Testcase Id Test Scenario Testcase Title Pre-Requisites

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TestCase Id Test Scenario TestCase Title Pre-Requisites

TC_001 (TS_01) Validate the header navigation Open the link

Home Page section https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_002 (TS_01) Validate places to stay navigation Open the link

Home Page by adding proper data https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_003 Validate places to stay navigation Open the link

without providing any data https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_004 Validate places to stay navigation Open the link

without providing location https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_005 (TS_01) Validate places to stay navigation Open the link

Home Page without providing checkin and https://www.airbnb.co.in/
checkout date
TC_006 (TS_01) Validate places to stay navigation Open the link
Home Page without providing guest details https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_007 (TS_01) Validate experiences navigation Open the link

Home Page without providing any data https://www.airbnb.co.in/
TC_008 (TS_01) Validate experiences navigation Open the link
Home Page without providing location https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_009 (TS_01) Validate experiences navigation Open the link

Home Page without providing date https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_010 (TS_01) Validate the link of airbnb logo on Open the link
Home Page header https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_011 (TS_01) Validae the link of Become a host Open the link
Home Page section on header https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_012 (TS_01) Validate the multi language Open the link

Home Page functionality https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC _013 (TS_01) Validate the sticky header Open the link

Home Page https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_014 (TS_01) Validate the sign up section under Open the link
Home Page my account https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_015 (TS_01) Validate the Login section under Open the link
Home Page my account https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_016 (TS_01) Validate the Host your home Open the link
Home Page section under my account https://www.airbnb.co.in/
TC_017 (TS_01) Validate the Host your experience Open the link
Home Page section under my account https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_018 (TS_01) Validate the Help section under Open the link
Home Page my account https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_019 (TS_01) Validate the play announcement Open the link

Home Page button https://www.airbnb.co.in/
TC_020 (TS_01) Validate the winter release lear Open the link
Home Page more button https://www.airbnb.co.in/
TC_021 (TS_01) Validate the I am flexible button Open the link
Home Page https://www.airbnb.co.in/
TC_022 (TS_01) Validate inspiration from your Open the link
Home Page next trip section . https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_023 (TS_01) Validate discover airbnb Open the link

Home Page experiences section . https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_024 (TS_01) Validate questions about hosting Open the link

Home Page section https://www.airbnb.co.in/

TC_025 (TS_01) Validate navigating to Home page 1. Open the Application URL
Home Page from any page of the Applcation and navigate to any page of
using Logo the Application
TC_026 (TS_01) Validate the UI of Home page 1. Open the Application URL
Home Page functionality in any supported browser

TC_027 (TS_01) Validate the 'Home' page 1. Open the Application URL
Home Page functionality in all the supported in any supported browser
Test Steps Test Data

1.Click on the Places to stay Not Applicable

navigation.(Validat ER1)
2. Click on the Expirence
navigation(Validate ER2)
3. Click on the online expirences
navigation (Validate ER3)

1. Click on location box and type Location :- Udaipur

the place name .<Refer Test Check in :- 11 nov
Data> . Check out :- 25 Nov
2. Click on checkin box and select Guest :- 1 adult
the date from calender .<Refer
Test Data>
3. Click on check out box and
select the date from calender
.<Refer Test Data>
4. Click on guest box and select
guest .<Refer Test Data>
5. Click on the button having
search icon . (Validate ER1)

1. Click on the button having Not Applicable

search icon without filling any
1. Click on checkin box and select
the date from calender .<Refer Check in :- 11 nov
Test Data> Check out :- 25 Nov
2. Click on check out box and Guest :- 1 adult
select the date from calender
.<Refer Test Data>
3. Click on guest box and select
guest .<Refer Test Data>
4. Click on the button having
search icon . (Validate ER1)

1. Click on location box and type Location :- Udaipur

the place name .<Refer Test Guest :- 1 adult
Data> .
2. Click on guest box and select
guest .<Refer Test Data>
3. Click on the button having
search icon . (Validate ER1)
1. Click on location box and type Location :- Udaipur
the place name .<Refer Test Check in :- 11 nov
Data> . Check out :- 25 Nov
2. Click on checkin box and select
the date from calender .<Refer
Test Data>
3. Click on check out box and
select the date from calender
.<Refer Test Data>
4. Click on the button having
search icon . (Validate ER1)

1. Click on the button having Not Applicable

search icon
1. select the date from the Date :- 11 nov
2.Click on the button having
search icon

1. Add the location on textbox Location :- India

2.Click on the button having
search icon
1. Hover on the logo of airbnb. Not aplicable
(Validate ER1)
2. Click on the airbnb logo .
(Validate ER2)

1. Hover on the become a host Not Applicable

section.(Validate ER1)
2. Click on the become a host
section .(Validate ER2)

1. click on the globe icon present Not Applicable

on header .
2. Select the available language
from the popup.(Validate ER1)

1. scroll the home page to down Not Applicable

1. Click on the my account icon Not applicable

image.(Validate ER1)
2. click on the signup option
(Validate ER2)

1. Click on the my account icon Not applicable

image.(Validate ER1)
2. click on the login option
(Validate ER2)

1. Click on the my account icon Not applicable

image.(Validate ER1)
2. click on the Host your home
option (Validate ER2)
1. Click on the my account icon Not applicable
image.(Validate ER1)
2. click on the Host your
experience option (Validate ER2)

1. Click on the my account icon Not applicable

image.(Validate ER1)
2. click on the Help option
(Validate ER2)

Click on the play announcement Not applicable

Click on the winter release lear Not applicable
more button
Click on the I am flexible button Not applicable

1. Click on the New delhi section. Not applicable

(Validate ER1).
2. Click on the Delhi section.
(Validate ER2).
3. Click on the Jaipur section.
(Validate ER3)
4. Click on the Gurugram section
(Validate ER4)

1. Click on expirences button Not applicable

present in things to do on your
trip section.(Validate ER1).
2. Click on online experiences
button present in things to do
online section. (Validate ER2)

Click on asksuperhost button Not applicable

1. Click on the Logo 'Your Store' Not Applicable

in our application (Validate ER1)

1. Check the UI of the Not Applicable

functionality related to
'Home' page (Validate ER1)

1. Check the 'Home' page Not Applicable

functionality in all the supported
environments (Validate ER1)
Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1. The serachbox for places

to stay should come.
2. The serach box for expirences should show
3. It should redirect to this link

1. It should show the results of

hotels available at that date .

It should give error like no data

matches to your requirements

1. It should give error like please select


1. It should show the results of

hotels available for that location
1. It should show the results of
hotels available at that date and at that place .

It should show error message to add the

It should show error message to add the

It should show the experiences of that

particular location added

1. It should show the homapge url

2. It should remain on the homepage

1. It should show the url

2. It should redirect to the url

1. The whole homepage translation should be

changed to that particular language selected

The sticky header with serach box

should display while scrolling down
the homepage
1. it should show different options like signup,
login, Host your name , Host your expierence,
2. It should show signup form popup.

1. it should show different options like signup,

login, Host your name , Host your expierence,
2. It should show login form popup.

1. it should show different options like signup,

login, Host your name , Host your expierence,
2. It should redirect to link
1. it should show different options like signup,
login, Host your name , Host your experience,
2. It should redirect to link

1. it should show different options like signup,

login, Host your name , Host your experience,
2. It should show sidebar having FAQ and help
centre advice.

A popup should open and video should play

It should redirect to link

It should redirect to page showing different
attractions .
1. It shoul dredirect to page where vacant
hotels of new delhi should show .
2. It shoul dredirect to page where vacant
hotels of delhi should show .
3. It shoul dredirect to page where vacant
hotels of new Jaipur should show .
4. It shoul dredirect to page where vacant
hotels of Gurugram should show .

1. It should redirect to nearby expirences page

without refreshing the page .
2. It should redirect to
page without reloading the page

1. It should redirect to page

1. User should be taken to Home page

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should

be displayed for the 'Home' page functionality

1. 'Home' page functionality should work

correctly in all the supported environments

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