5 Block Diagram Representation of LTI Systems: U (T) G(S) y (T)

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EE352 Lecture 04: Block diagrams models for control systems spring 2014

5 Block diagram representation of LTI systems

The input/output TF model of an LTI systems can be represented by a simple block diagram:

u(t) G(s) y(t)

Consider The following block reductive transformations

• Series (cascade) systems

R(s) G1 (s) G2 (s) Y (s) ⇒ R(s) G1 (s)G2 (s) Y (s)

• Parallel systems

G1 (s)

R(s) b
Y (s) ⇒ R(s) G1 (s) + G2 (s) Y (s)

G2 (s)

• Feedback systems

. G(s)
R(s) G(s) b
Y (s) ⇒ R(s) Y (s)
− 1+H(s)G(s)

Closed loop transfer function


A standard (negative) feedback feedback block diagram:

R(s) Gr (s) Gc (s) Gp (s) b

Y (s)


Gr (s)Gc (s)Gp (s)

– T (s) = Y (s)/R(s) = 1+Gc (s)Gp (s)H(s) : is the total transfer function
– Gr (s): is the prefilter(input transducer) transfer function
– Gc (s): is the controller (compensator) transfer function
– Gp (s): is the plant transfer function

EE352 Lecture 04: Block diagrams models for control systems spring 2014

– H(s): is the feedback transfer function

Y (s)
– G(s) = Ea (s) = Gc (s)Gp (s) is the forward-path transfer function F-P TF.
– Gc (s)Gp (s)H(s): is the open-loop transfer function or loop gain.
– If Gr (s) = H(s) = 1, the control system is called unity feedback, otherwise it is called
non-unity feedback.

A feedback control system subject to disturbance (Multiple input system):


R(s) G1 (s) G2 (s) b

Y (s)


Using superposition:
G1 (s)G2 (s) G2 (s)
Y (s) = YR (s)|D(s)=0 + YD (s)|R(s)=0 = R(s) + D(s)
1 + G1 (s)G2 (s)H(s) 1 + G1 (s)G2 (s)H(s)
But how to compute The total transfer function of more complicated block diagrams?
Consider the Block rearranging transformations

• Moving a branch point forward

– X(s) b
G(s) Y (s) –
⇒ X(s) G(s) b
Y (s)

V (s) V (s) G(s)

• Moving a Branch point backward

– X(s) G(s) b
Y (s) –
⇒ X(s) b
G(s) Y (s)

V (s) V (s) G(s)

• Moving a summing point forward

–X(s) G(s) Y (s) –

⇒ X(s) G(s) Y (s)

V (s) G(s) V (s)

EE352 Lecture 04: Block diagrams models for control systems spring 2014

• Moving the summing point backward

– X(s) G(s) Y (s) –

⇒ X(s) G(s) Y (s)

V (s) G(s) V (s)

Example: Using Block diagram transformations, compute the transfer function Y (s)/R(s)?

R(s) G1 (s) b
G2 (s) b
G3 (s) b
Y (s)
− − −
H2 (s) H3 (s)

H1 (s)

Y (s) G1 (s)G3 (s)[1 + G2 (s)]

T (s) = =
R(s) [1 + G2 (s)H2 (s) + G1 (s)G2 (s)H1 (s)][1 + G3 (s)H3 (s)]

Chapter highlights:

• A LTI system can be represented by LCCDEs, impulse responses, or transfer functions.

• All these models are input/output (or external) representations since they relate the
output to the input without any intermediate (or internal) variables.

• LCCDEs and impulse responses are time-domain representations.

• Transfer functions are s-domain (Laplace) representations

• Transfer functions models are more attractive to use in block diagrams.

• Complex block diagrams can be simplified to one block by using both reductive transforma-
tions (series, parallel, feedback) and rearranging transformations.


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