Students' Orientation Day Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students Are Be Able To: 1. Identify The Types of Number Patterns

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Bali Kiddy Secondary School

Weekly Home based Learning Schedule

Week 1 (12 - 16 July 2021)
Academic Year 2021/ 2022
Grade 8A

Date Topic (Indicator and Learning Objective) Learning Activities, Assesment and or
Students’ Orientation Day
Monday, 12th
Pattern, Sequence, and Series  Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Wednesday, 14th (Meeting ID and password will be share in google
Students are be able to :
1. Identify the types of number patterns
 Teacher will share about class introduction and
rules agreement with students

 Teacher will explain about the material

 After teacher explain about the material, students
and teacher and students will do an exploration and
exercise together on Zoom Class.
 Students have to continue their project assignmnet

Thursday, 15th Pattern, Sequence, and Series  Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
2021 (Meeting ID and password will be share in google
Students are be able to :
1. Identify the types of number patterns  Teacher will explain about the material “Pattern”
teacher explain about the material, students and
teacher and students will do an exploration and
exercise together on Zoom Class.
 Students have to continue their project assignmnet
Bali Kiddy Secondary School
Weekly Home based Learning Schedule
Week 2 (19 - 23 July 2021)
Academic Year 2021/ 2022
Grade 8A

Date Topic (Indicator and Learning Objective) Learning Activities, Assesment and or
Pattern, Sequence, and Series  Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Monday, 19th Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
2021 1. Identify the types of number patterns (pascals number and classroom)
fibonacci)  Teacher will explain about the material ”Pascals
pattern and fibonnaci”
 Students and teacher will do an exploration and
exercise together on Zoom Class.
 Students find the conclusion of the lesson
 Students have to continue their assignment

Pattern, Sequence, and Series  Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Wednesday, 21st Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
2021 1. Identify the arithmetic sequences classroom)
2. Determine the common different of arithmetic sequence  Teacher will explain about the material “Arithmetic
3. Determine the n-th term of an arithmetic sequence Sequences”
 Students and teacher will do an exploration and
exercise together on Zoom Class
 Students find the conclusion of the lesson
 Students have to continue their assignment “Jigsaw

Thursday, 22th Pattern, Sequence, and Series  Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
2021 Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
1. Determine the sums (series) of arithmetic sequence classroom)
2. Determine the n-th term of an arithmetic sequence  Teacher will explain about the material ”Sums of
arithmetic sequence”
 Students and teacher will do an exploration with
their group about the application of arithemtic
sequence and series on Zoom Class.
 Students to present the results of their group
 Students find the conclusion of the lesson
Bali Kiddy Secondary School
Weekly Home based Learning Schedule
Week 3 (26 - 30 July 2021)
Academic Year 2021/ 2022
Grade 8A

Date Topic (Indicator and Learning Objective) Learning Activities, Assesment and or
Pattern, Sequence, and Series  Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Monday, 26th July Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
2021 1. Determine the n-th term of a geometric sequences classroom)
2. Determine the sums (series) of geometric  Teacher will explain about the material ”Sums of
arithmetic sequence”
 Students and teacher will do an exploration and
exercise together on Zoom Class
 Students find the conclusion of the lesson
 Students have to continue their assignment “Jigsaw

Pattern, Sequence, and Series  Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Wednesday, 21st Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
2021 1. Solve problems related to geometric sequences and series classroom)
 Teacher will explain about the material ”Word
Problems of Geometric Sequences and Series”
 Students and teacher will do an exploration with
their group about the application of geometric
sequence and series on Zoom Class.
 Students to present the results of their group
 Students find the conclusion of the lesson

Thursday, 22th Pattern, Sequence, and Series (Review Chapter)  Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
2021 (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
 Teacher will explain about “Review Materials”
 Students and teacher will do an exercise on Zoom
 Students find the conclusion of the lesson
 Students have to create “Pattern, Sequences, and
Series Poster”
Bali Kiddy Secondary School
Weekly Home based Learning Schedule
Week 4 (2- 6 August 2021)
Academic Year 2021/ 2022
Grade 8A

Date Topic (Indicator and Learning Objective) Learning Activities, Assesment and or
Daily Test 1  Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Monday, 2nd Chapter “Pattern and Sequence” (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
August 2021 classroom)
 Teacher will share about the link of daily test
 Students have to work on the daily test
 Students have to submit their daily test

Remedial and Enrichment to  Students whose score below 69 will join

Wednesday, 3rd Chapter “Pattern and Sequence” remedial teaching
August 2021  Students whose score 69 and above will join
Thursday, 4th Cartesian Coordinate  Teacher will give a students an asynchronous
August 2021 Students are be able to : lesson
1. Ploting points on a cartesian coordinate (ordered-pairs)  Students will watch a video related to the lesson
 Students will make a group to play a game named
“Battleship game” with their partner

Badung, 9 July 2021

Bali Kiddy Secondary Principal

Ni Kadek Ayu Wirawati, S.Pd., M.Pd

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