English Tenses Timeline Chart
English Tenses Timeline Chart
English Tenses Timeline Chart
Problems with the English tenses? Have a look at the time line, it might help you
understand when to use which tense. As there is a similarity between past, present and
future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind.
If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you
will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions.
→ Legend
• action that takes place once, never or several times
• actions that happen one after another
moment in time • actions that suddenly take place
• action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond
that moment
period of time
• actions taking place at the same time
• action taking place before a certain moment in time
• puts emphasis on the result
• action taking place before a certain moment in time
Course /
Duration • puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action
English Tenses Timeline Chart
This timeline tenses chart provides a handy reference sheet to English tenses and their
relationship to one another and the past, present and future. Conjugated verbs are
highlighted in bold. Tenses which are rarely used in everyday conversation are marked
by an asterik (*).
The house had been
The painting I had been being painted for
She had |
had been sold waiting for four over a month before
already eaten PAST
twice before it hours when he they began to
when I arrived. PERFECT
was destroyed. finally arrived. decorate the interior.
The book was I was watching The problem was
I bought a new |
written in 1876 TV when she being solved when I
car last week. PAST
by Frank Smith. arrived. arrived late for class.
The company
has been She has been The students have
She has lived in |
managed by working at been being taught
California for PRESENT
Fred Jones for Johnson's for six for the last four
many years. PERFECT
the last two months. hours. *
He works five Those shoes are | I am working at The work is being
days a week. made in Italy. PRESENT the moment. done by Jim.
They are going The reports are
FUTURE going to be
INTENTION to fly to New completed by the
| York tomorrow. marketing
| department.
She will be
The sun will FUTURE The rolls will be
The food will be teaching
shine SIMPLE being baked at two.
brought later. tomorrow at six
tomorrow. | *
Past Perfect Simple Past Progressive Present Perfect Simple Present Present Future
Past tense Progressive
married to the R. I. P. interrupted by the passed but not again and again now tomorrow
out and gone past tense finished yet
past tense
After he had survived hegave up this job. He has had no job He always reads He is writing My friend hopes
an accident for half a year. the vacancies in letters of he�ll get a good
the papers. application now. job.
Past Simple
Base Form Past Participle Form
do did done
go went gone