Chapter Five 5.: System Design Using Object-Oriented Paradigm

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Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Chapter Five
5. System Design Using Object-Oriented Paradigm
5.1. Introduction
This is the second phase of our project entitled Ambo University Online Examination System.
In this phase we are going to verify brief aspect of phase one, and describe the phase two parts;
detail description of chapter five which focused on Object-Oriented design and system
containing class diagram, deployment diagram, state diagram, and relational persistence
modeling diagrams, and chapter six which focuses on System implementation. In general, in
this phase we will describe detail of our system design and implementation.

Review of phase one (I)

In the last phase, we have tried to describe the following: [1]
 Chapter one: Introduction
In this chapter we have discussed the background of the organization, statement of the problem,
and objectives of the problem, scope and limitations of the, and feasibility of the project.
 Chapter two: current system.
In this chapter we have described about current system including its practices, players of the
system, business rules and alternative solutions to the existing system.
 Chapter three: proposed system.
In this chapter we have stated the overview of the proposed system, functional and non
functional requirements user interface hardware/software requirements, and security.
 Chapter four: system modeling using OO (object oriented) paradigm.
In this chapter we have discussed use case diagram and dynamic model which contain sequence
and activity diagrams of the system.
In phase two (II) of the Ambo University Online Examination System, the following points will
be discussed.
 Chapter 5: Object-oriented design and system Implementation.
 Chapter 6: System implementation.

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

5.2. Class modeling

Class Modeling is design level that introduces changes to analysis class model based on
implementation technologies. It focuses on the solution domain instead of the problem domain.
It shows static nature of how the software is built.

5.2.1. Design modeling Class Diagram

In object oriented system Analysis, Real world concepts are modeled into objects. Conceptual
modeling hereby allows us to model these concepts which later involve in to a full-fledged class
models. A class is a set of objects that share a common structure and a common behavior (the
same attributes, operations, relationships and semantics).A class is an abstraction of real world
items. When these items exist in the real world they are instance of the class and are referred to
as objects and an object can be any person, place, and concepts or user interfaces. Classes are
represented by rectangles with three sections. These are:
The top section is the name of the class.
The middle section contains the attributes which store information about an item
The bottom section contains the methods that show what are done on object or class.
The class Diagram below shows the class of our system, their inter relationship (including
inheritance and association) and the operations and attributes of each classes. [2][3]

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Manages -Name : string
-IDNo : string
* -password : string
1 -username : string
Member of * -department : string
Admnistrator +Create Acct()
-Name : string +Delete Acct()
-ID : int +Change Acct()
-username : string
1 -password : string
+Update Admin Acct() Contains
+Delete Admin Acct()

Manages * *
E_Committee Student
* 1 Instructor +Course : string
+Course : string -
Faculty 1 *
-Faculty_id : string *
-Faculty_name : string 1 *
+Add_Faculty() 1 * 1
+Edit_Faculty() manages
+Delete_Faculty() Department

-Deptno : string
-Dept_Name : string
1 Has *
-Faculty : string *
* +Add_Dept()
+Edit_Dept() Exam
+Delete_Dept() *
-ExamNo : int
-ExamType : string
1 * -Question : string
* -Course : string
Has +Add_Exam() See
Course +Edit_Exam()
Has +Delete_Exam()
-CourseNo : int
-CourseTitle : string
-Credit_hr : int 1 *
* +Edit_Course() Calculates
+Delete_Course() *
* +Take_Course()
-Total *
* -StudentID

Fig: 5.1 Class diagrams of AU OES

5.2.2. Class Diagram Description

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014
This section specifies the description of class diagrams contained in our system, Ambo
University Online Examination System-AUOES. We have listed those descriptions as follows.

No Field name Data type Description

1 Name VarChar(30)not null Full Name of Administrator
2 ID VarChar(20)not null Identification of Admin
3 username VarChar(20)not null Username of Admin
4 password VarChar(20)not null Password of Admin
Method: UpdateAdminAcc(),DeleteAdminAcc()
UpdateAdminAcc(): to change the profile of admin
DeleteAdminAcc(): to delete the account of the admin
Table 5.1 class diagram description of attribute Administrator

No Fieldname Data Type Description

1 Name Varchar(30) not null Full name of the user (student,
instructor, exam committee)
2 IDNo Varchar(20) PRIMARY Identification number of user
KEY, not null
3 username Varchar(20) not null Username of User
4 password Varchar(20) not null Password of the user
5 Department Varchar(50) not null Department of the user
Method:CreateAccount(), DeleteAccount(), EditAccount()
CreateAccount():enables admin to create user account for users
DeleteAccount():enables admin to delete user account for users
EditAccount():enables admin to edit user account for users
Table 5.2 class diagram description of attribute User

No Field name Data Type Description

1 Faculty_id VARCHAR(10)Primary key, Identification number of faculty
2 Faculty_Name VARCHAR(50)NOT NULL Name of the faculty
Method: Add_Faculty(),DeleteFaculty()and Edit_Faculty()
Add_Faculty ():used for adding faculty to the system
Delete_Faculty ():used for Deleting faculty from the system
Edit_Faculty ():used for editing faculty of the system
Table 5.3 class diagram description of Faculty management

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

No Field Name Data Type Description

1 Deptno Varchar(20) PRIMARY Identification number of
KEY, NOT NULL department
2 Dept_Name Varchar(50) NOT NULL Name of the department
3 Faculty Varchar(50) NOT NULL Name Faculty the
department found in
Method: Add_Dept(), Edit_Dept(), Delete_Dept()
Add_Dept(): enables admin to add the department
Edit_Dept(): enables admin to edit department
Delete_Dept(): enables admin to delete the department
Table 5.4 Class diagram description of Department Management

No Field Name Data Type Description

1 CourseNo Varchar(20) PRIMARY Identification number of
KEY, NOT NULL course
2 CourseTitle Varchar(50) NOT NULL Name of the course
3 Departmnet Varchar(50) NOT NULL Name Department the
course found in
4 CreditHr Number Credit hour of the course
Method: Add_Course(), Edit_Course(), Delete_Course()
Add_ Course (): enables admin to add the course
Edit_ Course (): enables admin to edit course
Delete_ Course (): enables admin to delete the course
Table 5.5 Class diagram description of Course Management

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

No Field Name Data Type Description

1 ExamNo Varchar(20) PRIMARY Identification number of
2 ExamType Varchar(50) NOT NULL Type of the exam
3 Question Varchar(1000) NOT NULL Questions of the exam
4 Answer Varchar(1000)NOT NULL Answer of the question of
5 Course Varchar(50) NOTT NULL The course exam prepared
Method: Add_Exam(), Edit_Exam(), Delete_Exam(), Check_ Exam()
Add_ Exam (): enables instructor to add the exam
Edit_ Exam (): enables instructor to edit exam
Delete_ Exam (): enables instructor to delete the exam
Check_ Exam(): enables exam Committee to check exam
Table: 5.6 Class diagram description of exam

No Field Name Data Type Description

1 Result_id Varchar(20) PRIMARY Identification number of
2 Result_Value Number Total Result of student
3 Exam Varchar(50) NOT NULL Exam for which result is to
be calculated
4 Course Varchar(50) NOT NULL The course of the exam
result is to be calculated
5 Student_Id Varchar(20) NOT NULL The identification number
of student that result
calculated for
Method: See_Result(), Calculate_Result()
See_Result(): enables instructor and student to see result of student
Calculate_Result(): enables the system to calculate the result of student
Table: 5.7 Class Diagram Description of Result

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

5.3. Deployment Diagram

UML deployment diagram show physical view of system, taking software into real world by
showing how software gets assigned to hardware and how communicates. The deployment
diagram shows how the software components, processes, and objects are deployed into the
physical architecture of the system. It shows the configuration of the hardware units (e.g.
Computers, communication devices, etc) and how the software components are distributed
across the units. [2]

AUOES (Ambo University Online Examination System) is server client structure architecture,
where clients access services offered by server. The deployment diagram is shown as follows.

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Client Machine

:Chrome TCP/IP
Web Server Admin

:E xplo r e r



Central Data Base


Fig 5.2 Deployment diagram of system

Description of the architecture of the system is described as follows.

Clients are responsible for:-

 Provide user interface to the user enabling to get services
 Receiving inputs from user
 Checking range of performance
 Initiating database transactions once all necessary data are collected.
Server responsible for:-
 Transaction performance
 Guaranteeing the integrity of data.
 Putting backup of the database

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

5.4. Persistence Modeling

Persistence of our object can be achieved by relational database since it used as machine to
make object persistent. It describes the persistent data aspect of software system. Our system
includes the basic table that handles the data of system implemented using MySQL server.
Mapping class and relational table
Mapping refers how objects and their relationship are stored in relational database. [3] The
mapping of the data to be persisted in our system is given as follows:

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Fig: 5.3 Persistence data management

5.5. State chart

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014
UML state chart diagram is used to describe the behavior of an individual object as a number of
states and transitions between these states. A state represents a particular set of values for an
object. It has initial and final states. Transition is used as a progression from one state to
another. Our project team has designed the following state chart diagram for our system. [2]


Home Page opened

Enter account and role, press login

Authenticate user account and role


press logout
Page of user Home Page

Press Close

Fig 5.4 State chart Diagram of user login

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Select User

User Management Page

create,edit,delete account and press ok


Authenticate account


press logout
useraccount affected Home Page

Press Close

Fig 5.5 State chart Diagram of user management on admin page

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Click Exam menu

Exam Management Page

Select Department and course


Authenticate Selection

Question area displayed

Add question and answer,submit

Question added

Fig 5.6 State chart Diagram of exam management on instructor page

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Click Exam menu

Exam Checking Page

Select Department and course invalid

Authenticate Selection

Question Page displayed

Read question and check, comment

Question Checked

Fig 5.7 State chart Diagram of exam management on Exam Committee page

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Click Exam menu

Exam Page Displayed

Select Department and course


Authenticate Selection

Question Page displayed

Take question and submit answer

Question added and closed

Fig 5.8 State chart Diagram of exam page for student

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Click Result Menu

Result Page Displayed

Select Department and course


Authenticate Selection


Respective Result displayed

Fig 5.9 State chart Diagram of result page for student and instructor

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

5.6. User interfaces

User interface design is the specification of the interaction between the system
users and a system. The process involves input mechanism design, output
mechanism design, and navigation mechanism.

 Navigation mechanism is part of user interface that takes the user form
one part of the system to the other user system. That includes menus or
links, buttons, icons, dialog boxes etc.
 Input design is about designing a form and its controls for GUI system.
 Output design is about designing reports like detailed, summarized,
exceptional, graph, chart, text document report and extra.

In our system the menus that are functioning on the home page are the

Fig 5.10 Home Page of the System

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Fig 5.11 Home Page for admin of the System

Fig 5.12 Faculty Management Page of the System

Fig 5.12 Department Management Page of the System

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Fig 5.13 Schedule adding page of the system

Fig 5.13 Exam adding page of the system

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

Chapter Six
6. System Implementation and Testing
6.1. Introduction
In this chapter of our project we are going to explain about System Implementation and
testing of the AUOES system.
6.2. System Testing
6.2.1. Testing Plan
Testing is the process of finding the difference between expected behaviors specified by the
system model and observed behavior of the implemented system. [2][4]
6.2.2. System Conversion
System Conversion refers to drop or change the existing manual system and to start the new
system. There are three types of conversion methods.
 Parallel Conversion: performing the previous style to work and the new system
parallel until all necessary preparation is done to directly switch to the system.
 Channel Conversion: is the case when the registrar installs the new system small
components, check whether it is satisfactory for giving a good service and slot in the
 Straight Conversion: the case when the existing system is dropped completely and the
new system is driven in.[3]

6.2.3. Testing Techniques Methodologies

The Proposed system can be tested through the following testing strategies.
 Unit testing: in this testing strategy the system components and modules are tested one
by one. Each component where first identified and then tested.
 System testing: the architectural design of the system must be correct to have a correct
 Volume testing: most realistic type of testing .because it uses registrar data for which
the system is developed for. It checks all necessary conditions applied in working

6.3. Testing User Interface

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014
Login to the System Testing:
When user of the system does not enter Username and password it displays value
required message.

Fig: 6.1 Login to the System Testing (Null value)

Wrong Username or password entered:

 Whenever users of the system entered the incorrect username or password the invalid
data entry message will be displayed. If correct required page will be arrived.

Fig:6.2 Login to the System Testing (Incorrect user name or password)

Admin page to add user to the system (missing Values) testing:

 When admin do not insert all the required data of the user the system will display value
required message and enables to enter data again. Since data entry enterface of all user
is similar the same error message will be displayed.

Fig 6.3 Error message when to be entered to the system is not filled

Admin page to add user to the system (correct value) testing:

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014
 When admin inserted all the values of user information to register correctly the success
alert message will be displayed. It is similar for all users. The success message will be
displayed when deletion and update of the user is correctly done.

Fig: 6.4 Success message for user adding deleting and updating done correctly

Admin page to manage faculty, department and course to the system (missed value)
 While admin manages faculty, department and course if data missed while insertion,
value required message will be displayed.

Fig 6.5 Error message when required data is missed

Admin page to manage faculty, department and course to the system (correct value)
 When admin entered the required values correctly the success message will be

Fig 6.6 success message while managing faculty, department and course

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

6.4. Conclusion
Considering the drawbacks of the existing system and importance of new technologies the
developed system, Ambo University Online Examination system is very useful to simplify
examination system of Ambo University. Therefore a great striving played for this project of
Ambo University Online Grade Report Generation System to be developed.

The system performs works better than existing system (usability, speed, efficiency and
effectiveness). Security also included in this system developed and every user can access the
required services. The system is also very useful in minimizing time and other utilities wastage.
AUOES system is developed to give the effective examination process that satisfies the need of
all users in the system.

6.5. Recommendations
Ambo University Online Examination System 2014
Current Ambo University Examination System is manual system or file based system and far
away from advanced technology and information. Since this developed system is advanced our
system have to recommend by Ambo University to accept and use this system because it is easy
to use and save the time and resources’ for the university.

6.6. References
1. [1] AUOES documentation Phase I
2. [2] OOSAD Handout.
3. [3] “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Third Edition, Ramez Elmasri
4. [4] Software Engineering (2009), “A Practitioner’s Approach”, Seventh Edition, Roger S.
Pressman, Ph.D.

6.7. Acronyms

Ambo University Online Examination System 2014

No Acronym Meaning

1 AUOES Ambo University Online Examination System

2 ID Identification number

3 Acct Account

4 Dept Department

5 GUI Graphical User Interface

6 OOSAD Object Oriented System Analysis and Design

7 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

Table 6.1 Table of Acronym and abbreviations used in documentation


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