Compact Waste Water Treatment MBR /MBBR Technology
Compact Waste Water Treatment MBR /MBBR Technology
Compact Waste Water Treatment MBR /MBBR Technology
Operation and Maintenance
1 Costs and use of Chemicals 2
and Reuse water for Save Water, Energy, Money and
3 Conserve the Environment 4
Irrigation and Recreation
Water Engineering Packaged Water MBBR Treatment Sy Raw Wastewater Feed Pumps
stems are state of the art yet affordable plants which are
capable of giving excellent quality Treated sewage on Air Blowers and Coarse Bubble Diffusers for
small footprint Equalization/Sludge Tank (Optional)
The System is a Combination of the Fixed Film and Electromagnetic Flow Meters at Inlet of STP
By incorporating Activated Sludge Recirculation (RAS) Bio Media inside Aeration Tank
higher high quality Biomass can be maintained. This
makes the Process more stable, more responsive to load Air Blowers for Aeration Tanks
fluctuations and provides better oxygen diffusion, mixing
Sludge Recirculation/Waste Pumps
and energy efficiency then conventional MBBR.
Contact Tank
Collection Backwash Dosing
Tank Pumps P
Salient Features
WMBR 100 100 500 300/400 15/15 4.5 m * 2.5 m * 3.5 m 30 Inch
WMBR 150 150 750 300/400 15/15 6.3 m * 2.5 m * 3.5 m 36 Inch
WMBR 200 200 1000 300/400 15/15 8.2 m * 2.5 m * 3.5 m 42 Inch
WMBR 250 250 1250 300/400 15/15 10.1 m * 2.5 m * 3.5 m 48 Inch
WMBR 300 300 1500 300/400 15/15 12.0 m * 2.5 m * 3.5 m 48 Inch
WMBR 350 350 1750 300/400 15/15 12.0 m * 3.0 m * 3.5 m 63 Inch
*Calculations are based on discharge of 200 liters of Wastewater per person per day.
If bigger capacity is required than the standard modules can be added in parallel
2nd Anaerobic
Tank(DCPD) chamber
Flow Rate
Outlet pipe Flow rate
adjustment device A
su ir
Flow rate
Electrodes for P ly
Aerobic chamber
Aeration chamber
removal (Optional)
Bio-film filtration
blow er
Phosphorus Backwash
removal area
Bio-film filtration
chamber Clarification Washing
Aeration chamber
1st Anaerobic 2nd Anaerobic chamber
chamber/Primary settlement
优点 Performance Nitrogen removal
The systems are designed for installations in In anaerobic chambers, nitrogen-removing mic-
environmentally sensitive area and the effluent roorganisms grow on the surface of filter media.
can meet: The microorganisms convert nitrates in the re-
·COD ≤60mg/L circulated water coming from the aerobic chamber
·SS ≤20mg/L to nitrogen gas which returns to the atmosphere
·TN ≤15mg/L
without causing any harm.
·TP ≤1mg/L
·NH 3 -N ≤ 8mg/L
Phosphorus removal
Through electrolytic process of electrodes in the
wastewater, phosphate is generated and precipitated,
Automatic backwash thus removing phosphorus. The water washes the
Automatic backwash controlled by timer ensures: surface of electrodes, further stabilizing P removal.
·stable and highly efficient treatment performance
·automatically controlling the thickness of bio-film Flow rate adjustment
on the filter media
Combined with airlift pump and overflow weir, flow
·better nitrogen and SS removal
rate adjustment device easily controls the volume of
·the filter media not clogging both effluent water and re-circulated water.
Details of the systems
Effective volume m3 Dimension mm Inlet invert Outlet invert Weight Air blowers Diameter
Model 1st anaerobic 3 depth to base
2nd anaerobic Aerobic Clarification volume m (Kg) Power Airflow of access
chamber/Pri- length width height (mm) (mm)
mary settlement
chamber chambe chamber W(50Hz) L/min cover (mm)
DSP-SH-05B 0.334 0.371 0.284 0.112 1.437 1672 972 1477 360 370 250 30 40 600
15 years for tank, 2 years for electrical components
Structure diagram