Home Safety

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The key takeaways are that falls are the most common type of accident in the home and it's important to identify potential hazards and take preventative actions.

Common types of accidents that can occur in the home include falls, burns, cuts, slips or trips, scalds, and electrocution.

To prevent scalds in the kitchen, always turn pot handles inwards on the stove, keep hot liquids and foods away from the edges of counters and tables, and test the temperature of foods and liquids before giving them to children.


Home safety

■ To identify potential hazards in the

■ To consider preventative action

■ Copies of Resources 1 and 2 Fire (pages 282–294)
■ Copies of Resource 3 (optional) Home security (pages 301–308)
■ Sticky notes or dots – preferably green and red Not being a victim (pages 309–320)
(Engage actvity)

Every year 67,000 children experience an


In order to consider how to prevent

accident in the kitchen. In order to keep accidents in the kitchen, learners need
safe in the kitchen, people need to be to:
aware of the everyday dangers or hazards ■ recognise, identify and predict
to both children and adults and take situations illustrated here and apply
precautions to limit the risks. these to personal situations
■ share ideas and information on safety
Related health information
in the form of discussion and pair
www.dh.gov.uk/PolicyAndGuidance/ work
HealthAndSocialCareTopics/Accidents/fs/ ■ research and record information.
news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/ Core curriculum
Activities in this theme will contribute
to learning in the following curriculum
■ get information from pictures or
illustrations ( L Rt/L1.3)
■ contribute to a discussion ( L SLd/E3.2)
■ research and record information in a
useful and appropriate way
( L Wt/E3.1).

295 Skilled for Health ■ Health and well-being ■ Topic 5: Keeping safe
Have you or anyone you
■ Discuss learners’ experience of accidents in the home. Encourage
know ever had an accident
them to include any accident, from the most minor to the more

at home?
life-threatening (if relevant).
■ Encourage all learners to contribute to the discussion. If learners are What kinds of things can
hesitant, suggest they think about examples from television cause accidents at home?
■ Ask learners how many possible dangers they can identify in the
room. They can do this by walking around the room and putting
green sticky notes on the things that are safety items (such as fire
doors) and red notes or labels on things that could cause accidents
(such as boxes left on the floor).
■ Walk round as a whole group and ask direct questions about why
things have been labelled in this way. For example, ‘How does this
help you keep safe?’ and ‘How could this cause an accident?’


Identify different types of accidents or injuries that can happen

in the kitchen
■ Hand out Resource 1 and discuss the types of accident in the
thought-bubbles and the meanings of words like ‘electrocution’
and ‘scalds’. Ask: ‘What is a scald? How can scalding happen?’
‘What about electrocution? What can cause this type of accident?’
■ Set up pairs or groups and ask learners to suggest examples of how
accidents happen for each type. For example, you can cut yourself
on a sharp knife while slicing vegetables, or you could cut yourself
doing DIY jobs around your flat. Ask learners to share ideas and
record examples.
■ Make sure learners know what a scald is and what sort of things
might cause scalds as opposed to burns.
■ Ask learners to guess which is the most common type of accident What do you think is the
in the home. Note: there is a visual clue to this on the page, as this most common type of
word is written in larger print (‘falls’). Discuss what sort of things accident in the home?
people fall from, for example chairs or ladders.
■ Invite learners to look at the eight pictures of a kitchen and:
– describe what they see in the pictures
– discuss the types of accidents they can imagine happening in What are the dangers to
each picture children / elderly people in
the kitchen?
– discuss these dangers with reference to different age ranges,
including children, adults and elderly people.
Note: learners can choose more than one danger for each picture.

Support ESOL
■ Cut out the pictures and ■ Make sure learners understand the
give them separately to meaning of the types of accidents,
learners together with such as ‘electrocution’, ‘trips’, ‘slips’,
copies of the thought- ‘burns’, ‘bumps’, etc. Be prepared to
bubbles suggesting possible explain or demonstrate them or
accidents, for them to encourage learners to check in a
match up. bilingual dictionary if available.

296 Skilled for Health ■ Health and well-being ■ Topic 5: Keeping safe
■ Some learners ■ To extend learners’ vocabulary, show how some of
may prefer the nouns can also be used as verbs, such as ‘trip’,
larger versions ‘fall’, ‘burn’, ‘scald’, ‘cut’. Give learners examples to
of the pictures show how to use them, for example: ‘I tripped over
and thought- the children’s toys’, ‘I slipped on some water on
bubbles. the floor’, ‘I fell off a ladder.’ Encourage learners to
come up with their own examples and record
them in their personal glossary.

Discuss and share ideas about preventing accidents or injuries

■ Hand out Resource 2 and look at the writing frames; discuss these What things can scald
as a whole group with reference to scalds. you?
■ First ask learners for their ideas for preventing scalds in the kitchen.
■ Using some of their ideas, model how to complete each of the What can you do to
writing frames so learners have examples to refer to. prevent scalds?
■ In pairs or small groups, ask learners to choose one type of accident
from Resource 1 other than scalds, and discuss what advice they
would give to family members about how to avoid that type of
accident in the home.

■ Ask learners to choose one of the writing frames from Resource 2 to

note down their own ideas for preventing accidents like that.
Encourage learners to get
■ You could compile a group file from the results and photocopy it down to toddler height
for everyone to have a copy. when considering risks to
children if this is relevant
to them.
Support ESOL
■ Learners may prefer to ■ As follow-up, learners can practise
work in pairs and jot down giving spoken advice on how to prevent
ideas in any way that they accidents. Provide some sentences for
can understand. These can them to complete in their own words,
be written up later. for example ‘Make sure you …’,
■ Refer learners to the ‘Always …’, ‘Never …’, ‘Be careful not
modelled example and to …’.
write the first couple of ■ Encourage learners to work in pairs /
their ideas for them as small groups. Ask each learner to
further guidance when choose one type of accident from
they come to write them Resource 1 and take turns at giving
up. advice to each other.

■ Suggest that learners carry out a mini risk assessment on a chosen

What can you do to make

room or rooms in their house. They can make a note of the

possible dangers, of who would be in danger, and of how each your home safer?
danger could be avoided.
■ Suggest they use the writing frame on Resource 3 or record
information in other ways, such as drawing pictures, taking
photographs, etc. They can work in pairs if they prefer.
■ If learners consider it worthwhile, they could present their findings
to each other in the form of a spoken demonstration, or as written
/ pictorial evidence, or as a warning poster or leaflet.

297 Skilled for Health ■ Health and well-being ■ Topic 5: Keeping safe
Home safety

a bumps? c

trapped burns?

d e


slips or
g electrocution?



298 Skilled for Health ■ Health and well-being ■ Topic 5: Keeping safe
Home safety

Example 1

Preventing in the kitchen

Do Don’t

Example 2

in the kitchen

Items that can cause How to stop it happening

Example 3

Instructions for keeping safe from in the kitchen


299 Skilled for Health ■ Health and well-being ■ Topic 5: Keeping safe
Home safety

Home safety assessment

Dangers Who might be hurt Ways to avoid accidents

300 Skilled for Health ■ Health and well-being ■ Topic 5: Keeping safe

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