A Critical Review of Human Resource Competency Model

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Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No.

12, December 2017

A Critical Review of Human Resource Competency Model:

Evolvement in Required Competencies for Human
Resource Professionals
Giang Thi Huong Vu

 specific HR competency model is better [5].

Abstract—The twenty-first century witnessed the Thus, the purpose of this research is to review and synthesis
development of human resource (HR) competency model in literature on human resource competencies and analyze
some regions. Many scholars in the human resource
changes in required competencies of human resource
management (HRM) field have conducted a range of research
regarding the competency model of human resource professionals. The research discusses evolvement in HR
professionals. As a result, the purpose of this research is to competency model in the HRM literature. Besides, the
review and synthesis literature on human resource research also provides a comparison on empirical HR
competencies and analyze changes in required competencies of
competency research between Western and Asian countries in
human resource professionals. The research discussed
evolvement in HR competency model in the HRM literature. The order to present the differences on required HR competencies.
findings reflected the changes of required HR competencies
from functional HR competencies to HR competencies related to
more strategic roles. This research is a review of HR competency II. OVERVIEW OF HR COMPETENCIES
literature and an attempt to shed some additional light on the
field of competency model in general and HR competency model A. Definition of Competencies and HR Competencies
in specific, especially research in emerging countries.
Implications from this research and suggestions for future 1)Competency
research directions were discussed. The HRM literature saw a transformation from job or task
based to competency based system, which is today commonly
Index Terms—Competencies, HR competencies, HR
used in most of organizations to achieve superior
professionals, HR roles.
organizational performance. The terminology of
“competency” was first perceived in the research of [6].
I. INTRODUCTION However, there has not been an agreement on the definition of
competency yet up to now. In general, competency refers to a
More recently, competency model has been used in many
set of dimensions of behaviors that employees need to acquire
aspects of human resource management (HRM) practices,
in order to have superior performance at work [7], [8].
ranging from individual functions such as recruitment and
Specifically, competencies are determined to be “the skills,
selection, performance management to organizational
knowledge, personal characteristics, and behaviors needed to
strategic planning and design of organizational structure and
effectively perform a role in the organization and help the
culture. Human resource (HR) is known as essential factor in
business meet its strategic objectives” [9]. Moreover, [10]
the success of many organizations and considered as a source
defined competency as “an underlying characteristic of an
of sustained competitive advantage [1]-[3]. As a profession,
employee (i.e., a motive, trait, skill, aspect of one’s self-image,
HR professionals are required to possess academic
social role, or a body of knowledge) which results in superior
preparation, specialized knowledge, practical experience [4].
performance”. In other words, competencies are behaviors that
The twenty-first century witnessed heightened interest in
encompass the knowledge, skills, and attributes required for
developing HR competencies in different markets. Many
successful performance. [11] defined competency as five types
scholars in the HRM field have conducted a range of research
of “underlying characteristics” including motives, traits,
regarding the competency model of human resource
self-concept, knowledge and skill. According to Iceberg
professionals. HR competency literature has demonstrated
model, skill and knowledge competencies are relatively
that the requirements of HR competencies have been varied
surface, visible characteristics, which are easy to develop
from emerging to traditional markets. Although many
through training programs; while motives, traits, self-concept
independent organizations, HR associations, consultants, and
competencies are core personality, which are more hidden,
researchers have made an effort to propose competency
considered as the base of personality iceberg and difficultly
models for HR professionals, there exists a debate on which
2)Human resource competency
Manuscript received November 28, 2017; revised December 24, 2017.
Giang Thi Huong Vu is with the Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam. To sustain the transformation of the HR function, HR
She is now a PhD Student of Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya professionals must develop and demonstrate a new set of
University, Nagoya, 464-8601 Japan (e-mail: giangvth@ ftu.edu.vn).

doi: 10.18178/joebm.2017.5.12.539 357

Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2017

competencies to fulfill their changing roles and competencies for team leader, midlevel manager and executive,
responsibilities [12]. In general, HR competency is defined as and competencies for three specific HR roles such as HR
a personnel-related concept referring to a set of behavioral product and service specialist, HR generalist and HR strategist
dimensions of HR professionals’ effective performance at [18]. Moreover, [19] suggested two broad competency
work. HR competency is known to be a cluster of domains that help HR professionals improve effectiveness of
characteristics contributing to HR professionals’ effective HRM system include professional HRM capabilities relating
performance that helps an organization to implement to traditional HR delivery and business related capabilities
successfully its business strategies in a competitive market reflecting a business understanding as well as strategy
[13]. These characteristics are knowledge, skills, abilities or implementation.
personal characteristics which HR professionals need to Along with SHRM’s research, at the professional level, HR
achieve their high performance. HR professionals with the associations in Australia and United Kingdom also began to
right competencies will perform better their job role. create HR competencies into more specific and easily
measureable capabilities. Specifically, The Chartered Institute
B. History and Overview of HR Competencies of Personnel Development in the UK identified knowledge
The present business world is experiencing great revolution, and behaviors for HR and learning and developing
and HR practices are changing to focus more on activities professional in an “HR profession Map”, which comprises
related to strategic roles. Thus, many scholars have paid more eight behaviors, ten professional areas and four bands of
attention on different kinds of HR competencies in order to professional competence [20]. In the same vein, the Australian
add value to organizational performance. Over the last thirty Human Resources Institute (AHRI) has developed the “Model
years, it is witnessed an enormous growth in HR competency
of Excellence” identifying capabilities and behaviors for HR
related research conducted to identify appropriate
practitioners. Based on data of 2014 AHRI member survey, the
competencies for HR professionals in order to improve
“Model of Excellence” encompassing ten behaviors and seven
organizational performance. As early as the mid 1908s, the
initial research on HR competency model was implemented by capabilities was designed as a framework for assessment
Patricia McLagan, sponsored by the American Society of competency proficiency as well as the formal accreditation of
Training and Development (ASTD). Her primary research all HR training programs [21].
focused on determining competencies for HR training and Notably, that is HR competency model originally developed
development (HRD) professionals; and then generalized to all by Ulrich and his research team. The initial HR competency
HR professionals. This ASTD model for HRD professionals model was developed in 1987 and over the years, the model
identified important HRD roles including administrator, HRD has undergone massive updates and revisions. From 1987 to
manager, evaluator, HRM material developer, career 2002, every five years, Ulrich and his research team have
development advisor, instructor/trainer, marketer, need conducted six researches called the human resource
analyst, program designer, organization change agent, and competency study (HRCS) to determine needed HR
researcher as well as developed four competency domains competencies that explain what makes HR professionals have
namely business, technical, interpersonal, and intellectual effective performance and what HR professionals do to
competencies [14], [15]. At the same time, a huge number of influence organizational performance. By using a 360-degree
consulting firms such as Deloitte, Boston Consulting Group methodology in each round, the HRCS identified specific
also began to build their own HR competency model. These
behavioral competencies required for HR professionals.
works often originated by identifying low and high
To summarize, though there are great effort to develop a
performance of HR professionals; and then interviewing these
common list of HR competencies, there is no consensus on
two HR groups around critical incidents to determine factors
generic competency model for HR professionals due to
which would contribute to differentiate the two groups
include knowledge, skills, and abilities. This way would help different concepts and contexts employed by HRM theorists
to build HR competencies leading to high performance. [22].
Further, there are some scholars examining what skills,
knowledge, attitude, behaviors are needed for HR
professionals. Particularly, [16] identified HR competencies III. EVOLVEMENT IN REQUIRED HR COMPETENCIES
in leadership areas, including business knowledge, personal
A. Identifying and Developing Required HR Competencies
management, job skills, achievement directed assertiveness,
interpersonal effectiveness, cognitive complexity and agility. 1)Research approach and methodology
In the collaboration with the Society for Human resource With the transformation of HR functions, there is a call for
management (SHRM), [17] also developed five competency creating a new competency model for HR professionals. The
domains for HR executives containing influence management, alignment of HR competencies with the changing HR visions,
HR technical proficiency, business knowledge, goal and strategies, systems, structures, and processes will contribute
action management, functional and organizational leadership. to effective transformation of HR functions. Most of HR
Similarly, another study of HR competencies sponsored by competency studies have tried to answer the questions “what
SHRM explored a cluster of HR competencies in three main are the essential competencies of HR professionals to
areas, namely core HR competencies, level-specific effectively perform their job role”? A numerous number of HR

Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2017

competencies have been conducted to develop required HR business strategy was a unique role competency and critical
competencies and have also investigated the impact of HR for only HR strategist or generalist, while leadership was
competencies on three organizational outcomes, namely necessary for just two roles, namely leader and organizational
individual job performance, personal effectiveness of HR leader. Similarly, [12] developed a small set of core
professionals and business results. competencies for various HR roles such as effective
A HR competency model can serve as an instrument to communication, credibility and integrity, negotiation and
identify the current skill gaps as well as guidance to improve conflict resolution, systematic perspective, business acumen,
the performance of HR professionals. The main purpose of HR customer orientation as well as some role specific
competency model is to improve the quality of HR competencies, namely strategic HR competencies linked to
professionals. Thus, HR competencies need to be revised over leadership HR roles and functional HR competencies for
time to meet the changes of HR functions and business consultation and specialist HR expertise roles. Further,
requirements. However, identifying needed HR competencies competencies are “a set of context-specific behaviors that
requires choice of suitable research methodology. There are define what success looks like in action in a particular
some methodological issues which need to be considered, setting…each person can select competencies according to
include “what you measure, whose perspective matters most, individual, functional, and organizational needs” [29];
the frequency of evaluation, and analytical techniques” [5]. therefore, HR competency model encompasses four
The HR competency research has focused on identifying competency blocks, such as personal attributes, leadership
individual behaviors, attitudes, performance outcomes and and management competencies, HR core competencies and
situational judgments by using behavioral event interview HR role-specific competencies, which represents success
(BEI). However, most of HR competency research has been a factors to meet different cluster of environmental requirements
cross-sectional study, which collected data at one point in for HR professionals [29]. Besides, some other scholars also
time, while there is a few HR competency research using a emphasized on determining tailored HR competencies for
longitudinal design with collected data at different points in specific organizations, for example, competency profile for
time in order to explore changes and evolvement of HR HR relationship managers of the Bank of Montreal [24] or HR
competencies. Beside using case studies to design HR competency model for Reliant Energy [30].
competency model [23]-[25], the scholars also relied on large 3)Strategic and Functional competencies
–scale survey research based on self-assessment of HR Due to transformation of HR roles from functional to more
professionals and consultants or a 360-degree methodology
strategic contribution to the business, the recent HR
with assessment from HR professionals and their associates
competency models are designed to assist HR professionals to
such as supervisors, peers, subordinates, and clients.
adopt their strategic role. The HR competency research
2)General and Tailored HR competencies pointed out the importance of strategic HR competencies for
A critical review of HR competency literature reflects a job success of HR professionals. Specifically, based on
predominant effort on developing general competencies, situationalist perspective, [31] made an effort to identify
which are relevant to entire HR profession regardless of functional and strategic HR competencies for HR practitioners.
context such as firm size, role, function, career stage. Among Functional HR competencies refers to the delivery of HR
these studies, there is a great deal of attention focused on functions such as recruitment, compensation, employee
assessing and verifying the influence of critical HR education and training, employee selection and remuneration
competencies on organizational outcomes [19], [26], [27]. while strategic HR competencies are known as
However, there is a debate on the suitability of one-size-fits all business-related competencies which enable HR professionals
and generic competency models in different organizational to align HR strategies with business strategies [19]. HR
contexts because “They don’t work…competencies are functional competencies comprise domains of HR delivery
particular to the organization or an industry…each person has referring to ability to design as well as deliver basic and
to build on their own abilities and find what fits for them” [28]. advanced HR practices, personal credibility related to
Generic HR competencies involve key competencies that are effective interpersonal relationship, communication skills and
universally applicable to the entire HR profession in different achievement of results, and HR technology involving the
organizational context [28], [12]; while context-specific HR ability to use effectively technology in HR transactions [27].
competencies are tailored competencies which are relevant to a Strategic HR competencies consist of business knowledge
particular organization or industry, or even HR job role or relating to knowledge of company and industry, and strategic
position level [12], [23]. contribution including ability to relate to customers as well as
Beside emphasis on identifying generic HR competencies, active involvement in strategic activities such as
some scholars have claimed that HR competencies are organizational change and development, strategic
role-specific [12], [23], [29]. [23], for example, conducted a decision-making [27]. Most notably, the study of [31]
filed-study to identify required key HR competencies, confirmed that self-belief and social factors, leadership and
including core competencies that are applicable to entire HR relationship building are generic HR competency domains,
roles, leverage competencies and role competencies relating to while business awareness serves as a main differentiator
particular roles. [23] also suggested that knowledge of between strategic and functional HR roles. These findings

Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2017

reflected an opposite view compared to those of [12], [23], has become the largest and most comprehensive HR
[29], who identified generic HR competencies including competency model and developed nine key competency
business knowledge and financial savvy. However, the domains (details in Table I), along with a detailed set of
research findings of [31] are consistent with those of [13], [32], sub-competencies and proficiency statements [39].
[33] that business awareness comprising factors of strategic
thinking, political and financial savvy is more important for TABLE I: SUMMARY OF EVOLVED HR COMPETENCY MODELS
No Authors Sample Findings
strategic HR roles because strategic HR roles enable HR 1 [37] interview with 5 competency clusters for HR
practitioners more greatly interact with senior executives as sponsored 20 CEOs and executives
well as participate in developing and implementing business by SHRM 50 HR  business knowledge
professionals  influence management
strategy. Thus, future HR competency research should pay
 functional and organizational
more attention on developing role-specific HR competency, leadership
especially strategic competencies that help HR professionals  goal and action management
fulfill their strategic roles and create more added values to  HR technical proficiency
2 [17] Interviewed Senior-level HR competency
organizations. with 23 CEO model:
and 30  Business knowledge
B. Evolutionary HR Competency Models senior-level  Influence management
More recent years witnessed an enormous evolution in HR  Functional and
professionals organizational leadership
identifying needed competencies for HR professionals. In the in the U.S  Goal and action management
past, the HR practitioners predominantly focused on technical  HR technical proficiency
or functional HR competencies which related to only 3 [18] 300 interviews  core HR competencies:
traditional HR functions. However, due to current business sponsored in 21 leadership style, management
by SHRM companies intuition, functional abilities,
needs, HR professionals need to play more roles of strategic personal attributes
business partner to respond to the changing global business  level-specific competencies:
team leader, midlevel manager,
trends [34]. On the basis of the increased interest in human
resource management – organizational performance  role-specific competencies:
relationship, many scholars have made an attempt to explore HR product/service specialist,
HR generalist, HR strategist
different categories of competencies that HR professionals
4 Ulrich 10,291 3 HR competency domains:
should possess to add value to their organizational (1987) respondents,  Business knowledge
performance. Most notably longitudinal study of HR including HR  HR delivery
and line  Change
competency is the HR competency study originally developed managers
by Ulrich and his team since 1987. The study has been 5 Ulrich 4,556 4 HR competency domains:
conducted repeatedly every five years and every time, Ulrich (1992) respondents,  Business knowledge
including HR  HR delivery
and his team revised and updated new HR competencies which and line  Change
are suitable to the changing business world. At the beginning, managers  Personal credibility
the study was only carried out in the U.S region; however, 6 [40] 3,229 5 HR competency domains:
respondents,  Business knowledge
since 2002, the other regions were involved in the study called including HR  HR delivery
HRCS. The participation of HR professionals in different and line  Change
regions has helped the HRCS become increasing global and managers  Culture
 Personal credibility
more generalization. Especially, the 2012 study advanced to
7 Ulrich with 7,082 5 HR competency domains:
the global range to contain the leading HR professional SHRM [36] respondents,  Business knowledge
organizations in Northern Europe, Australia, Latin America, including HR  Strategic contribution
and line  HR delivery
Middle East, South Africa, India and China. Overtime, the HR managers  HR technology
competency models have evolved, which are described detail  Personal credibility
in the table 1 below. The most revised HR competency model 8 [38] (with 10,063 6 HR competency domains:
by [35] suggested six HR competency domains with twenty SHRM) respondents,  Business Ally
including HR  Strategic architect
HR competency sub-factors, namely: strategic positioner, and line  Talent manager and
credible activist, capability builder, change champion, HR managers organization designer
innovator and integrator, technology proponent. This model is  Operational executor
 Culture and change steward
more relevant to the current business environment and is  Credible activist
directly related with the HR professionals’ in the 21st century. 9 [41] 20,023 6 HR competency domains:
Furthermore, there is a series of HR competency research respondents,  Strategic positioner
including HR  HR Innovator and Integrator
sponsored by SHRM [17], [18], [36]-[38]. More recently, and line  Technology or information
SHRM developed a HR competency model through managers proponent
face-to-face interaction with more than 32,000 SHRM  Change champion
 Organizational capability
members and HR professionals at all HR career levels, ranging builder
from entry to executive level. The SHRM competency model  Credible activist

Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2017

10 [39] In 2012, Identified 9 competency architecture related competency, change competency,

conducted 111 categories and created a Body
focus groups of Competency and
organization and culture competency and personal
and surveyed Knowledge: competency.
640 CHROs  Communication Business. This domain is called business acumen or
and 32,314  Relationship management business related competencies, which involve core business
SHRM  Ethical practice
members and  HR expertise (HR
knowledge. HR professionals must possess not only
HR knowledge) knowledge of business operations such as distribution
professionals  Business acumen channels and operation management, supply chain
from 33  Critical evaluation management, finance, accounting, marketing but also
countries  Global and cultural
effectiveness knowledge of external reliabilities such as market
 Leadership and navigation segmentation, customer buying criteria, capital markets as
 Consultation well as have ability to apply this knowledge to formulate and
11 [20] The Profession Map: implement business strategy [5] (Ulrich et al., 2015).
 10 professional areas:
strategy and solutions, leading Human resource tools, practices and process. This
HR, organization design, category is called HR expertise, including well-developed
organization development, knowledge about HR strategy, policies, structure, practices,
resourcing and talent planning,
learning and development,
laws, regulations and principles that underlie effective HR
performance and reward, practices [39]. Besides, HR professionals also must have
employee engagement, ability to design and use HR tools to successfully develop,
employee relations, service
maintain and executing rigorous HR practices, policies and
delivery and information
 8 professional behaviors: procedures.
curious, decisive thinker, HR information systems, analytics, and architecture.
skilled influencer, personally Competence in this domain involves in information
credible, collaborative, driven
to deliver, courage to challenge,
management and HR technology tools. HR professionals need
role model to hold skills and knowledge related to human resource
12 [21] 2014 AHRI The Model of Excellence: information system management, and apply predictive
member  10 behaviors: professional, analytics to HR issues. Using HR technology will help to
survey critical and enquiring thinker,
solutions driven, future bring down HR costs and administrative burdens [43]; thus,
oriented, influencer, HR professionals will have more time for strategic roles.
courageous, understand and Besides, HR professionals should be able to work with firm
care, collaborative, credible,
resolver of issues
leaders to architect the flow of important competitive and
 7 capabilities: culture and market information from outside in to support executive
change leader, stakeholder decision making [5].
mentor and coach, workforce Change. Competent HR professionals should have ability
and workplace designer,
business driven, expert to determine environmental changes that have influence on
practitioner, ethical and credible business and develop organizational capacity for change, and
activist, strategic architect. then transform that capacity into change process and structure.
13 [31] HR HR competency model for
professionals strategic and functional HR Beside, HR professionals need to sustain change in
in New practitioners: organization by ensuring resource availability such as capital,
Zealand  Leadership and relationship human resources and information [35].
 Self-belief and social factors Organization and Culture. This domain involves in
 Strategic focus and drive ability of designing and restructuring organization, managing
 Input and support culture and creating innovative culture. Besides, effective HR
 Business awareness professionals need to have competency of global and cultural
 HR acumen
 Systems and technology effectiveness which refers to ability to value and consider the
14 [42] 483 HR HR competency model for the perspectives and background of all parties [39] and become an
officers and South African context: organization capability builder [35].
managers in the  Professional behavior and Personal. This HR competency domain relates to personal
private and leadership
public sectors  Service orientation and
attributes such as ethical practice, leadership and navigation
in South Africa execution [39] commitment, continuous learning, honesty and integrity
 Business intelligence [29], personal credibility [36], credible activist [35], [38]. To
be effective, HR professionals need to have effective
From synthesis of HR competency research, required HR interpersonal skills to build strong relationships with leaders
competencies can be summarized and grouped into six key HR and key stakeholders.
competency domains which can embrace the expansive range
of HR competency models, comprise business related
competency, human resource tools, practices and process IV. THE COUNTRY-SPECIFIC HR COMPETENCY RESEARCH
related competency, HR information systems, analytics and It is evident from literature that most of the research on HR

Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2017

competencies is conducted in the US. Although, there are identified the competencies for HR professionals in privatized
some country-specific studies on HR competency, these Pakistani bank, including social competencies, technical
studies often have applied developed HR competency models competencies and willingness, which had a significant impact
in the U.S to test whether these models work effectively in on HR professionals’ effectiveness. HR professionals in bank
different contexts. Particularly, based on the outcome of 2002 sector need social based competencies, namely credible
global HRCS, a study with HR professionals and line activist, talent manager and organizational designer, culture
managers of 40 European companies resulted that HR and change steward, which are abilities to manage
competencies of HR delivery and personal credibility had a relationships and interpersonal understanding with employees
positive effect with the ranking of HR function. Besides, of the organization [45], [54]. In addition to social based
business knowledge evaluated by European HR professionals competencies, HR professionals also have technical
is important for added value of HR function, while strategic competencies, namely strategy architect, business ally and
contribution perceived by non-HR professionals results to operational executor to design and develop the organizational
financial competitiveness [26]. HR structure, system and processes [45]. In another study in
Compared to HR competency studies conducted in the banking sector in Pakistan, [46] also suggested HR
western since 1980s, research on HR competency in Asian competency domains in relationships, processes and
context has been received attention more lately. There is a capabilities, which compose of competencies of credible
series of HR competency study conducted in different Asian activist, culture and change steward, business partner, HR
contexts in order to verify and generalize HR competency experts, talent manager, organization designer, and leadership
model of the Western [13], [32], [34], [44]-[51]. and management.
For example, [32] surveyed employees and line managers of Moreover, based on the perspectives of Hong Kong CEOs
Taiwanese high-tech competencies to test the relationship and HR executives, [55] attempted to determine underlying
between HR competencies developed by [52] including characteristics HR professionals should possess to have
business knowledge, field expertise, change management and successful and effective performance. The study asserted that
HR effectiveness as perceived by line managers and employees. HR leaders in Hong Kong should be well-equipped with a set
The study suggested that the two out of three HR competency of HR competencies to professionally manage issues related to
domains, namely filed expertise and change management were human resources. Besides, HR professionals also need to
strong predictors of HR effectiveness, while there was no develop priority HR competency domains including change
significant relationship between business knowledge and agent, professional personal skills, innovation and crisis
perceived HR effectiveness [32]. Along with this argument, management, organizational knowledge in order to be
other studies in Malaysia also indicated that there were only proactive and strategic in their job role.
two main HR competency categories required for Malaysian The findings of empirical research in Western and Asian
HR practitioners, namely generic or behavioral competency context have shown that HR practitioners in developing
and technical HR competency, while there was no significant countries are still fulfilling mainly HR functional roles [56],
result in business competency [34], [44]. Moreover, the study while those in developed countries are fulfilling more strategic
in Malaysian manufacturing firms was carried out to test the roles [57], [58]. Although HR professionals in Asian regions
relationship between HR competencies adopted from Ulrich excel in implementation of HR tools, systems, and process
models and firm performance. The research findings presented with great professionalism, they lack knowledge, skill,
that the highly evaluated HR competency factors were from capabilities, experience, and credibility to design innovative
personal credibility and HR delivery domains that were not HR tools in a systematic way, facilitate change management
correlated with firm performance [13], [47], [49]. The study process as well as adapt to new change initiatives. Hence, HR
also showed that HR competency domains of business professionals in Asian countries are extremely weak at
knowledge, internal consultation, strategic contribution, and competency domains related to business knowledge, strategic
HR technology had significant correlation with firm contribution, change champion, organizational capability
performance; however, Malaysian HR professionals were builder.
extremely lacking in competencies related business
knowledge and strategic contribution such as market-driven
connectivity, fast change, culture management and strategic V. DISCUSSION
decision-making [13], [47]-[49]. This result was similar to the
global results of Ulrich’s human resource competency study in A. Implications of HR Competencies
different regions. In comparison with the global sample, 2012 HR professionals are considered as a source of sustained
HRCS of Ulrich presented that HR professionals in China competitive advantage, which can enable organizations to
excelled in HR competencies related to capability builder, implement successfully their business strategies. Nevertheless,
change champion and HR innovator and integrator but lacked many HR executives are not welcomed to participate in
in capabilities of technology proponent and strategic discussion on the strategic planning table, because the core
positioner [53]. HR competency and most of HR functions still focus on
Further, there is some research on HR competency traditional activities [59]. In fact, many HR practitioners still
conducted in banking sector of Pakistan. Particularly, [45] perform better in their functional roles than in making a

Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2017

strategic contribution [60], [61]. Specifically, the survey of necessary HR competencies by synthesizing HR competency
U.S HR practitioners, conducted by SHRM reported that only literature to analyze changes in required HR competencies.
34% of surveyed HR practitioners agreed that their executives Research findings let us make some observations regarding to
evaluated their HR professionals as a strategic partner [62]. diffusion of HR competencies for the HR roles. Firstly, HR is
Supporting this argument, based on a study of 106 large US now not HR, but HR is central to achieve sustainable business
corporations, [63] showed that there was no increase in success. As HR role changes from functional to more strategic
strategic role of HR professionals in the period from 1998 to contribution to the business success, identification of unique
2007. HR professionals have played a main role in developing HR competencies for HR function and role can be required.
and implementing business strategy only when HR manager is Empirical research in the role of HR competencies has
a full strategic partner [59]. Though HR role of strategic demonstrated a growth in the strategic role of HR functions.
partner is commonly accepted, “the reality of living the Moreover, HR competency literature has also provided
language has yet to be realized in many firms” [64]. evidence on the positive HR competency – organizational
HR competencies related to strategic roles such as business performance relationship; especially strategic HR
acumen, strategic positioner, change champion, competencies are highly evaluated to organizational business
organizational capability builder are considered as success. Consequently, there is called for developing
determinant factors to help HR professionals fulfill role-specific HR competencies to align HR competencies to
successfully their job roles and enable organizations to move future business conditions as well as determining HR
forward, but these competencies are the weakness in competencies that matter most for organizational performance.
competencies of HR professionals in practice. This is one of Besides, due to the increasing different contexts of human
main barriers to overcome if HR professionals want to become resource management and organizations, HR scholars also
strategic partners in their organizations. HR practitioners should focus on identification of tailored HR competencies to
should make themselves available to participate in specific situations.
operation-related meetings whenever the opportunity arises. The configuration of empirical research into HR
Becoming involved in operational issues may be a huge competency model has proved that the field of research on HR
challenge for HR practitioners, as it involves knowing the competencies are still continually rigorous and empirical [38],
process flow and technical know-how of product realization, [65]. Although empirical research on HR competencies have
but it is essential. Having this knowledge will allow them to established important role of HR competencies to outcomes of
offer possible changes to the operational processes, changes HR functions as well as business performance, the unopened
that may improve the efficiency of the organization. Hence, black-box of performance in the relationship between human
HR professionals should be well-equipped with professional resource management and organizational performance is
personal skill, professional and organizational knowledge problem in debate. Hence, this would be a future question on
through formal training programs. Specially, in Asian region underlying impact mechanism of HRM-performance
where HR practices and HR profession in Asian region are relationship in general and HR competency – performance
still in learning and development stage, HR professionals have link in specific. Future research should open black-box to
received less formal HR education and possessed limited explore mediated or moderated factors in mechanism through
professional backgrounds. HR competency models help HR which HR competencies impact on organizational outcomes.
professionals identify necessary competencies for their
Furthermore, our findings suggest that required competencies
profession as well as audit the current skill gaps to bridge. One
for HR professionals are continually changing and will
of the most popular tools to help HR professionals bridge their
continue to evolve in the future and therefore make the future
competency gaps and develop advanced HR competencies is
research receive more emphasis on the issue of “best practice”
an online course on HR competency self-assessment called
in HR competencies as well as in HR function.
“The Human Resource Competency Toolkit” offered by
Wayne Brockbank and Dave Ulrich of University of Michigan
Business School [55] or AHRI accredited courses to get HR
standard certificate. Moreover, not only large organizations,
but also small and medium size organizations need to design To conclude, by focusing on the behaviors, knowledge and
in-house program or provide financial support for HR attributes required in HR business partner roles, competency
professional to equip future required competencies through models offer the possibility of creating an integrated and
attending external training programs in universities, consistent framework for the selection, appraisal, training and
vocational institutes and professional associations. development of HR practitioners, as well as a mechanism for
Consequently, the professional training programs will help linking HR strategy and business performance [10], [33], [52],
HR professionals possess good professional background and [66]. [29] suggested that “the next few years represent a
advanced skills and knowledge required for their profession critical period for the human resource community as new roles
and become skilled change agents and strategic partners. and responsibilities in organizations are being re-negotiated”.
Hence, future research should focus on identifying a range of
B. Future Research Directions HR competencies that enable HR professionals master to meet
This study has great contribution to the enduring debate on ongoing challenges.

Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2017

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