Students' Orientation Day Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students Are Be Able To: 1. Identify The Types of Number Patterns
Students' Orientation Day Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students Are Be Able To: 1. Identify The Types of Number Patterns
Students' Orientation Day Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students Are Be Able To: 1. Identify The Types of Number Patterns
Date Topic (Indicator and Learning Objective) Learning Activities, Assesment and or
Students’ Orientation Day
Monday, 12th
Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Wednesday, 14th (Meeting ID and password will be share in google
Students are be able to :
1. Identify the types of number patterns
Teacher will share about class introduction and
rules agreement with students
Thursday, 15th Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
2021 (Meeting ID and password will be share in google
Students are be able to :
1. Identify the types of number patterns Teacher will explain about the material “Pattern”
teacher explain about the material, students and
teacher and students will do an exploration and
exercise together on Zoom Class.
Students have to continue their project assignmnet
Bali Kiddy Secondary School
Weekly Home based Learning Schedule
Week 2 (19 - 23 July 2021)
Academic Year 2021/ 2022
Grade 8A
Date Topic (Indicator and Learning Objective) Learning Activities, Assesment and or
Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Monday, 19th Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
2021 1. Identify the types of number patterns (pascals number and classroom)
fibonacci) Teacher will explain about the material ”Pascals
pattern and fibonnaci”
Students and teacher will do an exploration and
exercise together on Zoom Class.
Students find the conclusion of the lesson
Students have to continue their assignment
Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Wednesday, 21st Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
2021 1. Identify the arithmetic sequences classroom)
2. Determine the common different of arithmetic sequence Teacher will explain about the material “Arithmetic
3. Determine the n-th term of an arithmetic sequence Sequences”
Students and teacher will do an exploration and
exercise together on Zoom Class
Students find the conclusion of the lesson
Students have to continue their assignment “Jigsaw
Thursday, 22th Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
2021 Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
1. Determine the sums (series) of arithmetic sequence classroom)
2. Determine the n-th term of an arithmetic sequence Teacher will explain about the material ”Sums of
arithmetic sequence”
Students and teacher will do an exploration with
their group about the application of arithemtic
sequence and series on Zoom Class.
Students to present the results of their group
Students find the conclusion of the lesson
Bali Kiddy Secondary School
Weekly Home based Learning Schedule
Week 3 (26 - 30 July 2021)
Academic Year 2021/ 2022
Grade 8A
Date Topic (Indicator and Learning Objective) Learning Activities, Assesment and or
Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Monday, 26th July Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
2021 1. Determine the n-th term of a geometric sequences classroom)
2. Determine the sums (series) of geometric Teacher will explain about the material ”Sums of
arithmetic sequence”
Students and teacher will do an exploration and
exercise together on Zoom Class
Students find the conclusion of the lesson
Students have to continue their assignment “Jigsaw
Pattern, Sequence, and Series Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Wednesday, 21st Students are be able to : (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
2021 1. Solve problems related to geometric sequences and series classroom)
Teacher will explain about the material ”Word
Problems of Geometric Sequences and Series”
Students and teacher will do an exploration with
their group about the application of geometric
sequence and series on Zoom Class.
Students to present the results of their group
Students find the conclusion of the lesson
Thursday, 22th Pattern, Sequence, and Series (Review Chapter) Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
2021 (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
Teacher will explain about “Review Materials”
Students and teacher will do an exercise on Zoom
Students find the conclusion of the lesson
Students have to create “Pattern, Sequences, and
Series Poster”
Bali Kiddy Secondary School
Weekly Home based Learning Schedule
Week 4 (2- 6 August 2021)
Academic Year 2021/ 2022
Grade 8A
Date Topic (Indicator and Learning Objective) Learning Activities, Assesment and or
Daily Test 1 Students have to join the v-meeting on Zoom
Monday, 2nd Chapter “Pattern and Sequence” (Meeting ID) and password will be share in google
August 2021 classroom)
Teacher will share about the link of daily test
Students have to work on the daily test
Students have to submit their daily test