Wall Rape, Jr, Cullen Talton ‘Captain Chay Chambers
ChierDeputy Paral Trafie Divison,
Major Tommy Jackson Sheriff, Houston County Captain Jon Hetiand
Chet Administ Incstipsions Division
‘Major Dave Carrick WARNER ROBINS, GEORGIA 31000
Jail Adair 478-542-2125 FAK 478-320-1544
Captsio Mikki Quinones Danks
511 EinergencyServese Juvenile Divison
January 10, 2022
Deputy Paul Urhahn
Hauston County Sheriff's Office
Civil Division
Deputy Urhahn,
Effective today’s date, January 10, 2022, your employment with the Houston County
Sheriff's Office is hereby suspended without pay pending termination. This decision was
reached after reviewing the requesting discipline letter and internal affairs investigation
report. Hind the following policies under viclation:
Standard Operating Procedure Section 5 (Conduct)
Page 5, (44)- An Officer must at all times, on and off duty, conduct him/herself in a
manner which does not bring discredit to the department ar county.
Page 5, (4B}- Conduct Unbecoming an Officer shall include that conduct
{2) Which has a tendency to destroy public respect for employees and confidence In
the department.
‘As per the Houston County Sheriff's Office SOP 6-2 (Appeals Process}, you have ten (10) days.
fram today’s date to request an appeal of the termination decision. Appeals are to be filed in
Sheriff Talton’s Office at 202 Carl Vinson Parkway, if you fail to file said request by 5 PM. on
‘Thursday January 20, 2022, your termination will be effective that date.
Cllr elie»
Cullen Tatton