also not normal and weak signal, but high-voltage
further research. pulse signal, whose range is between 2000 to 3000V. So
between the coil and copper cone in the generator, a very
D. Experiments with spinning Poynting vector generator strong electric field is formed in 106 V/m level. So with
This section will be divided into two parts because of the positive pulse signal, right-handed torsion field will
the different types of photodiode used in the sensor. And be generated; with the negative pulse signal, left-handed
there are also more experimental results than other parts, torsion field will be generated.
Gao, Peng. Detection of torsion field based on measuring the dark current of photodiode 9
Dark current(pA)
23.42 0.08
23.4 0.04
23.38 0.02
23.34 -0.04
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Time(S) Time(S)
(a) (b)
Figure 13. Non-local test with purple LED generator, distance between sensor and generator is 3km, non-local link is the photo of
photodiode in the sensor. Grey area means the impact time. (a) is the temperature data; (b) is filtered data with 120 points after linear
-46 23.94
-47 23.9
-48 23.88
-50 23.82
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Time(S) Time(S)
(a) (b)
Figure 14. Non-local test with Akimov generator, distance between sensor and generator is 3m, non-local link is the photo of photodiode
in the sensor. Grey area means the impact time. Polarization: right-handed. (a) is data of current; (b) is data of temperature.
-43.2 23.76
-44.2 23.73
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Time(S) Time(S)
(a) (b)
Figure 15. Non-local test with Akimov generator, distance between sensor and generator is 5km, non-local link is the photo of photodiode
in the sensor. Grey area means the impact time. Polarization: right-handed. (a) is data of current; (b) is data of temperature.
Two types of photodiode were used in the series of ex- used in the sensor for detecting the ultra-weak non-local
periments in this section, one is normal silicon photodiode signals.
with low dark current, the other one is silicon avalanche 1) Experiments with normal silicon photodiode: The
photodiode. They both have their own performance to be sensor in this section is different from others, two pho-
todiodes with the same types are used in this sensor for
10 International Journal of Unconventional Science, Issue E3, 2018
Dark Current(pA)
28.612 -51.6
28.606 -52.1
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Time(S) Time(S)
(a) (b)
Average Filter After Regression of Dark Current-CH1 Average Filter of Dark Current-CH2
0.02 -53.9
Average Filter After Regression of CH1 Average Filter of CH2
0 -53.92
-0.02 -53.94
Dark current(pA)
Dark current(pA)
-0.12 -54.06
-0.14 -54.08
-0.16 -54.1
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Time(S) Time(S)
(c) (d)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Figure 16. Exp20170918: Non-local test with spinning Poynting vector generator, distance between sensor and generator is 5km, non-local
link is the photo of CH2. Grey area means the impact time. Polarization: right-handed. (a) temperature of both channels; (b) data of CH1;
(c) filtered data with 120 points after linear regression of CH1; (d) filtered data with 120 points of CH2; (e) filtered data with 120 points
after linear regression of CH2.
improving the sensitivity. For example, we take photos of Fig. 16 shows the result when the generator only impacts
the two photodiodes separately before the photodiodes are one of the two photos. As we can see, both of the two data
installed into the thermostat, the two photos of photodiode channels change obviously after impact. It’s possible that
are in Fig. 17. Theoretically, if we impact one of the two the two photodiodes are too closed. In order to keep the
photos, one change but other one doesn’t change, we can temperature of both channels exactly the same, the two
use the differencial approach to improve the sensitivity. photodiodes are put together closely and a temperature
This is the original intention of this design. But in practical sensor of LM35 is used to record their joint temperature.
experiments, the results don’t show this performance as we It seems that there is an effective area of torsion field in
wanted. non-local experiments: if the other sensor is in this area, it
Gao, Peng. Detection of torsion field based on measuring the dark current of photodiode 11
Figure 17. Two photos of photodiodes in the two channels of the sensor.
will also be affected, if the other sensor is out of this area, configuration in the experiments with spinning Poynting
it will be not affected. vector generator is the same). The photo of avalanche
So after the experiment in Fig. 16, both of the photos photodiode is printed on a A4 paper, on the generator
were used in further experiments. This means on the side, only place the paper on the top of the generator and
generator side, both of the photos will be placed on the turn on the generator in the impact time.
top of generator and the two photos are overlapping. Fig. 22 shows the interesting result for this configura-
So torsion field from generator will impact both of the tion. The operation on the generator side was not just
photodiodes. Fig. 18 and Fig. 19 show the results under ON or OFF in previous experiments, but the polarization
this configuration. It seems that the influence on CH2 of torsion field was also changed. The protocol on the
is still stronger than CH1 from both results. And there generator side is as follows:
is another obvious phenomena that the influence on the • 0-3000s: Before impact
sensor with the two photos is much stronger than the • 3000-4600s: right-handed TF
configuration with one photo according to the variation • 4600-5600s: left-handed TF
in the results of linear regression. Besides the factor of • 5600-6200s: right-handed TF
number of photos, there is another factor - temperature. • 6200-7100s: left-handed TF
The configuration of PID controller for thermostat is • After 7100s: turn off the TF generator
different, the temperature in Fig. 18 and Fig. 19 is higher
If we observe the result in Fig. 22, we can see there are
than Fig. 16. This factor will affect the current in the
two different trends of the dark current of the photodiode
according to different polarization of torsion field on the
2) Experiments with silicon avalanche photodiode: The generator side. The right-handed torsion field makes the
purpose of this series of experiments in this section is trend up but the left-handed torsion field makes the trend
mainly to explore whether the silicon avalanche photodi- down. From the (b) in Fig. 22, the slope is also calculated
ode is more sensitive than the normal photodiode, because in different time domain according to the protocol on the
as well-known, there is the property of non-linearity when generator side (the value of slope is multiply by a large
photodiode works in an avalanche mode. coefficient: 100000, because of the large value in X axis),
To investigate the performance of the silicon avalanche the calculated slope is just like the digital signal, the slope
photodiode, another sensor system was built with the more than 0 can be considered as ”1” and the slope less
same configuration including the thermostat, ultra-weak than 0 can be considered as ”0”.
current meter, that worked in the range of ±2500 pA, Fig. 23 also shows a similar result but there is no
feedback resistance was 1 GOhm. Because the dark current protocol for this, only one impact of right-handed torsion
of avalanche photodiode is much larger than the normal field was applied. To judge whether the results are positive
photodiode, especially in the avalanche mode. Because or negative, not only the change in the impact time should
the temperature was controlled by an independent control be considered, but also the change after the impact time
system, the temperature of sensor was not recorded, but should also be considered in some situation. From the (b)
only the temperature of room was recorded. Fig. 20 shows of Fig. 23, when the impact began, the current went up
the sensor system used in the experiments of this section. instantly, this showed great correlation. And it also should
In this series of experiments, only non-local tests were be noted that after the impact, the current went down
conducted to examine the sensitivity of the sensor based on instantly and then went up again, this also showed the
avalanche photodiode. The method used is still the same correlation from other side.
with previous: Shkatov-Zamsha approach. The configura- The sensor based on the avalanche photodiode was im-
tion on the generator side is shown in Fig. 21 (all the proved in the further development, a temperature sensor,
12 International Journal of Unconventional Science, Issue E3, 2018
Dark Current(pA)
34.616 -111.5
34.614 -112
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
Time(S) Time(S)
(a) (b)
Dark Current(pA)
Dark current(pA)
-0.05 -145
-0.1 -145.5
-0.25 -147.5
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
Time(S) Time(S)
(c) (d)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Figure 18. Exp20171011: Non-local test with spinning Poynting vector generator, distance between sensor and generator is 5km, non-local
link is the photos of both CH1 and CH2. Grey area means the impact time. Polarization: right-handed. (a) temperature of both channels;
(b) data of CH1; (c) linear regression of CH1; (d) data of CH2; (e) linear regression of CH2.
whose type is LM35 was applied to the sensor, which IV. Disdussion and Conclusion
was next to the avalanche photodiode closely. Fig. 24
shows the configuration before it’s installed inside. In this In the [1], Serge Kernbach introduced many approaches
configuration, the data of temperature sensor can show the for detecting torsion field or ”high-penetrating” emission,
temperature of avalanche photodiode in real time. Fig. 25 semiconductor-based sensor is one of the effective ap-
shows the result with new configuration, great correlation proaches. In the [7], Claud Swanson introduced the content
can be acheived, but from the (c) of Fig. 25, we can see of torsion field in the 7th and 8th chapter, it says that
the temperature of sensor is in a linear state. The current the torsion field can influence the output of photocell,
changes obviously and instantly at impact time. the right-handed torsion field can decrease the output of
photocell, but the left-handed torsion field can increase the
output of photocell. In fact, the principle of photodiode
Gao, Peng. Detection of torsion field based on measuring the dark current of photodiode 13
Dark Current(pA)
35.604 -129.4
35.602 -129.6
35.6 -130
35.596 -130.6
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Time(S) Time(S)
(a) (b)
0 -169.5
Dark Current(pA)
Dark current(pA)
-0.05 -170
-0.1 -170.5
-0.15 -171
-0.2 -171.5
-0.25 -172
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Time(S) Time(S)
(c) (d)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Figure 19. Exp20171013: Non-local test with spinning Poynting vector generator, distance between sensor and generator is 5km, non-local
link is the photos of both CH1 and CH2. Grey area means the impact time. Polarization: right-handed. (a) temperature of both channels;
(b) data of CH1; (c) linear regression of CH1; (d) data of CH2; (e) linear regression of CH2.
is the same with photocell, they are all based on silicon ESP ability. A preliminary conjecture is that the nature
semiconductor. In the movement of Somatic Science in of the specific radiation from the operator’s palm in Prof.
China in the last century, Prof. Nianlin Zhu in the Yunnan Nianlin Zhu’s experiments is the torsion field. If the same
University developed a sensor based on the photodiode, sensor is used in both device-device and operator-device
this sensor could react to the specific radiation from the experiments, the results can be analyzed with a same
operator’s palm in the experiments of Finger Literacy. standard to find out the correlation.
The information above all points to the semiconductor- There are many types of photodiodes can be choosed,
based sensor. So in fact, this work can also be considered only some brands are used in this work. HAMAMATSU
as a replication of this approach examined by different is a famous brand in the field of photoelectric technology.
generators. But this work is still not enough, because this It should be specially noted that there is different per-
sensor should also be examined by human operator with formance when the photodiode works in different range
14 International Journal of Unconventional Science, Issue E3, 2018
Dark current(pA)
-2000 "-"
-2005 "-"
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
(a) (a)
Slop calculation
400 Slope Calculation
(b) -200
Figure 20. (a) is the whole sensor system with thermostat and
high-voltage power; (b) is the avalanche photodiode installed inside. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Temperature of room
Temperature of room
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Figure 21. The configuration on the transmitter side.
Figure 24. The configuration of temperature sensor inside.
-2390 Average Filter of Dark Current-CH2
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Time(S) Average Filter of CH2
Dark current(pA)
Average Filter After Regression of Dark Current-CH2 -1220
15 -1230
Average Filter After Regression of CH2
Dark current(pA)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
(b) 25
Temperature of room 15
19.65 10
Temperature of room
19.55 -5
19.3 36.08
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 36.06
Time(S) 36.04
(c) 36.02
Figure 23. Exp20171209: Non-local test on the avalanche photo-
diode with spinning Poynting vector generator, distance between
sensor and generator is 5km, non-local link is the photo of avalanche 35.96
photodiode. Grey area means the impact time. Polarization:right- 35.94
handed. (a) filtered data with 120 points and linear calculation for 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000
the part before impact; (b) filtered data with 120 points after linear Time(S)
regression; (c) temperature of room.
Figure 25. Exp20180504: Non-local test on the avalanche photo-
diode with spinning Poynting vector generator, distance between
tests. It seems that nobody knows what happened between sensor and generator is 5km, non-local link is the photo of avalanche
photodiode. Grey area means the impact time. Polarization: right-
the sensor side and the generator side. This belongs to the handed. (a) filtered data with 120 points; (b) filtered data with 120
entanglement phenomena in macroscopic system, which is points after linear regression; (c) temperature of room;
not fully clear in theory and experiments. But the potential
use of this phenomena is infinite and significant. • This work provides strong evidence that the ap-
Based on the experimental results and analysis, we can proach based on measuring the dark current of silicon
conclude as follows: photodiode can be used to detect torsion field.
16 International Journal of Unconventional Science, Issue E3, 2018